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Full text of "A Kannada-English school-dictionary : chiefly based on the labours of the Rev. Dr. F. Kittel"

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chiefly  based  on  the  labours  of  the 
Rey.    Dr.   F.    Kittel 


Rev.  J.  BUCHER. 

'=\  — °  m 


^  ^^  ^   p  O  150 








The  present  work  is  designed  to  form  a  companion  volume 
to  the  well  known  and  much  appreciated  English-Canarese 
School-Dictionary,  compiled  by  the  Rev.  F.  Ziegler,  The  publi- 
cation of  a  Kannacla-English  School-Dictionary  has  for  a  long 
time  been  a  deep-felt  desideratum,  as  the  two  smaller  editions 
hitherto  extant  have  but  insufficiently  served  their  purpose.  The 
stupendous  work  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Kittel,  the  eminent  lexicographer 
of  the  Kannada  language,  whose  unremitting  labours  have  set  a 
permanent  literary  monument  to  the  language,  standing  out  in 
bold  features  of  historical,  etymological  and  philological,  critical 
researches  for  guidance  and  instruction  to  litterateurs  sti-iving 
after  Kannada  embellishment  and  scholarship,  held  out  promising 
inducements  and  marked  facilities  to  undertake  this  work  which 
is  chiefly  based  upon  it. 

Plan  and  arrang-ement :  To  add  to  the  usefulness  of  the  work 
and  to  facilitate  its  use,  I  deemed  it  fit  to  indicate  the  principles 
that  have  been  adopted  in  arranging  the  matter  and  when 
launching  on  new  methods  I  have  attempted  rather  to  err  on  the 
side  of  cautious  adherence  than  on  the  side  of  hasty  innovation. 

I.  Orthography :  a.  Obsolete  Letters.  These  are  ea*  and  C3<, 
now  universally  represented  by  5  and  f,  and  have  been  put  in 
parantheses  immediately  after  the  words  in  which  they  occur  to 
give  an  insight  into  their  different  origin  and  meaning. 

N.  B.  The  double  consonant  5^  has  been  brought  to  its  proper 
place  and  is  invariably  to  be  looked  up  under  the  letter  ^. 

h.  Sonne.  The  method  of  using  bindu  or  sonne  indiscrimi- 
nately before  classified  (^(jarglya)  and  unclassified  (cwargiya) 
letters  sanctioned  by  former  lexicographers,  grammarians  and 
time-honoured  practice,  has  uniformily  been  adopted,  though  at 



variance  with  the  laws  of  etymology.  These  laws  have  not 
seldom  to  give  way  to  usage  and  well-established  practice.  But, 
though  this  convenient  mode  of  representing  by  sonne  the  letters 
n,  n  and  m,  when  followed  by  consonants  of  their  own  class,  and 
the  nasals  n,  and  n  has  been  adhered  to,  the  alphabetical  order 
of  words  has  been  maintained  uninfringed.  Words  in  which 
the  Sonne  occurs,  appear  now  in  their  proper  place  in  the  alpha- 
bet. This  may  at  the  beginning  occasion  a  little  embarrassment 
to  those  who  are  accustomed  to  look  up  this  class  of  words  at 
the  head  of  each  letter,  but  all  difficulty  will  with  practice 

c.  Orthography  proper  is  yet  a  neglected  field  of  study.' 
The  colloquial  language,  legitimately  abounding  with  provincial 
peculiarities,  dialectical  whimsicalities  and  vulgar  inelegancies, 
must  ever  differ  from  thfe  written  language.  The  lingua  litera 
should  possess  a  uniform  system  of  spelling,  which  it  has  in  some 
respects  not  yet  accepted,  but  approving  of  various  spellings  as 
authors  think  fit.  The  four  short  vowels  a,  e,  i,  ii,  for  instance 
promiscuously  interchange  in  words  like:   ^ocSo^,  ^a^,  ^o:5iS,  ^ 

uj^,  ^s:<o^o,  etc or  ^f^^i  ^^  ^,  ■c'S  "^j  ^ta^i  ^tc or  k)oa^, 

-«?o,  -^,  -^,  etc.  .  .  .or  esL^j,  e)S;?^oo,  ©si^o,  ©ig,  etc.  .  .  .or  ^XS,  ^m  s, 
elA  S,  '<%-R  S,  etc.  As  most  of  these  forms  occur  in  books,  news- 
papers  and  documents,  they  demand  the  same  attention  of  being 
embodied  in  the  vocabulary  which  is  a  mere  encumbrance  to  the 
student.     Hence  a  standard  orthography  is  greatly  desired. 

II.  CompoiiiKis.  This  class  of  words  is  very  numerous 
in  the  Kannada  language  and  materially  contributes  to  its 
copiousness.  The  largest  number  of  compounds  has  been  re- 
ceived from  the  ductile,  flexible  and  infinitely  copious  Samskrita 
language,  so  peculiarly  adapted  to  form  numberless  compounds. 
All  compounds,  irrespective  of  their  origin,  whether  of  pure 
Kannada,  of  Samskrita,  of  Tadbhava  or  of  any  other  tongue, 
have  been  treated  alike,  and  subordinated  to  leading  words — a 
hyphen  denoting  the  division  of  the  members  of  the  compound. 
Many  compounds  and  especially  Kannada  compounds,  as  ^^j^&. 


£3^^uo ,  dc20©,  etc.,  bad  in  many  instances  to  be  introduced  as 
independent  words  wben  tbe  eupbonic  cbanges  effected  in  com- 
bining the  separate  parts  would  involve  too  great  a  task  to 
recognise  tbem.  Botb  Samskrita  noun-compounds,  as  of  e5'^^,  e?^^, 
=5:^F,  S)?»,  etc.,  as  well  as  adjectival  and  adverbial  compounds, 
as  of  ?sS,  ^^,  «?»"^,  ?^-^5  etc.,  have  been  treated  in  this  manner, 
provided  the  phonetic  changes  caused  by  the  sandhi  of  the  two 
words  remained  unmodified.  Where  a  phonetic  change  or  an 
elision  or  a  permutation  of  letters  took  place  the  compound 
was  treated  as  a  separate  word. 

III.  Derivatives:  a.  Unusual  Derivatives.  It  should  be 
borne  in  mind  that  there  is,  logically  speaking,  a  vast  class  of 
derivatives  formed  by  adding  to  a  primary  root  etymological 
terminations,  inflectional  affixes,  etc.,  .  .  .e.  g.  ^s  added  to  ^^  =  '^(S 
^,  ■^jt^=.^js'^'^;  or  ?jJ  added  to  ^fj  =  ^^7i:i,  o«>=S'^?ij;  or  f^^ 
added  to  ^oz:):i=-^osZ^^  e£)oa!o=e9os5^,  £A3t5o=  eroS^;  or  ^o  added  to 
as^o=(35^o^j)  S3S? ,  Zji)=Zj6^-,  etc.  These  being  difficult  to  trace 
to  their  original  constituent  parts  have,  of  course,  been  consi- 
dered as  underived  and  treated  accordingly. 

h.  Proper  derivatives  of  abstract  and  personal  nouns,  where 
no  hazy  uncertainty  is  felt,  terminating  in  -^^,  -^^,  -ii,  -tSo^, 
-7^t3,  -a^Bf,  -sSjsot:^,  -f^J^,  -cs'd,  etc.  have  consistently  been  added 
on  to  the  primary  word.  In  incorporating  these  derivatives 
the    same    method    has    been   employed  as  with  the  compound. 

Verbal  Derivatives  of  unfrequent  occurrence  terminating  in 
-f^?jo,  as  ^J3?b?ij,  TjoiM^Tio,  ?3^?So?jo,  etc.  have  been  exhibited  under 
the  primary  words  tfjsgr;,  rioija?^,  ;6^?^,  etc.,  however  with  the 
alteration  of  writing  the  whole  word  in  full  to  avoid  ambiguity 
and  confusion.  Verbs  of  great  importance  and  frequent  usage, 
as:  <TSiS?7jj,  ^€?jo,  JjJ^pjo,  £3j3?9?jo,  etc.,  have  been  introduced  as  in- 
dependent words. 

IV.  Homonyms,  of  which  the  Kannacla  language  embos- 
oms a  good  number,  have  occasionally  been  split  up  under  two 
or  three  heads,  when  they  obviously  and  intelligibly  belong  to 
different  roots  bearma-  the  characteristics  of  distinct  derivation. 


?IomonymoLis  roots  involving  the  sense  of  a  uoun,  of  a  verb  and 
even  eventually  of  an  adverb,  as  '^'oyj^,  ^sg.,  ^y,??,  ^jtri^o,  5o<^-rf,  etc. 
have  been  treated  under  one  head  with  their  respective  gram- 
matical signs. 

V.  Grammatical  significations.  For  a  School-Dictionary 
it  is  a  most  important  feature  to  indicate  the  parts  of  speech,  the 
determination  of  which  cannot  be  loft  to  the  discretion  of  the 
pupil.  The  abbreviated  grammatical  signs  have  been  added 
after  the  Kannada  word.  The  treatment  of  the*  Samskrita 
different  verbal  derivations  that  have  not  yet  assumed  a  definite 
part  of  speech  in  Kannada  has  been  made  subject  to  the  same 
method  adopted  by  reliable  Samskrita  lexicographers.  The 
abbreviation  for  ''causative  verb",  with  which  the  Kannada  hmgu- 
age  can  be  marvellously  enriched,  has  been  expelled  as  fallen  into 
disuse  and  where  necessary  substituted  by  "y.  t.''  The  grammati- 
cal signs  are  only  added  to  the  leading  word  and  not  to  com- 
pounds or  derivatives  being  in  most  cases  self-evident. 

VI.  English  equivalents.  Special  attention  has  been 
paid  to  the  rendering  of  the  English  equivalents.  Brevity  and 
conciseness  have  systematically  been  aimed  at  in  order  to  give 
a  ready-made  coin.  Considerable  pains  have  also  been  taken  to 
contract  and  condense  the  equivalents  into  as  fe\v  groups  as 
practicable  to  facilitate  comprehension.  Another  effort  has  been 
made  while  arranging  the  several  meanings  in  order  to  indicate 
their  actual  growth  and  development,  beginning,  if  possible,  with 
the  primitive  meaning  suggested  by  etymology.  It  has  also  been 
found  recommendable  not  to  adduce  too  many  English  equiva- 
lents to  facilitate  the  choice  of  the  most  appropriate  one. 

VII.  Origin  of  words.  The  Kannada  language  is  one 
of  the  principle  representatives  of  the  Dravidian  language-family 
in  South-India  spoken  by  upwards  of  10  millions.  It  is  however 
to  be  remembered  that  the  language,  as  in  fact  all  languages, 
being  in  constant  transition  and  permutation,  does  not  only 
comprise  Dravidian  elements  but  has  absorbed  various  alien  in- 
gredients.    The  most  prominent  and  at  the  same  time  formative 


and  constructive  factor  in  the  language  is  the  Dravidian  which 
forms  the  solid  groundwork  determining  the  declensional  and 
coujugational  and  other  inflections  and  supplying  the  more 
common,  homely  and  familiar  words,  as  sorJo,  ^?^o,  ^jb?z13,  ^j3?aj; 
Sj^,  ^y„  de3js?;  t5o^,  ^o?i:  ^oed,  "^^-R,  etc.  Next  we  have  the 
Saihskrita  element  which  has  had  a  great  influence  upon  the 
language  in  enriching  its  vocabulary,  in  augmenting  its  synonyms 
and  in  ennobling  its  composition.  The  introduction  of  Saiiiskrita 
words  dates  back  to  the  contact  of  the  Dravidians  with  the 
Aryans  and  supplied  the  language  with  almost  all  its  abstract, 
religious  and  scientific  terms.  The  Dravidian  words  are  for  every 
day  events  and  natural  feelings,  while  the  Samskrita  arc  elegant, 
dignified  and  artificial,  fitted  for  rhetoric,  subtle  disputation  and 
the  profound  expressions  of  philosophy.  Many  have  retained 
their  unaltered  Samskrita  form,  whereas  others  have  changed  so 
as  to  suit  the  Kannada  tongue.  The  latter  class  are  called 
Tadbhavas.  Next  we  have  a  good  number  of  Hindustani  and 
Mahrati  words,  chiefly  relating  to  feudalism  and^  militia,  whose 
introduction  is  due  to  the  Moghul  and  Mahratta  conquests  of 
Kannada  districts.  Some  few  Portuguese  expressions  have  found 
their  way  into  the  language  too,  as  <^o-Rj^^,  ^o,^??^o,  etc.  from  the 
Portuguese  period.  Finally  the  English  language  has  also  com- 
menced to  contribute  its  mite  mainly  relating  to  education, 
jurisprudence  and  revenue.  Some  have  already  become  home- 
words  and,  as  time  advances  and  a  smattering  of  mispronounced 
English  diffuses  into  the  masses,  it  is  but  natural  that  this 
process  of  assimilation  continues  at  even  a  more  extensive  rate. 

To  bring  out  this  feature  conspicuously  it  has  been  thought 
desirable  to  mark  with  the  initials  of  the  respective  language 
the  words  migrated  from.  The  carrying  out  of  this  principle 
has  sometimes  met  with  considerable  difficulty  with  regard  to 
words,  doubtless  of  Samskritic  origin,  but  which  had  come  into 
Kannada  through  the  medium  of  another  Indian  language,  as 
s.  rf'5'T;sS)=h.  J^?Jot)  =  ]j:,  uiTjS:  s.  ^o^ru  =  in.  ^ocT5^(1  =  k.  ^-ioA;  s.  ^3jru  = 
h.  ^si|.=k.  "^tiS-         In   such    cases   the   greatest   probability   has 


always  carried  the  decision,  as  no  comparative  philological 
studies  could  be  made.  It  has  been  the  compiler's  aim  to 
attain  to  utmost  accuracy  with  pure  Kannada  and  pure  Sarh- 
skrita  words,  whereas  with  Tadbhavas  such  an  exactitude  was 

As  ancient  classical  literature  is  extensively  read  in  schools 
and  colleges  a  considerable  number  of  obsolete  and  obolescent 
words  principally  occurring  in  Jaimini  Bharata  and  other 
poetical  works  prescribed  have  been  inserted  and  marked  by  the 
letters  a.  k. 

VIII.  Fusion  of  elements.  The  foreign  words  that 
have  come  into  the  language  do  not  stand  by  themselves  as  an 
independent  class  but  have  become  Kannadasised  subject  to 
Kannada  laws  and  analogies.  But,  notwithstanding  this  meta- 
morphosis the  borrowed  words,  taken  as  a  class,  have  a  peculiar 
character  which  separates  them  even  to  the  feeling  of  an  un- 
educated Kannada  man  from  the  Dravidiau  stock,  thus  giving  to 
the  language  a  somewhat  heterogeneous  aspect.  But  a  still 
more  serious  disadvantage  is  the  necessity  of  expressing  new 
ideas  either  with  the  help  of  Samskrita  or  English.  The  expres- 
siveness and  suggestiveness  of  these  terms  are  hidden  from 
those  who  are  unacquainted  with  Samskrita  and  English,  and 
thus  the  language  suffers  in  its  power  of  quickening  and  origi- 
nating thought. 

IX.  Conclusion.  To  secure  the  greatest  possible  accur- 
acy and  perfection  the  manuscript  copy  was,  before  its  print, 
placed  into  the  hands  of  R.  Ry.  Bh.  Shiva  Rau,  the  experienced 
and  learned  corrector  of  the  Basel  Mission  Press,  whose  thorough 
acquaintance  with  the  great  work  of  Dr.  Kittel  in  having  carried 
it  through  the  press  has  enabled  him  to  make  some  valuable 
suggestions  and  not  a  few  additions,  for  whose  liberal  services 
the  author  is  under  great  obligation.  My  thanks  are  also 
due  to  the  Kanarese  Pandit  B.  Rama  Krishnaya,  Munshi  of  the 
G.  M.  High  School  Mangalore,  who  assisted  in  reading  the 
proof-sheets,  and  also  to  Mr.  T.  Mabeu,  Assistant  Teacher,  G.  M. 


High  School,  for  a  list  of  legal  terms.  The  printer  and  publisher 
deserve  also  a  vote  of  thanks. 

In  conclusion  the  author  desires  to  express  his  profound 
admiration  for  the  supreme  Kannada  scholarship  of  Dr.  Kittel's 

Though  the  compiler  is  more  sensible  of  the  deficiencies  and 
shortcomings  of  this  work  than  any  other  person  can  be,  he  does 
not  hesitate  to  confidently  commend  it  to  the  public,  for  whom 
it  will  jDrove  both  instructive  and  useful,  and  he  will  be  amply 
rewarded  for  his  night-labours  bestowed  upon  it  by  its  appreci- 
ative and  extensive  use. 

Hints  and  suggestions  for  improvement  and  enhanced 
efficiency  will  readily  and  thankfully  be  received. 

Mangalore,  January  1899. 

J.  Bucher. 

List  of  Abbreviations. 

a.  =  adjective. 

abl.  =  ablative. 

ace.  =  accusative. 

ad.  =  adverb. 

a.  k.  =  ancient  Kannada. 

arilh.  =  arithmetic. 

chr.,  Christ.  =  Christian. 

cf.  =  confer,  compare. 

conj.  =  conjunction. 

Cpd.  =  compound  or  Cpds.  compounds. 

dal.  =  dative. 

decl.  =  declension. 

dem.  =  demonstrative. 

dtipl.,  dpi.  =  a  couple  of  words  used  to 

make  the  idea  more  impressive,  as: 

=5^*45?'5',  53j3;^*:^,  etc. 
e.  =  English. 

e.  g.  =  exempli  gratia  (for  example). 
esp.  =  especially. 

etc.  =  et  caetera  (and  so  on). 

f.  =  words  of  foreign  derivation,  i.e. 
Tamil,  Telugu.  Malayalam,  Portu- 
guese, Latin,  Greek,  etc. 

f.  =  feminine. 

fig.  =  figuratively. 

fr.  —  from. 

fut.  =  future. 

gen.  =  genitive. 

g.,  gram.  =  grammar. 

h.  =  Hindustani.  Persian,  and  Arabic. 

lion,  =  honorific. 

i.  e.  =  id  est  (that  is). 

imp.  =  imperative. 

int.  =  interjection. 

i7iter.  =  interrogative. 

lit.  =  literally. 

loc.  =  locative. 

k.  =  (pure)  Kannada. 

m.  =  Mahratti  words. 

iV.  =  Xamc;  proper  name. 

n.  =  noun. 

neg.  =  negative. 

P.  p.  =  Past  participle  (P.  ps.  =  Past 

111.  =  plural. 

pref.  =  prefix. 

prep.  =  preposition. 

pres.  =  present. 

pro.  =  pronoun. 

q.  V.  =  quod  vide  (which  see). 

veil.  —  reiteration,  i.  e.  a  couple  of  words, 
the  first  of  vfhich  is  rendered  more 
impressive  and  powerful  by  the  second 
one  which  is  however  meaningless  by 
itself,  e.g.  eja  ?da  .  y^j^^^^o,  etc. 

rep.  =  repetition,  i.  e.  the  act  of  repeat- 
ing the  same  word  twice   or  thrice, 

e.  a.  <>ioJo3,  aid  O  ,,  oitf:3d:«o. 
"  =       ^  (V,'  iJ  id' 

z&jsz^  !3x::S,  Xra   ^os^. ,  etc. 

s.  =  (pure)  Sariiskrita. 

s.  =sub,  under. 

sing.  =  singular. 

tb.  =  tadbhava. 

V.  i.  =  verb  intransitive. 

V.  t.  =  verb  transitive. 

=  equal  (in  meaning). 

t£'  =  and. 

-.  =  hyphen,  indicating  that  the  princi- 
pal word  is  to  be  prefixed  in  the  case 
of  compounds  and  derivatives. 



^  — ^  '       ro 


^.  The  first  letter  of  the  alphabet.  2, 
a  short  vowel  inherent  in  every  con- 
sonant. 3,  a  termination  denoting 
etymological  functions  in  declensions 
and  conjugations,  as  a.  1st  pers.  pi. 
imp.  cojsorijs,  b.  gen.  sing.  ?^^^,  etc. 
4,  a  negative  prefix  to  nouns  derived 
from  Sanskrit,  as  eso^JS^rt.  unworthy 
(fr.  oSja^n-).  Before  a  vowel  es  be- 
comes «icS*;  thus  «s-e5o;^=  w^o^  end- 

€9o.  A  termination  used  in  declension 
and  conjugation  in  ancient  Canarese. 
2,  cop.  conj.  both,  and,  also. 

©c^,  e5o€  s.Ji.  Apart,  share,  portion. 
2,  a  fraction  (arilh,).  3,  a  degree  of 
latitude  or  longitude,  -z^^-  An  astro- 
logical diagram. 

eScB'S  s.  n.  A  part.  2,  a  kinsman,  co- 
heir, [sub-division. 

SSoaDO^   s.   n.    A  part  of  a  portion;    a 

©0^0(=5ioZ^  2)  s.  71.  A  ray  of  light.  2, 
the  sun.  3,  light,  splendour.  4,  a 
point,      -tsso.   A    collection  of   rays. 

-qSrf.  The  sun.  -sSj^^id.  The  plantain. 
-SjsO,  -3o^.  The  sun.      -Sj^d.  Halo. 

&o'^0^  s.  n.  Cloth,  dress.  2,  fine 

e5o?j  s.  n.  The  shoulder,  shoulder-blade. 
-'^jshi.  A  bull's  hump. 

©o?rf£)  s.  a.  Strong,  stout,  lusty. 

ess  k.  int.  expressing  admiration,  con- 
tempt or  jest. 

55^  s.  n.  Pain,  trouble;  sin. 

©S'ti  s.  a.  Bald-headed. 

eS^U,  ©S'U^y,  ©^6rok.  int.  Alas!  oh! 

©"i^WS^U  k.  a.  Frightful.  2,  adverse, 

C9^&3O30?ci0  k.  «. ».  To  become  warped 

CS'tJ  s.  a.  Handless,  maimed. 

eS'S'sr^n  s.  a.  Not  to  be  done,  impro- 

ef^T^or  s.  a.  Without  work.  n.  Crime. 
-^.  Neuter  or  intransitive  (verb,  g.). 

tS'^iS)o'^  a.  a.  Stainless,  spotless,  pure. 

eS^C,^  s.  n.  Purity,  innocency. 


''  e?^i '"' 

es#ibej^  iiJ^Tdsi)!^.  '^b^i^b^  f<  'n.  A  gold 

or  silver  smith. 

e£>5'?33,  §.  ©5;^.  ^.  e5^;da,  ^  s.  ad.  By 
6  6  (i  — ^ 

chance,    suddenly,  unexpectedly. 

653'^?^^'^    k.  n.  Excessive  tickling,     a. 

Too  much.     2,  disrespectful. 
e^s'^j  s.  n.  The  letter  55. 
e55T)'dr©  s.  a.  Causeless. 
©^O'rf^o  h.  a.  Tain,  useless. 
?£^D'ZZC^  s.  n.  A  term  with  final  a. 
e£)^cdor  s.  «.  An  improper  act. 
©5i)e^  s.  n.  Inauspicious  time.  a.   Un- 
seasonable.  -^iti.  Fruit  out  of  season. 

-SJodr?.  Untimely  death. 
©•S-ce:^?^  s.  a.  Very  poor. 
eS^'o^ei    s.   a.     Not    crooked,    upright, 

eS'S'oZJO  s.  n.  Gold,  silver. 
^"^j&TjSid  s.  n.  The  ocean.     2,  the  king 

of  tortoises  supposed  to    uphold  the 

world;  a  big  tortoise. 
&^\^n  s.   a.   Undone.       2,  criminal,  n. 

What   ought   not   to   be  done.      2,  a 

e95'\si  "S^^or  s.  a.  Guiltless. 

©^^  k.  n.  An  elder  sister.     -:Sonoijrfo. 

Elder  and  younger  sisters. 
e9^,8l .    ess' 'rfJj  k.  n.   An    affectionate 

mode  of  addressing  an  elder  sister. 
©'5',  2d  k.  n.  "Wonder,  surprise.     2,  envy. 

a.  Wonderful,  curious. 

e9^,S,    ?5ujS,   k.  71.  A  furrow  between 

two  others  of  a  main  crop.^S'.Ei  n.  Deceit  in  words,  etc. 
©S'.rf  k.  n    The  close  adhesion  of  the 


woof  and  warp  in  the  web  of  a  loom. 
e9^,c3^o,  e?^^^res3.  tb.  of  e^slrae3. 
eSS^SO  k.  n.  Wonder,  surprise. 

e5^,IJ  {(h.  of  ^*  ^   »•     A  letter  of  the 

©^^•rf,  ep^^ri-i,  ©s'^St?,  es^TJo  (tf=e5) 

k.  >!.  Attachment,  afi'ection,  love. 
55^^^.  SP^^tJo  (ci=e5)   k.  ii.    Necessity. 

2,  occasion;  need,  want.      3,  desire. 
e95^_;e'*'5  k.  7i.  Anlhemis  pyrethrum,  used 

for  coughs,  asthma,  etc. 

e£)^,7j  k.  n.   Love,  passion. 

es^^^dsCA.  =  is^^On,  q.  V. 

e5Sj?3D«?    f.    n.     The    workshop    of     a 

goldsmith.    2,  a  goldsmith. 
e9^,<^?jj,  S9^0i'w'?jJ  k.  r.  t.  The  muscles 

of    the    stomach     to    contract     from 

hunger.     2,  to  fear.     3,  to  flinch. 
©S'ai'rfj  a.  k.    V.  i.    To    ooze,    flow,    run 

down,  as  tears,  etc. 
©■§•.  k.  n.  Raw  rice  deprived  of  its  husk; 

-rt:oJ .  Rice-water;  for  cpds.     see  ^^ 

©■S%?ii  a.  k.  V.  t.  To  digest. 

^3^0j,  e9S'o,o  a.  k.    V.  i.     To    subdue. 

2,"to  seize.     3,  fut.   of  '^rij,    it   will 

e9^0ja?jJ  a.  k.  r.  i.  To  become  small. 


693^  pas<  genoid    of  55^J..     May  it   be- 

eSSjTiis.  n.  Confusion,  irregularity;  sin. 

e5^j3j"rf  a.  Gentle,  n.  Krishna's  uncle 
and  friend. 

es^jsje^  itb.  of  ts^vS  ?W)  n.  A  large,  nut- 
bearing  tree. 

es^.  s.  71.  A  die  for  gambling.  2,  the 
axle  of  a  wheel.  3,  the  eye.  4,  an 
organ  of  sense.  5,  knowledge.  6,  the 
soul.  7,  a  lawsuit.  -;S^a?odJ.  N.  of 
a  festival.     -siJseS.  A  rosary. 

^^.  4.  85^,  i.  ©Sv  csS.  a.  Not  crushed, 
whole.  71.  Raw  rice  generally  mixed 
with  turmeric  and  used  for  religious 

e£)^.  cdo  s.  a.  Imperishable,  incxhausti- 
ble.  -sc^i).  An  inexhaustible  vessel. 
2,  the  60th  year  of  the  Hindu  cycle. 

es^o^^rfo.  =  f^^^^ 

errs)  a 

ess',  TJ  s.  n.  A  letter  of  the  alphabet.    2, 

eternal    beatitude.      3,  penance.       4, 

the  sky. 
©■§-,    s.  n.   The  eye.  -djj?rt.  Eye-disease. 

-cfj5?5jj.  Eyelash. 
e95^>  oorS  s.  ?i,  A  largo  army  consisting 

of  elephants,  chariots,  horse  and  foot. 
5953^  k.  int.   expressing    abhorrence    or 

eSSDorf  s.  a.  Undivided;  entire,  whole. 
5f)iDorfre  s.  11.  Non-refutation.    2,  time. 
59330^;^  s.  a.  Unbroken.    2,  continuous. 

3,  unrefuted. 
«55OT;g  s.  a.  Not  dug.   n.  A  natural  pond. 
^5J^':i.o  s.  a.    Uneatable,    unfit    to    be 

e£)a)?:^jS.  a.  Not  distressed,  not  wearied. 
??£)£;  s.  a.  Without  a  gap;  entire,  whole, 

©A  s.  a.    Not    moving.      n.  A  tree;    a 

e9A£io  k.  r.  t.  To  press  firmly,  compress, 

squeeze  down. 
©A&iD^  s.  n.  Parvatt,  the  daughter  of 

5£)Ai^0  k.  n.   Viciousness,   meanness,    a. 

Wild,  untamed,  -ofj-  Mischievoasness. 
e5Ar5  {Ih.  of  S3r(Faj)  n.  A    wooden  bolt 

to  fasten  a  native  door. 
©ArS^s.  a.  Uncounted.  2,  innumerable. 
©a:^,  ©Aii  k.  n.  The  act  of  digging. 
e9A®o  s.  M.    Necessity,    want,  need.  a. 
Wanted,  necessary.    -^i)f\.  Necessari- 
ly, urgently,  positively. 
SSaoJ  s.  a.  Free  from  disease,   healthy, 
n.  A  medicine,  esrsdo^sac!.  A  physician. 
SSXa    m.  a.    Altogether,   wholly;  quite. 

SSAyT^    s.  u.  The   mountain  supporter, 

557^33  k.  n.  A  ladle  of  cocoanut  shell. 
59a2^?S)  s.    11.     The    mountain-splitter: 

Indra.      2,  a  hatchet. 
?£)a^  s.  rt.  Not  going,  n.  A  tree.     2,  a 


55a^Jq  s.  a.  Inaccessible,  unattainable. 

SrAlJo  1.  k.  11.  Dandruff. 

^ATJd  2.  s.  n.     The  balsam  tree  which 

yields    Bdellium,    Amyris    agallocha. 

-Aot^.  A  yellow  fragrant  wood. 
55 a£^  k.  n.  Expansion,  space,  extent.   2, 

width,  breadth.     3,  far  distance,     a. 

49a  e3^  k.  n.  Separation. 
e9Ae3rjO  (/"»■.  Brtejo)  k.  v.  t.    To  remove. 

2,  to  separate,  disunite. 
©ACJO  k.  V.  i.    To   separate   from,   quit, 

part,  leave.    ?i.  =  ene.>. 
e9A£io    (—  esri£>?iJ)    k.   y.  <.    To   spread 

out;  to  abandon, 
?D7\7J^  ^ji^TsTs-n.  A  washerman,  -h^, 

esrl?^.^.  A  washerwoman. 
esA^dse;,  ?f)A?33e3A.  =  si^;^t),  e<c.  f^.  i-. 

©a;6i,  -aSSAOJ  k.  ?«.  A  town-gate;  the 
gate  of  a  fort. 

^7(f)  2.  {th.  of  «f ^Aj)  11.  Common  flax, 
Linum  usitatissimum.  2,  (tb.  of  ^^n 
^  .)  a  tree  with  scarlet  flowers, 
Sesbana  graiidiflora.  -oirs.  Lin-seed 
oil.     -36j3.  Lin-flower. 

©A^    s.  11.   N.  of  a  rishi,   son  of  Mitra 


and  Varuna  by  Urva^l.     2,  the  regent 

of  the  star  Canopus. 
©A^;^,   ©A^^,  e£>A^  (^^  K)  k.  «.    A 

fort  ditch,  trench,  moat. 
?9A<yscirio  k.  Vi,  <.    To  cause  to  swing; 

to   wave.     esrt«??5o    v.  i.     To   swing, 


©A^o  1.  k.  «.  A  grain  of  boiled  rice. 
2,  food. 

e9AS;*0  2.  (°^  =  O)  k.  tJ.  <.  &  i.  To  dig,  bur- 
row. 2,  to  tear  off.  n.  A  fort  ditch, 

e9AsC^  b.  ?!.  The  front,  van.  ad.  In 

SSa^v  s.  11.  A  hole,  chasm,  a.  Deep,  bot- 
tomless, unfathomable.  [meru. 

e97v5^3:i  s.  11.  The  high  mountain  Maha- 





SfT.k.  1-.  t.  To  dig,  burrow.  2,  to  chew, 
champ.  V.  i.  to  tremble,  shake,  fear. 
2,  to  be  glad. 

59?\r5  k.  n.  Water  (a  word  only  used  by 
educated  Lingaits). 

S£?\OJ(=  e5rtcij2,  q.  v.)s.n.  Fragrance. 

557.?i0  k.  V.  t.  To  cause  to  dig. 

esXot^o.  =  «5rtJSj,  q.  V. 

©AOOuIe?  k.  J!.  Extensiveness,  greatness. 
a.  Great. 

SS7\0"d0  s.  a.  Not  heavy,  light.  «.  A 
fragrant  aloe  wood,  agaUochum. 

«f)AJ20or,  ©AO^)!^  ^'  "•  Terror,  am- 

&5A0Sr?j>i  k.  r.  t.  To  terrify. 

a5A0£)0  k.  V.  t.  To  shake,  move.  v.  i. 
To  become  loose. 

e?A0;5.  =  e5r(?3,  g.  r. 

i59aO<§  (S?=tj0  (<6.  of  tfr.-6j)  n.  A  bolt, 
a  bar  for  locking  a  door. 

esXo^o  1.  =  esrs^o. 

Sf?AO<S<0  2.  (^J  =  aj)  k.  r.  t.  To  dig. 

?f)^  1.  =  ^fs  k.  I'.  /.   To  dig.    See  ss^. 

557^  2.  k.  rt.    A    seedling;    a  germ,  bud, 

shoot;  cf.  ^J32?^.     2,  a  suffix  to  form 

adverbs,  e.  g.   ?33J^?i,   ?;j^-yi.      -'5'^, 

-53J330.  To  raise  seedlings. 

^■7(jt^  ( =  S3=#^)  k.  int.  Lo !   behold ! 

S?7R;s?E^Ti  s.  a.  Invisible,  imperceptible; 

*?A    1.  C<(?-  of  e^r)  n.   Cheapness,    a. 


Cheap;  low,  mean. 
©A    2.  «b.  o/'  esrY,  g.  v. 

S5A  e5?JJ.  =  esrt  ^^-^j  9-  ^'• 
A  '^ 

tfA  li^  (=  S5^^rf)  k.  n.    "Water.      2,  an 


offering  of  water. 
eSTv  ^^  k.  n.  Greatness;    great  power. 

??A  "gPiJ  (=  «57\  £)Xo)  k.  v.t.d-i.  To   be 
A  ^ 

or     become     pre-eminent;    to     make 

great  eflforts;  to  excel. 

S?A  S?  k.  «.  A  powerful  man. 

S9?\   (lb.  of  «5A).    n.  Fire. 
A  '        =1.' 

A  eo  A  ei  "^ 

oV,    e/c.)   n.    A    potsherd    used    as    a 

fire-pan  or  chafing  dish. 
e5?\>  s.  n.  Fire.    2,  the  god  of  fire,  Agni. 
3,  the  guardian  of  the  south-east.    4, 
bile.     5,  gold.     -=5'r3,  -■o-a,  -'^ocSj.  A 
spark.  -=530ijr.  Feeding  the  sacrificial 
fire    with    ghee.       -^^Sl .     Firewood; 
AgaUochum.   -'S'joS.  A  firehole.    -las*. 
One  who  arranges  a  sacrificial  fire- 
place.      "^^'^*  Flame    of    fire;        a 
plant  bearing  red  blossoms   used  by 
dyers,     -s^d.  The  Pleiades.     -as^Jc^. 
Stimulating    digestion.       -rS^^.    The 
Pleiades.       -^o6^^,   -c5^3^.    Siva   with 
an   eye   of  fire.      -^u.    A    diamond. 
-CTsrs.  A  fiery  arrow;  a  rocket.    -Uj:):|S. 
Damaging   with   fire.     -'JfiJi.  Born  of 
fire;        Siva's   son.       -Sjqiji,   -53jo:|5. 
Production  of  fire  by  friction.    -ijJo33. 
The  tree   Premna   spinusa.    -siJi'icS.. 
Languor  of  the  digestive  power.  -^)J3j. 
The  fire's  friend:  the  wind,     -ilusj. 
A  deity;  Brahma.    -5^s5.  The  mark- 
ing nut.     -tf^f=i.  Preservation  of  the 
sacred  fire.      -Srsr.    N.  of  a  prince. 
-aiu.  Having  a  crest  of  fire;  saffron', 
safflower;  a  lamp;  a  rocket;  an  arrow. 
-3a3.    A    flame;    the    plant    Glofiosa 
superba.    -^j|,?5jJ.  Praise  of  Agni;  a 
peculiar  sacrifice  in  spring,     -^o^?^ 
li.     The  consecration  of  fire;  any  rite 
in   which   the  application    of    fire   is 
essential,     -^aj.  The  wind,     -^otjj^s. 
The  (magical)  quenching  of  fire.  -^>J8? 
3j.    An   oblation   to    Agni.      -oSjs^^. 
Practising  the  agni-hotra;   maintain- 
ing the  sacrificial  fire;  one  who  has 
prepared  the  sacrificial  fire-place.     5S 
?\?^.  The  priest  who  kindles  the  fire. 
?f  aJn  oSSv^  s.  n.  A  meteor,  comet. 
ejAj  1.  k.  n.  The  thrush,  a  sore  mouth. 
e5A  1  2.  (=esrt  2)  s.  n.  A  top,  point,  summit. 
2,  the    front.       3,  the   beginning.     4, 
excess.       5,  praise.      6,  a  multitude. 



7.  aim,  resting  place,  a.  Prominent, 
excellent,  best,  chief,  first,  -rira?. 
Foremost,  principal,  -ti,  -tic^^.  First- 
born; an  elder  brother;  a  Brahmana. 
-r5.  Foremost,  excellent.  -^8.  In  front 
of.  -3^ow^'3e-i.  The  first  present  of  betel 
leaf  at  an  assembly.  -^tS..  The  first 
act  of  reverence  rendered  to  the 
principal  man  at  assemblies.  -wsj. 
An  advance-force.  -dJt)o?3.  The  heart. 
-oraeS.  The  cooking  hall  of  a  temple. 
-Eoiid.  Villages  assigned  to  Brahmanas 
for  their  maintenance.  -5q30*.  A  man 
belonging  to  an  agrahara. 

©T^j^oo  s.  a.  Not  rustic,  -i.  Un- 

e57\3j5oq  s.  a.  Unacceptable,  inadmis- 

©?\j^J  s.  a.  Foremost.  2,  best.  3, 
elder,  eldest. 

«£)?N)Ocio,  ©TMecdo  s.  a.  Principal,  best. 
n.  An  elder  brother. 

es^eapsio  s.  n.  A  man  who  marries 
a  widow  at  his  first  marriage. 

Sf^je^QTi  s.  11.  The  supreme  lord. 

^-R\^7iTi  s.  a.  Preceding.  2,  best.  n.  A 
leader,  headman. 

iS'Rjii\^zi'&  s.  n.  "Water  used  for  the 
worship  of  an  idol. 

ef) Aj  0  s.  a.  Foremost,  first;  best.  2, 

e5yO  s.  n.  Sin,  crime.     2,  pain.     3,  pas- 


e9yOU?j  s.  a.  Difficult,  impossible. 

69^0^^  s.  a.  Not  happened.  2,  impro- 
bable, unlikely,     n.  Any  wonder. 

eS^Ofi  s.  a.  Liquid,  not  dense. 

©^O^J^rre  s.  «.  Expiatory,  n.  A  daily 
expiatory  prayer,  reciting  a  particular 
passage  from  the  Vedas. 

&5^raU  s.  n.  A  wonder;  excess. 

eSyOjse'd  s.  a.  Not  terrific.  2,  terrible. 
n.  A  euphemistic  title  of  Siva. 

SSo^  s.  «.  A  hook.  2,  the  lap,  thigh. 
3,  the  side  or  flank.    4,  the  body.    5,  a 

mark.  6,  a  numerical  figure.  7,  a 
fault.  8,  a  war.  9,  proximity.  10, 
place.  -cfjso^'o.  Excessive  crooked- 
ness. -SjJ3s3.  a  list  of  titles.  -cS°ti. 
A  valiant  man. 

©oS^Arf^  s.  n.  Arithmetic. 

^So"^^  f.  n.  The  space  between  two 
pillars  or  beams. 

Wo'^^  s.  n.    Marking,  stamping. 

Wo-&^  s.  a.  Marked,  n.  A  sign,  signa- 
ture. 2,  a  word,  3,  a  dedication. 
-cTOSo.  a  proper  name. 

e£)o-&?jO  s.  V.  t.  To  mark,  look  at. 

eSo^^orJ  s.  n.  A  sprout,  shoot.  2,  hair. 
3,  blood.  5So*oO?;o.  To  sprout;  to 
rise;  to  happen. 

?5o^Ci^  {lb.  eso^o?^)  s.  n.  A  hook,  esp. 
for  driving  an  elephant. 

©c^  1.  k.  n.  An  order,  command; 
control;  restraint,  check.  2,  (=S3'ft'^) 
leaning  against;  a  lever.      3,  trust. 

iSo^  2.  11.  {lb.  of  sso'5').  A  numerical 
figure;  an  account. 

©o^.ee'^,  ©c^jaee;,  l-iv:)  -e3j  s. «.  The 
plant  Alangium  hexapclalum. 

©CA  1.  a.  k.  ?i.  Way,  manner,  mode. 

efOA  2.  s.  11.  A  limb,  member.  2,  the 
body.  3,  the  mind.  4,  an  expedient. 
5,  a  verse-line.  6,  N.  of  Bengal 
proper,  int.  Indeed,  true;  please.  -i5 
^.  The  heart's  wish.  -:^5^.  Gestures 
of  the  body.  -cj3»?i.  Ceremony  of 
touching  certain  parts  of  the  body. 
-sSO?^,  -^JS^s^SfS.  Anatomy.  -^cS-c-  ra. 
Rolling  one's  body  round  a  temple. 
-C*^,  -Ci'^f=?,  -^^-  Protection  of  the 
body;  also  an  amulet.  -C=5;^.  A 
body-guard,  -oart.  Unguents  for  the 
body;  perfuming  the  body.  -S^. 
A  small  cloth;  an  upper  garment. 
-iS^'stf.  Change  of  bodily  appearance; 
fainting,  -^i^^ij, -Cojid.  Gesticulation. 
-?oo=7arf.  Embellishment  of  body. 
-2o?fS.  Mutilated;  incorporeal,  -coofi^. 

^.'JT't:  %.  iL   ^bcrra  from  tin  b&df)  Tb* 
^'A  'A  ivTfe,  Kama.     2,  lore-  pa^^ 

Tfc»-  dftstrcfTtrr  of  EJtXD*.  rira, 
*fy'.7"^.jt.  ».  =  acnit,  p.  r. 
*S,-r'!i  k,  yc    A  tbop,  «alL      -i'S.  A 

market-rtreet.     -s^?^,  -»5w,  -7»r.    A 

shopkeeper.      -C^^  A  btfose  viifa  a 

kbifp.    -w-JiC^.   A  tbop  dmf.  -^tr-^-. 

Tbe  good*  of  a  &bop.     -S2^  ,  -s??-. 

To  open  a  tbop, 
ScT'!^  ^«/,    o/    5*t*~;    fi-    A    eourt,    a 

jard,    etp.   in   front    of   a   hou»e:    an 

«-s7'g.  ^sr^,  C=  ^^'^-S;  k-ai.    riat- 

waxB,  on  tbe  back. 
«,-7'2  B.   it    A    braceiet    ■srorn   on    the 

upper  arm.     5-  of  a  fcoa  of  Tali. 
«,:,7'^.  tJ/c/c^  s.  n.  A  woman,  female. 

«,s/'5eS)o  h..  n.  A  long  coat. 
'Sj-sT'S/.  ^SsT'^;,  "S'-Y/'Jfv.i'^  a.  Separ- 
ate, i.\)d^Ti 
«;^/i;2E*j    (-^^";    k-  ^-  «•     To    -weep, 

grieve,  lament.    «*;r,c?;3,.  Grief. 
"Ss/tid  m.  r<.  Habitude;  power,  vigour. 
*£>zY ::j7'.:i  a.  k.  c.  i.    To  come  together, 
meet,   crowd,     c.  <.    To  lay   hold   of, 
C5oX<S^,   (-?^Jj,    ?50AO'E',   (-'9,  -'Sj  k.  n. 
The  palate  of  the  mouth.      2,  f<6.  o/" 
tio^^i)    a  courtyard. 
'S5'C'7Xs7.  s.  n.    Limb   and    limb  related 

to  another. 
ef-sTX*^  k.  =  '^or;3  dc,  5.  f. 
e;c-7-v^  (=  ^ono)   k.  /t.    Charcoal.      2, 

©07^':^^  (=  asntC  1-2)    s.  n.  3,  a  sec- 
tarian mark  made  with  charred  wood. 
-cpj^j*.  A   portable  fire-place.     -w^O. 
etsr^fyo  k.  n.   The  sole  of  the  foot. 
^o7.  ■•  w.   A  coat,  frock;  jacket. 

^  -*■  -  E.  fc.  AseHt  -^'rt.  -'r>3.  AsEeat- 
irr,  ayreeir?.  a^eepdnr:  seeepiaaee. 

«^-;7  s=tX-  E.  r.  t  To  tzTte  to:  to 
ae**pt,  adopt- 

'S'JT./tL.  fh.  of  s;r^,  ^.  r. 

2&s7!ie/  (-^ ,  B.  re  A  £a?er.  2,  the 
thumb.  3.  a  fisfer'r  breadth.  e;~w 
C37  zi.  A  fing er-prciecior,  nsed  whilst 
fchooting  arrows.  ain.C— J'C  Poind- 
ing St  wiib  the  finger.  =cr..C-_..s->;=i- 
Craeking  the  SageTt. 

^zT'^^C^z:^  s.  n.  A  fiager-ricg. 

'E,zYir..  e.  7i.  The  thumb.  2;  the  grea: 

Ss7'-i3X  ?.  m.  «.  A  thimble. 

SsTjiC;  h-  n.  The  grape. 

^:;r:3ij*.  S'cr<  k-  n.  The  palm  of  the 

fts^cTLs-ez^scA  6.  n.    The   body    and   its 

^zfjicT^.  tb.  Of  <i£zr,z,^.  g.  c. 
Kt^Lij  B.  n.  A   foot.     2,  the  root  of  a 

tree.     -Si.  The  foot-born:  a  Sudra. 
fS^cfi  e.  a.  Gentle,  tractable. 
^■df»y:j  s.  a.  Xot  dexterous  {f.  eSS.:-). 
^■ciTL'iJ  B.  a.  Unmoveable,  Bteady.     -•=• 

«5E?'d  6.  a.  Immoveable. 
e)t:^e^    B.   a.     Immoveable,    fixed.        2, 
eternal,    n.    A  mountain;    the  earth. 
2.  an  ascetic. 
eSEic;  b.  n.  The  earth. 
e)t5B^.>33j~  s.  n.  Want  of  ability. 
eSErEl  k.  n.  Impurity,  filth. 
©eloeo  s.  a.  Incomprehensible, 
tpellj    s.    a.     Not    long,    short,    brief; 
recent,     -zi:;^^,  ^-.icsoiJ.    Lightning. 
e5?S^^  B.  a.  Unconscious;  very  poor. 
©sSesS  s-  "■  Unconsciousness,  a.  Insen- 
sible, fainting. 
^■&(^'^nB.  n.    Unconsciousness;   igno- 
ranee;  matter. 



tf5^  1.  =  =3-  i.  J.  f.)  k- a. -'Ti^  ('=  ;5 
3.  =~i:^).  Proper  b-icr'iarr:  stiiiible 
order,  size,  etc. 

•5$-  2.  (Ol  ef  32)  a.  Pmre.  elear;  jle.- 
»»i-«-ffJ  reaL  i,  :=  ssa  -  -f^^  3.  Pare 
KaKHada,  -%*C>i.  Pare  and  fresh. 
wuier.  s3_2 .  53_:3>-j.  J. 

S22-  A  a^  k-  ■■*-  BeTrii'ierTneiit. 

A  scat  coacn.  eloih.  :o  ecrsr  a:  2.1^  h::. 
^■^  4.  9>.  of  ^^r  '3-  ^- 

«^-;i    f&.  or  55^ -r  'J-  r. 

t£  L^  ?v;  k,  «.  A  Srm,  sireii^  niazi.  e 
:=3  ^^.   Firaiaess  oC  a  naa. 

«^~  1.  k.  a.  Bread  (aaed  caly  by 
y«^--ny  ^iUrca).  3;  soAer;  a  Mala- 
jala  -wtfrnam.     3,  a  pap. 

S^  2.  Ik.  ef  e^j  f.  r. 

«  ~  ^  k.  »•  PayiiLs  uajoailT. 

t£=r  7".  tb.  -jf  -i3^=f. 

555S1  I.  ♦=  ^?j  ^  "s-  Flraraeae;  (bodil;) 
gyrt—rgi^^-  2,  a  -vdl-^^aed  bosxid- 
arj.  3,  a  Bimli;  aa  uBpisaai»aL  4^  a 
cjpe,  staafL  »,  a  vesr^s  iced. 
-s==c.  es^c  A  pyiggd letter,  -'ri^ 
=  ssjrw.  -~J:~.  A  priatiB^  press. 
-  ^\^.  A  eakfi  ot  jii?';?7-  -?'^-    Kna 

lo  seat,  ispxeas  firmly. 
Sz^^   ^  k.  r.  t.    To  psj  vaJBStij,  as 

i^  far  failed  ercp.     a.  latuBaej. 

■     2,  (ftu  «^  B3^>  a.  die;  aa.  axle. 
:-  tiee  asvL 
Si^Ji   3.  f.  ».  A  Pegtt  pcnT. 
CiSc  2=sc::j  .   ^■sc  J?* :r^    a.  k,  «.   A» 

anauiiii:-  jTiard. 
•E'd-  f=  S3_f  k.  «-  Ticroois^.  jearifyiiLg. 
•E  3-  ^t.;  k.  %.  Half  a  seer. 

t£::r  —  =3_  s.  a.  Prre.  c'.=a.?.  tra-5- 
par^nc     -?^-  A  vidte  bear. 

'5c^_^  s.  a.  Uabrokes,  aaisjar&i.  2. 
niv.     3.  d^eetleas. 

—  ^  ?  s.  a.  XTaes:,  traiajired:  iasepa- 

S'SC-S  s.  «.  Fins,  mperiskable.     a. 

^:=    s.    z.    Tiibora.      a.   Brakma.      2, 

Tli.'cL.z.       i.  Sira.      4,  sbe  soa.      5, 
r-ifn.     '!.  a  ■irLTer.  I/saHet.     ',  a  ran: 
a  h-r-jGait.     S.  tbe  sign  Aries. 
~-~'^-  t£=:"?S'2.  rS'xTX.     g    „     =i-a's 

SSrct;  s.  'i-  Sot  ie-»-A,i,  a5  a  cl:dx. 
SStv  s-  3.    fr.peopl&i.       (;..    A    ie&eriu 

^2:~-  s,   1.    UaSi;   to    t^   b-:m-      ;»,.    A 

-00  Is.  ba^ga^e. 
1£3ndrs7ls  b.  n.  Baagb  eal^ealanoe.  od. 

?£ir£:ssr:.  ?5;:^«f  s.  ».  Ei3b-:p'5  TB-eed_ 

•»ay.  Cofiim  iiirv.i. 
S2::rj  s.  a.  I^E.'^CrI!J5ce?able..  inrin'riljle. 

a.  Defeat.     2,  Tiskaa.  [plasL 

SSTj  1.  f'=  2'Si-^  a.  k.  a.   Tbe  Ia<l%(» 
■SSrd  2.  s.  3.  Agdeay  ■aiifcijiai'. 
^3==^'  s.  a.  Iad%^tible;  aBdeeayia^. 

a.  Fneadsbfp. 
S£r^-,c?~  s.  a.  Gaatfs  bora:  tbe  shrab 

OUrna  wcdier. 
tSSs^  a-  «-    3fot  to   b«   iajoznL      2, 

S3$»A^  o.  a.  Set  awake,    a.  A  c<:>sBoa 

vaed,  £<i^pto  «»«. 
'E  SrSA^iA^^  a«.  a.   Tbe  ^sate  g4  beisg^ 

r.jc  -raketsL     2,  caub  iiiiia'iiii 
Sir. A  ST.  -  a.  a.  iSHppie  peadiag:  £c«m 

:i^  -■mk  --A  zQots.  2.  a  aaekas  object. 



e9a;s3§  s.  n.  Cumin  seed. 

i£>diz^  (tb-  of  a:3^  ^)  n.   A  foolish  m<an. 

^^toZi  s.  n.  Brahma's  egg:  the  uni- 

S93iT):^  s.  a.  Unborn,  not  existent.  -S 
^x.    One  who  has  no  enemies. 

e5^?\^  k.  n.   Ground  lime. 

653?^  s.  a.  Unconquerable.  2,  unsur- 
passed,    n.  Vishnu. 

?3^^  s.  n.  The  skin.  2,  the  skin  of 
an  antelope.  -Sj^.  A  bat.  -oSji^oJ, 
An  antelope,  a  deer. 

&9^TJ  s.  a.  Affile,  quick,  n.  A  court, 
yard.     2,  an  object  of  sense.     3,  air. 

e935»3D?i  h.  n.  Bishop's  weed. 

€935^.  s.  a.   Not  crooked,  straight,     /i. 
A  fish;  a  frog. 

©^?ror  s.  rt.  Undigested,  w.  Indigestion. 

es^  s.  ?(.  Nature.     2,  illusion. 

SS^eodJ  s.  a.  Invincible. 

©ai  l.k.  n.  Opportunity.   2,thedryfila- 


©a   2.  (<&.  o/"  tfodor)  n.  A  grandfather. 

5533   (tb.  of  tfoijjjr)   n.  A  grandmother. 
-tfJ^.  An  idle  story. 

e?;^??,  &did^7i(tb.ofiSU.r^).  M.  A  great- 
flowered  jasmine. 
©aiJ  Aoa^o    k.   n.    The    state   of  being 

S93S    s.  a.   Not  knowing;  ignorant.     2, 

foolish.     -^.  Ignorance. 
593iT)  ci  s.  M.  Ignorance.     2,  raaya.     -^ri. 

©3ST)  Si  s.  rt.    Ignorant,   unwise,     n.  A 

stupid  person. 
e5o£ieJ,  ©ceis?  s.  n.  The  end  or  border 

of  a  cloth. 
?SoZo^  s.   a.    Bent.      2,  honoured.      3, 

manifest,  pure;     beautiful. 

esoeio  1.  (=  sSo!^  g.  r.)  k.  r.  t.  To  divide. 

2,  (=  ^JioZio,  q.  V.)  to  lurk. 

©oeio  2.  ('<b.  0/'  ao^j)  w.  Edge,  border, 

brim,  selvage,  skirt;  bank,  shore;  side. 

-*yj^.   To  construct  a  bank;  to  form 

a  selvage. 
©otS.l.k.  n.  A  postal  road;  a  stage;  the 

post  (  =  U3raoj).   -tfileO,  -*fe3^.  A  post 

office,    -srad.  A  postal  officer.     -cdoS. 

A  post  runner. 
©cd  2.  (=  tPzS)  ad.  In  that  side.    n.  (lb. 

of  (^orZ)  A  swan.   -;SjS  "s*.  Goose-down. 
e9o3i?i    s.    71.    Anointing.       2,  a    black 

collyrium  applied  to  the   eye-lashes. 

3,  magic  ointment.     4,  ink.     5,  night. 
-•^o3o.    Anointing. 

eSoSiSi^  s.  n.  A  species  of  lizard.  2,  a 
small  mouse. 

ef)o&ls5(=  55o2ic£i)  s.  >«.  The  cavity  formed 
by  hollowing  the  palms  together; 
when  raised  towards  the  forehead  it 
is  a  salutation  to  superiors.  2,  a 
measure  of  corn.   -aa^-  =  ®oJsO,  No.  1. 

efJcaStf  k.  n.  Fear. 

e9c^?jj  k.  I',  t.  To  frighten. 

©o&fO  (=  «5«?rfj)  k.  V.  i.  To  fear,  feel 
anxiety;  to  be  afraid  of.  n.  Fear. 
-i5*o«?,  -rijs?.  A  coward. 

e£)ca)0e5,  =  «50£i€)  g.  1;. 

SPcSdjs'd  h.  71.  A  fig;    a  fig-tree. 

esW  1,  ?9S  k.  n.  Motion;  play;  speech. 
-»3jy.  Trickery,  fraud;  escape,  -doii 
73J,  -53oOs:^j.  To  play  tricks,  deceive. 

e£)y  2.  la.  7i.  Obstruction;  a  bar,  lever. 
-^y.  Weariness,  -nj^^wo.  A  pole  for 
lifting  sacks. 

©Hs^OSorioli.  r.t.  To  stop,  hinder,  check. 

©ygs^,  59U^  ii..  71.  Obstruction,  re- 

e9U-S-?jO.  =  ey^sscOjJjj,  q.  r. 

ef)UT:^o4,  ©ytjjsz:;  f.  n.  The    shrub  Jus- 

ticia  adhaloda. 
e5W^??,  e?l3,^s?  f.  n.  Addition  and  sub- 

traction.     2,  revenue. 



?f)U.S)  (=  e3:^co)  s.  n.  A  wood,  forest. 

©Sjse^,  e5Bj3?200  f.  M.  Control,  power. 

(Ski  s.  a.  High,  lofty;  n.  A  garret  or 
upper  loft  in  a  house.  2,  a  tower, 
buttress.  3,  a  scaffold.  -SsiSj^es 
fc^,:^.  A  loud  laughter;  a  pomp, 
parade.     4,  (/V.  e5^)  cooked.     ' 

e9y^(=55yj)  a.n.  a  structure  of  poles 
put  on  stones.    2,  <&.  o/'  es^tSo,  q.  v. 

©y  «?•  tb.  of  esto.aj  fy.  r. 



69633  £),  ©633,03^  s.  n.  An  apartment  on 
ei  eJ 

the  roof.     2,  a  palace.     3,  a  bastion. 

e9fc)  ?j  r'?*-  o/"  es^roa?;)  n.  see  s.  53W,. 

©Eo  ?jO  k.  y.  t.  To  take  possession  of.    2, 
to  cause  to  pursue.       3,  to  cause  to 

evaporate  or  to  be  wasted. 

©yo,  k.  V.  t.    To  keep   close  to,   follow. 

2,  to  pursue,  chase,  drive  away.     3, 

to  send.  4,  to  put.  v.i.  To  evaporate; 
to  be  wasted,  n-  Closeness.  2,  put- 
ting, -tfos?,  -Tiot^.  N.  of  a  game  in 
which  cowries  are  put  from  hole  to 
hole  on  a  wooden  board. 

©yo.oeO^  k.  n.  Gifts  to  the  bride  and 

eS&Jj  ^  a.  k.  n.   A  crowd,  multitude.     2, 


©S  k.  n.  A  headless  trunk.     2,  a  sole, 


sandal;  skin,  bark.     3,  a  leech. 

©yo   k.  w.    Mud.      2,  {tb.  of   ete.o)  a 
00  w 

stand  on  poles. 

©rf  k.  n.  = 

55rf5^   k.  n.    Compacture.        2,   piling, 

storing;  a  pile.      3,  hiding  one's  self. 

4,  becoming  obedient.    5,  abridgment. 

-(iJ3S?^j.  To  compress. 
«5t^^0   (=  ss'S^A)   k.  r.  <.    To    press,    as 

cotton.     2,  to  pile,  as  pots,  grass,  etc. 

3,  to  put.      4,  to  subdue,  control. 
59t^^  (=  55^"^)  k.  ?i.    The   areca   palm; 

its  nut. 
©cS^jsi^o  ,    -7\B  ,    k.    11.    A    betel-nut 

©7i7\f^?jO  k.  y.  f.    To  thwart,  obstruct. 

1.     -rtUj,.  =  esca  ny^,. 
eo  a        eo 

e9rf?\?io  k.  I',  t.  To  cause  to  hide;  to 
conceal,  hide.  2,  to  suppress.  3,  to 

eSt^AO  (=  55Sor?J)  k.  V.  i.  To  conceal 
one's  self;  to  disappear.  2,  to  be 
quenched,  humbled,  contained  in. 
3,  to  crouch,  n.  (a.  k.)  Flesh,  meat 
(=  sSjso^).  2,  becomingness,  agree- 

©757?  (—  esart  etc.)  k.  n.  Cooking. 

©Z^OAJ  (=  ^:iTi^  q.  V.)  a.  k.  n.    A  fort. 

©rfeisS  f.  n.  Difficulty,  distress. 

©rfsio  {cf.  ©rS'^j,  55;::^^^,  ssrsiSo,  e<c.)  k. 
V.  t.  To  pack  up,  close;  to  stufi',  press 
down;  to  humble.  2,  to  hush,  silence. 
3,  to  rap,  cufi'.  [clothes. 

©Sa  k.  n.  Clothes  to  be  washed;  hired 

©cS^  (=  5o:a5j)  k.  n.  A  barber's  dress- 
ing case;  a  betel-pouch.  -3s?  (-55s?.). 
One  who  carries  a  betel-pouch. 

©t5^  (=  m:^^)  k.  n.  A  pledge,  pawn. 

©rfeor?  k.  ad.  Rashly,  e.  g.    -^F^^. 

©■rfeOs;^  a.  k.  n.  A  cook.     2,  flesh. 

©rioaiTi  {tb.  of.  ^:ioviO)  n.  Ostentation, 

©r^orfre^  k.  71.  A  mark,  sign. 

©ricsy  k.  n.  A  scuffle.  2,  vying, 

©t^T/J  k.  «.  <.  To  climb,  mount;  to 
pounce  upon,  rush  at.  v.  i.  To  be 
united  with;  to  appear;  to  amass. 
11.  An  attack;  an  attempt.  eSO^Jj. 
To  cause  to  ascend,  etc. 

©T^'dior  k.  v.t.  To  bring  together;  to 
set  in  readiness. 

©t^aiJ  k.  V.  i.  To  be  shaken;  to  be 
afraid;  to  grieve,  n.  Tremor;  con- 
fusion; fear.     2,  mud. 

©c^S  (lb.  of  esfeJ.^)  11.  A  forest,  wood, 
iunsrle.  -?^^^o.  Fire  in  forests.  -Ssiejo. 
A  miserable  lot.  -tS?«?J.  To  go  astray. 

©7^^  (=  es:^S;)  k.  n.  Suitableness; 
closeness,  thickness.  2,  a  pawn, 
pledge,  deposit.     3,  An  impediment. 

i£Ti7j&  h.  n.  Estimate,  computation. 

©Ti;^£',  e9rf;dsei.  tb.  of  e^tfjs  q.  v. 

©rfO  (=  °j3:Sj)  k.  r.  /.  To  attack,  trou- 
ble. 2,  to  enter.  3,  to  put  into,  stuff 
into.  4,  to  hold  firmly;  to  cover. 
r.  i.  To  be  stern;  to  be  filled  in. 

eSii^j  k.  n.  see  tsc^sS  No.  2. 

?5;25Cj  k.  n.  Rashness,  haste.  ad. 

SSCJsrf  f.  ».  Unremunerated  and  forced 
labour  or  service.      2,  a  foreigner. 

e?riS05JO  f.  V.  t.  To   stop,    arrast;    to 

put  before    (cf.  55:S  o3j?3j). 

©^^scdjori  k-s.  n.    A  scimitar.         ,  .  , 


55:3S^Ci  k.  n.  Alarm,  uproar,  quarrel, 

e5ci  ( =  yo)  k.  71.  The  foot;  the  measure 
of  a  foot,  (aans?  s3j?d  zS^v'o,  to  fall 
down  at  the  feet;  ©a#3J,  to  become 
slow).  2,  a  verse-line.  3,  a  step,  pace, 
(isarsan,  from  step  to  step;  eao3j:3j, 
to  step,  walk).  4,  the  bottom  of  any 
thing,  (-^srsu,  to  see  the  bottom; 
-3joSo,  the  lower  piece  of  any- 
thing; -sSS.,  a  door-sill).  5,(=  t'sSj) 

©a?f  (=  ssail)  k.  11.  Cooking.  2,  (=  aS 
^5  5.  t'.)  the  areca  palm. 

©SaSOJ,  k.  M.  Firewood. 

SSSXaiJ   k.  ?i.  An  anvil. 

©S^  (=  aSn)  k.  n.  Cooking,  boiling; 
maturing;  dinner.  -S3J(5,  -?33q3.  A 
kitchen,  -lod.  A  fire-place.  -53J33o. 
To  cook.  -aj3:Sj353,  -33053.  A  male 
cook.  -odJBrto.  To  be  cooked.  -7^ 
53j3o^.  Cooking  utensils. 

©ci^O  a.  k.  n.   Slavery. 

©Sodo  k.  n.  A  slave. 

e)a,2.  =  ef^^,  g.  «. 

eSt^j  k.  V.  t.  To  cook,  boil,  dress;  to 
prepare  a  meal;  to  mature,  n.  Cooking, 
etc.  -'^WJ..  Fuel.  -^J3«?j.  Boiled  rice. 
-njsuJS,  -rtjs^ejts.  A  woman  who 
cooks  for  strangers.  -irorsd.  A 
frying  pan. 

10  ^d 

?f)rij?jj  k.  «.  Clay,  mud. 

e9tf  1.  (=  i-:l)  a.  k.  If;  when,  e.  g.  -n-^Sr 

©zS  2.  (=  JJd)  k.  t'.<.  To  obtain,  get,  have  ; 
to  shut  up,  enclose,  confine.  2,  (=  esF=?) 
to  strike,  throw,  v.  i.  To  be  enclosed, 
barred.  Ji.  A  wood  on  which  artisans 
put  their  working  articles.  2.  a 
sticky  mass  of  tamarind,  sugar,  etc. 
3,  cowdung.  4,  a  thin  cake  of  rice 
flour.  5,  the  border  of  a  cloth.  6, 
a.  k.  Trust.  -rtoJ.  An  anvil,  -o^w.- 

?s:i  1.  (=  sj::)  k.  n.  The  state  of  being 
across;    obstacle,    a.  Crosswise,  hori- 

zontal. -'^^'  To  fasten  across;  to 
thwart,  stop,  arrest.  -'^^^>  '^Hi' 
A  dam  in  rice-fields.  -fl^?Jio,  -'s'AjzS. 
A  profession  contrary  to  custom.  -=53 
e-ij.  The  leg  put  crosswise,  as  obstacle. 
-=5T)5iO,  -53e>jd.  A  by-channel.  -t3 
ssa.  A  kavadi  carried  on  the  neck. 
-■c-^O.  A  transverse  bolt.  -T^Jt^.  A 
child  carried  in  the  arms.  -€^.  The 
hand  placed  transversely.  -"^eJJo. 
Extra  work.  -=#J35t)J.  A  transverse 
bar.  -T5i3.;i.  A  wooden  cross  bar. 
-esrit).  Distance  across,  width.  -A^23j. 
To  cross  out.  -fs^Wj,  -A6.  A  cross 
line.  -=#JJo"^o.  A  cross  branch. 
-nj3«cl.  A  partition  or  curtain  wall. 
w:i  o'f.  A  figrure  written  from  left  to 
right;  the  total.  -JaabJo.  A  shelter. 
-jj^'Sr.  An  oblong  frame;  the  Lii'iga 
box.  -5Joj3j,  esS  oJ^j.  The  breadth  cf 
the  foot.  -esE^,  es:^  rf.  The  woof  that 
crosses  the  warp  in  a  loom.  -3e5,  -cSe3. 
An  ill-formed  head.  -3^uj.  To  touch, 
thwart,  interfere  with.  "■^^'  "^^> 
e:3's  Sa  .  Awkwardness,  clumsiness; 
awkwardly.  -Srfo^.  To  turn  aside. 
-^ijsSdj.  To  thwart,  interfere,  -irfoa, 
-CSoarl.  A  scale  beam;  a  bamboo  pole 
across  a  palankeen  to  carry  it.    -^''^- 

^zi  11 




A  slit  bamboo  put  crosswise.  -iJSeS. 
A  transverse  beam.  -?jri.  A  half- 
suppressed  laugh.  -c3i)»3j.  a  surname; 
a  secterian  crossmark  on  the  forehead 
of  Smartas.  -fj^Or^.  A  lying  or 
opposing  tongue.  -Siejos^.  Breadth 
and  height.  -ttfja.  Contradiction. 
-SoT^.  A  side-row  of  people  at  dinner. 
-5513,.  The  upper  or  lower  part  of  a 
door-frame.  -Sj^jt.  A  palankeen 
carried  crosswise.  -IajcSj.  To  come 
in  the  way.  -z2?^j.  To  fall  across; 
to  prostrate.  -53jd.  A  cross  bar. 
-dJ3;^j.  Gainsaying;  an  evasion. 
-»3j3A~.  a  cross  way,  by-path,  -^o 
a.  A  knot  of  hair.  -ni;r!J.  To  be 
cross ;  -JSah,  transversely,  across, 
broadwise.  -racSj,  -£iZaO.  To  oppose. 
-^Gsejo.  (=.Soy.  A  transverse  line  or 
furrow.  -SOS?.  To  pass  by.  -SoJ^j.  To 
apply  horizontally,  as  sectarian  mark. 
-259^0.  To  put  crosswise;  to  put  before 
for  obtaining  a  blessing  or  pardon. 
-^isa.  =  -33j!)r<r.  -Sosodoo.  To  pass  by; 
to  thwart.  -3o?Jdj.  =  -fsssSj.  -"^ :Sj, 
S5:3^:^j.  To  walk  about,  promenade. 
-^Ko,  aca-i  ?1).  To  recline,  lean  on. 
-^'^■1.  To  put  across  or  before,  ^d  ?o 
no.  To  make  hostile  efforts.  55cl  pWo. 
A  shot  beside  the  mark,  ^djs  *,  ejo. 
A  new  tenant,  fresh  comer,  esdjs  ^tJ. 
An  indirect  course. 

?£)Ti  2.  k.  n.  Seven  duddus,  two  atias 
and  four  pies.  2,  a  weight  =  j^gth 
of  a  varaha. 

?£)Ti  7,?io.  =  esS  cOj?5j,  q.  i?. 

WZi  rJ^  k.  »i.  A  three-legged  stand. 
65(5  N    (=  es3f3)   k.   ad.    Across,   trans- 

esrf  O30?j0  (=  55:S  hSo)  k.  «.  t.  To  move 
ft  >s        ' 

obliquely.      2,  to  obstruct.      3,  to  in- 
tervene, conceal. 
SSrf  e;o  k.  71.    An  obstacle,    ad.  Aci-oss. 


isz^ci>T\:,  (-tsrio);.  To  become  an 
obstacle;    to  oppose. 

^ri  StjO    (=  i£:i  oao?dj)    a.  k.    t).  <.    To 

Ch      Cb  a,     ^'  ' 

S£):30  ci  k-  «•  Broad. 

eSo^     k.  n.     An     obstacle;     opposition; 

delay.     -»3j3:So.  To  oppose,  hinder. 

eSci  ^  k.  n.  A  necklace. 


e9w    k.  n.  A    bamboo  by  which  one  or 
two  persons  carry  burdens  suspended 

from  its  midst  or  b6th  ends,     -^jstfo. 

To  carry  it. 
©Z3tK5  (=  es:^cjT)a).  k.  n.  A  perverse  or 

stubborn  person, 
©ci  ^  k.  n.    A     fiat  basket  or   earthen 

©rfo  k.  n.  Mud. 


esr®  k.  A  suffix   used   in  the  formation 

of  a  verbal  noun,   or     1st   pers.    pi. 

imperat.,    e.  g.  sJjsii^OoSrs,  o^dodjoSrs. 
©fvgo  (=  5:srao)    a.  k.   ad.    "Whatsoever, 

howsoever,     a.  Small. 
©roS^  k.  n.  Mockery,  derision.    2,  (=  es 

!^^)  closeness,  firmness. 
©oa-aTjO  k.  y.  i.  To  mock,  deride. 
e5r®7\?jO.  =  is::if^^o,  q.  v. 
©03aO.  =  ^Urij,  q.  V. 
©re&BTO  k.  n.  A  very  clever  man. 
eSPSa^  k.  n.  A  pitcher  or  water  jar. 
eSPad,  ©PScd  k.  n.   A  mushroom. 
e9P3e;o  k.  n.    The    under    part    of    the 

mouth.      2,  a  squirrel. 
«£)f®?jO  k.  11.  A  ferrule.     2,  a  throng. 
?5raS  (=  ^E^)  h.  ?i.  An  anna. 
eSfJ  (=a:ario)    k.  n.  Joining  together  of 

threads  in  a  loom.    2,  fitness,  beauty; 

order.  3,  an  array,  a  body  of  soldiers. 

-'n'Wj,.    To    join     a     certain    number 

of  threads,    etc.     -3os?.   To  move  the 

loom's  treadle. 
efrSj?  (=  SoE^ii)  k.  n.  A  comb. 
eSrS^O  s.  >i.  Minuteness.     2,  the  power 

of  becoming  an  atom. 




eSrSorfo'd  a.  k.  «.  Fitness,  nicety;  great- 
e9r3«3  k.   n.   (=  65«?d)    Ink-nut,    rermi- 

nalia  chebitla. 
eSf^   s.  a.    Minute,     m.    An    atom.     2,, 

?90©OA  k.  «.  A  son.     isvsjp^,     ^3Cij7^.     A 

«5f©Jo5'o  a.  k.  r.  /.  To  humble;  to  ruin, 

e5?6  1.  k.  int.  used  in  calling  a   woman: 

ho!  ho! 
S£)f?  2.  (=  iszi)  k.  V.  i.  To  touch,  come  in 
contact.  2,  to  be  quenched,  v.  t.  To 
strike,  push.  2,  to  embrace,  n.  Ap- 
proach. 2,  a  dam,  dike.  -^sJj,, -^^i,. 
A  dam. 
eSoWlJ^  (=  «5oW;3sV)  f.  «.  The  soap-nut 

©cyS^  k.  n.  A  prickly  climbing  shrub. 

Acacia  intsia. 
©oW5?Jo  k.  r.  ^  To  evaporate. 
©cliJ  k.  v.i.  To  come  in  contact  with, 
touch;  to  be  contagious,  v.  t.  To  touch; 
to  embrace.    2,  (=  esUOj  No.  1)    to  fol- 
low, pursue,  n.  Contagion;   impurity. 
2,  gum,  paste.    3,  a  grafted  branch;  a 
young    plant.     -dJt^n.    A    contagious 
?SoXi  s.  n.  An  egg  (sJjsB,).      -a.  Egg- 
born;  a  bird;  a  fish,  etc. 
^cTi6  a.  k.  V.  t.   To    oppress,    trouble, 

hurt.  n.  Oppression,  trouble. 
&9c5?i)  k.  ('.  i.  To  go  near;  to  resort  to. 
eSoT^O  k.  7).  An  approach.     2,  a  buttock. 
SScoi  k.  71.   A  vessel   made  of  bamboo. 

2,  (a.  k.)  nearness,  vicinity. 
©TO  k.  n.  An  elder  brother;  an  elderly 
male.       2,  an    affectionate    mode    of 
addressing  boys,  as  ^t^l   f.esri.  .;^ 
siioarfj.  Brothers. 
eSPTO  Ci-R  k.  n.  The  uvula. 
eSrS  k.  «.    Excellence,  purity,      -stssjo. 
Pure   milk.     -*eJJ,.  A    pebble   tossed 
in  play;  a  hail  stone. 

S9f^o   a.  k.  ?i.  Friendship. 

®i^c^    s.    a.      Unrestrained;     useless, 

esSS'n'^  s.  a.  Invincible. 
e9^&  s.  n.  X.  of  a  hell.  (lit.  bottomless). 
©^Cg'o^e;  k.  n.  Tumult,  confusion. 
es^r'j  s.  n.   Common  flax,  Linum   usita- 

^B  s.  ad.    Over,    beyond.      2,  exceed- 
ingly,   much,    very.       3,  surpassing. 
-*aor.  A  great  sin.     -tfcor.  Agreat 
sinner.    -=5r3eJ.  Great  trouble,    -r^^y*. 
A    very    troublesome    man.      -^scxli. 
Gigantic;  a  son  of  Ravana.     -^.^o^j. 
Very  crooked.    -f^sSJ.  -=^s3or3.  Going 
over,    transgression,     trespass;     sur- 
passing;   neglect;    imposition.     -^<Sj 
^.   To  surpass;  trespass;  to  let  pass 
away;    to    become    excessive.       -ri«?, 
-*<?.  To  disregard,  contemn;  to  deny; 
to     spend    (time).       -rre.So^.    Smart. 
-tiilS.  Very   cold;  very  stupid.       -law. 
Great  speed.     -jSeirirf.  Very  wakeful; 
the  black  curlew.     -zisS  .  Very  thick. 
-t3e)2o.  Great  heat;  great  thirst,     -rfjg 
so.    Great    affliction.      -?)SjS.    Very 
fierce.      -5:3^.    Lapse;   transgression. 
-^■s^.  A  heinous  sin.     -woqS?j.  Close 
confinement,    -we;.  Very  strong.    -t3? 
rt.  Very  swift.     -^JZ^^i.  Very  sweet. 
-Sjjj^j.    Beyond    measure,    excessive. 
-txb^S.  =  a3^,g.       -Ddojrf.    A    great 
fight,     -rfsi.   Full  of  juice  or  essence; 
rich     in     poetical    taste;      a     sweet 
cake.     -0^.  -6^T^.  Excessive.     -tiJi:^. 
Commonly     known.        -;3eirf.     Talka- 
tiveness.     -;t3Sj.    Fast    on    the    day 
before      performing      the      Sraddha. 
-sl5«?.  Excessive.     -Scxjo.   Excellence; 
surprise;  trouble;  superior,  abundant, 
wonderful.        -ic^Xo.     To     become 
great;    to    wonder.       -?ir3.    Minute. 
-^iiF^.    Liberality;    a    gift.      -s:^!j. 
Great   charm;   diarrhoea,    dysentery. 
""^■^Sv^*    Very   fine,   minute.      -'^.,^- 




Very    little.     -333;^.    Great    laughter. 

-3oSj.  Great  stupidity. 
e9>§5)  s.  11.    An    invited    guest.     -^'^'Uri. 

Hospitality.        -?d3^cS,     Civilities     to 

©ee!^  s.  a.  Gone  by,  past;  gone  beyond. 

2,  passed  away.     3,  having  neglected. 

-=ff5)U.  Past  time.     -%^^-  -^  neglected 

©§?oaiCCio  s.  a.  Going  beyond  the  senses. 

n.  The  mind. 
S£)Se^  s.  ad.  Exceedingly,  very. 
©S^Tij  s.  a.  Not  sharp,  blunt,     2,  slow. 
©^^o'So  a.  k.  t'.  t.  To  join,    cement,    v.  i. 

To  be  joined,  united. 

©gjc;  s.  a.  Unequalled. 

©Sos5;a'rf  s.  a.  Not  cold  or  dewy. 

©igo^,  s.  ?i.  Dissatisfaction. 

69:^  ,  §93^  e^O  k.  ad.  In  that  direction  or 

place,    aside;    beyond.       -*cS.  =  ef^. 

«S3  ^  ejij,  e<c.  Far  beyond,    es^es.    Of 

that  side  or  place,     es^  ^.  Here  and 

es;^  'do  f.  w.   Attar   of  roses;    perfume, 

e5^  Q  k.  /t.  A  carpenter's  plane. 
esS    k.  H.  The  red-wooded  fig-tree,  Ftcus 

e£)B  ^  f<6.  of  bS  €)  H.  An  elder  brother's 

ef)^0    k.  (p.  p.  of  ^Vj)  Having  wept. 
e9J   s.  ?i.  A  mother-in-law.     2,  (=  ^ira?:^ 

di.)  a  father's  sister. 
e^i^o^i^  s.  a.  Eceedingly  low  or  mean. 
©i^oQo  s.  a.  Beyond    limit;    excessive. 

2,  endless.     3,  absolute.    -zi^%3o.  Very 

great   affliction. 
©encrfo   s.   n-    Going   over  or   beyond; 

surpassing.    2,  death;  sin.    3,  danger; 

^^(^r  s.  a.  Excessive. 
25San^    s.    n.    Extravagant    desire    or 

©3501/  odor  s.  11.  A  great  marvel. 
^^■:in^  3^0  s.  a.   Exceedingly  good. 
eSi^On^N^  s.  a.  Very  high. 
i£)^:^0^    s-  «.  "Very  hot. 
esSi  s.  11.    N.   of  a  rishi   and   a  star  in 
the   Great   Bear.      -K33.   Born   from 
Atri:  the  moon. 
e£)q^  s.  An  auspicious   particle,  used  in 
stuti,  mangala,  etc,      ad.  Now,  then; 
what?    how?    moreover;  rather;  but; 
©qi^F"  s.  M,  The  fourth  veda. 
©qiwS  s.  ad.  Or. 

€5::^  k.    The   termination  of  the  relative 
negative  participle,    as  ^J^^ui,   lc^:S. 
©c^S'j  (=  ©nz^j,  ©rf4,  esSj^j  etc.)  k. 
?).  ^  To   press,  squeeze,  cram.      2,  to 
be  bruised,     n.  A  bruise  in  a  metal 
©rfU  a.  k.  n.    A   very    firm    or  perse- 
vering man. 
©dUo  a.  k.  «.  t.    To  scold,   reprimand; 
to  subdue,    v.  i.  (=  escirfo)  To  tremble. 
11.  Sel'f-will;  boldness;  pride. 
esrfD  h.  a.  Of  counting  or  numeration. 
S9rff30  h.  a.  Low,  mean,  vulgar, 
©u!^  (=  «5Ci*J)  k.  f .  <.   To  squeeze.     2, 

(a.  k.)  to  upbraid,  reprove. 
eSdaio  h.  11.  Respect,  regard. 
©rfTJj  (=  wcSWj)  k.  V.  i.  To  tremble,    n. 
Trembling,  tremor,      -riooarl.  Faint- 
heartedness.      -iSrfdo.    Shaking    and 
quaking.     -sJaocJJJ.  The  palsy.     ^^0 
Tio.  To  make  shake, 
eSrf^Ffi  s.n.  Non-vision,  disappearance. 

a.  Invisible. 
eSrfe^aSOrfOJ,    e9rf£JOeod£)0    f.    »i.     Ex- 

©cross:^    (/b.  of  esc3^3^)  a.    Not  giving, 

n,  A  miser. 
©crojio  (3rd.  pers.  sing.  pres.  of    wrij) 

k.  He  may  be,     esc3»)t3.  He  is. 
e9nDe;;^0  b.  w.  Justice;  a  court  of  justice. 




estrorfl  h.  71.  Enmity,  hatred. 

esaS  s.  n.   The  mother  of  the  gods.     2, 

the  earth, 
eso-rfoo.  =  ycS^j,  q.  v. 

e5a"dj  (=  istitio)  k.  V.  i.  To  tremble, 
shiver,  fear. 

eftiAFoB.  ©az^oor:^  k.  «.  The  creeper 
Gaerlnera  racemosa. 

e£>0^r  a.  k.  ?*.   Trembling,  fear. 

©OeSiji  s.  a.  Indigestive.  n.  Bad 

esrfj  k.  j)J-o.  That,  it.  2,  the  affix  of 
the  3rd  person  singular  neuter  of 
the  negative  mood;  as  sSjscScSj,  Sojs? 
rtdo,  sootJ.cSj. 

eSrion'o.  =  'a3j*o,  k.  q.  v. 

©rfOAO  k.  (\  i.  To  become  soft  by 
pressing.  ^zi:>f\T:x  To  make  soft  by 

e9rfo:;^j3?  (=  5i^J3)  k.  inl.   Lo!  behold  ! 

eScio-cJj  (=  'Jrfcfj)  k.  r.  /.  To  tremble. 
n.  Native  metal.     2,  dandruff. 

esrfosdo  a.  k.  V.  i.  To  be  perplexed. 

^'d.vS  s.  rt.  Unstable.     2,  irresolute. 

ePrfs^n  s.  a.  luvisible;  not  fit  to  be  seen. 

©rfxJi  s.  a.  Unseen,  invisible;  un- 
known. /(.Unforeseen  danger;  destiny, 
fate.  -wo:S,  -StsO.  A  lucky  (or  un- 
lucky) mau. 

©rS  1.  k.  A  termination  of  the  negative 
participle,  us  •S?o,  d,  SAJra  :3. 

eScS  2.  «■«/.  Lo!  look  there,  v.i.  It  is, 
there  is.  5i:3$.  That  very  thing. 

esdo?  k.  JH<.  Ah  !  oh  ! 

?5Ti,  rJ,  eSrfArJ  k.  /;.  An  anvil. 
A  a> 

©a  ^  k.  H.   Immersion,   dippins;  dvins 

S530  k.  t\  <.   To   immerse,   dip:    to   dye. 

CD  7  1  )  J 

2.=  (3CSj,    as   ?7t    cSj3rf;3ti;:;:cSj     t3f5«) 

69:3  f.  a.  Acting.     -'#w=;.  Acting  work. 
59ujJ,ii!  s.  a.  Wonderful,     n.   A  marvel, 
wonder;    surprise. 

ftPcfo  art.  Now,  to-day.  -3;^.  Referrino- 
to  to-day.  -  -'^J33.  The  aorist  (imper- 

©s^ooio  s.  fl.  Not  two,  without  a  second, 
unique,     n.  Non-duality.    2,  identity. 

?£)&)  s.  n.  A  stone;  a  mountain.  2,  a 
tree.    3,  the  sun.    -*c3,.    -■d.  Parvati. 


-*?s3.  The  earth.  -3^.  Tableland. 
-2??Ci<.  Indra.  -O^Cs.  Himalaya. 
-^■BCJ.  Iron. 

^6^1^  s.  a.  Destitute  of  duality,  unique, 
n.  The  doctrine  of  the  identity  of  the 
Brahma  and  the  universe;  pantheism. 

e9qi?i  s.  a.  Destitute  of  wealth  or  pro- 

©V^J  s.  a.  Lowest.      2,  vile,  bad. 

eStjj'd  s.  a.  Lower.  2.  low.  vile.  n.  The 
lower  lip;  the  lip. 

ePqi^or  s.  n.  Unrighteousness,  irre- 
ligion;  wickedness,  ^sz^^r.  An  un- 
righteous or  wicked  man. 

S55  s.  ad.  Above;  over  and  above;  be- 
sides; upon. 

55^^  s.  a.  Additional;  abundant;  inter- 
calated. 2,  surpassing,  superior;  ex- 
cellent, n.  Abundance.  -:^!3.  Very 
much,      -iljssj.  An  intercalar  month. 

S955^'dro  s.  11.  Supremacy.  2,  a  recep- 
tacle, 3,  a  topic.  4,  a  category.  5, 
the  locative  case.  cs^^O^O.  To  aim 
at;  to  master. 

SS^^SOS  s.  a.  Over  and  above,  very 

©ps^Ti  s.  n.  Authority;  government, 
rule,  right.  2,  privilege.  3,  the  use 
of  royal  insignia,  royalty.  4,  an  office. 
-■^JSCaO.  To  empower.  -^,  esSi^s^O.  A 
man  in  authority;  an  officer. 

SS^AJ^s.  a.  Found,  obtained.   2,  learned. 

esp5?rfo,  &59:2s£,  «?5fj'^S  s.  n.  A 
presiding  deity. 

©pc^^orfoS,  eS^x!,  eS^JJS  s.  n.  A  ruler. 

©^^3^  s.  n.  A  supreme  king. 
5;5?oor5  s.  n.  A  ladder. 




©p;5^?i  s.  n.  An  abode,  house. 

SSas^Ti  ^  s.  n.  Standing  by,  abiding.  2, 
an  abode;  a  basis,  site;  a  settlement. 
3,  authority.     ts^^S^  ?^o.  To  govern. 

590?ci  s.  a.  Subject  to,  dependent  upon. 

55^0^  s.  n.  A  lord,  master.  -^.  Au- 
thority, power. 



s.  a.  Kot  bold,  modest. 

?Sv?s!)  f.  n.  A  half-rupee. 
SSi^i' ocior  s.  n.  Want  of  courage,  timidi- 
ty.    -T^JS'-POs.   To  become  timid. 
59^j3?AO   s.    n.    Downward    movement; 

§5J^j3?2pSA  s.  n.  The  lower  part. 
S9c^j3e»5ooa3  s.  ad.    Bending   the    head; 

upside  down. 
e9t3j3°e3j3e^  s.  n.  The  lower  world. 
©rjjo^  s.  a.  Observable,  supervising,  n. 

An  inspector.     -^^.  Superintendence. 
e5i:;;oGJO?3  s.  n.  Reading,  cap.  the  Vedas. 
?5v3n;^  s.  n.  The  supreme  soul. 
©9iio3j5^  s.  71.  A  teacher. 
S9t?Dn3jJo  s.  n.  Instruction,  esp.  on   the 

€5c?^ncdJ  s.  n.  A  lesson,   chapter.     2,  a 

eSijjJj^  s.  a.  Unfixed;  uncertain. 
^i^^  s.  M.  A  road.     2,  time.      3,  sky. 
©qjQTJ  s.  n.  A  sacrifice. 

S9!?3Q?j  s.    a.  Devoid    of    sound,    n.    A 
wilderness.     3.  misfortune. 

?5?o  s.  n.  Breath. 

©ji^j  S5?:;^3  k.    prep.    Till,    until.      2, 

©?j;fio  s.  o.  Sinless,  faultless. 
©?jCa  s.  a.  Incorporeal,    n,  Kama.     2, 

the  ether. 
&7iti   s.  a.  Unclear,  turbid. 
eSfic^OcSo,  e9?ic3ti,'s5o  s.  ?i.  A  bull.  55c^:Sooo, 

ssfdraa  CO.  A  cow. 
SSS^^odo  s.  a.  Not  great,  small. 

?£>^dot^^jti^     s.    n.      The    pluperfect 

tense  ('j'.j. 
&^^^:>'^J5<ZI  s,  a.  Adverse,  unfavourable. 
©jdo^  s.  a.  Endless,  infinite,  eternal,  n. 
Vishnu,  Krishna  or  Siva.    2,  the  sky. 
3,  the  earth.     4,  the  snake  king.    -^,. 
Eternity;    boundlessness. 
eSj^o^TJ  s.   a.   Having   no  interval.     2, 
following,  next.    ad.  Afterwards,  esf^o 
SdrfO,  afterwards. 
S£)j3~o  s.    a.    Not  difi'erent.      2,  unique. 

3,  fixed  on  one  object. 
e5fjsi3^0  s.  a.  Harmless,  innocuous. 
i£>^JjXjt)t^  s.  a.  Innocent,  n.  An  innocent 

i3^7\rSJ  3.  a.  Unfettered,  free;  haughty. 
e5?3^0Q?"  s.  a.  Priceless. 
©jJtjiF   s.   a.    Worthless,    useless;    un- 
happy.    2,  meaningless,  n.  Nonsense. 
W^iZJ,  &^<V0  s.  n.  Fire;  the  god  of  fire. 

2,  digestive  power. 
S9?j^rio  s.  a.  Irreproachable,  faultless. 
&^'^QT>^    s.    a.     Inattentive.      n.     -^■ 

©fj^qj  s.  a.  Unlimited. 
SS^joSu^  s.  a.  Incessant. 
W^'^TjTi  s.  a.  Having  no  leisure. 
es^^  {=  esoJJ)  k.  n.  Suitable  place,  room. 
©fj^?i  s.  n.  Fasting. 
e£)fi?jj3o3o  s.  n.  Unenviousness,  freedom 

from  spite.     2,  the  wife  of  Atri. 
©FjSo^  s.  n.  Disadvantage,  loss. 
e9c3^53ti  s.  a.  Shapeless;  deformed. 
&^T)tST)Ti  s.  a.    Regardless    of  custom, 
unprincipled,  n.  Irreligion;  incivility. 
eSfjBqi  s.  a.   Fatherless,  helpless,   poor. 
-?5?qS.   A   friend  of  the  friendless,    es 
eSSJ^.  A  widow,  helpless  woman. 
©f33rfTi,    ©^srf^Eo    s.    n.     Disrespect, 

eSfjaa  s.  a.  Without  beginning,  eternal. 

n.  Heaven.     -^3^r.  Tradition. 
es^rorfx^  s.  a.  Disrespected,  despised. 
e9c33Sq  s.  a.  Having  no  beginning. 




€9c3aqro'dis  s.  n.  The  state  of  having  no 

©fis^jS',     er?:awO^    s.    «.    Nameless; 

©f:?^^^,  ©JC^^O  s.  n.  The  ring-finger. 
©fTOorfoS'  s.  a.   Without  a  leader,     ad. 

&t::X)aijt)7i  s.   n.    Absence   of   exertion, 

ease.     a.  Easy. 
eSfj^crior  s.  o.  Not-respectable;  vulgar; 

tf)f3Ji^\oU.  s.  ?^.  Want  of  rain,  drought. 
ef^s^jO  f.   n.    The   pine-apple,    Ananas 

^^1%  s.  n.  Absence  of  desire;  indiffer- 

e?^)^0  (=  'i£?^^y)  a.  k.p)-o.  (remote)  That 

much;  that  time;  so  much;  so  many. 

a.    All,     the    whole.       e^iwrfj.     All 

e^oJ^^p  s.  a.  Not   everlasting;  transient, 

©S)^J^  ,    e?5)^Ji^o    s.    a.     Causeless, 

55^)30^:^   s.    a.    Not    winking,    vigilant. 

n.  Not  a  moment.     2,  a  god. 
65^)0^0,30^  s.  a.  Lawless;  irregular. 
©oiC;  s.  n.    Wind   or  air;   the  deity  of 

e5S)S3Ti  a.  Refractory;  excessive. 
?5S)S3aJor  a.  Inavertible.    n.  Calamity. 

©S^  s.  a.  Nightless;  sleepless;  con- 

eSo^M.  s.  a.  Unwished,  disagreeable,  n. 
Ill-luck;  crime;  hatred. 

W^TjO  k.  V.  t.  To  cause  to  say. 

S5^e,§  s.  n.  Injustice,  immorality.  -So 
3.  An  unjust  man. 

es^et:?  s.  n.  One  who  has  no  protector 
or  superior,     a.  Powerless. 

S5nO  1.  k.  11.  {cf.  ^f333),  iSriosS)  Fitness; 
propriety;  loveliness.  2,  worth.  3, 
readiness  {cf.  esfij^arto).  4,  success. 
5,  scheme,  device.    6,  accommodation. 

7,  occurrence;    opportunity,    leisure. 

-7\ii^Ko.    To    make    ready,    prepare. 

-;39rtj.  To  be  ready  or  fit;  an  occasion 

to  happen. 
69^0  2.  =  eirSo^,  q.  v. 
SSJiO  3.  s.  ad.    Afterwards,  then.  prep. 

Along;  with;  severally,  each  by  each; 

towards;  like;  according  to. 
©oJoS'cSj  s.  n.   Sympathy,    compassion, 

SfJ^OS'TJOS  s.  n.  Imitation;  resemblance. 

-Srt, -Sw.   An  imitative  word,      es?!) 


■tfOJ^J.  To  imitate.      2,  to  accept.     3, 

to  make  ready. 
©NOS'sir  s.  n.  Attraction. 
©^oS'jsiy  s.  a.   Favourable,   agreeable. 

11.  (=-^)    Good- will;   suitableness  of 

circumstances,    convenience;    favour, 

help.     -aj«)::=o,    ss^o^-'tOSo.       To    be 

favourable;  to  help.    -^^^J.  To  agree; 

to  obtain. 
25fjo5j^j  s.  n.  Succession,  method. 
©jjO^j'^ioTO  s.  n.    Methodical   arrange- 
S£)?:'o^,'dOr5^  s.  n.  A  table  of  contents; 

a  preface. 
ef);^OA  s.  a.  Going  after,  n.  A  companion; 

a  servant. 
e^NOA^  s.  a.  Gone  after,  n.  A  follower. 
eSFiOA^  B.  n.  Succession,  order. 
e5;iOA^?i  s.  a.  Following,  n.  Sati. 
©jiOTra^SO  s.  11.  A  follower,   companion. 
eSNOAO^a  s,  a.    Congenial    with.       -3^. 

©jiOAj^    s.    «.      Conferring     benefits, 

favour,  kindness;  aid.     -sSjsorfo, -53:3. 

To  gain  favour. 
e9?;oA,cc?io  s.   r.  /.   To    favour,    grant, 

esjio&l;^  s.  a.  Improper;  wrong. 
ef)?JO&l,  e5?ioai3^  s.  a.  After-born.  n.  A 

younger  brother. 
^jiosSecS  s.  a.  Living  on  (others),   n.  A 


17  esjdosie) 

S9JoOj3  s.  h.  Assent,    permission;     leave 

to  depart.      2,  an  order. 
&^:i'SS7j  s.  71.   Repentance.     2,  sorrow. 

espio^tiiL.   Penitent. 
e9?oO^  ^J  s.  a.  Highest;  best,  excellent. 
©?jO^  "d  s.  a.   Highest;    best,    excellent. 

2,    low,  inferior.       3,    silent,    without 

any  reply. 
©jioa^  s.  ad.  Every  day,  daily. 
©EoOc^aJJ  s.  n.  Salutation,  courtesy.     2, 

entreaty.      3,  conduct;   discipline. 
©F^JXl^o  s.  71.    Absence    of    the  means 

of  subsistence;  need. 
W^J7jti§>     s.    71.    Non-accomplishment; 

^TidtiJj'^^  s.  a.  Non-accomplished;   de- 
ficient, fbest. 
W^oti-^d  s.  a.  Incomparable,    peerless; 
tPfiOTJe)  .3  s.  11.  The  response  in  a  chorus. 


eSc^OojDjri  s.  71.  Alliteration. 

e^fioeOo^i  s.  n.  Binding,  connection.  2, 
an  uninterrupted  series.  3,  conse- 
quence, result.  4,  motive.  5,  an 
indicatory  letter.  6,  commencement. 
-■SvoSj.  An  auxiliary  verb  (as  ^j3S?j, 
iti  ^oc^o'^JS^O)). 

€9J?J83o20  s.  n.  A  reflection,  ^ci-^i^oi^j^o. 
V.  i.  To  be  reflected. 

©NO^i^S^  s.  71.  Knowledge  from  obser- 
vation, enjoyment,  experience.  2,  ap- 
prehension, understanding.  -53j3i3 
=§Ji'-i:k.  To  make  one's  self  acquainted 

e5FJ0^S?jJ  s.  r.  t.  To  experience:  to 
enjoy,  suffer,  undergo. 

©J^oepsrf  s.  71.  Dignity,  authority.  2, 

e5fiJE^j3?A  s.  71.  Enjoyment.  2,  experi- 
ence, undergoing. 

©?iOi^;3e?s?jJ  s.  V.  t.  To  enjoy.  2,  to  ex- 

©c^J^o  s.  a.  Approved;  permitted,  al- 
lowed.     71.  =  ej^sio^. 

©jio^oS  (=  esr^ao:^  M.)  s.  11.  Assent, 
permission;  approbation. 

e9?jO»^oS?jJ  s.  ('.  t.  To  assent,  agree.  2, 
to  persuade. 

eS^O^JS^  s.  n.  Hesitation,  doubt,  sus- 
picion. 2,  inference  fm  logic).  -zS^^j, 
-Sj^.  To  doubt,  e<c. 

e5cJ0^raS)?jJ  s.  i'.  <.  To  doubt,  hesitate; 
to  suspect. 

es^O'Soecrfo  s.  a.  Inferable.  y)cio^J?oDj 
Xo.  To  infer. 

S9?^0^j3?rfs,  n.  Pleasure  from  sympathy; 
assent,  acceptance.  esc^»3j3?a:=oJ  i'.  i. 
To  feel  sympathetic  joy;  to  assent. 

©JjOOjjSfA  s.  11.  A  question.     2,  reproof. 

e5??oo5jjea;?J  s.  w.  a  question.  2,  at- 
tachment. esoSJodjs^z^JoJ  w.  i.  To  at- 
tach, join. 

©jioTJ'o-  ,  e9j:i0O'37\  s.  «.  Affection,  love, 
devotion.  eso^!J*j?io,  ss?jODe)^^Xo  i\  i. 
t'.  j.  To  love;  to  be  fond  of. 

eSc^OTDeiv  s.  71.  The  seventeenth  lunar 

es^^oejszi  s.  n.  Tautology.  ^oiJC^iJj;^ 
y.  <.  To  repeat  the  same  word. 

e5?ioe3?Zjci  s.  71.  Ointment;  anointing. 
eSoj053?(LXJ  V.  t.  To  anoint. 

SS^io'd^rjj  s.  n.  Following;  concurring. 
2,  compliance,  obedience.  3,  con- 
tinuance. 4,  consequence.  eS(v>^53Sr?jO 
1'.  <.  To  refer  or  apply.     2,  to  follow. 

eSJjOSsrf  s.  n.  Repetition;  confirmation. 
2,  slander,  esf^ssa^^j  v.  i.  To  reason, 

esjio^  (=e5FiJ),  -^;io4  k.  w.  Prepara- 
tion for  setting  out.     2,  refreshment. 

e5fjj^\§  s.  «.  Complying  with.  2,  re- 
verting to.     3,  imitating;  conformity. 

©^ot^odo  s.  71.  Close  connection.  2,  evil 
result.     3,  repentance.     4,  wrath. 

e5?i0as;^fj  s.  11.  Regulating;  instruction, 

©JjJSj;?  ^  s.  »i.  Undertaking;  per- 
formance, practice,  business,  tsj^j^^ij 
V.  t.  To  perform. 





e9pj0rdc!?3?i  s.  n.  Investigation.    2,  plan, 

scheme.   e?Sj?;oS)?oJ  r.  <.  To  join,  con- 
nect; to  meet. 
eSEJOrjdr©,    S9?io?3a'd   s,    ?i.    Following, 

imitating.      2,  conformity  to.   Wc^JrSt) 

dCTsA.  According  to. 
e5JoJ?j5?io  s.  r.  t.  To  act  in  like  manner; 

to  follow. 
es?j0?^s5  s.  n.  A  follower. 
e£)?^0?ds&r5  s.  71.  (lit.  She   who   follows) 

K.  of  the  second  string  of  o  lute. 
^^Ordz^Ti  s.  n.  After-sound;  the  nasal 

sound  represented  by  o  (g.). 
^^ji"^   s.   n.    The    spine.     2,  race.     3, 

C5jojs?j    s.    a.    Undiminished,    not    less; 

©c^jaT^O  s.  a.     Thighless.  m.  Aruna;    the 

ft?^\3;j  s.  a.  Xot  straight.     2,  wicked. 
^^\^  s.  a.  Untrue,    n.  Falsehood,   lie. 

2,  agriculture. 
e)c3  k.  Su/^x  to  form  adverbs,  as  f3U,r5, 

eSjSocSo,  eSfS?  k.  Suffix  to  denote  ordinals, 
as  53j3cSt)f35j  oiti^SfS^,  sSjJsdfS^,  e<iJ. 

e5c3?^  s.  a.  Not  one,  many,  several. 
-^tf.  In  different  ways,  various.  -^ 
S^r.  Many  times. 

eSo^  1.  (=  esoqs,  q.  v.)  k.  ad.  Such,  such 
a  one.     2,  p.  p.  of  ^c^-i- 

&0^  2.  s.  n.  End,  limit,  boundary.  2, 
completion;  death,  decay.  3,  a  final 
syllable  (g.).  4,  certainty.  5,  dispo- 
sition.    6,  nearness.     7,  inside. 

©c^S  (=  aoc^D*)  s,  ad.  Within,  in  tho 
middle.  2,  between,  -^tfra.  Tho  inner 
organ,  the  heart,  conscience,  soul.  2, 
(fig.)  favour,  love,  mercy  (  =  ciDli, 
^jj^S).  -^dcs^c^j.  To  have  mercy.  -5' 
A  man  whose  mind  is  pure. 
jrf.  Tho  inner  or 
female  apartment,  gynaeceum.  -ioa. 
Inward  purity.  -nS^^.  Having  internal 

-f^ijU.  Inner  strife. 

e5c^S?d  (cf.  ec3;^j.)  s.  a.  Being  amidst. 
n.  A  semi-vowel. 

690^3^  s.  ft.  Making  an  end.  n.  Death, 

eSc^S;..  See  s.  ao^J. 

©0:^5.  =  eso;^!,  q.  v. 

?£>o^xi  s.  a.  Inner,  interior.  2,  near; 
related.  3,  distant;  different.  4, 
surpassing,  n.  The  interior.  2,  the 
soul  (5ioSOT3l^).  3,  interval;  distance; 
difference.  4,  a  variety.  5,  period 
of  time;  occasion.  6,  respect.  7, 
a  surety.  8,  great  height.  9,  obstacle 
(esoocra^).  10;  at  the  end  of  cpds. 
different,  another,  as  :o«3t)o3tf,  a- 
nother  country;  £ic3\o3ti,  S3Je)oi?Jeio 
;Sd,  eSjS^^-sosd,  etc.  sso^ods!^.  The 

©o^doTs  s.  11.  The  inner  part;  mind, 
heart.     2,  secrecy. 

©oi^IJAC^  s.  **.  A  water-plant,  Pistia 

©o^do^'rf  s.  a.  Leaving  a  proper  dis- 
tance when  sitting  at  meals,  or  space 
between  hills,  etc. 

eSc^'GSC^TJ  s.  11.  The  inner  soul.  2, 

©oi^Ct/OoJ  s.  11.  Obstacle,  impediment. 

©oollDe^  s.  11.  Intermediate  space  or 

©oSb"^.   s.  n.  Atmosphere,  sky. 

e9o^5?jJ  s.  V.  t.  To  leave  a  space  be- 
tween.  2,toputoflf.  v.i.  To  disappear. 

S5o;^Dot3  (0  =  63')  k.  yrep.  Afterwards. 

©c^SQoajoJo  k.  n.  An  internal  organ  ; 
manas,  buddhi,  ahankara  and  chitta. 

&o^7\r^  s.  a.  Included  in.  2,  hidden; 

e)o;^c?sr?i  s.  n.  Disappearance. 

^o^c^i^F^  s.  a.  Internal,  inner. 

eSo^^road,  e5csA\rSos.  «.  An  inner 

©c^^^OOFSO  s.  n.  Continual  attention  of 
the  mind. 

S5o:^odor  19 



iSo^Cki^^  s.  n.  The  interior.    2,  a  hidden 

e9o;^ocij3r30  s.  n.  The  supreme  soul. 
S90is?iri  3i  s.  M.  Inward  heat:  distress. 
©oi^Xio  r^ft-  0/  yioSS^)  a.  Being  between. 

M.  A  story  of  a  building.     2,  degree 

of  rank. 

'tj   s.  n.  A  secret. 

e5c:^5o  a.  k.  =  s5o3j,  q.  v. 

55033  (=  esoqj,  g.  y.)  ad.  Such.     2,  =  ss 

e>o33jS,  ©oB,  e<c.  =  y>oSJ^3^(3,  es(^|„, 
S9oB3^  s.  aci.  Near.  n.  Vicinity.  2,  end. 
iDc^O  k.  ad.  In  that  manner,  thus,  so. 
71.  The  whole,  total,  eso^^si ,  esoSSo. 
Such,  such  a  one.  esoSo^So  (=  ©o^o- 
'SoSj).  Either  so  or  thus,  at  any  rate. 
aoJ^js.  And  so ;  as  for,  as  2oJ3?55§ 
eo^ja  ;|j5$rf05J^,  as  for  new  ones  they 
did  not  appear. 

esoi  1.,  «5ciie  k.  acL  Even  so;  just  like; 

just  as  (ssoii). 
e9cii2.  k.  d.  V.  It  is  said  ;  see  s.  ss^Jj. 
^o^n  s.  a.  Last;  final.       2,  lowest,  n. 

The   end.     -te,     -2ifi.    Lowest    born; 

a  Sudra. 
e9o<iiis.5U,  s.  n.  Funeral  ceremonies. 

eSo^  tb.  of  eso;^ti,  q.v.  as  ^S^srso^, 
sSJJioao^,  e^c.     2,  entrail,  gut. 

eSoqi,  ©oqjs  {=  6503?)  k.  acL  Such,  of 
that  kind,  as  ^i?  oqi,  SooU.iSoqjs,  'atfj 
SjoqjTiCjO  ,  efc.  esoqjoqjs.  Such  and  such. 

ePod  (=e3fjjl)  k.  «.  Fitness;  beauty. 
2,  manner.  3,  nature;  faculty.  4,  true 
state,  -riaxj.  To  spoil,  ruin.  -tISj. 
To  become  ugly.  -rl^S.  An  ugly  crea- 
ture. -iijss???0.  To  cause  to  look  nice. 
-Sid.  To  be  beautiful.  -n^zS.  A  hand- 
some man;  f.  -A^rf^'J,     -n-iSr. 

©orfr®,  iSczi^  (tb.  of  wocS^ra^EJ)  n.  A 
litter,  palankeen. 

eSorf^  (fr.  Brrfo)  k.  If  one  says;  that  is 
to  say.  ^0^  ssorfd'oiJ  what  is  sandhi? 

ef)OCJ32iO  h.  «.  Proportion;  estimate.     ^- 

WOj.  To  make  an  estimate. 
^cZiSij^^iJO  k.   n.    An    evergreen    tree, 

Carallia  integerrima. 
efoa^O'n;*    k.  n.    A    small    insect    that 

infests  grain. 
^O^d  1.  k.  ad.  At  that  time,  then.  13^  o 

cSj.   Childhood.     «5oa?jorf.  Since  then. 

e^oSii.  Then.  esodociJ.  Always. 
eSorfo  2.  k.  V.  t.    To  suffer;    to  get  at; 

to  obtain,  v.  i.  To  reach,  arrive. 
©o^l)^  s.   n.    A    chain,    fetter.      2,  an 

©cdoAO  k.  H.  The  clearing  nut  plant, 

Strychnos  potatorum. 
©ocS  .  =  esorfd,  (/.  i', 

eSo:;^  s.  a.  Blind,  n.  Darkness.  2,  tur- 
bid water,  ©oqs^cidzs^cij  Ix.  A  bad 

©czji^  s.  a.  Blind,  n.  A  blind  man.  2, 
darkness.      3,  water. 

e9orf3t)TJ  s.  H.  Darkness.  -'5'^,  -Sjjjic 
=5ja«?J,.  Darkness  to  cover. 

iScz^j  f.  ?t.  The  Telugu  country;  a 
Telugu  man. 

iS^^  1.  {—  iSr^)  a.  k.  ad.  That  time; 
meanwhile,  -lorf,  -Jo5.  So  long  as, 

©?i^  2.  s.  n.  Food,  esp.  boiled  rice.  2, 
the  sun;  water.  -jrijra.  One's  al- 
lotment to  eat  rice.  -tfosJ?^.  One  who 
hinders  another's  living.  -t?ja?io, 
-i3?Xj.  To  boil  rice.  -rS3.  Depending  on 
food.  -^^-  A  building  in  which  food 
is  distributed.  -539;^,  -n^S).  A  giver 
of  food.  - 33=) oi.  Giving  of  food.  -i^5^- 
Want  of  appetite.  -SjiSfS.  Digestion. 
-Sssuqir.  Rice  and  curry.  -^'?>7i. 
Meat  and  drink.  -SJs  sSfi.  The  cere- 
mony of  putting  rice  into  a  child's 
mouth  for  the  first  time.  -^?a.  Green 
vitriol.  -SX„.  Food  and  clothinsr. 
-3?oS.  Feeding  the  hungry,  ^^-^^izi^. 
Want  of  food.  -^^'S^J,  -'^'^^J,,  -toa^Jj. 
To  serve  up  rice  at  a  meal.  -?3?tfj. 



-3o.'^';rto.  To  have  an  appetite.  ^^^ 
^T.  A  beggar. 
e?jiON  k.  r.  i.  To  say,  speak,  name.  t5^ 
=;0.  To  cause  to  say,  etc.  w^Aj^js^Jj. 
To  be  called,  to  pass  for.  (  bocSj, 
eso^,  «£03t),  having  said,  for  which 
often  oiocSj,  etc.  are  used).  The  verb 
eajiA,  like  o^?^,  is  wsed  to  introduce 
tvords  and  sentences,  as  »iO  ^1  3oJ3^ 
rtO  ao;^  'CT5S?rfn3j,  he  asked  "where 
shall  I  go?"  S5o:5.  Having  said,  it  is 
said.  eiociS.  That  is  to  say  (explana- 
tory). ^ri^i^^^'S.  Saying.  • 
ef)jjv(=:yc^  l)a. k.  ad.  Meanwhile,  until. 

2,  truly,  certainly. 
©f^o,    eSfiq^     s.    a.     Other,    another, 
different;     foreign.       -t33^.    Another 
caste,  -d;^.  A  foreign  country.  -Sjs?'. 
Cooked    by   others.     -zpTi^.  The  mind 
of  another,    -zpi)^.  Another  language. 
©ftQ^nJ  s.  a.  Either  of  the  two. 
^^:n-^i  s.  ad.  Elsewhere. 
eji^nqro  s.  ad.  Otherwise;  in  a  different 

©c3Socc5o  s.  n.  Unlawfulness,    injustice. 

-n?tf.  An  unjust  man. 
©Njsoe^o  s.  a.  Mutual,  n.  Reciprocity. 
2,  intimacy,  friendship,  amity.  -"^355. 
Mutual  affection.     -s^rtJ.  To  become 
reconciled.       -?iC3S.     Conversation. 
-;4?3o-  Mutual  friendship. 
^^^aio  s.   n.   Succession;    connection. 
2,  race,  family.     3,  grammatical  con- 
struction of  a  sentence  (g.).     4,  drift, 
purport,     esfd  oaj?ij.  To  construe;    to 
arrange  words  in  order. 
e9jjQ^qir  s.  a.  Intelligible,  clear.    -r3=)So. 

A  word  of  self-evident  meaning. 
©jCjQsaodo  s.  n.  Family,  race. 
?5F3J)Q  ODs  s.  a.  Deposited.     2,  renewed, 

as  a  sacred  fire. 
©a^o  s.  a.  Connected;  understood. 
©N^ojs^r©  s.  n.  Searching,  investigation. 

9S7j  2.  s.  ad.  Away.     2,  negatively,  con- 
tradictorily.    3,  without. 
iSTi'SDXi  s.  71.  Wrong,  offence,  liarm.     2, 

wickedness.   555i=r30.  An  offender. 
^7!,-&^Bf  s.  n.  Reproach.     2,  disgrace, 
infamy.     -sSjsocSj.   To    be   disgraced. 
-:3orfj'^J5V<J).  To  incur  disgrace. 
eS3j3'\^n  s.  n.   A   wrong    act;    damage, 

eSs3^'rfo  s.  n.    Going    away.     2,  flight. 

3,  (=  ts^sD)  disorder. 
©jj^Q  s.  a.  Uncooked,  raw.     2,  unripe. 
eSsiiODnS  s.  n.  Injured  reputation,   dis- 
?£)ti7\4  s.  a.  Gone,  departed.    2,  deceased. 

essirtS.  Low  condition. 
eSSjtssTJ  s.  n.  Improper  conduct;  offence, 

mistake.     2,  defect. 
©sisiB  s.  n.  Honour,  respect.     2,  loss. 

3,  expense. 
?3Zjdiaio   s.   n.    Defeat,     reverse,    loss. 
-s;3;53o.    To   defeat.     -2oj3orfj.    To   be 
?5tidiT)  ^   s.  n.  Concealment    of    know- 
S9^;aN?3'  s.  a.  Wifeless,  n.  A  widower. 
SSsja^o  s.  «.  Offspring,  a  child. 
essjqin  s.  rt.  Unfit,  unwholesome,  n.  Bad 

diet.     2,  a  lie. 
©Sii^s^o  ('i-)=  eao)  k.  ?i.  Slander,  calum- 
ny; disgrace.     -'SC^J,  -SJSCeO,  -iS3=5'j. 
To   calumniate.      -sSj.  To    be     dis- 
graced, [state. 
WTj^T^  {tb.  of  «5*Sc!^)  n.  A  low  miserable 
SSJj^e^   s.  ??.  A    pretence.      2,  a   butt, 

mark.     3,  fame.     4,  quarter. 
WT^zf^CTj   s.    n.    Falling  away;    degra- 
sf)3J?ios!)^,  e93ijio83;?,  essijiosoo;^  k.  n. 

Distrust,  mistrust;  unbelief. 
©si^ocS  s.  n.  Abuse,   reproach.      -SjJSO 

?io.  To  accuse  falsely. 
e)3C!^o3j3?A  s,  n.  Misapplication. 
S53j23)0^  s.  n.  Incorrect  language. 





©rJ^Je)?:^   (=  essiSjSc^)  s.   ?i.  Disrespect, 
dishonour,  disgrace.     -»5J3:^o.  To  dis- 
?£)z!^\^Jqs.  n.    A    sudden   or    violent 
death.     2,  a  minor  death,    i.e.  a  des- 
perate sickness. 
e£)3jT3  s.  a.  Hinder,  later.     2,  following. 
3,  other.       4,    diiferent;    distant,     n. 
The    hind    foot     of     an   elephant.     2, 
the  future.     3,  the  west. 
«f)z;'dceS  f.  M.    Pure  gold. 
^■^xity^.  s,  n.  The  latter  or  dark  half 
of  the  month.     2,  the  other  side,    de- 
eSsi'dusSj,    ©SjTjsS,    s.    n.     The    latter 
half  of  the  night.  [Siva. 

e9^Ut>22^  s.  a.  Unconquered.  n.  Vishnu; 
^tiXj^ris  s.  a.  Sinned;  guilty. 
©^iCDv  s.  H.  Offence,  crime,    2,  penalty, 
punishment.     3,  fault,  mistake.     -^ 
<SjA)23:Sj.    To    pardon    an    aparadha. 
-€j3:Sj.  To   pay    a   fine.     -SJeiSo.   To 
commit    an    aparadha.       -Sojsijj.    To 
charge   an    aparadha  upon. 
^tiViDi^Tj ,  essSu^O  s.  ?i.  A  guilty  person, 

S>3JU35o   Jt.  The  afternoon. 
©3iQSo^  s.  a.  Unmeasured,  unlimited. 
^tj-6j?it>   (tb.  es^djssi)  s.  a.    Ugly.      2, 

uncommon,  rare. 
W7j<VT)Zj    s.    ?i.      Denial,      abnegation; 
hiding.    2,  an  outcry.    ^^<D^h7io.  To 
deny  ;  to  cry  out. 
©Zj^sarf  s.  n.  Evil  speaking,  blame.     2, 

refutation.      3,  exception. 
e£)z!.33j  s.  a.   Impure,  unclean. 
eSSjEiS'oFi  s.  n.  A  bad  omen. 
eS^jtfSO   s.  ?i.  A  harsh  word.     2,  incor- 

rect  language. 
e5Zj?jrf  s.  H.  An  outcaste. 

&t,Ti-d.  tb.  of  essJ^Mjrf,  Q.  I'. 

©3i;^-S-,  s.  n. 

False  witness. 
n.    An    erroneous    con- 

iSJjT^^.Ti    s.   n.     Forgetfulness;    uncon- 
sciousness.     2,  epilepsy. 

eSTi^jQTJ  s.  n.  An  unmusical  sound.     2, 
a  hoarse  voice. 

©SjSo'doa  s.  n.  Taking  away;   stealing. 

esrlScQ^io  s.v.t.  To  take  away;  to  rob, 

ef)3iS3'd  s.  n.  Taking  away.     2,  stealing. 
S3j3c33^33'3d.  Defamation. 

©siSolJrfo  s.  n.  Ridicule,  scorn,  mockery. 
-sijacSo.  To  mock  at. 

8£)o3t)OA  s.  a.  Deformed,     n.  The   outer 
corner  of  the  eye.   2,  a  sectarian  mark. 

©SjD^QOiJo      s.     n.       Concealment      of 

CSjS^j  s.  a.   Unworthy,  unfit. 

©sronsfj  s.  n.  The  ablative  case  (g.). 

eSSIs^psS  k.  a.    Stray,   as  cattle;    dis- 
orderly, as  a  man;  ill-done. 

e9S33o:iJ    s.    n.     Going    away.        2,  de- 
struction.    3,  evil.     4,  peril,  danger. 

©Sj^'d    s.     a.     Shoreless,     unbounded; 
immense.  [ment. 

©S^at^r  s  a.  Unmeaning,  n.  False  argu- 

©SS^odO  s.  ?t.   A   refuge.      2,  a  fence, 
hedge,  a.  Helpless. 

©b  s.  p?-ep.  On;  near  to.    ad.  Moreover. 
2,  though.     3,  certainly.     4,  perhaps. 

esbt?3?i  s.  n.  Covering.     2,  a  cover. 

e9^sj  s.  a.  Sonless. 

eS^gjj^"^  s.  H.  Exemption  from  further 

transmigration  (=  Sjj*^). 
^^tXs^  s.  a.   Not  flowering. 
eSEgfSS  s.  n.  A  cake  of  flour,  etc. 
eS^dr  s.  a.  Unprecedented.     2,  extra- 
ordinary, wonderful,  unparalleled. 
e5^e-S\?;o  s.v.t.    To    desire,   wish   for; 

to  expect. 
e93;?#v  s.  H.    Desire,   wish;   hope.     -«-) 

y.Jjj.     To  excite  desire,  etc. 
©^iJsSo  s.    '«.    Removal    of    doubt.      2, 


©si.  1.  (pr.  -part,  of  tJrto.  =  wrSosi)  a.  k. 

Becoming;      being,     e.    g.     »j^o^w»j 

55^  22 


^^*     ^^o!^-     As   well   as   possible. 
ssS  o^JsJ.   An  agreeable   or   fit  man. 

©n,  2.  k.  n.  Father ;  c/.  -^^5j  ,  cSjsS 
^,  e/c.  2,  rt»i  fl/^x-  to  proper  name, 
as  ^j^^.  3,  (tb.  of  5f^2)^  a  rice 

??^v^y  f.  a.   Pure,  unmixed. 

e?ZA&3  k.  ?i.  Flatness. 

853^^ ?5  (<b.  o/"  5^:3^ 5ioi)  n.  Order,  com- 
mand, law.  2,  permission,  leave. 
-^;s?j.  To  ask  permission.  -'#j8Sj. 
To  gfive  permission;  to  order.  -3^Jr\ 
9J,,  -mjsocSj.  To  take  leave.  -S3J3 
30.  To  order. 

©^;i  {lb.  of  sssjrra)  n.  Tax;  rent. 

eSsivOSorio  k.  tJ.  «.   To  embrace;  to  seize 

eaurerly.  ri 

"       '  [down. 

SSSi.a^^JO  k,  i\  «.    To  lift  up  and  throw 

^SlLs^to  k.  V.  t.  To  strike  against;  to 
slap.       2,  =  93ii  OsiJ. 

£5L\7i  (=:es^n)  k.  jj.  Joining,  cement- 
ing.    2,  a  patch. 

ef^  1.  k.  r.  /.  To  join,  unite.  2,  to 
embrace,  n.  An  embrace  (wOortoS). 
S5<^^J39J,.  To  embrace,  clasp.  55.^ 
^-"se^jJS,  es^'fjs^j.C'^.  An  embrace. 

©^  2.  {tb.  of  ess:*)  n.  Water. 

SS^\^,  eSA  ^Tj-  k.  ?t.  An  embrace. 

©S^SSS)  s.  a.  Not  shining;  hidden. 

eS^g,  e)^a^O  s.  rt.  Unequalled,  in- 

59^S?!  s.  «.  Instability.  2,  ill-fame, 
dishonour.     -»:Sj3Sj.  To  disgrace. 

©35jS?S  s.  ?i.  Unjust  imputation. 

eS^^O^  s.  a.  Invisible,  imperceptible. 

©JiiaOJC;  s.  a.  Stupid,  dull. 

ej^'rfjsro  s.  a.  Unlimited;  unproved, 
unauthorised;  dishonest,   n.  A  lie. 

©^^je»r55'  (=:e55S^5jJS£55=)  s.  a.  Un- 
proved, unwarranted;  unworthy  of 
being  believed.  -3.  Untruthfulness, 
dishonesty.  (-^^^16. 

©^■^Ogodo  s.  a.  Unfathomable,  iuscru- 

e9^o3j3?335'  s.  rt.  Unserviceable,  useless. 
59^1^:^  s.  a.  Unknown,   obscure.       «S, 

Aia.  M.  The  state  of   being  unknown, 


^^'^io^  s.  a.    Unpraised;    irrelevant; 
unsuitable;    accidental. 

©?^ccio  s.  a.  Disagreeable,  disliked. 

©b)?S  s.  n.  Want  of  love,  disaffection; 

^zf^T$  s.  a.   Modest;    unlearned.       -i. 


e9^Ti,  59^^^,  ©^^^li^,  e53i(>5  s.  «.  A 

celestial  nymph. 
es^ej  s.  o.  Unfruitful.    2,  barren,  useless. 

Opium,     -sisii'^i.  An  opium  eater. 

€920^^^  k.  ad.  Hastily. 

©2035  s.  a.  Unbound.      2,  wrong,  n.  A 

lie,  falsehood.     -a3j3?cJ,  -rratf.  A  liar. 

-".jra^ra.  Lying,     -'^s*.  False  witness. 
esaocco'd,  ©eoorfT?    (tb.   of  ts'^Jrf)    ji. 

Disorder,  confusion;  waste. 
e980(y  s.  a.  Weak,  feeble,     n.  Weakness. 

<isVi^.  A  woman. 
e5a:scl)  f.  rt.  Valueless,  futile,      n.  Tare 

in  weighing.  es'Jj'sci,     -sSjfSjS);,.  A  man 

of  monstrous  circumference.      -550ft. 

A    very    wide    jacket.       -^^,,  -3j3^ 

sJjSb^j.  To  tare. 
©£33;^,   S£)2cro;riJ    f.  n.  Incongruity.     2, 

disagreeableness  ( =  55?i33,). 
©200535  (=!iW5=)0)  h.  n.  Revenue    de- 
rived from  intoxicating  liquors. 
©200  ai.  tb.  of  «sio,  q.  r. 
©20  (tb.  esjAJta)  s.  a.  Born  in  water,    n. 

The  moon.    2,  a  lotus.   3,  a  pearl.  -t?!i. 

A  lotus-like  hand,     -rttpr,  -sa,  -qSS. 

Offspring  of  the  lotus:  Brahma,     -to: 

qSj,  -?;iu.  The  sun.     -asAi^.  Lakshmi. 

-5^0,  tsura  0,  esura  00^.  The  moon. 
©20   s.  M.  A  cloud.     2,  a  year.     -Sooejj. 

The  grass  Cyperus  rotundus. 

^t)  23 


'£i?2  s.  n.  The  ocean.  2,  pure  know- 
ledge (T??»3a;s^  ?!).  3,  right  behaviour 
(^5^).  -23, -oiocSc^.  The  moon.  ~^od)c^, 
-SDODo.  Vishnu. 

i920„  ^520,20,,  e9S33,  k.  int.  Ha!  2,  ah, 
zs        zj  ts  eJ 


SSO.'d,  ^ei.'ds?  k.  »i.  A  loud  cry;  sound, 
report;  noise.      2,  desire. 

S20  8?CiO  k.  ('.  i.  To  cry  aloud;  to  bark, 
liowl.      2,  to  desire. 

!S20  ^^  k.  n.  Eructation  or  belching. 

Sl^jt  'S,  k.  n.  Soot;  mould. 

Se3  k.  ?(.  A  plant  from  which  pens  are 
made.     2,  (<b.  of  esoW)  mother. 

S20Jj  h.  n.  Honour,  reputation. 

^2^^    a.  a.  Undevout;  unbelieving. 

'32^o7\  s.  o.  Not  breaking;  without 

iS^cdJ  s.  a.  XJnfearful,  fearless.  n. 
Fearlessness,  peace,  safety.  -^, -^J3:^o. 
To  give  assurance  of  security.  -S333, 
-S  533c^.  Giving  safety. 

6£)£pSi  s.  a.  Unborn. 

SSepSAQS.  a.  Unfortunate,  poor;  wretch- 

e92ps&;?j  s.  a.  Improper,  n.  Impropriety. 

K'sps'rf  s.  n.  Non-existence,  absence. 
2,  omission.  3,  death.  --^oSj.  The 
negative  mood  (3.). 

eseP  s.  ad.  On.  2,  towards.  3,  in  pre- 
sence of.      4,  intensely.  [term. 

©cpSDo,  eSEpsSo  s.  n.  A  name;   a  word, 

eS^A^O^  s.  n.  Coming  near.  2,  adora- 
tion (of  idols)  at  noon. 

©cp^Jei;^  s.  n.  Attack;  injury,  loss. 

©^yraTJ  s.  n.  Ghee  put  on  food  or 

ef)£pei'd  s.  n.  A  servant. 

©EptJeiTJ  s.  n.  Incantation,  sorcery. 

eSEpftifj  s.  n.  Race,  family,  ancestors. 
2,  fame  ;  a  badge  of  honour. 

e5Ep2d3^  s.  a.  Well-born,  noble.  2, 
proper.      3,  learned. 

?5tp22§  s.  a.  Victorious,  n.  Midday. 

©83&!   s.  a.  Knowing,  clever.     -^,    5Sif) 

s?  oi.  Knowledge. 
ef)£p93?i,  eS^J^  s.  n.  A  name.  2,  speech; 

a    word.      3,  sense,   meaning.       4,  a 

©sP^jcdJ  s.  n.  Indication  of  a  passion  by 

look  or  gesture.       2,  dramatic  repre- 
sentation.    eszpjrfo3o?jJ.    To    represent 

dramatically;  to  imitate. 
eScpco^  s-  «•  Quite  new;  fresh,    young. 

esiPcitD^iJ.  To  become  new. 
e5^S)^?^  s.  M.  Inclination,  attachment. 

2,  determination. 
©gp^-j  s.  a.  Unbroken,  undivided.       2, 

unaltered;  identical. 
eSEpSj^jodo  s.n.  Aim,  purpose,  intention, 

opinion;  meaning.    -53j3:Sj.  To  inter- 
eS'dp^Oi^  s.  a.  Assented  to.      2,  wished. 

«.  Desire,  wish.    «5iP^jS?io.  To  assent 

to,  approve  of. 
eSEp^oo^O©  s.  n.  Calling,  inviting.     2, 

consecrating  by    a  formula    (>3jo:^). 

esjpsSoo^SjJ.  To  consecrate;  to  charm. 
e5£ps:5of:^On  s.  n.  A  son  of  Arjuna. 
e9£p^J3?3  s.  n.  Conceit,  pride.     2,  noble 

feeling;   affection,  love;    self-respect. 

-coQ.    To  love.  -f^^.  A  proud  female. 
©Sp^JSo)     s.  n.  A     person     of     noble 

feelings.       a.  Proud. 
©cp^reSirio  s.  v.t.  To  honour;  to  love^ 

to  shelter,  protect. 
eSSp^ooSO  s.  a.  Facing,  fronting.    2,  ap- 
?52Pc3j3?A  s.  n.   Application;  exertion. 

2,  an  attack;  fight;  a  charge. 
©ePT3a;^0     s.    rt.    Pleasing,     delightful, 

©^■dosJ  s.  n.  Desire,  taste,  pleasure. 
esepTJjsSi  s.  a.  Pleasing,  handsome. 

ese^e^s^A     ©tpe^s^J.  s.  n.  Desire,  wish  . 
es'cPc3ii;^j.  To  desire,  wish. 

Respectful  salutation.    53Z?Soao.  To 
salute  respectfully. 





8£>^rf\0  s.  n.  Increase;   prosperity;  suc- 
cess; progress. 
eS^'^Sj  s.  «.   Curse;   calumny. 

eS^s^^CA  s.  »j.  Union.  2,  attachment. 
3,  debt.     4,  a  curse. 

CS^^a'S'  s.  a.  Sprinkled  over;  inaugu- 
rated, enthroned. 

©^T^e^'  s.  «.  Sprinkling  over;  conse- 
cration, inauguration.  2,  the  liquid 
used  for  sprinkling.  3,  purifying 
an  idol  with  ablutions.  s3fa'9,jj,53t'5'. 
Coronation  of  a  king.  -Sjsci^j,  ejz^ 
^?T?iJ.  To  sprinkle  over;  to  inaugu- 

©Eprfkjr©  s.  a.  Going  towards;  dis- 
persion;   following. 

eSEpSoB  s.  n.  A  stroke;   injury. 

e5£p53ti'rf  s.  n.  Seizing,  robbing.  2, 
an  attack.     3,  reversion.     4,  exertion. 

eSEpf-CTv  ?i3  s.  V.  i.  To  look  towards. 

eSEp?^,  s.  a.  Wished,  desired.  2,  ac- 
ceptable.  -^^-  Gaining  of  a  desired 

eSs^erf  s.  n.  Absence  of  difference; 

©£^e:r!n  s.  a.  Impenetrable;   indivisible. 

©EfinOA,      ©^OOAfj,      ej^'ino&ijo      S.     11. 

Smearing  the  body  with  unctuous 
substances.     2,  an  unguent. 

eS^nJjO^    s.  n.  Permission;   order. 

^?^no^xi  s.  n.  The  interior.  2,  an  ob- 
stacle, impediment.  -sSjscij,  s5Ui,o30 
?to.    To  hinder. 

©£i5o£:^rfJ  s.  n.  Worship,  reverence. 

e5^o?j    s.  a.  Practised  ;  studied. 

©2p?oA^  s.  a.  Come,  arrived.  n.  An 
uninvited  guest. 

fflSiTOnA^So  s.  n.  Arrival ;   visit. 

esspropd  s.  n.  Use,  habit.  2,  study,  learn- 
ing. 3,  practice,  exercise,  -fia^ij, 
«5q%A)?ij.  To  study,    practise,    cpds: 

eSSprnA;  s.  n.  A  student. 

e5^J^3^?r,  ^2^do^^:>s.n.  Rising,  ele- 
vation; increase,  prosperity. 

©^  s.  n.  A  cloud.  2,  sky,  atmosphere. 
3,  the  eye.  4,  talc,  mica.  -^  =  S. 
N.  of  Siva.  -rtarcJ.  Thunder.  -Sjrf. 
Heaven's  gem:  the  sun,  moon.  -Sjsd. 
Succession  of  clouds. 

€92^^  s.  n.  The  sedge  Cyperus  rotandus. 
2,  talc,  mica. 

eSsiotSjjS;*  k.  n.  Tumult. 

eS^JA   k.  n.  A  fit  opportunity  ;    festive 

occasion.     2,  season. 
©dOAO  (=  ^ssij'e'J)  k.    1-.  <.    To   squeeze, 

55»^JOAe^  s.  a.  Inauspicious,  unlucky. 
-*d.  Causing  ill-luck.  -tSO.  One  who 
causes  ill-luck.  -2330.  One  who  averts 
ill-luck.  eiiSoortsS.  A  widow. 

eS^OOAOTi  k.  n.  A  medicinal  shrub, 
Physalis  flexuosa. 

esrfoB  (tb.  of  Bow^),  -^o3j.  ?i.  A  hog- 

e?^0^  s.  «.  Unfelt,  imperceptible. 

esrfoS  s.H.  Unconsciousness;  ignorance. 

SfsiOcvO^.ns.  a.  Not  human.  «.  A  demon. 

S9j5o^O  k.  Y?!i.  of  surpi'ise  and  pain: 
Ha!   alas! 

esdoTlJ  s.  a.  Immortal,  n.  A  god.  2,  quick- 
silver. -cS^i^.  A  shrubby  creeper. 
-=^J3°^.  N.  of  the  Samskrita  dictionary 
by  Amarasimha.  -rtorl,  -fia.  The 
celestial  Ganges.  -^.  Immortality. 
-sS3.  Indra.  -djs^*.  Heaven.  tsSjO, 
?s5l)3.  A  female  deity. 

eS^OCSDj  s.  n.  The  mountain  of  the 
gods:   Meru. 

K'rfo'Oa'rfS  s.  n.  The  abode  of  the  gods. 

e9^&^,  esdo^r  k.  «.  Fitness,  suitable- 

^'^^TJo  k.  V.  i.  To  be  closeh'  united;  to  be 
linked  to.  2,  to  arise,  appear.  3,  to 
be  fit;  to  fit,  4.  to  fall  upon;  to 
climb.  5,  to  embrace.  esSoO^iJ.  To 
cause  to  join;  to  prepare;  to  reprove. 




^■^dti:)F  ('=e5^0Q?jJ)  k.  V.  t.  To  join. 

2,  to  apply.    3,  to  put  on.    4,  to  seize. 

5,  to  prepare;  to  perform.    essSot^rXo. 

To  cause  to  join. 
^Ti^^or"  s.  rt.  Immortal,     w.  A  god. 

©^OSJJF"  f^b.  o/"  5^550^^,  a-  I'-.)  ".  Am- 
brosia. 65^0, dor rf.  A  god.  -rsarf. 
The  moon. 

©rfoodJSFcS  3.  M.  Disrespect,  rudeness, 

esdosir  s.  n.  Non-endurance.  2,  impa- 
tience; passion. 

©rfo5  £9;^0G)J  1.  b.  n.  Intoxication, 
drunkenness,  -wrtj,  -oitfj,  -Soab^.  To 
be   drunk,     -risrf.     A  drunkard. 

©siO!^,  eS^oeJO  2.  h.  ?i.  Business.  2, 
rule,  reign.  3,  an  office.  4,  collec- 
tion of  revenue,  -nsrf.  A  native  re- 
venue   collector. 

©^0£^  s,  a.  Stainless,  clean,  n.  Talc. 
-i,  -^.     Stainlessness. 

©^Oe5ci  s.  a.  Stainless. 

eS^JSSSJO  h.  a.  Unclaimed,  heirless. 
-tJoart.  An  unclaimed  property  of 
a  person  dying  without  heirs  which 
reverts  to  the  government. 

©^03D?3.  tb.  of.  esSjs^s;^,,  q.  v. 

©^^  (tb.  of  oliSoej)  n.  A   pair,    twin. 

e5»^Je)0?j  s.  rt.  Without  flesh;  feeble, 

?£'»^Je)^o  s.  71.  A  minister,  counsellor. 

S5^j8)c3;^0  h.  ?i.  A  deposit,  charge.  2, 

©^JSo)  li.  ".  "What  is  in  charge  of  a 
collector  on  the  part  of  government 
in  opposition  to  that  which  is  rented 
out  to  tenants  of  the  soil. 

©»ije)c^07^   s.  a.  Inhuman;      monstrous. 

?5o^jj)Ar  s.  rt.  Pathless.  n.  A  wrong 
road.     2,  a  bad  man. 

^-^7?)^z'S),  es^js^S.  tb.  of  e5Sij=)S3?3p. 

©^J3SS;6n  s.  w.  The  first  day  of  the 
first  quarter  on  which  the  moon  is 

eSSOi^    s.    rt.    Unmeasured,     boundless, 

S5.302m  s.  n.  An  enemy. 
©.SjiJc^  h.  n.  A   petty    revenue   officer. 

2,   the    lowest   executive  officer   of  a 

civil  court. 
es^oos^o,  es-rfjjAO,    pfj^i^oosio  (=  eicj^j) 

k.  i".  <.  To  press  down. 
©^-)j3G)o  s.  rt.  Priceless,  precious,  ines- 
e5dvi\re3£.'  s.  11.  The  root  of  a  fragrant 

grass,  Kaskas. 
55^0\;^  (tb.  esSorfjr,  q.  v.)  a.  a.  Immortal. 
n.  Immortality.  2,  ambrosia,  food 
of  the  gods.  3,  anything  sweet,  e.g. 
water,  milk,  juice  of  soma.  4,  quick- 
silver. 5,  a  ray.  6,  N.  of  several 
plants.  -*Ji.  The  moon;  a  physician. 
-;^.  Immortality.  -?u.  The  custard- 
apple,  -z^^.  The  heart-leaved  moon- 
seed.     es53a3=)oz^.  A  deity. 

e9^0?vo  s.  a.  Impure;  unholy.  n. 
Excrement,  faeces. 

ef)^o?ocio  s.  rt.  Immeasurable. 

«f)^js?;f!o  s.  rt.  Unfailing;  efficacious; 

©^J3?e35^  (tb.  of  ©5iJ^t>^*)  rt.  Invalu- 
able, excellent. 

&zSJ^<^0  s.  rt.  Priceless;  excellent, 

©c^j'S^  k.  n.  An  entertainment  given  to 
friends  at  their  departure. 

e5o20.  =  e5oSJ(_3i,  p.  p.  of  ©c^J^,  q-  v. 

&oZd^  s.  n.  An  eye. 

©0205^^;*  (tb.  of  eStSo^)  n.  A  kind  of 
pap  mixed  with  buttermilk. 

©o20K.  =  essiJB,  q.  V. 

e5o20TJ  s.  n.    Clothes,    apparel.      2,  the 
sky,    atmosphere.     3,  cotton.     4,  talc. 
5,  a  perfume,  Ambergris.     -So el).  The 
sun.      tfw^  OiAid.    A  purple  cloth. 

e£)0205?^  s.  n.  A  frying-pan.  2,  the 
sun.  3,  Siva,  Vishnu.  4,  war.  5, 

^o'i^'Z)  k.  n.  A  public  hall. 




59oeOs3  (<6.  of  «5iSj  .  =  {so'^T*;*,  7.  v.)  n. 
A  kind  of  porridge. 

fficSCSa  s.  H.  Tiae  cry  of  a  cow. 

SfJcS3D!io?od  k.  n.  A  whitish  and  frag- 
rant kind  of  betel  leaf. 

©oKJSvi  h.  n.  A  heap  of  thrashed  straw. 
-sysi^.  A  granary. 

SSoaroO  h.  n.  A  howdah  on  an  elephant. 

S93aJS'5  k.  11.  A  kind  of  insect.  ao-jrs 
rfjcj.  An  insect  infesting  cattle. 

?9o83  k.  ?i.  A  boat.    -T^sri.  —  ao^rt,  rj.  t\ 

e5cS353,    ©083^   s.  ».    A    mother.       2, 

e5c£3A,  ©osSa^tJ  k.  n.  A  boatman. 

eSoaoo  1.  k.  n.  An  arrow.  -n^rf.  An 
archer.  ^o&^  ood,  esozSpS  cSjsrS.  A 
quiver,      wej^otoo.  A  bow  and  arrow. 

esoaoo  2.  a.  k.  V.  i.  To  dry,  fade. 

590200  3.  s.  n.  Water.  -J^rf.  Aquatic. 
-Zi.  Water-born:  a  lotus,  -za^j^.  The 
sun.  -:3j5?rf^3.  Brahma.  -cS,  -z^^. 
A  cloud.  -?i9,  -Dt)3.  The  ocean. 
-^=)3S.  A  cloud.  -?vCJrf.  The  bed  of 
a  stream. 

e9o200A&^  k.  n.  The  creeping  bent 
grass,  Agrostis  stolorufera. 

©02009  s.  «.  The  ocean. 

fficd  1.  (=  '•^'^■^1)  s.  n.  A  mother.  2, 

eSod  2.  =  550133,  q.  V. 

©ceS  3.  =  sSSSj .  -S5°^a.  Scented  turmeric. 
e9o£37TO(yo4.  k.  «.  The  crawling  knees, 

«ot5rraOs):eO,  5fo:5n?05'o,  esozSnsOc^j. 

To  crawl  on  hands  and  knees, 
©o^,  e5o^c3  s.n.  Water. 

s.  M.  A  lotus. 
eScs^js?^,  ef)0£^j3e^)qi  s.  ?!..  The  ocean. 

?£i^,  (<?;.  o/"  e3oi3)  »i.  A  mother.     2,  a  re- 


spectful  title  for  females  {as  «353j  fi 
Sjdo);  a  respectable  woman.  3,  a 
grandmother.      4,  a    -village  goddess 

fDurga).  5,  the  smallpox.  See  lo^Sjj, , 
:3j3S3j^,  ^053j^.  5S^^ris?J.  Widows. 
^'^"i,^"  ■^^  affectionate  name  for 
a  female;  a  coward.  55 wo,^  if$c3. 

esrfj^^js^,  ©^(y^e^s  (=esSjo,  q.  I-.; 
int.  of  pain  Of  weariness :    Ah!    alas! 

29^0,  rS  k.  »i.  A  nipple,  teat. 

as^j^,  d    k.   n.    A   game    of    throwing: 

hand-balls  in  the  air. 
©rfoo^  a.  k.  V.  i.    To  be  able;    to  wish, 

desire,     n.  Desire. 
^zi^  s.  w.  Sourness,  acidity.   2,vine£:ar. 
S5dje)  rf    s.    H.    The    orlobe    amaranth. 

Gomphraena  globosa- 
©50  ,  ©ao  ^  s.  n.    The  tamarind  tree, 


Taynarindus  indica. 

©oc)o*  1.  ©odOq  k.  n.  Sir.  -rt^j.  A  school- 

©aJj<2.  (=55odoJ  2)  k.  a.  Five.  -rS-'Sdo. 
Five  hundred.  -i3J3,  -533.  Five  fold. 
-52ra.  Five  colours,  -^sfj..  Fifty.  -?33 
A)C.  Five  thousand.  -K6.  A  five  fold 
string  (of  pearls). 

©crio?3  s.  n.  Going.  2,  road,  path.  3, 
half  a  solar  year.  550ij?i?io.  To  move, 
as  the  sun. 

©odOoJ  s.  n.  Iron;  steel;  metal. 

©odjsoi  s.  a.  Not  moving;  stopping. 
2,  without  a  vehicle. 

©OSorio  k.  a.  Five. 

©O3J;:^0  h.  a.  Original,  principal, 

©O20oc3t)  h.  ad.  Hereafter  ;    in  future. 

©O30200  h.  n.  A  flaw,  fault,  defect. 

©OSOtS  (<i).  of  551303).  Ji.  A  wife  whose 
husband  is  alive. 

©OaoOO  ( =  ?irfouj,  (J.  f.)  k.  «.  Bewilder- 
ment, madness. 

©OSO'GD^^.  =  530333^. 

©OSO'S^KO  h.  ?i.  Property,  wealth;  cash, 


©crfoot^    s.  a.  Unfit,  unsuitable,  impro- 






eSodoo^  f.  n.  A  myriad. 

€9a3j3e7\P  s.  a.  Unfit,  unsuitable,  un- 
worthy. -^oS,  -^.  Unfitness,  disquali- 
fication ;   unworthiness. 

^o3>©?i^  o  s.  n.  Oude,  the  capital  of 

55OS0,<5  a.  k.  n.  Cold,  coldness;  frost; 
snow.     2,  the  cold  season. 

®o3o  (/"r.  essoJCSo-  oi  3)  =  55J3.  k.  It 
certainly  is,  it  is. 

eSodoo  1.  k.  t'.  i.  To  go  to;  to  join.  2. 
to    approach    (iotfo).  3,  to   obtain 

f-SoJSocio).  escOj  ?::j.  To  cause  to  go 
to,  etc.  esoSj.  Exceedingly,  greatly, 
then,  even, 

©odjO  2.'(=s503jcSj)  k.  a.  Five.  -Sd. 
Five  and  a  half.     -dsj.   Five  liquids. 

€£'OdJo  s.  n.  A  master,  sir.  2,  a  father. 
3,  a  Jaagama.  4,  a  teacher,  -^oj- The 
state  of  being  an  Ayya  or  Jangama, 
-onsrf.  An  epithet  of  respect  among 
Srtvaishnavas,  cpds.  es^cxijj,  esra  odj^, 

esS  05j,,     edJ.Oij,,    SJJSSCXJOo,   C3J530li„. 

?5oc!ooo3j3?,  ©oSjso;  k.  m<.  of  (/rte/'.' 
Alas!      2,  of  surprise:  Aha! 

SSodreirS  f.  n.  A  small  vessel  or  vase 
used  at  vyeddings. 

SSOSJj  f.  n.  A  disease  of  the  eye. 

e5)odo^^_o_^  k.  see  sso^*.  ^^^^^_ 

©aziOJ/  (=  S3ri^o,    fj.  t'.)   a.  k.  ad.    That 

e5Tj  1.  (=  sicS")  k.  n.  A  file. 

e5id  2.  (—^^2)  k.  a.  A  half.  -'S^^:^^^. 
The  half  ci  when  written  as  r.  -^  cs. 
Half  a  moment,  -nrsj.  A  purblind 
eye.  -rvsodj.  A  slight  wound,  -ns^. 
Slight  heat.  -AJi^d.  A  low  wall. 
-rlja^tij.  Half  of  the  produce  of  a  field. 
-jSrs .  Breeches  covering  the  buttocks. 
-3^^.  Half  a  sheet  of  paper.  -cSe3. 
Half  the  head.  -STss^.  Three  rupees' 
weight.  -SJra.  Half  a  maund.  -aijri 
Xo  .  Reluctance.  -o3od.  Partial  screen- 
ing;  want  of  sincerity.  -SsA).  One 
half.  -??  =  dJ.     Half  a  ser. 

©d  3.  ahbrev.  of  esrf^J,  </.■?;.  -?\rf.  A 
parrakeet.  -fSO.  The  country  goose- 
berry, -sijri.  A  king's  son.  -;3jf3.  A 
palace;  a  court.  -?3^  ri.  A  royal 

©'rfS'  k.  ?i.  Washing  rice.  2,  the  state 
of  broken  or  injured,  as  a  tile,  esrf 
=5^01313..  A   brass  basin. 

Spirit,    juice,     essenca; 



89^^  k.  n.  The  half. 

©oaO  1.  k.  ?t.    A    border,   margin, 

eSTJAO  2.  k.  t'.  J.  To  decay;  to  be 

S5dA0  3.  (tb.  of  ^"^fj  «.  Gumlac; 
sealing-wax.  ©rfhc^  ^a  .  A  stick  of 
lac.  esdi^c^  53j-2o,  -SSOSj.  A  superior 
ink  made  from  lac,  etc.  53Jo^-.  Seal- 
ing wax. 

©■rfa^rj  3.  «•  Disorder. 

esriSk.  w.  =!Stie3.     2,  a  reel. 

©TJrfo  ( =  53ci;:So)  k.  r.  2.  To  be  extended, 

eSXJfiS  k.  n.  A  nuptial  present. 

©■rfrS  s.  n.  The  wood  of  the  Ficus  reli- 
giosa  used  for  kindling  fire  by  attri- 
tion, [lizard. 

©tira  (=TjSf^)  k.  n.  A  greenish  kind  of 

eSTJren  s.  n.  A  wood,   forest,  wilderness 

©lJ^  1.  k.  M.  The  act  of  grinding. 
©TJ^  2.  s.  a.  Indifferent  to. 
e5d§>  s,  71.  The  elbow.      2,  a  cubit. 
iSxini  3.  a.  Toothless. 

esT^rf^,  esrJns^,  ©od^,  e£)ec:3^(<&.  of 

3o033^).  H.  Yellow  orpiment. 
&'d^'i^7i^^°i  s.  n.  A  mendicant,  pilgrim. 
©TJfSsD  k.  ».  Paralysis;  also  -"^?f3.      2, 

59^J20,  eS'ds!)  f.  H.  An  Arab.    -?3|^n,  -rf?^. 

Arabia.   esiSz^.  Arabian. 
©T^SOO  (Ci=e3).  k.  n.  Drought,  famine. 





yirfay^rt.   A  of 

©^:5ofj  (see  s.  estf  2)   n.    A   palace;   a 

court.     2,  government. 
est^^raosj^A  siTJ^^jsosooU  ii.  «.  A  gift 

of  rare  value. 
©d^j  a.  k.  ad.    To  some  extent;   here 

and  there.  f^,,^^; 

esd^   s.   tM<.    of  ivonder:     Well   done! 
e5Tie;o,  e5ds;'o  k.  r.  ?.  To  expand,    open 

{as  flowers),  n.  A  flower.     -9stfej  sSjs 

:Sj,    estfOsjj.     To    cause   to   blossom. 

-^art,  -dart,  a  florist. 

eSTJ^,  SSd^k.  ».  Tamil.     -tpTd.  The  T. 

language.       -rf$^.    The    T.    country. 

-f^^.  A  Tamil  woman. 

©T3^fe3?f,  ©ti^t???,  S9LJrffe3^7^,  ©lJSojs^  /^ 
«  ei 

(tf=e3)  k.  n.  A  shed    on  the  roadside 

in  which  water,  buttermilk,    etc.    are 
distributed    gratis, 
founder  an  aravatige 
^Xi-d^2^  (u=e3)  k,  a.  Sixty, 
©ti^ro,?;,    esiiscS.  See  s.    ead  2. 
ePdaoa  s.  n.  A  lotus.     -N?^.  A  lotus- 
eyed  woman.    -looi^Sj,  -sJiu,  The  sun. 
esijj^  (0=65)  Knowledge. 
e£)TJ5  (d=e5)k.n.  Indigestion.   2,  cloth, 
©ti^j,    ©lisiJ   (<&.    o/'  D3J4)  n.    A   king, 
lord.     ati:^^.    A    queen.     -qSSor.    A 
king's    duty.      -rtJES,  -Sort,  e?c.  -:^~i. 
Kingship,    royalty.     -3ojcso.     A  car- 
eSTJ^  fib.  o/"  crata)  H.   A  queen. 
©■d^f:;,  ©-d^OS  (<&.  0/"  3oO^)  n.  Turmeric. 
e9TJ?do  (rf=e3)  k.    i'. «.  To  inquire  after, 
seek,  search,    n.  Research,  enquiry. 
^t-^-ddXi.  =  erfi;?,  q.  V. 
©ds;<    k.  11.    Amazement,    perplexity. 
©TJ^    ( =  aci^SsSjd)  k.   ?i.    The   poplar- 
leaved  fig-tree,  Ficus  religiosa. 
©d^j  (=  esti^jj,  q.  f.)  k.  V.  i.  To  bloom. 

n.  A  flower.     2,  parched  grain. 
©ds?  1.  k.  ?j.  Dressed  cotton.    2,  a  post, 

©ds?2.    (=ss£^53)    k.   ».   The   gall  nut, 
Terminalia  chebula. 

©d^e3    k.   n.    A    forehead     ornament 

for  young  children.     2,  a  fig  leaf. 
©TO3i3^  s.  a.  Anarchical. 
©CsS  s.  n.  An  enemy,  foe. 
©ODC;  s.  rt.  Bent,  crooked,  curved. 
©&  1.    (=  330)    k.    r.  t.    To    cut    or   lop 

olf.     n.  Cutting  oif,  gnawing, 
©a  2.  (=  eS)   k.    r.  /.    To    grind   on    a 

slab.     -SjO.  To  cause  to  grind. 
©&  3.  k.  71.  A  mass  of  unthrashed  corn. 
2,  excess  in  corn  measure.     3,  a  dis- 
ease of  the  eye  (-rtiTJo). 
©5  4.  (0=e3-«)  k.   v.i.  &L    To  learn  to 
know;     to   know,    understand. 
esOKij,  e50;So.   efOodjarfj,  tsODdb:3  sojb? 
rtJ.   To  be  ignorant   of.      «ODl)rfvS=- 
-creOrfjJ,    e£0;^53.     =jO:^j.     To     make 
known,  inform. 
©5  5.  s.  n.  An  enemy. 
©5^,  ©5i^,  ©5^,  ©5SoJ  (0=  63^)  k.  n. 
Knowledge;   understanding;  informa- 
tion.      esO^  ^jz)::ij.  To  inform. 
©5do    (0  =  &)   a.   k.  V.  i.     To    bawl, 
^^r^^^-  [tree. 

©5&ras?  (<&.   o/'  650^)    n.    The  soapnut 
©5:^  s.  71.  An  oar;    a  rudder. 
©5::ij  a.  k,  a.  Impossible,  inexplicable. 
©5^0  (0  =  ea--).  =  aOT,  q.  I'. 
©56  (Ci  =  e3)  a.  k.  ?i.   A  star.     2,  mud. 
©5i;i.  =  y0^,  q.c. 
©5^,  ©5,3  (0  =  »-•).  =  esrf^. 

©5?A,  s.  a.   Unhurt,     n.  Good  or  bad 


luck,  misfortune.  2,  buttermilk.  3, 
the  neem  tree.  4,  the  soap-nut  tree, 
Sapi7idus  t)-ifoliatus.  =^^0^.  A  very 
heavy  calamity. 

©5?ijOJ3?j  s.  7i.  An  unsuitable  composi- 
tion of  words. 

©5,?j?j.  =  esrfAjfo,  q.  r. 

©5;:i0  k.  c.  t.  To  cause  to  cut  off.  2, 
to  cause  to  grind.  3,  (0=e3')  to  in- 




£95?6  (tb.  of  e5^F"?5*)  n.  Piles. 

©TJo  1.  (rfo  =  e3J)  =  e:?cio.  k.  a.  Six.  -sia. 
Six-fold.     -5i:SJ,.     Sixty. 

©"do  2.  (cSj=e3J)  a.  k.  i'.  i-  To  be  cut 
asunder;    to  cease. 

59:^0X0.  =?stfr!jl,    q.  V. 

©TJosI  s.  ?;.  Aversion,  dislike;    disgust. 

^-dciijio.  =  aO'^o,  q.  V. 

©dof*S  s.  a.  Yellow,  ruddy.  11.  Aruna, 
the  dawn.  2,  a  ray.  -?o3tf^.  The 
sun.   BiiJr3J3?rfo^.     Sunrise. 

ejrfooi^S  s.  n.  N.  of  the  wife  of  Vasi- 
shtha.  2,  N.  of  a  star.  -^sqS.  Vasishtha. 

eSTJos^  (rf  =  e3;)  sees.  esO  4)  a.  k.  v.t.  To 
make  known. 

^■dozdd^.tb.  of  ^"^A^;  9-  ^'• 

&'do'£:0  a.  k.  M.  Love,  affection. 

?Si3ooZ:)i  a.  k.  n.  A  flower-bud. 

?£)TJot>d  (rfo=e3J)  k.  n.  Mud.  -7li|  ■  A 
muddy  paddy-field. 

©docJOsio'doOo,  ©xio^s^o^j'do^j  k.  n. 
Bewilderment,  dotage. 

efTio4  (cij=  esj.  =  esO^)  k.  n.  Know- 
ledge.    -53JrfJ5^.  Silliness,  dotage. 

eS'doSoJ  {^=  es)  k.  v,  t.  To  make  known. 
)i.  Knowledge. 

eSI^jB^  s.  a.  Formless;  ugly. 

©t5  1.  k.  V.  t.  To  grind,  pulverize,  2, 
(d=:e33)  to  strike,  beat.  n.  The  plant 
Grislea  tomentosa.  2,  a.  k.  stone, 
rock.  3,  the  back.  -cxijUj,.  To  pursue. 

©t3  2.  (=  esrf  q.  f.)  k.  n.  A  half.  2,  a 
little.  -TiS>.  To  cut  into  halves,  -rtrso,. 
A  loose  knot  of  hair,  -rtjo^rl.  Half- 
heartedness,  timidity.  -iiej?d.  Un- 
fiuished  work.  -:56.  To  open  half. 
-cSoa  .Indistinct  utterance.  -cSj3?W.  A 
leer,  side  glance,  -ssajo.  Half  apart. 
-z3?5S.  The  Persian  lilac.  -zSO.  To 
be  half  opened,  as  a  flower.  -Sotij",?. 
A  half-mad  man.  -So3.  Hesitation, 
doubt.  -s30).  Half  the  body.  -SjscSajo 
hS,  -5jj35j5?d  f\^.  A  spinous  shrub, 
Randia  dumetorum.  -30Xj.  To  leave 
unfinished,     -^d.   The  half  moon. 

e5T5j3?A  s.  «.  Health.  e5dj3?P\.  A  healthy 

e9T5jse2:^5,  e9T3j3e&l#  s.  >i.  Want  of  ap- 
petite; disgust,  indigestion.  a.  In- 

?£)^~  s.  n.  Radiance.  2,  the  sun.  3, 
crystal.  4,  Indra.  5,  swallow  wort, 
Calolropis  gigantea.     -^75^.  Sunday. 

?f)^r  k.  ft.  Weeping,  lamentation. 

©AFiy,  &7\r6  {tb.  esri^)  s.  n.  An 
impediment;  a  bolt,  lock. 

iSXf^  a.  k.  11.  Greatness  ;  a  great  man. 

eS^r  s.  n.  Price,  cost.  2,  an  offering 
to  gods,  etc. 

eSsjjOor  s.  a.  Valuable;  venerable.  n. 
A  reverential  offering  to  gods  or 
venerable  men. 

Wzi-F  s.  n.  Invocation,  worship.  -'^.  A 
worshipper.  -fS-  Worship,  homage. 
asi^F^j.  To  worship. 

esslr^j  s.  11.  Flame.     2,  shine,  lustre. 

eseior  (='<sOJ^j,  q.  v.)  k.  v.i.  To  cry 

eS^r",  ^©aior)  h.  »i.  A  written  petition. 
-wdcxJjj,  -ros^j,  -^J3:«J,  -SJccSj,  eic. 
To  petition,     -nsd.  A  petitioner. 

eS^FTjO  s.  I',  t.  To  acquire,  gain. 

esaior^  s.  a.  white.  n.  Silver.  2, 
the  tree  Terminalia  arjuna.  3, 
the  son  of  Indra  and  Kunti. 

©ror  s.  «.  Moving.  n.  Water.  -s3. 
The  ocean. 

&Bf  k.  11.  Love;  desire.  2,  pleasure, 
fun.  -i1a?jj.  To  spoil  a  wish.  -^^rf. 
A  man  of  pleasure.  -^.  To  be 
pleased  with. 

eSiijsFeS  {fr.  esd-JjseS)  k. /t.  The  weight 
of  half  a  rupee. 

eSq^F  s.  n.  Aim,  purpose;  cause,  reason. 
2,  meaning.  3,  advantage,  utility. 
4,  a  request.  5,  manner,  sort.  6, 
wealth.  -^30.  Useful.  -=#J3:So.  To 
mean;  to  confer  riches.  -^^  odj.  As- 
certainment.  -sSo^.  A  man  of  pro- 
perty.    -3?cS.    Explanatory   remark. 




-C?gO.  To  explain,  expound.  •3^^. 
The  science  of  polity.  -^?si.  Pun. 
-^^^.  Meaningless;  poor;  failing. 
-5i?s*J.  To  interpret.  Efca-oStf.  A 
different  meaning.  ^^^~^^.  An 

e??)"  s.  a.  Desiring,  n.  A  beggar.  2, 
a  plaintiff.  -^.  Entreaty.  -Ko.  To 
desire;  to  ask  for. 

©qir  s.a.  Half,  halved.  11.  A  half.  -=J?S. 
Half  an  Anna.  -rlja^sj.  A  hemi- 
sphere, -'^ori.  A  crescent.  -rf,i),. 
Purblind,  -cre^.  Midnight.  -.:j033j. 
A  semicolon.  eaqraForl.  Half  the 
body.    -o3j?io,  es^rxo.  To  halve. 

iS;^jr  (=  ssjj)  k.  „.  ^  file. 

eS^irPQ  s.  n.  Placing  upon.    2,  offering 

delivering,  consigning,     ahr^.    To 

offer,  deliver,  consign. 
e583r  a.  k.  n.  A  torrent  checked  in  its 

course.      ^iXj~^.  To  roar. 
^ZdOF  k.  n.   Crying,      esra^jry.    Crying 

?5200F"oi  s.  n.  A  serpent.     2,  a  hundred 

millions.     3,  swelling,  polypus. 
as^r^   s.  a.  Small,  weak.     n.  A  child; 

the  young  of  any  animal.  | 

SSeJor  (=  55dj£^,  q.  v.)  k.  >i.  Mud,  clay. 
S9sir  s.  a.  Vile,  low.  n.  A  horse.       -S. 

A  mare. 

5955^^0  .  See  s.  sj'dj. 

tS^FQJ  s.  «.    Piles. 

SS^r    s.   a.    Deserving,     worthy.       2 

proper,  fit.     «.   A   Jaina  saint.     -r§. 

"Worship,      -s*.    Veuerable;    a   Jaina 

i56  a.  k.  n.  That  place,  direction,  as  in 

2,  state  or  condition,  in  verbal  nouns, 
as  wz^^,  ^,odj^o<.      V.  i.   To  be  fit, 
right  or  sufficient, 
©e;  (=e523T)k.  inf.   0/^  Assent-  Indeed; 
of  surprise  :  ah ! 

SfXyS'  s.  H.  A  curl,  hair-lock. 
ese;^^^  s.  «.  Kubera's  residence. 
©e/S'o.  =  aortj,  eturSo,  q.  v. 
ese;*  ^  s.  ,1.   Red  lac. 


®'^S^^  s.  w.  An  inauspicious  sign.  a. 
Unfortunate.  ^^Z.^-  Unseen;  un- 

®<^^?iJ  s.  i\  t.  To  disregard,  slight. 

^"^^^  s.  n.  Disregard,  contempt,  a. 

©e^Arfr  s.  M.  A  water-snake. 

e9e;A0  (=  aejs'j)  k.  v.  i.  To  move  about; 
to  be  agitated.  n.  The  blade  of  a 
knife,  sword,  etc. 

9S0-^:i  a.  a.  Not  light;  weighty;  solemn. 

©eiC^TJr®  s.  n.  Adorning. 

S5e)c3'Q?Jo  s.v.  t.  To  ornament,  decorate. 

S9eic?faij  s.  n.  Ornament.  2,  elegance. 
3,  a  rhetorical  expression.  -S3?c! . 
A  text-book  of  rhetoric.  -S3vJ33Sj.  = 
esoo^BsSj,  q.  V.   ei£Jo*,  ;g.  Ornamented. 

S9<aCA  f.  H.  A  rampart. 

SSe^c^n  s.  a.  Insurmountable,  invio- 

©G'S^,  ^SZjB'i  (tb.  of  ^J^jf,'^)  n.  Lac, 
used  as  red  ink. 

e;e)^,  e9£)3je3  k.  n.  Weariness,   fatigue. 

iStiZdd  k.  n.  N.  of  different  species  of 
Alysicarpus.  (casual. 

S5eJ£{Sp   s.   o.    Unattainable.       2,    rare, 

Sf)£;c;5  a.  k.  h.  Beauty;  ornament; 

iSVXlo  (=  efrftjj,  g.  r.)  k.  1-.  t.  To  spread; 
to  open,  blossom,  bloom.  P.  p.  saocSo". 
M.  A  flower,  bloom,  esej^rcw.  A 
flower-like  eye.  -ij;?dra.  A  festoon 
of  flowers.  -S*.  The  large  black 
bee.  €5053-?3.  A  bed  of  flowers. 
-zo«?,.  A  flowering  creeper.  S5tjO=3j, 
eso'^cor.     To  cause  to  blossom. 

i£}iS)6  azThzdo  h.  n.  Pay  given  before- 




ese;^??,  ?3<V^  (=05053))  k.  n.  Fatigue, 

W<Si7i   s.   a.   Lazy,    idle,    weary,    faint. 

-a!..     Idleness. 
55e;?C)oa,  e£)e;?joa^  k.  n.   A    species    of 

pulse,  Vigna  catjmig. 
©£1^^,  5?eJ?jO  k.  w.   Fatigue;  idleness. 

-^7\j,  -^zix     To  be  tired. 
S5©rjO  k.  V.  i.   To  become  weary,  tired, 

vexed,     v,  t.  To  shake,  agitate,  as  in 

water,    n.  Weariness;  idleness.    -n?>^. 

A  lazy  man. 
©E/sS  s.  n.  A   fire   brand.     2,  a   rope, 

e9£;320O  h.  ?i.  Mahammadans'  Moharam 

festival.      2,  the  bottle-gourd. 
e?£^3COorf,  ese;303ujli.  a.  Distinct,  apart. 

©£^sOSJ80£)sO30  h.  H.  An  affectionate 
greeting,  embrace. 

e9sD(  =  e£))  k.  ad.  There,  as  i^J^i  rfO, 
St^oljO,  ?i;5j,0.  r.  t.  =e50o.  Must, 
may.       2,  pr.  imper.   as  sjtsO,  'adO, 

©sSS'  s.  n.  The  forehead. 

©eS'^c^  ?\c^  k.  n.  An  aquatic  plant, 
Aeshynomene  aspera. 

?f)ti5oA  s.  a.  Genderless  {g.). 

i£>€)czi  s.  ?(..  A  terrace  before  a  house- 

©a'O^'o,  ©eijAO,  ®£;jcaO  k.  v.  i.  To  be 
agitated,  shaky  or  loose;  to  shake. 
eiit)jn9;:So.  To  shake,  tremble.  ©£J0 
;=rJ5j,  esejoh^jj  t).  <.  To  skake. 

eSOJTijs?^  b.  n.  A  whistle,  pipe. 

?£)'^:iZi:^  a.  k.  r.  f.   To  wash  with  water. 

©e3  k.  r.  ii.  To  move  about,  shake.  2, 
to  roam,  wander;  to  dangle.  v.  t. 
To  shake,     n.  A  wave,  billow. 

S?e5e£0  s,  n.  A  blank  book.     2,  a  deity. 

eSeBo^jei?)  f.  M.  Allemagne,  Germany, 
Europe.  -*^'  A  dragoon  sword. 
-^tio^.  A    dragoon  troop. 

S5e?jsTiO    S5e3i3rlf2  a.  k.  cotij.  When;  as. 

e9e3j3e^  s.  n.  Not  the  world;  the  spiri- 
tual world. 

©£/^-ct3^  s.  a.  Not  worldly;  not  secular, 
unusual.  -^ri.  Unworldliness;  un- 

e9e;s,20o  h.  n.  A  title;  titles,  honors. 


e5£^,  s.  a.  Small;  little;  insignificant; 
mean.  -^^.  Smallness.  -a^.  A  few 
days.  -Sj^ra.  An  unaspirated  letter. 
-loja .  Weak-mindedness.  -So3.  Weak- 
minded,  stupid.  ■^i'^-  Small  rain. 
-?3.t).  Rather  little,  eso?  o±j*!,.  A 
short  life.      "■£€)  «j .  Very  small. 

©ei  ^TJ  f.  n.  An  almira,  a  chest  of 
drawers,  wardrobe. 

?£)t>  1.  (fr.  esc*  No.  2,  q.  v.)  k  ad.  Not, 
no;  its  opposite  is  ofScSo.  -iT?.  To 
reject,  deny.  ^^  ^  int.  Is  it  not? 
55^iS.  Being  not  good,  fit.  -53?^.  A 
useless  or  bad  man.  6saj  i3.  Besides, 
except,  unless.  ■aciej^rS.  Moreover. 
esd  oSo^.  To  deny. 

©£^  2.  k.  n.  Green  ginger. 


PO  00  no  ro 

Great  agitation  (as  of  water  or  mind), 
confusion,  disorder,  tumult. 

?£>t)  A^  k.  V.  t.  To  deny,  reject,  refuse. 


590  A  S50  r^;^  a.  k.  ?i.  Mirth,  merry- 
making,  jest. 

©(yd    k.   n.    Separation    of    lovers    or 

©<y  5  k.  n.  Trouble,  disturbance,  harass. 
e£)£^?  U,  ©ai^  S^  k.  M.   Moving  about. 
©ais  tIo  k.  V.  i.  To  move,  shake,  swing; 

to  be  loose.   esej^a^Jj.  v.  <.  To  shake, 

move  about. 

55^3  (=esO)  k.  ad.  There,  in  that  place, 
-3oj3°rto.      Go   there.     «*«J®-      Here 

and  there.   esO  riO  <i.  Here  and  there. 

-:^c^*.  So  far  as  that  place;    till  then. 

2,  Msed  to  form  the  loc,   as  rfjfSodjO^, 

etc.     3,  also  added    to  rel.  part.,   as 

^  ro'  an' 

e£)e5  7^^7\  k.  Ji.  A  washerman. 




252^0   k.  r.  t.   To  join,  knit,  plait,  braid. 

CO  m  mm' 

esrfl.,  eSsifSo  k.  pro.    He,  that  man;  f. 

es3s?o;  pj.  aSrfj.      eaO'^do,  Both  of 

S)^  2.  s.  ad.   Off,  away,  down  (implying 

8£)»553^  s.  n.  Place;  opportunity.  leisure; 

eS^S'xSj  s.  n.  Displeasure,  disfavour. 

©^S'j  s.  a.  Not  crooked;  upright, 

SS^Arf  f.  n.  An  obstruction;  jeopardy. 
2,  inaccessibility.  3,  monstrosity. 
4,  impossibility.  is^ri^Ko.  To  de- 
press, slight,  suppress.  2,  to  hurry, 
hasten,  become  impetuous. 

©S^Ar?^  s.  a.  Disregarded,  despised. 

&Ti7\@  s.  a.  Gone  near.  2,  known, 
understood.     e5;3r!.l.     Knowledge. 

eSo^^AS^Oci  s.  «.  Understanding,  compre- 

ef^A^So,  efJ^T^^ji  s.  ?!..  Diving  into; 
bathing.  2,  comprehension,  ^sins 
coJij,  6iSjrtco?5j.  To  dive  into;  to 
enter  into;  to  comprehend. 

esdAOf©  s.  71.  A  vice;  an  evil  effect. 

e9S^7u5c,  ©^7^.50  s.  n.  Separation.  2, 
obstacle.  3,  drought.  ^^?\h:>Ko.  To 
lay  hold  on,  attain. 

?£)rf^J?)i^  s.  11.  Striking,  killing.  2,  a 
violent   blow. 

^^tio  (=  anzSj,  ecS^j)  k.  v.  <.  To  press; 
to  confine,  embrace.     2,  to  hide. 

^^2^7^^  s.  a.  Cut  off,  broken.  2,  predi- 

SJ^eS  prf  s.  n.  Any  thing  cut  off;  portion. 
2,  distinction.     3,  discrimination. 

©d&!  J  s.  72.  Negligence. 

S£);:i5S  s.  «.  Disregard,  disrespect,  con- 

59^^c?j  s.  n.  A  garland  of  flowers.  2, 
a  crest. 

?£);:i^0®  s.  n.  Descending.  2,  annota- 
tion.       t5SodE5=#.  =  «55j3el0^. 

e5;^;^&?j0  s.  f.  t.  To  descend;  to  become 

e5^gs';j  s.  n.  Descent.       2,  incarnation. 

-oiafjj, -g^j3^e?j..  To  become  incarnate. 
esrfgiJ&^a-  s.  n.  A  preamble  or  preface. 
iS-^i.  tb.  of  as353,  q.  v. 
?Srfd€  s.  71.  Misfortune. 
^'^Tss^  s.  a.  White.    2,  pure;  beautiful. 
SSrfcD^  s.  ji.  A  great  act,  achievement. 

S5o:i::in  s.  o.  Low,  inferior;  disagreeable. 
SS^yQsiJ  s.r.  i.  To  think  upon,  listen  to. 

^»^q37);i  s.  71.  Attention;  care;  devotion. 
«9SJqreSi.  Attentive,  careful;  a  title. 
e5S3n3S>?iJ.  To  mind,  pay  attention. 

S£'d93TiC©(-ri)s.  n.  Affirmation;  empha- 
sis.    «9S3qraOXo.  To  ascertain. 

Sf)^^^  s.  n.  A  limit;  period,  time.  2, 
opportunity.  3,  engagement.  4, 
extremity;  misfortune. 

SS^^v-'^^  s-  '^-  Shaken  off;  rejected, 
separated  from  worldliness.  m.  A 

S9:iqio  s.  a.  Inviolable. 

SSrfjd  s.  n.  Favour.  2,  joy.  3,  satis- 
faction.    -^.  Prostration. 

S5;i^  s.  n.  The  earth.  -■■£,  -^o^.  SIta. 
-z^i.  A  mountain.  -*j,  -s:!.^,  -s;5ej5', 
«5aS)?^.  A  king.     -do3o.  A  tree. 

eSz^xJijio  s.  71.  An  error  in  diet. 

eS^£j5\i^  s.  a.  Removing.  «.  Purifica- 
tion by  bathing,  as  after  sacrifice  or 

esd^jB  s.  71.  Dislike,  disregard. 

©j5^o?->sS  {tb.  of  55»Js!J3cif3).  =  essisio 

eSsSsSoodJsrd  s.  h.  incivility,  disrespect. 

e5^;ire?i(=«55j3Sj3BJ)  s.  Ji.  Disrespect, 
dishonour.  -;3J3;So,  -sJaKJ.  To  treat 



<59;dajj^  s.  n.  A  limb,  member;  part. 
-TiotCioz^.  The  relation  of  membership. 

©rfoSjseA  s.  n.  An  inauspicious  omen. 

©^rf  1.  s.  a.  Inferior,  low;  posterior, 
following.     -13.  A  younger  brother. 

esrf::^  2.  k.  pro.   Their. 

esrfdjaSj;^  s.  a-  Misshapen,  deformed. 

&-^t3  {tb.  of  essJjS)  11.  A  species  of 
pulse,  Phaseolus  radiatus. 

&'^'6si^i^  s.  11.  Obstruction.  2,  seraglio 
of  a  palace. 

©^^j3?3o  s.  n.  A  shoot  of  a  plant,  a 
pendent  branch.  2,  the  climbing  of 
a  creeper. 

SSs^AF  s.  11.  A  non-class,  a.  Unclassi- 
fied. e5rf/^?raJj.  Not  belonging  to 
the  classified  consonants  {(j.). 

©rfSjr  f.  11.  A  day  book,  ledger. 

©^dwlFC©  s.  11.  Drought. 

?£)'dz)x^^  k.  n.  Rice  scalded,  dried,  fried, 
and  flattened  by  beating  it  in  a  mortar. 

©rf(S;^r©  s.  11.  An  unlucky  sign. 

^;de;A>  s.  a.  Hanging  down.  n.  The 

e9de;o20,  ©^OoSOn  s.  n.  Resting  on; 
dependence,  support;  a  prop,  stay. 
^^^oi^Tid.  v.t.  To  hang  on;  to  de- 
pend on.    5S5it)oz3^.  Supported. 

59^e3ee3  s.  n.  Sport,  play.  ad.  Easily, 

&Ti<t>d  k.  n.  Pounding  in  a  mortar; 
cf.  essjej*. 


©rfdjaeS",  ©^e3j3e3^?j  s.  /i.  Seeing, 
looking.  2,  sight  (rSjS^U).  3,  obser- 
vation.  esSsSjs^-o-^tj.    To  look  at  (c5j3? 

69^5^  s.  a.  Uncontrolled.      2,  necessary. 

©sSaS^  (/■(•.  ©32!)   ad.    Unawares,  sud- 

•^e°ly-  [mainder. 

S5o5&?:l    s.  a.    Left,  remaining.     ?i.  Re- 

ef)^^n  s.  a.  Inevitable,  n.  Necessity, 
urgency,  ad.  Necessarily,  certainly. 
-tl;s?j.  To  become  necessary. 

&Ti7i,o2f^  s.  n.  Relying  on.  2,  self- 
confidence.     3,  a  pillar.     e5oisl,o:p?ij. 

To  lean  upon. 
iiP^^jr!  s.  n.  Occasion,  opportunity.      2, 

haste,  speed,    urgency,  hurry.      -^:^ 

iS^S.  Don't  be  in  a  hurry.     ■5'W,53?Jrf. 

Great     hurry.        y>s5<0^o.   To    make 

haste,  be  eager. 
W^Titi^  s.  11.    Conclusion,    termination, 

end;  deatli;   limit. 
e£)^?JaocSj   s.    n.  Conclusion;    certainty. 

2,  remainder. 
WtS^  s.  11.  State,  condition  (as.-  jotc3p»S 

?3 ,  childhood;  cxi73d^3Sj?3,  manhood; 

siOT  ^;^,  old  age).     3,  trouble,  strait. 

-iS?s?o.   To  come  into  troubles, 
©^5o?£;,    esd^eOj;^    s.   n.    Disrespect, 

es^"^,    r/b.  of  odiSjoO)   ©53s?jirfs;?.  m.  A 

pair.     -Sj'??,°i?o.  Twins. 
Wd'^O  k,  pro.  She, 
©^S^TJ  s.  ?(,   A  mispronunciation, 
©jsssi  s.  n.  The  south, 
©ssei^n   s.   a.  Improper  to  be  uttered; 

©ssKO  f.  n.  Voice,  sound;  report. 

©ssc^^lJ  s.  a.  Intermediate,  n.  Incur- 
sion; havoc. 

55S3O30  f.  n.  A  report  or  rumour.  2, 
bustle;   alarm. 

esSDTJ  s.  n.  The  near  bank  of  a  river. 

593 1.  k.  V.  t.  To  hide,  conceal.  2, 
(=  es??)  V.  i.  To  rot,  perish;  to  go  out, 
be  extinguished. 

©.3  2.  s.  11.  A  sheep.  2,  the  sun.  3,  a 

5935^2^  s.  a.  Perfect,  entire.  2,  con- 

©S^Jn  s.  a.  Unhindered,  n.  Safety. 

©.SEo^Dd,  S9323-s-dra  s.  n.  Inconsidera- 
tion,  inadvertance,  promptitude.  aSiO 
2330.  Inconsiderate;  an  indiscriminate 
person.     e5»0«30;^S)£9F"ol).    Prejudice. 

^^ts^€>^  s.  a.  Unshaken,  unmoved. 

S3  ^2^0 



SS^iid  (=  ^^<^,  «5sSao)  k.  r.  t.  To  hide, 

iSOzi  ^N,  ef)^e§  ?d  s.  rt.  Unseparated, 
undivided;  entire,  incessant. 

e9.3::^n  s.  a.  Unwise,  foolish.  e<od^.  ?i. 
Ignorance.      2,  illusion. 

€5,30  s.  n.  Irregularity.  2,  misfortune, 

?£>S)^°oi~i  s.  rt.  Disobedient.  -^.  Disobe- 

g9S2f)^    s.  rt.  Undivided,  joint. 

Sf).D2p3A  s.  rt.  Undivided,  n.  Undivided 

?5^^J03^  s.  rt.  Unloosed.  n.  N.  of  a 
tirtha  near  Benares. 

©^■rfif,  e9.3d^  s.  rt.  Close;  thick,  com- 
pact.     2,  not  rare. 

©a^orf  s.  rt.  Unobstructed;  proper, 
consistent  with. 

©aeioeo,  e9S£Jo20j:i  s.  rt.  Not  delaying, 

©S^?^  s.  n.  Want  of  discrimination; 
ignorance;  indiscretion.  ^Z^^ir.  In- 
considerate;  short-sighted. 

©S^eSjv  s.  rt.  Uniform,  alike,  n.  Uni- 
formity, equability. 

e£)S'33Q?j  s.  n.  Distrust,  unbelief  (=  essJ 
oSowjii,    q.  t).).  e5,S33^A).    An    un- 

believer,  infidel. 

ef).3co^s.  rt.  Unprescribed.    2,  improper. 
e93?T3  s.  w.  A  woman  who  has  neither 

husband  nor  son. 
eSiS,  e94A^0  k.  pvo.  They;  pi.  of  esrfj. 
e>;d)^«i,  es^AO,  ©^oS'o  (=e5ciB'o,    esss 

J^J)  k.  V.  t.  To   press,   squeeze,     sssji- 

^J.     To  cause  to  press,  etc. 
es^sio.  — es^^'^J.     2,  to  hold  firmly. 
e9;jT50,  e94rfe;j  (tb.  of  e^'SJoS)  ji.  The 

castor-oil  plant,  Ricimis  communis. 
&^Zio  k.  V.  i.  To  chew,  champ,  n.  The 

jaw.     2,  the  lower  lip. 
ePiii^re  (=  JJcSr?)  k.  Ji.  An  invitation  to 

dinner.     2,  a  festive  dinner. 

594^  k.  n.  A  coat  of  mail. 

©^  k.  pi.  of  ^^.  (They)  are.  Cpds:  wrto 

5£)»5?;in  s.  rt.  Unascertainable. 

eS;S<'Q3'  s.  rt.  Not  vedic.  n.  A  man 
not  versed  in  the  veda. 

?5^o^  s.  rt.  Indistinct,  imperceptible. 
2,  inarticulate,     n.  The  soul. 

ess^n^  s.  n.  Ease,  happiness  (=  ^^jsj). 

©^oodo  s.  rt.  Unchangeable,  imperish- 
able.  n.  An  indeclinable  word,  a 
particle.  2,  heaven.  --TjOdjasScS.  A 
form  of  verb  used  for  all  genders, 
numbers,  and  tenses. 

?£)r>'o'j^;6  s.  n.  Disorder,  confusion. 

e£)>^o^Sco^  s.  rt.  Adjoining,  contiguous. 
-^f3Sir?=)0.  The  time  just  past. 

S5S^o3jt)^  s.  n.  Recess  from  work. 

©ssnX^n  s.  rt.  Peculiar.  2,  not  per- 

©si^,  S)^^  {lb.  of  ^o'^)  n.    A  mother. 

2,  a  feminine  title  of  respect  and  love. 

3,  an  elderly  woman,     ejlsi  Ji  odJati. 
A    kind   of    children's  sport. 

e5»S^^?jO  a.k.  i.i.  To  jump  up  or  upon. 
©S^^  k.  Imitation   of  the  note   of   the 

e53'3'    s.  rt.  Unable,  incompetent;  weak. 

-3>,  -^,  efi-r .  Inability,  weakness. 
59^^o  s.  rt.  Impossible. 
e9^f3  s.  n.  Eating.     2,  food. 
e9^?jvi?Ir"  s.  ?i.  Maintenance,  ration. 
W^^s^^  s.  ?t.  One  who  is  desirous  of  or 

asks  for  food. 
eSs^S?^   s.   a.   Bodiless.        n.  The   sky. 

2,  Kama.     -s«)^,,    -sraeS.    An  oracle, 

voice  from  heaven. 
©aS^j  ,,  Wat^  .eo^o  s.  rt.  Unscriptural, 

_£)'  -0) 

©•^•o-,  s  s.  rt.  Untrained,  unlearnt. 

©&?§  s.  a.  Eighty. 




©B'oSa   s.     a.    Impure.        11.    Impurity; 

«^«o  -^.  [Impurity. 

eSS'jrf   s.  rt.   Impure;    incorrect,     ss^oa. 

©^0^  s.  a.  Inauspicious.     ?).  Ill-luck. 
©^fSjv  s.  a.  Without  remainder,  entire. 

2,  infinite,  endless. 
S9^jse^  s.  a.   Sorrowless.       m.  A  deity. 

2,  the  tree  Jonesia  asoka. 
SS^js?^;^    s.  a.    Unpurified,    unrevised; 


S9^j3p82i^  s.  a.  Not  beautiful.  r 

^^^  [ness. 

e9€.®es^s.  n.  Absence  of  beauty,  comeli- 

69'^t^  s.  n.  Impurity. 

69^.  s.  n.  A  stone.       2,  a  cloud.  -=ffeirf'5'. 
A  stone  mason.      -rtipr.  An  emerald. 

-0.  The  disease  of  the  gravel.     -^S'arf. 


e9'3s,'5.ra?3ir®     s.     n.     A    ceremony     at 

eStfijS  s.  »i.  Unbelief,  distrust.  2,  dislike. 

©■^^jc^  s.  a.  Unwearied;  continual. 

iS^Oj  s.  n.  A  tear. 

e5s?0j;^  s.  a.  Unheard;  inaudible. 

ef)^  5ai  s.  a.  Ugly;  vulgar. 

e9?^Q  s.  71.  A  horse.  -rtoqS,  -rio^).  The 
plant  P/ij/saZis /Zexitosa.  -3ci.  A  mule. 
-5J3t).  A  groom.  -oSj^qS.  The  horse- 
sacrifice,  -tisl.  A  carriage  drawn  by 
horses.  -D^is.  A  royal  horse.  -^^^^ 
Richness  in  horses,  -^^^^.g-  -^  veteri- 
nary surgeon.  -5e)e3.  A  stable.  es3S. 
!3j8?3o.  a  horseman.      ^^-  A  mare. 

eSSQ^  s.  w.  The  holy  fig-tree.  Ficus 

e£)S<^e^  ■rfo  s.  «.   N.  of  Drona's  son. 

e5§iQa  s.  «.  A  goddess,  mother  of  the 
twill  sons.  2,  the  first  of  the  28 
nakshatras.  [rank. 

SPSa'CS^  li-  n.    Noblemen,     persons     of 

^zX^  s.  a.  Eight.  -^.  Eightfold.  -5^^. 
The  eight  troubles;  much  trouble. 
-^ji^rs,  -rfaj.  An  octagon.  -TioZ^.  The 
eight   perfumes.     -3t)aJ.     A   mode  of 

beating  time  in  music.      -a^J,,  -fts*. 


The  eight  cardinal  points  of  the  com- 
pass. -SjS.  N.  of  a  Kannada  metre; 
N.  of  a  poem.  -s^cS.  Spider,  -z^tin,. 
The  eight  requisites  to  the  regal  state, 
as:  D3t5,,,  zrfora^rf,  ?3>r!,,  si'rS,  ^jrfjd, 
ejj;^,  i3-3rfo!5,  wodjs^ajsS.  -j^js^ri.  The 
eight  pleasures,  as:  SofS,  S:^,  tJt^irfra, 
e<c.  -Sj.  The  eighth.  -SoGi.  The  eight 
kinds  of  pride,  viz.  of  esN,,  ssqSr,  <D!3,, 
■tfju,  dJ3K,e<c.  -s3ojt)3r.  Eight-formed: 
Siva.       -»3?oj.     Eight    demigods,    as: 

-.aqS^;^.  "Worship  of  an  idol  with 
eight  things:  ^0^,  ^^^,  z^JS^i,  etc. 
-tOS33S.  The  eight  kinds  of  marriage. 
S5S|,or!.  Eight  parts  of  the  body  for 
performing  obeisance  as:  hands, 
breast,  forehead,  eyes,  throat  and 
middle  of  the  back.  e5S|,or(o3j3?rt. 
The  eight  stations  of  yoga,  as:  oijSo, 

qs'srfcc),  z^oci,  ?553jti^. 
^Z^jSiC)  s,  n.   The  eighth  lunar  day  of 

either  fortnight. 
©SjJS  2^rc3  s.  71.  Eight  daily  observances 

to  the  household  gods,  as:  ^^n,  Sro^ 

tfjdrs,   rioqS,    ess'  J,  ^sj' ,   cjSjaS,   a^sS, 

ef)»j,3.Sj^  s.  a.  Eighteen,  -ts's^.  Eighteen 
castes.  -S53P".  Eighteen  books  of 
Mahabharata.  -^Dsra.  The  eighteen 
Puranas.  ess^.ScS.  A  spider.  ^^^ 
Sj*.  Greatly  deformed,  ugly;  N.  of  a 
saint.  es^,-Oqj=i?i.  Eight  kinds  of 
service  to  an  idol  after  the  puje. 

ef);c^>i  k.  n.  That  measure,  pro.  That 
much,  so  much.  ©^djsVii,  es^djsVo. 
Meanwhile.  essJ.rfo.  So  many  persons. 
t?cSsjj,,  a6$s?rf*ij,,  oid^s^j,,  etc.  ^^?- 
Even  that  much.  -luodJ,  Sf^J3,orfJ.  At 
all  events,  a  little.  y^J3j?^ci2i;^=g'. 
One  hundred  and  eight. 

S£)oU   s.  ?).  Seed;  a  kernel,  stone. 

5£)?j  a.  k.  H.  Slenderness,  weakness. 
2,  fitness;  order;  strength.  -5iej 




rfsi.  An  energetic  man.  -rfjsd,  -S^. 
Strength  to  fail,  be  exhausted.  -53SJ. 
Haste,  speed. 

eS;rfo^aJO  s.  ?J.  Doubtlessness,  certainty. 

essj0?33id  s.  ?i.  The  state  of  being 

ef)?Jocon.  tb.  of  es?ii^^. 

e9?jooo?:iJ.  =  «5So2o?ij,  q.  V. 

e9?jX  k.  n.  A  washerman.  2,  N.  of  a 
Kannada  author. 

©rfoSOn.  esxioa^sn^^  ©riosSnoodo  s.  a. 

e5?jCA©  s,  n.  Non-attachment.  2,  impro- 
priety,  incongruity,  a.  Not  attached. 

eS?jOA''^  s.  a.  Unassociated.  2,  uneven. 
3,  inconsistent.    4,  imperishable. 

©?j?Sk.n.  A  stupid  man.  5i?da.  A  stupid 
woman.  [c^jg,  e^c. 

es^jt^ok.  H.  stupidity,  stubbornness.    -^J 

e5?Jl33  ^  (<b.  o/"  eji!3)  n.  Contemptible- 
ness;  ugliness. 

e9?jtS  f<b.  of  «5^c3)  n.  Dislike,  con- 
tempt,  scorn.  -53j3:^j.  To  despise, 

e??jS  s.  w.  An  unfaithful  wife. 

©xI^Q  s.  a.  Untrue,  n.  Untruth;  false- 

^Ti^i^  {tb.  of  e?3=)qSj)  n.  Impossibility. 

©?jO^0m  s.  a.  Displeased,  not  content. 
iSTio^^i^,.  Discontent. 

e£?ice\b  s.  n.  Dissatisfaction;  discon- 
tent, [tent. 

©rio^jsfs:;    s.   71.    Displeasure,    discon- 

eSsiorfSjSr"  s.  n.  Hinderance,  inconveni- 
ence, [vulgar. 

e5?dcj5ri    s.  a.    Unfit    for    an    assembly, 

e9?is^0  s.  a.  Unequal,  uneven.       2,  odd. 

e)?JdooiO  s.  n.  Unfit  time. 

©TirfOtj^?"   s.    a.   Powerless,   feeble;    in- 
eSrJ^^tf  s.  "•  The  five-arrowed:  Kama. 

eSSJ^Jsqrafi   s.    n.   Displeasure;    discon- 
tent; indisposition.  [equalled. 
e9?j^Je)rJ    s.    a.    Unequal,   unlike;    un- 

^7j-^TSi^%'b  h.  n.    A   ceiling    cloth.     2, 

an    ornamental    brush    of    peacock's 

25rJ^re3i^  s.  a.  Unfinished,  incomplete. 

-^o3j.    a   participle   (g.J,    as,  ^Jt^fs, 

oSdSj,  etc. 
SSrJC^r®?"  s.  a.  Incomplete,  imperfect. 
K^rJOEOciji  s.  n.  Non-connection. 
efPcJocjjrf  s.  a.  Inconsistent,  improbable, 

unlikely.    ?i.  An  extraordinary  event. 
^rjozpiitio  s.  a.  Incomprehensible,    -s! . 

Incomprehensibleness.  [from. 

&7jTio,^    s.  a.     Disapproved,    diflfering 


S5?j»5j,  B  s.  n.  Dissent,  disapproval. 


ef)?joajo.  tb.  of  es^Sso,,  q.  V. 

S9?j£^J  h.  a.  Original;  legitimate,  well- 
born; exactly  copied.  ?(.  The  princi- 
pal; an  original. 

eS^JS^cxJo  s.  a.  Friendless,  lonely. 

©?j§o?jO  s.  v.  i.  To  be  intolerant ;  to  be 
disgusted  with. 

§5?iCon  s.  a.  Unbearable,  disgustful. 
n.  Disgust.     -ScaO.     To  be  disgusted. 

e£)?3393'd02  s.  a.  Uncommon;  peculiar  ; 

e5s3sqjo  (=  sSJCcSs?)  s.  a.  Impossible; 

©A;  1.  k.  int.  of  disgust:    Fy! 

55^  2.  k.  V.  t.  To  scatter,  disperse. 
V.  i.  To  shake,  move.  n.  That  which 
is  laid  on  the  ground.  2,  a.  k.)  thin- 
ness. -'S'yJ.  The  lower  stone  for 
grinding  curry-stuff.  -cS^.  That  is 
thin.  -riSj.  A  tender  waist.  -^.  A 
delicate  flower.    -iJij^o.  A  thin  finger. 

©Ai  3.  s.  n.  A  sword,  knife.  -5^^-  The 
blade  of  a  sword.  [glio. 

©r^j-^N  s.  11.  A  female  servant  in  a  sera- 

e5;^0   s.  n.    Life.     -^,  -t?jscSj.    To   give 
life.     -.iS:^,    -5je?.     To  give  up  one's 
life,  die.     -qsadrs.     Existence,    -cs"^. 
Escaping  with  life. 
e5?ijc200  k.  V.  t.    To  shake,  agitate. 




©?Jo5  a.  k.  V.  i.  To  feel  disgusted  ;     to 

be  impatient,     n.  Fatigue. 
^TidX^  s.  n.   The  sun.      2,  a  demon,   an 

Asura.      -0^,    -55)0,   -3od,     essJocraO. 

Vishnu,  Krishna. 
e9?jj30cSo,   ©ri^'ScSo  s.  n.  Displeasure.    2, 

envy,  jealousy.  3,  aversion.  -Sjc^o.   To 

bear  malice. 
e5;6.  =  esA).  [disease. 

e9?;f3£0(i    s.  n.     Ailment,    indisposition; 



&973^;iJo  s.  a.  Ugly;  disagreeable.   -^C 

Having  a  croaking  voice, 
©xl     s.    a.     Disappeared.      n.    Sunset. 

-oSJci, -3JoDd),  -s3j3f^.   Disappearance; 

setting,  as  a  heavenly  body,  sunset. 

-^i,,S.    Disordered,  es?^  tSo^o.  To  set. 

li)-S  -0 

e97j  150,    ?5^  li.  n.  Linino-  of  a  <rarment. 

_fl        '  .^5  on 

©^  rastj,    55,?;  S3sd  s.  n.  A  foundation. 

S9?jO    s.  UiL  Be  it  so,  let  it  be. 

e5?j  s.  «.  A  missile  weapon.  2,  a  bow. 
-rt,(^.  An  arsenal,  -t^^ci.  A  soldier. 
55^.     A  bowman. 

e5^  s.  M.  A  bone.  -r!^.  Seated  in  the 
bones.  -Sjoiaci.  A  skeleton.  -t(j»i^. 
An  urn.  -^?^.  A  skeleton.  •r^'Syi. 
A  kind  of  consumption. 

^Sr^'d  s.  a.  Unsteady;  uncertain.  -^^. 

e9rJv5C^,  s.  a.  Indistinct. 

©?jjj(=ss^a)  s.  a.  A  tear.  2,  water. 
3,  an  eye.     4,  blood. 

eSrjQ^c^^j  s.  a.  Dependant,  subject. 

e9?J^ spans'  s.  a.  Unnatural. 

©SjQtJ  s.  a.  Indistinct;  having  a  dis- 
agreeable voice,     n.  A  consonant  (g.). 

®?jQ?j   s.  n.  Illness,  sickness,  ailment. 

e5?3sQtJ;;jn  s.  a.  Sapless,  insipid. 

e5;d3Q^r"  s.  n.  Disinterestedness;  gener- 

e5Sd  (=5555   (][.«.,  eirtos).    a.  k.  ?3JoOrfo, 

So^rfj.  Tes.      533o0Co3r!j.  To  be    yes  or 

true.       e53oo:3o^.       To   say    yes;     to 

assent,    affirm.  rthus. 

S5So^   (=  o^eirl)  a.  k.   ad.  That  manner; 

SS5oc?5>)-rf,  e5530^§,  es^CYjcSo  s.  n. 
The  sense  of  self;  egotism,  pride, 
haughtiness.  ssaoo^O^^j.  To  be  ego- 
tistic or  proud.  ©300^5=^ ddo;S,  esaoo 
^^0.  A  proud  man.  [manner. 

ef)5o07^   (=;^3rt,  5.  i\)   a.  k.    «(/.     That 

©So^i  (Dual:  day  and  night)  s.  n.  A 
day.       ©SflsoS).   Day   by  day,  daily. 

e55oSo  s.  pron.  I.  -esso^j'^.  Conceit. 
-ipssj.  High  notion  of  one's  own  supe- 
riority.    -SjO.1.  Conceit. 

©So5,  eSSoco  s.  n.  A  day.  ?3ooa~i.  Day 
and  night. 

eSSoeSss'd  h.  H.  A  public  servant. 

ePSoSse'O  li.  «.  State,  circumstances, 

©SoSjiBo  li.  ?i.  Attendance,  retinue.  2, 
a  number  of  coolies. 

©^50,  ©50533  s.  JM<.  of  joy  or  sorrow. 

6900  s.  n.  A  serpent.  2,  the  demon 
Vritra.  -n^y^s'.  A  number  of  serpents. 
-=g^o^,  -Sj,  -iiS,.  The  lord  of  ser- 
pents: Sesha.  -i^JSi^tz.  Siva.  -^o3j». 
A  couch  of  snakes. 

eSco^  s.  a.    Not  beneficial,  unfriendly. 

n.  An  enemy;  damage.    -=5*0.  Adverse; 

unwholesome.     -^.  Enmity. 

SSSoocjO.  See  s.  esS. 


e95o?^0  s.  71.  Causelessness.     -^.  Cause- 

SP^jse'OS^,  ©SojseUsS)  s.  -«.  Day  and 
night,  from  sunrise  to  sunrise. 

?9^  a.  k.  71.  Contact;  nearness.  2, 
fitness;  propriety;  comeliness.  3, power, 
strength.  4,  possibility.  -na=#.  Join- 
ing; bringing  about.  -SSa^J.  To 
join;  to  tie;  to  attach;  to  bring  about. 
-S:^J.  To  be  closely  joined;  to  be  at 
hand.    -Ss?.  To  be  depressed,  to  faint. 

iS^"^  k.  a.  Neither  thick  nor  thin 

iS^^d'k.  v.i.  To  fear.  2,  (=  ss'-^o^J)  to 
prick,  throb.  3,(=:ejeJ^J)  to  move 
about.  n.  Fear.  2,  the  pricking  of 
a  thorn.  ^'-fy^J.  To  frighten.  S3^ 
=5?™c^j.  To  shake  as  water,  to  bubble 



e9^U0(V<=  K)  k.  V.  i.  To  be  in  anguish, 
es^ii  k.  n.  Measure;   extent;   measure- 
ment.    -5Are:SJ.  To  measure. 
eS^TJJ  (dJ=«j)   a.  k.   r.  i.  To  foar.     11. 

Fear,  anguish.  «s<!?0?io.  To  frighten. 
eS'S'e/O   («^=t3)  a.  k.  r'.  ?.    To    grieve, 
be  afflicted,     n.  Grief,  sorrow,  afflic- 
tion.  «s^£)0.    To  grieve,  harass. 
e5Sye3  k.  )i.  A  squirrel.    2,  =  6a£^e3,  q.  v. 
55^^  (=  «sV,  q.  V.)    a.  k.  m.     Nearness. 

2,  strength.      3,  combat.      4,  trust. 
65^4)  k.  w.  Measure,     -t^js^wj.     A  mea- 
suring rod. 
^i^-£i  (<f—a)  k.  «.  The  bar;  the  ebbing 

of  the  tide  in  a  river-mouth. 
^^■S^€.  =  es^jd^O,  w-?jd;0,  q.  v. 
e9^?j0  k.  V.  t.     To  measure  or  cause  to 
be  measured.      2,  (—^^KS)  to  efface. 
59^   (^  =  C0')    k.t-.  i.  To   be  ruined;    to 
perish,  decay;    to  disappear;    to  die. 
V.  t.  To  ruin.      2,  (=  e5«?)  to  measure. 
n.  Ruin;  waste;  damage.    2,  remain- 
der of  liquids.     3,  a  void,  nought  (ex- 
pressed  by  the   sign  <o~).      -^Sfsj.  A 
bad  eye.       "^'^-     Miserable    poetry. 
-r(<D, -ri'iS,i^.  A  bad  poet.  -»*:.  Useless 
prayers,     -odj:)^.  Vain  hope. 
eS^-CTPrfj  k.  v.  t.     To  oppose;    to  harass. 
2,  to  frighten.      3,  (v°  =  CO-)  to  efface, 
59'^^  k.  n.  An  earthen  vessel. 
e9<?^  1.  a.  k.  V.  i.  To  be  addicted  to;   to 
long  for.    n.  Desire,  attachment,  love. 
^<v'4    2.    {%'=^a^)    k.  r.  (.    To    destroy. 
V.  i.     To    be    destroyed.       «.     Ruin, 
destruction;  death. 
K'^oli  k.  /(.    A    son-in-law,  a  nephew. 
-s;o3?r5.     The     law     of     inheritance 
according  to  which  a  man's  property 
descends    to    his   sister's   son.      -^^. 
Being  an  ess-'odi. 
e?<S'£^J  (=ei^d)  k.  n.   A  squirrel. 
e9'9?rfj  (6?=  CO')  k.  v.  t.  To  ruin,  destroy; 
to  kill. 

^Vo  (VJ  =  KU)  k.  V.  i.  To  weep,  cry.  -^'§, 
-oj.  "Weeping,  -rijajjj.  A  cross  child. 
-■s'je?.  -iojajTf.  A  crying  or  fretful 
person;  f.  -io^Oj-t.  e^Xj.  To  make 

ee^oS^J.  59^0i  k.  r.  i.  To  fear,  be  afraid. 

n.  Fear. 
eS^OAO   (s<j=C3j)   a.  k.   I',  i.   To  decay. 

u.  t.   To  love. 
e9^Jc30    a,  k.    n.     Excess;     greatness; 

?f)^0(yj  (==J£^ejJ)  k.  n.  A  squirrel. 

e5s?  (=es«?  No.  3)  k.  v.  t.  To  measure. 

n.  Measure.    2, buttermilk.    -wJ^jsSj. 

To    measure    out.        -ciJ   Soo'^^JsSj. 

To  give  heaped  measure.     -cSj  oj'stfj. 

To  ponder.     -oSjooto.  A  Golla. 
e)^,Sd    ('i=^)    k.  «.    Envy,  jealousy. 

-=5tid.  An  envious  man. 
eSS?,^  k.  ad.  Suddenly. 
eSVitJo  (^tiJ=C^e3J)  a.  k.    v.  t.  To  love. 

2,  to  fear.    n.  Love. 
ft9S?J,  1.  =  eaVOTB^s). 
?5S,-'a.  2.  («?4  =  M4)a.  k.  y.  i.   To  be  worr 

out,   digested,    n.  The  state  of  being 

worn  out  or  digested. 

e£)^,  k.  n.   An  embrace. 


2A%  =  ^^ 

weeping.     3,  boiling. 

e50j    (^^  =  COj  )  k.  V.  i.  To  be  dissolved 
A       ^        a' 
to  decay. 

59(9  (^  =C3' .  =  aSr)  k.  rt.  Love.  2 
pleasure.  -S:!).  To  feel  love.  -530 
A  lover.  | 

eS^O  (^J  =COJ)  a.  k.  r.  t.  To  witheil 
fade.     2,  to  die.     3,  ( =  erfj^)  to  dip 

©1^0  k.  «.  Shaking,  trembling.  esvSjSj 
(=e5Cs»  :Sj).  To  move,  shake,  tremble 

^^     k.  n.    What    is  shaking.     2,   th 

sides  of  the  abdomen;  the  weak  spot 

tenderness.     3,  the  flank  of  an  anima' 

-mJSIoj,.    Feebleness.  -Ajioii^. 


slender  branch. 





€5.  1.  k.  The  second  letter  of  the 
alphabet.  2.  a  remote  pronominal 
adjective:  That;  those,  as:  ^  ^o^o^.. 
That  man.  W  *d.  That  side.  W 
=g^dr3.  Therefore,  ef  ^rs.  Instantly. 
ej  ior^,.  On  that  account,  w  lo^^'s'. 
Thereafter.  y  53j?s3.  Afterward. 
'J  Sd.i.  Until  then.  wssrt.  Then. 
3.  a  final  particle  in  friendly  conversa- 
tion, as:  co3,  D?33J3l  Sjj^^dd!  4,  an 
interrogative  affix,  as:  woao?  ?  Sojs; 
rtjS  50ji  ? 

C  2.  s.  ad.  From.  '2.  towards.  3,  all 
around.    4,  till,  as  far  as. 

£?c  (=  c3^,  c33c^J)  a.  k.  pro.  I. 

<i?=  k.  int.   of  surprise  and  sorrow. 

Ci'S'rf  s.  ?i.  A  multitude.  2,  a  mine.  3,  a 

e?3^tif*3,  e?g^T5£?  s.  n.  Calling;  a 
challenge.  y^O^ij.  To  accept;  to 

0'3'^^?■Jjs.  n.  Hearing,  listening.  tf^E^" 
^0.    To  hear,  listen  (c/^.  ^O^o,  ^^"^J). 

Cj'S'm'^  s.  m.  Drawing,  attraction  to- 
wards one's  self  (=  etf ^irra).  2,  a 
die  or  dice  ;  playing  with  dice,  etc.  3, 
temptation,  allurement.  -"5*.  A  magnet. 
Wg*-iw~^j.   To  attract,  draw. 

S?^,?J^^  s.  a.  Sudden,  ad.  Suddenly; 

efS's;*,  SS'^^O  k.  n.  A  cow.  -=tcI.  A  cow's 
calf.  -s3jo:3.  A  herd  of  cattle.  -^^,. 
A   cowpen. 

e?5Vv?j  k.  n.  Disgust. 

ej"3^§^  (=  ys'js?=f)  k.  ».  Yawning, 
gaping.  ^"^'-PKo.  V.  i.  To  yawn,  gape. 

Cy^ocS^,  s.  w.  Desire,  wish.  2,  requiring 
of  a  word  to  complete  the  sense.  3, 
suspicion.  S:?=5^03r  ?ij.  To  desire,  wish. 

ey^Ti  s.  »i.  Form,  shape.  2,  a  hint, 
sign.  3; the  vowel  t?.  -S,".::^.  =  aoJsSr 
^■5^.  -rui).,  -rl,'505j?-.    Dissimulation. 

Ci'SS'rfr©  s.  n.  Calling;     challenging. 

efSDH?  (<&.  ?5=s^?j,  "jt;;^)  s.  n.  The  sky  or 
atmosphere;  an  empty  space.  2,  the 
ether,  -rtort.  A  cascade.  -r(„'3;:^j, 
-a;5i.  A  lamp  hung  on  a  pole,  -zn-irs. 
A  sky-rocket.  -z2ejo.  The  rainbow. 
-;j^rl.     An  aerial  voice. 

£?53;c!,  tb.  of  ^SD^,  q.  v. 

Cy-CTjPSr"  s.  a.  Scattered;  crowded;  con- 

Cy^J  a.  k.  n.  A  leaf;  a  herb,  filament. 
-d^cOj.  a  file. 

CfWOceiFj  s.  n.  Bending;  contraction; 
curving.      W^s'jozi^.  Bent,  contracted. 

ey^oe),  ey^OsS;^  s.  a.  FlUed  with,  full; 
confused,  bewildered. 

ef  g'js?^.  =  ■'j'^^'^,  q.  V. 

eyS^yB  s.  n.  Forpi,  shape.  2,  the  body. 
3,  tribe,  species. 

Cy^  1.  k.  pro.  That  woman,  she.  2, 
she,  the  married  wife  (lion.). 

^y^  2.  a.  k.  M.  Power,  valour,  -^n'-?.  A 
valiant  man. 

£y3^,c3?i  s.  n.  Lamentation,  weeping. 
^'c^o&Tio.  To  weep,  lament. 

Cf^j'dJf^  s.  n.  Approaching.  2,  at- 
tacking; seizing,  grasping.  3,  over- 
powering, j-xo  rise. 

©"^jSO^^O    s.  V.  t.  To  seize,  grasp,     v.  i. 

^'S^\z^  s.  a.  Possessed,  obtained.  2, 
subjected,  overpowered.    Cpds:  rfj8533 

Cf^'jjj'j^  s.  n.  Calling  aloud.  2,  revi- 
ling, abusing. 

£y^.  ozJ  s.  n.  Tossing.  2,  abuse,  taunt; 
reproach.  3,  objection,  doubt.  -wJS 
Sj,  5f^?iij?oj.  To  reproach;  to  object. 

©"SOO  h.  n.  The  end.    fc?a^dj.  =t?s3jdj. 

^ST^ii,  s.  ?i,  A  natural  pond. 

CSDJ  s.  n.  A  rat,  mouse.  -n,  -OqS, 
-;3e)Sci.     Ganeia. 




tfajoy  s.  «.  Chase,  hunting.  2,  fright. 
©"jSj^I^j  h.  a.  Last,  final,  n.  The  end. 
?SDJn  s.  a.  Named.      2,  making  known. 

n.  =  ^s5,. 

C?i3;)ns  s.  a.  Made  known;  famous.  2, 
conjugated,  n.  A  verb,  predicate  (g.). 
-Srf.  An  inflected  verb  (g.).  -tSifj^. 
An  affix  of  conjugation  (g.J. 

<ZjSJ^nB  s.  71.  Fame,  name.  -?iJ.  To 
make  known. 

efsJSo^  s.  ?(.  Saying.  2,  a  tale.  3,  a 

CfsSo  s.  n.  An  appellation ;  fame;  a  name. 

(3'a,  eyXe^o,  ey^^o  k.  ad.  That  time; 
then.  wrRrt,  errart,,  ejhonail,,.  From 
time  to  time,  occasionally.  ^f\^.  Of 
that  time. 

£?/\rf  a.  k.  n.  Sport,  fun,  mockery. 
-??)rf.  A  scoffer,  teaser. 

efAc^oC^yn)  a.  k.  nrf.  Then. 

Ci'Ao  s.  a.  Come,  received.  -Ksj^S. 
Reciption,  welcome.  tfrtS.  Arrival; 
return;  income;  chance. 

£?A^0  s.  71.  Arrival.  2,  precept;  a 
work     on     sacred     science.  3,    an 

augment  (g.).  4,  knowledge,  science. 
-^.  Cominar.  sjtISjssjJS,  oIj.  The 
sastras  and  vedas.  S5rti0js;j.  To  arrive. 

^7\':i  (tb.  of  tfnaC)  n.  An  abode,  asy- 
lum.    2,  a  garden.     3,  a  saltpan. 

e?A^,  ^XSJO.  =  ^n,  q.  V. 

efXe?.   See  s.  ^no. 

^7\7i  (tb.  of  '^^ni).     -Sje^.  The  sun. 

e?A^O  (=  ^T\)  a.  k.  ad.  Always.  2,  that 

cy/NSA,  e?A3/^o.  See  s.  fc?rt. 

Z97^^o  s.  ?i.  Pretence  of  agony  or  injury. 

GJ'ASSO  s.  a.  Coming;  future.  --bIjOSo. 
The  future  tense  (g.).  ^rxd^O"^.  Rela- 
ting to  future. 

<Z97sX)'d  (=fcjri5i)  s.  11.  A  house,  dwelling. 

2f  aO  k.  I",  i.  To  come  into  being.  2, 
to  take  place,   happen.     3,  to  grow. 

4,  to  become.  5.  to  be.  6,  to  be  done 
or  finished.  7,  to  come  under.  e, 
to  be  suitable,  fit;  to  agree.  9,  to  bS 
possible;  to  be  related.  e353?ij  ^rir^ 
^^j?i  .^nj^S)V^,  he  is  not  related  to 
me.  ecicJj  ycOj^,  what  is  done  is 
done.  Mrtrfjscej.  To  allow  to  happen. 
Wrtrf.  Not  coming  about,  impossible. 
WrtrfiJrij.  An  unfriendly  man;  to'# 
ertcSa^jj,  an  incompetent  man.  ^rizij. 
It  is  unfit  or  forbidden,  as:  sSjscioa 
rtrfo.  wriO.  (3rd.  pr.  sing,  imp.)  May 
become  or  be;  be  it  (so)  (s^AsrSO, 
be  it  so).  Rep.  to  express:  whether— or, 
either-  or,  as:  'axsrlO  tfcariO,  either 
this  or  that;  wzaSoDrtO  s:JJ  oijrsjo^ 
UDriO,  whether  poor  or  rich,  t? Ajsj 
(pr.p.J.  Possible,  practicable.  t?r!j 
5io:i  SjsSj,  "^frtJij  assrl  djs^ij.  To 
accomplish,  bring  about.  ^^.  (p.p.) 
Having  become,  happened,  being 
finished,  etc.:  1,  affixed  to  adjectives 
or  nouns  it  is  used  to  form  advei'bs, 
as:  '!^cje>^,  5Sj,nSo;y?h,  ^dejjsah,  ?ioJj3» 
^Sejft,  etc.  2,  lY  ?s  Mscd  to  convey 
the  idea  of  "voluntarily",  "of  itself", 
as:  eSttS^fN  or  s^^f\  loocijl),  he 
came  of  his  own  accord.  3,  icith  the 
Dative  it  signifies:  for,  on  account 
of,  in  behalf  of,  as:   ^^mh,  Sod ali 

"cr  "3" 

rfj33rf^?»\,  'ScSrf^^ft.    4,  j<  signifies 

a  s<a<e  or  quality,  as:  fcfcjitjrsssf^jjjjj 
worrati;  wags?  s5^=5'Se>A!jjSrfj.  es/s 
^JS?r(o.  To  be  finished;  to  die.  tfcStf-S 
(wcSdDijJ,  wd;5d3l)j).  Though;  so- 
ever. fc?rf3.  If  it  be,  if  so.  wrtJ  is  aiso 
ttsed  to  form  a  kind  of  passive,  as: 
^?«?J55r3;3i)oSj3o;  '5?js:|j3or3s^o3j:ii. 
wh^Jo.  To  bring  about,  perform. 
t?7l)<J,'#.  Becoming,  happening, 
e?;^  k.  ad.  In,  into. 

e?A  =  Sir;,  q.  V. 
'^^ocdo  s.  a.  Re 

south-east  quarter. 

£f^v?cdo  s.  a.  Relating  to  fire.      n.  The 



©•t^o  (=sjr!,  q.  V.)  k  .  «d.  Then,  wfso 
crai^o-  From  time  to  time.  "^riJS^. 
Also,  then;  notwithstanding,  though, 
as,   JjJ^a^srtJS,.   Thouffh  he  did  it. 

C?7\j^  s.  n.  Seizing.  2,  earnest  solici- 
tation. 3,  violence  (toS3^3^,  cJ).  4, 
anger,      "^o.  To  become  angry. 

ii?^:ra)0.3  s.  M.  Smelling,  ei^^^ti^^j.  To 

Q'o?\'d?d  s.  ?t.  Brihaspati.  2,  the  6th 
year  in  the  cycle  of  sixty. 

Cfi^cnDj^^r  s.  a.  As  long  as  moon  and 
sun  endure. 

Z^ii'^0^  s.  n.  Rinsing  the  mouth  or 
sipping  water  at  a  religious  ceremony. 

CPe^'dro  s.  n.  Observing.  2,  conduct, 
practice;  performance.  -Sja^j,  y°^ 
0?oO.    To  perform,   observe. 

C?t5STJ   s.  n.  Conduct;   good  behaviour. 

2,  an   established    rule    of    conduct; 
custom,   usage,    practice.    Cpds:  51, 3^ 

ej'£539  (<6.  0^  e:?i3=)CXijF)  «.  A  title  assum- 
ed by  Brahmin  co  oks,  idol-makers, 
smiths,   artificers,    house-ptijaris,  etc. 

C5'£53aJor  s.  ?*.  A  spiritual  guide.  2, 
a  conductor  of  religious  ceremonies. 

3,  a  title  of  learned   men. 

e?e5  k.  ad.  That  side;  beyond.  2,  after, 
afterwards,  as:  Wcloi)  sSj^sj,  t^zi&^Ss. 
-*zl.  That  side. 

'^UT)  Vj(i  s.  11.  Covering,  concealing;  a 

covering.  "J'iZ^  a^o.  To  cover,  conceal. 

=  ep 

0*3i  s.  n.  Relating  to    goats.       -*.  A 

flock  of  goats. 
CJsSs.  n.  Going,  running.   2,  war,  battle. 

3,  level  ground. 

^S^'sS,  ZSdi'^,     s.  n.     Livelihood,     ad. 
As  long  as  life  endures. 

£?3:3  ^^    s.   n.     Ordering.      SiJ-^t)  ^^o. 

To  order,   command. 
^"S.    (tb.  Si'H)  s.  n.  An  order,  command. 

2,    permission.      3,  verdict,    punish- 


irarodj.      A    penal    decree. 

-"ijitio.  To  order;  to  allow.  -^ 
=#j?,  °A-  To  take  leave.  -SjSu-j.  To 
order;  to  condemn,  punish.  -tDjscio. 
To  transgress  a  command.  Wts^  ns 
ci^.  Obedient. 
eyy  k.  ?t.  Motion.  2,  play,  sport, 
amusement,  jest.  3,  a  dance,  stage 
performance;  gambling.  4,  sound. 
Cpds.:  =^K'^,hi,  ^jaocssfeJ,  ^jso^-sy,  ^js; 

-5:?:^j.     To    play;     to    act,     perform. 

-=ff5)3r,  -rra^r.  A  dancing  girl,    -rrad, 

-r!je?,  -orios?.    A    player;    a  gambler. 

-sraU.  dupl.  -<S^.  A  player;  an  actor; 

a  cheat;    (s.)  a  woodman. 
Z^kio"^  s.  n.  Obstruction,  obstacle,    ^^o 

■SrTij.  To  hinder. 
ii?&S^  k.  71.  A  person  given  to  play. 
©"faas^^o  f.  n.  An  extra  servant. 
e^i!    k.  n.  A  player.    -#,  -r^  {cf.  wa^). 

Play,     wli^o.  To  long  for,  desire. 
e?yo  k.  n.  Motion;    play,    (f.)  a.  Minor; 

C?l3j3eXJ   s.  n.   Ostentation,   pomp.       2, 

control,  power. 
efrfo'A  k.  n.  A  female. 
e?rfo20d  s.  n.  A  drum.        2,   roaring. 

8,  thunder.       4,   pomp,    display.       5, 

expanse;  a  heap. 
C?rf«?;^,    £?rf^o    k.    H.    Administration, 

£?a  k.  ?i.  That  moves  or  plays.    t?a#.  A 

holding,  motion;  play;  a  holiday,   wa 

rt.  An    actor,    -^ri-  Moving,  playing. 
yr^J  1.    k.  V.  i.    To    be    in    motion;     to 

wag,  wave,  shake.     2,  to  play,  sport. 

3,  to  dance,  act.      4,  to  speak,  utter, 

sound.     5,  to  abuse.    Cpds:     is^do, 

^;3i)::^j,  ^odizraafo,  t?j3osdSj,  ^lOn^^^J, 

tt;??33:^j,  oojsrfvs^o,  ^js^ds^Sj,  etc.     n. 

Motion.  -^OS?.  A  playful  person.  -<a'^, 

-3o,    ya#.    Moving,   playing,     ^asjo. 

To  cause  to  move,   play,  dance,  etc. 
e?::j  2.  k.  n.   A   he-goat.       -t^^fs^-    A 

herb,      Pliyllanthus     madraspatensis. 




-sSjjfej.cS  hS,  -?;j3$n-.  A  shrub,  Justi- 

cia  adhatoda. 
CJ'L?e<^J  k.  n.  A  screech  owl. 
Cfi]^?'  s.  n.  A  measure  of  grain. 
©■i^-Sr  s.  7i.  A  kind  of  pulse. 
Z^Tf.n  s.  a.  Rich,  wealthy,    n.  Arrogance, 
(^f^g  (=&?«?<)  k.  a.  Male.      n.  Priority. 
e?r©S  1.  k.  n.  Singing,  praising. 
e?reS  2.    (/&.    of   °d'2i^)    n.   An    order, 

"SfrJ  1.  k.  H.  Roundness.      2,  excellency, 

preciousness.     -53JJ^J^.  A  costly  pearl. 
Q'rJ2.  a.n.  The  linch-pin;  a  nail.     2,  a 

limit.       -^UJ.   The   base  of  a  pillar. 

-53iS.   A  nail-raaker. 
£?r??io  k.  r.    i.  To  crack  or  burst. 
<yro^eJ:3   k.  )i.  A  hailstone. 
£??!  1.   (/b.    «/■    e^^i)    H.    Command.     2, 

oath.       -"a^J,      -T?^Jj5    -ojJelSJ,    -333^0. 

To  swear,  -wa^^o.  To  free  from  an 
oath.  d?3D^?i.  By  God.  aortcrarl. 
By  my  son. 

C5's32.  k.  n.  A  crack.  -wCSo.  To  crack, 
burst.  [cant. 

CyoS  k.  n.    A    Saiva    religious  mendi- 

it?P©  ,  £?r©,  (fr.  5J'ra)  a.  k.  ?*.  A  ruler, 
lord,  master. 

<i?©,  ^f^o  k.  de»n.  pvo.  That  man,  he. 

<i?^c3^  (=  Clio's)  s.  ?^.  Obstacle,  hin- 
drance (ea).  2,  disease.  3,  fear. 
fcj:3o3-?iJ.  To  hinder. 

C^SSOSO  s.  n.  An  assailant,  felon, 

C^Zj  s.  n.  Sunshine.     W3S^    a.  Heated. 

<3'o3i^,  s.  71.  A  parasol. 

^Bt^o  s.  71.    Hospitality.      2,   a  guest. 

-=fjs:^o,  -SJ5::Sj.  To  entertain  a  guest. 
CSerar  s.  a.  Crossed,  passed  over. 
^oo.  =  tf  o;So  k.  jj.  p.  of  wpi),  q.  v. 
ei'SJ'ds.  jj.  Longing  for.     2,  excitement; 

haste.  -3.  Desire.     -sS3o,  -j25°-?J,  -»3:^ 

?;o.   To  bo  hasty.       «^3jOXo.  To  feel 


£?^^  s.  «.  Complete  satisfaction. 

<ifii,  ^ilSoO^  k.  n.  A  cockroach. 

ey^,   s.  «.  The  soul.       2,  the  self.       3, 
nature,  character.     4,  intellect;  mind. 

5,  the  sou]  of  the  universe.  6.  effort. 
7,  wind,  air.  -W.  (in  cpds.)  Having 
the  nature  of.  -^33^.  Suicide,  -ts, 
-^333,  -'^sS.  A  son.  -^,  -S3i,  -"^s3. 
A  daughter.  -2:^.  Self-knowing;  a 
sage.  -d-^^Jo.  Fretful,  miserable. 
-S)^?rffS,  W39^Src3.  Offering  one's  self 
as  a  sacrifice.  -fS^Sci.  The  middle 
voice  of  a  verb  (g.).  -V^Ji.  Self-born; 
Brahma.  -53o:S^.  Self-deceiver,  -sio 
t^fS.  Self-delusion.  -C)t3*.  Self-know- 
ing; a  sfge.  -5^0.3.  Self-praise.  tJsa 
J|j=".    One's    oira   sake;    reflexive  (g.). 

Cvds:  SStiaijS^,,  J5PS33,  ,  ^?53n3, ,  SJ3 
sJ3^,  CiOD3o^,  etc. 

ZyB,"^  (=W3.T,    q.v.)  s.  a.  Having  the 

d  s. 

nature  of. 

£?S,  eorfj  s.  a.  Own.  relating  to  self. 

£fifi?cdO  s.  ?i.   Durvasa.      2,  the  moon. 

£?C3  k.  (re/,  p.  p.  of  ^rio,  q.  v.).   Affixed 

to  noims  it  converts  them  into  ad- 
jectives, as:    zpn^'sui,  heavy;     <S?33_d 

^^vi,  extensive,  etc.     -'9^^^,  -ciOoci. 

Therefore.     wt33rio.  He  may  become. 

wa^^J.  It  may  be;  yes. 
O'c^'d    O'3'dfo  s.  n.  Reverence,  homage. 

2,  kind  treatment,  kindness;  consola- 
tion. iSi::iO'^.  A  helper  in  trou- 
ble. 'JtiO^o.  To  respect;  to  treat 

Z9i:i-djt  (fr.  t?rtj)  k.  conj.  Either,  or.  2, 
any.  (DiJ3D3:3dj5,  any  one;  o2c33drfjJ, 
something;       oiCTjCid-o,      anywhere). 

3,  at  least  (dtrtC3CStfJ?,    at  least  now). 

4,  though  (sijsarfrfjs,  though  he  did). 
Zfzi'S  (fr.    wriJ)   cond.     conj.   If,   if    it 

be  (ocsrrecid,     if  it  be  so).     2,  but. 
ZyzS^y   s.  n.    A  mirror,     -n.   Showing; 

a  mirror. 
£y::ae3  (A'-  ^-^^  k.  n.  Forehead;  front. 




efusodJ  s.  n.  Gain,  income,  profit; 

e?D  s.  n.  Beginning,  a.  First,  prior.  (  3 
oraa,  without  beginning;  esFSsaoSjoiirf, 
from  eternity).  C07i.  And  so  on,  etc.  -t?^ 
xivs.  A  primary  cause.  -:S^d.  The 
creator.  -^?sS.  The  sovereign  of  the 
serpent  race.  Cpds:  esc^a,  oJoJAiia, 
a^Seia,  jdrtsraa. 

e?a^n  s.  n.  The  sun.     -;73Ci.  Sunday. 

©"a^J  s.  a.  First,  prior,  original. 

Ci'a^S'  s.  n.  Profit,  gain,  income. 

(^iIj.  =  eodoo .  P.  p.  of  ^o±o,  q.  V. 

©•cSecdJ  s.  n.  A  gift. 

e?c2?^  s,  «.  Information.  2,  precept. 
3,  an  order.      4,  a  substitute. 

^:in  s.   a.    First,  initial.      -*=S.  N.   of 


Ci'qjajo  s.  n.  Placing,  depositing.  2, 
a  deposit,  pledge;  a  surety.  3,  a 

ej^^-d  s.  n.  Support,  aid.  2,  authority, 
sanction,  foundation.  3,  a  receptacle. 
-S,  tjq330.  A  man  of  property.  -^^1, 
zSsSc^J,   ^iOtiqraO,   a  destitute  man. 

<i?5  s.  n.  Location.  2,  a  deposit.  3, 
thought;   care;  anxiety;  cf.  ^\&, 

ef^i^n  s.  n.  Excess,  abundance;  superi- 

i^ypji^n  s.  n.  Supremacy,  authority. 

Cp?^  s.  a.  Subjected,  dependent,  n. 
Subjection,  control,  charge.  Cpds: 
ro3^?fj,  odDS^??^,  iS^sra^^c^. 

Q>ji.  =  ^zi.  Rel.  p.  p.  of  5^c^,  q-  v. 

Ci"^^  s.  n.  A  large  drum  beaten  at 
one  end.      2,  a  tambourine. 

<^^:^  s.  a.  Bent,  bowed;  humbled,  sub- 

Zy^^  s.  11.  The  mouth;  face. 

e?Ncd  s.  n.  Happiness,  joy,  delight. 
2,  the  48th  year  of  the  cycle,  -^c!, 
-=snn=^.  Gladdening.  -wo.  Tears  of 
joy.  -SCaO.  To  rejoice.  -z^^JjiS.  A 
kind  of  tune.     ^rioSiXJ.     To  rejoice. 

£?^^j    s.  n.    Bending.       ^N^OJ^iJ.     To 

salute  reverently. 
0'o)3'£'->   (=  tfrii'5'ejj  )  k.  n.  A  hailstone. 
£?fJo  k.  I',  t.  To  touch,  join.     2,  to  rest 
on;     to   recline    on;     to  lean.     3,  to 
lay  hold  of,  put  on;    to  receive;    to 
bear,  endure,    v.  i.  To  be  slow.     (P.  p. 
^:^S).     t?;^jeAJO.      To     burn    slowly. 
fc?a^o.   To  cause  to  touch,   elc.    n.  = 
eiSi=f.  Leaning  on. 
GPrJo^oSJo  s.  n.  Suitableness,  conformity. 
ei'>:^OA0r®o  s.  n-   Congeniality. 
e?63  1.  k.  n.  An  elephant  (=r!ia,  *0,  c3sn). 
Cpds:  =s-3:3i>(5,  Ji^o^fS,  i3v?)f3,  c^Psa^fS, 
eic.  -^sajj.  The  Cochin    leg,  elephan- 
tiasis.    -'S's^o,  -dj:^J.  An  old  copper 
coin  so  called,     -rits.    A  troublesome 
kind  of  itch.     -J4o^.  Ivory.     -^JjSrtoJ. 
The     entrance     gate    of     a     palace. 
-SjoSj.    a    bad   kind    of    small-pox. 
.3ioj?ioap5      c3ri°^j.      The     long-nosed 
alligator.      -^jtJj,.   The  foot-print  of 
an    elephant.     -riJO.     An    elephant- 
killer.    -2o^,  -'iJB"^.  A  pit  for  catch- 
ing wild  elephants. 

e?^  2.  (=  355^5)  He  is.  2,  aff.  for  3rd 
pers.  sing.  masc.  present;  as:  ^tiJB^^, 
iodJ3^c3,  etc. 

e?o^cdO"  (fr.  ©o^^rf)  s.  n.  The  inside, 
heart;   the  mind;  secrecy. 

^o^j    (^■yso)  k.  P.p.  of  Wcdo,  q.  v. 

£?o^j  s.  n.  The  bowels,  entrails.  -STOoijJ, 
-3S  a.    Ingual  hernia,  rupture,     [-(j^i. 

£?ot5A  (=  !f:l ??:»->)  k.w.  The  white  screech 

ei'o^.oeeJ,  Cfodjsee^fo    s.  m.      Swinging. 

e?or?j3es55^  s.  «.  A  palankeen  (iSso-or). 

£f  oi^-Do'  s.  M.  A  cook. 

GPoc^j  s.  M.  Telugu.    -d^si.    T.  country. 

£?Sj  1.  k.  Rel.  pres.  p.  of  "^o*-  Being 
strong,  able  or  possible.  -ri3o,  wsra 
Wj.  As  much  as  possible.  ysJcSJ. 
It  will  be  possible. 

^t)  2.  s.  n.  "Water. 

<i^7j-R  s.  71.  A  river,  stream. 


w  ojCS 



iS?3jOS  s.)i.  A  shop.  2,  a  market,  ^sijii?. 
A  shop-keeper,  merchant. 

Trouble;  misfortune,  calamity,  dis- 
tress. -^A),  -•Jj°^j.  To  be  in  distress. 
tfS3f>  o.  A  time  of  trouble.  °JSrf  wor. 
Practice  allowable  in  time  of  distress. 

ZfZjri^.  s.  rt.  Gained,  acquired.  2,  dis- 

'Z9ZM>^s.n.  Rushing  on;  throwing  down; 
happening.     2,  the  instant, 

S?SDd,  'ifSjDrfjj  s.  ?i.  Accusation;  puni- 
shment.  Sf  STsOsJo.   To  charge,  punish. 

Cfsjvji  s.  w.   A  drinking-party. 

e? ^  k.  n.  An  object  to  lean  upon,  refuge, 
protection.  2,  a  kind  of  bulrush, 
Typha  elephantina. 

Z^^^r  s.  a.  Full.     -:3.     Fulness. 

<^-£^-&y'^  s.  a.  Expecting,  -wishing.  wsS? 
•B^^  rt.  Wished. 

Cy^e^^i  s.  «.  Sipping  of  water  at  the 
beginning  and  end  of  meals. 

^5"::;  s.  a.  Obtained,  reached;  apt, 
fit.      2,  trustworthy,    n.  A  friend. 

0*333  ?\8  f.  n.  An  ornamental  umbrella 

— D 

borne  over  rajas.  (tude 

^h   s.  n.  Reaching;     obtaining;    apti- 

C?sin  s.  rt.  Watery;  consisting  of  water. 
2,  obtainable. 

£?oj3q(x5jfj  s.  rt.  Causing  fulness;  satis- 
fying. 71.  Satisfaction,  pleasure. 

Z9'^Ti,  ^Tj-^^s.  n.  Bathin?,  ablution. 
-^5.  A  Brahmana  who  has  taken  the 
bath  after  his  period  of  study. 

CfSDTij,  e?20oi^o,  efaooj  h.  n.  Honour, 
character,  renown.  -ri^a.  A  man 
without  honour  or  character. 

ePSTOiiJ  h.  rt.  Flourishing,  cultivated. 

e?K33?d  {tb.  of  tjqra?;)  n.  Fallacy; 
failure,  defect. 

C?83  tS'  s.  rt.  Annual,  yearly. 

C^cJr®  s.  n.  An  ornament. 

e?2pD^  s.  n.  Manner,  mode. 

CPapSciir®  s.  H.  Addressing,  speaking. 

■^CiTO^d  s.  n.  Splendour,  light;  appear- 
ance; reflection. 

Cf^e'd  s.  n.  A  cowherd. 

^^^oSTi  (ft:  ss-^^o^^tf,  g.r.)  s.  rt.  Inter- 
nal.    «.  Obstacle. 

<i?^  1.  s.  rt.  Raw;  uncooked;  unripe. 
71.  Constipation;  passing  unhealthy 
excretions  (mucus);  sickness,  -ti^ , 
-Sot.  Dysentery.  -?5j306jo,  a  sour 
sauce  or  seasoning  made  of  tamarind. 

e?rfo  2.  k.  n.  A  potter's  kiln. 

25* siOuio  h.  jj.   Coming;  income;    import. 

£?^0c^,  e?^oog)TO  s.  n.  Welcome.    2, 

lydoorfo  s.  71.  Sickness,  disease. 

O'^jejS  s.  n.  The  plant  Emblic  myroba- 

lan  (=  r30^. 
£fs:5j^zS    {<6.  o/'  S:?5iJ5Sa)    ?i,    A    kind    of 

cake  made  of   split  pulse  mixed  with 

spices,  fried  in  ghee  or  oil  and  soaked 

in  curds. 
^"^TS^o  s.  n.   A  minister,  counsellor. 
Q'^TOB'cdo  s.  71.  The  stomach. 

ey^ojc;  s.  n.    Flesh.     2,  a  bribe.     3,  a 

gift.      4,  desire. 
^Ojg?:^.  =  e,DJ3ri,    q.  v. 
^S)7st)  h.  n.  A  native  revenue  officer. 
^Tio:>SJ^'^  s.  rt.   Belonging  to  the  other 

Cf  550.(8e;  s.  ad.  By  the  root,  entirely. 
ef^So  k.  )i.  A  tortoise,  turtle. 
CJ^jsorf  s.  rt.  Gladdening,     n.  Pleasure, 

joy.     2,  fragrance,     w^^ao.  To  be 

glad;    to  smell  at. 
e?o20d  (tb.  WSJ,)  «.   Pepper  water  with 

ei-osfjso-g  Sec    wrfJs::i. 

^^■:i .  e?aj  ^  s.  n.  The  tamarind  tree. 
2,  sourness,  acidity. 

efodo  1.  a.  k.  M.  The  inside;  the  vital 
part  of  the  body.  2,  detail,  particu- 
lars. -*yo,.    Structure  of  tenderness. 




<i?odO  2.  k.  n.  Measure,  dimension, 
extent;  rule,  order;  fitness.  2, 
craftiness,  deceit.  -'^'W^-  Properness, 
suitableness;  measure,  extent.  -rs=)d. 
A  clever  man.  -^Wj.nDd.  A  man 
who  does  his  work  properly. 

Z^yiJ  3.  s.  n.  Revenue.  2,  profit.  -?o=) 
»3J(,,  -?3d  dj^.  Corn  given  by  the 
villagers  to  the  hereditary  servants 
of  tlie  village  as  their  established 
fees  of  office,  -nsrf.  A  hereditary 
village  servant. 

e?odO^  1.,  £?oda;^  1.  k.  7i.  Fitness.  2, 
readiness.      3,  ease.  Fdiffuse. 

^350^  2.  s.  a.  Checked.     2,  extended; 

Ccrio^ji  s.  n.  A  place,  seat,  home.  2, 
an  altar.     3,  a  temple. 

CJ'xiO^    2.  s.  a.  Dependent  on.     2,  docile. 

^z6jt)7j  s.  11.  Efi^ort,  exertion;  trouble. 
2,  fatigue.  -rtj3°-?j),  -~s^no,  -t,zio.  To 
become  weary. 

lifOSJ  1.  h.  n.  A  mother. 

£?05J2,  CfcdJJ  1.    k.  n.  Collecting,  v.  t. 

To   collect,    gather;    to   select.    P.   p. 

wcSo.     -f,  -<2€.  Selecting.  ejirfo^^JsVOv. 

To   select   for  one's  self.    ei'oSj^ij.  To 

cause  to  choose.     -^JS?,  A  beggar. 
e?Oajgo,    COSJ^O     k.  (3rd    pers.   sing. 

past  t.  of  ?irij).  It  became,  it  is  done, 

O'3rf00  2.,  Corfoo^q,  C?ixioooJ  s.  n.  Life; 

age,   duration    of  life.     -»So3,    tsoijj 

55~o3.      Long-lived.      tfOdojD^djj^rt,. 

Long  life   and  health.    wcxJjjn^rodj. 

The  term  of  life,     -co^c^,  tJoijooo^FoS. 

^oSO:^:^   s.    n.    A    weapon.       2,  a   tool. 

-StieS.  An  arsenal,     -s^rs,  -qsaO,  -^, 

yodoj^B'.  A  soldier.     -qSO'ij.  To  arm. 
©"orfoj^errf  s.  7i.  Medicine.  ?fodjJ53°ra. 

A  physician. 
£?a     (Inf.     of    tJO*  <o   be    filled,  teem) 

k.  a/f.  To  the  full,  as:  *?§?>  ^J,  ^^oljs 

ti,    Sjj?j?c^rf,  eic-      -ADcSo.   A   perfect 

wild;  a  place  never  cultivated- 

£?L^5  a.  k.  n.  Publicity;  infamy,  scandal. 

£fkjr®q  s.  a.  Relating  to  a  forest.  n. 
A  forest.     -^.  A  woodman. 

(i?rfS,  e?aF  r<6.  of  WDS^^s')  n.  The  cere- 
mony of  waving  (around  an  idol  or 
person)    a    burning  lamp.      Cpds:  a^ 

-li^rijf  -Sj3:^j.  Arati  to  wave,  -'ijizio. 

A.  to  offer. 
©"■deo   s.  a.  Begun,  n.  Beginning,  fc?^'^^- 

Beginning  from. 
e?do20,  e?:io20J  k.  H.  Tillage,  cultiva- 
tion,    -rrarf.  A  cultivator,  farmer. 
©•doSji  s.  M.  Beginning,  commencement. 

2,  effort.     -;33rO,  wrfotp^ij.  To  begin. 
e?da2J?jJ,    £?5/?jO  k.   V.  t.    To   expect, 

look  for,  take  care  of. 
ZS-ioioCi,  ©"iJodoOqk.  v.t.  To  search;  to 

investigate,     consider;     to    look     to; 

to      nourish.  ydo3j.      Searching; 

Ci'dsB'd  k.  Ji.  Bawling.     2,  (f.)  a   mort- 
gage with  possession. 
e?a^W  (rf  =  63)  a.  k.  n.  The  anxiety  of  a 

sick  man. 
<i?csS  s.  n.  An  enemy. 
^'Jix^'^  s.  H.  A  worshipper. 
SPOS^jJ^  s.  «..  Service,  worship.  t?03^?oo. 

To  worship,  adore  {^ntZ'KS). 
Z^07)L^Q  s.  rt.  To  be  worshipped  or  served. 

11.  A  class  of  Saiva  Brahmanas. 
CyoD^J  s.  n.  Repose.      2,  pleasure.      3, 

a  grove,  garden. 
£y&^k.  n.  The  Indian  millet,  Panicum 


C?&?ij  k.  V.  t.  To  collect,  gather  ;  to  pick 

out,    choose,     2,   (0=a)   to   quench, 

allay;     to  heal. 
<i?do  1.  k.  11.  Fullness,  abundance,    ad. 

Fully.    Cpds:  o^jaostfj,  ^s^^Sasrfj. 
efdj.  2.  =  odo^dj. 
<2i'XJ0  3.  k.  n.  A  pair  of  oxen  yoked  to 

the  plough.      2,  a  frame  put  on  the 




neck  of   cattle,     v.  i.   To    cry    aloud. 

-s^iio,  -^'Wj,.     To   yoke    oxen    to    a 

efrJj    4,    (rfj=C3j)  k.  D.  t.  To  go  out,  be 

extinguished.       2,  to  grow  cool.       3, 

to  dry.    4,  to  heal,   fcf  O3oj3or(j.  To  dry 

up,  etc.    wd!3Sj.  trOcio,  ^S'S'i..  To  put 

out  to  dry. 
£?do  5.    (dj=e3j)  k.  a.  Six.     tJCia.  Six 

feet:    the  dark  blue    bee.       yCjJcxJj. 

Sixth.     Cpds:      -rtoWo,    -cid,    -cssd, 

O'T^jsT;;^  s.  a.  Mounted,   ascended. 

^'3  1.  k.  n.  A  shrub,  Bauhinia  racemosa. 

e?z5  2.   f.  n.    A  shoemaker's   knife.     2, 

Mahratta.     -=?3i3.     A  Mahratta  man. 
e?-3  3.  =  5:fCi.      2,2^/.  of  tJfS  1. 
Zf'8ji^7\f:>  k.  n.   Eating;    a  meal  (=  2^j3° 

ia?i).     -Sj3::Sj,  t?i3j3;n?;j.    To  eat. 
•iy^jseAO  s.  ?t.  Health,    a.    Wholesome. 

-Aji'^Ko.     To   make    healthy.       -^ci, 

-B^d'5'.     Healthy,  wholesome. 
SPtSjsdZj,   £?TSj?)oz;r©  s.  n.  An  accusation, 

charge.    wSjs^o'j.   An  accused  person. 

-^cJj,   ?5dj3^!L=oj.    To   apply,   ascribe; 

to  accuse. 
©"iSjse^,      Ci'T5j3e5or©     s.      ti.     Rising, 

mounting,  ascending;  a  ladder.  Wujj? 

oj^j.  To  ascend. 
ePeior  k.f.  *.  To  cry  aloud.      2,(='^0K\) 

No.  2)  to  quench. 
£?3iFN  s.  M.   Acquiring.      fcfJ5r?Rjj.    To 

^n^i'^-  [flattery. 

<y&;r^    s.  n.    Honesty,    rectitude.      2, 

ey^Fs.a.  Afflicted,  distressed;  unhappy; 

-3.  Seasonable. 


full  of  desire. 

Cry  of  pain. 
CySr  s.  n.  Pain,  sickness.     2,  desire.    3, 

=  fc?C^,  q.  V. 
£Prfjr  s.  a.   "Wet,  moist;   fresh;  soft.  -*. 

Green  ginger.  -*.  Green  ginger.  -Ajs 

«?So.  To  moisten.  -^ .  -z^^.  Moisture. 
^Sjr  a.  n.  The  sixth  lunar  mansion. 
ZS^'^  a.  k.  n.  Might,  force,  valour  (JJoa 

SJ-eOor,  yeory  k.  n.  Crying  aloud, 
roaring.  t?tor5J;^j,  etora^^j.  To  cry 

G?oiir  s.  M.  A  respectable,  venerable 
man,  an  Arya.  2,  a  man  of  good 
family.  3,  an  elder.  t?od)ara;^r.  The 
abode  of  the  Aryas,  the  country  bet- 
ween the  Himalaya  and  the  Vindhya 

Si'si.r  s.  n.  A  certain  form  of  marriage. 
«:?d$rcxij.  Venerable;  very  ancient. 

eye;  k.  n.  The  Banian,  Ficus  indica; 
eiejrf  5jJd.  2,  the  red  water-lily.  3, 
(s.)  animal  poison. 

'Z^^CiO,  ©"SioSOn  s.  n.  Depending  on. 
2,  support;  assistance.  -sJjsct),  &jt>o 
i3;^o.  To  lean  upon;  support,  -^jscso. 
To  give  support.  -St^  ^Ji)S?o,.  To 
patronize,  srfoo-cl^.  Supported. 

Si'e/'cEfJ  s.  n.  Seizing;  killing. 

Cfaiodo  s.  n.  An  abode,  house;  an  asylum. 
Cpds:  d^s^ejoi),  &3^je)yajj,  efc. 

£?e;o2o?jo,  efspcdoo;  k.  r.  t.  &  t.    To 

listen,  attend  to,  mind. 

i3'£»S3£i  s.  w.  A  trench  for  water  round 
the  foot  of  a  tree. 

'Z9^7in  s.  n.  Idleness,  indolence;  weari- 
ness, languor.  -Asd.  A  lazy  man; 
sickly  man.  -^>.  =  5:?^=^^.  -srarij. 
To   be     slow.      -s3j33j.    To  delay. 

Z^OSJ'j,  ePe/szlN  s.  n.  Speech,  conver- 
sation. 2,  lamentation.  3,  the  prelude 
in  music.  ^9jsSj^,  To  converse; 
to  lament. 

£?e!)  1.  k.  n.  The  pupil  of  the  eye.  2, 
an  inflammation  of  the  eye.  -^'CO . 
(=W£i5^t)j)  A  hailstone. 

^  en' 

e?eD  2.  s.  n.  A  bee.     2,  a  female  friend. 

3,  desire.    4,  a  line.    5,  a  bridge;  dike. 
Z9€'C7\7i    s.   n.     Embracing,    clasping; 

an  embrace.     -sJjDtej,     e:fOo^^?5J.   To 


S?£Jo  s.  ?i.  A  small  water-jar.  2,  an 
esculent   root,   Arum    campamUatum. 




3,  one  who  possesses,  as:  'B'rfjrajiejj, 
dcdb^ejj.     -rid.  A  potato. 

£?e3  k.  n.  A  sugar-cane  mill.  2,  the 
lobe  of  the  ear. 

£?e3j3e^,  e?e3js?^N  s.  n.  Looking;  sight, 
aspect.  2,  light,  lustre.  Sidja^-i-^^j. 
To  behold,  ydjs?-*^.  Seen. 

e?e3/de2ic3s.  n.  Thought;  opinion;  inten- 
tion; counsel.  -5iJ3:^o,  t?e3j3^^3^o. 
To  think,  consider.  --iJS^iJ,  -^?°i?0. 
To  give  one's  opinion. 

e?dj3er^?j  s.  n.  Mixing;  stirring.  2, 
acquaintance,  experience. 

iJi"?^,  e?rfo  (=01:^^)  a.  'k.  pro.  What? 
which?  WSic^N-raw^.  Whoever.  tJSSO^ 
(=oiO).  Where?  tJ^srt.  When?  ^^ 
COTfSjsodj.  Whatsoever,  ws^rfo.  What? 

e?^AO  a.  k.  ad.  Whenever,  always.  2, 

Cfdrioa  s.  a.  Covering;  veiling;  enclos- 
ing, n.  A  fence,  railing;  a  bolt,  w 
sSOsJj.  To  cover,  conceal,  enclose. 

e?rfa.  =  wta  i,  q.  v. 

ef^Sisr,   GysS^r    li.  n.  a  head  in  the 

<Z9^^f  s.  n.  Turning,  revolving.     2,  a 

Z?^^F^  s.  n.  Turning,  repeating. 
£?^Sr"  s.  71.  A  turn,  time.      -53j3:i>.  To 

repeat,  as  a  lesson. 
Zy-^fD,  e?;^^  s.  n.  A  row,  range,  line. 

2,  a  series.     3,  a  heap. 
C»5^o3^  s.  a.  Necessary,  inevitable,    n. 

e?SDA  (/■/■.  wS)  k.  ad.  When. 
t?;ro:j  s.  n.  Scattering.    2,  a  trench  for 

water  at  the   rbot  of    a  tree  ( =  fcf eJ 

S3Dt)).  3,  a  bracelet. 
Cf  S3S?j  s.  w.  An  abode,  dwelling. 
•^Sw^^s.  n.  Inviting;  invoking  a  deity 

to  occupy  an  image. 
£?,3(=  ^S30)  k.  n.  Steam,  vapour;  heat. 

2.  a  potter's  kiln. 
^^S^Fri  s.  n.  Becoming   manifest.    WtS 

?ijr<2^j.  To  be  manifest;  to  be  born. 

£?S^j3r"^  s.  a.  Become  visible. 
C?^  k.  n.  A  cow.     pro.   We. 

0's:^\:^  s.  a.  Enclosed,  covered.     5:?5i>S. 

Covering.   2,  an  edition,  as  of  a  book. 
ZS'^\^    s.  a.  Turned  round,  averted. 
Z?'^\8    s.  ?i.  Repetition.     2,  revolution. 

3,  an  edition,  as,  of  a  book. 
ZyS)  (=  wsjO)  k.    n.    A    turtle,    tortoise. 

-loSy).  A  tortoise  shell. 
£?5?A  s.  n.  Hurry;  agitation. 
C?^f^  s.  n.  Entering,  taking  possession 

of.    2,  demoniacal  frenzy;  excitement. 

3,  pride.     -^Joioo,  -locJj,  -fisno.    To  be 

possessed  by  a  demon. 
£?^er^  s.  n.  Pervading;  visiting. 
e?^?s^  J3  s.  n.  Surrounding,  wrapping; 

a  Wrapper;    an  enclosure.    wS^oi^r^J. 

To  surround,  wrap. 
e?^.  tb.  of  ^S,  q.  V. 
ey^ioriN  s.  n.  Wishing.       2,  declaring. 

W5Jo?3.     Wish,    desire,    hope;     decla- 
ef^orfo  s.  n.  A  resting  place;  an  asylum; 

a  receptacle.     2,  meaning,  intention. 

3,  will.     4,  property. 
ey^sro^,  e?3DeOotii  s.  n.  The  snare  of 

C?B38iJOA  s.  >i.  Disappointment. 
i£?2)?jO  s.    I',  t.    To    desire,    wish.       2,  to 


e?§)e^r£i?i,  e?§i?^;)rrf  s.  «.  a  bless- 
ing, benediction.  -'^j3:;Sj,  -oSjsSj,  ejS? 
53~asjj.  To  bless. 

'i?3'0  s.  a.  Quick,  fast.  n.  Haste.  -K 
The  wind;  the  sun. 

£f€  s.  n.  Wish,  desire;  expectation, 
hope.  -A'J?}^':^,  -S:^j,  -rfJscSo.  To 
desire.  -'SjsSO.  -Jj3?0SjJ.  To  hold 
out  hopes.  -=#a?^0.  To  disappoint. 
-?io3j  sSjs^rtj.  To  despair. 

Cf^ei  fA'.  ©ioia)  s.  Ji.  Impurity. 

SJ"^  odor  s.  a.  Curious,  marvellous. 
«.  Wonder;     surprise,     astonishment- 



-rtjsVA,  -KSJ.  To  be  surprised.     -^cJ. 

eS'S'    (fi:  «=ij  s.  a.  Stony,  made  of  stone. 
S??ilij   s.  H.    A    hermitage.     2,  one  of 

the    four  religious  orders,  i.  e.    ^^^ 

CfSjCxJj  (<6.  w'tf,  fcf=:!3)  s.  n.  Depending 
on;  a  support,  shelter,  refuge;  protec- 
tion. -'Sj:.^.  To  afford  help.  -r^^J,. 
To  have  recourse  to  for  shelter.  fc?S, 
c£j=fj.  To  join;  to  obtain;  to  follow; 
to  approach  for  protection. 

ef5'jT5  s.  n.  Stream,  flow.  2,  distress. 
3,  a  promise,    a.  Obedient,  compliant. 

efc^  s.  a.  Kesorting  to;  having  sought 

the   protection   of;    protected;    being 

dependant  on-   n.  A  dependant. 

ef€  ?si  s.  11.  An  embrace.    2.  y.  of  the 
9th  lunar  mansion. 

efS^cdooSrr,    SfC^rf.    e?a^eai  s.  n.   The 

7th  lunar  month  (September-October). 

e?3vQ7jS. n.  Breathing.   2,  encouraging, 

consolation;  also   -ri.       3,  a   chapter 

of  a   book.   ^STj^^J.  To  breathe;  to 


^Z^T^   s.    H.     The     4th    lunar    month 

(June-July).       2,    an    ascetic's    staff. 

-:~>sS.  A  cheat,  scamp. 

&z^Ti  (lb.  fc?=;3)  s.  ft.  The  plant  Aspaia- 

giis  racetnosus. 
^Ti"^^  s.  a.  Devotedly  attached  to.     2, 

zealously  pursuing. 
^Tivr    s.  n.  Attachment;  dilisence,  zeal. 
w^-i-.03jc3:Jj.  To  be  ardently  devoted 
e?;^a.  tb.  of  «s??,  5.  V. 
efjj^i  s.  w.  Sitting;    sitting  as  devotees 
in  peculiar  postures.    2,  a  seat,  stool, 
chair.    Cpds.'  '^J3^iss~X^,  rtdj3^=^=^. 
2ic^_^si?j,  Ajo3o9s;=d,  etc. 
Cy?i^-j  s.  a.  Sat  down;     closely  united; 
near.  [disease. 

e??3E3^  (tb.  of  ?;?sU3r5?)    /i.    Aphthous 

Cf^is^s  ~  s.  ».  Gasping,  panting. 
G^Tii,  Z^^iZ.  tb.  of  e^ijOii,  q.  v. 

^7f:i:i  (So=  SJ)  k.  r.  1.  To  be  weary  or 

fatigued.  P.  p.  w?:3j  .    n.  Weariness, 

fatigue.   -«  =  JCd.  dupl.  Fatigue.  -S:Sj. 

To  be    tired.       ^-.t\~^.    To  remove 

fatigue,  to  rest. 

e?x^    s.  n.     Distilling.     2,    spirituous 


Cfris:i>   s.  n.    Laying   down;    meeting 

with;  obtaining. 

©"T^D^j  h.  n.  A  person  or  individual. 

Cf  pdo^d  s.  n.  Incursion.     2.  a  heavy  fall 

of  rain.      3,  provision,  food.      -S-Jrs 

I         e^J.   A  kind  of  hall. 

i    2f  ?jO  k.  n.  The  sal  tree,  Shorea  robiuta. 

i    ef?iv'd  1.  a.  k.  n.  Increase,  abundance; 

strength.     2,  annoyance,  trouble. 

j    e?;^j;j  2.  (fr.  isKjt)  s.  a.   Relating   to 

I        evil  spirits,      n.  A  form  of  marriage. 

I    eyx  (tb.  of  vt,  q.  V.)  -rtaclx)..  To  shelter, 

I        protect.     -iiJS«?>=:j.  To  allure.     -loSB' 

o=i.  Avarice.  -SJ3:«j.  To  desire.  -A5tf, 

-ViS?.  A  covetous  mau. 

,    e?;^e^>,    Si'Xe'S    s.   n.     Attending    to; 

assiduous  practice;  commerce. 

I    ^7j  "dre  s.  n.  Spreading.     2,   a  carpet. 

\        3,  a  layer. 

'<    ©"Aj    s.n.  Property,  wealth.  -sr^A:..  reit. 

I        -*.     A  believer  in  God  and  another 

I        world,   a  theist;    a  man  of  property; 

pious,  faithful.      -tB*,.  Theism,    -rrsd, 

I        -Sc3.  A  man  of  property. 

I    ef^a  ^  s.  »i.  Place,  site.  2,  an  assembly. 

fcf^^*.     A  courtier. 

^t,    s.  n.   An    assemblv.     2.   care.     3. 
\         ^  ■         ■  ■ 

I        effort.     4,  condition. 

I    ^-s.^1  f-  «•  The  English  "hospital". 
2f?iv  -    s.  n.    Place.       2,  position.      3, 
business.    4,  basis,  occasion,  opportu- 
nity.    -'^.'XJ.     To   allow. 
Z^tj:s<^li.  2?X.;\?y^  s.  u.  Moving  to  and 
]        fro,    flapping;    clapping    the    arms; 
knocking,   as   at   a   door.     fc??i.3^^ySi. 
i        A  gimlet. 


Cf ;:t<n.  s.  H-  The  atoath;  tiite  face.     -z:3s^. 

(=e'7z3«)    Sore    ■Boaiii.     %rn^^c. 

Ef!£«  k.  ««it  »/  4i»Ute--  Ft  ! 
E^S  E.  a.  SCTKC^      2.  msMp]!led.      S. 
kncTx.    K.  Sew   cSoEk.       S.  a  4mB. 

E?'^^,  t?S'3?e  B. «-  BriBjiB^-,  ietiefaiiig'. 

2-.  seazB?;  rofcibliLr-   rfS't?^.  T«  rate 

2.  v&r.  loKi^&e:.    3,  saez'ffiee.  f?£Se7l£< 

2^  To  ekslkng-e.  ss^.  A  -ararnoT. 
£f  31  ^  ««£.  «if  fttrprist,  piif  w  mrrmc- 
£f 3Sj   t.    «-  TsMb?-    1ot*2.       2.  food, 

a^tj:.  To  eat. 
E?^wS  (©. 'S54.S.  E.   V,,..    C'i.&.:.X':Lf    'jf.*r- 
iBg':  sa  oiilK.k-.x  »■;;•   -i*-    deitits.     -5', 

'^^■r--  To  reeeiTe  sat  ■t-'ferriig', 
^"zEsc^  s.  'K.  CaQiBg';  eaauBuninig;. 
^Ica*  k.  tNi.  jif  cuoHder  tw  cwprise. 

S?  x^?  E.  fl-  DaOj.  «.  A  religiwBS  «er£- 
atoiEy  to  lie  performs*  ereay  *«y- 

■e? ^  («  =  O)  k.  ■«.  ItejBh.  2.  Ltiii:^^i.:ii>B. 

-=i5*'Su^   -i&Si,    To  MKnmd   iibe    aepii.. 
-Z'Su  -s*jr  A  &esfp  taask. 

'^  £-^^{2^  k.  H.  A  BBiiakroom. 

t?^  1.  k.  ^M  affix  fw  fwatun^  nmaut.  ait 
L.3?*.  fii^:=?*,  CJ5T3"?.  T-,33^;  tfe. 

0>§'  2.  (^=  C?)  a.k,  «.  Depih.  2,  firs.flt5- 
a£S£,  xricS^er;'.     -^jsalt.  To  dee^Te. 

2f  e  3.  («  =  r^^y  a.  k.  «.  Otmbemt^  *i»- 

5T8«£,     -r^"«*.  To  ^eiBjKsiie. 

ey®^  k.  «-  B.mle;  reign, 

'5'^-=m  (f  =  2»)  k.  «.  TmmulL  Efflasa. 

'£?^Hs£-  (=  ©#«ju>  k. '»-  A  fti^DirreL 

•EfO  1.  k.  X.  t  T*f«L  S-tokol*.  5,  to 
ffirrerm.  ntle.,  x&aaase-  P.  jp-  S^J- 
w^^i.    To   esiLBe  to  rule.    -Sti,  -iff. 

€£^^.  A  roler,  master, 

Cf ?^J  2-  k.  «-  A  Ber^ant:  a  esASier;  a 
m:GssG3Bger.    2.  a  grows  vp  pexsoK  ix 

•work    doBe    Irj-    serraBi^     -curL.    A 
serrmK.    tfif,^-.  Maaalj  strEaagtit- 
ef  «ji  3,  (ffJ=  ffij^  a.  k.  T.  i.  To  msak  xb  a 
£oid;  to  immieree.  drre;  to  be  deep. 

&.  «.  A  mterli)!.  of  a  lort. 

l.<iifcc*,  J-  ■He-,  &t.-  r»^.'s-^ 

a,  ?w^  -'- :     '  -_    i€^.  «lc  3,  aprsfj^ 
pnn.  «^-  «w  wi  'S.i^.jS)^,  "ssiij  "3^  file. 
-    'iw  lenMMiaCMM  tf  Oup.  p.  (garmauS) 
aim  emUmg  iw^  0^  ««.'  ^^^  cSj^e_. 

-    I 

p  k.  Jbi  wuailiarir  tgUaMi:  lb  farm  tke 
gemiUct,  datint.  UtcmiiiM  mtngmlm;  prt- 




respectively,    as:    r<jdj.s^,     !ij;;«tSN; 

/■orw  (he  instrumental  sing,  and  plur..^ 
either  following  the  shorter  or  the 
common  longer  form  of  the  genitive,  as: 

cJj3»jriorf,  =530sionJ,  linei.oJoOocS,  etc. 

rsj^(t='aj3<, -as*,  '3sij<,  etc.)  a,  k.  Two. 
'a^Wj..  Two  ways  or  parties;  narrow- 
ness, strait;  dilemma.  "a^Wj.Sjj* 
WJj.  Many  difficulties,  'a*,:!,  'a^t). 
Both  sides,  '^^rsj.  Both  eyes,  'a*  5. 
Both  banks.  "S^^oj.  Both  legs,  'a^, 
olJ*.  Both  arms. 

0£)5S"d  s.  The  letter  ^. 

r^'ff  1.  k.  v4?i  affix  for  the  formation  of 
neuter   nouns,    as:   SojSorvBii^,    wja 

CS)^  2.  (=  '3^)  k.  ^M  a/^a;  to  form  the 
dative  of  the  infinitive  with  final  «seJo, 
as:  5jj3SO€,  58j8^rtOf,   oS^^O'f  e<c. 

<T£j^j3,  f^^js?,  f^T^jse  k.  in<.  Look  here  ! 
lo!    behold! 

rSl^Uo  (sees.  'ae*).  k.  n.  Strait,  dilem- 
ma.   ^'^IJ.o^  7i^,  A  narrow  passage. 

'a^eas^rij.  To  be  strait. 
rsi5^^S?jO  k.  V.  i.  To  sound,  v.  t.  To  kill. 
<TSlS^^  («?=C;)  k.  n.  Tongs,  pincers, 
ogj^j,    la.  v.  t.    To    put,  place;   to  beat; 

to  serve,  as  food;  to  give,  as  money, 

alms,    etc.;  to  abandon ;     to  be   put. 

2,  to   kill.     'af^So,    -^i  O^io.    To   put 

aside,  lay  by.        ^af^sij.  To  cause  to 

put,  etc.     'a^J  5o.  Putting,  etc. 
rsj^,  1.  k.  n.  Abiding;   an  abode,  a  place 

of  rest  or  refuge  (=  S:?^oii). 
<iq^^  2.  (=  'a^^  2)  k.  An  affix  of  infinitive, 

as:  aj=!:iO#,  coJs^rtO^,  etc. 
f^^.oS  k.  n.   The  residence  of  the  kings 

of  Bidanur.        -53tiao.   A   gold  coin  of 

that  name. 
'^^J?.?.  =  ■aifjs?,  etc.   q.  v. 
CSjS'Oy  s.  n.  The  sugar-cane;  also  -cio::^. 

-d?J.      Sugar-cane    juice.       -Soa^opi. 


OS)^  ^^0  s.  ?«.   A  bitter    gourd.      2,   X. 

of  the  first  king  of  the  solar  dynasty. 
f^A     k.  An    affix   to    form    masculines, 

as:    ATT^rt,  Cj5oart,   c3=)S?r(,  sojsdart. 
f^AT^O  k-    V.  i.    To  be  evaporated,  dried 

up.      2,  to  shoot,  sprout,  n.  A  sprout, 

germ.      2,  the  gums. 
^A33r(  =  'ao2j?i3No.  2)f.  M.A  church. 
f^/^je!?.  ='a^^$  etc.,  q.  v. 
<^o,  f^83<  k.   n.    Sweetness;    agreeable- 

ness.      'aortCiC*.  The  sea  of  milk.   "So 

T^Jt^ejj.   The  sugar-cane. 
(^o'S^'^0  h.  n.  Refusal,  denial,  abnega- 
tion, disdain;  also   'ScS^^cJo.      -»Jj3:So, 

'^o'^OKj.   To  deny,  refuse. 
<^o^  k.  n.  A  little. 
<^OArf  (tb.  of  ^^j'i}.  =  CortS,  q.  V.)  s.  ?i. 

Separateness.    "aiorsaJiJ.  To  separate. 

f^OASSS',     (^OAS!)?^,     O£jOA0s5^     (<6.   o/" 

coortjt))  ?i.   Vermilion. 

nSjOA^  r<6.  o/'  tsoAsjtf)  n.  Heated  char- 
coal; fire.  -rtr?.  Siva.  ^oTiVoAjs^x. 
To  catch  fire. 

f^oT",  ^  s.  n.  A  hint.  sign.  2,  aim, 
intention,  covert  j)urpose.  -sa  .  Under- 
standing signs,  etc. 

osjCT^O  1.  k.  c. «.  To  be  imbibed;  to 
soak  into.  2,  to  dry  up.  3,  to  boil 
away.  4.  to  give.  '^Qf\^J.  To  evapo- 
rate; to  cause  to  give. 

o£)OAO  2.  (tb.  of  coorto)  n.  A  perennial 
plant.  Ferula  asafoetida.  -3o;:^j , 
-cs-Wj.    To  deceive. 

oacT^I?^.  o£jo7\  ?s:;o    f.   «.    English.     2, 

— ^  no 

(='ar!ii-")    an    "eglise",     a     Roman 
Catholic  church. 
cS(i^  a.  k.  An  affix  to  form  masculines  de- 
noling  "born  of",  as,   esjO'^S  (flower- 
born),  Brahma. 

f^2i    =<^85  .  ^d^  c^.  A  random  figure 
Za-'       ^  ep       &3- 
the  third  term  in  the  rule  of  three. 

razi  3^,  <~Qti  a  {tb.  of  '^^.'^)  n.  Coaxing; 
flattery.  2,  a  flatterer.  -Sfi,  Flatter- 
ing.    -53^:^0.  To  flatter,  coax. 




rgei  O30?j0  (tb.  of  -^tMcQoTio)  v.  t.  To 
desire,  wish,  covet. 

cqeS  f^b.  of  'Si^o  f/.  y.).  -rtjss^sSo.  To 
allure.  -=5'3rf,  -n^d.  One  who  wishes 
or  wills;  a  willing  man;  f.  -nsSr. 
-l?tfo.   A  wish  to  be  gratified. 

oQeS  (//).  "^iS)  s.  11.  Wish,  desire;  in- 
clination.  2,  a  question  in  mathema- 
tics. "^tSji  c^OoSSCi.  According  to  one's 
wish.      '^i57i,^^r.     Full  gratification 


of  one's  desires. 
r£|^  k.   a.    Two.    -1*:^, -J3j3;f,   -jgjs^c^j. 

Unlikeness,  dissimilarity,  oddness. 
r£(3i3Sj  h.  n.  Increase,  augmentation. 
fGiSiST:?,  r£j3jsTJoh.  «.  Trowsers,  breeches. 
oqaiS'5  h.  n.  A  contract,  monopoly.   '^233 

roniid.     A  contractor,  monopolist. 
f^U^O     (='aca^j)     k.    n.      Narrowness, 

straitness.    i'.  t.  To  come  within  reach. 

f^Uj?6,   f^y^  a.  k.  >i.   A  crowd,  throng; 

eo  eo 

abundance.     2,  hindrance,  strait.  'aW, 

rf;<o,  '3y,e??;j.   To  be  close,  crowded; 

eo  '  ' 

to  throng. 

f^&5  ,  f^U  o?\  k.  n.  The  vomit-nut  tree, 
Stryclinos  mix  vomica.  2,  (<b.  ojf  odo^) 
a  spear,  lance. 

f^fe!  /^  r^ft.  o/'  '^^(^)  n.  A  brick.     -e3tSj_. 

A    brick    mould.       -rtjs:^j,    -2*^53..    A 

brick  kiln.      -rfjsc^o.  Brick  to  make. 

-odjrf,  A  brick-maker. 

f^U,Z§,  o9637§     k.  n.    Narrowness;       a 
eJ     '         M 
strait,  obstacle. 

f^T^S'o  k.  iJ.  t.  To  pinch;  to  press,  beat, 
cuff.  11.  (=:'3Wb'j,  (/.  t).)  Narrowness; 

fS^c^TJO  (=  oiCildj)  k.  11.  Hindrance,  ob- 
stacle. 2,  trouble.  3,  enmity,  v.  i. 
(dj=e3j)  To  stumble. 

<^5  k.  V.  i.  To  be  close,  heaped;  to 
crowd;  to  abound.  2,  to  be  powder- 
ed; to  crumble,  v.  t.  To  pound,  n. 
The  state  of  being  close.  2,  the  whole. 
3,  a  collection,  mass.  4,  cement. 
-T^otJj.  A  treasure.  -^J.  To  cause 
to  powder;  to  cause  to  put,  erect,  etc. 

osjc^o  k.  V.  t-  To  put  down  ;  to  throw. 
2,  to  put,  place;  to  give,  as  a  name; 
to  set,  plant.  3,  to  put  on  ;  to  lay 
by,  keep;  to  preserve.  4,  a<  the  end 
of  certain  words:  to  produce,  make, 
etc.  n.  (= '3Sa<3T?).  Putting;  planting. 
t>Ujl=^j3°i>Jj.  To  take  into  one's  employ; 
to  lay  by,  as  money,  etc.;  to  put  on, 
keep.  Cpcls.:  yraoSjc^j,  to  adjure; 
tfj^^iSo,  to  cry;  :SJti!\:So,  to  amass;  So 
oiAj^cSo,  to  mind;  »3j3!3oao;:^j,  to  invoke; 
53oja  Sj,  to  kiss;  WpiCaJ,  to  prop. 

oat^O^O,  <^rio7\d  (='3  3*J)  k.  n.  Nar- 
rowness. 2,  a  cattle-disease.  3, 
freedom,  r.  t.  To  unloose,  set  free. 
'acSotrdo.  A  throng,  crowd.  -sijoc^o 
^j,  'acS053jj:So=5^J.  A  narrow  curve  or 
passage.     -JjasrtJ.  Full  of  difficulties. 

f^c^o^  k.  n.  Putting  on.   2,  an  ornament. 

e^xios^  k.  n.  A  crack,  hole. 

o£(c§  1.  =  oici  1,  q.v. 

o£jZl  2.  f. n.  The  earth.  2,  heaven.  3,  an 
oblation,  food.    4,  a  cow.     5,  speech. 

f^Ti  e5,  rgrf  e3^,  cor^  ^^  k.  n.  A  kind 
of  sour  pudding. 

(^CSSa  k.  n.  A  squirrel. 

f^rf,  <^?6  k.  11.   An  ox's  hump. 

0S(Cco  a.  k.  »i.  A  crack;  a  piece,  lump. 
2,   a   wreath,  garland. 

osj§  k.  a.  Two.  'a^Wo,.  Both  sides.  '3^ 
a.  Both  banks,  "a^oc^.  Both  portions. 
■^^d.  Two  lines,  both  sides.  '^^^3 
Two  or  both  heads. 

(^:^a3D&  h.  a.   Trustworthy. 

oq;^^  s.  a.  Other,  different.  2,  low, 
vulgar.  -^.  At  an  other  place,  '^^d? 
;^d.  Mutual.  '^^d?:^d -dv^oSj.  An  action 
of  two  or  more  persons. 

<^^  1.  f^S  k-  ^n  affix  to  form  feminines, 
as:  ra=)f^S,  CJdOn^,  i«^?jn^,  ^<c. 

rsiB2.  s.  co/y.  Therefore.  2,  in  con- 
clusion, here  ends.     -s2.  Thus  indeed. 

f^§553?i  s.  n.  A  legend,  traditional 
account.  -=5t)d.  A  historian,  narrator. 

'3,^  J 



o£i^  k.  A  tcrminalion  of  the  third  pers. 
sing,  neuter  of  the  imperfect,  as:  wJs 

09 i^    (pj-oa;.    o/"  «S)  k.  ad.  This   side; 

O  — °  .         i 

in  this  direction  or  place;  after  this, 
further;  also  'a^«JJ.  -^^-  To  and 
fro.  -'^d.  This  side,  '^f.^-  >"ep. 
Nearer;  in  course  of  time.  -Cei?v, 
-esart.  To  this  side;  afterwards,  lately, 
recently.  [it  was.    | 

ro^j    k.  P.  p.  o/"  ■^-    Having   given,     i, 


f^i^oqjr  s.  71.  The -whole  matter;  settle- 
ment, decision. 

o£(33ra  s.  ad.  And  so  OU;  etc. 

0£)35,  f^a;^;3,  rga^js?  k.  i/i/.  Lo!  look 

'aa'do  (=  »^ciJSJ,  g.  v.)  k.  n.  That  which 
is  opposite;  the  front;  opposition. 
'aSOB.'lo.  To  face.  'saDW^,  'aaOiSo. 
To  put  in  front;  to  oppose,  'sarfo^ 
d.  Contradiction.  -c5-?.p:^J.  To  look 
straight ;  to  expect.  'aatS-^^cs.  The 
hostile  army.  -aaiS^S^.  To  oppose. 
'sQAJsr^o,.  To  come  to    meet    out   of 


respect  or  love. 
f^a&?jo  (=  oirfjosij),  'saiijr  k.  v.  t.  To 

face;  to  oppose,  withstand. 
<^do  k.  prox.  dem.  pro.  This,  it. 
f^zii'rfo.  =  ^arfo,      -;3=!a.    A   defendant. 

-S3t)aSo.   To  contradict;  to  contend. 
oqiS  k.   3rd  pers.  sing.   pres.  neut.     of 

'3dj.  It  is,  there  is.     2,  lo!  just  now. 

<^rf  e5.  f^cj  OO  k.  w.  Charcoal. 

o£!3ii  ,  (os^ajF)  k.  P.  p.  of  ^!Sj,  to  be.  By 

means  of  'aciJ    a  subjunctive  mood  is 


formed,    as:    '^^^>   if-    's^-s-J^^^an. 

Just  as  it  was ;  without  any  apparent 

CQ^  (='35<  cic)  k.  n.  Two.  2,  sweet- 
ness.    '■3rd..'3j^3J.  Two  hundred. 

c^fj  s.  n.  A  master,  king.  2,  the  sun. 
3,  a  husband.  -■tJwjDC!.  Saturn; 
Tama;  Karna;  Sugriva.    -0*3).  Rahu. 

c^JjStJj,  o£iN3^>5'^  li-  »!•  -^  present,  gift ; 
a  grant  in  general.     ^oS^SjJS.     Land 

assigned  either  in  favour  or  charity, 
or   in   compensation    of  the  duties  of 
hereditary  office,      -n-sd.  A   holder  of 
an  inam. 
f^c^cxJOeO  h.  n.  Favour,  grace;  a  grant. 

-coTiSj.     A  letter  of  favour. 
t^5)a.k.n.  Sweetness;  loveliness.  '3S>rfJ. 

That  is  sweet;    ambrosia. 
f^oi^,  ^^TJd     (='3Jijj)    k.  prox,    dem. 
pro.  This  much,  this  measure.       2,  all 
this    or    these.       3,  a   little,    a    trifle. 
'SSilotfj.  So  many  persons  (as  these). 
t^o^  1,  <^  ce3.  k.  An  affix  of  comparison. 

Than,  as:  'scJ-x^o;^,  CojotSfioS,  etc 
riao^  2,    f^cSSc.   =  'So'^. 
f^oS,  <^o^0    k.  ad.     Thus,  so;    in  this 
manner ;    {at   the   end   of  letters:)   in 
conclusion,      as:     'SoS    Ji?^5i,     "^oS 
XSjjJO.      'aoSS  , '^0333.  =  ^oS.  Being 
of  this  kind,  such.  'So^iiJ,.  So  and  so 
many  or  much;  very  much. 
f^oi?,  f^cqro   (  =  'aoa:c)    k.    ad.    Such, 
like  this,  of  this  kind,   'ao^oqi.  Such 
and  such. 
o£(orf  (=  '30)  k.  An  affix  to  form' the  instr. 
or  abl.    case,    as:     «553S>oirf,    pS^ocS, 
wjfij5S,Oo:S,  jSS  d^::&Jo:^,  etc. 
r£(OS)'d('<6.o/"'aorfj,  q.v.).    -^oaoa,  '^oad. 

f^cSe'^i^li  s.  n.  The  blue  lotus. 
nsjorfo    1.  k.  ad.     This    time;     to-day. 
rsoaii.  For  to-day.  -S?l*,  -sJSt^.  Till 
to-day  'aoaSiorf.  From  to-day. 
f^cSo  2.  s.  n.     The  moon.     -?«?,  -v3?a3. 
A    digit    of    the   moon.     -=53o:S.      The 
lunar  gem.  -lifi^.  The  ocean.  -sSjoSo. 
The  disk  of  the  moon.  -;3=)ti.  Monday. 
c^czij  (tb.  'Soad)  s.  n.  Indra,  the  deity 
of  svarga,  and  the  regent  of  the  East 
quarter.     2,  a  prince,  a.  Best,  excel- 
lent,   -u^ej.  N.  of  a  mountain.  -=tJ3=^. 
A    platform,    terrace.     -mji^S.     The 
cochineal    insect;     the  firefly.    -:3^eJ. 
Indra's  net:  deception,  fraud,  trick; 
jugglery.  -^33*.  Conqueror  of  Indraf 




a  son  of  Ravana.  -lfS?io^*,  -iSbiSj.  A 
rainbow.  -oi?w.  A  sapphire.  -K^^, 
-sjJ3?^.  Heaven.  ^orajvtJ.  Indra's  wife. 

f^oQjcdO  s.  n.  Relating  to  Indra.  2, 
power  ;  faculty.  3,  an  organ  of  sense. 
-Sirvao.  Restraint  of  the  organs  of 
sense,  -rirt  35  sjjsSo.  To  restrain  them. 
-?iiTVia.  One  who  restrains  them. 
Cpcls. :   13^  f5?oS,o±),  *^j$ro  a,o±),  etc. 

f^cqifj  s.  n.  Kindling.     2,  fuel. 

os(j;^o~>  k.  ad.  Further,  yet,  still ;  more- 
over ;  hereafter,  n.  The  current  time. 
nafi,  ^j,.  So  much  more.  '^?\^ . 
^0  more,  no  longer;  not  yet. 
-SjJod,  -wO^d.  Henceforth,  hereafter. 
rseS  £» .  Where  else  ?  'Sr^j?,  odo.  Another 
thing.  ^nJ3  1o.  Another  man.  '3(5j^ 
c3j.  Once  more,  again. 

o£5?j,  a.  k.  (  =  ^tij53)  P;-es.  rel.  part,  of 
'adJ.  Being,  etc. 

<^Xa^o  k.  a.  Twenty.  Cpds.  'asS  ^js  ocij, 
'as  :S  0:So.  e<c. 

OJ— C 

<^Sv,  rasi.odo  ■rfjTJ  k.  n.  The  tree  Bassia 

<^^   (=t>^).  k.    a.    Two.    '32^^.   Two 

divisions,     ■aio.oa.    Mongrel:    of  low 

descent;      double-tongued.        '^^^-^• 

Two    persons.       '^'^^-     Two    balas. 

'3.'jy5,c£o.     Two  mouths,  double  edge. 

'      Two  and  two  persons. 
f^aD5    OQ20  5  k.  n.  A  kind  of  blackwood 

f^20S),  f^20  ^)  k.  /;.   Fog,  mist,  dew. 
^ZZTi  A  (f}-.  ^c3*-i?Dr!).  k.  M.  Two  parts. 
rSiclj  s.  «.   An  elephant.     -»yo.  =  ^ro^^^ 

f^So  1.  (— '^cJ'*)  k.  a.  Sweet.  'Srfjs^^.  A 
sweet  mango.  ^dJ3,d.  An  entreaty  in 
sweet,  humble  words. 

f^So  2.  k.  a.  Two.  'a So,  a,  'arfjra.  Two 
fold,  double.  ^sSJ.a  SJsSo,  -asSo^asSj. 

To  double.   'a.Do.hc*.  Twice  as  much. 


'asSaolj*.  Two  sides,  as  of  a  cloth. 
<^^0"do,  oqao-rfo,  osj^ootio  k.  y.  t.  To  eva- 
porate, dry  up;  to  wane,  waste  away. 

f^'rfre'd^J  h.  n.  An  edifice ;     a  palace. 

osj^J  a.  k.  w.  The  eyelid. 

oaosdi,  f^^OJ,  k.  n.  Sweetness;  agree- 
ableness,  pleasantness.  -5jd.  To 
become  nice.  'SossPv,  'SojOj^fS.  Sweetly 
(■3-cSr\oS'3fi,    melodiously). 

r£jo20  k.  «.   Expansion,  width,  breadth. 

f^c20o  1.  k.  ft.  A  resting  place ;  a  home; 

aplace;  space, room  (y^ocij).  'aocrario. 

To  become  a    shelter;    to  give  room. 

-AjiZ^o.     To    give    place;    to     afford 

shelter.     -r^J9S?;^o.     To  place. 
t^oSOo  2.  (=  oiowo)  k.  n.  A  saying,  word. 
f^T^O,  cJ  k.  art.  In  a  sweet,  agreeable  or 

proper   manner. 

radoo,    (=^53j«1,     ^o^,    q.    v.)  k.   n. 
Sweetness;    ambrosia. 

f^^J,  k.  a.  Twice. 

f^cdo^    f.  n.  Quantity. 


f^'ds^o,  oqdoS'j,  '^■rfoG^o  (:i  =  e3)  k.  «.  «'. 
To  be  compressed,  squeezed.  (='3rf 
■*?Jo)  V.  t.  To  press,  squeeze,  n.  The 
state  of  being  squeezed.      2,  butting. 

0SjTi2i<yj  (cl=:e3)  k.  n.  A  driving  rain. 

<^,tiUo.  =  'ads'j,  g.  «;. 

oqd^co/^  k.  a.  A  kind  of  jasmine, 
Jasminum  sarnbac. 

oSi'diJ  a.  k.  w.  Being;  staying;  support; 
condition,  system. 

(^■d^J^aio  h.  n.  A  remittance  to  the 

(^■d^jO,  f^Qeio  k.  n.  An  iron  axle-tree. 

oQ-CJ^O  (='atfj°^o,  q.  V.)  k.  n.   Night. 

f^t33C3D,  rgfOsS  li.  11.  Purpose,  design, 
intention ;    accord. 

^a  1.  k.  ^  honorific  affix,  employed  in 
addressing  a  superior,  as:  tS^ao,  es^ 
ao,  7z-3i0,  etc.  2,  an  affix  of  the  2nd 
pers.  pi.  past,  fut.,  imper.,  and  neg., 
as:  sjsaao,  33j33o»jO,  5jj3i«aD,  sja 
ao,  etc. 

rsjS  2.  (9  =  £3')  k.  r.  t.  To  beat,  strike;  to 
pierce,   stab;   to  butt;   to  kill.       2,  to 




fling.  -:z^^j.  To  stab  mutually.  ^36^, 
'SOi,  'aO:^.    Piercing,  stabbing,  etc. 

c^^zi<vj.  =  ^^:^zx>,  q.  V. 

k.  M.  An  ant.  -rlj^CaO,  -SdJ^j,.  An  ant 

t^9^e;o  (0=  es*)  k.  n.  A  pit-fall  to  catch 
elephants,  etc. 

<^5;rij  k.  r.  t.  To  cause  to  be  or  to  stay; 
to  place,   put,  deposit. 

oSi^J  k.  V.  i.  To  be;  to  exist;  to  remain, 
stay;  to  hesitate,  delay.  j(.  (Cj=e3j). 
Goring,  butting.  P.  p.  '^cJjr  (='3cSo, 
q.  v.).  ^riAj&:io.  To  allow  to  be.  '^3 
^l^.  Do  not  be !  With  a  dative  or 
locative  case,  it  expresses  possession, 
as:  c^fiii  sSjtS  '^i:^,  I  have  a  house, 
'adejj.  Being,  remaining.  'arfj.OT?,  '^ 
tiJ3o.  Being,  existing,  etc.  '^^  'aSj 
^,  "^dj^tio^.  In  course  of  time, 

f^-^j^o  (="3c!«^j,  e^c.  g.  ?;.  dJ=e3j)  k. 
V.  t.  To  compress,  etc.  n.  A  narrow 
place,    thicket. 

'^■:jjd  (dj  =  e3j)  k.  «.  a  throng,  crowd. 

f^TJOSDOSjS'yj    (/■>■•      ^ScSJ    KSOSj    '5'^J^) 

k.  Ji.  Constipation  and  stoppage  of 

<^diSiiTi  k.  n.  Two  shares:  both  the 
landlord's  and  cultivator's  share  of 
the  produce. 

r^Tio^o  (^'as^^^j)  k.  H.  Night,  -^djs? 
ci^J.  The  moon.  -3°v;3Dd.  A  night- 
watchman.  -3onejJ.  Night  and  day. 
-33j33j.    Night  time. 

osjT  (=  'a**)  k.  a.  Two.  'a?'rWj,=-a*  Wj,, 
q.v.  '^ssrejj  = '^^a  ejo,  g.  I),  rao-rc). 
Both  ears,  "af  ro±'<  (~  ^^odo*).  Both 
hands.  'acS'^d  (= 'a^d).  Two  heads; 
two  generations.  -^23;ij3:s,  -^23/iJ3 
«Jti.  A  grandfather,  'a'^rti.  Both 
forces.  'aioDT'?.  The  second  cultiva- 
tion. 'StS^rtS.  A  complicated  disease. 
-53jra=  ^»3ja  s.  'aSj«,  g.  r. 

<^^r?Jo  (=  's^^Jj)  k.  r.  t.  To  cause  to 
put;    to  cause  to  kill. 

<ys(^or  (='^B'^  k.  v.  t.  To  put  down. 
2,  to  destroy,    n.  Killing,   destroying. 

OSj^jr  a.  k.  ?i.  Loveliness,  desire,  charm. 
a.  (='^dj)  Twice. 

(^sarrJj  (=  srusrorcSj)  n.  A  sort  of 

rSje^BsS  li.  11.  A  claim;  a  village  under 
a  township.  2,  department;  district; 

f^aisSo  h.  ».  Cardamoms. 

f^ais3iO  h.  «.  A  remedy;  a  resource;  a 
means.     -^JS'Ai.  To  attempt. 

f^aisOJ  h.  n.  A  large  torch. 

0£(eD  k.  n.  A  rat;  a  mouse.  -■^^.  Rat- 
ear:  a  small-leafed  vegetable,  -sra 
Ssira.  Rat's  bane,  arsenic.  -t^jeS, 
-i3j3??Jj.  a  rat-trap.  -ol3e)W,  -srsej.  An 
aquatic  plant,  Salvinca  cucullata. 

f^sS^j  k.  V.  i.  To  be  squeezed,  bruised. 

f^CSa  k.  «.  The  jujube  tree. 

rSjeSSoosJ  k.  /i.  A  lemon,  the  lemon  tree. 

'^(^O'S^O  k.  11.  Cramp,  sprain. 

r£je3  (^533),  'S'?  s.  ?i.  The  earth.  2,  a 
cow.  3,  speech.  4,  Budha's  wife,  '^cs 
c^ej.  Earth's  surface,  'aos^si,  'ac^ 
^?2i,  ^d?i.  A  king.  '^aejs^^.  The 
planet  Mars;  a  Sudra.  'aers^^. 

(^SJ  k,  (^/"r.  defective  verb  'as:*,  to  be) 
:Z'/iJrd  person  of  the  neg.  mood,  used 
for  all  persons,  genders,  and  numbers  : 
It,  he,  she  is  not  or  exists  not, 
etc.;  there  does  not  occur  or  come. 
2,  not;  no,  as:  rijrfotasj^,  sijri?)ej^,  2»3 

^,   ^x^au    or   c3J3?SC)ej^;     t^oSa^ej^, 

Not  being,  not  existing,  without.  '^^ 
zi.  Uel.  part.  neg.  'aurf:S=i.  Nothing- 
ness, poorness,  'asjciapij.  A  poor 
man.  'ao  z:j  Sosri  sSj^CaO.  To  destroy. 
'aej  n-)rtJ,  ^^  ssrto,  'aca  rtj.  To  cease 




to  exist,  fail,  disappear.  "a5J^»3,  '3ej^33°. 

Is    there    not?     or    not?     or.    '3eJ,»3» 

■^u.   Certainly  not.     ^t^^^,  'SsSjs^?. 

Or  not?     is  it   not?   'Sidf^Jj^.    To   say 


rqai  r®  k.  n.  Soot, 

oaZl  6,  rovS),  f^&D  .  See  s.  ''aej. 

or)      '  OO       '  CO 

oQ£)a^Js3  k.  n.  A  tell-tale;  backbiting. 
00        CO 
-ofj.  Scandal. 

roil  k.  ad.  In  this  place,  here;  this 
place  (opi).  o/'  es^).  -ri©  rf.  From 
here  to  there.  -S^Stt.  So  far  as  this, 
up  to  this,  -z^,  -adj^rij.  A  man  of 
this  place. 

<^'d  k.  prox.  clem.  pro.  This  man,  he; 
also  -frfo.  -^-).  This  woman,  she.  ^^ 
awd  ^^  are  wserf  as  substitutes  for  '^si 
a«fZ  '3  5Si?j  respectively  when  speaking 
of  a  respectable  person;    of.  ^^  and 

rE(4,  o^^7(^d  k.  pi.  of  "arfj,  5.  ??. 

rg^S  k.  /jL  0/"  '^^5. 

<^Jm>'3  f.  /i.  A  sign  or  signal;  a  hint. 

cg^z^o  s.  n.  An  arrow.     -9.  A  quiver. 

cq^tX  s.  a.  Wished,  desired;  agreeable; 
dear,  beloved,  n.  "Wish,  desire;  love. 
2,  a  husband.  3,  sacrificing.  -=rsO. 
A  person  who  confers  what  is  desir- 
ed or  agreeable.  -r\oz^.  Fragrant; 
a  fragrant  substance.  -d^sJJ.  A 
tutelary  deity.  -Co^dj.  Friends  and 
acquaintances,  beloved  friends.  -3 
sS.tfj.  Dear  good  people,  -^^j  '^^l* 
^■Sr.  The  fulfilment  of  one's  desire. 
'as?,qj~.  Anything  desired  or  agree- 

f^^o  {  —  ^?i^S)  k.  prox.  dcin.  n.  &  pro. 


This  much,  so  much  as  this;  thus 
much  or  many,  etc.  '^si.sij,.  This 
much  and  that  much.  esSfJ  'S^  '^^^ 
^,ej ,  his  trouble  is  excessive.  '^5^^, 
30,  etc.  ^^js.ocSj.  So  much  as  this; 
little;  much. 
f^?Jt?j3S^o  k.  I'.  <.  To  take.   imp.  '^Ti'ijti  ! 

(^;d80o  h.  ?i,.  An  itch  which  attacks  the 
wrists.  -rljs^ejj.  An  annual  plant, 

<^7j^J0  h.  n.  A  name;  an  individual. 
-^■srf.  Name  by  name,  -^'sdsjll.  An 
individual  account.  r^-^  Qp^_ 

osj;^ali.   a.    Christian,     n.  The  Christi- 

osjxJj  1.  (=  oi^o,  q.  V.)  k.  r;.  f.  To  throw, 
shoot,  as  an  arrow. 

r2(;dj  2.  k.  il/^x  joined  1,  to  Samskrita, 
tadbhava  (and  Hindusthdni)  themes 
to  form  verbs,  and  2,  to  Kannada 
themes  to  form  (transitive  or)  causative 
verbs,  as:  tsoh^^O^o,  ©foO^O^o,  i^zi 

rfjoS  ?io,  =se:c5^j,  30?^j,  woso,  do?^?ij, 


f^^  S'sssCO    h.  n.    Reception,    meeting 

and  receiving  a  visitor. 

OQ^  00^5    h,  n.     Proclamation.     -oj'^sSj. 


A  written  notice;   advertisement. 

osj^  J  h.  ?i.   A  smoothing  iron;    ironing. 

rsj.'j;  k.  mi.  Fie!  '^^^-  rep. 

r^i^  1.  (=  '^S ,  '^rfoS,  e/c.  pres.  ret.  p.  of 
^^j,  to  be),  a.  k.  ?i.  Being;  stay. 
'aaorfj.  = 'adjsjdj,  'asicio,  e<c. 

0£j5o  2.  s.  ad.  Here;  at  this  time.  n. 
The  present  state,  present  world,  -sid. 
Earth  and  heaven.  -^Ji^^.  This 

osjSoT^,  f^^O/^  (=  «'?'i,  c<c.,  q.  V.)  a.  k. 
ad.   In  this  manner,  thus. 

o£j^  ('^  =  CO)  k.  n.  Coming  down,  descend- 
ing. -3d.  A  going  down,  declin- 
ing, as  in  age;  subsiding,  as  anger, 
disease,  etc.;  reduction;  aslope.  -33d, 
-S5i3.  A  slope.  -^j33j^.  Midday  to 

rst¥3^o  (s'  =  C;)  k.  V.  t.  To  cause  to  go 
down,  to  lower,  v.  i.  To  go  down,  in- 
cline. ^"^^s'eJ,  '^^^ejj.  Sloping,  a 
sloping  ground. 

fg^i^,  f^"?^   (V  =  K)  k.  n.  Descending, 

descent.      2,  ebb. 
ogji^   (??  =  0')    k.    r.  «.    To    come  down, 

descend,   alight;     to  set,  as  the  sun  ; 

to   become   less;     to   subside;    to   be 

abated,    as    anger;    to  be  dispelled; 

to  slope.    -STitfj.    A    declivity,  slope; 

to  slip  down.      -3:^rf;35Ci,  -^jB^rt^.    A 

mortgage    with    possession.       -d^^j. 

To    fall     downwards;     to   fly    away. 

-oSjOb'j.  To  suspend.       -tSSo.  To  let 

down.    -iS.Xi'-f'^T^o.  To  dive  completely. 

-odjj^'^.     Descending,      -if.   Descent 
elc;     fading;      degraded     condition. 
-rtjaV-V    To  humble  one's  self. 

S^V7JJ  1.  (V  =  C3')  k.  V.  t.  To  cause 
to  descend;  to  let  down,  lower;  to 
take  down,  etc.;  to  dispel, 

<^<^?ij  (V°=C5')  2.  k.  n.  Stopping,  thwart- 
ing.    -fl/So^j.  To  thwart,  oppose. 

PSf^  (=  'ad)  s.  n.  The  earth  f^J3CJ).  2, 
water  (6j«j).     3,  food  (a?^).    4,  sound 

■©?,  The  fourth  letter  of  the  alphabet. 
2,  contraction  of  '^Ddb:  (1)  m  </ie  ace. 
sing.,  as:  jssa?  oo^^'j,  rra^??  S€j?^«?j>; 
(2)  in  the  gen.  sing.,  as:  c30^?  5e)03o, 
35)0l)j3  s3j3s3;  (3)  m  </ie  ioc.  sing., 
as:  aoo^oo,  araa^O.  3,  contraction 
of  'acOj:  (1)  uj  tJie  imperat.,  as: 
fSa^O!  ^JsaoO!  (2)  in  the  third  per s. 
sing,  impf.,  as:  Soj^^cSj,  sSjoO^cSo. 

^  2.  dem.  pro.  (substitute  of  ■^cSo). 
This;  these.  -rasO,  -?raO.  This  time. 
•d»  =ff3dra.  This  cause,  on  this  account. 

oSj^tS.  In  this  manner,  -d*  siO^,  -Sjd?^. 
Till  now,  thus  far.  ^J33ri.  Now,  this 
time.    ^s3(?^J  ,  -Sojsab^.  Today. 

^  3.  k.  *i.  i.  To  give,  bestow;  to  allow. 
P.p.  'a^.  v.i.  (=^o;1jo,  ^c3*,  g.  w.) 
To  bring  forth,  -d-cxjoctrio.  To  be 
brought  forth;.  ^02jSj.  To  cause 
to  give;  to  cause  to  bring  forth. 

^5D^J  s.  The  letter  ^. 

^^  k.  hon.  pro.  This  woman,  she;  cf. 

^^^5^  s.  «.  A  spectator,  beholder, 
^^i  TO     s,    n.    Seeing;    sight.       2,    the 

eK.\  o'  o  ! 

eye.     ^^c^^.   A   male  fortune-teller; 

^^©  s.  ?!.  Looking. 

^\  ^  s.  a.  Seen,  regarded,  considered. 

^■T,  SJ  s.  c.  t.  d'i.   To  see,  behold,  look 

at;  to  consider.      -.S^.  Seeing. 
^"^  s.  n-  Sight,  viewing. 
#3X,    ^AcSo,    ^Ae;o,    ^A^  k.  ad. 

Now;  at  this  time,    ^rtujs.  Also  now. 

■dfrteS^.  Just  now.    Cpds.:  4tfs^^j.,  ^f\ 

ri^tio,  etc.        ■d«ii».    For  the   present; 

now.     ^r!J3,.   Still  now. 
^d(y,  ^zie'oi,   ^eid,  ^ele;    k.  «. 

The  wild   date  tree.      -ft?dJ.   Toddy. 

-nsci.    A     toddy-drawer    or    -seller; 

f.  -nsSr. 
^eiejj  2.    k.  n.    The    white    ant    when 

^siJ   1.      k.    n.    Dryness,    saplessness, 

witheredness.       -5?ji:^rtJ.    To    become 

#3£io2.  {tb.  of  ^^)  n.  The  pole  or  shaft 

of  a  plough,  cart,  etc.      -*odj*.  The 

staff    or    handle    in    the    shaft    of    a 

^sS    k.  ad.     This    side;     on    this    side. 

^:3(i,  ^f'JA.   To  this  side;  afterwards, 





^a:;o,  ^KST^O  (  =  ^^0)  k.  I'.  J.  To  swim. 
n.  Swimming;  also  -dt^SDU. 

^^  f.  /;.  A  lance,  spear,  javelia. 

#3ci  k.  n.   Toddy.      -r(.  A    man   of    the 

toddy-drawers'   caste;  f.  -f''^- 
^cisJ  s.  a.   Praised. 
^rio  1.  (fr.  "SZaj)  k.  n.  Putting,  throwing. 

^raojnj.  To  be  exposed  to;  to  become 

an   object  for,    to  incur.    ■d'ra'33Sj.    To 

scatter,   disperse,  expose. 
#?rfo  2.  k.  n.  Increase  ;  strength;  means. 

2,  proportion;  a  prop,  support;  fitness; 

equality;  an  equivalent,  compensation; 

a  pawn,  pledge,  security,     -^srf,  -Aeitf. 

A  powerful  man.  -dtrasrlJ.    To  become 

equal;  to  suffice;    to  become  bail   or 

bondsman,     -'ac^o,   -'S^yj,,    -iss^o.  To 

pledge.       -:£ji5So.     A     good     match. 

-;3jt):^j.   To  make  equal. 
^d^xio   (fr.    ^3^0- ^cJj)    k.   v.i.    To   be 

fulfilled.  ■d.d^OJdo.  To  fulfil. 
^o'eiO  a.  k.  I',  t.  To  drink,  sip. 
^^  k.  hon.  pro.  This  person,    he.    Rel- 

past  part,  of  ^  3,  «.  i. 
^B  s.  w.  Calamity  from  rain,  drought, 

locusts,  etc. 
^^Jk.  An  affix  for  Srdpers.  sing.  neui. 

pres.  of  uncertainty  or  possibility,  as: 

^rfo  k.  P.  p.  of  ^  3,  V.  i.  and  ^53*,  q.  v. 

-<2=f.  Bringing  forth. 
^^0   (=  ^  3,  11. «.;    k.  V.  i.     To    bring 

forth  young,  yean,   cub. 
^b  k.  71.  The  dung  of  flies;   a  nit. 
^£l  a.  n.  Desire,  wish.  ^^^-   Desired. 
^200  f.  n.  Difference, 
#3aJoo.  =-d»,  Q.  V. 
:^5  (=:  ra^,  e^c.)  k.  a.  Two.  ^da.  Two 

feet,     -dfrfodbj .     Ten.       -dtrfoJjo  ?3^A)rf. 

Ten  thousand.     ^O^rfj.    Twelve.       ^ 

Dejrfj    DdS.     The    twelve    signs  of  the 

zodiac.     ^!3?s?J.  Fourteen. 

^TJO   k.  ('.   <.   To  pull.      2,  to  comb  ou 

nits.     n.     A    nit.       2,    (tfj  =  e3o)    the 

^■rfrS;^    k.   n.    A    comb    for  removing 

^^0^    (=  i^?rfj^\)  k.  n.  An  onion. 
^5^r,  «^7^nr       s.    «.       Envy,       spite, 

^e5  f.   ».    A  sort    of    weapon:   a  short 

sword,  a  cudgel. 
^£|J     k.    n.    Attachment,     as    that    of 

animals  or  children.  fa^-o. 

^rfrSo  (rfo=e3J)a.  k.  ad.  A  little  while 

^^3A  (=  ^n)  k.  ad.  Now,  at  this 

^^  s.  »i.  An  owner,  lord,  master.  2t 
Siva  (^^tf).      -3.   Supremacy. 

^■S3?i  s.  )(.  Siva;  the  regent  of  the  north- 
east quarter.  2,  the  sun.  ^3^ri^.  The 
north-east  quarter. 

#?CiQ'd  (tb.  -dt^iC)  s.  n.  A  lord.  2,  Siva. 
3,  the  11th  year  of  the  cycle.  4,  the 
universal  soul,  -lo^,  -iS^tio.  A  twining 
shrub,  Indian  birthwort.  ^'^Qj  ^^'^• 
Durga.  -dtS  d^S)  u.  The  lord  of  lords: 

^?iO©  s.  n.  Desire,  wish.  -3,aij.  The 
three  dominant  desires:  rasd^^ra,  ^ 
S^iiV3,  <sJ_?sjra,  the  desire  after  a 
wife,  a  son  and  riches. 

^41  s.  ad.  Slightly,  n.  A  little,  -^s! 
cS.Pd.  A  slight  difference. 

^4  (tb.  -dtiSJ,  ^^J)  s.  n.  The  pole  or 
shaft  of  a  plough  or  carriage. 

^?j-rf.  tb.  of  ^^^^>  g-  *-'• 

^rio  1.  (=-o'UJ)k.  v.i.  To  swim.  n. 
Swimming.  4i^7\€)Xj.  To  teach  to 
swim.  ^^'3n!j.=  ^^0.  -'^'Joto T?'5'3o5j. 
A  dried  pumpkin  used  in  swimming. 

^?jo  2,  ^oeorfo   rf'"-    ^)  k.   V.  t.    To 

cause  to  give.     2,  to  yield,  allow.      3, 
to  cause  to  calve.   ^Aj^js^J..  To  take. 
^?jJ  3.  (='a?i;Sj,  q.v.)  k.pj'O.  So  much 
as  this,  this  much. 




^7id  4.  tb.  of  -^oS,  q.  V. 

^So   ^^  s.  H.  Effort,  exertion;  wish, 

^ojDsiixA  s.  n.  A  wolf. 
=^^^   (<b.  o/"^£>*)  ?i.  A  sickle.      2,  a 

blade   set   in   a   stock    for   slitting  up 

vegetables.      -'^^,   -dj^a.   The   stock 

wherein  the  blade  is  set. 
^9;^    {^=a')   k.    n.   Disentanglement, 

^S?    k.   n.   An  orange,    etc.;   cf.  ■^^.e'?, 


CfO.  The  fifth  letter  of  the  alphabet.  2, 
</ie  final  of  many  Kannada  ivords,  as: 
's'cij,  "rso^,  tfv'sgi",  ^j3:Sj,  f3j3?So;  oidcSo, 
e<c.  3,  a?i  auxiliary  letter  added  to 
words  ending  in  a  consonant  ni 
classical  language,  as:  tS^J,  *^^) 
ooeVj,  ^?s?o,  e^c.  4,  an  auxiliary 
lellei'  to  form  tadbhavas,  as:  tftso 
J?K?iJ,  sJOcrf?iOj,  e<c.  5,  an  auxiliary 
to  form  the  nominative  of  nouns 
ending  in  "^or  oi,  as :  ^z^odiJ,  i:ic3(.odoj, 

CA)3    1.  k.  conj.  =  eso. 

croo  2.  k.  int.  of  displeasure. 

UOl  k.  int.  of  joy:   hey!   ah! 

CfOS'  k.  ilw  a/^x  to  form  masc.  nouns, 
as:  '^^^'^,  ^^Jj's',  etc. 

CrtWSTJ  s.  n.  The  letter  SA). 

CrOS^jT?  k.  n.  The  outermost  part  of  a 
town  or  village.  2,  an  entrenchment 
about  a  camp;  a  match;  a  guard- 
house. 3,  a  piece  of  rope  tied 
to  the  end  of  a  well-rope,  for 
fastening  the  vessel. 

O^^.orf  k.  ?i.  Swell:  abundance.  2, 
a  narrow  board  or  piece  of  bamboo 
tied  between  two  beams  used  for 
hanging  clothes,  etc.  on. 

CX^-CT,^,  £rO^,^  k.  n.  Cunning,  fraud. 

CroS^O,  1.  k.  r.i.  To  rise,  swell,  as  the 
sea  ;  to  come  up  in  boiling ;  to  foam  ; 
to  boil,  as  rage;  to  be  elated,  n. 
Rising.     2,  spume,   froth.     3,  pride. 

4,  power.     -a?ij.  To  lose  one's  power. 

-C=CT.     Rising,      tnj^^rfj.    To    rise  up, 

CAJS^o,   2.  k.  n.  Steel.     -:<ora.    Ashes  of 

calcined  iron. 
CA)^^   k.  n.    Ploughing.     2,  remainder. 

-3jj3d.   To  plough. 
irO-&    s.  n.  Speech  ;  a  word,  expression. 

-?dj.  To  speak. 
GTO^i    s.  n.  An  ox.    bull.    -r^.  One    who 

rides  on  an  ox:  Siva.  -S^,-D3Ji.  Siva. 
ea)s5  s.  n.  A  pot,  caldron. 
£A)7\^)20S?     k.    )).     A    shrubby    creeper, 

the    heart-leaved  raoonseed,    Cocculns 

cordifolius.     2,  the  creeper  Lettsomia 

CADa^j  {th.  of  SAJri  do)  n.  Source,  origin. 
eA)A5?jO  k.  V.  i.  To  gasp,  breathe  hard. 
CA^Asa.  tb.  of  oiijnsa,  q.  c. 
ifOt\   1.  k.  r.  t.    To    pull,    draw    off  or 

out.       2,   to   hurt,   rend,   slit ,   break. 

3,  to  fear.     n.  Pulling. 
enj'A  2.  (=  6A)rtJ«?0)  k.  V.  i.  To  spit,  spirt 

eA)7\    3.   k.  n.  Steam;    vapour  or  reek. 

-=5=)^.    The    heat    of    steam.       -53;<J. 

To  warm  by  steam.     -^^'ScSj.   To  fo- 
ment,    -olio^.  A  steam-engine. 
CTOaJ  k.  V.  i.  To  become  loose;  to  flow, 

trickle;    to  be  shed;  to  let  loose;    to 

throw.       ^s\^f\X^.    To   let  loose,    spill. 
eA)Ao5,   CA)  AO'rfo  k.  n.  A  nail ;  a  claw. 

-tfcw .     The  quick    of    a  finger-nail. 



-oiottj.   Poison   caused  by  scratching. 

-:^z§  7^.  Luke-warm.  -?oJ3o  .  A  whitlow. 

eA)njO?io.  To  scratch  asunder. 
erOAO^O  ("^J=&!ij)  k.  •«;.«.  To  spit    out; 

to  sputter,  n.  Spittle,  saliva.  erurtje^Xo. 

To  cause  to  spit.    -dj3$rt.     Salivation. 
CTOa    k.  n.  A  rope  or  cord  attached  to 


anytliing,   as  a  handle. 

erOA'rf,     erOTi'rfro     a.  k.     n.     Repeated 
A    '  A 

sounds,       as    in    dancing    or    music; 

noise,  clamour.    y\ir(a^j.     To  sound  ; 

to  cry  out,  proclaim. 

CA37^  ■rf.  tb.  of  erun?  ti,  a.  d. 

CA)?\    k.  =  ^oJf^ . 
A  -^ 

CA)  AJ    k.  V.  i.    To    stammer,    falter    in 


speaking,     v.  t.     To  throw  as  water. 
n.  Stammering. 
eA3Aj  s.  a.   Terrific.     2,  cruel.     3,  hot, 
sharp.       4,   angry.      n.    Siva.     Cpds.: 

Bishop's  seed;  carroway.  -i.  Vio- 
lence, passion,  anger.  -S3?CcS.  A 
severe  command.  -?5?(^.  N.  of  Kam- 
sa's  father. 

CTOaSj^S  k.  Ji.  A  storehouse,  granary; 
a  treasury. 

CrOA3)r5,  erurra^E^B'  k.  ?*.  A  store-keeper. 
2,  a  village-peon. 

CA^^J  k.  m<.  Hurra!  huzza! 

CrOc^  k.  ?i.  The  warp  spread  and  starch- 

CrOo-&?jJ   k.  r.  <.  To  consider;  to  observe. 

CA)cajU.  <b.  o/"  esorijji,,  q.  v. 

CrOOA'd,  eA)OA0'rf  k.  «.  A  ring,  -rljjrfejj. 
A  ringlet.  -t,3d°i?j.  The  ring-finger. 
55jo^ol)Joriod.  A  seal-ring. 

CAitJ3O30?jJ  s.  I',  i.  To  go  beyond;  to 
overstep;  to  transgress;  to  pass  or 
elapse,  as  time,  etc. 

CTOilg  s.  a.  Delightful,  agreeable.  2, 
usual.  3,  right,  proper,  convenient, 
suitable,  n.  A  gift,  present.  -k. 
Knowing  what  is  proper.  -^e)A. 

erog^  (=  eA):^)  s.  a.  High,  lofty,  elevat- 
ed; tall;  deep.  n.  The  apex  of  a  planet's 

erOEi  TJw  s.  ?i.  Uttering;  pronunciation. 

eA)2i  a?Jo  s.  I',  i.  &  V.  t.  To  utter, 
pronounce,  speak. 

CAici  e^rio,  Wzi  ^?CiJ  k.  v.  i.  To  come 
forth,  proceed.  2,  to  separate.  3, 
to  penetrate.  4,  to  run  over,  as 

CAJCJt)  y?^  s.  n.  Scaring;  expelling,  re- 
moving by  means  of  magical  incan- 

eA)tJD  siS  f.  n.  Taking  of  goods  upon 
credit.     -Si'h.  On  credit. 

trOiSiTiTi  eA)£JS  "dcS  s.  ?t.  utterance,  pro- 
nunciation,  articulation. 

OtSa  k.  n.  The  top  or  crown  of  the 
head,     -■an'^x  The  fontanel. 

eA)8a  ^    s.  11.    Diarrhoea. 


eA3£:^o  k.  V.  t.  To  pull  out,  draw,  as  a 
sword.  2,  to  untie,  loosen.  v.  «. 
To  become  loose;  to  fly  off,  as  an 
arrow.  2,  to  become  free.  3,  to  be 
purged,  n.  Looseness,  etc.  -AoUj.  A 
loose  knot.  eA)i3  ei:^j,  enjz^  oo^jB'v). 
To  strip  off.  5AJZ35>  r!j,  eaiiS   locij,  enjz^ 

^  la  lo  l3 

23?v*J.    To  become  loose. 
aX)S   k.  n.  Urine.      -*WJj.  Stoppage  of 
urine.       -Ji^O.  The  bladder.      -t3^^^, 
-tL^d,   -djs^rt.   A  urinary  disease,  di- 
abetes.       -iti^^J,    -c»;;o1jv    To    void 

Wd   (S^i^oJ  s.  n.  Indra's  horse. 

erae?   (^Jjse^^AS.  «.  Neighing. 

£A)8a  M.  s.  a.  Left,  rejected.  ?i.  Leavings, 

orts;  remainder. 
(yOeSjs  ?sif®  s.  n.   Drying    up,    making 

eA:)t53   Q?j  s.  ?i.  Breathing,  breath. 

£A)a!arfo  li.  ffl-  Desolate,  depopulated. 
C\)"^jh'dd  li.  »i.  Deference,  respect. 
ifOdi  orfo^i  s.  H.  N.  of  a  city  in  Malava, 




CA)a;o  k.  V.  t.  To  rub.  n.  Rubbina-.  -=5^0 
105^.  A  kind  of  blanket.  -"S^^-  A 
smoothing  stone.  -'ijstiZij,  -rlJsdcSo. 
A  carpenter's  plane. 

croaij  A.  tb.  of  vx^dji-in,  q.  v. 

CrcJ^  '\£'  s.  a.  Blazing  up;  bright, 
clear;  beautiful,  lovely.  -^.Splen- 
dour,  erota    SO.  To  flame,  shine. 

CrOoei  1.  k.  n.  A  bamboo  basket  used 
for  covering  poultry. 

CAJoei  2.  —  eA)'^  . 

CrOU  s.  n.   Leaves,   grass,   etc    used  in 

thatching,    -w.  A  hut  made  of  leaves. 
erO&5BOSO?;jO  f.  c.  <.  To  raise, 
eroy,  k.  «.    A    net-work    sling    for    sus- 

pending    pots,    etc.         2,  (  =  Sj5J,)    a 

erOUJ,  1.  k. ».  An  anchor.    2,  (=  sSjWj) 

a  paddle. 
CTOWJj  2.  =  SoJsiJ,    k.     2,  P.  p.  of  yucij, 

g.  r. 


au&j;)  y,  croyo  20a  k.  n.  a  play  in 
which  any  eatables  or  vessels  con- 
taining them  are  suspended  and  swung 
and  persons  attempt  to  get  them. 

CA)T5=yua2.  k.  -njtf  (=  enjacTOrf).  A 
■waist-string  or  zone;  a  woman's  girdle- 

eA)7:^A0.  =  eroso  mj. 

CAirfsio  k.  >J.  A  venereal  boil. 

erotijgi  k.  n.  Clothes,  garments. 

erOZ3t)y  b.   >i.  Denial,    rejection,    scorn. 

er0c3«)O307jJ  b.  V.  t.  To  reject  contemp- 

ifOZSSTi  b.  ?t.  Causing  to  fly  or  wave, 
-5j3>3S,  -tfjSjtisJ.  A  silk  cloth  used  as 
a  fau  in  ceremonial   processions. 

£A)Cj  1.  k.  V.  i.  To  be  shattered  to  pieces; 
to  crush,  bruise;  to  pull  asunder,  as 
dough;  to  twist,  as  a  wick. 

CrCti2.  k.  n.  A  pouch  made  by  females 
(or  males)  by  folding  the  front  part  of 
their  garment  for  putting  in  eatables, 
money,  etc.     2,  the  hip,  waist  (-siad, 

-?ij;oo.  =  enj5^::i)tJ,  q.  v.).   3,  (=  vua=^ 

a  garment.     4,  a  kind  of  disease. 
0\)a^,  CroCi^  k.  n.  Putting  on  clothes, 

wearing,  clothing;  raiment.     -^.i&f{. 

Apparel  and  ornaments, 
croae^o.  =eA)a  2,   q.  v. 

CA)c^o  1.  k  r.  t.  To  wrap  round  the  waist; 
to  put  on  the  lower  garment,  as  the 
stre,  dotra,  etc.  P.p.  wyj,.  n.  (=yvia) 
The  waist.  2,  a  garment,  clothes. 
-iiu,  -rlJsS.  A  present  of  sire,  etc.  to 
the  bride  and  bridegroom  at  the 
celebration  of  their  marriage  or  on 
any     auspicious     occasion.      -cred.  = 

eA)T^,j  2.  k.  n.  An  iguana,  Lacerta  moni- 

erOcSo  3.  s.  n.  A  star.  2,  water.  -S, 
-*j.S,  -crets.  The  moon. 

£rO?^0:&?jO  k.  V.  t.  To  straighten, 
tighten,  compress;  to  vex. 

CAJtiOAO  (=  yy^nj)  k.  v.  i.  To  shrink, 
shrivel ;  to  abate;  to  fade;  to  disappear; 
to  desist;  to  stop;  to  remove ;  to 
leave,  quit.  v.  t.  To  sweep.  V'^zi^ 
f^sdj.     To  cause  to  shrink,  sweep,  etc. 

irorh-R.  =  yua^^,  q.  v. 

erot^oi  k.  n.   A  squirrel. 

Zrorioi!:  s.  H.   The  moon   (s.  sajSo  3).    2, 

a  raft,  float.   3,  the  bird  called  cataka. 

4,  a  serpent. 
aX)'d:i^.  =  eru::a53),  q.  v. 
ZrOZictXij   k.  n.    The   bellowing  of  an  ox 

or  a  bull. 
TdTio'S)  k.  11.  A  jungle. 
coil  (=  «Aia  2,  q.  i\)  k.  «.   The  waist. 
£A)S  k.  ?i.  Any  set  of  three,  as  marbles, 

seeds,  etc  with  a  fourth  set  on    the 

top.      -'^^'i'    -'3:30,    -2o=)*o.     To   set 

erore^S-o-  a.  a.  inferior,  lower. 
erorf,  (C^OrJA)  k.  ?i.  A  person  who  feeds 

on.  -'i.    Taking  a  meal.   -^o.  A  meal, 
Crooyo  1.  k.  (Third  pers.    sing,    of  the 

pres.    of  eAJ«?*  to   be)  There  is;    it  is 




etc.  2,  that  exists.  3,  tvilh  the 
dative  it  expresses  possession  (as: 
esSSirtJoWo,  he  has).  n.  Existence. 
eroobtjiij.  To  become;  to  happen;  to 
be  born;  to  accrue  to.  eroobDrtJtD^. 
Becoming',  etc-  -53j33o.  To  cause  to 
be,  to  create,  produce.  -SjJSC^o^^. 
CrOoyo.  2.  k.  =  yuc!jyj.  ero 0 tesSj.  To  roll- 

OX)oXi€i7(    k.    n.    A    kind    of    rice    cake. 

£rOociA   s.  n.  A  single,   solitary  man. 

erOoS^  Is.,  n.  A  stamp.  2,  a  pass,  ^ 
ticket  for  free  passage. 

erOoT^j  k.  P.  p.  of  ^^^^,  q-  V. 

£A3oi^  k.  n.  A  ball  of  anything,  as  of 
raw  sugar,  tamarind,  etc.  -rsyj..  To 
form  a  ball. 

SJX);^  k.  n.  Taking  a  meal;  a  meal.  2, 
a  tick. 

OX)P©j  k.  I",  t.  To  eat  a  meal  (or  uta),  as 
anna  (kul),  holige,  etc.  2,  to  enjoy, 
as  riches.  P.  p.  erJo:oO.  e/ura  zoasjj, 
erure^B'a,  SAjrsOiSj.  To  serve  up  a 
meal,  eruocs^a,  -rt.  A  glutton,  e^jra 
S^odocij.  Much,  further;  in  vain. 
dvssSodojraj.  To  suck. 

CADra   r<?J.  o/'    anjTiE^r-)  «,.  Wool. 


£rOp®J,    a.  k.  V.  i.   To   go  up;  to  break 
forth;  to  issue. 

OVJSXJlio    s.   n.    Subsiding;    alleviation; 

diminution;   descent;   cheapness. 
(!A)©3rf^  f.  )i.  Haste,  impatience. 
Cr02!,y    s.    n.      Excessive;       important, 

superior,  high.      2,    proud.       3,   mad, 

furious.       4,  difficult,     n.    Eagerness; 

0\)£i,o&o  s.  a.     Desiring,    longing    for; 


erC^,OT§   s.  n.  Longing;  regretting;  an- 


xiety,  regret. 

ero:^  ^r    s.  a.    Raising;    drawing    out. 

n.  Excellence.      2,  joy;  pleasure. 

erOS!,e3^   s.  11.   Longing  for.       2,   fear. 

3,  a  ■wave. 

erOo,  \7i,    s.  a.   Excellent,   eminent    su- 

perior.     -3.  Excellence. 
erO^,,^0,  erO^,,'S:5or®  s.  n.  Going  out  or 

astray;  transgression.     liAJo^  tSO'vJ.  To 

depart,  as  life;  to  exceed,  transgress, 

as  an  order. 
£A)^  ,   erogs  ,    CA)®  o  k.  j4  termination 

of  the  pres.  participle,  as:   f^^srtj^,  tj? 

iS^J^,  c5j3$CSJ33,  wtij^  o,  e/c. 
ero^  ,  CfU:^  6  k.  ad.  To  or  in  the  middle 

side  or  direction;  cf.  «s^  and  '^^. 
ero^  ot?  s.  n.  A  gold  necklace  worn  by 


CA}ig  1^0   s.  a.    Uppermost;    chief,   best, 

excellent.        n.  The  first   person    (g.). 

-^rfj5i.    An    excellent  man;   the   first 

person    (g.),       -Sj!>  ^^.    A    man    well 

spoken    of.      ^(^3  Sjj3or<.    The    head. 

yu:^  SjSujSij.  Good  and  bad.   erua  •So'^. 

Excellence,  superiority.  £Aj^  wjS?:^  Sj- 

The  very  best. 

STO^  l!  1.  s.  a.  Higher,  upper.      2,  supe- 
— c 
rior,  excellent.     3,  northern.     4,  left; 

posterior.       5,  subsequent,    following, 

latter.        n.     An     answer,     reply;     a 

mandate.        2,  a    defence,    rejoinder. 

3,  future  consequence.     -w3o, -iJjs:*), 

-^,  -ao?°i?j.  To  give  an  answer.     -S)0, 

'^J.   To  silence.      -*:!.   The  northern 

direction.       -*s5jr,    --frjOSj.    Funeral 

rites.       -5^3.   Benares.       -qSj^sS.  The 

north  pole.       -^^'  -^  defendant;  the 

dark     half    of    the    month.        -^'i'S. 

Worship  at  the  close  of  a  ceremony. 

-^^a.     A     defendant.        eaj^o^^jt^O. 

A   successor;    an  heir.       eru^o^oijcs. 

The    summer     solstice.      y\)3ifj3$^rf. 

More    and    more;    success;     welfare. 

eru3  OXj.  To  answer;  to  order. 

erO^'Ci2.  s.  a.  Crossing  over;  coming 
out,  escaping  from.  -C9.  Crossing  over. 

<!A)^  "dri  k.  71.  A  common  weed,  Achyran- 
thes  aspera. 

erO:^  C^aS  s.  a.  Relating  to  the  north. 
-3^?«3.  A  female's  ear-ornament. 




ero^  "osepsi^js.  n.  The  twenty-sixth  lunar 

Zn:^  T:T)-^fi7<  s.  u.  The  twenty-first  lunar 

ero^  Q?jJ  s.  V.  t.  To  cross:    to  come  out: 

to  escape;  cf.   eA)^tf2. 
ifO^  5?cdo,  -S'  s.  ero^  S;^  {its  tb.)  n.  An 

upper  gjarment. 
VO^  t5  s.  n.  The  north.      2,  the  twelfth 

lunar   mansion.       3,    N.  of   Virata's 

cross  ?j   s.  a.   Lying  on  the  back.       2, 

shallow,      -sraci.  N.  of  a  star;    N.  of 

a  king. 

D  ■- ° 

£0)33  -d  s.  11.  Rescuing.        2,  remission; 

giving  back.     3,  land  given  rent-free 

by  government  to  an  individual  (sana- 

bhoga,    gauda,    etc.)    as  a  reward  for 

VC-^ti  e;,     VOS^  ^     s.    a.    Formidable; 

arduous,  difficult;  speedy;  high,  tall. 
ifOB  erer     s.      a.     Crossed;      rescued, 

liberated,    released. 
eroi^o    (=eru3jr).   P.  p.  of  5AiciJ,    q.  v. 

2,  p.  p.  of  eA5s?o. 
erO;go  S    (=  sm^l^)  k.   ,i.  Dried  dates. 

erOo  k.  j4n  a/^x-  for  forming  third  pers. 
sing,    iieut.    as:     tJrij^  (=  wrtj^d), 

0\)ii  ?di'-^  s.  a.    Stimulating,  stimulant. 

OXiS  o3ifj  s.  n.  Incitement;  an  incentive, 

. c 

inducement,  stimulant. 

erOST)  r?  s.  ?;.  Rising  ;    resurrection.      2, 

9  »  '  ' 

manly  exertion.  3,  starting  on  an 
expedition.  4,  a  courtyard  (ssorts?). 
Sj  joy.  -:3>  rf3.  A  feast  of  the  12th 
day  in  the  month  of  ?^.Sr^. 

ifO^.B  s.  n.  Birth,  production,  origin  ; 
produce,  profit.  -^  rS.  The  source 
of  anything. 

CX^^X^  s.  n.   Error,  evil.  2,  the  air,  sky. 

CA):^v?js  s.  a.  Born,  produced,  n.  Pro- 
duce, profit.    -J.  Origin;  production. 

0\)e,^e;  s.  n.  The  blue  lotus,  Nymphaea 
caerulea.  -Sjsd.  N.  of  a  vritta. 
-Cj3^.     The  moon. 

lyOgSsg  s.  /(.  A  portent,  prodigy  or 
phenomenon;  any  public  calamity, 
as  earthquake,  eclipse,  etc.  -*. 

Zn^Dyi  s.  71.  Coming  forth,  producing. 
-ri.  Bringing  forth. 

0\)3SvD;cJo  s.  v.  i.  To  produce. 

CrOifv  e^s.  "•  Overlooking;  indifference. 

2,  a  simile;  comparison. 

£rO^/7\r  s.  n.    Emission.      2,   excretion. 

3,  quitting.  4,  gift.  5,  a  general 

ero^/ajrfj  s.  «.  Letting  loose,  quitting; 

CA:^<[£Sr;s:o  s.  r.  t.  To  let  loose;  to  quit^ 

ifO^lT^  s.  n.  Elevation.  2,  joy.  3,  a 
festival ;  a  festive  procession.  4,  a 
libation,  ^r^^^^o.  To  make  merry, 
be  glad.  Cpds.:  a=^°3j3,   S^js^^sS. 

erO;^/^  {th.  of  yus^oD,  q.  V.)  n.  A  feast, 
a  festive  procession. 

CrOS;5/5o  s.  n.  EflFort,  perseverence, 
energy.  2,  joy,  happiness.  3,  hero- 
ism. -:^?i.  A  sound  of  delight.  eros^So. 
Active,  persevering;  a  happy  person. 
«AJ3j^2os;j.  To  rejoice. 

eA)^J<'^   s.  fl.    Restless.     2,    eager.     3, 


longing  for.  4,  regretting  for.  n. 
Ardent  desire.  -^.  Zeal;  affection; 

erorf,  eA)3j5'  s.  n.  Water.  srjrfii.  The 

CrOrf^i  s.  n.  A  reservoir  for  water;  the 

0\)rfcdJ  s.  n.  Rising.  2,  the  eastern 
mountain  behind  which  the  sun  is 
supposed  to  rise.  3,  light.  4,  crea- 
tion, production.  5,  becoming  visible- 
-^•sej.  The  time  of  sunrise.  -o^rt. 
The  dawn;  a  morning  carol.  e/ucS 
odraJiSej,  s/ucScdjT3j.  =  e-oj^rfodo  No.  2. 





The    rising    sun.    SA)rf 

oSjsij.  To  rise;  to  be  born. 

erOuj'C  s.  n.  The  belly,  womb.  -SiJTsriS. 
Sustenance  of  life.  -^ti.  Till  the 
belly  is  full.  -^?^ri.  Feeding  the 
belly.    -^J3e3.  The  colic. 

erO:35  s.  «.  Having  a  belly.     2,  =  5A)c;o. 

0\)d8?jJ  k.  r.  <.  To  cause  to  fall  or 
drop  down. 

£rO::iTJj,  aXidtOTio  k.  y.  i.  To  fall,  drop 
down.  n.  Falling.  2,  the  state  of 
boiled  rice  or  pulse  not  sticking  to 
one  another. 

£0)03:^  s.  a.  Elevated,  high.  2,  gener- 
ous; illustrious.  -icO^.  A  man  of 
noble  behaviour. 

erOnsjo  s.  71.  Breathing  upwards,  -^nodxi. 
The  vital  air  which  rises  up  the  throat 
and  passes  into  the  head. 

CnJasTJ  s.  a.  Lofty,  exalted;  generous, 
liberal;  proper,  right.  -3ri,  -^.  Libe- 
rality, generosity.  -B?t).  Generous- 
minded.  eA!S3!)3.  A  liberal,  generous 

CrOnsdo  h.  n.  Debt ;  credit;  cf.  erucS  0. 

€A)n3?j  s.  n.  Indifference,  apathy. 

CrOns^eJJ  s.  a.  Indifferent,  neutral.     2, 
despised,     n.  Indifference;    contempt, 
disregard,    -^js^d.  To  disregard,  dis- 
er0c3336^ro    s.  n.    Saying,     declaration. 

2,  an  example,  illustration,  instance. 

3,  a  reply.      4,  an  opposite  argument. 
enJnsSOijO.      To  declare,  explain. 

eroa;^   s.    «.    Bound.       2,  said,    spoken. 

3, sprung  up,  born. 
eroa?j>.\  =  erocSoSj^j. 
ewrfo  a.k.  clem.  pro.  (cf.  e^rfj,  -scS-)  This 

(between  the  two). 

eroaTJo,  eA)rfo-rfo  (=  eA^rirfj,  q.  v.)  k.  v.  i. 

To  fall  down,  drop,  as  fruits  or  leaves. 

erOi3.ra?  k.  int.  Behold  (what  is  between 

the  two)!  ho!    halloo! 
CAJsS^O  (=:eror!wJ)  s.  n.  Rising;  source; 

origin;  production;  a  flower.  -sSJotaO. 

A  flower  bunch.  -^30353.  A  flower- 
wreath,  arori  too^o.  To  rise;  to  ascend; 
to  be  born. 

erOiTO  TJ  s.  H.   Spitting  out,  vomiting.    2, 
eructation.       3,    an  ejaculation  ;    an 

interjection.     -:33  2;S?'t43o^.     The     sign 
of  exclamation. 
aX)^M   s.  n.    A    kind    of    vessel.       -co- 
Unfastening  ;  revealing. 
erOcr.oy  s.  n.    Watch  or    guard-house. 
-^.     An  opener;    a  key.   -n.    (=  ^^^ 
hi^).     Opening,      revealing;    raising, 
lifting  up. 
erOcj.^o^.ro  s.  n.  Crying  out ;  sounding. 

erucSJS  ^ii^o.  To  cry  out,  sound. 
CrOrf  (tb.  of  wsqS  P-)  n.  Height;  tallness; 
length;  depth,  a.  Long;  tall.  ^O^ 
rtej.  Length  or  height  and  breadth. 
Cpds. :  -=ffe>sJO,  -=tfJ5cSejj,  -f\S,  -nsjD,  etc. 
-Sjjejrto.  To  lie  down  lengthwise. 
mzi'-f^.  Height;  length.  erud^OjtJo. 
Very  proud  behaviour. 
CA)^  oZi  s.  a.  Having  a  raised  staff.  2, 
powerful,  violent;  proud,   -^n-   Pride. 

CrOrfj:;,  0^)d?i^s.a.  High,  tall.  -iiJ3?£?o. 
a  CD   °i 

A  long  neck. 

erorf  .30.  =  eA)a  oj,  q.  v. 

ero?;  S.  =  eroa  0,  q(.  r. 

©  '^ 

eroa    k.  «.    A   low   ridge  in   a  field  for 

a  ,      _,         , 

irrigation    purposes,     -n.      The    pole 

of  a  carriage. 
eroa  S,  eroa,   (tb.  of  enjn^C)  «,.  Credit, 

purchase  on  credit.    -^jsSo.    To  give 

on  credit. 
ewrf  so,  enja  <30,  eroa  do  (tb.  of  erucSedJ) 

71.   Business,   profession,     -n^u,  -C350. 

A  trader;  a  farmer. 
eroa  to  s.  prep.  Aiming  at;  with  regard 

to,  on  account  of. 

eroa  e^i,  -^    s.   n.    inflaming,    exciting; 
animating;  stimulating. 

er^a  ^t>   s.  a.  Lighted;  shining;  inflamed. 

Q    -O 

erOciJ  1.  (=  eAJtjO,  q.  V.)  k.  V.  t.  To  rub. 





CA3c5o  2.   k.  n.   A.  common  pulse,  Pliasc- 

a  ^\ 

olus  mungo;  also  ea)a  ?3  "u-^sa. 

EAjd  ^^  s.  ?(..  Object,  motive;  purpose, 
meaning,  intention.  2.  an  assign- 
ment; a  previous  statement.  enid  ? 
S?cj.  To  aim  at,  intend. 

CTOj:!  y  s.  a.  Rude,  impudent.     Ji.  Rude- 

CA):::^^^  s.  ».   Raising,  lifting.       2,  de- 
livering,  rescuing.       3,  final  emanci- 

erOci  5?i0  s.  v.  t.  To  lift  up.       2,  to  re- 
scue,  deliver,  save,  release. 

erOii  5j1?^  s.  n.  Great  joy;  a  festival. 

CrCC37)Td  s.  n.  Raising.       2,  deliverance, 

redemption.       3,   obligation.      -'5'.    A 

deliverer.     -Sjj3:^j.  =  iAjci  0<j. 

CA)u$j;i  o  s.  a.   Roused  up.       2,  exalted, 

CTOcj    \;s   s.  a.    Dravrn    up.       2.    raised, 


CA):::5'rf  s.  ?i.  Birth,  production,  origin; 

existence;  manifestation. 
To  be  born;  to  exist. 

Radiance,  splendour. 


VX)UT>Jj  S. 

Croa,?^     s.    a.    Sproutinc 

11.  A  plant  or  vegetable.     -'^js^SJ.  The 

vegetable  kingdom. 

erot),;:'^  s.  a.  Opened,  budded.     2.  differ- 
ed ^ 

CA)::j,  ■jSj  s.  n.  Whirling;  agitation,  an- 

xiety.   eruj^  <3j?ij.  To  be  perplexed, 
Crorfo-rfo  ((6.  sruc!  ^j,   e<c.)  s.  w.   Under- 
taking; exertion;    business. 
eA3in3J  s.  a.  Active,  diligent,     -'to.  To 

undertake  anything. 
eWnso^  s.  H.  A  garden,  park.    2,  motive, 

purpose.     -o3ci.  A  beautiful  garden. 
erOcTOn^jd  s.  n.  Accomplishing.      2,  the 

concluding  ceremony  of  any  religious 

erOroOo'S'    s.  a.  Zealously  active. 
Crofj?q?A  s.  n.  Business;  an  occupation, 

profession;   an    office,    situation.       2, 

exertion.  -o^a^to.  To  follow  a  pro- 
fession. -3J?3iJ.  To  work;  to  execise 
an  office.  -S?3r.  N.  of  the  fifth  book 
of  the  Mahabharata.  -*.  A  man  of 
profession;  an  official.  y\);5^,?h. 
Active,  diligent;  a  person  in  office. 
eru!3j?^5f\Xj.  To  undertake  anything; 
to  be  busy. 

Crorfj  s.  n.  An  otter. 

erotJi.  =  enjcS  0    q.  v. 

erodj?^  s.  n.  Excess,  increase,  abun- 
dance. 2,  enjoyment.  3,  forwardness. 
^t^IxtKo.  To  be  excited. 

CAJrfQgr,  -pj  s.n.  Going  up,  2,  rubbing 
and  cleansing  the  body  with  unguents. 

£A)3jQSo?j  s.n.  Lifting  up.  2,  carrying. 
8,  leading  home,  marrying. 

erODt)QeircS  s.  n.  Concluding  ceremonies 
of  an  idol-worship. 

erjcssQ  oofj  s.  11.  That  which  raises.  vm:zs_, 
to?'.  Matrimonial.  enjsy^coXo.  To 

CA3£Qoa  s.  11.  Rashness;  agitation; 
anxiety,  fear.  yud^°h?to.  To  go 

erOo)  k.r.i.  To  be  soaked;  to  soak.  -kJj 
3o3^j,  erosi'^o.     To  soak. 

ero^^o  a.  k.  a.  So  much  as   this. 

CXic^O  k.  arf.  In  this  (intermediate) 

erOorfO  k.  ad.  This  (or  at  this  intermedi- 
ate)  time. 

ZPO'^^^  s.  a.  Raised;  elevated,  high; 
eminent,  n.  Elevation,  altitude.  -^, 
-^.Height;  sublimity,  greatness;  emi- 
nence; majesty.  yVr^ij35(^3.  Very 
high,  the  highest. 

ero^iN'rfo.  =  330  c^  do. 

erO^>?jO  a.  k.  V.  i.  To  think,   consider. 

in^,^  1,  eA)?j,  rfs.  n.  Intoxicated;  mad, 
furious.  2,  haughty,  arrogant,  erofi 
^  J,  en;c33  cJ.    Madness;    intoxication; 



^Ti.  ^    2.  s.  n.  The  thorn-apple,  Datura 



STOl^  ?o,  -^^  s.  a.  Excited  in  mind,  long- 

ing  for. 

Ot)c3s.  c3    s.  H.    Madness,    extravagance, 

s.  n.  Winking;  awaking; 
0X>7j  s.  ad.  Under;  inferior;  towards; 
on;  near  to;  with;  etc.  2,  prefixed  to 
verbs  or  noims  it  denotes  approach, 
vicinity  or  inferiority,  as:  -*,33J, 
-rra^oSj,  -^03  re,  etc. 
tPCTj'S^  s.  n.   A  short  story   related   in 

a  long  one. 
WXJ^tJpS  s.  n.   Helping.      2,  an  imple- 
ment,   instrument;    a    means. 
CTJsi^B'd,   s.n.  Help,  assistance;  benefit; 
a    favour,    kindness;     also     erjsj^s^yS. 
-esO,  -Nc^^o,  -^^O^j.   To   be  grateful. 
-sJjtiSj,    eruS's'O^o.    To  benefit,  help; 
to    do  a    favour.       -^.tif^.    Gratitude. 
-odjjO^.     To    put    under   obligation, 
to    oblige.      erosj^^O.      Gracious;      a 
benefactor.      snjSj^sO^.  A  protectress; 
a  palace. 
^d'ty6\^  s.  n.  Approach.     2,  commence- 
ment.     3,  a  design.      4,  a  means.  SAiSJ 
=^Cj^o.  To  commence. 
eA)Xl3^v  ^J  s.  n.  Patience,  forbearance. 
CA)3iA^     s.  a.     Gone    to,    approached; 

occurred;  granted. 
erC5iA\3d  s.  n.  An  inner  apartment. 
eWsiAjSo  s.  n.  Confinement.      2,  a  minor 

£A)7j^ra^  s.  n.  Injury,  damage,  hurt. 
CA);i£iodos.  n.  Collecting;  accumulation; 

quantity,  heap. 
erOsisi'dro,  t^O^iJS'rf  s.  n.  Service; 
attendance;  homage;  attention,  cour- 
tesy, civility.  2,  pretext,  metaphor. 
3,  physicking.  eruiiiysO.  Serving;  a 
polite  person.  5A)S'L^0;=ij.  To  wait 
on,  to  treat  kindly. 
CA)3i^e^?j  s.  n.  Living;  subsistence, 
livelihood;  maintenance.  -?73?S?ij.  To 
maintain   one's  existence.    SAJSjii^S^. 

Living    upon;    a   dependant,      srusjti^ 
;D?dj.      To  live    upon;     to    get     one's 
livelihood;   to  live. 
CrosiU^   (tb.   of  erusj^.)  n.  Annoyance, 

£r03jg^3d  s.  n.   Heat.      2,  pain,   trouble. 
3,  disease.      eruSss^j^ij.  To  feel  pain; 
to  be  sorrowful. 

eA33i:3?3'  s.  n.  Instruction;  teaching; 
information;  advice;  initiation  in  a 
mantra.  -'tf,  eA)Sd;3.  A  teacher; 
a  spiritual  guide.  -=#ja:^j,  -s^jsc^j, 
eaiSc3?S?ij.  To  iustruct,  teach,  advise. 
-;^^j^^A.   To  take  advice. 

er03jrfi  (th.  of  SAjS^d)  n.  A  calamity, 
disaster;  trouble;  annoyance;  a 
disease  or  affliction;  a  national  di- 
stress. -^J3c3o,  -53j»):^o,  -sia^^j.  To 
trouble,  afflict. 

CrOsitjJ  s.  n.  Imposition,  fraud.  2,  a 
penultimate  letter  (g.). 

croz^EJA'd  s.  n.  A  suburb. 

£A)3i?jodo?J  s.  n.  Investiture  with  a 
thread  to  be  worn  over  the  left  shoul- 
der and  under  the  right. 

eA};ias:ics*s.  n.  The  knowledge  of  Brah- 
ma as  the  only  existent.  2,  the 
sections  of  the  vedas  which  treat  of 
this  knowledge. 

erO^iNeSij  s.  n.  Spectacles. 

erosijaDoTj  s.  n.  A  statement,  suggestion. 

2,  an  introduction.      3,  lecturing. 

tK)7!il!iB      s.    n.     Production;    gaining; 


a  theory ;    proof;    means. 

iSOtiti^^i^.  a.  Produced;  gained;  proved; 

suited  to  the  occasion. 

ifO'tiZSii^'^    s.   n.    A    sin    in    the    second 

degree,  us  killing  a  cow,  etc. 
erO]d2^j5?A    s.  n.    Enjoyment;    use.       2, 

pleasure.      sroSi^JS^h^^J.  To  enjoy,  etc. 
Ot)3idj5)N   s.  n.    Comparison;    analogy; 

illustration;   a  simile. 
£rO:ri5o   s.  rt.    Resemblance,    similarity; 

a  simile;  comparison.      2AJii<^J?^J.  To 






CWzIodOO^      s.    a.     Adapted,     suitable; 

convenient;    useful.      -3fi.     A  proper 

CA)3jo3j3oa  s.  n.  Application;  use,  service; 

utility.       eAJSJoSjB^nsw,  To  make  use 

of,  to  use. 
Cro^TJSs.n.  Ceasing^,  stopping;  refrain- 
ing from  sensual  enjoyment. 
CTOZlD    s.    ad.    Above;    upon;    besides; 

beyond ;   after. 
Cn7i'8jij^T^  s.  n.  Hindering;  obstruction;    I 

impediment.       -i?.    One   who   hinders,    [ 

etc.      enjSdjs^^^j.  To  hinder,  etc. 
eA)3J<y20     s.    a.     Obtained;     perceived;    j 

well  known.  [suburbs. 

VOt^-^^  s.  71.   A  grove,    garden  in   the 
CA)^»33?i  s.  n.  A  fast,  fasting.       -"arfj, 

-iti^'^j,    -sJj3:So.    To    fast.      eajS^sAj. 

One    who  fasts. 
eA)3j,3^?s:ir®  s.  n.  a  word  used  to  modify 

an  adjective,  an  adverb  (g.). 
eA33i<3e^    s.   n.    The    sacrificial    thread 

worn  by  the  three  first  classes. 
ef03J^?u)    s.   71.     Writings     subordinate 

to  the   vedas,   as  on  medicine,  music, 

erOtl^^J,    VOti^-dj^    s.    71.    Calmness, 

composure;    patience.        2,    quieting; 

appeasing.     3,  anodyne.     enj5j^^o?io. 

To  abate,  become  calm  or   refreshed; 

to    take    rest.       -SjJscsj.     To    calm, 

ir07j3i)oB   s.   n.    Calmness,    composure, 

CTOsS^jaF    s.    11.    Connection;    nearness. 

2,  trouble,    misfortune.         3,  a  cala- 
mity.    4,  a  preposition;  a  prefix  (g.). 
CA)^j?j7iri€  s.  «.  Approaching  (for  help). 

srasj^ijTsy.    To    approach;    to    have 

recourse  to. 
CrLZj?3SAd    s.    n.    A  bay. 

£A3x;^  1^     s.    ad.    Approached,  near,  at 
qt     -  ' 


Cr03J5dS    s.    ?i.    Destruction;    vexation; 

disturbance;  infatuation. 

0\)t>^srS  s.  71.  An  oblation;  a  tribute^ 
present,  gift. 

CrOojDS'ziir  s.  7\.  A  ceremony  perform- 
ed once  a  year  before  reciting  the 

CrCoj3A»5j  s.  n.  Approach;  agreement. 
2,  a  minor  againa. 

^OZJtU^Ti  s.  71.  Abstraction;  withdraw- 
ing the  organs  of  sense  and  perception 
from  the  outer  world.  2,  material 
cause.  -?=)tirs.  Immediate  or  proxi- 
mate cause. 

ZrOZjSt?  s.  71.  Virtuous  reflection.  2, 
deception,  disguise.  3,  a  peculiarity. 
4,  an  attribute,  epithet.  5,  the  natu- 
ral character  of  species,  quality  or  ac- 

tnzit^ns.ii.  Teacher.  2,  a  priest  that 
conducts  the  ceremonies,  etc. 

CrOsDzprQcdo  s.  «.  A  schoolmaster;  a 
preceptor.  eAJsjtjqy^^oDj,  eA)3:t)qm,33j. 
A  female  teacher ;   a  teacher's  wife. 

OV)Sj3cdo  s.  n.  A  means,  expedient,  way, 
scheme,  stratagem.  -n^iS,  -s?0.  A 
schemer;  an  expert.  -26?S?o.  To  point 
out  means.  -'S'O  t^o,  -SjscSj.  To 
devise,  contrive. 

a\)3j^?j.    th.  of  iiv^^^^,  q.  r.    srusj^i;.  = 

en:sjs?j^  s.  «.  Service,  worship,  adora- 
tion.   -oJje):SJ,   erosjsiAi^o.    To  worship. 

O'OSIiBr^    s.  ?i.  Worship;  meditation. 

easS?^,  s.n.  Disregard,  neglect;   indif- 
ference.       erosj^^?^).     To    disreg 
disdain,  neglect. 



s.  71.   Vishnu   or  Krishna.      2, 

a  king.      3,  N.  of  a  man. 
i!rOe§ponSv)«   s.   n.    An    example.      2,  a 

beginning.     3,  analysis. 
erO^'^e^^C©,  -^[o  s.  7i.  A  fast,  fasting. 
tn^Tj.zi  k.  H.  Salted  and  dried  vegetables. 
en:;3."rf  {lb.  of  erj5:0)  ».  Height,  loftiness. 
CrCJj.S/^  r(b.  of  WV^SrsO'^)  »(.  A   palace,- 

an  upstair  house;  the  upper  story  of 

a  house.     -»30t3.    An    upstair    house. 



cro^.BpiJ  k-  r.  «.  To  rise,  as  the  soul;  to 
jump  up.  V.  t.  To  extend,  increase, 

£ADZ;y?57\  k.  n.  One  of  the  salt-maker's 

0X.7j-.€>'R  k.  H.  A  small  tree,  Macaranga 

0\)o33v'd  (tf  =  £3)  k.  ?i.  A  bricklayer,  stone- 
mason. 2,  a  salt-maker ;  f.  -S.  SAJara 
0=^.  The  business  of  a  bricklayer  or 
a  salt-maker. 

CrOsQv  k.  n.  Salt.  2,  doting-  affection. 
3,  a  game  at  which  the  women  play. 
€A)S  ^i^5.  A  thorny  climbing  shrub 
Monetia.  saj^L  ^  ^'d..  A  salt  pan  or 
depot.  STO^fS  "^^^^  Rock-salt.  eA)»j  fj 
=&303j.  Pickles.  -=ff3S.  Salt  and  other 
spicery.  -7ld.  Bengal  gram  parched 
and  scathed  in  salt.  enj&  Wj,.  A  kind 
of  cake  with  various  ingredients,  -eru 
£90,  -h^q,.  To  be  in  one's  employ. 
-53ja.  A  salt  — bed.  -wjrw.  Salt 
earth,      enj^  So.  To  salt. 

£A)20  Ba.k.  H.  Swelling;  elation;  power; 
boldness,  heroism.       2,  crying  aloud_ 

£r020,r©  k.  n.  A  wooden  beam  for  locking 
a  door.      2,  a  kind  of  weapon;  a  club. 

CTCSO.'rf  k.  n.  Swelling;  increase; 
abundance.  eroio.O?jO.  To  swell,  be 
swollen;  to  rise;  to  be  full;  to  be 
elated;  to  be  joyful. 

er020,Oo  (=eni.oo,,  ea)o±><)  k. /t.  The  husk 
of   paddy.      2,  fallen  hair  or  wool. 

er020,?j.  eroeOo,?j  k.  n.  Asthma.  2,  fret- 
fulness,  envy.  3,  difficulty,  trouble. 
-SSj,  -:i5S?j.  To  become  asthmatic. 

erOSO,^^  k.  /i.  Nausea,  qualm,  eructa- 
tion.    eAJW,°^?jO.  To  nauseate. 

0\)800,  k.  v.i.  To  swell;  to  rise;  to 
be  puffed  up.  n.  The  state  of  being 
swollen;  elation;  pride.  2,  crying. 
-ifi,  erui3^=#.  Swelling.  -rtJodj.  Pride 
to  fade.  -rtjsioJ^.  Excessive  pride, 
-^r^.  Hill  and  dale;  unevenness. 
•  3oJS«?.  A  swollen  river.  sroio.sjj.  To 
cause  to  swell,  etc. 

erOeS,  k.  n.  Heat;  steam.  2,  rain.  -t% 
Sosi^b'j.  To  expose  to  steam.  -So^. 
A  washerman's  hut  where  dirty  clothes 
are  steamed. 

CTOsIa  (lb.  of  enjcSj^ri)  n.  Anxiety,  fear, 

Cro^cdos.  a.  Both.  -=8^:^,!^*.  Two  agents. 
-3do,  -^tfo.  Persons  of  both  sides, 
both  persons.  -^.  In  both  places  or 
times.  -SJD^r.  Both  sides,  -zpt^. 
Both  languages:  Saraskrita  and  Kan- 
nada.  -Oort.  A  word  of  common 
gender.  -sSja^'s'.  This  and  the  other 
world.  &"ULijOlj3ojOwJ:S.  Mutually 
agreed  to  or  accepted.  eru!jjoij3oiJao.S. 
Mutual  agreement. 

CrOcdra,  ero^o  s.  n.  Lin,  flax,  Linum 
nsitatissimiim.  2,  Siva's  wife.  eAisjJS 
si^,  eai55jo3j3clodo.  Siva. 

£AJ^O?rf,  CrO^'Oerfo  h.  n.  Confidence, 
assurance;  aptitude,  inclination. 
-srotf.  A  candidate,  volunteer.  -^jdO. 
Expectancy,  volunteering. 

erOo20^,  £A)020j^  («?-»')  k.  w.  An 
enjoyment-gift :  the  rent-free  grant 
of  a  land.  -mxi.  The  holder  of  an 

crOoSOo  k.  A  vulgar  form  of  SAjreo,  q.  u. 

iro-dciM  .  <b.  «/■  yvfis,  q.v. 

6—0  S-' 

ero^o,  a'J    k.  )i.     Phlegm,     mucus.        2, 
difficult  breathing. 

erorfo,  s;*  (<&.  o/'  ero^^*)  n.  Heat;  grief' 

trouble,    anxiety.        enjsSj  s?€.     Heat; 

distress,  anxiety;  fatigue,    enjsij  <!??;o. 

To  be  hot;  to  grieve,  be  distressed. 

CA)^)Oj,  erocdj*.  =  6^)10^ uo,  g.  V. 

£A).So,  7^,   eros^oo,^  k.  n.  Milky  grains  of 
6  c 

wheat  or  barley  fried  for  eating. 

£n.)^0,   k.  '«.    A    stone   used   to    remove 
juice.     2,  {th.  of  erui^, )  heat,  steam. 

eroajj*  k.  I',  t.  To  restrain,  check,  bind. 

£roodoo£;j,  erocdje)ne;j,  eroodjeind  k.  h. 
A  swing.     eAiodL5923j;?^52.     A  festival 
at  which  the  idol  of  Vishnu  is  swung. 




VOXi  (tb.  of  eAja;::*)  «.  The  breast. 
crOTJA    s.    n.     A    snake.         -ii^Jt^t^.     A 

mung;oose;a  peaoock.  -S^^r^.  Vishnu. 

-sS3,  erodrtoorf,.    The  kinsf   of  snakes. 

Wdyrf  k.  w.  Rolling-play:  a  play  of 
a  newly  married  couple. 

CA^lJ&a  h.  a.  Inverse,  upside  down. 
-0&j?Sj.     To  reject,  deceive. 

Crodyo  (=  wtJoyj)  k.  v.  t.  To  roll.  n. 
Coarseness,  as  of  cloth,  thread,  hair, 
etc.,  thickness.  -^u'jrSwj.  A  coarse 
skin,     -ri-rawj.   Stout  thread.         rtjon 

erO'dg  (=Jf^Sj^)  k.  w.    Burning;    irrita- 

VOrj^  (=2njdj5S)  k.  V.  i.  To  inflame, 
burn.  n.  Burning. 

Cr0tj£)0  1.  (=yurfjt/j)  k.  n.  A  running 
knot;  a  noose,  snare.  2,  rolling, 
crumbling.     -^^-  The  potato. 

croiJejj   2,  cmcide;  k.  n.  Fuel. 

CrOTidrf  k.  w.  Crying  aloud. 

erOTi^??  k.  ?i.  Haste,  rashness;  impulse, 
urgency,  enjdari^ij.  To  act  hastily 
or  presumptuously. 

erotic  k.  n.  A  ball,  as  of  dough,  etc.  2, 
a  bulb.      3,  a  round  vessel. 

0013^0.  =  erJdjs?j,  q.  v. 

CrO&    1.  \L.v.i.    To  burn,    blaze,    glow; 

to  burn  from  rage,  envy,  fever,  etc. 

n.  Burning;  flame,  blaze,  etc.  -fc?0'Co, 

-^a'oj,  -cJjsoa^.  To  quench  a  flame. 

-'^'i^-  A  burning  itch.  --a-a.  A  glowing 

spark.      -'i,  -^.   Burning.      -^o3.   A 

burning    coal.       -rtrso.   An   inflamed 

eye.      -hzSj,  -do^.      A  flaming  fire. 

-"J^^J.     A    reddish  kind  of  scorpion. 

-rCoiiJ.   Morbid   humours  of  the  body. 

-c3s)€/i.  A  fiery  tongue.      -S3J30.  The 

furious  Durga;  a  passionate  woman. 

-J.ia^,  -»3^.  A  burning  wick.     -SjjsSj, 

-oijj-i^ .      Morbidly      heated      urine; 

strangury,  gravel.      -Sjs^,  -^d^.  A 

sharp     word.        -:iot^ ,    -aSS  ?oj.     To 
to  -° 

kindle  a  fire.       -^,  -^o.       To  cause 
to  burn. 

eA)&  2.  (0=63')  k.  w.  A  coarse  network 
for  suspending  pots  and  other  vessels. 

0\)'3o  1.  s.  a.  Great,  much,  excessive, 
eminent,  precious.  -3:i.  Greater, 

Crotio  2.  (cij=  eso)  a.  k.  v.  i.  To  be;  to 
stay,  stop;   to  hesitate;  to  come  about. 

Cro^jS;(  cJj  =  eaj)  k.  h.  Standing,  stopp- 

erOdOAO  1.  k.  «.  Passion,   anger. 

erOOOAJ  2.  (dj=e5o)  a.  k.  i-. /.  To  be 
crooked,  distorted.  n.  Crookedness^ 
-=5-!U).  A  crooked  leg.  -r3303o.  A  wry 
face.     -j5c(<?j.  A  crooked  finger. 

eA^rJoyo  (=eA)Ciyj)  k.  r. /.  To  go  beyond; 
to  be  overbearing.  2,  to  roll.  n. 
Pride.  2,  coarseness,  as  of  cloth,  etc. 
3,  rolling;  roundness;  a  plain  ring. 
enjdjtosrf.  =  srurflJEi,  q.  r. 

erO:JoaX)  (dJ=e3j)  k.  «.  Violence;  ra- 
pidity;  force. 

erO^otS,  erotij^  (cb=»j)  k.  n.  Mass, 
multitude,  excess;  excellence. 

erO'doCio(=  i^JSejj)  k.  ?;.  A  noose,  snare, 
gin.     -3o^*=#weVJ^.  To  haug  one's  self. 

C^'do^??.  =  STOdSri,  q.  V. 

enjrJopio  h.  n.  Offerings  at  the  shrine  of 
a  Muhammadan  saint. 

e."0'do«?o  k.  i\  i.  To  roll;  to  be  turned 
over;  to  revolve.  n.  Rolling.  2,  a 
noose.  yx!do«?3;:»J.  To  roll  about. 
€AJdj8?;^o.  To  cause  to  roll,  etc.  -^l^. 
A  religious  vow  or  penance  which 
consists  in  rolling  one's  self  round 
a  temple. 

CroS  (6~Si)  k.  ad.  Abundantly,  well, 
nicely,  fully;  much.     n.  Abundance. 

erOTjo  k.  int.  Bravo!  well  done! 

cros'or.  =  ero^j .  q.  v. 

erodor.  =  ^130  ,  q.  V. 

iPdzidF.  —  SA)iiJ  ,  q.  V. 

ero20jr.  =  eA)u»j^,  q.  v. 
eros^or.  =  yjdJ«?o,  q.  v. 




eroe'S'o  k.  r.  i.  To  start  up,   as  a  tiger. 

2,    to    flash    on    the    mind;     painful 

thoughts  to  arise.      3,  to  be  sprained. 

ti.  A  sjrain. 
CrOs?   k.  v.  i.    To    sound;  to    cry,    utter, 

speak.      /(.  A  sound;  a  cry.      -5j,  -^, 

-5^.  A  sound;  a  cry. 

enxyoy     (=  eruS)^)     h.    n.     Gratuitous 

supplies    or    presents    given   to    great 

persons  on  a  journey. 
erUt'js'S^  s.  n.  An  owl. 
CrO<y,,  SAid^  s.  n.  A  flame;  a  meteor.      2, 

a  firebrand.      c/\,C3^57J!3.   Falling:  of  a 


£A)£)  c?\  k.  n.  A  snipe, 

Croe;  orlofS  s.  n.  Passino:  over;  trans- 
gression.  eroej^o4j>sjj.  To  cross;  to 

o\)(y  y,  crco  y;i(y  w    (=  yud&ra)    f.  a. 

Inverse,  upside  down,  topsyturvy,  out 
of  order, 

£A)e;3  Xl  s.  H.  An  outcry.  2,  change  of 
voice  in  grief,  sickness,  etc. 

OXxys  rJ  s.  n.  Sport,  joy,  delight. 
-rratf.  A  gay  man.  ?ros35  AjJ^o  (=:eAj£i 
oj^o).  To  delight,  be  merry. 

£A)«3     k.     ad.      In     this     intermediate 



erUeS  ^a),  £A3e3  ?33?i  s.  m.  Scraping; 
writing,  description.  2AJs3  ^sS^Jo.  To 

CO  '  -^        ^ 

£A)^  k.  v4n  a/^a;  of  the  present  rel.  part, 
of  the  future,  and  of  the  imp.,  as  ^^ 

aijj5i,  iodo53,  =#^s?j53.    ad.  This  (inter- 
mediate) man. 
ifO^^Ti  (tb.  of  eAJ3ipi?3<)  n.   The    planet 
Venus.    2,  Sukra. 

Cr0^3^;d  Tift.  0/"  «^23|j^^)  «.  Breathing; 
inhaling;  breath,  -^s^^i.  Inhaling 
and  exhaling. 

tn^,  ZrOZ\^  s.  n.  Morning  light,  dawn. 
SAJ^gfl'^^j.   The  dawn,  daybreak. 

ifO^..  s.  n.  A  camel.  2,  an  "ostrich". 
2A)<^  ,  -^.  A  she-camel. 

CrOsi  s.  a.  Hot,  warm.  2,  passionate; 
sharp.  H.  Heat,  warmth;  also  -i. 
-SAjrf'S',  SAJ^JB  Prf^.   Hot  water. 

£A)?JeD  h.  n.  Boiled  pulse  seasoned  with 
salt,  chilli,  etc. 

eA)?d80o,  erujdos'o,  ero^joaoo  k.  h.  Sand. 

ero^jeij.  ==  sro^Sj^j,  q.  r. 

C^Js33ai5  f.  n.  Business,  affair. 

erOso'OO  k.  r.  /.  To  speak,  say ;  (to 
breathe),  h.  Breath;  life.  2,  taking 
breath.  S/^j^CoD'sa^j,  u^i^^o^^,  anisjo 
0:ij,  sru?oJArc3,  eru;5ocDr::^j.  To  breathe. 
-?^Wo,,  -coa.  To  hold  the  breath. 
-*l3,?ij.  To  choke.  -^«?,  -iS:::^J.  To 
exhale;  to  expire. 

£r05oj3  k.  int.  A  sound  used  by  cattle, 
drivers  in  calling  their  cattle.  ad. 
No,   no  ! 

ero^  k.  ('■  t.  To  have,  possess,  o.  i.  To 
be.  Pres.  rel.  past  e/Ms?j.  Being;  pos- 
sessing ;  affixed  to  nouns  it  turns 
them  into  adjectives,  as:  #£j?irf)^, 
employed;  loja  oijjs?),  wise;  c^d^s^, 
feverish;   ^^^ai>j°-?,,  lovely;  etc. 

eA)s;i(s?  =  a)  ( =  y\>??  2)  k.  n.  Remaining, 
remnant.  -^Ji'fo..  To  remain,  stop; 
to  escape.  -Tid,  -Sa,  -5^,  -Boo.  The 
remaiDder.     -i.  Remaining. 

CrOS?  1.  k.  v.  i.  To  conceal  one's  self.  n. 
A  thief.  2,  a  chisel;  an  awl.  3, 
hiding;  an  ambush;  a  hunter's  hut. 

ero^  2.  (^=  CO')  k.  V.  i.  To  leave,  quit.  2. 
to  be  left,  to  remain.  3,  to  be  left 
out.  4,  to  be  saved.  5,  to  remain 
behind.  P.p.  enj^cSo,  eA)«?;3j.  w.  Re- 
maining, remnant.  -'#.  Remainder. 
-rt.  A  bird  of  omen,  -o),  -^.  To 
spare,  save,  keep  alive. 



SAjt  do 

m)«0  (S<J=  C5j)  k.  V.  i.  To  plough,    P.  p. 

5A)3j.   eAJS^zjJjSwO,  ploughed  land,    -tr, 

-dj,  -w€.   Ploughing. 
£A)s;ijAj  (Vji=  Oj)  k.  r.  i.  To  be  attached. 

eAJ«?.   Attachment. 

Crjs?j,  k.  r.  i.  To  shine;  to  blaze,  n.  A 
shining  substance,  a  meteor.  2,=  6A)oj  . 

009^  k.«.  A  bulb;  an  onion.  Cpds..-  =ff3!Jj 
^>  Si?rfj5?„  "^*J,«?,.      -rid.   An  onion. 


SA/D    The  stxth  letter  of  the    alphabet. 

2,  a  copulative  conjunction  signifying: 

and;  and...  and;   also;    at  any    rate; 

even;  though.    oiOodoj?,  everywhere; 

»JoCiJ3,  always.  • 

eAn?F»-d  s.  The  letter    ws. 
0\n^,  en/)o^  k.  n.  The  warp  of  a  loom 

spread  and  starched. 
^Mt^,  OV)do  {Ih.  of  ^:s  )  a.  Superior, 

costly.     -esOS.     Costly   cloth.     -^I^ZS. 

Superior  and  inferior. 
^f\f)S   k   M.  An  insect  that  infests  grain_ 
U\S)li  (ft:   earaSj)  k.  )*.   A  meal;  taking 

a    meal.      -i^jshi.     A    dinner    party. 

-^jsSj.     To    give  a  dinner.     -'§,  "SS. 

To  invite  to  a  meal.  -f\?y.  reit.   -5iJ3 

So.    To  take   a   meal.     -^^JsasSj.  To 

give  a  meal.    -nad.  A  great  eater;  f. 

eA/)Uo  h.  n.  Rising.     -tS^sjJ.  Rising  and 

sitting  down,  as  on  haunches  in  quick 

SA/^S5  k.  ».   A   natural   spring  of  water. 
eanrfo    k.  v.  t.    To    give    to    eat,    make 

eat.      2.  to  join,  yoke.     2,   to   smear. 

V.  i.   To  eat.        en/sa^j.    To  cause  to 

eat;    cf.  °nj?y. 
eTLOg  (fr.  eruBrfj)  k.  n.   Firmness, 
eand,   CaOio  h.  n.  Frankincense,    -lo^, 

-if a.     A    stick   covered    with    frank- 

incense,  pastille. 
CAD35t3  k.  n.  A  kind  of  corn-tares,  Pas- 

palum  pilosum. 
tn/)C30,  CADa  h.  n.  Lilac,   sky-blue. 

enn^jj  k.  v.  t.  To  blow.  2,  to  refine 
metal,  r.  i.  To  be  pufi'ed  up;  to  swell. 
«.  Blowing;  swollen  state;  also:  «ria 
cS^j,  erusa^.  -iij3s?s3,  -rtjs?^.  A 
blow-pipe.  -nw.  A  swollen  cheek. 
-rvBOj.  A  swollen  leg.  sa/js  oo^s'j. 
To  say  distinctly. 

CAO^i  s.  a.  Lessened,  deficient;  maimed; 
defective,  n.  A  defect,  maim;  deduc- 
tion; also  -i.  -^jdSj.  To  maim  or 

eAT/eOJk.  «.  The  awn  of  barley.  -3Sjsjo. 

A  common  fodder  grass. 
CA/)SJ   k.  n.  A  dumb  man;  a  taciturn 

en/^dj  l.k.H.  A  village;  a  town.  -'Jrar<t>j, 

erusSrf?;.    A   town  gate,    eorads,  ervraO 

cSS.  A  villager,  townsman;  f.  erLOtfaVo. 

en.(SOsiV*j.    A  villager;    village-people. 

-T^'^..    A  raised  seat  round  a  tree  in 


front  of  a  village.  -^?0,  -/"i^O.  A 
village  street.  -t4?^0J,  -sJjoQ.  Towns- 
folk, -aosd.  The  neighbourhood  of 
a  village,  -ri.  A  rustic,  vulgar  man. 
-rS?Jja.  A  vulgar  expression. 
eAO:io  2.  (dj=e3j)  v.  t.  To  lean  on,  as  a 
stick.  2,  to  put  down,  fix,  set  firmly; 
to  plant  ("cSedjjiJo,  to  root),  v.  i.  To  be, 
exist;  to  settle;  to  stay.  2,  to  leak  out, 
to  spring,  as  water.  3,  to  be  soaked. 
n.  Leaning,  etc.  -"^J^^tw.  A  walking 
stick.  ^DS.'JSO  ao;Sj^J3°i?Jj.  To  stand 
firmly.  srutiO^.  To  cause  to  lean  on, 
penetrate,  etc. ;  to  steep,  soak. 



tfXTi&SF  3.  n.  Power,  energy;  effort,  sajs 
&3r"^.  Powerful;  well  established; 
mighty,  excellent;    much. 

€A/)y9^F"  s.  a.  High,  raised  up.  n.  Ele- 
vation. -riS.  Going  upwards,  ascent; 
moksha.  -^oS^.  A  perpendicular 
line  on  the  forehead  of  a  Vaishnava. 
-53j35^.    Heaven.     -3^=3.    Expiration. 

CTinSjr  s.  n.  A  wave.  2,  a  fold  in  a 
garment.  -e3.  Janaka's  daughter  and 
wife  of  Lakshmana. 

OVli^,  OXTsi'd  s.n.   Salt  ground. 

Cnnsi.  s.  H.    Heat;  steam;   passion. 


aV)?iTj^<9 ,  eanrirJj^   k.  «.  a  kind  of 

lizard,  the  Indian  monitor. 
CADSo      (''ft-    of     5ru33S)      «.      A      guess, 

conjecture.      2,  reasoning;    reflection. 

-53033^0,  »njtiio?oJ.    To  suppose,  reason, 

CAD^A  ('i?=C3')  k.  ?i.  Work,    business; 

service.  -rfS,  enjDe?ft.  A  male  servant. 

-f\^.  A  female  servant.    -3oj.  Service. 
CAD^O  a.  k.  V.  i.    To  call;    to  cry  out; 

to  howl  (p.p.  5njs°i?j  ,eAj-3^).  «,.  A  howl. 


orfj.  The  seventh  letter  of  the  alphabet. 

Sj5i5S"d  s.  The  letter  J>ij. 

tXSi^'o,.  /b.  o/"  3io"^<,  q.  V. 

?5i:i7vQ?rf  s.  H.  The  rigveda,  the  first  of 
the  four  vedas. 

SiSiSa  {th.  Jrfj^A)  n.  The  rigveda.  2.  a 
verse  of  the  rigveda. 

Sdi&O  s.  a.  Straight;  right;  honest,  up- 
right.    -<S?rf.  An  honest  hero. 

SJir®  s.  n.  Guilt.  2,  debt;  obligation. 
-^j3:Sj.  To  lend  money.  -S^O^oo,  -SjO 
aoOSj.  To  pay  a  debt.  -5ijj):Sj.  To 
borrow.  -aojstfj.  To  incur  debt. 
-n^cJ.  A  debtor,  -ws:^.  The  trouble 
from  debt.  -sjjo'^.  Released  from 
debt.  -sSjjtS-,  -»3j3$b;.  Discharge  of 
a  debt.  -^.  A  creditor;  a  debtor.  3)ij 
?5e)fjjwoqS.  The  connection  of  in- 
debtedness in  some  preceding  birth 
for    certain  sufferings  or  enjoyments. 

SSi^  s.  a.  True,  right,  n.  Truth.  2, 
gleaning.  3,  an  ascetic.  4,  the  sun, 
moon.     5,  water. 

SJi^O  s.  n.  A  period;  an  epoch;  a  period 
or  season  consisting  of  two  months  : 
a;^og,  ^^^i^,  Siir,  ^d::*,  Sj^Sjo;^, 
SSd.     -»^^-  A  year. 

S5^:)§Q^  s.  n.  A  priest  who  officiates  at 

Si^ia  s.  ?i.  Growth;  prosperity,  welfare. 
2,  excellence;      c/'.  »^\^)  9-  !'• 

Si)£^0^    s.  »i.  Indra.  fdkUHffCL 

tdis'n  s.  n.  The  white-footed  antelope. 

t^'^t^  s.  n.  An  inspired  poet,  sage,  saint, 
hermit;  seven  principal  rishis  are 
enumerated,  see  ^^^r.  2,  the  seven 
principal    stars    of    the    great  bear. 

^^i^n  (  =  3dj2!g)  s.  n.  The  white-footed 
antelope,  -^ojstf.  A  mountain  in  the 
Dekhan,  known  as  the  temporary 
abode  of  Rama  with  Sugriva.  -^^o?^- 
N.  of  a  personage  in  the  first  book 
of  the  Ramayana. 




si®    ^     ^ 

The  eighth,  ninth  and   tenth   letters  of 
the  alphabet.     No   words   begin  with 

these  letters,  and  the  use  of  them  is 
extremely  rare. 


oi.  The  eleventh  letter  of  the  alphabet. 
2,  the  final  (a)  of  nouns,  (h)  of 
verbs,  and  (r)  of  adverbs,  as:  ypS, 
oid,  i«s3;  ;3r^,  Jjs«?,  53d;  53j  J ,  dj^eS, 
sSjej  rS,  z..s?;^,  T?s?r^,  e^^-.  3,  a  particle 
of  emphasis  or  vocative,  as:  c^seS, 
t?;^f3,  3Df3;  =^5^d,  ^doSjd,  e<c.;  d^ScS, 
StirfjfS,  ojJrtfS,  eic.  4,  «  particle  used 
in  doubtful  questions;  as,  wodoaoSj:^? 
?33^?  5,  termination  of  the  1st  a.  p. 
sing,  of  the  future  and  impf.  and  of 
the  neg.  verb,  as:    Sjsz^od  {=:^js^j 

oDO  a.  k.  A  termination  of  the  1st  p. 
sing.  pres.  fut.  and  impf.  and  of  the 
neg.  verb,  as:  z3d°^  Sjo,  tra*?  o    's:-^'^  o, 

CO  UO  9j 

'^'^°-  [power. 

oa^S^nTio     h.     H.      Authority,     control, 

oD^trotJOli.  n.  A  confession;  a  deposition. 

oD^BTi  s.  n.  The  letter  oi. 

cO^',.  lb.  of  ^"^.   -^.  Alone,  in  private; 

a  single  person.     -i3^i3.  To  call  aside. 

-SS*!*.  =  ^=5^3D5J,  q.  r. 

o3^,yA    k.  n.   A   superior,   noble   man. 

«0^,63  k.  u.  Greatness;  wonder. 

oD3\7^,  oD^.^T^  f.  «.   A  kind  of  leathern 
o  o 

oDt5\S3S?  k.  n.    Ridicule,  mockery,  jest. 

-»Jj3::io.  To  mock,  jest. 
oD^.B;cio  k.  V.  t.  To  mock,  deride,  make 

faces  at. 
oj^.e;  a.  k.  n.  A  wild   hog.      a.   High, 

tall,  huge. 

<,y&.7i'5.,  <ot5\j65^,  k.  n.  Confusion,  doubt. 

2,  ridicule,  mockery. 
oDtt,    k.   71.    A   piece   of  timber   forming 

one  side  of  a  cot-frame. 
oOtS'j,  k.  V.  t.  To  divide;  to  dress  cotton, 

to    card    wool.        v.  i.    To   come   up, 

stand  on  tiptoe.     2,  to  ourare.     oii-,  ^. 

To  cause  to  dress  cotton,  etc. 
<0^^  {tb.  of  e^=-)    /(.    The  swallow-wort, 

Calotropis   giganlea.      Cpds.:    -^s^oJo, 

cOaBj  k.  H.   The  jujube  tree,   Zizyphus 

■OATI^J  k.  v.  i.  To  rise;  to  fly;  to  jump. 

2,  to  fly  away;  to  be  spent,  as  money. 

to  wear  off,  as  gilt,  paint,  etc.;  to  be 

ruined,    as    commerce.       oinO^ij.    To 

cause  to  rise,  etc.;  to  pilfer. 
<oao  k.  n.  Rising;  embarkation.     -siJ.S. 

Dues  for  embarking. 
<0A  ,  <OA0  ^  a.  k.  71.  A  rude,  rustic,  low 

man.     -^jrf.  Rudeness;  stupidity. 

<oa  '^.  =  53rs  s*. 

A  '^ 

oDao   k.  n.  Shame.     2,  disgrace',  blame; 

harm.     -«?.  A  bashful  person.     -S?grj. 

Bashfulness.     -2oQ.  To  find  fault  with. 
oDO?    k.  n.  A  stupid,  silly  person.      2, 

fraud,  deceit,      -oraf^c  A  counterfeit 

<oeS  k   r.  ^  To  shoot  arrows;   to  expel, 

as  water  through  a  syringe. 
oD£i  ^0    k.  P.p.  of  oi'^  clj,  q.  r. 

? J    — D  W 

^viri   oDEi  &^    (d=  es)    k.  n. 

£j      5  P.-r 



fuluess;    watchfulness,   caution,   pre- 



caution,  care.  -rt^a.  An  inattentive 
or  negligent  person.  -T^^a^fd.  Inatten- 
tion, negligence.  -Ajs^Tio.  To  awaken. 
-iid^^j).  To  be  awake;  to  make  provi- 
sion. -^^  .  -oSjd.  To  lose  one's  self. 
»i'c^  daori -adj.  To  be  watchful,  -iido. 
To  be  cautious.  -ariJ,  -'^'sri^.  To 
be  awake.  -=#j3c:^j.  To  call  attention; 
to  give  caution. 
oDPi  "do  (dJ=e3J)  k.  I'.  J.  To  awake. 
roJS  D?;o.  To  awaken,  wake;  to  caution, 
forewarn;  to  put  in  mind. 

oaSi   (tb.  of  53?qS)  jj.  A  bore,  hole. 
oDoaid',    oioteuj    k.   n.    Food     or   drink 

which  has  come  in  contact  with  the 

mouth      and     regarded     as     impure; 

spittle,  saliva.     -SiJti;Sj.  A  past  word; 

repeating    another's    words.       -2qo^. 

An     insect     living   in    orts.     -sSjSi^j, 

oioji©?ij.  To  defile. 
<oy^0   k.  V.  i.   To    come    within   reach. 

2,  to  be  sufficient.  oiW^fSjB^cSo.  To  peep 

standing  on  tiptoe.   oiU-S-^io.  To  stand 

on  tiptoe  to  reach  anything. 
<oW    k.  n.  A  bush-harrow.     "^^  BojjzI, 

To  roll  or  flatten  sown  field. 
cO&j,  k.  n.    An    obstinate  person,     -^fo. 



<oUo,  k.  V.  i.  To  be  accessible,  n.  A  blow. 


oD'rf  1.  {=  <^u)  k.  11.  Place,  ground. 
-3S^o.  To  go  and  come  frequently, 
to  frequent. 

ojT^  2.  k.  n.  The  left,  the  left  side.  Cpds.: 
-rid,  -rtr?j,  -Asisjj,  -h.^,  -SJ/^  sjj, 
-Sjrtwj,  e<c.  -wej.  Left  and  right. 
-33JJO.  To  turn  to  the  left.  -2^.  A 
left-handed  man. 

oDT^  3.  (=  oid)  k.  ».  Place  between, 
interval;  inferiority.  -'S'JoS.  A  smal- 
ler kind  of  weeding  machine.  -3d. 
An  obstacle,  -i^d.  A  middling  sortj 
mediocrity.  -*^^^i  "*^^^-  ^^^  state 
or  character;  stupidity.       fspeakino-. 

cO'rfeij    k.  11.    Difficulty,    especially     in 

■oc^Tj;)^  k.  n.  A  foe,  adversary. 

oD'rf'C^O  1.  k.   n.   Strait,    trouble.      2,    an 

impediment,  obstacle. 
o:t:^I30    2.    (do  =630)    a.  k.  H.     Poverty; 

ruin.       2,    crookedness.     i\  i.    To   be 

crooked,     to    be     dishonest.        2,     to 

stumble,  trip. 
oOt^4,  ^j'rfsoo  {cf.   <>i:^do2,  r.  j.)    k.  r.  j. 

To  stumble,  trip,  to  strike  with    the 

foot  against. 
oOZS  1.    (=  oiiS)    k.  n.     A    place,    spot; 

ground.      2,  room;  interval,  distance. 

3,  inferiority.   -t\.  A  good-for-nothing 

man.  -it)3d.   Uninterruptedly.   -*yo,. 

A    small    dam.     -Ad.    To  fall  down. 

-f\i%A.   rep.  Here  and  there.    -tIjbcSo. 

To    give   way,    submit.     -Ajt^\.    To 

take  place,  occur;  to  come  to  a  stand; 

to  obtain;  to  resort  to.  -53^0^0, -sSdoij. 

The  middle   age.      -WSo,  -oiraSo.  To 

move,  wander,  roam.    -eA):^orio,  -aioo 

:ijT\:i.   To  leave  room;  to  stop,   cease. 

-z«3[o^,  -a3j33(0^.   To  compress,  squeeze. 

-~«?.    The    inner  velocity  of  a   river, 

-mJ33!o^.  The  time  between  sunrise  and 

oOZ§  2.  {th.  of  '3d)  M.  An  ofl'ering;  meal. 

2,    the    leaf,    etc.    on    which  food    is 

placed.  -^3*0 , -'3  3:^0,   -t?j3:^o,  -SJ3:1j, 


-539^0.  To  present  food  to  a  deity  or 

^xi  k.  H.  A  cheat,  liar.  2,  [=  ^:i)  a 
stupid  man.  -3ro.  Falsehood;  stupidity. 
-^.  A  stupid  woman,  oi^  ?^.  To  abuse; 
to  mock;  to  cheat.  '^'^^-  Cheating; 

oSf^"^  k.  n.  Counting,  reckoning.  2, 
thinking;  thought;  notice,  observa- 
tion; opinion.  -#^rtJ33o.  Thinking 
to    succeed,     -rtoii*.    To  think,  etc. 

oOf^;r;o  k.  V.  t.  To  add  together,  to  count; 
to  reckon;  to  estimate;  to  consider;  to 
compare,  v.  i.  To  think  of.  oorfA) 
fJ^ra^cSo.  To  number. 

<0?€  1.  k.  n.  A  couple,  pair;  connexion; 
fellowship;  equality,  similarity;  a 




match.  -T«?,  -n«?.  To  become  loose. 
-rtoMj.  A  woman's  braid  of  hair.  -f\Ji 
S'Jj.  To  become  equal;  to  face.  -^\i 
-a-^.  The  ruddy  goose. 

«3S3     2.    =  3gf^. 

oioWo  1.  k.  n.   Arrogance. 

o2cUo  2.    k.  a.    Eight,    ^o^^.    Eighth. 

»iotoc3oWj.     About    eight.     »ioli;3535. 

Eight  and  a  half.  o:iofe3oUo.  Eight  and 

eight;   eight  times  eight,    -a^^,  -d;^. 

The    eight    points    of    the    compass. 

-'^js^cs,  -»i>J3s3.  An  octagon. 
oDrJ  ?jO.  =  »i£4?io,  g.  V. 


oDC®J   k.  I',  i.  To  count;    to  think. 


odB     k.  «.     Oil.     -=5Ti'iJ.     To    heat    oil. 


-?1o^.  Dark  brown,  -jii.  To  extract 
oil.  -toSo,  -Sos'tfj,  -sS-'soijj,.  To  pour 
oil;  to  spoil  as  another's  afifairs. 
-ooti  =#J5i*J>.    To  anoint  one's  self  with 

oil.   -rraes.  An  oil-mill. 
The  sediment  of  oil. 

■nk,  -*d^j. 

<of»3  Tio  k.  pro.  Eight  persons. 

^^     1,  <0^  lyj    k.  ad.   Where  ?    which 

place  or  direction?     -=5*^.    Whither? 

oiS  SJJo.     Everywhere.      oi33  c^Jo.     In 

whatsoever    direction;     occasionally. 

i>i:^_;S  ejjo.   Everywhere. 
o3^    2.  (c/^.  oi3b)  k.  n.  Lifting  up.     2, 

undertaking;    finding    out  an   item  in 

an    account.        3,     deceit,     cunning. 

-rid.    A  means,  device;  a  trick. 
o3^  'rf,  oi:^  xio    k.  M.     Height;     tallness. 

-rScS  .     An  elevated  rice-field. 


<o;^j  1.  k.  r.  t.  To  lift,  raise,  take  up; 
to  collect,  as  money,  alms,  etc.;  to 
assume,  as  a  form  (avatara);  to 
mention,  as  the  name  of  another,  n. 
=  oi^  2.  oi^'^.  Lifting,  e<c.  oi^  lo3. 
To  copy,  as  a  manuscript.  oi^'^JSoSo 
aojs^ro.  To  take  away.  oiS  SoJ5?rO. 
To  ffo  to  attack.  -:^P65Sj,  5l);t)^,  3o. 
To  lift  up.  oi^J^J.  To  cause  to  raise, 
e<c.  -nd.  =  »i^riii.  -ritu.  Lift-stone. 
-'^^arl.     Rent   that    is  raised.     -iue3, 

«oij3^55.       A   moveable    stove.     -■L'i. 

Lifting,  raising,  etc. 
o3oO    2.  k.  n.  An  ox,  bullock.  Cpds:  -rra 

a,  -"^oa,  -7i^30,  etc.  -jSsOrl.  Bullock's 

tongue,  Trichodesma  indicum. 
o3^0  ^i?  k.  H.  Collecting  money. 

oorf'do,  o^aijo,  oiiooo  (=  'aado,  q.  r.) 
k.  71.  The  front;  that  which  is  oppo- 
site. -ssceJ,  oicJjD'?:io.  To  outbid; 
to  contradict.  oirfoDDCSjJio.  To  oppose, 
contradict.  oicSjOs*?.  An  antagonist. 
-?1jss?J),  oicijr1jsri?j,,  -wdj.  To  meet. 
-•^a,  -s3j3;^j,  -ojcijdj;^  O.  A  contra- 
diction. -:lo^J,  oicSjt;S="oa5tJ.  To 
contradict.  -^-SjESj.  A  counter-claim. 
»iCijii3^ryo,  oicio^ra.  A  document 
given  by  the  purchaser  of  land 
stipulating  to  give  it  back  on  repay- 
ment of  the  purchase  money  within  a 
definite  terra;  a  counterpart.  »iJSj 
53 r^?,.  A  note  of  hand  given  for 
another  that  is  lost;  the  counterpart 
of  a  deed  or  lease. 

oDc3  k.  n.  The  chest,  breast;  courage. 
-ssCj.  The  breast  to  become  dry; 
courage  to  be  quenched,  -tud.  The 
heart  to  break:  courage  to  fail. 
-*drio.  The  heart  to  melt.  -S*,  -^j;So. 
To  become  courageous.  -^b'jocSj,  -njo 
cSj,  -ndo.  Courage  to  fail,  -rtjoari. 
The  pit  of  the  stomach.  -njssjj^ 
S)ejJ  .  To  stand  boldly.  -^-'tsJ  .  -f^*.^J  . 
Heartache,  -rrarf.  A  bold  man.  -rioa. 
The  heart  to  be  agitated;  violent 
mental  agitation,  fear,  -rijorfj.  Cour- 
age to  fail.  -rIas'O.  To  dishearten. 
-!ijso3j=5*,  -loS*.  A  man  who  dis- 
heartens another.  -53jjO.  To  labour 
to  weariness,  fag  hard.  -eruO, -cxLoO. 
The  heart-burn,  -jests'.  A  coward. 
-Si!dJ.  The  heart  to  palpitate. 

.Ddj  k.  P.  p.  of  i^iVj. 

oii>)c^J,  oi^):go     a.    k.  pro.    How   much? 

how  many  ? 





<oS520'rfo  a.  k.  pro.  How  many  persons? 

o3^0  k.  aff.  The  common  form,  of  »io 
for  the  1st  pers.  sing,  past.,  ful.,  and 
neg<,   as:  SjaSiSpiJ,    ojjsisSj^Sfja,    Sj? 

oDo^    1.  =e3o3,    q.v.    A   common   p.p. 

of  »i?!J^,  q.  V. 
oDo^  2,  <oo:g^,  <003D.    =  oioqi,  q.  v. 
.OOI^O  k.  pro.  In  what  manner  or  way? 

how  ?    oio:3Jo.  By  all  means. 
oDo^olio.  =  o:i?icSj,  q.  t'. 
o3oqi,  .ocqja    (=i>io^  2)    k.  pro.    What 

kind  or  sort  ?  i«<.  What  a  kind !  how  ! 

as:    oioqS  :Sj33    dJfS !     f3j3?:3o,  d^Sdj 

<oorfo  1.  k.  (p.  p.  of  oiF^A)  Having  said. 
Used  to  iyitroduce  a  sentence,  when  it 
is  equivalent  to  '-that",  as:  t^ozitj 
oiocij  3o°s?nSr3J,  he  said  '-they  came". 
oiO  3oJ3$r(0  siodo  €^°,'ciri),  "where 
shall  I  go?"   he   asked. 

oDOiHiO  2.  k.  ad.  What  time?  when?  oio 
ciJ3,  oioarJjB,  oiocSoSrtjei.  For  ever  and 
ever,  always,  continually.  ojoSnarfrfas. 
At  any  time  soever,  once.  eioapioJ, 
oioa^^aSpo*,  oioaoS  Bo'srl.  As  usual. 
oiocSoo,    oiorf,©.  Ever,  always. 

<0?i>  (^o^fS)  a-  k.  pro.  Of  me,  my.  oit^ 
cSj.   Mine. 

<o^0^  (=  esoS^)  k.  11.  t.  To  say,  speak;  to 
call.  P.  ps.  oiorfj,  oio;^',  pres.  p.  »ioio. 
oiocSiJ,  (oiocSjBii).  =  esodd. 

<OJj.^J    k.  a.  Seventy.    oi5j3|^t>J,    »i5i 

:^c3«)5JJ.    74. 


<O?0rf  k.  H.  A  foolish,  silly   man.     -^c^. 
oD83  ?jO  k.  r./.  To  rouse,  awaken;   to  lift 

up;    to    raise;    to    enliven,    give    life. 

T?j3?5jd:3,Sjj.   To  provoke. 
o3200    a.  k.    i'.  i.    To    rise.     »^^j^^-    To 

follww,  pursue;  to  harass.  [indeed. 
oD^j  1.  (=  oisSJ,,  q.  V.)  k.  int.  Well, 
o3^o  2.  jk.  pro.  Our.       ojSjtI.     To    us. 

oi5ij:Sj.   Ours.  [ornament. 

o3rfj^.  oD^J^  k.  n.  A  bone.      2,  an  ear- 

oD^O,  <o£  k.  M.  An  eyelash,  eyelid.     -^ 

=5*0  .  To  shut  the  eyelids. 
oDoeOo    k.   V.  t     To    say.     -^^.   Saying. 

oioio,   -»3.    (pres.    j-ei.  parL    o/'   <>^nJ^). 

That  is  or  are  called.    oioi^53-)ft  (oioio 

rfj-":??^)  used  as  »iorfj,   q.  i;. 
<oo20;^o    k.  a.  Eighty. 

oD'rfo.  k.  7jro.  Of  us,  our.   »i53j,cSj.  Ours. 
o  ^ 

oD^j,  k.  ?i.   A   female   bufifalo.      -"J^s^o. 
A  large  black  scorpion.      -^^^.   The 

plant   Convolvulus    argenteus.    -3jJ3?0 

(-5^50).  A  male  buffalo-calf. 

o3criJ0o  a.  k.  ?i.  A  porcupine.  -Sjjs^j,. 
A  porcupine  quill. 

oDTi^  k.  n.  Any  metal  infusion;  molten 
state.  -3oJ30J)j.  To  pour  melted  metal 
into  a  mould,  to  cast.  farm. 

<OTi'^  (d=  63)  k.  n.  A  wing;    a  fin;    an 

<o"d7\0  (d=e3)  k.  t'.  J.  To  bow;  to  make 
obeisance  to;  to  alight,  perch;  to 
fall  upon;  to  join;  to  accrue  to.  n.  A 
bow,  an  obeisance. 

<0'd2^0  (ti=  23)  k.  V.  t.  To  sprinkle;  to 
scatter;     to    strew;     to     sow.       -<a=#. 


o^ric^o  k.  a.  Two.  oid:^^  sSja^rio.  To  go 
to  void  excrement.  -SiJrtJ,  oirfra-srtj. 
To  become  separated.  -^CAoij'S. 
A  double  tongued,  deceitful  man,  liar. 
-c^ja.  To  speak  two  things:  to  be 
insincere,  -wii.  To  play  tricks,  act 
deceitfully;  two  ways.  -^JSt^o.  To 
split.  -sSd.  Two  and  a  half,  -^JS^^J^. 
Morning  and  evening.  oitid!J::Sj.  Two 
and  two,  two  times  two.  oidSjs.  Both. 

oO-d6,  <ode;o  (=  sSdv*)  a.  k.  n.  2,  wind, 
air.      3,  playing. 

oD'dsS,  oOTJS?  k.  n.  An  antelope,  deer. 

o3TJ4  k.  n.  An  object  of  desire;  a 
thing  borrowed,  as  a  book,  e<c.; 
a  loan.  2,  difference;  damaging;  de- 
ficiency; harm.  -'s^-i,  oicJc-^o^.  To 
grant  an  object  of  desire;  to  lend- 
-i3?:Sj.  To  ask  a  loan.  -sSjoWJj  ;^i?j|^s?j,. 
To  borrow. 





<OTJ020J  k.  ».  Dun^,  muck. 

oJtS  1.  k.  n.  A  dark-brown  colour.  2, 
black  grease  for  wheels.  3,  black 
soil   (  =  -f3ej,  -^.^,^0,  -corw,  -^jso). 

4,  a  worm  that  lives  in  orts;  a  bait, 

5,  food    for  animals.     6,=  rar1. 
oDt32,  a.  k.  r.  <.  To  beg,  ask.  solicit.     -S. 

A  beggar. 
c^-63.  {6  =  &^-)   k.  r.  «.    To   pour   out;    to 

cast,  as  metal;  to   cover   with    water. 

V.  i.    To   bathe.       n.   Pouring.       2,   a 

master;  f.   oirf^.      oiSodoS .    A  sweet 

cOi3r.  =  oicS,  g.  r. 
ojC^sJ    k.  >i.    The   jujube.         -"^^V    The 

oD£J20o,  <c£>020J,  oDiS/'04  k.  )i.  A  bone. 
oDCJ^O  a.  k.  n.  Wind,  air;  breath,       -aro 

rf,    oit)rtjrf.  Air-eater:   a  serpent, 
o3£J»5  k.  n.  The  silk-cotton  tree,  Bombar 

^^^t^'k.  htt.  (strong,  rough)  B.o\  o!    oh! 

oje;s,  o36e  k.  int.  {familiar  and  friendly) 
0!    oh! 

cOe3  k.  w.  A  leaf;  the  blade  of  a  knife. 
2,  the  betel  leaf;  a  leaf-plate.  »ie3 
cxO  djod  ^.raStfj,  To  sit  at  dinner. 
-?5a=#,  oisja=#.  Betel  leaf  and  areca 
nut.  oie^a^  ^3-r=TJ3S?j).  To  chew  ela- 
dike  -nsd.  A  betel-seller;  f.  -rr?S~. 
-^SjJ.  A  fomentation  with  a  heated 
leaf.  -'5'^)  -'^^-  A  thorny  and  milky- 
shrub.  Euphorbia  nivulia.  -SJotoj, 
-Jjsfei),.  The  stem  of  a  leaf.  -Jjsoti. 
A  betel  garden.  -fs^riO.  A  small 
dangerous  snake  found  on  leaves. 
-zSSj.    To  sprout.     -<0oa3.     A  green 


-53^0,.   A   coloured   handker- 

chief.    -33a,  -Sori.   A  drop  on  a  leaf. 
<oe5j3?  k.  int.  0!  etc. 
-OGJ  ,  oiO  di.  cOe^  k.  «.  All;  everything; 

the  whole.      ojsj^sJj^.     N.  of  a  goddess. 

eiw  dj3.  All  persons.  »iO  sjjt.  All  things. 

oiOe)  rtv*.  Always. 

o2s5     k.  (xrf.    In    what    place?    where? 

whither?        -oliS.    A    man   of    what 

place?    -oijcSj.  A  thing  of  what  place? 

-odjticJSj?.    Wheresoever;  everywhere. 
<0«3    k.  H.  A  limit,  boundary;  also  -^Wj.. 

-tfWJ.    A  boundary  stone. 
oDi^  k.    Termination  of  the  first  pers.  pi. 

of  past,  fat.,  atid   neg.,  as:   =^?6?j3iJ, 

CD'S.  =  ttittSj,  q,  V. 

^^d     ( =  oiSiSj)     k.    i»/er.    p>'0.     How 
much?   how  many?    oi^.c;^.   To  what 

extent?      »i^.tf,     oi^.dC ,    oi^.dv^Vrt, 

oi^,=ff,   e<c.  -sJoei.ii,  oiSd  ajli.ri.   To 

what     extent  ?      how    long    or     far? 

oi^JS^^   How  (very)   many      (one  does 

not  know). 

oiTi'^  (fr.  oi?3)  a.  k.  n.  Shine,  splendour, 
beauty;   form;  delight. 

o:;rf7\0  a.  k.  r.  t.  To  engage  in,  under- 
take', to  do,   perform;    to  commence. 

<o?j^,  o:,^;^  (fr.  oi?3  1)  k.  »t.  A  throw, 

cOrJ'rfj  k.  n.  The  boiling  water  in  a  cook- 
ing pot;  the  water  strained  from 
boiled  vegetables,  etc.;   pepper  water. 

oDri^o  k.  ft.  A  flower-leaf,  petal;  a  small 
twig  with  leaves. 

oOris?  k.  n.  N.  of  a  jungle  tree. 

^TiO,  -O^  1.  k.  r.  /.  To  shoot  an  arrow;  to 
throw.  P.  ps.  tti^tcij,  oi^rfj,  oiJoO. 
n.    A  shot;  a  throw;  also  oiJ^-i. 

oi-S  2.  k.  r.  ?.  To  shine;  to  be  brilliant, 
beautiful,  distinguished;  to  appear;  to 
become  manifest. 

oD5c^,  o5oc:^  (=  Soi)^^,  Co?^or^)  a.  k.  ad. 
In  what  manner?  how  ? 

oDs;*2,  oDi^;^.),  <o^io  k.  P.  ps.  of  oi«?, 
q.  r.  That  is  tender,  young,  etc. 

.o^A  k.  H.  A  species  of  sheep;  the  ram 
used  by  boys  for  riding. 

oD'^^al.  =  oiuio,  q.  r. 

oD'S'cJO,  oD^tli  k.  H.  Unsteadiness,  fickle- 
ness,    ad.  Unsteadily. 



<O^?j0  a.  k.  I'.  «'.  To  desire,  long  for;  to 
take  pleasure  in.      ti.  Desire,  etc. 

o3S?l.  i  =  ^°-f)  k. «.  Tenderness;  youth; 
weakness;  moderation;  lightness  in 
colour,  etc.  a.  Tender,  young,  etc. 
-rtoa,  -rtocSj,  -rto:5.  A  newly  calved 
cow,  a  milch  cow.  -n^oSj.  A  tender 
fruit.  -ni>^.  Gentle  wind.  -riJZKo. 
A  tender  infant,  -"^o^,  -rlo^.  A  light 
red,  the  colour  of  the  dawn.  -^.ra^. 
Faint  moonshine,  -^f^.  Tenderness; 
youth.  -^s?o*,  -ds?D*-  Tender  foliage. 
-(ir^.  A  smile.  -c3=)tio.  A  tender  fine 
fibre.  -?i?cJo.  The  water  of  a  tender 
cocoanut.  -sj's.oij.  Youth,  -tors.  A 
faint  colour.  -z3A)U0,  -<DA)SJJ.  A  morn- 
ing or  evening,  sunshine.  -^JS^. 
A  tender  mango.  -oliS.  A  young 
man;  a  boy.  -oSj^j.  A  young 
woman;  a  girl.  -^jajJ^.  Tender 

<o^2.    («?  =  63^)   k.  r.  L    To  pull,    draw, 

drag;     to    seize,  take  forcibly.  P.  j)s. 

oi'Jrfj,    oiS?^j,    wVcij.      ^'■?'§js°-fo..  To 


pull  towards  one's  self;  to  lay  hold 
of;  to  absorb.  '^'•PiZ^Zi^.  To  pull 
mutually,  ^i'^s^j.  Pulling,  drawing; 
spasm,  cramp.  oiS??ij,  oiS??3o.  To 
cause   to  drag;    to  put  off;  to  thwart. 

„j^  3.  r'l^CJS)  k./t.  Thread,  ^^oij^j 
^ii.  To  spin. 

ojS;^J,  k.  ('.  «'.  To  go  upwards,  rise. 

oD^J  k.  M.  The  gingely-oil  seed  of 
Sesamuiii  indicum.  oi'v^ri??.  A  blackish 
kind  of  linseed.  -I3ii.  A  chatney  of 
sesamum.  -Si^rfj.  Sesamum  seeds 
and  water  offered  to  departed  ances- 
tors. -i3ej.  A  mixture  of  sesamum 
and  jaggory  given  as  an  auspicious 
present.  -»ij^ ,  c,j«?,to,  -'S>^.  Sesa- 
mum  oil.  -iS^aa.  A  sweetmeat  of  sesa- 
mum and  sugar.  -aSjrl.  A  dish  of 
milk,  rice,  and  sesamum. 


oD.  The  twelfth  letter  of  the  alphabet. 
2,  a  particle  of  eritphasis,  as:  3!o^rfc^o 
?iPd?!  z«5jj,s3p;  ;Sa  cSp  tj^h;  c^53o,  oo;:^cS 
?o«jjr33f\33j;.  3,  a  contraction  of  <^o^ 
a,  in  the  genitive,  as:  sSJfS?  rasrjejo, 
?3Be3?  ^fS;  b.  m  <fte  locative,  as: 
=^d^€,  etc.;  c,  m  the  affix  esfScxii,  as.- 
oi!j:^c3?  55^=5*;  d,  in  the  infinitive,  as: 
=5*3?  tf^oco^jj.  4,  =  »:)f^,  etc.,  q.  v. 
iirtolij.  What  to  do  ?  i:)5j?s?o.  What 
to  say? 

iD5^  s.  a.  One,  alone,  solitary.  2,  unique, 
pre-eminent.  3,  one  of  two  or  more. 
-53t).  The  same  time 
undivided  family. 
SjSS.  a  supreme  sovereign 
Once-born;  a  Sudra.  -3o.  One  of 
two  or  many.      -3i!e-i.   Keeping  time. 

-rt.aS'S',;^,;.  An 

harmony.  -^.  In  one  place,  together. 
-2f .  Oneness,  unity.  -C33.  At  once. 
-i^^S.  Of  one  or  the  same  country. 
-:3?3o.  Having  only  one  body;  closely 
united  in  friendship,  -si^.  Only  one 
wife.  -SjJ.^, -dOcu^o,.  One  mind;  un- 
animous. -s3jci>.  Concord.  -rfX.  Per- 
fect assimilation.  -53^?^.  The  singular 
number  (g.).  -Ci^^ji.  Agreement  of 
meaning.     -^^  h.  71.    -^.    Standing 

together;     unanimous.        -K'?Fi.    The 

place  of  a  unit.     oi59  i^i.    Suddenly, 

all    at   once.      ■^5^*.  Alone,   solitary. 

Sj'oS'^  d.  A  monosyllable.    ^'^-^  .  Oue- 

eyed;    a    crow.      Si'5'3^.    Intent    upon 

one  object.      i^'S^ofy.  Of  one  member; 

solitary,  alone.     oJiJscS^.  Eleven;   the 

eleventh,     iii^s's^a.  The  eleventh  day 

OJtf  DC 



of  the  waxing  or  waning  moon  on 
which  Brahmanas  use  to  wake  and 
fast.  &>^^^^^.  A  sole  monarch;  an 
astrological  term.  oSb^o:^.  A  lonely 
place,  solitude;  secrecy;  a  secret; 
alone,  secret,  hidden.  ^'S'so'S^^^,  A 
herniitaffe;  a  harem.  ^'S-iiS  .  A  heifer 
one  year  old.  oi^sqir.  One  meaning; 
synonym.  ii^g^^oSj.  The  protection 
of  one  deity  only.  ^'S'S^.  The  period 
of  one  day;  a  ceremony  performed 
on  the  eleventh  day  in  the  course 
of  funeral  rites. 

i^W^Ti  s.  n.  The  letter  i^- 

oO-^?^  h.  n.  Honesty,   uprightness. 

»D'&e8p3'rf  s.n.  Becoming  one;  association. 
oi-D-^^^;^o.     To  become  one. 

o0^j3?io  f.  n.   Sum  total. 

a^jseQ  tX  s.  n.   The  sraddha  performed 
CO  ej 
for  one  deceased  individual. 

aUo  k.  n.  A  blow;  a  throw.  2,  a  kind 
of  gambling  with  dice.  -rreo.  A 
shooter.  -=aJ3Sj,  -loa,  -3&jsa.  To 
strike  a  blow. 

oDci  k.  n.  A  crab.      2,  a  coward. 

»D5riJ  k.  I',  i.   To  speak   ill;  to  mock. 

ao©  s.  n.  A  kind  of  deer  or  antelope; 
f.  ^d). 

arfk.M.  A  ladder.  -aoiSlir^.  A  number 
of  flambeaux  fixed  on  a  horizontal 
ladder  and  carried  in  a  procession 
or  before  persons  of  distinction.  -aiCo, 
-2o3j.  To  mount   a  ladder. 

«Or®0  k.  n.  An  edge,  border. 

^^  (/v.  ^cSj)  k.  ?(.  Ascent;  rise.  2, 
a  lever  for  raising  water,  picotta. 
3,  an  instrument  for  pounding  rice. 
-^JB^OJ.  The  bamboo  by  which  the 
bucket  hangs. 

a^??.  =  cd;9;^=#,    see  s.   ^^j. 

eOSaCjNT^  s.  ad.    Such   like;   of  this  kind, 

oDC30  k.  n.  A  porcupine,   v.  i.  To  pant. 
oOSi^  k.  pro.   Some,  a  few. 

a?io  k.  inter,  pro.    What?    dat.  oj3=#,  ; 

instr.  ^:sOcci;    gen.  &>3Ti,  etc.    i^^m. 

To  become  what?    »ic3^citij3,   iifraoijo. 

Whatsoever    it     may    be;    anything. 

^^^^'    To   say  it  is  nothing.  »i=3j;. 

0  what? 
a^  k.  alf.   for  the  1st  pers.  sitig.  pres.. 

e.  (J.     StfjJ^?^,     Sojft^j^ofJ,    jiao3oo 

3,?fS,  etc. 

iOocij*.  =  »i=:o,    q.  V. 

JCCdcTi  s.  n.  The  castor-oil  plant,  Palma 

a5  k.  n.  A  raised  bank,  the  bank  of  a 
tank,  etc.;  also  *y,. 

aDlJo  1.  (=  wdj)  k.  n.  A  pair  of  oxen 
yoked  to  the  plough.  -^oCTJOii,  -Xjc^. 

i:)Tio  2.  (ciJ=e3o)  k.  v.  t.  To  ascend; 
mount,  climb,  v.  i.  To  rise;  to 
increase.  P.  p.  ■^^iO.  oidoS^,  o:>dJ^=T, 
eiO'f.  Rising,  mounting,  etc.  ^tf 
?rWo,.  To  tie  on  high,  hang  down.  »i 
tioio,3d.  Hard  breathing,  osdsrsi^'j.  To 
pile,  oidso^t^o.  The  lime  from  sunrise 
to  midday.  iD^sS^rfj.  Poison  to  take 
effect.  ooO?ij.  To  raise;  to  place  upon, 
etc.      ^0    wdj.  To  ascend. 

oOJjF'rfj  k  V.  i.  To  be  arranged,  settled, 
fixed,  established.  o:)^ra?tJ.  To  ar- 
range, to  set  in  order.  o:)»:?P"yj, 
o:>5r3~:Sj.  Arrangement',    decision. 

^O^j.  f.  "•  Large  cardamoms.  -f\^. 
The  cardamom  plant. 

aaiBO  h.  ?i.  An  auction,  public  sale. 

a<yo  k.  V.  i.  To  hang,  dangle,  osc^cij. 
To  swing. 

a^  k.  M.   Disgust,  dislike;   ugliness. 

a^o  s.  ad.  Thus;  certainly;   even. 

a4  k.  pi.  of  ^t^. 

a^  k.  pi.  of  ^cJ- 

a^r«  s.  11.  Seeking;   wish,  desire. 




a?jJ  1.  k.  ('.  t.  To  throw.  71.  A  throw, 
shot.   o:>^'3:^J.    To  shoot  arrows. 

iOrjO  2.  (=  oi?i;^j)  k.  pro.  What  quantity  ? 

a'¥?jO  (=  ^a^J)  k.  w.  <.  To  censure,  re- 
prove; to  throw  into  shade,  ^^d. 
Contempt,  blame. 

»S?7?,  »^  (°^=  ra)  k.n.  Rising;  growth, 
increase;  greatness,  magnificence, 
glory;  haughtiness. 

&<^0  1.  (°i?o=C3j)  k.  V.  i.  To  stand  up,  to 
get  up,  rise.  P.p.  oirfj .  oicSo  Sojs^rlo. 
Get  up  and  go  away.  »a^?;iO.  To  raise. 
-^=#,  ^^j€.  Rising.  .as*j3  ^^?'!'o^. 
Rising  and  falling.  i3«??s*o,  oii^?<!?j. 
Rise,  rise !     arise. 

atfo  2.  (s?o=COo)  k.  a.  Seven,  ^"i???. 
Seventh.  oi^JoWo.  Seven  or  eight;  seven 
times  eight.  oS«?«?^te3.£:4.  A  necklace  of 
gold  beads  composed  of  seven  strings. 


SQ.  The  thirteenth  letter  of  the  alphabet. 
The  initial  so  in  Kannada  words  has 
arisen  from  esodj*,  eso3j,  and  those 
words  may  also  be  looked  up  under 
this  spelling. 

SO    s.  i7it.,  as:  50?3ti=erj.  0!  enough. 

SdS'^O^q  s.  n.  Unanimity,  agreement. 

SD'SSo  s.  n.  The  letter   SD. 

SoS'q  s.  n.  Oneness,  unity;  harmony; 
identity.     -tp=)5a.  Oneness. 

S^X^O  (=  e5oij*r!°T?o)  k.  n.  A  Jaiigaraa. 
2,  a  school-master. 

SD^'Oo  (=  esoiJ^rfj)  k.  r.  i.  To  come,  ap- 

SoSSon  s.  n.  Oral  tradition,  a  legend, 

Sorfj  1.  (=  escxjjj  ,  q.  v.)  k.  a.  Five. 

SOCO  2.  (=S3  0lx) )  k.  r. «".  To  join;  to  draw 
near;  to  reach,  obtain,  get. 

SOjli)  k.  n.  A  mirror;  spectacles. 

SDtSjse'do  (=  ©33j^°CIj)  k.  H.  A  school- 
master. 2,  a  respectful  mode  of 
addressing  a  Brahraana. 

SO'dns^(=  esoi^CTOS?)  k.  w.  The  marriage 
badge  tied  round  a  female's  neck. 

SO'Dnri.  =  esoijs^e^,  q.  v. 

SDCD^:^  s.  n.  Indra's  male  elephant;  f. 

SoeJSe'  s.  n.  Kuvera. 

SD'^sB  h.  ad.  Instead  of. 

SDzSSdO  h.  n.  Property,   wealth:   cash  or 

SD^^O    (=  yiodj^3fJ )  k.  n.  Fifty. 
SO^QoJjr  s.  n.   Power,    might;    wealth, 

riches,  opulence.     -3o:S.  A  rich  man; 

f.     -Soi. 
S:^&.  lb.  of  sc^oijr,  q.  v. 
SO?jO.  =  esoajKo,  q.v. 
SOOo^  r/"*-.    '33o)   s.  a.   Relating  to   this 

world;  temporal,  secular. 




Z}.  The  fourteenth  letter  of  the  alphabet. 

2,  a  particle  employed  in  common  as 
ivell  as  doubtful  questions,  e.g.  ?5c3o3js? 

3,  in  admonition  and  calling,  as:  w^?i 

2ooCX3J  k.  n.  The  cry  of  buffaloes. 

3j^  k.  a.  One.  2,  short  p.  p.  of  z«?^. 
Zu^Wj,.  One  bond;  unanimity, 
concord,  harmony.  "^*,r3.  A  one-eyed 
man.  1o^j^:Sj.  To  throw,  cast  away; 
to  wash  and  give. 

2og>)^  k.  n.  The  letter  x^. 

Zj'S^pi^,  aj^^.sS  s.  n.  The  honorific 
address  at  the  top  of  a  letter,  etc.  2, 
style  of  composition.  Zw*  CS^io.  To 
tell,  say;  to  describe. 

Sj3',5;^0  k.  V.  i.  To  spit  out,  vomit.  2, 
to  retire. 

•Sj^.e;,  2o^,e;^A,  SjS^^sSa  k.  n.  A 
farmer,     husbandman;      f.     'oj^OfN^, 

Sj^jeS^Oj  k.  ?'.  t.  To  thrash  down,  des- 
troy; to  trouble  greatly. 

Sm^cJO  k.  n.  Residing,  tenancy;  a  home; 
residence.  2,  a  tenant,  farmer ;  a 
subject.  JuT^OiJrtJ.  To  become  a  tenant, 
etc.  -^c^'  Husbandry,  farming.  '^'^^ 
SjrS,  Vi*  wa.  A  tenant's  house;  a 

Zj'So^  k.  i".  /.  To  tread  out  corn;  to 
thrash,  n.  Thrashing.  2,  an  omen. 
-rtjs^ejj.  A  thrashing  stick. 

Zj'§.'6  {tb.  of  5iS  0)  n.  A  pond. 

Zj'SoXt'.O  k.  V.  i.  To  belch. 


a^AUo,  CoaS  k.  n.  A    riddle,    enigma. 
Sjacjt^  (=  Ij'u'Ot?)  k.  n.  Vomiting. 
SjAci^jJ.  =  :«=i?^0^,    q.  V. 
Zja^  k.  n.  "Washing.     2,  throwing. 
Sjaj^cJ    k.  «.    The    harmonious   life  of 
husband  and  wife  and  their  manage- 

ment of  household  affairs;  the  affairs 

of  life. 
SjaSjO.  =  '-^r^rfj,    p.p.  of  i-rl. 
8oAdo  k.  n.  An  astringent  taste. 
2u'h.  =  i^r^  2,    q.  c. 

2oaO  a.  k.  ?(.  Running  over,   excess.    2, 

(^^  ^rO)  to  enter.    -Cort.  Abundance. 
2o^  1.  a.  k.  V.  i.  To  come  forth,  be  born. 

2o^  2.   k.  i'.  <.    To  beat    wet  clothes  on 

a  stone  for  cleaning   them,   to   wash. 

2,  to  throw.    P.  ps.  urszio,  lortdj. 
Sja     k.  n.  A    follower   of  the  mailara 


Sj X  IJ  k.  n.  A  heap,  mass. 


2oA  "rfro  k.  n.  A  kind  of  seasoning.    "^T^ 

Q^o.  To  season,  spice. 
2o  A  J   k.  y.  i.  To  become  one,  unite  with. 

2,    to   agree  with    one  s    constitution, 

as  water,   etc.    3,  (=   tSjarij)  to  bow; 

to  be    submissive.    i\  t.    To    join.    n. 

An  assemblage,  heap,  mass. 
ZjO'&  k.  «.   A  hook.       2,  a  gold   armlet 

worn  by  females. 
ZjZ^  ^     a.  k.  n.     Equality,     harmony; 


agreeableness;  pleasure. 

Zjsi-  cdJ,     SoeS  cxJo    a.  k.  n.      Disgrace; 
aa-  ea- 

impropriety;  contempt. 

Sj3ifi  h.  M.   Gravity;  dignity,  influence. 

ZjZiTi  a.  k.  «.   A  spring,  fountain. 


20-5  (=a:£)  f.  J!.  A  weight,  load,  burden. 

Sd  '"=^  ^      ' 

2jy  (=  ^W)  m.  /h<.   An  imitative  sound. 

— 5i-D3330,  -rtotiJ,.    To  talk  much;  to 

prate,   gabble. 
Soboii  f.  n.     The    compound    round    a 

Zj-^  (==  ay.)  h.  M.   Discount. 

SjU  d,   2oU  e;j  k.  /(.  A  heap,  mass,  abun- 



^'eiJ,  k.  V.  t.   To  make    one  join;   to  put 


together,  pile  up.  v.  i.  To  come  to- 
gether, assemble  ;  to  become  a  mass, 
be  united.  )i.  Union;  a  heap,  pile; 
sum  total.  2,  the  close  adhering 
of  a  lump  of  clay.  i^^^  (dat.),  tukiTijd, 
all  together,  on  the  whole,  -^rio, 
-^s'jsrSj.  To  come  together  ,  convene; 
to  become  one  in  mind.  -'Jh^o.  To  be 
united,  as  a  family.  -Wjb^Xo,  -5ij3:^j. 
To  join  together  ;  to  add  up.  -^^O^CdJ. 
The  whole  amount.     -^%-  Sum  total. 

ioy.T?.   Heaping. 

Zj&    k-  n.  A  crack,  hole.       -2Jj;°vJ.    To 
be  cracked,  to  get  a  hole. 

■aj§3,  (x;o,  Sj&5,?jO  k.  r. «.  To  collect,  join; 
eJS)  e3 

to  heap  together;  to  convene,  v.  i.  To 

become  one;  to  come  together. 

2o'd  k.  n.  Union;  being  together,  com- 
pany. -rtjscSj.  To  join,  be  united 
with;  to  be  obtained;  to  happen;  to 
obtain.  io,"3r!j3asij.  To  cause  to  be 
united  with,  etc.  -rtJsW.  Close  union. 
-3oj&Jj,.  To  be  born  by  the  same 
parents;  birth  as  brothers  and  sisters; 
brothers  or  sisters.     -UiSj.  =io3oio:^j. 

2ot$5^,  ZjX?>^:>  k.  n.  The  state  of  being 
cracked  or  broken;  a  fracture,  crack; 
disunion.  -^S  ft.  A  broken  voice,  -kd 
olid.  One  who  cannot  keep  secrets. 

ZS(i^<V  k.  n.  Broken  state;  broken  paddy 
or  split  pulse  with  chaff  or  husk. 

ZSd>§)  k.  n.  A  mistress. 

So^rfj.  =  twdrfj.  P.  p.  of  i^d. 

Zsd'^  (fr.  lotS)  k.  prep.  With;  together 
with.  ad.  Forthwith,  immediately. 
ioCi^c^^U.  Company,  intercourse.  Ju:^cje) 
a.  A  companion,  friend.  lui^^aSri. 
Companionship,  friendship.  t^^fS'SC^J. 
To  associate  with.  loS^JS^cS.  All  at 
once,  etc. 

2orfo20'rfo(=  io:aio:3j)  k.  i'.  i.  To  agree, 
assent;  to  consent;  to  covenant. 
luCiOwa^j.  To  cause  to  agree;  to 
persuade,   convince.      t«::iowa=#,  lu^o 

101:^0^=^.  A  covenant,  agreement,  bond, 
treaty,  compact. 

So'rfDrio,  Sor^eij!^  k.  v.t.  To  join;  to  put 
to.  V.  i.  To  enter  into,  engage  in, 
undertake,  begin;  to  perform;  to  en- 
deavour, try. 

Zj'i>iSJ:>  k.  n.  The  body;  the  b;Ily,  sto- 
mach. ZuI^ojO.  Burning  of  the  belly; 
internal  grief. 

SoTi^,  Sjci^  k.  11.  A  thing,  substance, 
possession;  a  jewel;  property,  wealth. 

Sj&I.  2ol§  1.  k.  V.  i.  To  be  broken,  to 
crack,  burst;  tobreak  forth,  as  a  bud' 
etc.;  to  bud;  to  turn,  as  milk;  to  fail, 
as  courage;  to  branch  off.  2,  to 
trickle  through,  ooze,  sink.  v.  t.  To 
break.  -rt^J^,  -o^jb^Wj..  To  strain  off, 
filter  through  a  cloth.  -rtej^^j.  To 
break;  to  destroy;  a  broken  mass. 
-Z^a,  -sSjoO.  To  bruise.  -s;o.  To  cause 
to  break,  etc. 

SoS  2.  k.  n.  Heat. 

Sow  3.  a.k.  af[.  If;  when;  to;   as:  5A)«?a 

2uzf  3.  k.  ».  Possession,  ownership;  rule, 
sway;  also  -^ri.  -cxij.  An  owner;  a 
lord,  master;  a  chief,  leader;  a  ruler, 
king.     -cxJjdjsJl^dj.  Lord  of  lords. 

SjT^  1.  k.  n.  A  class  of  people  who  cut 
Stones,  dig  tanks  and  wells  and  speak 
a  Telugu  patois. 

Sot^  2,  2oTi  r®  1.  k.  n.  A  pile,  heap.  2, 
an  assembly;  an  army. 

a,  * 

ZjTi  oB  (tb.  of  S^'oS,  q.v.)  n.  A  birth- 

day  festivity. 

ZjXi:>   k.  v.t.  To  place,  put,  lay;  to  fix, 
set;  to  catch;  to  array.     2,  to  oppose, 

resist.   3,  (=  ^^^  to  heap  up.     7i.  A 

heap,  pile,  mass;    a  bank;    a    large 

gathering;  a  stake  at  play;  host,  army. 

loa  7ij.  To  cause  to  place,   etc.     -"^^ 

r!,  tu:ljJ  ?ejri.     A    great    assembly,  a 

royal  audience,  darbar. 

ZjZi^o^  k.  n.  A  gold  or  silver  belt  or 





Sjf*0  k.  a.  Dry.  2,  sapless,  profitless; 
empty;  false.  -*.  An  emaciated  man. 
-=#«j?i.  Useless  business.  -n^cOo.  Dry 
fruit.  -VjJS^j.  a  senseless  word. 
-aSx^d.  A  sad  countenance.  -dr!«?, 
-Body.  Useless  talk.  -^oioi).  Ground- 
less   suspicion.       -^sJo^.    Vain    pride. 

2or®A0  k.  f.  t.  To  dry,  become  dry;  to 
wither.  lursn^J.  Dryness.  Jor^n^iJ. 
To  dry. 

Soots    1.  k.  a.  One,  single,  alone.  Cpds.: 

Zoofe3ejJiSois3.     A  man   of  mere    bones, 

a    weak    man.     -rS.    A    single    man. 

-ri:^pi,    -:^^.       Loneliness,      solitude. 

-fs^ .  A  solitary  woman. 
2oo&3  2.  k.w.    A  gold  earring. 
2ootiO  k.  V.  i.  To  agree  with  one's  health, 

as  water. 
8oc63  {lb.  of  ^%)  «•  A  camel. 
Socrf-)   k.  )i.   Sediment,    deposit,    dregs; 

mud  in  rivers,  tanks,  etc.;  turbidness. 
So^  y,  k.  n.  The  nightmare. 

So:^  yj    k-  /t.  One  side.  ad.  Aside. 

— o     d 

So^  Xi.  Zi^  e*  k.  ?i.  Fomentation. 

3o^  Ti  k.  n.  Impetuousness;  force;  speed. 

2,    one  layer    or  division.        to3  0?dj. 

To  increase;    to  be  or  become   lofty, 

haughty,  impetuous,  quick,    v.  t.    To 

join  closely;  to  subdue. 

2o©3  odo    k.  71.    Force,    violence,    com- 


pulsion;  impetus, 
8jgt)  ;6   k.  H.    Help,  assistance.      -rred. 


A  helper,  assistant. 

Sj^O   k.  r.  t.  To  press,  squeeze;  to  sliam- 


poo;  to   press  down;  to  impress,  as  a 

seal;    to   overpower;     to   trouble;   to 

use    unusual   force    or    power,    as  in 

speaking,     calling,     etc.;     to     stress, 

emphasize.     2,  to   foment,      v.  i.  To 

give  way,  step  aside.      n.  Closeness; 

thickness;   a  pile;  vicinity;   pressure. 

2,  an  under   letter.      t«S^^.   Pressing. 

io3  Tio,   To  cause  to  press,  etc.     t«^ 

■i^ti,  ^j^^d.  A  double  consonant.^ 
-Ajztio.  To  prop,  -erooriti,  io;3o  end. 
A  thin  finger-ring  or  toe-ring  to 
tighten  other  rings. 
2o^  k.  n.  A  pledge,  pawn.  2,  a  single 
or  one  of  a  pair.  -4<,  -"ij^A),  -3o5^J, 
-"30^,  7MS_:i~i.  To  pledge,  pawn.  -zS 
a^o.  To  redeem  a  pawn.  -3=#J3  s?j^. 
To  take  a  pawn. 

Zj^  "d  k.  n.  One  kind  or  sort. 


SjuJaJ  k.  r.  t.  To  come  to  hand,  be  got; 
to  be  effected;  to  be  ready  for;  to  be 
at  hand;  to  be  of  use;  to  thrive,  in- 
crease. 2,  to  give  way,  step  aside, 
n.  That  is  at  hand.  ^cif\7io.  To  cause 
to  be  obtained,  to  make  ready,  etc.; 
to  fulfil. 

Zjlido  k.  «.  The  lip. 

SjrfrJj  (cJj  =  e3j)  k.  r.  J.  To  shake;  to 
cry  aloud,  shout,  shriek,  howl;  to 
shake,  move  to  and  fro.  n.  Shaking, 
etc.  -cS^,  toCSosy.  Crying  with  great 
noise.  -yz^J,  :odD?Sj.  To  shout  with 
great  noise.  t^ziO^J.  To  cause  to 
shout,  howl,  etc. 

Sorf^i.  =  lorfrtJ,  q.  V.   2,  to  gain,  obtain. 

3oa,  ZjS  k.  V.  t.  To  kick;  to  spur.  P.  ps. 
Io^ScSj,  lucSdj,  luCiJ  •  loa  €.  A  kick. 
tun?  eJ.  Mutual  kicking;  kicking  in 
pain;  struggle,  trouble,  hardship. 
j«;y3  Ai.  To  kick  mutually;  to  kick  in 
pain;  to  struggle  in  difficulty  or 

2oa  "^  k.  n.  Union,   concord,  friendship. 

Sj5  k. »(.  Wetness,  dampness;  moisture. 


a.  Damp.  wet.  Cpds..-  -3e3,  -jSeJ,  -t'i^. 

Sj^  k.  a.  One.     -t3??.  One  direction. 
2o^€,  Sj^)^  k.  H.  A  large  wooden  pestle. 
8o?i^  =z«tj^,  q.  V. 
3jj3  k.  r.  t.  To  winnow,  fan  corn.     i^jriO. 

A  sieve. 
SjCi^J  k.  71.  A  turn,  rotation,  time.      2, 

a  share.     -r1wra«?j,,    -?^^Ko.    To  take 

one's    turn. 

-zScSo.     To    miss 




one's  turn.  -S^O^J.  To  finish  one's 
turn,  loo^c^d.  One  who  takes  his  turn. 

2uOti^^  2oot)'^  ^.prep.  Together  with. 
essScS^oart,  etc. 

ZjOCjJ  1.  (=  SoJSorfo)  k.  V.  i.  To  be  one 
or  united;  to  be  linked  to;  to  come 
to  meet;  to  be  fit,  suitable,  v.  t.  To 
obtain;  to  get;  to  use.  i«oa;^o.  To 
join;   to  place  or  fix  on;  to  grant. 

Soorfo  2.  (lus:*)  k.  a.  One;  a,  an;  a 
certain  thing,  loorf^  ^Jt)?rtj.  To  go 
to  make  water.  loocStSol).  First.  z«jo 
Tid,  i^joCiJSSd.  One  or  one  and  a  half. 
luoriiSo^.  Like  one;  at  the  rate  of  one, 
per  one.  -tsTiJ,  tuoCj^rSj.  To  become 
one;  to  unite.  Ioo575c3j5ocSj.  Some  or 
other;  a  certain — ;  once  upon  a  time. 
ZuoSn^o,  luoasiJ,.  A  little.  -rtJ3:2o.  To 
be  joined.  -;^ii, -^^jid, -lorl.  One  sort 
or  mode,  an  unusual  manner.  -CTaO? 
-?iw,  -^odO,  looCTsSSr.  One  time; 
once.  -ojJScSo.  To  join,  unite.  -»3  =  «?. 
One  time,  once;  perhaps.  -Sojac^j^, 
iu^'3  ^0 .  From  morning  till  midday, 
or  from  midday  till  evening.  loociJS 
53JO^^£JO.       One    and    three-fourths. 


-'ao,  luorfja  'aej^.  Nothing.  loo^. 
One  only.  -oidd),  ZuodcJcSo.  One  or 
two;  a  few.  -oi£jr(,  Zoodairt.  A  herb, 
Hydrocotile  asiatica.  Zuoz^jsocSj.  rep. 
One  —  the  other;  one  another; 
separate;    own;     each    by  itself. 

aj;5.  k.  n.  Fitness,  properness,  neatness, 
elegance;  beauty;  lustre,  polish; 
correctness.  -33:^0.  To  bestow  the 
last  honours  (on  a  deceased  person). 
-"aii^o,  -^A),  -^=5^^,  -<a^4.  To  embel- 
lish, polish.     -S^^J.      To  sign. 

2o^.orfk.  M.  An  agreement;  a  contract; 
a  treaty;  a  covenant.  -siJSrfo.  To 
make  an  agreement,  etc. 

So3j3v?3  k.  w.  Fitness,  propriety,  ad. 

2o?.\^,  2^t\;^,    SoLx^    k.   m.     Consent, 

agreement;   admission,     lui^  ^    So's's'j. 
To  sign. 

2o1\?jO  k,  V.  t.  To  deliver  over,  give  in 
charge,  commit,  to  give.  2,  to  de- 
liver. 3,  to  prevail  on.  luiL  k'Sji^dy 
To  take  over  a  charge;  to  comply 
with.  ijh  A)  'SjiZiO.  To  give  over  a 
charge,  as:  ^%-,  53DC5-,  enjcS-'Sj^rt-,  etc. 

SjsSv  k.  ('.  i.  To  suit,  be  fit,  proper 
agreeable.  2,  to  agree  to,  assent 
consent;  to  admit.  3,  to  be  mani 
fested.  n.  Fitness;  consent;  beauty 
elegance.  j«sJ^oJ.  in  a  suitable 
manner.  -?5J3^tf,  Zusra  esacJ.  An  agree 
ment.  -T^Ji°-?7id.  To  persuade,  -oi^ 
z«^^.  To  appear  to  great  advantage 
-:S=f.   Aggreeing,   etc.;  cf.   i^h^i. 

2o20  k.  a.  One  (m.  or  f.);  a,  an.  n.  A 
certain  man.  iut^(5.  Only  one;  he 
alone.  tuW^rfj.  Some;  the  honorific 
plural',  somebody.  ZAjio^djsi^rfo.  These 
—  the  others,  one  another;  these  and 
others;  every,  each;  also  i.j^i  SfSj^ lo, 
CjJ,  lo'LAOr'LOio.rfj.  hjZc.^o,  :o2;3^  =^.  One 
woman;  a  woman.  z«ra^.f3j3w,.  A 
certain  (man  or  woman).  iudjg,W . 
rep.  Every  or  each  (man  or  woman). 
lutfjatACJo.  They  mutually;  every  one 
or  each  of  them;  they  one  by  one. 
z»jio,  oUrt,  :«zo,i3rt.  A  single  solitary 

2j20  Wo  k.  n.  A  sweet   cake,  holige. 

2oeS   k.  71.  A  bush,  thicket. 
SjSo  k.  a.    One.  luoio^O.    Nine,   ij^oji. 
One  mind,  unanimity, 

Sj'So,    k.  ad.    Once;    one  time  or  turn; 

together.   Zo<Dj.r1.  All  at  once.     tj^Oo 

z3j35jj,.  Suddenly;     at    some   time   or 

other;  sometimes.     lodj.sS.   Together. 

looJjB, 53j,.    rep.   Now  and   then,    occa- 

sionally;  by  turns. 

2oodj«,   SuOSO,   Soociooo  (=So±)j,,    f/.  y.) 

k.  V.  t.     To    carry     off;     to  conduct, 




convey.    P.p.   i-odbJ.     lo^i^,.  Convey- 
ing, etc. 

n^3o?,«?)    n.    A    ride    on    horseback. 

-n.  A    rider  on    horseback.     -wcxJoJ. 

A  jilain    used  for  horse-races. 
2oociJ^?!k.  ad.  Slowly;  gently;  leisurely. 
Z^yijsoxi  (=aodj^^tJ,    <(>.  of  ^^so)   «. 

Parade,   coquetry.    2,  beauty,    grace. 

-mh,  -?A^.  A  coquette.  -n=)S,  !»»odj=)-D. 

A     showy      man.       -3~i.    Showiness. 

-53j3:^j.    To  be    dandy  or  foppish. 

3od7<0  (ci=e3)  k.  v.t.  To  be  bent;  to 
recline,  lean  upon;  to  lie  or  fall 
down;  to  rest.  n.  A  bend.  2,  a 
cushion.   J-SA?^  To  cause  to  recline. 

aj-;JUJ  (=  SAidyj,  q.  v.)  k.  n.  Pride, 
grufifness.  2,  coarseness.  t«tit3.  A 
rough  man.  i«d&37!::Sj.  To  speak 

ZjTiS  (d  =  eS)  k.  n.  A  spring,  fountain  ; 
a  flow  ;    a  fluid. 

2o':J£;o2,  ajaiJ?"  (^  =  S3)  a.  k.  v.  i. 
To  cry  out  or  scream  from  pain,  elc. 
n.  An  outcry,  scream.  i^^OK^.  To 
cause  to  cry  out,  elc. 

3j-^e3  (d  =  es)  k.  n.  Soreness  with  watery 
humour,  -rsri  ?iS.  A  blear-eyed  man. 
-nnajj.  A  foot  afifected  with  elephan- 

2jri?jO,  2oO;rfo  k.  r.  <.  To  rub  gently, 
stroke;  to  scour,  brush;  to  wipe;  to 
rub  off  or  out ;  to  blot  out,  efface.  2, 
to  annoy;  to  crush.  3,  to  separate 
by  friction,  as  grain  from  the  ears, 
n.  Rubbing;  friction.  2,  teasing; 
gj-j^O  (=i>jCJejj)  k.  n.  A  large   mortar. 

^ejj-.  A  stone  mortar. 
ZjTic^T^.  =  sSrfj^,  q.  V. 
aj-3  1.  k.  V.  U  To  rub,  smear.   2,  to  rub 
on  a  touch-stone.    3,  to  try,  examine; 
4,  to  grind,  make  thin.       5,   to  draw, 

pull.  V.  i-  To  come  in  contact,  to  touch. 
2,  to  sound;  to  utter,  speak,  n. 
Rubbing,  elc.  2,  a  word,  an  expres- 
sion. -nt)J.  A  touch-stone.  -'^^'^ 
^:3o .  To  apply  to  a  touch-stone. 


SjtS  (d   =e33)2.  k.  t^.  t.  To  ooze,  spring, 

drip,  flow;  to  be  wet,  moist. 
SjtS  (3=  633)  3.  \i,n.  A  sheath,  scabbard. 
-n«?,  -•T^«?J,  -^ri.    To    draw  a  sword, 
-rrad.  A  sheathmaker.     -Aj^'-PK^.  To 
SoSOr,  gj^ir.  =  !«t^,  q.v. 
3j^r.  =  iwsSi ,  q.  V. 
ZjVs^    k.  11.    Affectation     in     walking; 
foppishness,   coquetry,     -natf.  A  fop, 
dandy.     -rradi?J,  -n?3r.    A  coquette. 
aj£;4  (=  '->i«JJ55j,  ios3, )  k.  n.    Pleasure; 
kindness,  favour.    4<ij6^.-.  The  grace 
of    God.         -»^^ij    ioej^:^Jj,.    To    be 
Sj£j;6.  =  S«J??,  q.  r. 

2os5k.  v-i.   To  be  pleased,  favourable; 
to  like,  love;  to  be  apt,  fit.     -^J,  t^^ 
dj  (=  ioW5§,    i-«3  ).  Pleasure ;    affec- 
tion, love,  favour;     royal  protection. 
-?ij.   To  please. 
Zj6  \.    is..v.i.     To    swing;     to    shake, 
tremble;    to  move.      2,   to   hang    or 
bend  to  one  side,   as  a  wall,  etc.  v.  t. 
To    shake,     i^^zz^:^^.     To    swing    or 
move  about. 
C^eS  2.  k.  n.  A    fire-place,   furnace,    an 
oven,    hearth.       -nja::^J.    The    three 
stones  of  which  an  ole  consists.    -'33j, 
-sJjs:!),  -ooS^J,  -3oJ3::Sj.    To  form    an 
ole.     -^JZ^^o.  To   kindle  a  fire.    -A 
'i5oi  353*0.  To  put  fire  into  an  ole. 
Zj°3..  =  iuOjSj  s.  j-^,  g.  V. 

2o»3   k.  «.  A  small  dotra. 

Cjiyo    k.   (d.  v.   To   will;    to  like,  love). 

:od.  1st  pers.  s-  neg.,  as:  s3J3:Ss3jas3^, 

o5j3$r(s3^d,  I  will  not  do    elc     Neg. 

part.     i-«J,^.      cdJ?=ffDn4teJ,i:SJ.    (t'J^. 

oi3«)^B^r(siejciJ).  Why  not? 




ZjTj-R    k.  n.    Joy;     feast,    festival.       2,    | 
speech,    news.       -^^Jco'dj.    To    send 

ZjTj^,  ZjTjXio   k.  n.  The  gums. 

ajTJ'Cio  (cf.  iu!3  2)  k.  ^'.  t.  To  ooze,  trickle, 
flow  gently,  n.  Oozing,  etc.  tjSrtrc*. 
A  kind  of  crystal.  -?i?dj.  Trickling 

2oA)(— 53A))  f.  n.  A  little. 

2j^  1.  (— enjv*)  k.  H.  That  is  true, 
good,  nice,  etc.  Its  final  is  doubled 
before  a  folloioing  vowel.  t«s*J^ra.  A 
good  quality.  -:fj3s3,  -!5j3e3.  A  beauti- 
ful beam.  -?!)&,  -Sjs^j.  A  true,  good 
word.  -53jj3o  .  A  real  pearl.  -iSv^rio, 
-o3^r!o.  Beautiful  lustre.  -oif^.  iu«?^ 
??.  Good,  eatable  oil. 

gj^i  (=  loS?,  qf.  r.)  2.  k.  j)rep.  In,  into, 
among,  at,  with;    as:  rS^Sdjas"*,  sJofS 

5o=f,    ZuS?o^.    Control.       -t9i3.. 


iuS?B,.  The  inner  sole  of  a  shoe. 


2oS^  k.  n.  The  inside.  a.  Inner,  sub- 
ordinate. -^ej53oo.  A  subordinate 
paragraph.  -^ocJj*.  The  palm  of  the 
hand.  -rtc^.  The  inner  side,  Inside; 
meanwhile;  afterwards,  later.  -riJ 
Wo,.  A  secret,  -rtoa.  The  inner  part  of 
a  temple.  -i^jso'ctJ.  Bending  inward, 
concave.  -csO.  A  bye-path.  -iS^s!, 
-o?5:^o,  -A)?»3o.  An  inland  country. 
-^zid.  To  yield,  to  be  subject  to; 
to  be  merged.  -Sa^.  To  make 
subordinate;    to    inclose;    to   seduce. 

-tp^rt.  An  inner  part;  a  subdivision. 
-53j^.  The  inner  side,  as  of  a  cloth. 
-?ioJ^o.  A  plot,  intrigue.  -?iol3jrv3rf. 
An  intriguer,  plotter.  -?UDej,  A  secret 
debt.  -^rf?1o.  The  tail  end  of  a 
woman's  cloth.  -c^J?^,.  The  inside 
of  the  belly  ;  the  stomach.  loVsodj. 
Intermediate  space. 

Sj^^^Xo  k.  n-  The  inside,  inner  part. 
p?"ef».  (=  io«?rt,  q.  V.)  "Within,  in,  into. 
-wrij,  ioS?rrario.  To  get  into  the  power 
of;  to  submit  one's  self ;  to  be  subject; 
to  incur.  z«s?f\odj3V'r1.  Secretly,  pri- 
vately. -T^Ji:id,  -zSjs^dj.  To  give  out 
a  secret. 

Zi'^'R  (=  iu°n?rij)  k.  prep.  Inside,  within, 
in,  into;  as:  eA)ao3j3Vii,  cSejcSjs^rl, 
?)?5j3S?/1,  etc.  -'atfj,  w-ffs^o.  To  be 
inside  or  in.  -^^do.  To  go  inside;  to 
sink,  as  an  eye.   Uj«^?ij3^rt.  rep. 

2o^^  k.  n.  The  inside;  a  secret.  2, 

2oS?;^J,  Sj^  ^0  k.  n.  That  is  good,  nice, 
handsome,  excellent,  well.  ioS?33f\ 
Sjj);::Sj.    To  do  a  thing  well. 

2j^,rf  k.  n.   A  good,  nice  man. 

2jS?    k.  n.  Goodness,  handsomeness,  etc. 


fsee  iu^:^J).  a.  Good,  nice,  fine,  excel- 
lent, proper;  geri .  :«.«?) cdj  or  lu*?)?. 
Cpds.:  -=#ei?d,  -rijra,  -jScSJ.  -cSo.  = 
lo^;^,  g.  I'.  2««?,5do.  Very  good,  well. 
-odoSol).  A  good  man.  -^fd.  Good- 
ness,     good    conduct,   propriety,  etc. 

4o.  The  fifteenth  letter  of  the  alphabet. 
2,  a  contraction  of  s^>-53;  as.-  W7lj3?z:ij, 

Z,interrog.  affix,  as:  rfjjS^d^JS??  itci 

4,  iwi.  of  admiration,  etc.,  as  in   oioqra 

s3j3;::ao;S  d!  5,  in/.  Ij  ij{—lji£S)^),  o, 
oil!  6,  int.  of  calling,  as:  Ij  :SdJ3  ,  Ui 
:S?S5.  w.  j.  To  be  attached  to,  fond 
of.  P.p.  io^.  IoSjo.  a  beloved  man, 
husband;  f.   luSSv*. 

oj'O' w 



§j?^5  k.  »i.  Vomiting.  - sJj  (=  t«?^  0 ^, 
etc).  To  vomit,  retch,  spit  out ;  to 
emit.       -^.  Vomiting. 

Sj^'9.  Sj^O'S'  k.  71.  A  red  liquid  of 
turmeric  and  chunam  sprinkled  upon 
persons  at  the  holi  feast  or  other 
auspicious  occasions.  -tfc^j.  To 
sprinkle  tlie  okuli  on  one  another. 

SjSS'd  s.  n.  The  letter  io. 

Soa63.  =  2oaUo,  q.  v. 

§oA^k.  ?i.  Boiled  rice;  also  lortdrf  rtoii. 

2jyO  s.  »*.  A  stream,  current.  2,  a 
heap,  multitude. 

Sjoss'd  s.  n.  The  mystic  syllable  6m. 

Zodi  k.  n.  A  teacher,  guru.  2,  a  car- 
penter,  blacksmith. 

SjSioJ,  §J3i?jJ^  s.  n.  Strength,  energy. 
2,  light,  splendour.    3,  manifestation. 

§j^  a.  k.  n.  A  row,  line,  range;  regu- 
larity, order. 

§jU  ^/"r.  i.jSj)  k.  H.  Running;  a  run, 
race;  speed.  -n5tf.  A  runner,  racer; 
f.  -n5)tfs?j,  -ns^r. 

SjfeSl.  k.  n.  Tho  tree  Garcinia  pictoria. 
2,  a  jungle  reed.      3,  a  crack,  hole. 

5oB  2.  f.  «.  A  half  of  a  cocoa-nut  shell. 
2,  the  shell,  as  of  the  wood-apple, 
almonds,  etc. 

ZiTi  k.  »i.  A  boat,  ferry  boat.  -rrarf. 
A  boatman. 

§jTli  1.  k.  «.  A  fragment,  potsherd;  an 
earthen  pan;  the  skull. 

SjT^O  2.  k.  f .  J.  To  run;  to  flee.  Ija 
3oJ3?rto.  To  go  quickly,  decamp,  lo 
CfsU,  tjras)|.y.  Running  about.  L>ZiD 
aj,  i«ra?^:Sj.  To  run  about,  skip. 
LseisJ.  Running  about.  laa^cJ.  To 
causetorun;  todriveaway.  ioSrotSc^J. 
To  drive  off.    -Ci,li^'i.  Running. 

§juj  k.  n.  An  earthen  hoop  used  for 
walling  the  inside  of  wells;  a  large 
store-vessel.     2,  a  fried  cake, 

§orQ  k.  A  verbal  affix,  as:  sSja^r^jsgrs, 
cJdoSjs^cs.      2,   a(l'.   of  verbal  nouns. 

as:  c3j;r(«?J35r3,  ror3Jrtoajs.5r3,  SdJ 
^dj^^cssS-  3,  off.  of  the  1st  p.  pi. 
imp.,  as:  ioiijs^rs!  ao.«??1j55f9!  tS^s? 
:3^?r3!  elc.  Let  us  run!    etc. 

§jrf  k.  ?(.  A  line,  row.  2,  a  lane, 

Sj§  k.  n.  A  kind  of  lizard  or  chameleon, 

Sj3j  {of  ioCjJ)  k.  n.  Reading,  study. 

corfo  k. I',  t.  To  read;  to  recite;  to  study. 
ioft^,  -<S^.  Reading,  etc.  LcS^O. 
To  learn  to  read.  \»zii\Ji^,  LcJrl/a 
a?3j.  To  let  read.  La  z5So.  To  read 
off.  lo:Sioc!j.  To  be  able  to  read.  iocSj 
53  ^JcSjrt.  A  pupil.  iua^So.  To  cause 
to  read;  to  instruct,  iunt)^.  A  reader; 
a  learned   man. 

2oc33^o  s.  n.  The  name  or  mantra  that 
begins  with  lu,  i.  c.  i^  oiSjs  av^:x^. 
2,  a  N.  of  the  alphabet. 

SjSjDQ  k.  n.  Likeness,  similarity. 

So^i^o,  £j;^00,  &J^,  2j^  k.  n.  Bishop's 
weed,  Liguslicum   ajwaen. 

SoOSJ  k.  int.  0!   ho!  hallo! 

£ow  (=lo3,  g.ti.)  k.  ?t.  Declivity,  sloping. 
2,  side,  edge,  margin. 

hxi'P^B  (=  S3^dhSJ  k.  )i.  A  husband's 
brother's  wife. 

SjTJ^  \L.n.  Equality;  similarity;  a 
match.  -oijS.  A  man  of  the  same 

So:JS  k.  n.  Sloping,  declivity;   variance. 

5o'df>3  a.  k.  ?i.  A  line,  row.  tjrfrfjSJ. 
To  be  or  put  in  a  row. 

SjTJo  k.  11.  A  hole.  v.  i.  To  think; 
ponder;  to  consider. 

Sot3  k.  n.  Leaning,  sloping,  bending ; 
declivity;  crookedness.  a.  Slant, 
oblique,  crooked.  -=^J3?d.  veil.  -'^^• 
A  tie  bending  to  one  side;  a  way  of 
tying  the  turban,  -rtrsj.  Asquint- 
eye;  a  side-glance.  -i^S^d.  A  pent- 
roof.  Other  cpds.:  -ir^,  -%,  -53->jsrO, 
-E3js^d,  etc.  -odjsrto.  To  become 




§jejA  (=  STswri)  f.  71.  Service,  homage, 
an  assembly;  an  audience;  a  durbar. 
2,  a  haut-boy.  -^,  -=^js:^o.  To  hold 
a  public  levee,  to  pay  homage.  -33s3. 
A  hall  of  audience. 

§j<2;7\?jj,  Laocsoo/,  §oe;s;rfj  f.  v.  t.     To 

serve;  to  assemble,  to  bring  together. 
Eo£Jt)i3   k.  n.    Affection,    friendship.      2, 

§j(a3c^0    k.  V.  t.  To  love.  V.  i.  To   sport 

in  water  ;  to  swim,  bathe. 
2j£^0    k.  1I.    A  bail,   security,  pledge  ;  a 

hostage.     -°-:?rio,    Lcsrtj.    To    become 

bail.     -'^'5'i)    -"SiO^o,   -=#J3Sj,    loC:Sj. 

To    give    as    a    pledge,    security,    or 

hostage.         -n^d.     A    bondsman;    f. 

■god  k.  n.  A  leaf  of  a  palmyra-tree,  a 
cadjan  leaf  used  to  write  on  with  an 
iron  style.  2,  an  ear-ornament  of 
gold  or  of  palm-leaves.  -tAo^'i.  A 
coil  of  palm-leaf.  -2^s?3ooloj.  A 
pendent  of  an  ole  ear-ring.     -.BrfrtrJ. 

The  screw  of  an  ear-ring.  -^?i=5^.  A 
book  of  cadjan  leaves.  -zp^rt..  A 
female's  good  fortune  to  wear  an 
ole  as  a  sign  of  her  husband  being 
alive.  i«e3ocJj  djtf.  The  palmyra  tree. 

&J053lJ  k.  n.  A  government  servant  who 
carries  letters,  etc.,    a  porter. 

Sj^^  s.  11.  A  plant,  herb.  2,  an  annual 

Sj^  s.  n.   A  lip.   lo^^.  A  labial. 

ioti'6  k.  a.  Sloping,  slanting.  n.  An 
unsatisfactorily   balanced  burden. 

Sj?i5?j0   k.  V.  i.    To  go  to    one   side;  to 

turn  aside;   to  give  way,  yield;  to  go 

away ;  to  hesitate. 

SoXl.'rf    (a.  k.  ij^or!)  k.  n.  Cause,  reason 
sake.  "prep.    On    account    of.    "Syj^SKj 

=f J?,  p?o,  rf,  oSjjiijs?^,  d,  io«?,PCj^js,  97i  Ti, 
■A^  ■*   '         ^    ^  ■*  '      V         -&    is 

Sj^jae,  2o^J3?ooj3e  k.  int.  of  wonder, 
admiration,  etc.    Ho!  stop!  oho  I 

§j^  (=  LjeI)  k.  n.  A  continuous  line  ;  a 
row;  succession. 

1? .  The  sixteenth  letter  of  the  alpha- 
bet. In  Kannada  words  it  is  another 
form  of  «S5S,  or  of  S5»J  (as:    eisi):S6J= 

?SU^i,     55;^^^=  Spiffs,     35jdj=:  3^do), 

a7id  therefore  for  all  Kannada  and 
Tadbhava  words  with  initial  5?  not 
foxmul  below  see  under  initial    ^^  or 

gpsarJ  s,  n.  The  letter  S?. 

fpS'o  (=  essS^o)  k.  V.  t.  To  press  down, 
squeeze,    shampoo. 

g^AJ  (=  jssjrio)  k.  V.  t.  To  yield  to 
pressure,  as  a  ripe  fruit. 

^Zj^n  (fr.  ^2^:3)  3.  n.  Fitness,  pro- 
priety; pleasure,  delight. 

S?3i?j  s.  71.  Lustre,  shine ;  gold. 

SFeio.  =  essS-^J.  g.  v. 

^:i<^  (=  e^s^cSaj,  tb.  of  eidoo:^)  n.  The 
castor-oil  plant. 

gp;^  f©  (=  es5j3r3)  k.  «.  A  festive  dinner 
2,  an  invitation  to  dinner.  -wJScSj. 
To  make  a  feast. 

gj^o^j3S;*o  (=e3s§3ji?v;3s?j,,  fr.  ^^)  k. 
V.  t.   To  hide  one's  self. 

g?sfo^i5^n  (/■)•.  eAJ30*)  s.  n.  Anxiety, 
uneasiness;  eagerness,  zeal. 

gjo^cdor  (fr.  erusj^d)  s.  «.  Generosity, 
nobility,   greatness. 

gJcJS^^Nn  (/■»•.  eAJC3-?,ljPo5)  s.  ?«.  Indiffer- 
ence, apathy. 

^fj^^o  (fr.  yuc^;^)  s.  n.  Height;  great- 
ness ;  haughtiness. 

t>j  55e)rOfS 



Ps^D^dN  (/■»•.  yvsra^ioi)  s.  w.  A  kind  of 
adoration  of  Agni.     a.  Devotional. 

?ti  (=  aS^d)  k.  n.  Lightness. 

?li;rf  s.  a.  Legitimate,  n.  A  legitimate 


§?^z;j    s.  «.    Medicine,    drug;     a  herb. 

-^jsSj.       To      administer     medicine. 

-53je):3j.   To  prepare    medicine,   apply 

§j^,  ^  s.  11.  A  herd  of  camels. 


The  seventeenth  and  eighteenth  letters 
of  the  alphabet.  The  first  is  generally 
called    anusvara    or  soune,   and    the 

second  called  visarya,  is  found  only  in 
Samskrita  words.  There  is  no  word 
beginning  tvith  either  of  these  letters. 


^^  The  nineteenth  letter  of  the  alpha- 
bet. ^.  The  letter  ?*  pronounced  with 
the  short   a. 

S',  'S'o  s.  n.  Brahma.  2,  the  soul.  3, 
the  sun.  4,  the  head.  5,  water. 
6,  pleasure. 

^cOSJ.  =  *co,  q.  V. 

^Cri  s.  n.  Brass.  2,  a  metal  vessel,  a 
goblet.  3,  a  king  of  Mathura  killed 
by  Krishna.     4,  a  bracket;  an  arc. 

^c;dos?  (lb.  of  'si>qX,-3-5^)  n.  A  gong; 
a  triangle.  -=t.  A  gold-  or  silver- 
smith; f.  -f^3. 

u'ss'rf  s.  n.  The  letter  =5^. 

^^Orf  s.  n.  A  peak,  summit.  2,  a  bull's 
hump.  a.  Pre-eminent,  chief. 

^S'o^  s.  n.  A  region,  quarter.  2,  the 
tree  Tcrminalia  arjnna.  a.  Chief, 

^S'oe;;^,  'S'^'oe^^f  k.  n.  Love ;  compas- 
sion;   vain  desire. 

?5^3^  f.  n.  A  father's  younger  brother. 

3^^,7^  f.  n.  A  piece  of  twisted  cloth 
dipped  in  oil,  lighted,  and  used  as 
a  light. 

'S^'^.w  k.  71.  N.  of  a  weapon. 
^^,835^,5,  ?f5',&835S5    k.    n.    Crooked- 

tf^.eisi.  =*^jui,  q.  V. 

3^3\?dl.  k.  n.  Trouble  (heavy  breathing, 

etc.)     arising     from     an     overloaded 

stomach,  from  running,  etc. 
2r^,jj2.  lb.  of  =5^*~2i,  q.v.    -rrerf.  A  cruel 

man;    f.  -t\zi^~. 
3^^_i?jJ  (=  ^'^js  ^=;j)  f.  M.    A  cac-hus:  a 

^5t),83^^    k.  n.   An  affrighted  or  timid 

man.     -0,   ^s'^^il-fr,  =5'5?,wi5'J.    Fear, 

^•CTj  (cf.  ^^)  s.  n.   A    mother's  younger 

sister;   uncle's  wife;  step-mother. 
^^J^l.   (=  ^s'a^J)     a.    k.  n.    A    notch, 

dent;  the  rough  or  toothed  part  of  a 

millstone,    file  or    saw;     roughness; 

sharpness.     2,  a  splinter,  shiver. 
^^Oj  2.  k   r.  i.  To  vomit,  n.  Vomiting. 

■??*(_ ^.  To  cause  to  vomit. 
S'S'o^  8!)?rO,.  =  is'^^zS^O,  q.r. 
^^,  k. «.  The  pudding-pipe  tree,  Cassia 


^"^jSjfC;  S.71.  N.  of  a  plant  bearing  a 
berry  containing  waxy  and  aromatic 
substance;  a  perfume  made  of  its 
berries;  also  -'^. 

^?fj3,?rf0.  =  '5'=^?iJ,  q.  V. 

^"^  (=*^  )  s.  n.  The  hem  of  a  garment 
tucked  into  the  waist-band.  2,  a 
girdle.  3,  the  armpit;  also  -sijjsej. 
4,  a  forest.  5,  an  objection  or  reply 
in  argument.  -3J5ej.  A  bag  carried 
under  the  armpit. 

^•o\  s.  n.  One  party  as  opposed  to 
another;  objection,  contention.  -Astf. 
A   party  (in  a  civil  or  criminal  case). 

^F\     (==5^:^05     q.  V.)     k.  n.     Hardness; 

strength,  etc.     -rtoWj  (=^^:aJrtciMj).  A 

fast  knot  that  cannot  be  easily  untied; 

a  hard  knot  in  wood.     -rt^d.  Thick 

darkness.        -^ejo ,     ^^ri  ejj .     A   verv 

hard  stone.       -s^Caj,  'g'rre  So.  An  im- 

pervious  jungle.  -=g^o3j,  ■g'rra  o3o. 
An  unripe  fruit.  -=s=Dtfj,  ^na  tfj. 
Great  dryness,  drought.  -=ff3aj, 
-■tf  nD  ej.  Famine.  -'5'Jow^,  ^rtj  oio°^. 
A  hard  gourd. 
^A     k.  11.    A    long,    tedious   speech    or 


literary  composition. 

^o  (=:B'rjj)  k.  Ji.  The  eye.  -tfra.  An 
eye-drop,  tear,  -^d,  '^orid.  A  side- 
glance,  leer.  -w=)raj,  -n^raj.  To 
perceive,  -"^dd,  '^oA:^^.  To  be  blinded, 
confused,  vexed;  to  be  afraid.  -A& 
?N>J.  To  blind,  bewilder,  confuse. 

^o^r®,  '^c'^^  s.  ?!.  An  ornament  of 
the  wrist,  bracelet.  2,  a  waist-tie. 
3,  a  crest,  trinket.  -w=)!3.  Borax. 
-rtjtSK).  A  partial  eclipse.  -^^-  -A. 
man  tying  a  kafikana  round  his 
wrist  for  any  auspicious  rites. 

^o'&'6  h.  n.   Gravel,   a  pebble. 

S'o^'^0.  =  ^o^'j^,  q.  V. 

^c^sc;  s.  71.  A  skeleton.  -zpti.  Who 
carries  the  backbone  of  Vishnu  :  Siva. 

^cu  k.  n.  An  ear  of  corn  stripped  of  its 
grain,     -wa.   To  thrash  out  corn. 


T^O^O"^  (^  =  CO)  k.  ?i.   The  armpit. 

^OA^,  5^oa5«  k.  ?i.  A  blind  man. 

'So7K^xio   k.n.  Displeasure,  anger. 

5o7\«)^  h.  a.  Poor  ;  poverty-stricken  ; 
weak.  ■B'onsej.  A  pauper.  -3?:. 
Pauperism,  wretchedness. 

^OAO.  =  'S'orracJj,  q.  v.  2,  the  heart- 
pea.  3,  the  Indian  millet  -'jrio,  =5*0 
mr\j.  To  become  angry  or  annoyed. 

'^o'Rzij^  see  s,  'S'o. 

'^oUsi^'d  m.  n.  An  ornamental  cordon, 

groove,  etc. 
'Si;^  s.   n.    The  hair    of    the    head.      2, 

matted  hair.       3,  a  binding,  a  band. 
3^£i3viN    k.  ad.     Smartly,    forcibly.      2, 

with   the   sound   of  treading  or   any- 
thing  falling  into  mud. 
^£^5^  k.  n.  A   dish  of  boiled  vegetables 

or  fruits  seasoned  with  salt,  pepper, 

"dtijjD  h.  ji.  Rubbish,  dirt,  straw.  -=!?ej?i. 

Worthless  business.    -iOii.  Municipal 

5'£S?&    {  =  ^iSjO)     h.    71.     A     hall    of 

audience,  a   court  for   administration 

of  public  business;  an  office.  -33jsSo. 

To  open  a  court  or  office  for  business. 

Cpds..-   -€ej?i,    -133*0,   -eru^js.^n. 
"a'd  f.  n.  The  long  Zedoary,  Curcimia 

^si  ri  (=  =5*!!^  d)  h.  «.  Filth,  rubbish. 
5^2:^  5    k.  n.  A  kind  of  vegetable  dish. 
g'ei  S?  (^=0=)  a.  k.  «.     An    honorary 

^2J^7>    h.  a.   Unripe,  green;  raw;    rude, 

rough;    tender;    minor,   less.     -?353o. 

A  seer  of  only  20  or  24  rupees'  weight. 

-'^ej'S.  A  clumsy  affair.     -rfjfij5i>.  A 

mean  man.     -e3=^.    A  rough  account. 
^£^0     k.    r.  «.    To  bite;   to  sting.      2,  to 

gripe,    ache,    as    the    stomach,     v.  i. 

To  join.  n.  Biting  ;  a  bite,  an  incision; 

a     notch;     a     wound.        2,    washing; 

water  in  which  rice  has  been  washed. 



-t?y,  ^i3Ti  y.  Quarrel.  -^:ij,  ■ts^'.St) 
2*3-  To  bite  one  another,  as  dogs; 
to  quarrel,    -'^li  ?to.  To  cause  to  bite. 


A    leafless  plant,  Kaemp- 

ferin  galanga. 
T^d    (lb.  of  ^ff*    &  ■5''^,)  n.  The  hem  of 
a    garment     tucked    into    the    waist- 


2,    a    female's    cloth, 

'o'e^.    (='5'ij     no.  1)    s.   n.    2,     marshv 

ground.        3,   the    bank    of    a    river, 
4,  a  tree.     -^ja.  Chasteness. 

'S'aiSi^  h.  ?i.    The    sash   worn   by  peons 

or  sepoys. 
"^^isiPi  (=  sjiaJS-d)  f.  n.    The  date  fruit. 

"S^ai  CJ  s.  H.  Lamp-black;   a  collyrium. 
^3i3  odJ   /".  ?i.    Bread.        2,    a   kind    of 

sweet  cake. 
'S'^  fib.  of  szi'ii^'r)  n.  Scab  (the  disease), 

itch,     -ioorfj'5'.  One  infected  with  the 

itch  and  always  scratching  it;   f.    -loo 

rfj*.     -SoO^.  Parasite  in  the  itch. 
tS^c^s  k.  «.  A  marble.     -5:?3j.    To  play 

'S'cEa  1.  k.  n.  A  kind  of  bitter  and  sour 

^oeJ    2.    (<&.    ©/■    =ff«)o"^)    ?i.    The   town 

Conjeveram.      -ijo;'^.    A  small  white 

"^o&^S)  h.  H.   A  dancing  girl. 
3'o2.333tf    s.  n.    The    mountain    ebony, 

Bauhinia  variegata. 
"Soi^O   (tb.   of  ^^o^A   n.    White   brass, 

bell-metal;  a  vessel  made  of  it.    -m^o 

TSDPiJ.  To  appear  or  come  suddenly  or 

like  a  flash.       -erodtf,  -0«?.  A  round 

vessel  of  "S^olSj. 
^otio'^    s.  n.     A    bodice,    jacket;     an 

5^o3i    s.  a.      Water-born.      n.   A  lotus. 

2,  Brahma.      -riqjr,  -cra'.fl,  -dj3?J3p<, 

90  =^ii 

*o;^j;ocitf.  Vishnu.  -a,  -uis,  -eru 
:3o±),  ^o^JB^ciol).  Brahma.  -sJ^O. 
The  moon.  -Ksj,  ^^osejS.  The  sun. 
3^U  1.  (=  *:!)  k.  »(.  End;  corner.  --JjSZQo, 
-^eioSj.  The  two  corners  of  the  mouth ;. 
a    cheeck. 

"^y  2.  s.  71.  A  twist  of  straw;  a  mat. 
2,  time,  season.  3,  the  hip.  4,  the 
temples  of  an  elephant.      5,  excess. 

^yt?  1.  k.  n.  A  butcher. 

3^y5'2.  (<f).  =aZir{)  s.  11.  A  bracelet, 
anklet.  2,  the  side  of  a  hill;  table- 
land. 3,  an  army.  4,  the  ocean.  5, 
a  tusk. 

3^U5'&S.  =  5Ji5'y,  q.  V. 

S^W^feS,  3^y^63  1.  k.  n.  Trouble,  annoy- 
ance; grievance,    distress. 

^y^S2.  k.  n.    A    railing,    balustrade. 

^yStSjs^rJ,  ^Uo20'5  s.  n.  The  medicinal 
plant  Helleborus  niget'. 

"^^■b  k.  n.  Irony;  derision.    2,  a  shrew. 

^^yS^O  1.  k.  n.  A  sort  of  white  or 
reddish  clay.  2,  dryness,  crispness, 
as  of  bread. 

5^y3^j2.  (/b.  «/■  *y^)  n.  An  ear-ring 
set  with  precious  stones  or  pearls. 

^ybfeS  (  =  ^W^13)  k.  n.  Annoyance; 
teasing.     2,  gabble. 

S'&o^'a  s.  w.  a  side-glance.  2,  kind 
regard,  favour,  ^sjs*  So.  To  look  at, 
to  favour,  regard. 

^&!Do3i?j  s.  n.  A  railing  to  lean 

S'&SOSJ^jO  b.  V.  t.  To  reap,  as  corn. 
2,  to  deduct ;  to  finish,  ^^ts^-  Cutting, 

'^foD0(='5'350)  h.  7i.  A  sort  of  dagger. 

S'&sSo  (=^3SCOo)  s.  n.  A  boiler  for 
oil  or  butter;  a  frying  pan.  2,  a 
hemisphere.  3,  nearness.  4,  opportu- 
nity, season. 

?r^l,  ^63  k.  V.  t.  To  cut  a  stone  with 
a  chisel.     2,  to  keep  the  mind  awake. 

S'^'j.  s.  n.  The  hip,  loins.  -ioo:;3.  A 
girdle;   a   zone  of    the    earth.    -^5)3. 




Lumbago,    -Jdjs^.  A  waist-band  worn 
by  females. 

?rUO,  ^Uo^  s.  a.  Pungent;  strong- 
soented;  biting;  bitter;  fierce.  2, 
disagreeable.      n.   A    pungent    taste. 

S'feS.eed  h.  n.   A  bowl  or  cup. 

End.  -'gd. 
Ttie  farthest  end;  at  the  very  end. 
-sro:3  d,  ^s^Uj,^  d.  A  final  answer. 

^W.'rf,  ^U,C®  k.  n.  A  building. 

S'y.eS,  ^y,^  (A-.  *Uj,)  k.  n.  An  order, 
command,  rule;  rate;  a  case.  2,  a 
weight  used  by  goldsmiths  or  jewel- 
lers. 3,  thick  butter-milk.  -i<3°ej.  A 
bag  for  keeping  weights,  etc.  -SjsSj. 
To  order.     8>^-.  Daily. 

"^^ /R  (ib.  of  ?3mi  €)  a.  Wood  or  timber; 
fuel;  a  stick.  -?^^^-  reil.  -nsc!,  -odosi. 
A  wood-seller,  -rijra,  -»3jfS?SJj.  A 
hard  heart;  obstinacy.  -^S^.  To  cut 

^yol.  (='5'^,     (l-v.)     k.  ?^.    Intensity; 

excess,  etc.  ^w,3;S,  ^2J,dra(..  A  thick 

jungle.    ^^WjOioO.     A    thick    kind    of 

porridge.    *^^)  '^^'^j  see  separately. 

*&39,^.  A   strict    order.      'S'fea.ol).  A 
w  a?  eo 

firm    resolution.      '5'&:|,^j.    A   strong 

^i3,=^jti«?o,.    To    obtain    merit. 

tO  V 


*e3"?,s?^oi-  Great    valor. 


S  d.  A  strict  order.    *Wo,33  ci.  Rerais- 

— e  ej    — = 

sion    of    land-revenue    on    account  of 

loss  by  failure  of    rain,   etc-     -»5jAj^. 

Excessive   pride.      -:;j;^-).     Strength. 

-eroajjooj,    ^Wj.sjjSo.  A    ffreat  noise 

-5oJS?.  A  strong  acid,  -sara^rt,  's'W^^rt. 

A  hard   task. 

?ryj,  2.  k.  V.  t.  To  bind,  tie;  to  affix;  to 
yoke;  to  construct,  build,  form;  to  dam 

in,  as  water;  to  shut  up,  as  a  door; 
to  lay  by,  deposit,  as  money;  to  re- 
strain; to  apply  to;  to  determine,  as 
price;  to  collect;  to  obtain;  to  bewitch, 
charm,  v.  i.  To  be  checked,  stopped, 
formed.  {=niir§JiVx.  To  embrace,  ^rs^ 

■ifjsoSj    5jj3^rtj,     To     conduct     away 

with  one's  self.  '5'l3.2ot)B'j.  =t&Jj,1,  v.  t. 

eo  eo   ' 

*^So.  To  cause  to  bind,  etc.  -^'i. 
Tying).  n.  Binding,  fastening;  re- 
straint. 2,  a  band,  tie;  a  boundary. 
3,  a  pack,  bundle.  4,  a  frame.  5, 
build,  form.  6,  a  regulation,  rule. 
7,  a    fiction.        8,  bewitching.    Cpds.: 

■*    cO'  E^       eo  60'  eJ' 

oi;:^j^Wj„  rSaSrfWj.,  Sorf)=^Wj,,  etc.  ^W, 
ej'  eO'  eo  e«j 

:iT^.  A  binding  written  agreement. 
's'y.t^.  Boiled  rice  tied  up  for  a 
journey.  =5'to|.rto.  To  become  a  rule; 
to  stop;  to  be  shut,  as  school. 
?r^|,a.  Rightly,  positively.  '5ra|,ri, 
■Sseirf.  A  necklace  of  small  gold 
beads.  -=5^:^.  A  fiction.  -siJSCaJ.  To 
bind,    tie;    to    restrain;    to    regulate; 

order,   -rfjoyj,.  Great  embarrassment, 

eo  ' 

strength.    -;3D?i.  A  wrapper  or  cover^ 

-^zo.  A  fictitious  term.     -B'eSjs.d.    To 
CO  eo 

break    a    rule;    an   association    to   be 

dissolved.      -*.   A    man   who   ties;  a 


g'yjS.  k.  «.  Soup  of  any  pulse.  ^^,c4. 
eo  k  J 

Boiled  rice  mixed  with  it  (cf.  s.  ^wj^). 

-ti?d,  -?ratfj.  Such  soup  seasoned  with 

salt,  pepper,  etc. 

5^63    k.  >i.  A  structure;    a  guard-house- 
2,  a   dam,   dike.      3,  a   bridge.      4,  a 

basin  round  the  foot  of  a  tree(=wt) 

^Tsw,  q.v.).     5,  a  pond.     Cpds.:  esE^-, 

y^j^t)-,  S>?tf-,   ?iJo^cS-,  etc. 

^K  ==5iy.«?,  q.v.  2,  a  law-suit,  case, 
oo*  ej    '  ^ 

3^-5S&.  =  ^^'''0;  q-  V- 

^a^S,  ^©fo  s.  a.  Hard;  stiff,  inflexible; 
violent;  cruel,  harsh.  -^,  -^.  Hard- 
ness; cruelty.  -ro^rfoiJ.  A  hard 
heart;  hard-hearted,  cruel.  "'^^^5 
-SJojXJj.  A  cruel  disposition,  -djs^rt. 
A  dangerous  sickness.  -aj9cSo.  To 
harden;  to  vex. 

'SSji^Ti  s.  a.  Hard;  stiff;  sharp;  cruel. 
2,  full.  -^o5.  Hardness,  severity. 
Cpds.:  -siJB^J,  -^3*^,  -'^'^« 





^rf  1.  k.  M.  A  debt.  2,  a  loan.  -tS«s?o. 
To    incur  debt,     -niirf.    A  debtor. 

"GTi  2.  k.  71.  A  ferry,  ford. 

^tS  3.  (=:^Co)  k.  n.  End,  corner. 

5't^  4.  (==5':Sj)  k.  )i.  Churning.  2, 
cutting.  -tIjb^OJ.  A  churning  stick. 
-^3^,  -rt^.  A  chopper-bill;  a  small 
crescent  knife. 

^Ti7\0,  S'c^CAO  k.  n.  A  channel  leading 
/  water  to  a  tree ;  a  ditch. 

^Tidi  k.  n.  A  wasp,  hornet. 

S^rfs  (cf.  '^^)  k.  Ji.  A  book  made  of 
folded  cloth  covered  with  charcoal 
paste.       2,  cutting;     a    cut,   incision. 

^c^jJO  (fr.  ■^a)  k.  a.  Steep;  upright. 
2,  hard,  rough,  severe,  firm.  n.  Steep- 
ness; uprightness;  hardness,  etc. 
-Txs^.  A  powerful  man;  a  harsh  man. 

'^xizjO.  P.  p.  of  ^5*3  or  "^d. 

^S^TiSO,  S'rf^  k.  71.  A  species  of  deer. 
^^200,  3^1^:200  k.  M.  A  cake  boiled  in 

?5^t^(yo  k.  71.  The  sea;  an  ocean,  -esrsjrt, 
is'ii^ejrsjr!.  The  moon.  -id.  A  wave 
of  the  sea.     -^€)7^.  Cuttle-fish  bone. 

"Sxid.  =  *J|,,  q.  V. 

^?S^?j.  ==5'aD??o,  q.v. 

^■rf^  (=  *Sio)  k.  w.  An  elk;  the  Indian 

^iirj^  k.  71.  A  young  cow  or  buiTalo  not 
yet  calved. 

^ZSS^'a  (  =  iuc55aja)  f.  ?i.  Strictness; 

^rn)050  (<b.  of  ^fc-1^)  ?^.  A  large,  round 

'^ZSS^'R,  ^t3^4  s-  n-  Wooden  shoes.     2, 

a  lathe;  turning. 
^Z3ti?jJ  k.  n.  A  skin  (to  sit  or  lie  on); 

also  ^tSi)^^. 
?*&  k.  V.  t.   To  bite,  bite  or  cut  off;   to 

sting,    as     a   bee;     to     pain,    as   the 

stomach;  to  gnash,  as  the  teeth.  2, 
to  cut,  hack;  to  chop;  to  dig,  as  a 
well;  to  pull.  V.  i.  To  itch,  as  the 
body.  P.  ps.  ^s'S,  ^ziuio,  ^acJj.  *S 
araW.  Altercation.  ^s^ansSo.  To  cut 
down;  to  fight,  wrangle.  ^a, '5'a:^, 
'^:^^.  A  cut,  bite;  a  chip,  piece,  bit;  a 
potsherd;  an  oblong  roll  of  cotton 
thread.  -3d.  A  leather-shield.  -^ 
Wo^.  The  impression  of  a  horse's 
hoof.     -oi);j^.  Grits  of  rice. 

5^a^0  (=  *:S^J)  k.  II.  Deficiency; 
want,  defect;  inferiority.  -sSjscSj.  To 
make  less,  decrease,  -odj^rfo.  To  be- 
come less.  --vl^Vo.  To  fall  short. 
sSz^j -.  More   or  less;    difference. 

^a^rore,  S^aodjsr®,  ^'aodJif^  k.  «.  A 
bit,  bridle.  -23^=5^0.  To  bridle,  -si*?, 
-J2?s2»a.  To  pull  in  the  reins. 

^ili  (  =  tfyj.)  k.  71.  Firmness;  intensity; 
vehemence;  swiftness;  abundance,  ex- 
cess, ad.  Greatly;  swiftly.  '"^^i- 
Great  trouble.  -"S*^.  A  great  thief. 
-^5^j.  A  heavy  loss.  -^JB^sj,  -r^JS^Sj. 
Great  wrath.  -'n's.d,  -ri^d.  Great 
darkness.  -riO.  A  great  hero.  -r\sk. 
Great  trouble.  -^JcSod,  -rijciod.  A 
swift  horse.  -r1°a.  A  very  mischievous 
person.  -J^s?.  Severe  cold.  -traOii.  A 
talkative  tongue.  -clra^sS.  Acute  pain. 
-5J33^,  -5je>5j.  A  heinous  sin.  -srs^.  A 
notorious  sinner.  -sixasj^.  A  big 
fool.  -53?rs.  Great  swiftness.  -Sjs?^. 
Great  grief.  -SoCe.  A  very  stupid 

"^Ti^^o  k.  71.  A  cut,  piece;  a  bit;  a 
headless  trunk. 

^rfj^  ^-  "•  Force,  vehemence;  severity; 
pride;  great  valor. 

^1^0200.  =  T?StOJ,  q.  V. 

S'cSl.  (— ^U  1)  k.  M.  End,  termination; 
limit;  direction;  place,  a.  Last,  low, 
ulterior;  inferior.  -rir^^Jj.  To  look 
upon  as  inferior,  slight;  to  end-  -rra 
rJ?;j.  To  finish,  accomplish.    -r(js.  To 




the   very   last;     totally.       -ii.    Aside; 

towards;    in    the  end,  at  last,  finally. 

'^dA  :if,.  To  rescue.       -ri  5oJ3°rtj.  To 

go  last;  to  go  aside,     -^ci"^.  Until  the 

end.     -cSjs^y.  A  side  glance.  -Cje)i3^j, 

-3o305j;^o.         To    cause    to    pass    by, 

through    or  over;  to  save.        -nji^o, 

-SojWj,.  The  youngest  child.      =^d^€. 

A  common  form  of  ^dcxl)©^.      oiSri:^. 

The  left  side,     toortc^.  The  right  side- 

^zfs.  h.v.t.  To  churn;    to  stir;   to    rub 

together,   as   two    pieces   of   wood   to 

excite   fire.        2,   to   turn   in    a    lathe- 

3,    to     pass     over;     to    get    through. 

V.  i.  To  fall  down,  sink.      53j3=irf-.  To 

churn  curds,    n.  Churning.  -r^J3?t)J.= 

=5'3rtj3?ajJ  s.  =5^cS4.        -'JSajj.     Turning 

a  lathe;  also  tfraso^. 

^c^    k.  ?i.  A    clown,  blockhead;   an  un- 
polite    man.       2,    a   pitfall   to   catch 

elephants.      -sSjaSj.   To  make  a  dolt 

of  one.  =D^C3^  W-  Obstinacy,  pertinacity; 


'S'cSS  odJ  k.  n.  Force,  compulsion,  ex- 
action.  -n'Sii.  An  outrageous  man. 
-jjvjsz^j.  To  force,  constrain. 

^5  (tb.  of  =5=tiS)  n.  A  small  stick,  fibre 
of  a  leaf  or  a  bit  of  a  haulm.  -53tj 
no,  -oijtfrtj.  Stick  lac;  a  stick  of 
sealing  wax. 

^S  (  =  =s^:aej)  k.  V.  The  Bengal  gram  or 
chicken-pea,     Cice7'  arietinum. 

^^  (=  *C3J,  q.  V.)  k.  n.  The  eye;  a 
mesh.  -^iJar^,  -^si  .  A  collyrium  for 
the  eye.  -^'jei.  The  socket  of  the  eye. 
-^jc3if.  The  inner  or  outer  corner 
of  the  eye.  -r^a^oJ,  ^orla^r'o.  To  blind, 
bewilder,  confuse.  -'•^^-  ^  smile 
of  the  eye.  -isisc^j.  A  faint  notice. 
"^c^  d,  ^r^^  c3.  Distinctly,  clearly. 
^d  Sj.  To  fix  the  eyes,  ^d  e^o.  Tears. 
=o=j3J  loj,.  An  eye-brow.  'S'raj  0.  Smart- 
insT    of     the    eve;      envy,  '^n  dj, 

^f^  d.  An  eye-lash,  eyelid.  -Si6.  A 
web  or  film    of   the  eye.     -c3d,  -zSi^J. 

To  open  the  eyes.      -5jJJ"^j  .   To  shut 
the  eyes.     -^^.,  -?5o3j.  A  wink. 

^0©  1.  s.  n.  A  grain,  single  seed;  a 
particle,  a  granule;  an  atom.  2,  a 
drop,  spark,   a.  Small. 

3^ro  2.  k.  n.  A  piece  of  cloth  for  a 
female's  bodice,  as  dsSu?-. 

^f*3  3.  C<&.  o/"  ajej)  n.  A  thrashing  floor; 
a  battle-field;  a  misty  halo  round 
the  moon. 

^reS'  k.  n.  Dough,  especially  of  whea- 
ten  flour. 

5r®5^5is  a  ( =  ^raJtfS  e3)  k.  ?J.  A  flitter- 
mouse,  bat. 

S'roAS;,  ^^TOTse)  k.  «.  a  shrub  yielding 
Tapioca,  the  bitter  cassava  plant. 

T5'o®T\e3  k.  n.  Fragrant  oleander,  Nerium 

S^f^S^i  s.  n.  A  corn-bin,  i.  e.  a  cylin- 
drical structure  for  storing  grain, 
a  granary,  barn.  -Sjt?.  A  wasp. 
-sstfj.    To  store  grain. 

S'f'S  So  (— T?rf)53j,  15^^55)  k.  n.  A  hill-pass, 
gap,  ditch. 

u^?53  k,  mt.  Lo!  indeed! 

^rJ  1.  k.  ?(.  Sight,  spectacle;  ominous 
sight;  divination,  sooth.  -'^^^J.  To 
ask  for  a  divination.  -i^i'-PJ.  To 
divine.       -nsC.  A  fortune   teller;    f. 

^rf  2.  k.  n.  A  knot,  tie.     2,  a  stone. 
^f^  3.    (lb.  of  sj?j)   n.  A  ditch;  a  mine. 
^fj  4.  f.  n.  An  atom;   grits;   a  trifle. 
^rf^  k.  H.  The  stalk  of  the  great  millet 

deprived  of  its  ear. 
^rSSo,  S'f^S.  =^f353o,  q.  V. 
S'f^so^rl^^J.  ^  tfrs^S  a,  q.  V. 
3^5?    k.  M.    A    stick;     an    arrow.      2,  a 

wooden   roller  of  an  oil-mill. 
3'oy  r^?*-  o/'  TS'od)    n.   An    iron   style  for 

writing  on  palm-leaves.      2,   the  neck 

of  a  vessel. 
"dok^i   3.  n.    A   thorn;    the  point  of   a 

needle.       2,    a   foe.       3,    annoyance, 



obstacle;  danger.  4,  a  hunter.  -^O. 
A  jack  fruit.  *oiJ*.  An  awn;  a 
troublesome  woman. 

^oUssQ  -'^.  s.  n.  A  sort  of  prickly 
nightshade,  Solarium  jacquini. 

^oUe3,  'S'cB  k.  ?(.  A  double  bag  carried 
across  a  beast. 

S'cto  s.  n.  A  species  of  Solarium.  2, 
the  Acacia  catechu.  3,  any  thorny 
shrub.  4,  a  kind  of  gold  ornament 
for  the  breast,     a.  Thorny",  annoying. 

xS'oUj  k.  n.  An  offset  in  the  wall  of  a 
well  or  at  the  foot  of  a  wall;  a 
flight  of  stairs  leading  to  a  well. 

^O^  (tb.  ^osJ)  s.  M.  The  throat.  2,  the 
neck  of  a  vessel.  3,  an  iron  style 
for  writing.  4,  guttural  sound.  5, 
the  body.  -sjsgJ.  Learning  by  heart. 
-Sj3e3.  A  necklace,  -ajrt,.  Embracing. 
-^J3^^.  Vain  talk.  -^JtS^.  The  thread 
worn  by  wives  round  their  peck;  the 
sacrificial  thread.  's'cSjs^^  <..  The 
vowels  lo,  io,  and  ?o. 

S'o©  s.  n.  A  collar;  a  necklace.  *o9°!iS. 
Roaring  from  the  throat;  a  lion. 
^oS^dsiDBCxio.  N.  of  a  Mysore  king. 
=5^095^5309 KJOFi  Bora.  A  gold  fanam 
(4 1  Anas). 

^oTi  1.  k.  n.  Flesh,  meat. 

'ucTi2.  (p.  a.  of  =s^V5o).   Seen;   he  saw. 

^cTS  3.  {tb.  of  ajo:^,  q.v.)  -3jo:So  SJeiS'a 
2^0.  To  speak  so  that  further  argu- 
ment becomes  futile.  -^^,  d.  Sucrar- 

S'o'rfFj  k.  »•  Final  settlement,  treaty. 
Cpds.:  -Sj^,  -sSra,  dc. 

^©■rfeS  k.  «.  A  kind  of  bill-hook  or 

S'ccil.  k.  «.  A  chink;  a  hole;  an  open- 
ing, gap. 

^o5  2.  f.  n.  A  measure  of  capacity  and 
weight.    2,  a  certain  timber-measure. 

^cci^  k.  n.  A  ball  of  thread  put  into 
the  weaver's  shuttle.  2,  (fr.  'ffQ) 
a  piece. 

?roa^  (=  soo&t,  fr.  =^cij)  k.  n.  Firm- 
ness, positiveness,  strictness,  certainty. 
-53j33o.  A  decisive  word, 

^oa?jO  (=  ajoa^^j)  k.  v.  t.  To  settle,  as 
the  price  of  a  thing. 

^orfo  k.  P.  p.  o/"  r^"5rsj,  q.  V. 

"^cZioTi  k.  H.  A  measure  of  capacity 
equal  to  twenty  kolagas. 

S'otSodJ  k.  /(.  A  kind  of  sword.  2, 
large  extent. 

^OcfjseeJ    f.  n.    A    basket    for    holding 

grain;    a    store-room.       2,    a    weight 

from  20  to  28  maunds. 

^rJ  k.  n.  A  rope,  cord;  a  neck-rope. 

'S'r?  pXio  k.  n.  Tears.  -??j3?uJ.  Tears 
to  flow.  -'a:eO,  -3rfj,  -KoOKo.  Tears  to 
shed.      See  s.  '^t^. 

^r>S.i  {  =  ^FS^,  q.  c.)  k.  n.  The  eye;  an 
eye-like  knot  in  sticks,  etc;  a  small 
hole,  an  orifice;  a  mesh.  -'b'Wj,.  To 
shut  or  bewitch  the  eyes;  to  deceive; 
jugglery.  -^li^ci^.  A  juggler.  -=?=> 
rso.  The  eye  to  see.  --i^.  To  assume 
an  angry  look.  ^s^cS  ^bj.  An  evil 
eye.  -B'jtfo, .  The  eye  to  be  dazzled,  as 
by  the  rays  of  the  sun.  -n^s3.  Faint 
ing,  swoon.  -nj3o.  The  eye-ball. 
-As^o'^.  The  pupil  of  the  eye.  -tS-'?? 
5^,  -lS^cS.  Pain  of  the  eye.  -»jB8o  , 
-h^xij,  -r^'-fJj.  Rheum  of  the  eye. 
-iJjotiJ,  -^JioJ,.  Dimness  of  sight. 
-53jj;S3  e3.  A  kind  of  blindman's  buflf. 
-Xf^.   A  sign   made  with  the  eye,    a 

rtoWo  2o9t-=#j3^Jv  To  frown. 


-2oJS5^.  A 

white  spot  on  the  eye-ball.      -sSjs^rtJ. 

To  lose  the  eye-sight.     -oi^^J .  *ri  ^ . 

To  lift  up    the    eyes.      -sSj6    sSjbcSo. 

To     hide    from    view.  -^jsd.    To 

twinkle  the  eye. 
S'roj  "^7^.^. ~ '5'ra*53  a,  q.  V. 
??f?   k.  n-  A  clot,   lump,  as  of  jaggory, 

flesh,  etc. 
^:^^  s.  H.  The  clearing  nut  tree,  Slrych- 

nos  potatorum. 




^^£3  h,  «.  A  writ  of  agreement,  written 

^S'^^sSr  (=f^zizir)  h.  n.  Strife,  conten- 
tion;   controversy. 

3'S(=aj>3)  k.  n.  Anger,  wrath. 

S'i^  D  (  =  *^,  /b.  o/'  TS'drO)  H.  Scissors, 
sliears;  a  rat-trap.  -^°i)-  A  pick- 
pocket. -'J3353!0.  A  gold  ornament 
worn  near  the  top  of  the  ear.  -?iJ. 
To  cut  with  scissors;  to  cut;  to  shear; 
to  pick,  steal. 

^^  «3  (^^  <ziS)  k.  n.  Darkness.  Sjoort 
^eS.  Darkness  after  sunset.  cooTi^  s3. 
Darkness  before  dawn.  -yrij.  To  be 

'^'S^  ^  k.  ?t.  The  Barbadoes  aloe.  2, 
the  small  aloe. 

^B     (tb.   of  v^)  n.    A  knife;  a  razor; 

a    sword.       -'^^^'    To    gird    on   one's 

sword;  to  be  hostile.    -So^.  A  religion 

established    by    the    sword    or   force. 

-?3e)t;Stf,    -?;e)qSc^.    Sword    exercise.       t3 

J^-.  A  naked  sword.    -23t;^j.  To  draw 

la  iQ 

a   sword.      -zi^izLi'^o,    -^^.  To  pierce 

with  a  sword. 

^i^o   1.  k.?i.  The  neck,  throat.    -^^JSOdoj,. 

To  cut  the  throat. 

^gO    2.  k.  V.  t.   To  inflame,  kindle. 


S'^J    3.    h.  11.  "Writ;    a   writinjc.        2,  a 

kind  of  hand-writing. 
^^.0  &.  tb.  of  ^Sj3,0,  a.  V. 

D  — 

^S  k.  n.  An  ass,  donkey.  --o-Ouj,  -=5*J 
dJlo.  The  hyeena;   a  kind  of  deer. 

tf'Sj.  =^3  0,  q.  V. 

^q^jj  s.  «.  Telling,  relating;  narration, 
tale.     ^^^.  A  story-teller. 

3^^  s.  n.  A  speech;  a  tale,  story;  nar- 
rative. 2,  affair.  -^?^o,  *^?iJ.  To 
relate  a  story.  ^g'ip^oSd.  The  course 
of  a  story  or  conversation. 

'S'rf  k.  n.    The  leaf  of  a  door;  a  door. 

^Sj^d  k.  int.  Ha!  ha!  ha!  -?irtj.  To 
laugh  loudly.  =5*CjS^3^j.  To  shake, 
be  asritated. 

"^zizio    k.  V.  i.    To    be    shaken,    stirred' 

troubled;    to  become  turbid,    muddy, 

impure,    v.  t.  To  stir.    n.  Turbidness; 

mud.      2,  commotion,  tumult. 
^rf^   s.  n.    War,   fight.      -riO.    A  hero 

in  battle. 
^'rfoeo  (=  ^:Sot^)  s.  n.  The  tree  Nauclea 

cadamba.   2,  a  multitude.     3,  mustard 

seed,  turmeric. 
"^ti.TJCi  k.  n.  A  spindle.      2,  lustre. 
S'cieSr.  =  ^323r,  g.  v. 
^c3e3  s.  n.  The  plantain  tree  or  banana, 

Musa  sapientum.     2,  a  flag,  banner. 

3,  Siva.      4,  an  elephant. 
^cSaij  (=  ^'cSSj,  q.  V.)  k.  i'.  i.   To  move, 

shake.        ^cSsJii^^o.    To    move   about, 

shake,  be  unsteady.      'S'cSO^.  Motion. 

=^riQ7ij.  To  cause  to   move  or  shake; 

to   cause  to  become  turbid. 
^a  k.  V.  t.  To  steal.  P.  p.  ^rfj.   -*,  -rS. 

A  thief;  f.  -*. 
5'Q'dJ^    "^zixSo    k.  ?i.    A    spike   of  corn, 

ear.       2,    a   spindle.       3,  splendour. 
3^ae^00  h.  a.    Old,  ancient.  ^a^sJj.  An 

old    servant,  veteran.     ^a^cDo.   Long 

S'sSoeOJ  a.  k.    i\  t.   To  press;   to  distress, 

'uuioTio.  =  '^ddj,  q.  V. 
^S  a.  k.  V.  i.   To  join,  approach. 

^'cij    k.  P.  p.  of  *a. 

^rfOj  s.  a.    Brown,    tawny.       n.    N.  of 

Kasyapa's  wife. 
^^   k.  n.  Blackness,  ^f^::^.    The  black 

country:      Kannada    (Canarese),     the 

country    and    its    language;     Canara, 

the    Carnatic.       's'fS,  iSa?^.    Canarese 

g'fi   k.  n.    A  dream.        -^O'i.     Talking 

in   one's  sleep.        -SO^^o.    To  talk   in 

"^^"^   s.  71.    Gold.     2,   the  thorn-apple, 

Datura  metel   and  fastuosa.       3,  a  N. 

-:3d?;.     N.    of   a    Vaishnava    devotee 

who      composed       many      dasapadas. 


-3-^.  A  shower  of  gold.  ^ci'S^JpsS^'s^. 
Honouring  a  venerable  person  by 
pouring  gold-coins  on  bis  feet  or  head. 

tJjici.  =  *f3_a,  q.  v. 

^(iXi"^  k.  n.  A  pair  of  spectacles. 

^^"do  k.  71.  A  disagreeable  smell,  as 
that  of  burning  oil. 

S'jieJj  k.  c.  i.  To  chafe,  be  angry,  n. 

??r^?jJ  ( =  ^rS)  k.  71.  A  dream,  vision. 
-"rsnj,  -^oSj^jsVj,,  -jS^Vo.   To  dream. 

^^>k.  «.  Tender-heartedness;  pity,  kind- 
ness. -'S'cJ,  Pity,  compassion.  -"^^ 
sJ^j,  -T?0?3o.   To  have  compassion  on. 

S'^jsi  s.  n.  The  smallest  or  least,  the 
last  or  worst;  inferior,  base.  2,  the 
youngest.     -^,  *S)^.  The  little  finger. 

^o^,  3'c^o  h.  n.  A  fixed  term  of  pay- 
ment, instalment  (s^cOjn). 

^cSO  1.  k.  t\  i.  To  set,  as  the  sun,  etc. 
=5*0.^^.  To  extinguish. 

S'c^O    2.    s.  a.    Happy.      n.  The  heart. 

2,  a  granary. 

^c^  k.  »i.  A  bundle,  as  of  straw,  etc. 
'&o'$  s.  n.  A  rag,  patched  garment;    a 

thick  cloth  made  of  quilted  rags. 
^crfl.  k.  n.  A  young  child;  a  term  of 

endearment  for  grown-up  children. 
S^osS    2.  s.  n.     A    bulbous    or    esculent 

root,    bulb.        2,    a    lump,    swelling. 

3,  a  kind  of  metre.  -s3.>Jiej.  A  radish 
and  other  esculent  roots. 

S'crfS'  h.  n.  A  ditch,  trench. 
^'cdd  s.  n.  A  cave,  glen;  a  valley. 

T?oS£;o  k.  )(.  A  small  earthen  water- 

^oc^)ts^Ti  h.  n.  Military;    police. 

"^cuDoio  h.  71.  Tribute;  tax,  land-tax. 
2,  a  space  of  four  months. 

5ca  k.  n.  A  cow  that  has  calved.  a. 

S^cat?  k.  n.  Fading,   faded  state. 

'S'ociJ  1.  k.  V.  i.  To  be  burnt  or  scorched; 
to  turn  black,  as  the  body.     2,  to  wan, 

fade,  wither,  wane.     n.  Discoloration 

by     scorching;     blackness;     want    of 

lustre.      2,  lowness  of  spirits,  sorrow. 

-^jo:ij.  Stains  and  deficiencies.     -'^%- 

Impure  silver. 
75^0^0  2.  k.  n.  A  calf.    2,  young  plantain 

trees.     3,  the  foetus  of  beasts. 
^c::io  3.  f.  n.  An  iron  plate  for  baking 

"S^odselo  h.  n.  A  money-bag,  purse. 

^?^j  k.  n.  A  hole  made  by  burglars  in 
a  house-wall,  -'s's?^,  -:5j3?0.  Burglary. 
-riS^O.  A  burglar's  instrument,  -nsd, 
^s'cSji^?:^.  a  burglar.  -€js3,  -3j3=tfj. 
To  break  a  hole  in  a  wall  for  burglary. 

^?i^'rf.  =  ^c3*,  q.  V. 

S^Rqcj  (  =  ?'?ia)  k.  n.  A  looking-glass, 
mirror;  a  pair  of  spectacles. 

S'c^^Sa  k.  n.  A  man  of  Kannada  coun- 
try; f.  ^c^a?s3. 

S'fr^Sjdo  k.  r.  t.  To  translate  into  Kan- 
nada.     2,  to  mirror. 

3^Sh^,  'S'^lfn^.  =  *f3,,  q.  V. 

^c5o  s.  n.  A  girl,  maiden,  virgin.  2, 
the  sign  of  the  zodiac  Virgo.  -^?i- 
Maidenhood.  ^o5«'i<^J»S'J30.  Cape  Co- 
morin.  '5'o5'?';^3??i.  Giving  a  srirl  in 
marriage.  ^oS=>c^3-     A     vow     of 


3^^'jJ  s.  n.  Fraud,  deceit,  hypocrisy, 
disguise,  dissimulation.  -nsS,  -;^, 
=5^5513.  A  deceitful  man,  hypocrite. 
-^^,  -^_,.  Deceitfulness.  -33^^.  Dis- 
guise.     ^^5iy.  Sincerity. 

^jj."^  h.  n.  An  article  of  apparel,  cloth. 

^rsirf  f.  n.  A  sort  of  cloak  dyed  with 
kavi  and  worn  by  lingayita  priests 
or  ascetics. 

^3ie3,  "^hfi  k.  n.  An  apparatus  for  rais- 
ing water,  consisting  of  pulley,  rope 
and  leathern  bucket,  worked  by  oxen. 
-rasfS.  The  leathern   bucket.       -3oJt3, 




^sroy  s.  71.  The  leaf  of  a  door;  a  door. 

2,  an  almira. 
^ajS<S)  s.  n.  The  skull.      2,  a  cup,  jar, 

pot;  a  lid.      3,  a  potsherd. 
^2:   s.  n.    A   monkey.       -rfJOwi,.  A  firm 

grasp.        -»3jjM),rratf.     An     obstinate 

"^h^  s.  n.  The  wood-apple  tree,  Feronia 

"^hti  s.  w.  Brown,  tawny.       n.  N.  of  a 

rishi,    the    founder    of    the    sankhya 

philosophy.     "tf^sS.  A  brown  coloured 

"^h^  s.  a.  Brown.     71.  Incense. 
"S^^e^  k.  71.  A  dove,  pigeon. 
S'^ea'  s.  n.  A  cheek. 
^3ivl.  k.  n.  Tribute;  also     -'?^rJ=#. 
^3j,  2.  k.  n.  A  ring  of  wire  for  the  wrist 

or  feet. 
"^A"^  (tb-  of^^rbi)  n.  A  tattered  cloth. 
^3j,Ti  (tb.  of'^^T^)  n.  A  large  potsherd. 
^sgv  1.  k.  V.  t.  To  dig.     71.  A  hole  in  the 

ground,  pit.     -tfjs?.  A  hole  for  catch- 
ing elephants. 
^s^v  2.  k.  ?i.  Blackness;  the  black  colour; 

collyrium.     a.  Black. 
^4\  3.  =  'S'^  1,  g.  w. 

??33^^  k.  71.  A  frog.  -^s'rsj .  Tory  large 
eyes.  -=5^Ji5.  A  frog-shaped  boil. 
-z^^ .  A  bivalve  shell.  -2oJE90.  A 
spreading  sore  in  the  palm  of  the 
hand  or  sole  of  the  foot. 

=tf^  s.  n.  Phlegm. 

^80*  k.  71.  Blackness.  2,  a  stone,  ^'w. 
■k'  A  rose-finch.  ^io^?ioO.  The  wave- 
leafed  fig-tree,  Ficus  infectoi'ia. 

S'SO^,^  k.  ad.  In  a  snatching  manner. 
-^J^j  .  To  bite  snatchingly,  as  a  dog. 
-pioorio.    To  gulp  quickly,    as  beasts. 

^aOoqi  s.n.  Water.  2,  a  cloud.  3,  a 
headless  trunk. 

S^EO'd  h.  M.  A  Muhammadan  tomb. 

^20Q  s.  m.  A  knot  of  braided  hair. 

^20TjO  h.  «.  News,  information.  2, 
attention.  -:3e!Ci.  A  careful  or  strict 
man.  -niio*.  Take  care!  mind! 
-l3^0.  Carefulness,  strictness. 

^5^200  f<&.  of  *53ej)  M.  A  mouthful;  a 
bolus,  pill.     ■5'loO;^j.     To  eat,  devour. 

3'S37):^  f.  H.  A  bullock  or  horse-load  of 
grass,  etc.  ^losa,  -rS.  A  person  who 
brings  and  sells  it;  a  milk-man. 

^eOjaiOJ  h.  H.  Agreeing  to;  consent, 
agreement;  also  ■s'wjsO.  -e^rij.  To 

^tSjae^  k.  »i.  A  blind  man. 

•3^20  .  <b.  o/"  =535S»,  q.  V- 

3^20  •&,  k.  w.  A  rose-finch,  starling;    see 

S.     ^23*. 

^83^A  (tb.  of  '^^)  71.  A  poet. 

^83,0®  ■5'20J,?J  k.  n.  Iron.  --n-W .  Rust 
of  iron,  dross. 

^200,  k.  n.  Sugarcane.  "s^tS,^  So^oo. 
Juice  of  sugarcane. 

S^^JUJ,  "S^^JOWj  h.  H.  Rancidity,  smell 
of  burnt  oil  or  ghee. 

^j^oor^a),  "S^docc^eJO  s.  n.  An  ascetic's 
water-pot.  FLno-. 

^o^o^)oojo  s.  a.  Desirable;  lovely,  pleas- 

"^"^yda  k.  V.  i.  To  be  burnt,  scorched. 
n.  Scorchedness;  the  disagreeable 
smell  arising  from  burnt  oil,  etc.; 
also  '5^SjjO=#,  -rl. 

S'^Jfi)  s.  ?i.  The  lotus,  Nelu7nbiu)n 
speciosu7n.  2,  water.  3,  the  moon. 
--3^,  =tfo3oC3'5;.  Vishnu;  lotus  seed. 
-orazji,  tfsSjd^S.  Vishnu.  -rstjJF,  -js, 
-:fi53,  ^dos3j3$ris»i.  Brahma.  -'J33o^»i, 
-^^^,  -^sj.  The  sun.  -sS^O.  The 
moon.     *tt5jCt)Uo3j,  ^s^sijeS.  Lakshmi. 

S'^rec^J  h.  ?i.  A  bow;  an  arch,  a  vault; 
a  spring,  as  of  a  watch;  a  fiddle-stick. 

S'^JsOSOoU  na.  n.  Collection  of  the 
revenues.  -CJtitf.  A  sea-custom  super- 
intendent; a  toll-collector. 

^o3i,  S'ozj^,  S'ossoJJdJs^  s.  71.  Trem- 
bling, tremor,  quaking.  ^oh^^j. 
To  tremble,  etc. 





^o^  k.  n.  A  bad  smell.     2,  fragrance. 

3*080,  tb.  of'^ov^,  q.v- 

^oaDS)  k.  11.  An  eye-drop:  tear.  -ijsd. 
To  wipe  tears.  -'3 So,  -'^'S^i,  -rtO, 
-rijO.  To  shed  tears,  weep. 

^'oWe;,  3*020^  s.  n.  A  blanket,  cumley. 
2,  a  dew-lap.     -3oj°^.    A    caterpillar. 

^OSOS;'  k.  n.  Daily  hire  or  wages.  -A^tf. 
A  day-labourer. 

^o83  k.  ?i.  Wire,  an  iron  band;  a  bar, 
rail;  the  bridge  of  the  nose.  2,  a 
stripe  running  parallel  with  the 
border  of  a  cloth,  3,  a  thick  bamboo 
laid  across  the  shoulder  for  carrying 
burdens.  4,  a  club,  mace.  -rt.  A 
mace  bearer,  doorkeeper.  -'STit.  A 
karabi    bearer.       -oijzco  ,  "b^ow^o  ,  A 

la  la 

plate  with  holes  for  drawing  wire. 

^oEj5    {tb.  of  5)°"-i^)    "•    -^    post,    pillar. 

-5gpc3.  Worship  paid  to  the  first  pillar 

when  erecting  a  building. 

^zij.TTOTi.   ='5^5iJ3,tf,      g.  v. 
i,  e  '     ^ 

5*^0^,  ^^^^k.  ad.  Fragrantly,  deli- 

3»5j,  y  k.  n.  Coinage;  mint.  =5^530. 13. 
'6  "  e. 

A  coiner. 

'^'^\'^:i   h.  n.  The  loins,  waist,     -i^oxi. 
A  waistband,  belt. 

Sttijj.'d  {tb.  o/'^53jF'ffe)d)w.  A  blacksmith. 
-rrad.   The  workshop  of  a  blacksmith. 

S'.DO,  h.  n.  Deficiency,     -■s.'^k .  More  or 


T^o5oJ,    k.  »i.  Fragrance,  r.  i.  Breath  to 
be  fragrant. 

^odj<  1.  (  =  €o±i«)  k.  V.  t.  To  do, 
^odj^2.  (^•cojo*,  =^^)  k.  ?i.  The  hand. 

^cdo*3, 'S'OSO  (^^,  g.  1-.)  k.  )i.  Bitter- 
ness;  a/so  =tfo3o,  -i3^d).  Neem  or 
margosa  tree;  also  t3;d;. 

^■61.  ^..P.p.of  ^d.  -=^J3°^J).  =^3cSj 
'^j5Vj>.  -"^JSoSjiotfj.  To  bring  along 
with  one's  self.  -"^JSoSo  SoJS^rto.  To 
conduct  away  with  one's  self.  -SdJ, 
To  calland  bring. 

^■0  2.  s.  n.  Doing,  making  (*  ^.).  2,  the 
hand  (i^^,  "^oij*).  3,  the  elephant's 
trunk.  4,  tax;  royal  revenue.  5,  a 
ray  of  light.       6,  a  cloud. 

^"dS^T?  k.  M.  Grief,  trouble;  worrying, 
annoyance.  -SjsSj.  To  vex.  ^d^ 
Osii.  To  feel  remorse;  to  be  grieved. 

^■rf^O  k.  n.  Cinder;  the  crust  formed 
on  cooking  pofs.       2,  calcined  drugs. 

S'iJA  {tb.  of  *d*)  n.  A  kind  of  water- 

S'-rfAPi  (=r!rfr!^,  <b.  of  =^^:^)  ?i.  A  saw. 
-ci  sowo.  The  teeth  of  a  saw. 

"ST^aO  k.  I',  i.  To  be  dissolved;  to  melt; 
to  melt  away;  to  become  softened  to 
pity  or  love;  to  wane,  as  the  body; 
to  pine  away  for  grief;  to  languish. 
^s'dA^Jo.  To  cause  to  be  dissolved;  to 

"^TJlS^ZiOS^  k.  n.  A  small  pancake. 

^•dU  s.  n.  The  shell  of  a  coooanut. 

^jiii^  s.  n.  A  crow.  2,  N.  of  a  jackal 
in  the  Hitopadesa;  a  backbiter. 

"^"dzi  k.  n.  Dried  fodder-grass. 

S^'dS  k.  71.  A  bear.    -SjO.  A  bear's  cub. 

S'riS:^  (tb.  of  =5*^0:0=5)  n.  A  basket 
or  covered  box;  a  casket  or  small 
box  of  metal  or  wood. 

^■dc^O  1.  k.  a.  Rough,  uneven,  hard; 
waste,  useless.  -=5srij:S.  A  waste  paper. 
-io3.  To  write  roughly.  -jJoj3j^. 
Rough,  inferior  pearl. 

3*dt^0  2.  f.  a.  Rough,  as  an  account,  n. 
A  day-book;  scrawling  ;  a  scrawl. 

^dr®  s.  n.  Making;  causing.  2,  an 
instrument,  means.  3,  an  organ  of 
sense;  also  ^dri^oa^ol).  4,  cause, 
motive.  5,  a  scribe.  6,  a  rhythm; 
dramatic  action. 

^TJrJ  s.  n.  Doing.  2,  =^:i^^.  3,  a 
mason's  trowel;  also  '^Onf. 

'Sxi^'^,  '^Tid^'S  s.  n.  A  writer;  a 
village  clerk;  the  head  native  official 
of  a  district  collector's  oiBce. 




^rS  1.  k.  n.  A  clot,  lump.  2,  a  ball 
made  of  iron  filings,  nnd  rice  flour 
and  rubbed  on  tambours  to  make 
them  sound  well. 

S'ldro  2.  h.  n.  The  large  brass  trumpet 
which  sounds  the  bass. 

^■dSO  s.  n.  The  palm  of  the  hand. 

^■dsse;,  -^  a.  n.  A  cymbal.  2,  beating 
time  by  clapping  the  hands. 

T^-dzio.  P.  p.  of  =^6  1. 

"^"^ihf^  s.  n.  A  flat  piece  of  wood  for 
cripples  to  rest  their  hands  on. 

S'TJeOoa^O  h.  n.  The  musk-melon. 

S^'d'doSo  s.  n.  A  finger-nail. 

^d^etJ  s.  n.  A  fragrant  oleander. 

^t^5o  k.  n.  Calling,  inviting. 

S^oasijab  f.  n.  A  sword.  2,  a  man  of 
positive  speech.  '^O'si^Jstj.  Positi- 

u^troS  s.  n.  A  class  of  Brahmanas. 

^Tj^TJ,  'S'cB'rfo  h.  n.  A  promise;  an 
agreement.   -^sSo.  A  written  contract. 

S'Tjtie),  5d3^  s.  a.  Great,  large,  2, 
formidable,  dreadful.       3,  crooked. 

^ODCJoSO?:^,  ^'CXiT^eJoSO^  s.  h.  a  helping 
hand;  helping;  support. 

^T^B^'t?  k.  71.  The  seacoast  region  or 
that  of  the  banks  of  a  river, 

^5  1.  s.  V.  i.  To  be  scorched,  burnt. 
2,  to  fry,  roast.  3,  to  dig.  P.  ps. 
^Ocij,  's'O^j.  ^0;^.  To  cause  to  fry 
or  roast, 

^a  2.  (=  ^d)  k.  11.  Blackness;  a  dark- 
blue  colour.  2,  charcoal.  Gen.  =5*0  Dd) 
or  *0?.  -^,  -Ti.  A  black  man;  f.  -i-, 
-l^.  -:3^0,  A  thorny  shrub  with 
fragrant  flowers,  Acacia  farnesiana ; 
the  babool  tree,  Acacia  arabica. 
-J^rl.  A  disease  of  the  cotton  plant. 
-i^^Oii.   A    potherb,    Nigella    saliva. 

-^Ooii3.  The  Malabar  cat-mint,  Aniso- 
meles  malabarica.  -:^J°vA).  A  small 
shrub,  the  holy  basil,  Ocimum 
sanctum.  -aS?S.  An  unpropitious  day. 
-cSj.  That  is  black.  -f3A.  A  wild 
shrub,  Gendarusa  vnlgaris.  -^^^. 
The  curry-leaf  tree,  Murraya  koenigii. 
-sjjri.  A  black  bead  worn  by  married 
women.  -Sotf.  The  ebony  tree.  -cd)J 
^CPrl?s:S.  A  Jamaican  plant,  Stachy- 
tarpheta  jamaicensis.  -odojsj).  A  kind 
of  black  sea-salt.  -00^.  The  American 
cotton-plant.  -»0.  To  tear  (i.  e.  do 
away  with)  unpropitiousness. 

T^b  S.s.n.  An  elephant,  -nooaj,  -sSrfri, 

^D  4.  (=  ?*e3»)  k.  n.  Vegetables  of  any 
kind.      2,  flesh,  curry. 

^5  5.  =  *i3,  q.  V. 

S'Bigo  P.p.  of  *0  1,  q.  V. 


?r&T^     (0=63^)     k.    n.   The     Huriallee 

"uSeTJ  s.  n.  A  tender  shoot  of  bamboo. 
2,  a  thorny  shrub,   Capparis  aphylla. 

'^'do  1.  k.  n.  Embossed  work,  bass-relief; 
a  puppet.  , 

Z'-do  2.  (ciJ=  eSJ)  k.  n.  A  calf;   also  *j. 

"^xioC^  ^"don  s.  w.  Pity;  compassion, 
mercy.  2,  favour;  pardon,  a.  Merci- 
ful, -So^.  Compassionate,  pitiable; 
a  compassionate  man.  =^tioc^^ji~. 
Pitiful.  -T?S,  =ffrfjf^=)OJ.  A  person  who 
possesses  pity ;  compassionate.  '^tJc^ 
=^d,    =5'C!jf^l5,     *OJto=)0100,     tftfo^ssSd 

rs^AioqSj.  An  ocean  of  mercy.  ^s'tforS 
^0.  To  be  merciful,  to  show  mercy  to. 

^■do^o  k.  n.  An  entrail ;  the  bowels. 
2,  love,  pity.  -:aJB^Q3io.  To  be  open- 
hearted;  to  show  mercy,  -oi*?.  Bowels 
to  yearn.  -"g^iJo.  To  restrain  the 

5^^0200,  ^■rfo  3200  (:iJ  =  SJ)  k.  r.  <.  To 
envy.  n.   Envy. 

^iS  1.  k.  I",  t.  To  call,  invite;  to  sound. 
P.  pS.  =5'dSj,  ^tiCiJ,  -^e?;^J,  -=5'e?Jco?ij. 




To  send  one  person  to  call  another. 
*d^,    ^0^.0,     ^3cej?ij,    '5'd^j.    To 
cause   to    call,    send    for.       -oljj^'f. 
^t3  2.  k.  n.  A  bank,  shore;  a  boundary. 

2,  the  border  of  a  cloth  or  blanket. 

3,  a  cow-house. 

3t3  3.  (=  tfO,  q.  V.)  k.  w.  Blackness;  a 
dark-blue    colour;    also  'S'^rl.  Cpds.: 

^   '        ^'  2/j'  a'  ' 

-SoO,  e^c.  -sSj.    The   black    dame:     a 

^tS  4.  (d=S33)  k.  I-.  «.  To  milk;  to  cause 

to  flow,  to  rain;  to  give  milk. 
^'Sjt^Ti  h,  n.  A  crore,  lakh. 
'S'^'ry,  S'^sry^    s.    ?i.    A    crab:    the 

sign  Cancer. 
^"Sf^   s,  a.    Hard,    firm.        2,    rough, 

harsh,  severe,  violent;  unkind.       -^. 

Hardness,  harshness. 
3^jse?"y  s.  n.  N.  of  a  serpent;   also  -'^• 

S'Si^F-TJ  (=tfiiJ3rf)  f.  ?i.  The  fruit  of  the 
date  tree. 

^P9?"  s.  n.  The  ear.  2,  a  helm,  rudder. 
3,  the  sun.  4,  N.  of  a  hero.  -ri:^. 
Come  to  the  ear.  -^jS3i3.  A  demon 
forced  to  communicate  by  whispering 
in  the  ear.  -^.rae3.  Ear-ache.  =s^fi°Fo 
a^olj.  The  organ  of  hearing. 

5f5Dry  (=^*t^C4)  s.  n.  The  Karnata 
country.  -*.  Belonging  to  K.;  the  K, 
language;  (also  -v^^)',  the  Karnata 
man.  -^J3?<ij.  A  matchlock.  -^B.'s^rfrs. 
Agrammarof  K.  language.  -tS^S.  K. 
country,     -qrado.  A    K.  verbal  root. 

^rJr,  "^riF^.  tb.  of  TS'rfe^,  "tfdrf^s',  q.  v. 

"S^F.  tb.  of  *^^r,  q.  V. 

'i^Ft)  (=  ^^0,  '^^,  q.  V.)  s.  n.  Scissors. 

^^F'^r  s.  a.  Fit  to  be  done.  n.  Obliga- 
tion, duty,  task. 

^^\r  s.  n.    A    doer,    author,    agent;    a 

creator;  a  master.  2,  an  agent, 
the  active  noun,  subject  (g.).  -3. 

'aZjSFTi  s.  n.  Cotton. 

^sgrTJ,  ^^r"d  s.  n.  Camphor.  -^^• 
Thick-leaved  lavender,  Lavendula 
carnosa.  -acs!^:^,  -Soscp^c^j.  A  cry- 
stallized gypsum. 

^»l)r  s.  n.  An  act,  action;  performance, 
business;  duty.  2,  the  accusative; 
the  objective  noun  (g.);  the  idea  of  the 
passive  voice  {g).  3,  any  religious 
action.  4,  sin.  -=5'5tf.  An  artisan, 
mechanic.  -r!a.  Fate.  -c5.  Skilful 
in  work;  scrupulously  exact  in  per- 
formance of  a  religious  rite.  -:3^?«i. 
Sin,  vice.  -q;!)dcxjj.  N.  of  a  class 
of  compounds.  -SJSrtr.  The  way  of 
works.  -:^33D*.  The  consequences  of 
actions.  -?3i!-3- .  The  sun.  -AS. 
Success.  'S'SJsroSa.  Fuseral  rites. 
tS^Cof.  Acting;  a  sinner.  tcDot^  .  Very 
active;  very  sinful.  =5's5j$roa,odo.  The 
organ    of  action. 

'S'sSorrf  s.  n.  A  verb  in  the  passive 
voice  (g.), 

^ziF ^  '&'^Ft^  s.  n.  Drawing,  dragging. 

"^^dF,   =  tf  dj^J,  g.  V. 

^6  (==5'oj^)  k.  n.  A  stone.  -^jUrt.  A 
mason,  -tj&ki,.  A  stone-trough,  -era 
dj.  The  bastard  aloe.  -SiSfS.  A  stone 
quarry.     -So«?.  Hail. 

^<V  s.  o.  Dumb.  n.  Gold.  2,  a  musical 
time;  a  melodious  tone,  as  humming, 
etc.  -'S'ocS.  The  cuckoo  (^J8?-^e3);  a  bee; 
a  swan;  a  pleasing  tone.  -^tJ.  A 
confused  noise.  -tfcstJ.  Twittering 
of  birds.     -tis3.    A  low  sweet  tone. 

'S'Oo',  "^O,  k.  M.  Mixture;  a  mixture  of 
unboiled  ingredients;  infusion  (mcd.). 

^O'StZ^  k.  n.  A  very  long  time.  ad. 
At  all  times,  permanently. 

tJOS^O  k.  V.  i.  To  be  agitated,  shaken, 
turbid,  etc.  v.  t.  To  agitate,  shake; 
to  stir  up,   disturb.       11.  Turbidness. 




-SjsSj,  T5'ej=5e):aJ.  To  make  turbid. 
=5'W3-?3o.    To  disturb,  stir. 

^t>o'^  s.  n.  A  stain,  spot,  mark.  2,  a 
fault,  blemish.     3,  fierceness. 

^(yAEi^o  k.  n.  The  water  in  which  raw 
rice  and  other  vegetables  have  been 
washed  and  mixed  with  strained  rice- 
water,  etc.  and  given  to  cattle. 

S'^'oaS  f.  n.  The  water-melon. 

S'ly^i  s.  n.  A  wife. 

e'cao^^o    h.  n.  A  mortar  and  pestle. 


^eJeSD^  k.  ?t.    Mixture,  as  of  cold  and 

hot  water.  [water. 

u'a'aio  f.  n.  White  rice  growing  in  deep 

'S'a'rfoo,  S'eJo  b.  n.  A  reed  pen;  a  pain- 
ter's brush.  2,  a  paragraph;  a 
distinct  head,  item.  3,  a  graft. 
-CTO?).  A    standish. 

^($j(SJO  h.  n.  Ruin,  loss. 

T^£J^  s.  71.  A  water-vessel,  jar,  pitcher, 
vase.  2,  an  ornamental  or  rounded 
pinnacle  on  the  top  of  a  temple; 
a  dome.  -cdps^.  The  rite  of  worship- 
ping a  water-pot.  -^.S^ .  The  rite 
of  fixing  a  dome  on  the  top  of  a 
temple,  etc.  -^s3c3.  A  rite  prelimi- 
nary to   ^v^^^. 

^£i?jj  k.  V.  t.  To  mix,  mingle,  n.  Mixed 
state.  '^t)^^ .  Boiled  rice  mixed 
with  tamarind,  chillies,  salt,  etc. 

^£;5d  s.  n.  Quarrel,  strife;  war,  battle. 
'^^ioTij.  To  quarrel.  [swan. 

"^e^Soo^j    s.  n.     A    kind    of    goose    or 

^£^^53oS  s.  n.   The  moon. 

^£/35°3^(«;n  s.  n.  Cleverness  in  the 
elegant  arts,  as  singing,  dancing,  etc. 

^SJ^Tj  s.  n.  Quarrel,  contention.  2, 
a  collection.  3,  an  ornament.  4, 
a  quiver. 

^£»320;^j  h.  n.  Silken  thread  covered 
with  gold  or  silver. 

^4)30:50,  S^e^sOSO  h.  n.  The  tinning  of 
brass  and  other  vessels.  -rrarf.  A 
tinner  of  vessels. 

^£;S(y  h.  n.  A  distiller  or  vendor  of 
spirituous  liquors. 

^i)t>A)  h.  n.  A  seaman,  lascar. 

^€>  1.  k.  I',  t-  To  learn,  study,  v.  i.  To 
be  mixed;  to  come  together,  to  meet. 
P.  p.  tfO^J.  n.  A  learned  man.  -"§, 
-;^.  Learning,  skill.  '^OTio.  To  teach; 
to  mix;  also  *wXo,  q.  v. 

S^sS  2.  s.  n.  A  warrior,  hero.  2,  the 
fourth  age  of  the  world,  the  age  of 
sin;  also  -cxJjjrt.  -^5^.  Valor,  hero- 
ism. -=53eJ.  A  time  of  sin  and  misery, 
the  age  of  vice. 

^e3;^J.  P.  p.  of  *£>,  q.  v. 

'S'tyosjl  s.  a.  Turbid,  muddy,     m.  Sin. 

^e3  1.  k.  71.  The  scar;  a  stain,  taint. 

3'e32,  'SCJi)  s.  71.  A  small  part;  a  six- 
teenth of  the  moon's  orb.  2,  a 
measure  of  time.  3,  a  fine  art  (there 
are  64).      4,  skill.      5,  grace,  lustre. 

'S'O,  s.  «.  Dirt,  filth;  a  kind  of  paste. 
2,  sin;  pride. 

^e5,   s.  «,    N.    of   Vishnu    in    his   tenth 


and  last  avatara  yet  to  come. 

"^SJ^  s.  71.  A  precept,  injunction.  2, 
one  of  the  six  vedaiigas  which 
prescribes  rituals.  3,  a  day  of 
Brahma  or  the  period  of  a  thou- 
sand yugas.  -:^tfo,  -!rfa,5io,  -^^"g^-  One 
of  the  trees  (-w^,  a  creeper)  of 
svarga  granting  all  desires. 

^©sN  s.  71.  Making;  fabrication,  in- 
vention. 2,  a  fancy,  idea;  an  imagi- 
nation. "^O  3.  Fabricated,  artificial, 

^eD.7J0  s.  V.  t.   To    make;    to    fabricate, 


invent;    to  assume,  feign;    to  give   a 


^ei,  r^  s.  71.   A    stain;   a   blemish;    sin; 

^eJaqO®  s.  a.  Beautiful;  happy,  au- 
spicious, lucky.  71.  Good  fortune, 
prosperity,  welfare.  2,  a  marriage 
festival.    tfc?„t5.  Sarasvatt;  Parvatt; 

=5<D  orid'S 


Lakshmt;     N.  of  a  tun6.     -?cto5j.  A 
kind  of  sweetmeat. 

?r<y  OA'rfeS  k.  II-   A  shrubby  plant,  Sida 




S'eS  k.  n.  A   kind  of  coarse  net-work;   a 

bag  made  of  it. 
^e^j  k.  H.  A  stone.  -esraiJ,  ^sj^raiS.  A 
mushroom  growins  in  rocks.  -'3rf  O. 
Mineral  coal.  -"^A,  '5'ej^^fi  A  quarry. 
-T^jy^.  A  stone-cutter  or  mason,  -rsjo 
u!j.  a  boulder.  -cisCo  (=s^e::|i^dj). 
Asbestus.  -z^od.  A  rock.  -ra=)«?.  A 
•wild  plantain  tree.  -So*?.  Hail. 
-SJJ0S?0,.  Stones  and  thorns.  -sJo^J  . 
Stone  steps.  -^i^d.  Sugar-candy. 
.?iJoi3.  Wild  ginger.  -;<Jf9 .  Stone- 
lime.  -3oe)^o.  To  throw  a  stone  down; 
to  destroy  another's  business.  -3oJ3^. 
Lichen  on  stones.  -»ij3,  "S'^JS.  A 
stone-like  or  firm  heart.  ^^doljSi. 
A  man  who  has  an  unfeeling  heart. 
-oi?3,  'tfeS  ?3.  To  throw  stones,  aiso 
-lurt,  -oojsd;  a  stone's  throw,  -lu^^s' 
's'eSJSi^J.  Stone  pressure;  a  kind  of 
hard  boil  on  the  heel. 

S^eSja  e"^  s.  n.  A  surge,  billow,  wave. 

'&'d  k.  ^rt  imitative  sound  of  anger' 
-  -  SjscSj.  To  sculd. 

^Titi  s.  w.  Armour,  coat  of  mail;  a 
jacket.     2,  an  amulet. 

^^2:^0.  =  *Ci^J,  g.  v. 

tS'^tS  ('ib.  0/'  *SW)  -'s'oW*.  An  ugly- 
looking  puppet  of  dough.  -rSoWv.  A 
great  cheat. 

^^a,  ?5'si:§  (<^.  of  ^Srfr)   n.   A  cowrie. 

3'^2i^  k.  n.  An  ornamental,  stitched 
binding  of  a  dotra. 

^zixio  k.  71.  A  bifurcation.  -SjsSo. 
A  word  out  of  place. 

^f'dfS  k.  n.  A  sling  for  throwing  stones, 
-is'uj   aojsa,  -  -  oi'J.  To  sling  a  stone. 

?rrfQ.  =  ^4a,  q.V. 

5^?j  s.  n.  Composing;  a  poetical  com- 
position; a  fancy,     -rrati.  A  poet. 

^rfe^,  ?T^«  (=*wti)   s.  n.  A  mouthful, 

morsel;  bolus.     2,  a  gargle. 
S'^e;^    k.    v.  i.   To    become    forked,    to 
branch    off.     n.  A    forked  branch  or 
stick;  divided  state;    a  couple,  pair. 
-lud,  =^si^jsd.  To  get  branches. 
^s:5e3.  tb.  of  *^53,  q.  v. 
S'^'^  k,  ?i.  A  swoon.    2,--*3«?.     3,  =  ■5' 3 

^A  2. 
^d^Al.   r<b.  o/"  =3^30?e=#)  ?i.  Siva's  alms- 
pot,  a  skull.     2,  a  metal  vessel. 
5'^^^2.    f.  n.    A    pack   or    bundle   of 
betel    or   plantain-leaves.      -s3j~.    A 
house  with  a  gable-roof. 
^^^  f.    n.   A   spinous    shrub,   bearing 
black  eatable  berries,    Corissa  caran- 

S'ssy.  =  i^sc^W,  g.  V. 

"^Zj^zi.  —  ^23^^,  g.  V.  "tf^tiari.  A  cow- 
herd; f.  -nS. 

S'sira^^o,  3^353030;^  h.  ?i.  Military  ma- 
noeuvres;  parade. 

^S)  1,  k.  V.  t.  (&  X.  i.  To  come  upon;  to 
attack;  to  cover,  overspread.  (P.  ps. 
T?;3,  =5^^,  ■s'.ScSj).  71.  A  rush.  -2^, 
-=-j.  To  put  upon. 

^,3  2.8.  n.  A  wise  man;  a  poet.  2, 
Sukra.  3,  water.  -€^^iJ.  The 
cleverness  of  a  poet.  -^,  -^.  Poesy, 
poetic  style.  -oajs,  =5*^?^^.  A  very 
eminent  poet.  ^ti-.  A  taught  poet. 
^ri-.  A  born  poet. 

^Zd-:)  k.  V.  i.  To  be  turned  upside 
down,  to  be  upset. 

S'aodo  s.  «.  The  bit  of  a  bridle. 

3^Se3.  /b.  of  =^3^^,    q.  V. 

^;io'^o^':>.  =  *o^js<,  g.  r. 

S'^aiO,  ^'^SdOA  f.  n.  The  wood  or  the 
oriental  partridge. 

^4a  k-  n.  A  quilted  cover  for  the 
night;  quilted  rags. 

"^^n  s.  ?i.  An  oblation  of  food  ot 

3^^  s.  n.  A  whip;     a   string,   rope. 




^"^.iSJ  s.  n.  Consternation,  alarm ;  faint- 
ing,    a.  Foul,  dirty. 

^^oz)  s,  n.  A  tortoise.  2,  N.  of  a 

^3j;3odo  s.  a.  Astringent.  2,  fragrant. 
n.  An  infusion,  decoction  of  medicinal 
herbs.     -'S'S^o.   To  decoct. 

^^,  s.  «.    Trouble,    misery,     woe.      2, 


bodily     exertion,     toil,     hard     work. 

3,  difSculty.  a.  Bad,  evil;  severe. 
-^J3Zio.  To  give  trouble.  -^rSo.  To 
suffer  trouble.  -Sa?iJ.  To  afflict, 
annoy.  -33J^aA)=^J5^o^.  To  get  one's 
self  shaved.  -SjscSj.  To  toil;  to  shave. 
-i^co^o,  -?3j3??oJ.  Patiently  to  bear 
trouble.    =tfsi),ejj.    Painstaking. 

^?j  1.  k.  n.  Rubbish,  sweepings,  off- 
scourings; impurities  in  the  body;  a 
weed.  -^s'raj .  An  inflamed  eye. 
-rtoajjj,  -Sojsd.  To  sweep,  --szjo, 
-toOrl,  -^otf^JJ.  A  broom.  -cisi.  A 

^g'^j  2.  k.  P.  p.  of  i?Aj.  -'iJS'-fo,.  To  take 
away  by  force,   snatch  away. 

^^5^:6  h.  n.  Poppy-seed.  -rs:^.  The 
opium    poppy,    Papaver    somniferum. 

^r^ASOSO  k.  n.  A  hard,  unripe  fruit. 

^?j20o  b.  M.  Business,  trade,  profession. 

"^rid  h.  ?i.  The  chief  town  of  a  district 
or  taluk;    also  ^?o"J3d. 

©?jr}jl.  k.  n.  Astringency.  2,  unripe- 
ness.     3,  bad    humours  in  the  body. 

4,  dust. 

T??j:ij  2.  h.  n.  Deficiency,  defect;  profit 

or  loss  on  the  exchange  of  coins. 
T??j^,^,  "^^iSi^  k.  n.   Uneasiness,    as  in 

the  bowels;  disquiet. 
"S^jJoeO,  3^s)oorfO,  ^jJsOSOh.  ?«.  A  butcher. 
xS^idsS??  f.  n.  Indisposition. 
^r^  1.  k.  V.  i.  To  slip  down  from;  to  fall. 

2,  to    ooze,   trickle.      n.     Fine    rain, 

"^^i  2.    h.   a.    Pruned,     castrated.        n. 

Pruning,      castration.        -SJ3::So.    To 

prune,  castrate. 

o^?jO^  f.  n.  Strength,  power;  the  nutri- 
mental  principle,  as  of  soils,  etc. 

"dTijiii  h.  n.  Embroidery,  -ir^,  -sto^j. 
To  embroider. 

S'fS  f.n.  The  tie  of  an  ai'igi,  e<c.  -SJ^sS^!. 
A  petticoat  with  strings  attached. 

'SXi    h.  n.  Violence,  force,  annoyance. 

S'^jj  h.  71.  Cares,  trouble;  fuss,  ado. 
-n^tf.     A    painstaker.  -cgn=id.    A 

peremptory  demand  for  payment. 

"iS'^jj?  S  s.  n.  Musk.     2,  a  scented  mark 

put  on  the  forehead.    -^O^ri.  A  kind 

of  scented  turmeric.       -is'a .  A  stick 

covered  with  musk.     -r1J3t*j,s?.  A  kind 

of  Acacia  with  fragrant  flowers. 
-Sj.r!.  The  musk-deer. 

3^50^  (tb.  of  =5^Bo23)  n.   A  metal   trumpet. 

^00  k.  71.  Bitterness;  also  -^.  -ft3. 
A  bitter  shrub.  -SOj.  Bitter  greens. 
-^J3»c3.  A  kind  of  bitter  gourd. 

"^^  1.  k.  a.  Sound  in  toeeping.  2,  a  sound 
in  boiling,  as  of  rice.  3,  sound  indi- 
cating agitation.  -=5^^.  rep.  -^^'4^  e5S*o. 
To  weep  and  sob.  -o3n?.  Agitation; 
distress,  anxiety.  -»S»*r1j3^o,,  -s3s*5j:So, 
-53^?io.  To  be  agitated;  to  grieve, 
to  be  anxious,  perplexed. 

^s^  2.  (  =  *^)  k.  n.  A  thief,  rogue.  2, 
a  battle  field. 

5^S?  3.  P.  p.  of  ^^,  q.  V.  -€j3S?J).  To  put 
off,  let  drop;  to  spend;  to  lose;  to  get 
rid  of;  to  break,  as  a  promise 
(SjscSj);     to  give  up,  as  a  friendship 

^^  4.  (tb.  of  sov)  n.  A  threshing 

^^£^0  s.  V.  ^  To  put  off,  let  drop.  2, 
to  shake  off;  to  pull  off.  v.  i.  To 
become  loose. 

^s?^  (^  =  C3)  k.  n.  Purging. 

^S?^  .  =  5*6;^,  q.  V. 

xS'^rfo.  P.  p.  of  =5^«?,  q.  V. 




^•^rio.  =  ^oSo,  q.  V. 

^^4  k.  n.  Theft. 

^'s?^  h.  a.  Rejected,  adulterated;  base 
{as  coin,  fruits,  etc.). 

"^•^Tj.  tb.  of  *ejjS,  q.  v. 

'^^Aj'^  f.  n.  A  -water-pot.  2,  a  corn- 
measure  equal  to  J  of  a  mudi. 

^S?5oJ.  =  =^'-fOoo^O,  q.  v. 

^<g(s?=  ca';  1.  k.  v.  <.  c&  V.  I.  To  end,  die. 
2,  to  loosen;  to  remove.  3,  to  purge. 
n.   A  great  distance.     2,  sour  gruel. 

^'§  2.  k.  I'.  J-  To  ripen  well.  (P.  p. 
=5^s?;^j).  n.  Ripeness.  -Sofso .  A  ripe 

^'i?OA  f.  H.  A  cunning,   bad  man. 

^¥e3  {tb.  of  "^0^^)  n.  A  tender  bamboo 
shoot  used  for  pickles. 

^^?jo,  3''§>2o;c!o,  ^s?oSo;^o,  s^^jSco  k. 
V.  t.  To  send,  despatch,  delegate;  to 
dismiss.  tfs?j5oA)  :^0?ij.  To  send  for. 
3o?e?-.  To  send  word.  ^t3?-.  To  send 
one  to  call  another. 

tS^SJ'o  a.  k.  V.  <.  To  steal. 

^S?  (=  "s*^)  k.  V.  t.  To  throw  away;  to 
abandon,  leave;  to  reject,  pull  off; 
to  leave  out;  to  get  rid  of;  to  subtract, 
deduct;  to  spend,  os  time  or  money; 
to  draw  out,  as  a  sword;  to  remove, 
do  away  with,  destroy;  to  extinguish, 
OS  a  lamp;  to  lose.  v.  i.  To  become 
loose;  to  go,  pass,  be  spent.  ( 
^s?,  * s?cij,  tf  «?cij).  n.  Removal,  -^ri. 
The  yoke  fastened  round  the  neck  of 
the  bullocks.  -ci  -S-^tij.  The  pegs 
used  to  fasten  the  yoke. 

^^  2.  k.  n.  "Weed,  -rr^^:),  -ia  To 

^^  3.  {tb.  of  =5'°-3^)  n.  Shine,  lustre; 
a  ray;  beauty.  2,  the  fine  arts.  3,  a 
part;  a  digit.  4,  the  number  sixteen. 
-r(«?.  To  lose  one's  lustre.  -rtoorfo, 
-^So.  Lustre  to  fade. 

'^i^  {=z  1^^ 2)  li.  n.  A  thief;  a  rogue, 
bad  fellow;  f.  -3>,  =5^«^.  -if^rici,  -zi^lio, 
-^^..  A  forged  document,      --i-oa.  A 


hole  made  by  burglars.  -=5^jrf^.  The 
hollow  above  the  chest  between  the 
larynx  and  trachea,  -rtoWo.  A  sham- 
bundle;  a  puzzle-knot.  -Ja^.  Thieves. 
-cJoJ.  Thievish  straying  cattle.  -nt)0. 
A  thieves'  path.  -sSjsSj.  A  lie.  -rfjzaJ. 
A  forged  signature.  -sJoiS.  A  disguise. 
-?ra^.  False  witness.  -CoOoa.  A  forged 
cheque.  -SoJSriA.  A  counterfeit  coin. 
-eAirJjioj,  ■B'v'aj^o^x).  Quicksand. 
-WoJ,  =5^«?1)y,  -^^.  Thievishness;  theft. 

3*^  k.  n.  The  mitk-hedge.  Euphorbia 
tirukalli.     2,  a  wicked  person. 

^S^^o    k.  n.  Toddy. 

n.  "White  brass,  bell-metal, 
any  amalgam  of  zinc  and  copper. 

^trS  {tb.'S^A)  s.n.  A  crow.  2.  an  impu- 
dent fellow.  3,  N.  of  a  rakshasa.  -w^ 
tf.  A  quartan  ague.  -^"J^-  Three  or 
five  locks  of  hair  left  over  the  temples 
at  the  time  of  tonsure.  -uO.  Offering 
of  food  to  crows.  -looa.  Insolent 
notions.  -9^t3ri.  The  crow's  portion; 
waste,  ruin. 

53t5^o2!>,  ^3^a  f.  11.  Molasses. 

SS^rfjsS  s.  n.  A  twining  shrub,  Cocculi 

53zfs5  s-  n.  A  soft,  sweet  sound. 

?re^  (=*'^)   ^-  n.  A  paternal  uncle. 

gs-o-  (=  =s^r\)  s.n.  A  (female)  crow.  -r\:i. 
A  common  spinous  shrub,  Canthium 

^B'S'ol.  k.  n.  Overheat,  excitement, 
tiredness  from  the  effects  of  sun, 
trouble,  etc.  2,  sharp  smell,  as  of 

52^0  2.  s.  n.  Change  of  voice,  as  in 
fear,  anger,  grief,  etc.  2,  sarcasm; 
perversity.  3,  stress.  4,  patois.  -»3oS. 
A  perverse  mind.  -SjJS^j.  A  perverse 

g^'S'orf  s.  H.  The  palate. 

waiS^O'doe^J  k.  n.  Dry  cowdung  of  forests. 





53^ja?cS'rf  s.  n.  A  serpent.  -sscOo. 

tfaTsS  k.  >i.  =  =ff^5Sa.  2,  a  kind  of 

537\rf  h.  /i.  Paper;  a  letter,  note,  docu- 
ment. -5i^.  Letters  and  notes,  corres- 
pondence. -1^6.  To  write  a  letter. 
-^U^  A  letter  to  arrive.  -^J^o . 
To  affix  a  public  notice. 

'Slit\,  WS^R  (tb.  of  =5'3*)  n.  A  crow. 
-rtrao .  Small  eyes,  as  those  of  a  crow. 
-lors.  A  black  colour.  -ioont)S.  Talc 
mineral.  -Sjs^ri.  A  disease  (con- 
sumption) by  which  the  face  becomes 

SDAOrS^  k.  n.  Spelling,  putting  letters 

iTOo'jf  (=  ^3=5*0)  k.  11.    Heat  of  any  kind. 

^o"^  s.  n.  Wish,  desire.  2,  a  disease 
of  the  eyes.  -5?0Ai=i?J3«?j..  To  fulfill 
one's  desire.  =ff^o-c-  Xj.  To  desire, 

?53Ei  (  =  =^£iO,  n=)tao)  s.  n.  Glass; 
alkaline  ashes.  2,  a  sling  for  sus- 
pending things.  -odE^.  A  medicinal 
salt.     -^ejj^.  A  fragrant  grass. 

??-3£a.  ==f^ajot^.  -n^.  The  plant  Soto- 
7ium  indicit'in-      -^juj.  ==gDoz<3^oejo. 

^Ssio  k.  11.  Cashoo,  catechu,  solidified 
juice  of  Acacia  catechu. 

'S^2^ZStT5  (=5t)S=5^F)  k.  11.  The  tree 
bearing  the  nux  vomica. 

53^  h.  n.  A  Muhammadan  priest;  a 

Tn)&;o.  tb.  of  =ctd2^,  q.  V. 

'SSosijj  s.  ?i.  Gold.  2,  a  tree  with  fra- 
grant blossoms,  Mesua  ferrea. 

SDo8a  s.  a.  A  girdle,  a  woman's  zone. 

=SDc2o  SooeiJ  (cf.'esii^:)^:))  k.?i.  Lemon 
grass,  Andropogon  shoenanthus. 

^^czi^S^.  =  '^ol^^D^,  q.  V. 

m>o<S>'^  k.  n.  =?nMs-3rf,  q.v.  2,  a 
species  of  gourd. 

'Siiki  {fr.  =s^jSo  I)  k.  n.  Trouble,  annoy- 
ance, plague.      2,   a    forester.     3,  a 

strong  smell,  as  that  of  tobacco, 
chillies,  etc.  -^is^xi,  =g3fa3t3?tf.  Good 
behaviour  to  avoid  annoyance.  -"5^. 
A  forester  or  fowler;  a  troublesome 
man  (f.  ^^shi-h);  trouble.  -=5^3;^.  An- 

^uyssodo,  s^sy^sCOo,  tfsyT^cdo  k. 
n.  Plundering,  marauding,  pillaging. 

5SW0  k.  n.  A  bite,   cut. 

5sB  k.  11.  A  kind  of  fermented  pap 
of  jola  or  ragi. 

^Sf®o  s.  n.  Hardness;  firmness;  se- 

SS'rf.  =  mi'da  2,  q.  V.  Cpds. :  -f^^^,  -oiSJo^j 
-^jB^ra,   -^5)cOj, -fSjsra,    -io?d»Jra,    etc. 

tSSc^  f.  n.  A  blade  of  grass,  a  bit  of 
straw,    etc.;  a  stick.       -'5^3^.    Caustic. 

WsQ>7\  k.  11.  A  troublesome  man.  2,  a 

'SliL^'R  li.  "•  Lampblack;  a  collyrium 
prepared  from  it.  -^J3?V.  A  blackish 
iola.     -lora.  Black  colour. 

ffat^o  1.  k.  V.  t.  To  treat  harshly;  to  give 
trouble;  to  tease;  to  plague.  'S'sSi^J. 
To  trouble,  plague. 

sarfo2.  (=^5^^)  k.  n.  A  forest;  a  jungle. 
a.  Wild.  Cpds..-  -=tfocSj5,  -=5^00,  -'s'jcIjw, 

-53j,rt,  -5Lra?r(,  -sSoa,  -eosrtu,  -2o?j!jo, 

e<c.  Wild  or  jungle— ,  etc. 
3=sZ§  1.   f.  n.  A  decoction. 
^3cl2.  (<&.  of  "S^o^)    n.  A  stalk. 
53PS  k.  n.  One  who  does  not  see.       2,  a 

crow.     a.   One-eyed. 
5Dr5  1.  k.  n.  A  sixty-fourth  fractional 

part   (jL)    of    any  coin  (c^£7s.  .•  e5-, 

f\sS  n^rf,  rfjnD  £^,  siJJ^^E^).     2,  gift; 

property;    hereditary    right.     ^■3f53w. 

Hereditary  right  to  lands,  etc. 
'5Sf<5  2.    s.    w.      Unevenness    of    scales. 

2,  that  which  is  put  to  counterpoise. 

-^Wo,.  To   make  scales  even.     -;^JJ=tf. 

A  weight  put  to  balance  scales. 




50rf??  k.  n.    A  present,   gift.      2,  sight. 

-^^3fj.  To  make   presents.     -'^^^  "^^ 

ttJjjft.  To  give  a  present  and  worship. 
'S^tiria  k.    V.  t.    To  show.     2,  to  show 

one's  self.    v.  i.    To    become    visible; 

to  appear, 
^srsj  k.  I',  t.  To  see,  regard,   perceive. 

V.  i.  To  appear;  to  be  apparent.  P.p. 

'^ozij.     ^eirarljsrSj.      To    let     appear. 

■fftirawdo,  tfo:Sjtorfj.  To  appear,  come 

in  sight.  =5^ri    (for  f.),    =r3f=!j3?   (/'or 

male)  emph.    See!  lo!    's'oir^o   sojs^rtj. 

To  visit.     =5*0:^0  f3j3^A).  To  examine. 

=ao:Sj  o3j3:^j.   To  imitate.     tS^ocSo   Sjs 

3sSj.    To    have    an    interview   with. 

'S^V3J^'§,   'ff^??.      Seeing;    appearing. 

5=ira#,     53f^, .        Sight;     a     present, 

gift.      =5T)ra^.  Great  valour. 
5301^  s.  n.  A  stalk,  stem.    2,  an  arrow. 

3,  a   part;     the   section   of   a   book. 

4,  a  bundle.      5,  season.       6,  water. 
-^hi.    A  curtain,  screen. 

53c;U35<^  s.  n.  A  granary  constructed  of 

^acci^  s.  71.  N.  of  a  plant;  a  kind  of 
a  gourd,  Cucumis  utilissimus. 

3=3^^,  'S^^^  s.  a.  Confused,  agitated, 
perplexed.  2,  timid,  afraid,  n.  Con- 
fusion, perplexity;  also  =5D^ti±  2, 
alarm,  fright;  ?3g0;<j.  To  be  agitat- 
ed, perplexed. 

^33D  f33'S^b\  h.  n.  Assurance;  guaran- 

'5t>B  a.  k.  n.  Coir;  cord  made  of  it.  2, 

3S^J.  =5=)o±o,  P.  p.  of  'SDoiio. 

=S^zi6,  5SS$e3.    a.  k.  n.    Aflfection,    love. 


=5'3dej.     A    dear   man;     a    paramour. 

■ffsdd.  A  sweetheart. 
^Srfo  1,  3=303750  k.  V.  I.    To   war,   fight. 

=53nsy.   A  fight,  quarrel. 
3=3550  2.  P.  p.  of  =53  &  'ff^odoj. 

33fi  h.  n.  Ear.     -K^siO.  An  ear  orna- 
?F3fi?5  s.  ?i.  A  wood,  forest. 

33cJJSrJJ  h.  n.  A  rule,  regulation. 

S=30^  s.  a.  Dear,  beloved;  beautiful; 
agreeable,  n.  A  lover,  husband.  2, 
a  stone.  3,  a  house.  4,  the  moon. 
■ffaod.  A  lovely  woman,  wife. 

'S7>o^B^^^  a.  n.  A  forest.  2,  a  difficult 
road.  3,  a  kind  of  sugarcane  ;  also -'^. 

53c^  s.  n.  Wish;  loveliness,  beauty; 
splendour,  lustre;  personal  decoration. 
-^S) ,  -s3jj"^j  .  Lustre  to  be  obscured. 
-AjoiSj.  Lustre  to  decrease. 

iSDtikin  (fr.  *SW)  s.  71.  Dishonesty, 

^3Sj3c^j,  see  s.  =r3^. 

t533J3e;  s.  o.  Relating  to  the  skull.  =533Je) 
©=5*.  A  religious  mendicant;  Siva's 

?f3?j  1.  li.  n.  Cofi'ee.  -rs:i.  The  coft'ee-tree. 

53L)  2.  f.  n.  N.  of  a  tune. 

'ush  3.  f.  71.  A  copy. 

535^  k.  n.  Guarding,  preserving,  pro- 
tection. 2,  a  preservative  ceremony 
on  the  7th  day  after  a  child's  birth. 
^"ssraa^oO.  To  make  watch  or  guard. 
=51)333:^0.  To  guard,  protect,  take 
care  of,  defend,  nourish.    =s35383oc=t. 

=  15=3^. 

53eij  s.  n.  Wish,  desire;  love;  lust.  2, 
the  god  of  love.  -cS  "^^J,-  The  rain- 
bow, -ri  ^ioc^SosScSo.  The  burning  of 
an  effigy  of  Kama  at  his  annual 
festival,  -ri  Sojrao  dj.  Kama's  annuae 
festival,  the  holi.  -=3^^.  Following 
one's  own  inclinations.  -=5'?;j3^0.  Sweet 
Basil.  -=#APt?  du'S?'^  ^js?2o  ^jci  53j 
^d.  The  six  vices.  -2st3?=.  Vishnu 
or  Krishna.  -^^r^o.  The  cow  of 
plenty.  -3S .  Rati  the  wife  of  Kama. 
-urara.  The  (five)  arrows  of  Ksima. 
-i053d.  Unnatural  desire.  =5'^5jj3t^. 
Durga;  a  kind  of  lute.  -y^Jrf,  =53 
53J3;^jd.  Excited  by  lust.  -s^^O,  =53 
53J30.  Siva.  =53i0o.  Lustful;  a  libi- 
dinous man.  53tDJ^.  Wished,  desired; 
a  wish,  desire.    ^^C^^3^':^r.  A  desired 




object.  ■ff^'ioJoi.  A  loving  woman; 
a  woman  in  general.  =5=eitSos;j.  To  wish, 
desire.  =s^^o,.  Desirable;  agreeable; 
optional.  =5s)»3jD»4jr.  An  advantage 
desired    from  observances  or  rites. 

tTO^OT^Q    f-    "•    Work;    workmanship. 
-^^,.  Imprisonment  with  hard  labour. 

ffS'rfjosi  k.  n.  The  lemon  grass,  Andro- 
pogon  schoenanthiis.  [jaundice. 

53^0r5,  53^Js3,    SDSoeS  k.  n.  A  kind  of 

5'3^3e)&3  f.  n.  Labour   (for    wages).      2, 
a  day-labourer;  also   ^s^^J^hi. 

'Sf>oid  s.  n.  The  body,     2,  a  multitude. 
-23.  -S3^.  A  son;  Kama. 

tfSODOo    h.  a.    Fixed,    permanent,   con- 
firmed.    -5iJ3::SJ.  To   confirm. 

SSodo^  s.  71,  "Work,  profession;  pursuit; 
rite.     a.  Relating  to  the  body. 

esodOiS,  5^aa90i3  h.  n.  A  rule,  regulation. 

SSOSO  1.  ==ff^o±)0,    q.v. 

S303J  2.  k.  ?i.  An  unripe  fruit  in  hard 
or  nearly  full-grown  state;  any  nut, 
pod.  2,  hardness,  callosity.  -t?r?o, 
=5r^odj=)r(o.  Fruit  to  grow.  "^^^Ij, 
-rtWj.  To  form  or  become  hard,  as 
a  boil.  -^Srfj,  -=5^Aj.  Various  vege- 
tables. -So.,  -Sd,,  -^^j'S^  .  Pod  and 
leaf  vegetables.  -wSj.  To  get  fruits. 
-3osi5Jj.  The  milk  of  a  cocoanut. 
S302Je3  h.  n.  Sickness. 
^aOSOrJO  k.  r.  <.  To  boil,  make  hot; 
also  5ei^o.      2,  to  watch. 

tJacxJOO  1.  (  =  "5^5  ^303j,  q.  ?'.)  k.  V.  t.  To 
guard,  protect;  to  take  care  of;  to 
tend;  to  watch;  to  keep  in  check. 
V.  i.  To  wait.  55CiJ,  =ffD0ijJ^. 
53cd00  2.  k.  w.  t.  To  grow  hot,  be 
heated;    to   become    angry.        P.   ps. 

'  CO 

tJBOcioOv  (  =  Tf35^)  k.  ?i.  Heat.      2,  wrath. 

53Tj'   k.  a.   Black.       n.  Blackness.       2, 

rainy  season.     -riS^sS,   -sS.'SioJ^.  Sable 

darkness.      -Sojf^sjJ.  A   black    cloud. 

-^!3j°^j,  =^03j°^j.  a   dark  night.    -<>i 

^j,,  =g^o';'j>.  A  mole. 

SDlJ  1.  (tb.of^^^)    n.  Pungency,  hotness 
of  taste;    a  pungent,    hot   substance. 
2,  an  alkali,  as  soda  or  potash.       3, 
wrath.     -rosioOj.  A  kind  of  vermieelli 
531^  2.   s.   n.    Making,    causing.       2,  a 
maker,    doer.         3,   a    term    used    to 
designate    the    sound    of    a   letter,  as 
esssrf,  'S'ffarf,  etc. 
SB'dS'  s.  a.  Making,     n.  An  agent.    -scS. 
A    noun    on    which   the    case   of   an 
adjective  depends  (g.). 
VSXi^j!)^  h.  n.  A  clerk;  a  tollman. 
3^3'd^oafj,  tfs^osrfj  h.  n.  A  manufactory, 

5=^'dA\5o,  c'S^JSAnSo  s.  m.   a  jail. 
^^^o^  f.  n.  A  playing  fountain. 
53TJf«3    s.  H.     Cause;     reason  ;     motive, 
origin;  a  means.       2,  agency,  instru- 
mentality.    3,  need  of.     ad.  For,  on 
account  of.     -^tJjs;.  A  deity;  a  great 
man.     -z3?^o.    To  be  necessary.     =5D^ 
cS|^.    Causal,  investigating  the  cause; 
an  examiner;  performance. 
SBT^ra  k.  71.   The  red  stripes  or  painting 

upon  the  walls  of  a  house. 

SD'dafre'd      li.     71.       Business,     affairs; 

o-overnment.       -53j3:?j.       To  manage. 

•ssTizpiO.    A  superintendent,  manager. 

5SiJa  h.  n.  A  kind   of  red  cotton  cloth. 

ffoQ   1.  k.  n.    A  backwater;  an  arm  of 

the  sea.     2,  a  ford. 
3^35  2.  s.   Ji.   Making,  causing,  etc.     2, 
an    artist,    artificer,     actor.        -'S.    A 
female  who  does  ;  a  doing,  a  business; 
a  comment,   gloss. 
S^sO;^  f.  71.  The  dried  date-fruit. 
S^stJj  1.  k.  71.  Blackness.     -ri^s3.  Sable 

sa'rfo  2.  =  =ff=)D*.  -3oJE^  d.  A  feast  in 
the  third  month.  -Sooe^J.  Grass  in 
the  rainy  season.  -r(j5 .  "Wet  culti- 
vation. -t3«?.  The  wet-season  crop. 
53TJ0  3.  (tfo=  eso)  k.  V.  i.  To  vomit,  n. 
Vomiting.  fl^iiDf.  Vomiting.  =530^0. 
To  cause  to  vomit. 





tfS'rforen    s.   n.     Compassion,    kindness. 

-?59.       A     treasure     of     compassion. 

-^oeirSd.  An  ocean  of  compassion. 
?re'dos33tfo.  =  ?t)dipt)d,  q.  v. 

^■5  1.  k.  M.  The  spinous  shrub  Webera 
tetandra.    Cods.:  -n:S, -53jjs?j>, -sotsj  . 

ffSo  2.  f.  M.  Confinement ;  a  prison  {cf. 
'^^^^^)'     2,  pain.     3,  a  gold  collar. 

53t3  3.  <b.  «/■  ^ffe)0±ir,  (J,  u.  -nad.  A  work- 
man.    -nsO^.  "Workmanship. 

saajorfS.  =  ^scSiDSiS,  q,  v. 

5baf^  e3,  see  s.  ^^rfj  1. 

'SX>B>F'S  a.  n.  N.  of  the  8th  lunar 
month  (October-November). 

^D^jfren  (fr.  ^vSSrs)  s.  11.  Poverty; 
imbecility;  pity;  parsimony,  niggard- 
liness.    -^:Sj.  To  be  in  distress. 

^SjSFrJ  s.  a.  Made  of  cotton,  n.  Cotton  ; 

troodor  (=  ?=)d)  s.  n.  Affair,  business, 
act.  2,  object,  purpose.  3,  cause, 
origin.  -sJtiA),  A  good  state  of  affairs, 
-zpsrt.  A  division  of  a  work;  plot, 
intrigue.  -^os^^^o.  To  accomplish 
a  business.  -k8>.  Success,  fulfilment 
of  an  object.  -AiS  sjj.  Work  to  be 

!fS(y  s.  n.  Time,  the  proper  time.  2, 
a  period  of  time,  season,  life-time. 
3,  death,  Tama.  4,  fate.  5,  power. 
6,  tense  of  a  verb.  -=5'«?.  To  spend 
time.  -'5>^^'  Spending  the  time; 
delay;  livelihood.  -^JsW.  Deadly 
poison.  -ajo:^.  The  liver.  -rtr3?3. 
Calculation  of  time.  -rirsfiC)^.. 
Astronomy.  -r(3.  The  lapse  of  time. 
-tS^.  The  wheel  of  time;  vicissitude 
of  life.  -K .  An  astrologer,  -s^i  f^. 
Knowledge  of  time  or  futuritv-  -12^  ^ 
So?s?j.  To  foretell.  -~.3^  ?i.  A  prophet, 
-^orfj.  The  three  times:  past,  present, 
and  future,  or  morning,  noon  and 
evening.  -;3joioj.  Time  to  be  fulfilled; 
death  to  come.  -ci3r.  A  seer,  -^rfo^, 
-ajjsSr.    Time  personified.       -z^^dd, 

-tfjrt..  A  terrible  form  of  Siva. 
-5lra?f.  Measurement  of  time.  -^^, 
=5^c?s^?i.  Subject  to  time  or  death. 
-»3^2S^.  A  term  expressing  time.  -!orf 
ra.  Passing  away  time;  delay.  =5DOt) 
cio5eie->.  From  season  to  season;  once. 
=5iio-)oJj?C3rf,  =g^C3?ij?ddri.  Conformity 
to  the  times.  TSCtJo^rf.  Interval; 
period;  process  of  time.  ^ssosS^). 
Fixed  time;  the  end  of  a  year. 

^siy^y,  ffse/^a,  -5?jJ,  see  s.  ?^UJ. 

53e3  ( =  =5D^')  s.  M.  Blackness.  2_ 
Durga;  aiso  =fft)O^^c3^i0.  -C3^?j.  N. 
of  a  celebrated  poet. 

53e3oA  (=?^-)^on)  s.  n.  N.  of  a  country 
or  people.     2,  the  black  snake. 

saSoa  s.  n.  The  river  Tamuna.  2 
fern.  name. 

53e3'S,  ^3£^J^  k.  H.  A  water-course, 

ffsCJj  k.  «.  The  foot,  leg.  2,  a  strand 
or  lock  of  hair.  -aW;,  ^sobj,.  A 
bench.  ^sod^o.  To  take  a  walk; 
cans.  "ctiCtja^J.  -wa,  =5^Ct)a.  a  fast 
walker;  a  wanderer,  roamer.  -ws^o, 
'CTt)Css?j.  A  foot-soldier.  -'3'5'j  ,  -'a So, 
-yvsrfj,  ?e)0^j ,  5e)0:io,  -ff^axedj.     To 

'  tr' 

take  a  step  ;  to  walk.     -'b'Wj,,  ^'3ej  sJj,. 

To  tie  the  leg;  to  embrace  one's  feet; 
a  shackle;  marriage.  -'!^:ir\.  A  plain 
anklet.  -^05j  ?i,  -'s'owsJ.  Trowsers. 
-yuortd,  =5'3sjjoricJ.  A  ring  worn  on  the 
second  toe.  -n:^.  A  ford.  -i3?o. 
Stockings.  -^f\,  ^rseS  ?1.  To  retreat, 
flee.  -ro50,  -53^.  A  footpath. 
-rfj3V*J.  Dust  of  the  feet:  an  evil 
{as  belly-ache)  supposed  to  have  occa- 
sioned from  contact  with  one's  feet- 
dust,  -riarl,  -oSd.  "Walking  on  foot. 
-wu.  Foot-soldiers.  -ii^^J.  To  fall 
at  one's  feet.  -sioa.  To  bend  the  leg, 
/.  ('.  to  make  water;  urine.  -3od, 
-sSjyj,.  A  sandal  or  shoe.  -»3j3:Sj. 
To  make  for,  begin.  -Titi^A.  A  chain 
ornament  worn  above  the  ankles. 




^aOO  2.  k.  n.  A  quarter  or  fourth  part. 

'S'S<i):)7in    (fr.    *SJJ^)    s.    M.     Foulness, 

filth;     sin.       2,     want    of    harmouy. 

^se3j3?Sai^  s.   a.     Opportune,   in  season, 

suitable  to  the  time,  n,  A  suitable  time. 

^a^o&7  k.M.  The  lemon  grass,  Andropo- 

gon  schoenanthus. 
3=a^5  k.  n.   A  bamboo  pole  with  slings 
at   each    end    for    carrying    burdens 
across  the  shoulder. 
tfS'dr©  a.  k.  n.  A  shed,  pandal. 
S'S^od  h.  n.  Lord,  master,  owner. 
3'S^d  a.  k.  n.  Passion,  anger,  wrath. 
'ST)'sSt>,  =s^^^tl■^    k.  n.  Guarding,  watch- 
ing;  a  guard,    watch;    custody.   2,  a 
pasture  ground.       -nsrf,  -zi>j,  -S.  A 
guard,  sentinel. 
3=3^s3  k.  n.  A  frying  or  baking  pan. 
^3^e3.  =  '^£'^,  q-v. 
ga^^  k.  n.  Darkness. 
3'3^  k.  w.   A  red  earth  or  ochre. 
5ad)  1.  (=53aiio^,  efc)  k.  ?t.  Heat;  glow. 
2,  cauterization.        -"^JSt^J,  -K=)=3*J.  To 
cauterize,  foment. 
©S^2.  k.  w.  A  stalk,  stem;  a  handle. 
ga^   h.  n.   Ringing    and    turning    of  a 
horse  whilst  at  full  speed.     -Sdj?^;^o. 
To  longe  a  horse. 
^a^eO  s.  n.  N.  of  a  river;    N.  of  a  fem. 
sa^o   (fr.  *tS)    s.  ??.  Poetry;   a  poetical 
composition.     -'SrS'ST'i,  -'5'^^.  A  poet. 
-tfi^N.     Composition    of     a    piece    of 
g:^^  (  =  ?3A))  s.  ?i.  Benares.      2,  N.  of  a 
people.     cS*- ra-.  Hampe  near  Bellary. 
ero^tf-.  Benares.     -=ff3nrf.  Good  white 
paper.        -330.    A    marriage    badge 
attached     to     a    female's      necklace. 
-S^j.    Fine    silk.      -^i3^?^$ci^.    Water 
brought  from  Benares. 

=57)%.  ^^rf  s.  n.  N.  of  a  country.     2,  saffron. 

sasiijaodo  s.  a.  Red.   n.  A  red  cloth;  also 

^a;ri    s.  n.   A   piece   of  wood,    a  stick; 
dry  wood.      2,  a  blockhead.      -oS-?ici, 

Vain  ffrief.     =5=3iJi)  =#.  =  ^l3,?i. 

sa^^    s.  71.  A  region  of  the  world.        2, 
place,  site.       3,    a   measure  of  time. 

4,  excellence. 

g^arf  s.  11.  Cough,  catarrh.  2,  asthma. 
-Sodr.  A  cough-medicine.  Cassia 
sophora.  [groom. 

"S^TiT^xi,    sa?jaad,      sa^Ja  'd    b.  ?),.    A 

5a?j7\  h.  a.  Private,  not  public;   own. 

?5=a7Jd,  5>3?33^r,  3^a;da'd^   (=5Sti:39tf.  tb. 

of   ?'3ti'id)    w.     The    tree    Strychnos 

mix  vomica. 
^a?3a  b.  a.  Good,  fine;  legitimate;  own- 
^o=jl.  =533,    q.  •().         -S33SjS?.     a  soft 

woollen  davali. 
53,^  2.  (<b.  o/'  ^333)   n.  A  cloth  for  gird 

ing  the  loins. 
^tTiol.    (=u303j^o)    k.  V.  t.  To  warm, 

make  hot;  to  boil;  to  bake  as  bread, 

5a?jO  2.  k.  m.  The  smallest  copper  coin, 

a  cash;   a  coin  in  general. 
xST)^  s.  a.  Black.       -rt^eS.  Sable  dark- 
ness. -tS^Oii.  Black  cummin.       -03^. 

A  dark  night. 
m>^7\  k.  n.  Fight,  battle,  war. 
S^a^o^  k.  n.  A  spittoon.       2,  a  vessel 

from  which  scented  water  is  sprinkled. 
5aS?  (  =  =5s€))  s.  n.  Durga.  -essSJ^,  ^3s?53j^ 

N.   -f33qi.  Siva. 
?faS?o7\    s.  w.    The   black    cobra,   Naga 

=5T>^di,  ^^oS'di    f.   n.    The  liver.     2.  the 

breast,  heart. 
^as?0  (°VJ  =  COO)  k.  ?i.  A  corn,  single  grain; 

seed;    a  pea;  a  bean.      2,  (='ff'3^o)   a 

forest,    etc.      -'jriJ,    ^ffsvsrij.    To    be 

ruined;     to    become    troublesome    or 

hostile.    -z^^tJS.  A  ferocious  Bhairava. 
■b^.'bTj:)    k.   V.  t.    To    make    small,    to 

reduce.  v.  i.  To  be  closely  united 
or  thickset,  as  fruits  or  leaves  on  a 

■S-S-.S    k.  V.  i.    To    be    close  together, 

dense,     n.  A  crowd,  throng. 
•S'Tv'  Uo,  k.  n.  A  small  tie  or  band. 

A     " 

^o'^xi  s.  n.  A  servant,  slave.     -^,  -^. 

Servitude^  destitution. 
■S-ei,  -^bI  k.  j4«  tmjfaiu'e  soimd.     -rtjfeJjj, 

-eSfS^.  To  chirp,  chatter. 
•CTtiS,    x!fi  5  h.  «.  A  mixture  of  boiled 

rice  and  pulse. 
■5-£:^0    k.  n.  Fire.      -sJjs^d.    A    wrathful 

countenance.      Ssjs^-.  Envy. 
•S-cSc?:^  s.  a.  Somewhat.     2,  a  little. 
•&W^,  ^&o-CT,  xfd-^   h.  n.   A  window;    a 

wicket,  -rrortsjj.  The  window-opening. 

-K5J30.  An    ear-ornament.     -^5.    To 

open  a  window. 
vU    1.  k.  w.  A  gajuga  (Molucca  bean). 
•§-U,  2.  s.  n.  Secretion;  excrement;  dross 

of  iron;  rust,  eic. ;   cowdung  kept  in 

a  pit. 
•S-feo,  k.  n.  A   kind   of  torture    in  which 

the  hand,  ear,  or  nose  is  pressed  be- 
tween two  sticks. 
•0-3  k.  n.  A  spark,    --^a.  rep.  --o-aodrerto. 

To    be    enraged.        -rtraj.     A    fiery, 

red  eye.     -i3o*.  A  little  fire. 
■CT&^?ci  k.  11,  A  mischievous  boy.    -^^. 

■3tJ  k.  An  imitative  sound.   -  oifl), ,  -noyo,. 

To  tinkle,  tingle. 
■S-oc^  k.  n.  A  chink,     gap,     cleft. 
•o-sDeOO  h.  w.  A  title.     2,  a  book. 
•S'^  5  k.  ».  An  ascetic,  a  rishi. 
■o-^  ^,  -Sof^O   k.  M.  An  orange. 

— D  Fp 

■§-St>     h.  n.    A    time,    turn.      -vstt.   In 


•0-3S  y  (==5^'^^  M)  k.  n.  Strife,  quarrel. 
■&g^  ^,  -S-cS^c^  ^-  n.   Canvas,  linen. 
•S-;^o    k.  I",  t.     To  pluck  out.     2,  p.  p.  o/' 

•&ji^^,  -CT^^eOO  h.  ?i.  Silk  stuff  inter- 
woven with  gold  or  silver  thread, 

TT^IJ,  -CTc^DiJ  h.  n.   Edge,   border. 



x;'^^  a.  n-  A  human  figure  with  a 
horse's  head;  a  demigod  serving 
Kuvera.     -^h,  Kuvera. 

■CT^^S    s.  n.  A  lute.     2,  f.  of  -D-pj  ti, 

■&^aioB  xa.  n.  Profit,  gain. 

■§F^.xi'^o,  ^tSjz^^,  k.  n.  The  little  finger. 

■S-osgjtijsX.   =  '"C^^j  i'  V. 

•&si3.  ^0  h.  71.  Price,  value. 


•S-'df*S  s.  )t.  A  ray  of  light. 
■S-TJuj   (a  =  e3),  see  s.  ■6-0  2,   q.  v. 

■S-TieO,  T^i:i20o  (b=e5)  k.  «.  A  hyena; 
a  leopard. 

■S"ti^oo3j  f.  n.  Cochineal;  cochineal 

•Susrf  m.  n.  Grocery,  as  sugar,  spices, 

■&'CX)^  s.  n.  N.  of  a  savage  tribe  in- 
habiting woods  and  mountains. 

xrusoio  h.  n.  Rent,  hire,  fare. 

■S-5  1.  k.  V.  i.    To  grin. 

■o-a  2.  (ti=es)  =  ^dj  1.  k.  rt.  Small,  little,, 
short,  young  trifling;  junior,  -'s'oej^^" 
•*-!Jj=5'oej.    Cpds..-  -Ho^,    -rirjo,     -f\.S, 

■J-rfrfj,  ^rior.  A  small  insignificant 
afi'air  or  state.  -?l>a.  To  use  mean 
language;  a  disrespectful  word-  -fSC^ 
A:S.  The  plant  Flacourtia  cataphracta. 
-(5j8?M.  a  leer,  -tf rfs?j,  -iSjsWj^.  The 
little  finger,  -oiifdo.  A  young  man,  a 
junior;  f.  -rOcxijs^o.  -Sort.  The  youngest 



The  abdomen. 

■S-B-S-^jsor^O    (0  =  69')    k.   n.    A   pair    of 

creaking  shoes. 
•S-S-ctQ  h.  71.  Annoyance,  trouble. 
rr^a  (0=635)  k.  n.    A  small  stre  worn 

by  girls. 
trD::io,    see  s.  ■=•0. 
■CTQorfre^O    f.  n.     A     kind    of    gentian, 

Agathotes  chirayla. 
•S'SfU   s.  n.    A   diadem,    crown,    tiara. 

^^ti^-.    A   crown   of  nine    sorts    of 





■S-'CO  l.=-o-0,  5.  V.  -'s'^isS, -^J?3?e3  A  kind 
of  potherb,  -tfoej,  ■&d?'o^.  A  low  or 
inferior  caste  or  kind.  -rt^s3.  Slight 
darkness.  -rt^.  A  short  sword. 
-Ajs^'^o.  a  short  neck.  -djad.  The 
shank,  lower  or  upper  part  of  the  leg. . 
-oSii.  A  smile.  -^sOt^.  The  uvula. 
-i3rf^o.  =  -S-Oi5ds?j,  s.  *o.  -3jcIji3.  a 
plant  that  stings  like  a  nettle, 
Tragia  cannabina. 

■CTtJo  2.  (rfj=esj)  k.  An  imitative  sound. 
-rtjWj,.  To  cry,  scream;  to  creak, 
as  a  door, 

■&as="  h.  n.  An  account  of  receipts  and 

•S-£)200.  =  -^-OOZOJ,    g.  tJ. 

•o-£»,  -CTeS  k.  int.  An  imitative  sotmd. 
--fJ/To.  To  titter  from  pleasure. 

O'£J0200,  -S-OO^  (  =  *ejioo)  k.  w.  Rust; 
verdigris,  v.  t-  To  get  corroded 
or  covered  with  verdigris. 

■&e3,sl  s.  n.  Fault,  offence,  sin;  disease. 

•6-e3  h.  n.  A  fort,  -n^irf.  The  comman- 
der  of  a  fort. 

■o-de:^o  k.  r.  <.  To  crush  and  squeeze 
with  the  hand. 

•CT^rSo  k.  n.  Deafness;  also  -^^.  -h^U. 
A  deaf  man ;  f.  -n-sia. 

•6- ,3  k.  n.  The  ear  (^rar,  ^>J3  ?;^,  ^Sra); 
the  touch-hole  of  a  cannon;  a  handle, 
as  of  a  frying  pan.  -^jsrao.  To  listen, 
pay  attention  to.  -^J3Wj.=CT5e?j.  To  hear 
attentively.  -^js^o.  A  perforation 
in  the  auricle.  -^jsSo  sSjs:^.  To  bore 
the  ear.  -^5.  To  open  the  ears. 
-»jj3:^j.  A  whispered  word.  -siiJJSo. 
To  shut  the  ears.  -aJj  53o?e3  'aso, 
-oda  dj^d  303=^0.  To  make  known, 
to  communicate.  -cxi3!)d.  Attentively. 
-3od=5'.  A  man  whose  auricle  is  rent; 
f.  -*ci*.  -oooc^j,  -oOh?cJ.  To  twist 
the  ear. 

■S'^'rfj.  ='fr»SCaO,  g.  tJ. 

•&7J  k.  »i.  Putting  astride;  grinning, 
-rrawo.  The  legs  put  astride  (in  walk- 

ing).      -trooSo.     A    grinning    raouth. 

-^j)Ol).    A  grinner,  simpleton. 
■D-;:i^,j3  k.  ad.    Suddenly,  unawares.    2, 

XTTj'oiXi  h.  n.  Kind,  sort.    -JScjrfj.  Sorted. 
•b-^  k.  u.  t.  To  put  astride.  i\  i.  To  grin. 

■&?jO  k.  n.  Redness;  a  dark-red  colour. 

2,  =  *;^,  q.  t). 
•S-rfjlio    k.    ^1.  2.     To     be    disagreeable. 

n.    Disagreeableness,    disgustfulness ; 

strife,  quarrel. 
^;6  b.  n.   A  pocket. 
•D"^      ^?jj     h.  Ji.    An  instalment;    pay- 

ment  by  instalments,  as  of  assessment. 

-woa.  Settlement  of  revenue  by  instal- 
ments. -!3si-5-.  Arrears  of  instalments. 
xy^'6d  a.  k.  v.  i.  To  neigh. 
•D-?  1.  k.  int.  An  imitative  sound,  v^    13-5. 

The   cry  of  certain  birds.  -^^-   The 

•S"?  2.  k.  v.  i.   To  become  pus. 
•D-esiS'  s.  n.  A  hollow  bamboo  whistling 

in  the  wind.    2,  a  chief  of  Virataraja's 

•S-eU,  -S-^ys^  s.  M.    A  worm,   insect,  -n-^&i 

^:^oi.  Mischief-making. 
•CT^UeS  k.    n.    Mischief-making  trouble. 
■S'?frotf    s.  a.     Poor,    wretched;     small, 

little.      2,  sick. 
^^xi  k.  n.     The    mungoose.        2,  (f.)  a 

parrot.      3,  (tb.  of  ■^'i^)  milk. 
■D-e'rfo  1.   (do=e3o)   k.  v,  i.  To  scream.     2, 

to  rage,  fume.    i'.  t.  To  scrape,  scratch. 
■S'f'do  2.  f.  w.    A  dish  composed    of  rice, 

wheat,  etc. 
■S-jigrfS  s.  n.  A  praise,  song  of  praise; 

eulogium.     2,  fame,  glory. 
•o-eSr    s.    n.     Fame,     glory,     renown, 

report.     2,  praise,   worship.     -ri»,'':^o. 

To   acquire  fame.     -So^.    A    famous 

man.  -Sa^o,  -?iJ.  To  praise,  laud. 
■5-?(y.  =  -3-?wj,  g.  t'. 
•cre<y5^    s.  n.   A  pin,   bolt,     wedge,    etc. 

2,  the  forty-second  year  in  the  Hindu 





•&es3    s.  n.    A    lock;     the    spring    of    a 
watch.      -=^odj«.   The  key  of  a  lock, 
-iii.  To  unlock. 
■deOO  (lb.  of  T^u)  n.  A  pin,   peg,    bolt, 
bar,    wedge,    joint,    etc.       2,   device, 
contrivance;    a    secret.      ir^€7io.     To 
bind,  fasten,  fix,  pin. 
■S^e^i  (/"r.  -n-?)  k.  n.  Pus,  matter  of  a  sore. 
■S-friO  a.  k.  r'.  ^    To  make  thin,  scrape. 
2,  to  pull  out  or  off.      n.   Scraping, 
scratching.     2,   a  coil   of   palm   leaf 
put  in  the  ear-hole. 
■&^^ol.  (<i*J  =  C3J)  k.  «.  Lowness,  mean- 
ness.    2,  a  low,  inferior,  base,  mean 
man.     3,  a  veranda.     -s^S.     A    low 
caste.  -53j?iJ5i(,, -n-?"-?.  A  low  man.    -jSJj. 
Lowness,    inferiority.      -^d.   An    in- 
ferior kind.      -^J5t)J.  Evil  and  good. 
-oijB^j,  -jgja.  A  low,  improper  word. 
"S-p^o  2.  k.  V.  t.  To  pull  out;    to  pluck 
out    or     up;     to     uproot,     eradicate. 
P.  p.  *^o . 
5*0  s.    A  particle    implying    inferiority, 

wickedness,  etc. 
S^O-B-OO  k.  n.  The  cuckoo.       i'.  i.  To  cry 

as  a  cuckoo. 
^O^jsC  s.  11.  A  smoking  fire- 
^05^S    f.  n.    The    quantity    of    thread 
spun  in  one  ball.       2,  the   ball-like 
swelling  produced  on  the  upper  arm 
from  being    struck.     -o:>«?J.   To  swell 
"^O^jOrio    k.  V.  t.    To    put    down    with 
violence  or   destroy,   as  vessels;      2, 
to  squat, 
^0-S',20<?  k.  «.   A  creeper  running  wild, 

Passiflora  foetida. 
^O^Ojl.  k.  f .  t.  To  peck;  to  strike  in  a 
pecking  manner;  to  hack,  dig  up. 
2,  (fig.)  to  urge.  3,  to  beat  gently,  as 
a  cloth  in  washing,  v.  i.  To  wink, 
be  dazzled  by  the  sunlight,  etc. 
^OS'J,  2.  k.  n.  A  heron,  crane.  2, 

^03^0,U  s.  11.  A  cock. 

=5^o^ji3.  A  hen. 

'^j^-^bi'SXri.    A  certain  posture  of  an 
ascetic  during  religious  meditation. 
''SoJ^  s.  ?i.   A   doer.        2,   a  veffctable 

3*0^,    k.  n.    A  small  basket. 
^0^-«)jeU  k.  n.  Trot,  as  of  a  horse. 

i.    A    cavity.       2,    the    belly. 

^s'jj^^o'^iO.  Selfish,  greedy. 
5^07\0    k.  t'. «.    To   become    low.   be  de- 

pressed;    to   crouch;    to  decrease;   to 

cease   or    stop,    as   voice    or   speech. 

^JA  7io.  To  cause  to  be  depressed,  etc 
^OaSj'^O    s.  11.    A    hamlet.       -^n^.    A 

petty  villager. 
"^OO^dTio  s.  n.  Saffron,   Crocus  sativus. 

2,  crimsoned  saffron-powder  applied 

by  married  women  to  their  foreheads; 

a    kind    of    cosmetic.       -=^^^0.     The 

saffron  flower. 
"5^00??  k.  11.   The  nape  of  the  neck.  _    2, 

the  shoulder. 

^■:iQ7\0.=  '^ono ,    q.v. 
a'     ■" 

S'ozi  s.  n.  The  female  breast;    a  nipple. 
5^02^3^  f.  11.  A  bad  disposition;  jeering, 

!    '^Oti^  k.  11.   Whispering.       -  -rfJSSti:!). 
j         To  whisper. 
S^oeSeM,   s.  /).  An    evil    design,    wicked 

contrivance;    reviling    and  defaming; 

wild  tricks. 
'S'jsSjs^So  s.  11.  Ridicule,  derision,  mock- 
ery;    an    evil    thought.        -n?ci.    A 

mocker,  reviler. 
S'oeJ  i^.    tb.  of  ■s'j^^,  q.  V. 
"^OiiCi  1.  k.i'.  <.  Toboil.  -u^.  Rice  made 

from  paddy  slightly  boiled  and  dried. 
^jsio  2.  (lb.  of  ^JE'^r.  ==5^001^,  q.  v.)    n. 

A  bunch,  bundle,  cluster;  a  tassel;   a 

^oa;    s.   a-    Earth-born,  low-born.     n. 

The   earth's    son:    the    planet    Mars. 

-J33d.  Tuesday. 

^0^  k.  n.  An  unripe  jack-fruit. 




"^OOZii-  (=5*02^0  2)  s.  n.  A  bunch,  cluster, 

tassel;     a    brush    used    by     weavers; 

also  =^JoiiT^. 
'S'oo&js.  n.  A  hooded  cloak  for  children. 
^joEa/!    (tb.   of   *J3iaF=#)      n.    A   brush 

used    by    weavers   for    cleaning    the 

"Sbo&i    s.  n.    A   place   overgrown    with 

creepers;  a  bower. 
^Oo&Cd  s.  71.  An  elephant,     a.  Pre-emi- 
nent, excellent. 
'^okio'^  (tb.  'ijsii,!^)  n.  A  roof;  hut. 
^oy^O  (tb.  r!j:3-)d)  n.  A  tent. 
S'o&BOSOPrfo  h.  V.  t.  To  mix. 
^C)kl,  s.  A  curve.    2,  a  hut.    3,  a  nosegay. 
^O&SS',  ^oISa  k.   aff.      One   who   beats, 

etc.    Cpds.:    *aJJ-,  ^oii-,  t^owo-,  etc. 
S'j&oia  s.  a.  Bent,    crooked,   curved.      2, 

curly.     3,  dishonest,  fraudulent.      n. 

Insincerity,  dishonesty,     -^f^,  -^,  -^^. 

^ofeog'd  s.  n.  A  hut,  cottage. 
^0Uj3^0  k.  tJ.  <•  To  gulp,    swallow.     2 

to  sting.     ?i.  A  draught,  morsel. 
^oUooSO  s.  n.    A  household,   family;    a 

wife.     -^ .   A  housefather.     'S'jWjoiS. 

A  householder;    f.  =s'jeJoot3?i. 

^Jfei.r^  k.  M.  A  metal  mortar  to  pound 

^oU.rS,  ^oy,S)  (=*otJrf)  s.  n.  A  bawd, 

"^OUo    k.    w.  t.    To  beat,  strike,  pound, 

bruise.        2,  to  throw.        3,  to  prick, 

ache.       4,    (at  the  end    of  cpds.)    to 

utter,     etc.,    to    do  (as:     rioraorioWj^, 

loj^SortjUj.,   ?3j3S)  rtjyj,,    etc.).     n.    A 

blow;  a  piercing  pain  in  the  bowels. 

-<S^,  =5^013,^.   Beating. 

S'ofeS    k.  n.    Decay,    the  state  of   being 
pulverised  by  wood-worms. 

^0T33T:i,  "S^OT^bO    s.  «.     An     axe.       •^^. 

Ganapati;    Parasurama. 
"^^Hi  k.  11.    A    staff-like    iron   roller  for 

clearing   cotton   from   the   seed.      2, 

a   cauterising    iron.       3,    a   stick    of 

sealing  wax. 
^'orf^',  S'oSg'k.  H.  A  drinker,  drunkard. 
^Ot^'^,  5o5;^  k.  Ji.  Drinking;  a  draught. 
S'oT^S^,  'S'or^S  f.  «.   A  jacket. 
^o'rfii,  S'oc^^  k.  11.  The  hollowed  palm 

of  the  hand.      2,   a  liquid  measure  in 

S.  C.  =1  sheer. 
5^0ti»i  s.  n.  A  measure  of  capacity  =  i 

S^Oci  1.  k.  V.  t.  &  i.   To  drink;  to  inhale. 

11.  Drinking,    -^-i.  To  cause  to  drink. 

-?i?dj.  Drinking  water. 
S'oS  2.    k.  n.    A    point,  top;  a  bamboo 

shoot,  the  end  of  a  lamp's  wick;  the 

lash  of  a  whip;  the  point  of  a  flame. 

2,    a   flag.      -cS.'S^W.    A    side   glance. 

-<Dj3?3.     a     mustache     with     pointed 

extremities.       -^Srfrto.     The     extreme 

point  of  a  cloth. 
"^oS^  k.  11.  A  small  vessel;  an  inkstand, 

bottle,  etc.     -'^tfj^o.  A  kind  of  fire- 
^otio  l.(=  ifvJS^^J)  a.  k.  V.  t.  To  give,  etc. 
^OT^J  2.  k.  11.     Croockedness.  -riejj, 

-rtjs^wj.  A  sickle.     -^ooJ^j.  A  zigzag 

^'oc^jS'o  k.  w.  <.  To  wash  (a  cloth)  gently. 

2,  to  peck. 
'^.:iTi:io^  k.  11.  A  stick  for  beating  drums, 

etc.;  a  fiddle-stick. 
^003:^  (=  =s^jfli;^)  k.  «.  Dancing. 
^orf  1.  k.  ?i.    A    hole,    a  pit;   a  grave- 
pit,    -riraj.  A  sunken  eye.    -oiO.  A  fox. 
^arf2,     ^^jrfcdJJ,    ^jrfnsr^o   k.   «.   «. 

To    dance;  to  jump,    frisk,  hop.      -^, 

-nay,  -odoj.a=#.  Dancing. 
^orf  3.  s.  a-  Crooked-armed;  having  a 

withered    or  crippled    arm.       -*.    A 

^Orf^  k.  n.  A  loop,  noose;   a  clasp;  a 

link;  knot.      2,  a  hollow,  cavity.      3, 

a  finger.     4,  a  corner. 
^orf^,  ^orf5o.  =  'B'osa;^,  g.  v. 





B'joy  k.  n.  A    cripple,    lame    man',   f. 

*jol3.  2,  tb.  of  ^Jod.     -rreoj.  A  lame 

foot.    -rs^.   Hopping.      .rf^cxJjDbJ.  A 

S'ooUrf    {tb.  of  *jW^!:^,  q.   v.)   k.  ?i.    A 

procurer,    whoromaster;    also  -rs:    /". 

^Ooyo  k.  71.  Lameness;  hopping;  a  hop. 

V.  i.  To  limp,  halt,  hop. 
5jo6S  k.  n.  An  instrument  for  levelling 

ploughed      ground      and       removing 

noxious  weeds.      2,  the  web-beam  in 

a  loom.     3,  a  pool,  pond.  4,  a  broom- 
^Oo'd  s.  a.  Blunt,  dull;  indolent,  weak; 

foolish;    cf.  ^ooW.      ?*JoS^.  Blunted; 

lazy,  stupid;  confounded, 
^joci  s.  n.  A  pit.     2,  a  pot.     3,  a  pool, 

pond.       4,  a  son    born    in  adultery; 

also    -T^Jti^^"^. 
^Ooci'do.  =  '^Jo:^<x,    q.   v.     '5'ootStf:5?s?o. 

To  fall  or  sink  down. 
iJoorSai    s.  n.    An    ear-ring,    also    one 

worn  as  a  badge  of  honour  by  Pandi- 

tas,  etc.;  brackets.    2,  an  astrological 

diagram;  also  ^^--  -^o^^.  A  scholar 

who  wears  a  pair  of  such  a  badge. 
^OorfeS   s.  a.    Circular,    spiral,     n.    A 

snake.     2,  the  herb  Mollugs  cerviana. 
^oozl  k.  n.    Buttocks;    the    posteriors; 

the  bottom  of  a  vessel.     -'!^t^ .  Tight 

^^oot^Oj  (  =  ^oo!::^do,  *j3:1x,  etc.)  k.  v.  i. 

To  sit  down.     =CTJoa^?iJ,  =  *oe?)Ds-o. 
"^-ii^pi,  'S'o^a,  ^0^  ^>  h.  n.  Satin. 
^O^o^j  s.  «■  A  wicked  design.      -rraO. 

A  man  of  wicked  devices. 
^■:i^^F     s.     n.     Fallacious     argument. 

fallacy,  sophism. 
^J^     f.  n,  A  leathern  oil-bottle. 
S'o^SO^  f.  71.  Eagerness;  desire;  curiosity. 
^0^083  h.  n.  The  Muhammadan  Friday 

sermon  and  blessing. 
^o;^js3o£)    s.   n.    Eagerness;     curiosity; 

desire.     2,  sport,  amusement. 
^0^     k.   ».    Defect,   deficiency,    fault; 

sickness;  trouble;  adversity,  danger. 
?oo..   A  sickly  female. 

^oB  "R  k.  n.  The  throat;  the  neck. 

3*0^0  k.  V.  t.  To  beat,  strike,  bruise; 
to  push.  n.  A  stroke;  that  is  small. 
-©a,  *o^a,  A  small  foot.  -A.  Strik- 
ing, is'j^sjj.  To  cause  to  beat. 

^oS^^  s.  a.  Reviled,  despised;  con- 
temptible, vile. 

^oa^c;o.  =  =5^J"^0  ,   q.  I). 

^'ocSTJo.  'S^jrfj'do  k.  n.  Low  ground;  a 
hollow;  the  bed  of  a  stream. 

^OStS-  ==5^orfjd,  q.  V. 

S^oa  k.  V.  i.  To  boil,  bubble  up.  2,  to 
suffer  pain,  to  grieve  (P.  ps.  ^oacSj, 
^Jdj ).  91.  Boiling;  grief.  =ff^JCi?io, 
-%:>.    To  boil,  e<c. 

S'orfjS'o  a.  k.  V.  i-  To  trot.     n.  Trotting. 

^Oir^JoTio  k.  V.  i.  To  recover  from  illness, 
be  set,  arranged,  etc.;  to  come  to 
hand;  to  fit;  to  become  quiet,  firm; 
to  prosper,  succeed,  n.  Settlement; 
symmetry;  health,  family.  2,  a  garden- 
bed.  3,  a  rim  of  a  mortar.  -SjsWj. 
Success,  as  of  a  business.  -siJ3:So. 
To  fix,  establish. 

'^'^Ti^'6  k.  n.  A  horse.  2,  the  cock  of  a 
gun.  3,  a  knight  at  chess.  -*^r1fi 
o3jd.  The  tree  Terminalia  tomentosa. 
-Heirf,  -oij3.  A  horsekeeper.  -2aS. 
The  hair  of  a  horse's  tail.  -JiJ^rseS. 
A  perennial  fodder  plant,  the  Lucerne 
grass.  -s30Jiu.  N.  of  a  sanitarium 
on  the  "Western  Ghauts.  -s3oos;jar3 
riS?o.  A  kind  of  crocodile.  -crssSJc^. 
A  horseman,  --ado,  -333^.  To  mount 
a  horse. 

S'ojS  a.  k.  n.  A  fetter. 

S^ocro  <y  {tb.  rtjrf  O)  s.  n.    A  hoe,  a  kind 

of  spade.     2,  mountain  ebony. 

5'03ij  .  P.  p.  of  *oa,  q.  V. 

^oajT^e^^^;  k.  m.  Envy. 

^o?i;rio  h.  n.  Rancour,  spite. 

^Oo)   a.  k.  V.  i.    To   bend,   bow,    stoop. 




n.  A  curved  ground,     -^ejo.  A  sack, 
baff.     -^j.  Crookedness;    insolence. 
^'oo^fi'   s.  «.    Hair;    cf.  *ja:SejJ.      2,  a 
mode  of  dressing  the  hair.      3,    N.  of 
a  country. 
"^■^oB  s.  n.  N.  of  the  daughter  of  the 
Yadava    prince    Sdra   and   mother   of 
the  Pandavas. 
^Jo^O.  =*-)S?;^j,    =5'J3:^J,    etc.  (P.  p.    of 

=5^os?tfO).  Having  sat  down. 
^S'ooCj  1.  fe.  n.  A  pillar  of  bricks,  etc. 
^ood  2.  s.  ?i.   A  kind  of  jasmine.       2, 
Olibanum,  a  resin.    3,  one  of  Kubera's 
3^0orf^  k.  M.  Defect;    hindrance. 
^Jorfr©  k.  »i.  Setting  a  precious  stone 

with  gold.      2,  fine  gold. 
^oorirf/?,    S'ooci^T^   k.    «.   The   rim    of 

a  mortar. 
3^0cC0  k.  n.  To  become  lean;  to  wane, 
decrease,  fail,  sink;  to  faint,  cease. 
n.  Decrease,  deficiency;  defect,  want; 
fault;  emaciation;  grief.  -'^c^J,  -;Srfj, 
^JoaSj.  To  find  fault  with.  'tfjorfj 
cD=#,  ^Jorfoso.  Decreasing,  decline. 
^joa=;j.  To  cause  to  decrease,  etc. 
?ro^)N  k.  n.  A  cub,  puppy,  etc.;   a  young 

^Oob^  s.  a.  Provoked,  angry,     n.  Anger. 

-53j^.  A  passionate  person. 
?fo^65,    ^osj^St?    k.    n.     A    portable 

3^035,?j  (<&.  of  =5'JB33=)r?S)  n.  A  bodice;  a 
jacket;  a  cuirass. 

^J3:j.^?jO  k.  r. «.  To  heap;  to  be  numer- 
ous; to  jump  over,  2,  to  be  injured 
or  scalded;  to  blister,    v.  t.  To  amass, 

^eap.  [bottle. 

^o'\    (<6.  ©/■   iS'JSii)     M.     A    vial,    flask, 

^Js^s  k.  V.  t.  To  heap,  lay  up.  v.  i. 
(=  *jS  «?;^j)  To  leap,  jump.  n.  A  kind 
of  disease.  tS'jIj  ?;o.  To  cause  (an 
animal)  to  jump;  to  jump  with  joined 

5^0^  k.  n.  A  pile,  heap;  a  dunghill. 
5^020^0  k.  V.  t.     To  dig  up  the  ground 

3^J20oa   s.  71.  Evil-mindedness. 

'S^otSjseqiS'  s.  n.  A  bad  teacher.     ^otSjs^ 

JiSrS.   Bad  .instruction. 
5*0^    s.    a.    Hump-backed;     dwarfish; 

^0^0-&,  ^'orfjS'o,  ^o^J^o  h.  w.   Help; 

^o»5oS   s.   n.     Evil-mindedness;     weak 

"^.i^iot:)    k.  n.    A    piece    of    forest    land 

cleared    of    its    trees    and   cultivated 

for  one  or  two  years  only. 
^Jeijai'd  s.  n.  A  boy,  youth,  son.     2,  the 

heir  apparent.      3,  Skanda,  the  god 

of  war.     -rtoOj.  Siva.     -^=)£),  P-*,  The 

author  of  Kannada  Ramayana.  -Top?;, 

The    author     of    Kannada    Bharata. 

-r3^wJ.  Skanda. 
S'j^jsS,    ^o^js'd^,    '^oriji)!§F  s.  n.  A 

young     girl,    maiden;     a    daughter. 

^jSjsO^ijjjsSd.  Cape  Comorin. 

^J^JOWo  k.  w.  Nauseousness;  musti- 
ness,  damp  smell. 

'S^'^:iXi  s.  n.  The  white  water-lily, 
ISymphaea  esculenta.  2,  the  blue 
lotus.  3,  the  elephant  of  the  south- 
west quarter.  4,  the  moon.  5,  cam- 
phor, a.  Brown,  tawny.  -rid.  A 
fragrant  garden  flower,  Kaemferia 
rotunda.       -^odo,     -woqjo,     -KjioqSsi, 

^odojaS)^  "FSo^.     The   moon. 
^e^jsJjjnsO.    The  sun. 

T?JC3jrf  f.  ?i.  Company. 

^J'oosos?  (<&.  o/'  =5*w©SD  03)  ?i.  The  pump- 
kin gourd.  -=r302:j.  A  pumpkin,  -los?,. 
The  pumpkin-creeper. 

=^oo2:yziJi  (tJ=e3)  (<&.  o/"  ^oozjis^D)  «. 
A  potter;  /".  -?\^,  -S,  -53J3S?.      -Sno. 





A  potter's  wheel,    -^y,  '^Jo:z^Qf.  The 

business  of  a  potter. 
S'joaio   k.  71.   Bowing    down;    an  obei- 
sance.     2,  decay. 
^'joeS    k    n-    A    wall    on    a   roof  that 

serves  for  a  balustrade, 
^oo^  s.  71.   A  water-jar,  pot;    the  sign 

of  the  zodiac  Aquarius.     2,  N.  of  a 

demon.       3,   a   grain    measure.      -=tf. 

Stopping  the  breath  in  yoga,     -^^fsr- 

N.   of  a  rakshasa.      -5?c5.   A   potter. 

-'§j>'^cS,    N.    of    a    town    in    Tanjore. 
'^oz?^?^  a.  71.  The  earth. 
^Jo^eSjS^  s.  71.    A   hell  in  which  the 

wicked  are  baked  like  potter's  vessels, 

^0^00^   k.  V.  t.    To  beat  with  a  pestlo 

pound.     71.  Pounding. 
^OOaofi'O   k.  n.  Cutting,  reaping.     2,  a 

tenon.     -e#s?j,  'ifjcQjcsP^.  A  reaper. 
^OOcioO'S'    s.  «.  A  wicked  device. 


S'oTiA  f.  71.  An  instrument  of  goldsmiths, 

etc.;  a  sort  of  anvil. 
^O'rfoA  s.  71.  An  antelope,  deer. 

g'o'dsJ  (ti=a).=  *orfj:^j,   q.v. 

"^.iJio^  {tb.  of  *JdoCorf)  71.  The  corun- 
dum-stone, Spatum  adamanticum,  used 
for  cutting  diamonds. 

^01^63^,.  ^^oxik^-R.  =  7?odjii^,   q.  V. 
'^■ydxi.  =  '^jd^izi,  q.  V. 

^0^80.  =  ^orfjw,  q.  V. 

"^OTJTJ  s.  71.  An  ospray;  f.  ^JtiO. 

S'j'jDr©.  =  ajJO^oJO,   q.  V. 

tfo5  1.  (  0=  63')  k.  71.  A  mark;  aim;  an 
object  of  aim.  v.  l.  To  mark;  to  take 
note  of,  regard,  mind.  P.  p.  "^jO^j 
(used  as  a  particle).  With  a  view  to, 
respecting,  regarding,  etc.  *oO^. 
A  mark,  etc 

3^05  2.  (0=C3')  k.  ?(.  A  sheep,  ram.  -*J3 
KSax),  -3J^y^.  Wool.  -^S,  -ns53.  A 
shepherd.  -ft:S.  A  creeper  said  to  be 
an  antidote  for  snake-bites,  -^c^.  A 
sheepish  disposition.     -ajo:3,  -5ooSj. 

A    flock    of    sheep.      -SoO.  A    lamb. 

-^^t^■  A   sheepfold. 
^'obsl    (=*oia-)  h.  ?i.  A  chair. 
'5'jBsOj  sec    s.  'S'jO  1,  q.  v. 
"^cri^  1.    k.   u.    A  protuberance  on  the 

body;  a  boil.     2,  smallness. 
^OTJO    2.  s.    ?i.    The     ancestor    of    the 

Pandus   and    Dhritarushtra.      -"S  P3. 

N.  of  the  field  of  battle  between  the 

Kurus   and  Pandus  near  Delhi.    ->5^0. 

SJTiJoArS  (tij=e3j)    k.   n.   The   state  of 

being   diminished.       2,  the  serum   of 

the  ear,  ear-wax. 
^oTiJjEio     (dj  =  «j)  (=*jdi3)     k.     «. 

Smallness;    dwarfishness.      a.  Small, 

^OTiioaio  k.  71.  An  artificial  frame-work 

used  to  put  idols  in,  etc. 
iS'j'OJiS^,  ^O'rfjfeo^  h.  71.  A  plant  used  as 

medicine  for  the  eyes,  Odina  wodier, 
^orJoti  (=*od:g)    k.    o.    Blind.      n.    A 

blind  man;  f.  'S'jrfja.     -3?^,   tfJdj:Sj. 

Blindness.    'ffjdj::^j  i55°^J.    To  become 


S^OTrioa^  (do  =  e3j)  k.  «.  A  mark,  sign; 
a  characteristic;  acquaintance.  -"acSj, 
■ffJcJjiJjSo.  To  mark,  define;  to  con- 

^OTiosO  (dJ  =  S30)    k.     n.     A  shepherd. 

2,  a  foolish  man;  f.  -S,  -hS..  -?i 
rtd.  A  perennial  creeping  plant, 
Lepidagathis  cristata.  -3?i.  The  pro- 
fession of  a  shepherd;  foolishness. 

Srfoceo    (dj=e3j)    k.    ?j.    A     caste    of 

mountaineers;  f.   's'jdjot^S. 
^OTJoiS  k.  «.  A  tender,  young  cocoanut. 
"^Otio^^    s.     71.     A     crimson     sort     of 

amaranth.     2,  a  species  of  barleria. 

3,  the  red  cedar. 

S'o'djaoa  (=*Jdoi5,  g.  t\)  s.  M.  The 
fragrant  grass.  Cyperus  rotundus.  2, 
Vermillion.     3,  the  corundum-stone. 



^^JtioScO  (do  =  e3o)  (  =  *jdjsS)  k.  «.  A 
sign,  mark,  etc. 

^OTJOS^io,  S'os^or  k.  n.  A  curl  or  lock  of 
hair.      2,  a  cake  of  dried  cow-dung. 

^JT^js^j  s.  a.  Ugly,  deformed,  n.  Ugli- 
ness.    *JC5jt)^.  An  ugly  person. 

^oeJr   (=*JOia)  h.  n.   a  chair. 

S'o&lr^  k.  H.   A   weeding  hook. 

"^OSJ  s.  n.  A  race,  family,  tribe,  caste. 

2,  a    crowd,    herd,    troop,    multitude. 

3,  a  noble  family.  4,  a  house.  -*. 
=  -£i.  -'5't^r.  A  village  clerk  or  ac- 
countant, ■'^°>^'  Extinction  of  a 
race  or  caste.  -=s'soii^,  =  -^.h^.  -rt^s 
*.  A  spoiler  of  caste;  one  whose 
caste  is  spoiled,  also  -?1pa;  a  bad 
rude  fellow.  -rt:Sj.  Caste  to  be  spoiled. 
-ii^a^rS.  The  act  of  spoiling  caste; 
an  act  disgraceful  to  one's  family. 
-7iuS5#,.  Caste  and  family,  -k.  Well- 
born; ancestral.  -:3$tt3i,  -d^sS.  The 
tutelar  deity  of  a  caste  or  family. 
-^sSjr,  ^oOtJiStirf.  Duty  peculiar  to  a 
race  or  caste.  -cS'aO,  -\^.  A  woman 
of  a  good  family.  -^^-  A  son  of  a 
noble  family.  -Zji^j.  An  outcast.  -cD 
co^fi,  -oo^c^.  A  man  of  low  birth. 
-s3^S.  Caste  professsion.  -^,e«i.Emi- 
nent  by  birth.  -?iowoqS.  Family  con- 
nection. -^.  Belonging  to  a  good 
family;  f.  -^.  ^JO=)i5^ij.  The  esta- 
blished practices  of  caste,  ^je^^ns 
tf=5^.  A  man  who  elevates  a  race  or 

^'jCJ^o.  =:^jejo^o,  q.  V. 

S^oe^sodo,  ^oe^soso,  ^oai3.3  h.  n.  A  little 

tfo£ra030?i>  h.  V.  t.     To    open,    expand, 

to  increase;  also  sojeJSODoXo. 
3^oe/sai  s.  n.  A  potter;  f.  ^o^s€.    -t^^. 

A  potter's  wheel. 
^oe)7)?i.  =  ajoera^,  q.  v. 
'^o€>'^.:).  =  *oejo=5rj,  q.  V, 
'^o€)'^o.  =  ■s'o&^jjSo,  q.  V. 
S'o^Seci  s-  «•  Of  high  descent,  well-born. 

'^Ci<S):i'^:i  k.  V.  i.  To  shake,  as  a  vessel, 
body  or  voice,  n.  Shaking;  a  shake; 
trotting.  ^oejJ-c-'^J.  To  cause  to  shake; 
to  agitate.  -n?^.  A  coquette.  =3^ouo 
€j3?W.  Trottings,  trut. 

'^CiQO'Si'^,  ^Oe3,  k.  n.  A  fire-pit  or  furnace. 

'  6 

'SoZ)   h.  n.  A  male  buffalo. 


^Oii^T)  tX  s.  n.  Sour  gruel.       2,  a  sort  of 

phaseolus.      3,  a  species  of  dolichos, 

Dolichos  biflorus. 
^Ofi'o  s.  71.  A  canal.     2,  a  ditch;  a  dyke. 

3,  a  river.      4,  a  bad  habit,     a.  Of  a 

good  family,  well-born. 
S^oe^a     h.   a.    Expanded,    opened;     also 

S'oc;.;  h.  w.  The  whole. 


tfj^'d  1.  <6.  of  ^'jsSjsc!,  (/.  t>. 

^0^:51^2.  k-  w.  A  potter.     2,  a  veil. 

S'osiiycirfo  s.  ra.  Any  water-lily. 

^JS35*,  '^OSTOts*  s.  n.  Speaking  ill  of 
any  one. 

^J3orf,  -"^  3.  n.  A  weaver. 

S'j^?^^  (=*023?tf)  s.  M.  The  god  of 
wealth  and  regent  of  the  north. 

^O^Q.^tS'jsSj,  q.  v. 

^J^  s.  n.  The  sacrificial  grass.  2,  a 
son  of  Ramacandra.  ^ossirtj.  Point 
of  kusa-grass.  ^osart^tooa ,  -SoS. 
Acumen;  shrewd,  intelligent. 

^O'^Z)  s.  a.  Right,  proper;  prosperous; 
clever,  expert.  •«.  Cleverness.  2, 
well-being.  3,  virtue.  -n^rf.  A 
clever  man;  /'.  -nn^F,  =5*0^0.  -^fi, 
-i.  Cleverness,  ability.  '^%_-  -^ 
friendly  enquiry  after  one's  welfare. 

'^O'S^^^  h.  n.  Ease;  fun,  frolic,  pleasure. 
-Sjiiof\.  Salute  firing.  -5iJ3:So.  To 

"^•jh,  '^ott,  h.  n.  Pleasure;  will. 

^'j^Jo)  f.  n.  Kitchen.     -n^cJ.  A  cook. 

^o^ji,  h.  Ji.  Dry  land  not  artificially 

S^osi   s.  n.  Leprosy;  also  -cJjs^rt. 




^'oSjS'oxio  k.  ?i.   Whispering.     -^JS^^SL, 

B'jXJrtjUj^.    To  whisper. 
S'osSop    s.  ?i.    An    improper    union    of 
letters.        2,  an  unlucky  conjunction 
of  stars.      3,  a  narrow  space. 
^^rJ  k.   I',  i.    To  bend,  stoop;    to  sink, 
give    way,    to  tumble,      n.    Bending, 
sinking.      2,  the    peg    or    pin    of    a 
door.    -2i?s?J.  To  give  way  as  a  wall, 
S'jTJoSok.  t'. /.   To  strike.      2,  (=^J?a) 

to  wash  by  slightly  beating. 
3^0?jJ20o  k.  V.  t.  To  wash  (=  uh)  clothes 

by  beating  them  on  a  stone. 
^0?JJ5J0  s.  n.  A  flower.        -^W  3.  N.  of 

a  metre. 
^OXloo20a    (=:€j3o?iowO)    f.      n.    Raw 

fruits,  etc.  preserved  as  a  seasoning. 
5o?jw>oe3  (tb.  of  ^jjCjoijJ)  n.  Dried  flowers 
of  safflower.    2,  the  red  dye  prepared 
from  them.        -rfoS  li.    A   deep    red 
cloth.     -U)r9.  A  deep  red  colour. 
^J7jdo2^  (  =  =5^0  350013)  s.«.  The  safflower 
Carthamus  tinctorius.      2,  a  student's 
^0?jJ5,  ^Orioiio  k.  n.  The  pulp   or  soft 
part  of  some    vegetables   and    fruits. 
2,  the  sticky  filament  of  flowers,    -ns 
o5j.  a  very  young  unripe  fruit. 
S'o^    h.  11.  Wrestling.    -i3Sj.  To  set  on 
to  wrestle.    -odjsiiSj,  -2oa.  To  wrestle. 
^0?iO  O20D,     ^0?jJ  oeOTio    —  ^J3^J  oloO, 

g.  V. 
^05c^      (  =  =Sjaij^)     s.    vt.     A     cheat, 
rogue;  a  juggler,    (/".    ^OoGS-);.  decep- 
tion, legerdemain. 
5*0 s?  1.  (=is'jej,  q.  V.)  s.n.  Family,   race. 
2,    a  tenant.     3,  a  tax-payer,     -ssa. 
An  inferior     village-servant.    -S3?a=#, 
-;rea:Sci.  The  business  of  a  kulavadi. 
-s^tfj,  A    settlement  made    with  the 
farmers  individually. 
^0^2.  (sr  =  CD)'k.   n.    Confusion.     2,  a 
ploughshare;  a  cauterizing  iron. 

3'o'9  1.  k.  n.  An  affix  for  the  formation 

of  nouns,    as:  lo:^-,  sijd^j-,  etc. 
?S'o'9  2.  (S?=C3')  k.  ?(.  A  hollow;  a  hole; 

a  pit.     I'.  /.  To  dig,  make  a  hole. 
?rOS?;gO    (P.  p.     of    T5'jS?tij)     k.     Seated, 

sat  down.     -=!?j5^0v.     To  sit  down. 
Sro^do  1.    (  =  *J030,,   =5*0^?) So,  *jbSj,)  k. 

r.  2.  To  sit  down,  squat;  to  stoop. 
^O^lij  2.  k.  H.  Coolness,  coldness;  cold; 
snow.     *ja?n3r«?.    A  cool  wind.     *j 
^53="Uj..   The  snow-mountain:   Himti- 
^0^   k.  )t.  A  dwarf;  f.  *J«?,. 
^0<»^.  =  *J^3j,  g.  t'. 
^0^  rio  (=  ^j°^Cj)  k.  V.  i.    To  sit  down. 

^j??,Oj;j.  To  cause  to  sit  down. 
S'OSP'J   k.  n.  A    cake  of  dried  cow-dung. 
2,  shortness.     -3=)^.    A  pile  of  kullu 
for  cooking.    -u:=>ci.  A  stack  of  kullu. 
S'j^^'rJ,  ^j5aS,  ^jSArf   k.  n.  Ear-wax. 
S'jsaO  k.  f.  i.   To  cry  aloud,  to    cry   out 
{also  -3oDB'j,    tfjsn^:^,   *j3?»:;gj).      n. 
A   cry,  clamour,  shout.  ^j^rs^J.  The 
distance  at  which  a  loud  cry  can  be 
heard.     -Sy§.   Crying  aloud. 
?^js2^J  1.  k.  n.  A  post  in  a  wall  for  the 
support  of  beams.    2,  smallness.    -f\S. 
A  small,  stunted  tree. 
'g'jBKio  2.   h.    «.   March   or   decampment 

of  troops  or  people. 
S'jsaj  (  =  3oJS^)  h.  «.  An  earthen  water- 
jug;  a  goglet. 
^jsMl.    (/">■•    '^Ji^^)    k.   n.    A   junction; 
union;  an  assembly,  crowd;   a  quanti- 
ty; company.     -^s^jshSj.    To  assemble. 
^jsU  2.  s.  n.  The  summit  of  a  mountain; 
any  prominence.      2,  a  plot;    fraud, 
conspiracy.     3,  an  astrological  term. 
"ujsyjd    s.  n.  The  male  representative  of 
a  family.         2,    eternally    the    same, 
as  space,  soul,  etc. 
^jsZi,  "Sj&Zi^  {inf.  of  ^'js:^)  k.  prep.  To- 
gether with,   along  with;    with.       2, 
also,    likewise.       -^:1),    fl'Jsa::Jj.    To 
heap,  pile  up. 



^jstie^O.  ^jtirfo    k.  n.  A  iunctlon:    con- 

'  1-10  »  ; 

fiuence.  ^jbSsS,  ?*j3:I  .  At  the  very 
moment;  forthwith. 

^jsS"^  k.  n.  Joining;  meeting.  2, 
marrying  a.  widow.  -rioCo.  A  man 
who  has  married  a  widow.  -3io:a3. 
A  remarried  widow. 

^j35?j0  k.  'V.  t.  To  join;  to  mix;  to  add; 
to  amass.      -^"S.  Adding;   addition. 

^^js'rfo  k.  V.  i.  To  join,  unite;  to  meet, 
come  together;  to  be  possible;  to 
take  place.  2,  to  bo  fit.  v.  t.  To 
join,  add,  as  numbers.  '5^J33S,  inf. 
•^JS^  iS?s?o.  To  be  accumulated,  -aos 
■tfJ.  To  heap  up.  ^Jsa  lodj.  To 
come  together;  to  prosper,  as  a 
business;  to  assemble  and  come  to  a 
place;  to  astrologically  agree,  as  the 

^'jstf  k.  prep.  With,  together  with;  at 
the  same  time;  further,  also.  ■ -^J3cS. 
Mutually,  all  together. 

^jsr^Oj  (=*j^rfj)  k.  V.  i.  To  sit  down. 
^Jsa^^vO.  To  cause  to  sit  down. 

^jstf  .  =  ^J3:^d,  a.  V. 


^js^J  k.  P.  p.  of  =5'j^do,  q.  V. 

S'jsrfCJO  k.  w.  Hair  of  the  head  or 

^jajrfo  k.  V.  i.  To  bend,  stoop.  n.  A 
hump.  2,  a  mark,  sign.  ^JS?^.  A 
hump-backed     man;     f.  ^jsa. 

^j3Jj  s.  n.  A  hole;    a  well.       2,  a  mast. 

'S'jsB^  (0=3')  k.  H.  A  sowing  machine. 

'S'js'rfol.  k.  w.  Sharpness;  acuteness;  also 
'B'JSO^.  ^J5D3S*o.  A  brave  soldier.  *iJ3 
Orf.  A  sharp,  acute  or  brave  man. 

'S'iS'do  2.  k.  ?t.  A  tenon. 

^ja^do  3.  k.  V.  i.  To  mind,  be  attached 
to,  to  love.  ^JSSr,  =5'J3Srs3?ij.  A 
lover;  beloved  man;  a  husband. 
■B'js^F".    Love, 

^vD'do  4.  k.  t).  i.  To  sit  down. 

=^js6  (!3  =  &)  k.  ri.  A  kind  of  cloth- 

S'jseir  s.  n.  A  bunch,  bundle.  2,  the 
space  between  the  eyebrows.  3,  the 
beard,  mustaches.  -^,  ^jaz^r^.  A 

^jsT^jr  s.  n.  A  tortoise,  turtle.  2,  the 
second  incarnation  of  Vishnu;  also 
'S'jsrfjsrsisstf.  -sSo^ra.  The  purana  of 
the  said  incarnation.  tfoS»3J3r?dtv.  A 
stool  in  the  form  of  a  tortoise  back. 

S'js^or  a.  k.  n.  Attachment,  love. 

^'jse'o^M,    ^jsa^o^os^  s.  n.  The  whole, 

from  first  to  last. 
S'j???    k.  n.    Hire,    wages,     esp.    daily 

cooly.       2,  a  day-labourer,    a  cooly. 

-'=§wfi.  Daily  labour.        -»3wra:^o,  -'S^^K 

53j3C^o.  To    work  as  a   day-labourer. 

-=5r^!j,  -odosi,  -odJt)S?j.   A  cooly;   f.  -=5=) 

S^jsOjl.    k.   ?;.  J.  To    fall    down;    to   be 

overturned,     ruined.         ■s^JsO^do.     To 

cause  to  fall. 
^j5©0  2.  k.  M.  A  tenon.       2,  a  sloping 

flight   of  stairs  leading  down  to  the 

water  of  a  tank. 
"^j^tS  {tb.  of  ■e'jssi).  n.  A  mast;  also  -=tfow. 
^^5  (==5*0^)    k.  M.    The    East-Indian 

arrowroot,  Curcuma  angustifolia. 

^jSoOT,  ot^  s.  n.   The  pumpkin  gourd, 

^j33jO  k.  n.  An  infant,  babe.  'S'jSnra 
W,  Children's  play.  =5'i/3?3=):3j.  To 
play  like  children.  =s^jt!?3t)a?ij.  To 
amuse  a  child.  -3?^.  Childhood.  ^JS 
?73S*J.  A  weak,  useless  person. 

5^j3^  (^=C3)  k.  n.  A  vulgar,  rude, 
stupid,  vile  man',  f.  'Stjs'?.  a.  Vulgar, 
etc.     -^c^.  Rudeness,  meanness. 

'S'js^,  ^J3^  1.  k.  n.  A  basket  for  fishing. 

^ji^^  i^o=aj)  (tb.  of '^Jsrij)  n.  Boiled 
rice,  food.  "^^5  -tSjs^,  =5'-ra>'jC^rt. 
A  glutton.     -Aj^d.  Food  and  clothing. 

S'ja'^  2.  k.  7J.  The  stump  of  jola;  stubble 
in  general. 

"dvii,    s.n.  Distress.      2,  difficulty.      3, 


pain.  a.  Bad,  miserable.  -Sjjsgjo^ 
0?sS^.  Difficulty  in  the  evacuations. 
S's^  s.  a.  Done,  made,  wrought.  n. 
Deed,  action,  accomplishment.  2, 
the  first  of  the  four  yugas  of  the 
world.  3,  a  kind  action,  benefit.  -'5'. 
Made,  artificial;  simulated,  false;  hy- 
pocrisy. -*  3,.  Contented,  satisfied. 
-c[^.  Ungrateful.  -^~^-  Ingratitude. 
-23.  Grateful,  -fa  i,  -w  ;^.  Gratitude. 
-cxJbor!.  =:^,;^    No.  2.      -adjr,    -so^S. 

Dexterous,    skilful. 

'5',3D=5'v3.    Done 


?r\§    s.  n.  Hide,  skin 

^\B/§  s. 

and  not  done.      ^.sa^iF.   Successful; 
satisfied;  clever. 

s.  n.    Doing,     action;    a    literary 
work,  poem.     -SJS.  An  author,  a  poet, 
the  birch  tree. 
The  third  lunar   mansion 
containing     six      stars      called      the 

5^\^n  s.  a.  To  be  done,  proper,  h.  Ac- 
tion, act,  deed;  business,  duty. 

'^s^in  s.  n.  An  act,  deed.  2,  a  female 

3^\Sj'^  s.  a.  Artificial.  2,  false,  deceit- 
ful, n.  Guile,  deceit.  2,  bewitch- 
ment, witchcraft.  'i5^,.S,<aj.  A  deceitful 

S'xrfo^  s.  n.  A  word  ending  with  a  =^3* 

S^\3jC®  s.  «.  Pitiable,  miserable,  poor. 
2,  avaricious.  -^n,  -^.  Wretched- 
ness; avarice. 

^\Sj3  s.  n.  Pity,  tenderness,  compassion, 
mercifulness;  kindness;  also  '^-.^^ 
-■tftoa^,  -^A»V  A  kind  look,  the  eye 
of  favour.  -?^^>,  -^^rartrf.  An  ocean 
of  tenderness.  -ejj.  Compassionate, 
merciful.      -2o?o3.  Pitiless. 

^\'S0  (=*j<So)  s.  n.  A  worm,  insect.  2, 
a  spider.  -^.  A  vermifuge,  Erycibe 

3^\tf  s.  rt.  Lean,  emaciated,  thin,  slender. 

^\2jv  s.  «.  Agriculture,  husbandry,  -tf, 
*.<Jii?53ej.  A  husbandman. 

'^j^^(=*)%.  t>^)  s-  a.   Black;    wicked, 
n.  The  dark  half  of  the  lunar  month. 

2,  one  of  the  incarnations  of  Vishnu. 

3,  a  crow.  4,  the  black  antelope. 
5,  Indra.  6,  a  river  so  called. 
-■tfsjjr".  An  evil  deed;  criminal.  -to 
olioS.  Krishna's  birthday.  -^^• 
=  'ifs^  n.  No.  1.  -3jt)S».  The  first  day 
of  the  moon's  wane.  -^%-  Black- 
faced.  -K?i.  A  disease  in  which  the 
tongue  turns  black.  -Xsi^.  The  black 
cobra.  -:o  rSoli.  A  wicked  disposition. 
*  35t)  rtdj.  A  black  variety  of  Agal- 
lochum  or  aloe  wood.  =5^,sa  tajj.  The 
skin  of  the  black  antelope.  'S'-sa  3 
3atf.  An   incarnation    of    Krishna. 

^  suffix  to  form  the  dative  sitig.,  as: 
S?:#,  »3jd#,  e<c.       2,  a   nominal    or 


pronominal  suffix,    as:   i~as?^,  sSja^, 

^S.'dai^    k.  71.   The  melon   vine.       =^^ 

0^.  The  musk-melon. 
tf^,?j  k.  «.  Insult,  insulting   language. 


^t5^,^:do    k.   V.  i.    To    be    excited    from 


^o,  ^33054     (==§^^,     =§^,  #SvJ*)  k.7i. 

Redness,     a.    Red.       -^f^g*.    Red     or 

fiery  eye.     -/sa.  A  red  spark.     -Tti^. 

The    red    sprout:     coral.       -?ioS.    A 

shining  live  coal. 
^ei  ?3  (=^0,   q.  r.)    k.    ad.  Redly,     n. 

^si  ei,  ^2i  £)J    k.    «.     The    udder     of 

^do  1.  k.  I',  t.  To  join  the  ends  of  two 

threads    by    twisting    them    with    the 

fingers.        w.    The    knot    formed    by 

^iiio  2.  k. «.  Core,  the  heart  of  a  tree; 

essence,    strength.     2,  pride.     ■"'^^^* 

To  become  strong.    'iiiJH  ^s^ai?.  Pieces 

of    hard  areca  nuts. 




^c,  ^fgoo'  k.    n.   Redness;     also   -^7^, 

-iSfS,   -1^0.      =§01^.    A   red    or    brown 

man;    /'.     t?oc5.      -UTi    -tir^.   A    kind 

of  red  ant. 

t?U,  fpasf  »-ei.  part,   of  ^:^J)  k.  a.  Wiek- 
ed,  bad;  foul,  rotten.      2,  mischievous, 

injurious.      3,  abominable.      4,  fierce. 

-3^.  A  bad,  wicked  disposition. 

=^Wj,.  p.  p.  of  =if:So,  q.  V. 

turfs'  k.  )«.  A  mischief-maker;  a  bad, 
wicked,  mean  man;  f.  =^3*.  -^^fo.  A 
bad,  depraved  nature  or  conduct. 

^rfS'o  k.  n.  Corruption;  ruin;  fouluess; 
evil.     -^oJ.  =:=#:^^^oi. 

^ri^  (  —  ^:^^,  -idsod)  k.  V.  t.  To  make 
fall  down;  to  fell;  to  throw  to  the 
ground;  to  pull  down. 

^Z^i^.  =Tf3^,    q.   V.  2,    to     pierce 

through,  as  a  hole. 

^ZSScO.  =  '^i^^',   q.v. 

^5rio  (fr.  =#:^J)  k.  r.  t.  To  destroy,  ruin; 
to  spoil;  to  deflower;  to  extinguish, 
as  a  lamp.  Cpds.:  oid-,  ^rac*-,  rtS-, 
rid-,  e<c. 

"^T^o  k.  V.  i.  To  be  ruined,  spoiled;  to 
become  foul,  bad,  vicious,  vile,  low; 
to  be  extinguished.  P.p.  '^^-  Cpds.: 
a3>-,  !3^-,  t3e3-,  5jo3-,  etc  ^Wo^3oJ3? 
rto.  =  ^::So.  -i?j.  =  =^c^^o,  g.  v.  -iSt?, 
-S.  Ruin,  destruction. 

^zS  a.k.  iJ.  ?'.  To  fall  down,  drop,  sink. 
(',  t.  To  let  fall.  n.  The  act  of  drop- 
ping (words)  thoughtlessly.  -^Joa. 
To  speak  thoughtlessly;  a  thought- 
less word  or  speech. 

^  f»S^O  k.  V.  t.  To  irritate  or  provoke. 
=#ra=g^W.  Provocation.  =^ra*?ij.  To 
cause  provocation. 

^ori  k.  H.  A  live  coal.  -rtr?o .  A  fiery 
or  red  eye.  -SjsU,.  Bread  baked  on 
coals.  -^o»jr1.  A  red  sort  of  sampige. 
-?3?53.  The  ceremony  of  walking  over 
burning  coals. 

^^  ^   (==§^^   ^Aii)  k.  n.   The  act  of 

D  — °  -° 

setting,     as      precious      stones,     etc.; 

^i^o  k.  V.  t.  To  chisel,  carve,  engrave, 
cut;  to  scrape;  to  chip,  as  grass,  plank, 
etc.;  to  make  thin.  2,  to  enclose; 
set,  as  precious  stones.  =^5  ?oO.  To 
cause  to  carve,  engrave.  '^^'^,  '^^^• 
The  act  of  setting,  engraving, 
carving,  etc.  "^^i^  TZC^t^.  A  chain 
set    with    precious  stones. 

^  J    k.  71.  A  chip,  paring. 

^s^g'o  k.   V.  t.  To    stir,  scratch. 

^rfTJo  (rfj=:e3j)  k.  V.  i.  To  scatter,  be 
scattered  about;  to  disperse;  to  swing 
about;  to  scratch,  as  fowls,  dogs, 

=§^  {==§0,  q.  V.)  Red.  Cpds.:  -c:=)»;!3, 
-53=)'?,  -praOii,  -a?!ij,  -N^tfj,  -f3o3j  d, 
-c3«J,  etc. 

^fS  k.  n.  The  cream  of  milk.     2,  beauty- 

-=tfeJo,.  Cream  to  set.     -Aozi"  The  scum 

of  boiled  rice.    -53j??irfo.  Creamy  curds' 

^ocio  (  =  "^^3*)  k.?i.  Redness. 

^fSi  k.  n.  The  upper  cheek. 

^So  (  =  ^c3*:  eic,  'i-  t'.)  k.  a.  Red.  Cpds.: 

-wfeS.,  -lora,  -t3s?rio,  -sJjrao,   -53j3?d, 

"^oTj-R  k.  «.  Red.     ad.  Redly. 

^osgi  k.  n.  Redness;  red  colour;  a  ruby; 
also  -"S^WJ.  -'gooks^izjh^.  A  medicinal 
shrub,  Gomphia  anguslifolia.  -iijs?tf 
e3.  The  red  species  of  Barleria.  -Jao 
tAio?3;d£JO.  The  fruit  of  the  tree  Eugenia 
malaccensis.  -rSejrioows?.  A  water- 
plant.  Polygonum  glabrum.  -wort!^ 
w^.  The  creeping  plant,  Ipomaea 
biloba.  -i«i?=o«?.  The  vegetable  Basella 
rubra.  -53joC3=)C!.  The  red  flower  of 
Bauhinia  variegata.  -c^sSri.  The  rock 
bush-quail,  Perdicula  argoondah.  -^o 
Cr\zS.  A  small  shrub,  Phyllatithiis 

"^ozy^xi  k.  n.  The  redness  of  evening. 

^^00,  k.  ?t.  A  cough;  coughing;  also 
=^530, ejo.      V.  i.  To  cough.    'i^JJ^J.  To 

cause  to  cough. 





^orfA  =  ^,  g.  t>.  and  its  cpds.  -^,  -^, 
-»3j.  An  act,  performance;  deceit, 

??ocJOJ    ==#)rfj.  -53rf.   A  soldier. 

"^050. (=■«§,  q.  I'.)    k.  >t.  A  field. 

^dl.  ^JJ:i)  k.  «.  A  leather  sandal;  a 

^d  2.  =  i?cJdo.  p.  p.  of  =#3  m  'Sri'Ssi^Os. 

^d^'o  k.  w.  Roughness  {as  of  stone).  2, 

'^'dio'ii:^  a.  k.  r.  J.    To   scratch. 

^Tif)  (—  rtcJ^S)  k.  n.  A  flat  bamboo 

^■rf^J  k.  t'.  J.  To  cry,  shout.  2,  to 
become  angry.  3,  to  increase,  as 
pain,  etc.;  to  spread,  as  a  sore. 

"S^  1.  k.  i\  t.  To  scratch,  scrape.  2, 
to  shave. 

??^  2.  ([3=63')  k.  /i.  A  tank.  -^^.  The 
bank  of  a  tank.  -o3j5:SejJ.  The  inner 
part  of  a  tank.  -=sdu^^.  The  channel 
of  a  tank.  -^j^xm.  The  sluice  of  a 
tank.      -ro=)rf).    A  water  snake. 

"S^  1.  a,  k.  71.  Side;  vicinity;  the  right 
or  left  side.  -^t).  rep.  Both  sides. 
-c33r(o  (-a#r(j).  To  go  aside,  -^radj. 
To  get  out  of  the  way,  retire. 

'^C  2.  k.  a.  Some,  several,  a  few.  -wrfj, 
-Sdj.  Some  or  a  few  persons.  -^S, 
-Sj.  Some  or  a  few  things. 

t7£;?j  k.  n.  Work;  occupation;  business; 
affair;  employment;  act;  use.  -'§, 
wdj,  --^  zS?°^j.  To  come  to  work;  to 
be  serviceable.  -rt°^.  A  lazy  man;  f. 
-r(<!?,^,  -r!«?>.  -3fj3^J,.  To  exact 
work.     -^^s?o.  To  order  a  work. 

"52;^  k.  n.  A  barber  and  hair-dresser; 
also  -rt.     2,  a  person  who  works. 

^^  k.  r.  i.  To  cry  for  joy.  2,  to  cry 
out  abusively.  -^.  Abusive  vocifera- 

^e3   k.  n.   A  shiver,  splinter. 


^ririo  (tiJ=e3j)  k.  M.  "Wet  soil ;  mud, 
mire.  "'^^^'  -^  foundation  stone. 
^XOa.  The  drain  of   a   bathroom. 

^7i^  k.  n.  A  mushroom. 

"rrfj  k.  »(.  A  stemless  plant  with  large 
leaves  and  eatable  tubers,  the  Cocco, 
Arum  colocasia. 

^^  (  =  i?i!SrtJ,  q.  v.)  k.  a.  Lower.  -n:S, 
-^^J,.  The  lower  side;  downwards, 
beneath.  -^oS?*.  To  the  bottom.  -^Ji3. 
The  lower  lip.  -d^d.  The  molars 
of  the  lower  jaw.  -zp'iA.  The  lower 
part.     -^J8^.  The   abdomen,  pelvis. 

^«A0.  ^^^  (  =  '*^)  k.  n.  The  state 
of  being  under,  below,  down  or  in- 
ferior; the  bottom,  ad.  Under,  down. 
Decl.  =#^A^od,  T?*^,  =#^n?S,  cU.  =#«??^ 
&0.  To  lay  down.  ^S<?^<i?.  To  descend. 
-35°S?J.  To  fall  to  the  ground.  -^J?UJ 
ajscSo.  To  make  the  lower  side 
upper;  to  turn.     -^J°d.   Topsyturvy. 

■a"^a  (=  7^'-?^)  k.  n.  A  female  companion. 

^^5  (^^d'-^J)  a.  k.  r.  i.  To  gape;  to 
open,  expand;  to  blossom.  2,  to  cry 
out;  to  dispute,  wrangle. 

^(^  (=:?i«?)  a.  k.  w.  Union;  friendship; 
a  companion,  friend.  -^.  A  male 
companion.     -Soi.   Companionship. 

^?^TJ  s.  a.  Squint-eyed.  n.  A  leer. 

'^e^'QriJ  k.  V.  i.  To  hawk  in  spitting. 
■#?*0^.    Hawking  in  spitting. 

^eS'o,  ^?A0  k.  r.  ?',  To  cry  as  a  peacock. 
71.  The  cry  of  a  peacock. 

^?5  k.  »i.  One  who  ruins  or  is  ruined; 
also  -rt,  =i^:i^ri.  Cpds.:  *JW-,  as?-, 
rssodj*-,  loja-,  SjJa-,  i^jISSd-,  53,^-, 
etc.  -rt^?i,  -;k?j.  Destructiveness,  im- 

^e<5j  k.  »t.  Ruin,  destruction;  mischief; 
disaster;  loss.  -rr?ej.  A  disastrous 
period.  1??33^.    A  mischief-maker. 

=§^^  k.  /?.  Envy,  grudge;  anger.  2, 
deliberation.  -5=)d.  A  grudger.  -^^. 
Envy;  stubbornness 

^eS'S'  s.  «.  The  fragrant  screw-pine, 
Paiidanus  odoratissimus. 

^?^;:J  s.  n.  Summons,  invitation;  also 
■^^S.  2,  business.  3,  a  place.  4, 




^e;^0  s.  n.  A  ray  of  light;    brightness. 

2,  a  comet.     3,  the   descending   node. 

4,  a  flag. 
?f  ?  j^^,  ?f  eQ/^.    tb.  of  "S^^^ir,  q.  V. 
T^ensTi   s.    n.  A   field;    a    park.        2,  a 

temple.     3,  the  body.     -rf^^.  N.  of  a 

^?orfj  s.  n.  The  centre  of  a  circle.     2, 

a  planet's  distance  from  the  first  point 

of  its  orbit. 
'^?3Ja'  k.  n.  A  shrub  with  red   or  white 

flowers,  Ixora  coccinea. 
T?eJ^  f.  n.  A  periodical  supply  of  mer- 
^fi    m.  n.    Rubbish,    refuse,    etc.     a. 

Inferior.     -s3j3o§.  An  inferior  mango, 
^eti©,  ^eTJ^  s.  n.  The  Malabar  country. 
^fS  k.  n.  A  street,  lane, 
^sdj  1.  k.  n.  The  tree  Semecarpus  ana- 

cardium,    which    produces    the   mar- 
king nut.     -iS^w.  The  marking-nut, 
^?TJo2.  (dj=  esj)  k.  V.  i.  To  winnow. 
^eu  k.  M.  The  rat-snake,  Plyas  mucosus; 

also  -»«i^. 
tf  eiS'j  k.  n.  A  large  earthen  water-jar. 
^?^ej    s.  rt.    Alone,    only,    mere.         2, 

entire,  whole,  all.    3,  pure,  unmingled. 
^e^  s.  n.  The  hair  of  the  head.       -sSjs 

23r?i.   A  comb.       'Sl^,  ^^S^.   Having 

much  hair. 
^?^s3  s.  n.  Krishna,  Vishnu.      2,  N.  of 

the  author  of  the  Sabdamanidarpana; 

also  €5Sa=)to. 
^errfTJ  s.  n.  The  filament  of  flowers.       2, 

the  plant  Mimusops  elengi.     3,  saffron. 

4,  the  mane  of  a  horse  or  lion. 
^oTjli-^-^ov:^    h.  n.    The    empress    of 

Hindusthan,  title  of  Queen  Victoria. 
=^?pd£)  s.  a.  Having  a  mane.    2,  saffron 

coloured,     n.     A     lion.     2,    a   horse. 

-i:^^.  A  kind  of  paddy,     -if^^.  Rice 

seasoned   with  saffron,  sugar,  etc. 
^?rJO  a.  k.  n.  Redness.      'ilriir.  A  red 

kind   of  rice.       =§1XjQ.  A  red  flame. 

^?Jvj*).  An  onion. 

(^=C3')  a.  k.  n.  A  line,  series;  a 

^e^O  k.  j;.  i.  To  hear;  to  listen  to;  to 
heed,  mind.  v.  t.  To  hear,  mind. 
2,  to  ask,  beg;  to  demand.  P.  p.  =^°^, 
^5°^o.  -C.^^,  €$T?^.  Hearing;  asking; 
hearsay.  "i^^^O.  To  cause  to  hear 
or  listen;  to  be  heard;  to  hear;  to 

^<;  (=^aij*)  k.?t.  The  hand  (3o^).  2,  an 
elephant's  trunk.  3,  a  branch,  spatlie. 
4,  a  staff;  a  handle;  a  key.  5, 
means,  instrumentality.  6,  handiness. 
^>  3ij  is  used  for  the  genitive  or  dative ; 
■^^oSjocS  instrumental,  and  "^^aJjO^, 
locative  or  dative,  as:  c^c^  '^^^  '^s'rl, 
under  me;  ssSpS  =fjOli  3o?*J,  tell 
him;  sss^oi  =^^oajoX503j;gj,  it  was 
done  by  him;  ^^^  %^^^  ^?e?r3, 
I  told  him;  ?i^  =if^odjO  iifj^S?  what 
have  you  got?  etc.  -*^.  A  kind  of 
ornamental  bracelet.  -*dra.  A  me- 
dical treatment.  -=5'^  .  -=#ti5i.  Handi- 
craft.  -5srSrf.  A  note  of  hand;  a  bond. 
-=gDejj.  Hands  and  feet.  -^ssjj  =^'^ 
•uJtiVx.   To   make   obeisance.       -5»)eJJ 


z3?^^j.  To  fall  to  one's  feet.  -*j3©. 
Working  as  a  day-labourer;  wages 
for  such  work.  -tfjsOrrecS.  A  day- 
labourer.  -'SJiTij.  A  child  in  arms. 
-'i^A.  Under  one's  control  or  author- 
ity. -=#J8i:SO.  A  small  axe.  -'#j3:^j. 
To  help;  to  deceive.  -=#j3^Jj.  To 
seize;  to  receive,  obtain,  accept,  adopt; 
to  undertake;  to  mind  (Aj^^^O^Jj, 
«sof\?'c3?do,  etc.).  -"^ja^wo.  A  walking 
stick.  -'#®$^.  Hand-stock,  -rsc^.  A 
temporary  loan  given  without  bond 
or  interest,  -riotjj.  A  purse  of  money 
for  one's  own  use.  -rt^.  A  small 
knife.  -rtirf*.  A  male  pilferer;  f. 
-riziir.  -m!if.  A  present  given  with 
the  hand,  -nacdjo.  To  protect,  -n^n. 
A  clever  man.  -rraO^.  The  arts  of 
industry,  manufacture.  -r(jd  ©.  A 
small  hoe.  -riotfjoj.  A  person's  signa- 



ture.  -Tt/sa^.  To  accomplish,  -rtjsa 
wdj,  -rijszio.  To  be  obtained;  to 
succeed.  -ncSo.  To  lose,  be  defeated. 
-T^rSo,  To  give  the  hand;  to  stretch 
the  hand  for  help  or  promise.  -^^^■ 
A  shrine  wherein  idols  are  carried 
about.  -z^iS  e?, -tS^«?.  Clapping  the 
hands.  -iS>'*.  Dexterity,  sleight  of 
hand.  -iif=^~i.  Cramp  in  the  hand. 
-Z532^j.  To  stretch  out  the  hand,  -z^ 
13t#,  -zasJa^j.  A  snap  with  the  fingers. 
-za?Uo.  A  note  of  hand.  -zS^^.  A 
glove;  a  small  bag.  -:£j8?a?ii,  -»lwf\. 
To  join  the  hands  in  greeting.  -'^^. 
To  clap  the  hands;  to  touch  pieces 
of  money  in  counting;  to  beckon. 
-^3^  .  A  mistake;  a  slip  of  the  pen;  to 
fall  from  the  hand.  -3=)°^.  A  kind 
of  cymbal.  -3j)Vj.  An  instrument 
to  move  the  inner  latch  of  a  door 
from  out-side.  -^j3j.  A  handful  of 
food.  -JjsaTl.  Ornaments  of  the 
hand.  -d^iJ^.  A  deal  of  cards  for 
games.  -cSjcSj^o.  To  grasp;  to  thrust 
the  hand  intoj  seizing.  -:3jsS  cio 
53J3::iJ.  To  be  liberal  in  giving  alms. 
-?i?:«j.  To  stretch  out  the  hand.  -Si?t3J. 
Water  poured  over  the  hands  of 
the  marrying  couple.  -fSdsJ.  Help, 
assistance,  -srasita.  A  handkerchief; 
also  -»3M,,  -S^.  -*ja.  A  handle; 
a  looking  glass;  a  handbook.  -i^^J,. 
A  small  cup;  a  scoop,  -wrtejo.  A 
loan  (of  money).  -wS^.  Handwriting. 
-lo«?.  A  bracelet.  -rz^zi.  A  small 
adze.  -KS^j.  A  sickle.  -zScSo.  To 
lot  loose  one's  hand;  to  cease  to 
assist;  to  desert.  -Sort.  A  hand-loom. 
-Sod.  To  be  confounded  or  amazed; 
an  attitude  in  dancing.  -oio?;i?o. 
Black  dirt  on  the  hand;  a  slow  poison. 
-djejy.  A  hand-gesture.  -SjaiSo.  To 
make  signs  with  the  hand;  to  rebel; 
to  brandish;  to  bargain.  -53o«)rfj.  A 
fathom;  offering  of  goods  for  sale 
at  the    doors.       -<SjrO.    To    become 

excessive.  -CJSdJ.  To  exceed,  surpass, 
go  beyond;  to  get  out  of  one's  power. 
-SojUj,.  To  touch  with  the  hand; 
small  utensils.  -53ojO.  The  hand 
to  break:  fig.  a  plain  bracelet, 
also  -^mOA  -KJb^'i  (-^'t.^y  "^'■i^' 
hand-writing;  signature,  -cdrsas;^. 
To  move  with  the  hand;  to  rub 
gently;  to  stroke.  -olracJ.  "With  full 
and  open  hands ;  with  a  prompt 
baud.  -o6j!>6y€.  Nursing  with  one's 
own  hand,  supporting  by  one's  own 
means.  -Oij???  (-i}^).  Bribery;  a 
bribe,  -cxjjs'^j  (-efSj).  An  assistant, 
servant.  -o3jf^.  Oil  extracted  by 
hand.  -o3j^j^.  To  raise  the  open 
hand.  -oSjs:^  (-t«:io).  To  hold  out 
the  open  hands  to  receive  anything. 
-OeiriJ  (-wrto).  To  be  produced  by 
the  hand;  to  be  practicable;  to  be 
able,  useful.  -oSs!.  Actual  possession. 
-S^;3tirtj.  To  come  into  one's  power 
or  possession,  -ss^d.  A  pair  of  compas- 
ses; praise,  eulogy.  -saO^Jo.  To 
praise.  -z25?Jo.  To  swing  the  arms 
when  walking.  -^?|.  A  sign  made 
with  the  hand.  -^arSo.  To  be  possible. 
-?c3e3.  A  veranda.  -?3j3i3.  Spoil, 
plunder.  -?S!3.  Arrest,  captivity.  -?5j5 
c^do.  A  small  lamp.  -3oJ3j  ,  -srs's'o. 
To  put  the  hand  to.  -ii  lodJ.  To  bo 
obtained;  to  become  useful.  -oiiO. 
In  the  hand,  elc.  -c&Jh'4i^.  In  or 
into  the  power;  under  the  control. 

"Si  2.  k.  n.  Bitterness. 

^i^ji^a  see  s.  ^^. 

^^oS'aJor  (fr.  TO^f^tf)  s.  n.  Service;  servi- 

^(ti  h.  n.  A  prisoner. 

T^^rfol.  k.  n.  A  weapon. 

^('do2.  h.  n.  Imprisonment;  restraint; 
arrest.  -33^t3.  A  prison.  -Sjsso.  To 
put  a  stop  to;  to  arrest. 

^^^odJ^O  h.  n.  Statement;  an  affair, 
case;  a  suit,  plaint. 




^(£/t)rj  s.  n.  N.  of  a  mountain  in  the 
Himalaya  range,  the  seat  of  Kuvcra 
and  paradise  of  Siva.  -rt^.  A  lost 
debt.  -^"sA).  A  deceased  worshipper 
of  Siva. 

^IrSQo  {fr.  =i^^v)  s.  n.  Perfect  exemp- 
tion from  further  transmigration,  ab- 
sorption in  the  supreme  soul.  2, 

"ijs^^bi^^^^  (=^^0:27^0)  k.  n.  Crook- 
edness, as  in  writing. 

^j3S',&;!io  k.  V.  i.  To  chuckle,  giggle. 
2,  (fr.  tfjc^o)  to  shrink,  shrug  as  from 
cold,  fear,  etc.     3,   to   menace,  abuse. 

^.(S^'.tS  k.  n.  A  crane. 


^ja^OK  (fr.  =5'J3o*jj  k.  n.  The  beak  or  bill. 


^js^,   k.  n.   Crookedness;     a    crook;     a 
hook.      -^?eJJ.  A  hook;    a  walking 

stick  with  a  bent  handle.      -sjjpij^,. 

A  perverse    man.      -^Jh'^.   A   hooked 


^jaA    (="^^5071)    k-  n.    Crookedness.     2, 


a  man  with  uncouth  voice. 
^Sd'h  ,    "^JS'A  e5,    '^jiii      k.  n.     A    very 

A  A  A 

common  under-shrub,  Tephrosia  pur- 

^jiiC'S^  k.  n.  The  Concan  country  of 
the  western  coast.  -ri,  =#j3o'5^E^, 
=^jt!o^rart.  A   Concan  Brahmana. 

^j3o5^0  k.  I',  j.  To  be  bent,  crooked, 
curved,  deformed;  to  become  perverse, 
untrue,  etc.  n.  Crookedness,  etc.  -t?j3 
rf^.  Wrongs  and  defects,  -rljrfj^j, 
-rtjscSejj.  Curled  hair.  -oiia.  An 
altered  voice  or  speech. 

'§:ilO'$^^^■^  (=:=5'o^o^j)  k.  11.  The  armpit. 

??;30A.  =^-'8rt ,  q.  V.  -Sjori.  A  buffoon. 
-^0^.  Buffoonery. 

T^jdO'R  (='^J3oi3)  k.  «.  The  branch  of 
a  tree. 

^js&l  k.  n.  Cochin  on  the  Malabar 

^Jiiiio  1.  k.  V.  t.  To  sift  flour  on  a 
small  fan.  2,  (=^J3Z^jr)  to  cut  up, 
to  chop.     Jt.  Cuttings,  chips.    2,  powd- 

er, dust.     =^J3i3  ^.  The  act  of  cutting. 
^jssij  2.  k.  w.  i-  To  speak  much,  prattle, 

^jasS    k.  n.  Mud,  mire. 

^j33i   h.  M.  A  eunuch. 

^jsosi  k.  «.  A  little;  littleness",  inferior- 
ity.    -cSd.  An  insignificant  man. 

^jihzTi  (==#J3to|i,d)  k.  n.  A  threshing 

^jsU  1.  (=  ii>JsWj)  k.  n.    A  bamboo  tube. 

2,  an  extremity.    -"^jafS.  The  extreme 

^jsy  2.  f.  w.   A  fort.     -TOti.   A  man  of  a 

T^jsW  7^  C=^jsi3ii,  =!?Jiy,!i.  tb.  of  ^:>hio^) 

71.  A  stall,  out-house;  a  barn,  room, 

^jaU  r®    (fr.  =5*0^0,)    k.  n.    Beating    the 

husk  from  paddy,  etc. 
^jt^^Ti  (tb.  of 'iJ^^^^rvsJi)  71.  A  thresh- 

ing    floor.      =^J3to^0.     The  officer    in 

charge    of    a  granary;  a  steward. 

??j3B    h.  a.  False,    counterfeit,   forged; 
vicious,  bad.      -^^t3.  A  forged  bond. 

-cSSd.  A  bad  conduct.       -rfjssjsoaj.  A 
counterfeit  rupee. 

ei  '^ 

^;3UJ,  1.  P.  P-  of  Tfj3:^J. 

^jsUO  2.  k.  n.  A  point;  a  nipple;  a  crest, 

a  head-ornament. 

"^j&fSi  k.  n.  The  stone  or  kernel  of  fruit. 

'^js'SJ^  b.  ».  A  chamber,  room. 

€j^ri   (tb.  of  ^J^   n.      A  pitcher,   pot. 

-33j)Fi.  A  koda  of  copper  or  brass. 
^jat^^,  ^JS'J^o^a.  k.n.  The  ear.  -sSjjtfj. 

An  ear-ring. 
^jsT^AO  k.  n.  The  Coorg  country,    -^a^. 

A  Coorg-knifc,  abroad  sword.  =^J3:^r(. 

A  Coorg  man. 
^j&zi-R  k.  n.  A  gift,  grant. 
'ijsri^'hri  k.  n.  a  large  prickly  shrub, 

Zizyphus  xylopyrus. 




^jBcaEJo  k.  V.  t-  To  remove,  rub  off,  as 
ear-wax  or  impurities. 

^^rf^  k.  n-  The  pain  of  a  sore.  2, 
severe  itching-.  3,  a  stick  tied  to  a 
dog's  neck. 

^jiXiB  (fr.  ^JCeJ)  k.  n.  A  wooden  hammer. 

^jsTlag,  ^jsT^^  k.  t'.  t.  To  scatter  or 
throw  about;  to  shake. 

^j&ri€>  (=  ^■Jsa.  tb.  of  B'OOTrf)  n.  An 
axe,  hatchet. 

^jsTS,^^  k.  n.  The  small  tree  Cluylia 
colUna.  2,  (<&.  o/'  *jWia*)  the  medi- 
cinal tree  Wrightia  antidysenterica. 

?r.®S  k.  H.  Strength,  stoutness.  -*t>J. 
Stone-like  firmness  in  one's  health. 

^jiL^'R.  =:^j3Si^,  a.  V.      -5jJ3ri-.     Land 

free  of  rent. 
^j2c^J    (cA    *j3j)  k.  V.  <.     To  give;    to 
present,  bestow,  grant.     P.p.     =^j3Uj  . 
t?j3:Sj    j's   o/"<eft  added   to   other  verbs 
without    altering    their   meaning,    as: 

:So.=  ^iiref\?3o,  etc.  Affixed  to  in- 
finitive forms  of  other  verbs  it  denotes 
to  allow,  permit,  as:  sSjsSiijBSj, 
^itiT^Js:io,  to  allow  to  do,  come,  etc. 
=#J3a?;o.  To  cause  to  give.  °iJsAi, 
-iS=#.  Giving.  -=^jJS?Jk53:5j.  Giving 
and  receiving. 

?rj5ZS  k.  H.  An  umbrella;  a  parasol,  v.  t. 
To  hollow,  scrape,  scoop.    2,  to  ache. 

tfjsT^  k.  ?(.  A  stupid  man,  a  clown. 

^jbTO  (  =  ^v3S?)  k.  n.  A  pond,  tank. 

^jaf®;^  k.  M.  A  club  swung  in  the  hands 
for  exercise. 

"^fjsr^S^^  k.  n.  A  round  wooden  dish  to 
knead  dough   etc.    in. 

^jscrf  1.  k.  n.  A  hill,  mountain.  -SJJ 
?5oa.  A  large  black-faced  monkey. 

^JSOZ^  2.  ^ft.  of  *JoS,  q.  y.  -^lo,.  A 
feast  in  honour  of  Virabhadra. 

^j3Cl33Tio  (sec  s.  ■#J3<?J,)  k.  t\  <.  To  ap- 
plaud, praise,  glorify. 

'^ji,Ci%  k.  n.   A  hook;  the  link  of  a  pad- 

lock.    2,  the  sting  of  a  scorpion.      -s:o. 
To  slander,  defame. 
"^jscxio.    P.p.  of    'i?J3S*0,,  q.  V. 

?fjactf  k.  71.  A  chaplet   of  pearls.        2, 

a  tassel. 
^jsczSa,  "^jsczfccSok.  n.  Calumny,  slan- 
der,    defamation.       2,     a     slanderer, 
defamer;  also    -rred;    f.  =#JSod?>3.. 
^JS3'  Sse;  h.  M.    The    chief    officer  of  a 
town   police.       2,    the   overseer  of  a 
travellers'  bangalow. 
"tjs^  ^  k.  n.  A  bulwark,  bastion. 
tfjjS    k.  n.  A  cat. 

"^ji^'     k.  f. /.    To  chop,    mince,    n,    A 
bunch,    cluster.        2,    a   mark   for   a 
liquid  measure. 
^js^o  C205  (<6.  o/'  *oXj.o"^0)  «.    Corian- 
der seed. 
??;3rf£0  k.  r.  i.   To  hesitate  in  speaking, 
to  stammer;  to  mutter,  n.  Stammering. 
^jSrjTJj  a.  k.  V.  i.    To  sprout ;    to  arise, 
extend,  n.    A  shoot,  sprout;  the  film 
of  a  lotus. 
^.OcS  k.  V.  i.     To  succeed  in   an   object. 
n.  An  extremity;   a  point;  a  top;  an 
end;  a  branch.  Cpds. :  SoJurf-,  scscSci-, 
3jyo3j.,    wOfi-,   e<c.      -r^dKo.     To 
accomplish.      -rrecSO.     To   be    accom- 
^j30i^  (tb.  of  ^Jo3)    H.  A  spear,   lance. 

-=53d.  A  spearman. 
^J3ocd0.  P.  p.  of  '^jz^o^,  q.  V. 
^J3C:3  k.  n.   The  tree  Cassia  fistula. 
'SjsXy  ^js^.'Z)  k.  n.  A   hamlet,   village; 

affixed  to  village-names. 
'^jiTi.^Ti    {tb.    of    *srtf)   n.    A    metal 


^J3S\  k.  /t.   The  notched  extremity   of  a 

bow   or  horn.      2,   a  woman's  knot  of 

hair.     3,  an  ear-ornament. 

^js^x  k.  n.  The  hood  made  of  a  cumbly. 

^JS205,  ^J320  a  k.  H.   The  kernel  of  the 

cocoanut.     -iolJ.    A  kind  of  chatnov. 

C»9  •' 

-3j5j.  Congealed  cocoanut  oil.  -lobJj. 



^J3ej  £^A 

Half    of  a  cocoanut   kernel.       -oir5. 

Cocoanut  oil. 
"^jaSOO,  k.  V.  i.    To  grow  fat,  thick,  etc.; 

to    be     rank,    luxuriant;     to  become 

proud,  insolent,     n.  Fat;  luxuriance; 

pride.   'Sj&C)7\.   A  proud  man. 
^j^^J  k.  I',  i.    To  begin  to  burn,   as  fire 

or  anger. 
^jso^  1.  k.  n.  A  small  bundle  or  load 

of  thorny  twigs.      2,  a  thorn  bush. 
"^Jiicii  2.  k.  n.   A  small  hamlet;  cf.  €j3^  . 

^jso800  i.k.  t).  <•  To  seize,  take.  ^J3oio.= 
'^js^vXS,  g.  ».     ^jJo;:3j3?r3.  Taking. 

^jaoSOo  2.  k.  n.  A  horn  of  animals;  a 
tusk.  2,  ero  or  its  embodied  form  o. 
3,  a  branch  of  a  tree;    aiso   ^JSoto. 

^jaosS  k.  n.  A  branch. 

??j8JSo,  k.  n.  A  corn-bin.     2,  hog-weed, 
Boerhavia  procnmbens. 

^jiO30,  S'jscdOOo    k.  V.  t.     To     cut;     to 

pluck,  as  fruit,  etc.   v.  i.  To  crop,  reap. 

P.  PS.     =^JBOaodO,    =5j301)J  .       =#J303j'5i.    A 

cutter.     =^a303jB'3?i,  =#j303j3.    Cutting. 

-5JJ.  Reaping,  plucking.     =^Jt)COj?io.  To 

cause  to  cut. 
^jsTi  1.  k.  n.     The    sound    produced   by 

hoarseness;    the  pur,   as  of  a  cat  {see 

'€j!)^).      -oioi^,    -rijUj,.     To  pur. 
"^js-d  2.  (ti=85.   cf.  =#J8c3  1)  k.  »i.  Cutting. 

-'S'ejo .  A  rugged  stone. 
??j3TJ5^£)o  (ii=  es)   k.  n.    A  cut,  channel, 

the  bed  of  a  stream.    Tfjsrftfo.  To  bite. 
^jsTJXfS  k.  n.  Sorrow. 
^jsT^AO    k.  V.  i.    To  become   sapless;    to 

shrivel;  to  wane;  to  sorrow,  n.  Sorrow. 

T?j3ti^?jj.  To  cause  to  be  sapless. 
^^jaTJsi  (ti=e3)  k-  n.  A  thievish  wander-' 

ing  hill-tribe. 
?fjsti£:^0,  ^js'dtJDT^O  (Ci=  63)  k.  w.  <.     To 

upbraid,  revile;    to  speak    much   and 

uselessly.        ^j3:ii39W.       Upbraiding; 

mocking;  reviling;  useless  talk. 
"^^sTiUj  k.  71.  The  state  of  being  stunted 

or  checked  in  growth.     -it)?s?o.  To  get 


'^js'd'rfj  k. n.  The  trunk  of  a  lopped  tree; 

a  stump,  lop.      2,'  a  clod-crusher. 
^jsTDcS  (Ci=  e3)  f.  n.  A  whip. 
"Sjsli^  (Cj=e3)    k.  M.    Deficiency;     want; 

loss;    defect;    fault.       -SjSj.   To   feel 

a  want;    to    be   poor.       -"^orfo,   -'Ji^^o. 

Deficiency  or  loss  to  come  about. 
'^js'dcjDQAZS     k.  71,    A    kind    of    sedge, 

Cypei'us  hexaslachyus. 
'Sji'dTj  k.  n.  A  curry-comb. 

^jiX^6  i^—a)  k.  ?i.  A  kind  of  millet, 
Paiiicum  italicurn.    2,    a  kind  of  ant. 

=^.®TJd  (i3=e3)  k.  w.  A  man.  of  a  tribe 
so  called  who  make  baskets,  mats, 
etc.;  f.  -h,  and  ^^jbcJcSosxj,  who  is 
also  a  fortune-teller. 

^.©■ds^O  k.  n.  The  throat;  the  neck;  voice. 

-=s'5J,^j5«?j>.     To   embrace   one's    neck 

from    love.     -=^j30!)jtf.     A    cut-throat. 

-Sii,.  A  collar. 

^J35,  ^j2t31.(0,  £3  =  63'  63^)  k.  V.  t.  To 
cut,  as  wood,  letters,  etc.;  to  break, 
bore,  as  a  hole;  to  excavate,  as 
running  water  the  soil;  to  pierce  as 
cold.  2,  to  diminish.  3,  to  whirl, 
rave.  n.  Cutting;  a  cut  off  piece.  -3, 
€jt)d3.  Cutting;  piercing  of  cold. 

"^.ffiSLiS  f.  71.  Annoyance,  trouble. 

^j3t3  2.  (tj=e35)  k.  M.  Smallness,  defi- 
ciency, defect.  2,  rest,  remainder. 
3,  a  rambler.  P.  p.  -cSj,  ^jsOcij.  -Sf^. 
A  day  of  absence.  -SJa^Cc).  The  point 
of  death.      -Tio-ui^.  The  rest  of  pay. 

^jseS"??  k.  71.  A  clasp,  hook,  etc. 

^jseS^o,  =^j3<yo^J.=*o053j.  k.  n.  A  forge. 

^jss3  k.  n.   Killing,   murder,   slaughter. 

-71,  -ria^,  -(iSJ^,  -nad.  A  murderer. 

-SJt)^^^.  Manslaughter. 
^j3(y  ^A     k.  71.     A    pole-dancer,    rope- 

dancer;  A  T?J3e^§Jh^. 
"^jaa*  rf^  a.  k.  w.  Playing,  play,  perfor- 


€vJ3e5^  d 



^jsas  Ti,    ^jscjo  Q,    ^jse;3  -dj    k.   n.    A 

cart  drawn  by  oxen. 
^jseS    k.  ■«.   A  bend,   curve;    a  nook;    a 

gulf,  bay.     "^JS^.  Bend. 
'^jbC^J    k.  r.  <.    To    kill,    slay,    murder. 

P.p.    ^j;ocij.       -ii'S.    Killing.       -dS, 

-s?.   A  murderer. 
^jSrrfdo  k.  r.  2.  To  spread,    as  a  sore;  to 

become   overbearing;    to    disentangle 

one's     self    forcibly     from    another's 

hold.      V.  t.  To  desire;    to  demand  an 

article    gratis    or    into    the    bargain. 

II.  Anything  given  to  boot  in  buying. 
^ji,^  (=^J3ra)  k.  w.  A  pond. 
^ja^^o    (^=C3)    k.  »i.     The     state    of 

decay,   rottenness,  putridity.     =#j3^^. 

A    dirty   man;    a    decrepit   man;     f. 

=#J3^*.       -»3jo:^t),    -ms^.    The   chain 

viper.    -3Fi.  Filthiness. 
^jss?^,  ^jsS?,  k. «.    The    third   crop    of 

^jss?A  1.  k.  M.  A  measure  of  grain  =  4 

ballas.     2,  a  large  metal  vessel. 
??J3S?A  2.  k.  ?(.    The  hoof  of  a  beast. 
^js^AOS?^,  ^j3^:5<9^  k.   w.     A  spiny 

herb  Barleria  longifolia. 
^J3^8a,     ^j3S?E§     (^  =  65)     (cA      ^J3S**J) 

k.  n.     The    state    of    being    impure, 

stinking,     muddy,    etc.;      soft     mud. 
^./i^^j.    =T?w®6?:^o       (s?=C3).    P.   p.  0/' 

^j3'S<£;o  (s?=a)  k.  n.  A  flute,  fife. 

^j3S?5,  ^j3«^  (s?  =  C3)  k.  n.  A  tube, 

^^jaS^'pio.  ^-^jasJ^ij,    q.  v. 

^J3S;*0.  =  ^JSS?A,  q,  V, 

^J3^  («?=  C05)  k.  V.  i.  To  wear  out,  as 
cloth;  to  decay,  rot,  spoil;  to  spoil, 
become  putrid;  to  wither;  to  become 
lean.  P.  ps.  ^js^c^j,  =^j3s?3j.  n.  Dirt; 
impurity;  mud;  bodily  excretion; 
hinderance,  detention.  -335=tfj.  To 
rot;  to  detain.  "Sjss^^ij,  'Sji^Tio.  To 
cause  to  rot. 

^ja^  k.  n.  A  depth,  the  cleft  of  a  rock, 
cave,  etc. 

^j3"^  k.  11.  A  fire-brand.  -:33  , -^S'Sio. 
An  j(/«ts  fa  tuns. 

^.0^0  k.  ii.  <.  To  seize ;  to  take;  to 
accept ;  to  take  for  one's  own  use  or 
benefit;  to  obtain;  to  buy;  to  under- 
take. P.  p.  =^j3o:2j.  Imp.  sing.  -^js?. 
Pres.  part.  '#j8°^j,^,  ^jz^s.  =i?J3S<A  as 
the  .second  member  of  a  compound: 
to  get,  obtain,  acquire,  hold  on,  as: 
rel.  pr.  part.  wS-,  sSJsa-.  ^^orfj-.  To 
buy.  ^JBoSo  torfj.  To  bring.  =^J3o3o 
sSjs^rSj.  To  take  away.  =^JSoC5sy. 
Praise.  '^JSoi^a:^.  To  praise,  rever- 
ence.    'iJS'-fo^^'§.   Taking,  etc. 

"CTjdS?  k.  n.  Pillage,  plunder.  -rred. 
A  plunderer. 

"^jse  k.  yln  imp.  sing,  of  'Sji'-?^.. 

^ja?5^firf  s.  n.  The  red  lotus. 

^ja??\«3  (</7.  o/'  =#J8?*w)  M.  The  Indian 
cuckoo,  Cucnlus  indicus.  -I  ftS.  A 
plant  of  which  the  leaves  are  used 
for  plates,  etc. 

"^jaeTxetJo  h,  n.  A  cushion  used  as  a 

z^jseeio  (=5'j3?^)  k-  n.  -11^^^  A  foolish, 
stupid  bhatta;    a  N. 

??j3eU  s.  n.  Crookedness.  2,  a  shed, 
hut.     3,  a  fort.        -a.    A  room;   also 

^jaeUTJ  s.  n.  The  hollow  of  a  tree. 

^jseUe3  k.  11.  Trouble,  affliction,  pain. 
-^:ix  To  saflfer  pain.  =^J8?sJ£)r(.  A 
troublesome  man. 

^j5?&o  s.  n.  A  crore  or  ten  millions. 
2,  the  point  or  extreme  part.  3,  the 
edge  of  a  sword.  4,  an  angle.  5, 
a  countless  number.  -sjs^.  A 
rudder.  =#J3?l3?rf.  A  crest.  €js?li?S. 
A  harrow.  '#J3°W,?ij^.'3;l3,  =#J35fa5,o3c3. 

tfjseB  (tb.  of  '§J&(^)  n.  A  wall  round 
a     town,     rampart;     a    fort.        -^iS, 



-=^JSoc3.  The  battlements  of  a  fort. 
-rtA)^.  A  fort  patrole.  -n^sSuj.  A 

'^j3?Sj3.'cJ  f.  n.  A  stronghold  of  thieves. 
2,  the  steps  of  a  pond. 

^j3?8  f.  n.  A  granary;  a  factory, 

'^jii'dX  k.  n.  A  monkey,  ape.  -^?^- 
An  apish  trick. 

'^j5?'rfo7\  k.  n.  An  apish  man;  a  buffoon. 
-^?S.   Buffoonery. 

^jsec^eO^  k.  n.  A  kind  of  fried  cake  in 
the  form  of  a  ring. 

"^jsjS  1.  k.  n.  An  outlet  or  weir  of  a 
tank.  -^'Wo,.  To  stop  the  outlet. 
-^a.  To  open  the  outlet. 

^j3?ci  2.  k.  n.  Deficiency,  defect,  want. 
2,  number  20. 

^ji^^  3.  k.  n.  A  kind  of  a  flag  with  an 
image  of  a  demi-god  set  up  on  a 
post  before  a  temple.  -^"^'  A  festival 
in  connection  with  it. 

^js^rfo  1.  a.  k.  v.i.  To  be  cool.  2,  to 
fear.  3,  to  shrink,  n.  Coldness.  2, 
fear.     3,  shrinking. 

^j3?T^0  2.  k.  n.  A  horn  of  animals;  a 
tusk.  2,  the  peak  of  a  hill.  3,  a 
branch.  -^«^.  The  milkhedge.  -^wo. 
The  peak  of  a  hill,  -djorfj^lo^.  The 
creeper  Cynanchum  pauciflorum. 

^j3?zS  k.  n.  West  wind;  the  hot  season. 
-rii3.  A  field  yielding  crop  in  the 
hot  season. 

^J3?f*3  1.  k.  n.  A  male  buffalo.  2,  a 
foolish  man.  -rf  w??j.  A  leafless, 
shrubby  creeper,  Sarcostemnia  inter- 
medium. -.Scfj ,  -^SeitjS^  sSj3:Sj.  To 
train  a  buffalo. 

^jseC©  2.  s.  n.  An  angle,  a  corner. 

^j3?ra  k.  n.  An  inner  apartment  or  cham- 
ber, room.     2,  a  kitchen. 

^;B?g  k.  n.  N.  of  a  low-caste  tribe  on 
the  Nilagiri.  2,  (f.)  deficiency,  reduc- 
tion. -f^0.  N.  of  one  of  the  Nilagiri 

3^j3?:^c20Q  (tb.  of  TS^J^iOjOloO)  ?;.  Cori- 

??j35^0J  h.  n.  Saving,  laying  up.  -?oo 
tos?.  An  extra  pay. 

^j'seS  k.  n.  A  monkey,  ape.  "^5^'  -^ 
monkey's  trick. 

^j3?:^o  m.  n.  Farming,  tenanting.  2,  (  = 
la's rf=#J3  5(^0)  barracks. 

^jaei^o^  k.  M.  A  rope  for  punishment, 
suspended  in  schools,  on  which  a  boy 
is  tied  up  with  his  hands  clasped  and 
which  he  is  not  permitted  to  loose. 

^jae^i  (tb.  of  =^JS?ra  2)  n.  An  angle, 
corner.  ^JS^fS^O,  ^.©^fS^dj.  A  stone 
built  tank  with  steps  on  all  sides. 

"^Jti^Tj  3.11.  Passion,  wrath,  anger,  -ns^. 
A  passionate  man;  f.  -naS.  €j3?»j^. 
Very  passionate;  an  irascible  man; 
f.  =§Ji^h^  ^J.  -S3o3  53Jt):^o.  To  pacify, 
appease.  "^Ji^h^J.  To  become  angry. 
'^J3$^?^?'5'.  Excess  of  passion. 

'^jse'rfo&o  k.  n.  A  Vaisya  shopkeeper. 
2,  a  miser;  also  -r!;  f.  -fs^.  -^^. 
A  Komati's  profession;  covetousness. 

^jse^SoCJ  s,  a.  Tender,  soft;  sweet;  pleas- 
ing.    -^.  Softness,  etc. 

^j^^ojoSa,  s.  n.  The  lapwing;  the  paddy 

??j3?Ti.  =  s3j3?c5,  q.v. 

??j3?'rf3'  s.  n.  A  bud. 

^vSj'doTN  s.  «.   Small  cardamoms. 

^jse'rfoSO  f.  n.  A  frontlet  of  idols. 

^js^T^OaOrjO  k.  V.  i.  To  be  dazzled. 

^j3eT3D   f.  n.    Unbleached    cotton    cloth. 

a.    New.    =#J3?D3c^.  Undressed  corn. 
^.®?6  (0=23')  k.  n.  A  rag;    a  worn  out 

blanket.     -^i3..   A    Lingayta   hawker 

or  tradesman.      -Sorsj.    A  ripe  mul- 
cts ^ 

berry.     -Soj^.  A  caterpillar. 

^j3c5^  (0=e3')  k.  n.  "Wish,  desire,  long- 
ing, hope,  -dfcl^tfj,  -.^^rfj,  -rSfi»3?cij. 
A  wish  to  be  gratified. 

^j3S"do  1.  (dJ=a3J)  k.  V.  I.  To  wish,  desire, 





^jse'do  2.  {fr.  ^Js5)  k.  »i.  A  part,  por- 
tion, share  in  cultivation,  etc. 

^j3;t3  1.  k.  /(.  Crookedness',  perverseness. 
-5iW.  A  small  flag. 

^J3e62.  {t=&,  fr.  ^Jti)  k.  H.  Cutting; 
sharpness.  2,  a  tusk;  a  long  tooth, 
fang,  -crjid, -sot)J^.  A  pointed  tootli. 
-»t)J3??.  Pointed  whiskers.  -dJSjJSOJ. 
A  turban  with  pointed  foldings. 

^j5?Uor  f.  n.  A  court. 

^jsef  k.  ?i.  Decoration;  figure,  form,  as 
of  masks,  dresses,  cic,  as  used  in  devil 
dances.      2,  public  procession. 

^jseifs'd  k.  n.  Colar.  -3^'^-  A  country 

^j3?e;s5o<i'  s.  n.  A  loud  noise;  an  uproar. 

^jsee3  k.  n.  A  stubble  of  jola. 

^j^eaiJ  k.  n.  A  stick,  staff,  rod;  a 
measure  of  length.  =^JS5e./tirO.  A  stick 
of  sealing  wax.  ^-/s^Otiy.  A  children's 
play  with  alternate  motions  and 
mutually  striking  small  sticks.  "^js^CD 
El).  To  play  as  above,  -snratfj.  To  lean 
on  a  stick.  -iS'orfjS.  A  stick  on  which 
boys  ride;  a  crutch,  -i^^.  A  species 
of  leafless  milk-hedge. 

^j2e£J05S'3  k-  n.    A  peon. 

^j3?^  a.  k.  M.    A  potter. 

'^jae.S  k.  n.  A  tube.  2,  a  gun,  match- 
lock.    -3osOsjo,  To  shoot. 

^.(seSri  s.  a.  Skilled,  experienced,  wise; 

f.  =^J3?C^. 

^j3?'5  1.  k.  /I.  Dyspepsy.  2,  a  boil  on 
the  head  of  children.  3,  the  climbing 
plant  Bryonia  grandis  with  red  fruit. 
4,  a  crucible.  [milk. 

'§ji^'S  2.    h.   n.   A  kind    of    condensed 

^jae^  "^jse^A  s.  n.  A  case;  a  sheath, 
scabbard;  a  pod.  2,  a  storehouse, 
treasury.  3,  a  vocabulary,  diction- 
ary; cf.  asJjti-.    -r(yS.  A  treasury. 

^.®?5i  s.  n.  The  intestines.  2,  an 
apartment;  a  granary.  3,  (=*0^) 
leprosy.  4,  a  square,  as  in  tables  of 
calculation;  also  "Sjii^"^. 

"Sjd^rj^  1.  k.  n.  The  state  of  being 
crooked  or  curved,  as  that  of  a  walh 
road,  etc.     -ncsJ  .  A  squint    eye. 

^.®??jJ  2.h.  «.  Cabbage.  2,  (<[;.  o/"  =ctjS,=  s;) 
a  distance  of  3  miles. 

^j3?;c!jo205  f.  ?t.  Raw  fruit,  c/c,  preser- 
ved as  a  seasoning. 

^JS^S?  k.  n.    Stocks  for  criminals. 

^jse^  (S?  =  W)  k.  n.  A  cock;  a  hen;  a 
fowl  in  general,  •"^^-^■h-  To  set  cocks 
a  fighting.  -^js^Sj.  Calicut.  -nO. 
A  quill.  -rtj2:aO.  A  hen's  nest.  -;^^. 
A  fowl's  egg.     -3oooJ4.  A  cock. 

"^jz^^-i  k.  n.  Seizure;  pillage;  calumny 

^j3?S?  ('?  =  653)  k.  n.  Thick  phlegm. 

^.  For  words  beginning  with  this  letter 
and  not  found  below,  see  under  ?ra  or 

^OAO  (tb.  of  =^,dJJW)  «.    The  betel-nut 

tree,  Areca  catechu. 
a^^e'n  s.  71.      Crookedness;   falsehood^ 

deceit,  etc.;  also  =&°3l3t)ji. 
W^cd^n,  s'SoBr^o  s.  n.  X.  of  a   sage; 

N.  of  a  grammarian. 
ff'S^oS'   (fr.  =5^0^^^)    s.  n.    Curiosity;    a 

wonder;    surprise,    astonishment.      2, 

eagerness.       3,   joy,   pleasure;  sport, 

5^^.ffi(3c2J  ("/"'■•  'S'jcSJsaoaj)  s.  ?(.  Eagerness, 

vehemence;  curiosity. 
g^o^oodo  ('/'?•.  =aJcS)  s.  n.  N.  of  Sahadeva, 

Yudhishthira,  Bhima,  and  Arjuna. 
5^?^??j    s.  n.    A    small    piece   of   cloth 

worn  over  the  privities.       2,  a  wrong 

^rfraTJ  {fr.  ^jSj3d)  s.  rt.  Juvenile,      n. 

?f3rfooa  (T'".  *J5ijjd)  s.  «.  Moonlight. 
S^d^  s.  «.  A  descendant  of  Kuru. 
3^s5^  {fr.   ^'JW)    s.  a.    Belonging    to  a 

family;     ancestral.       n.     A    heretic, 

impostor.  2,  (=5^0??i)  rumour,  report, 
^€°Fi    s.  a.     Belonging     to     a    noble 

family,     n.  A  good  report. 



qS  OrO. 


^<yo  h.  tt.  Agreement.  2,  safeguard 
to  pass,  as  granted  to  an  enemy.  3, 
stipulated  tribute,  -^oudo.  An  agree- 

€^^<V  (fr.  ?'03!ej)  s.  n.  Well-being,  hap- 
piness.    2,  skilfulness,  cleverness. 

5'3§>t5'  s.  n.  Indra.  2,  N.  of  Visvamitra. 
3,  a  snake-catcher.     4,  an  owl. 

3^?je?o  s.  Ji.  The  v?ife  of  Dasaratha 
and  mother  of  Rama. 

^?dJ  ^  s.  11-  The  jewel  suspended  on 
Vishnu's  or  Krishna's  breast. 

e'S^S'  (tb.  of  €^ii^)  n.  A  butcher.  2, 

'§,  k.   A  dative  affix,    as:    cSri^,  sDC"^, 


Sj^gj   s.  «.    Sacrifice,    offering. 
Siva.     -sS^osj.  Vishnu. 

^jcrfji   s.n.   Crying    out,    calling 

'^j'^0  s.  n.  A  step;  the  foot.  2,  order, 
series;  regular  course.  3,  method, 
manner.  4,  a  sacred  precept.  -?3. 
Going,  proceeding,  advancing.  Cpds.: 
i£S>-,  eSoSo-,  =S3£J-,  e/c.  -3Sj).  Order  to 
be  missed.  ^cDj?7j.  To  go,  walk; 
to  cross. 

'^j'oiTsTs^  s.  a.  Descended  regularly 
or  lineally. 

^jSiOq^  s.  a.  By  degrees,  gradually, 
in  order. 

"Sjorfo  s.n.  Price,  value.  2,  buying. 
-'3:ajj  -'^^■^.  To  fix  a  price,  -^jsz^j. 
To  pay  for.  -i5?s?J.  Price  to 
fetch;  to  cost.  -<S'^odo.  Trade, 
traffic.  -i3?Wj,  -gs?^^.  A  deed  of  sale. 
^030=5^.   A  purchaser. 

"ujVin  S.n.  Raw  flesh.  =^S33^cS.  Carni- 
vorous;  a  rakshasa. 

TOjoS  s.  71.  Going;  the  sun's  course  on 
the    globe;    the    ecliptic;    also    -J^'^, 

rr\S>o  (=?'><Dj)  s.  n.  An  insect,  worm. 
-ta.  Produced  by  worms:   silk. 

■ojodj?^^  s.  a.  Having  the  nature  of 
a  verb. 

■§•  ajje!  (-SjoSj)  s.  n.  Action,  work,  busi- 
ness; an  act.  2,  time,  tense;  a  verb. 
3,  a  literary  work.  4,  bodily  action. 
5,  a  religious  ceremony.  6,  expiation. 
7,  a  means;  an  instrument.  -ScS.  A 
verb.  -^t;.  Consequence  of  acts. 
-S3j3s3.  The  conjugation  of  a  verb. 
-esqJF.  The  meaning  of  a  verb.  -Sog. 
An  active  man;  a  truthful  man. 
-;3DJ^*.  A  verbal  noun.  -^z^-^ .  An 
inflection  of  the  persons  of  a  tense. 
-tS^^Srs.  That  which  defines  an 
action:  an  adverb.  -^SSjsSj.  A 
verbal    compound. 

'^\^  ,  "^IM,    .    tb.  of  'b'nS',  q.  V, 
-^  re'   -J  ^K)'  d  cvs'  ^ 

■S-i?j  n.  Christ.  -^=^.  The  era  of  Christ. 
*,Ai'  Christian.  ^ff^Aj^odo.  A  Protes- 
tant Christian;  f.  -Vo. 

^?tj  s.  n.  Play,  sport,  amusement. 
■c^^a;!jj.  To  play,  sport,  -^^cstj^oi. 
A  pleasure  garden,  park. 

^0)33.  tb.  of  *^Sj,  q.  V. 

Sjsj^  f. w.  Across,    -ri  wa,  *j3^i3;^o.  To 

"^jSjXi   s.  a-   Cruel,   fierce,    pitiless;    hot; 

sharp;  harsh,  terrible.  »i.  A  scoundrel. 

-'B'tSoF'.  A  person  who  performs  pitiless 

deeds.      -z3^.    A  cruel-minded  man. 

-SoJ,  -^.   Cruelty. 
TTje^^^o,  SjoaJJ  s.  a.  Purchasable. 

?fi^?j    f.  n.    A  Christian,  a.  Christian. 

-S^,   -:;35ior.     Christianity. 

??j3j?t^  s.  M.  The  chest,  breast,  bosom. 
2,  Saturn.  -tfJ3<L.  Vishnu.  =#ja,?a?=5^ 
OXo.  To  abridge,  write  briefly. 

^jSj^z^    s.  n.     Anger,     wrath,     passion. 

^jsjevf^   s.  n.    The    fifty-ninth   year    of 

the  cycle. 
?r.(3j?^  s.  a.    Angry,  passionate,  n.    The 

thirty-eighth  year  of  the  cycle. 
T^jsjeS'  s.  n.    Calling    out;  a  cry,  shout. 

2,    a   measure    of  distance,  a  kos,  ~ 





S'Sjosi  s.  n.  A  curlew.  2,  a  mountain 
in  the  Himalaya.  3,  one  of  the 
divisions  of  the  world. 

T^^cdor     (/■»•.      ^^JS;^)     s.     n.       Cruelty, 


■&  Ti.   B.  a.    Fatigued,   tired.      2,  put  to 
po  ei 
shame.      3,  contradictory. 

•&  pZO  s.  a.  Idle,  slothful;  mean,  miserly. 


n.  The  neuter  gender. 
3*0  7j   (tb.  of  *53,),  a.  Arranged;  fixed. 
^  0^    s.  n.     Affliction,    pain;    distress, 


-33^0.    To  suffer  pain,  to  grieve. 
S'QSo^    s.  ad.     Anywhere;     somewhere. 

2,  sometimes.     3,  very  little. 
^^OTJ  s.  n.  The  syllable  * . 

"^^  fig  s.  n.  A  moment.  2,  a  measure 
of  time  equal  to  4  minutes   or  A  second. 

3,  leisure.  4,  season.  -c3.  Leisure- 
giving;  night.  -^^-  Lightning. 
-;ifior(Jci.  Transient,  perishable. 
*  f^cSr.  Half  a  moment.  *,  rf^. 
Momentory,  transient. 

^  ^j,  ^BjOiJ  s.  n.  A  man  of  the 
military  caste,  Kshatriya',  f.  "^^o3j. 

5',  ZjO®  s.  n.  Fasting.  2,  A  Buddha  or 
Jaina  mendicant. 

^.  •rfj  s.  a.  Patient,  enduring,  putting 
up  with.     2,  adequate,  competent. 

"5-,  ^0?do  s.  V.  t.  To  endure,  bear  pati- 
ently;  to  put  up  with;  to  pardon,  for- 
ffive.  3j35S  =5*  <DoAj  z3::ij.  To  pardon 

^■^0  (^s3j3)  s.  h.  Patience,  forbearance, 
indul-  gence,  long-suffering;  pardon, 

^'i  cdJ  s.  11.  Wane,  decrease,  diminution, 
consumption;  loss,  destruction.  2, 
pulmonary  consumption.  3,  sixtieth 
year  of  the  cycle.  -^^.  A  lunar 
day  beginning  after  sunrise  and 
ending  before  that  of  the  next. 
-S^.  The  fortnight  of  the  waning 
moon.  -tJjs^rt.  Consumption  in 
general.    ^oSj^iJ.  To  wane,  decrease. 

^Ti  s.  a.   Perishable. 

3^o;g  s.  n.  Enduring,  patient.  =5^  o.S. 
Patience,  forbearance. 

5Si '^s-  "•  Scorched;  emaciated,  wasted, 
thin.  11.  Emaciation,  debility;  famine. 

Sgx'd  s.  a.  Salty,  biting,  acid,  pungent. 
n.  Salt,  any  saline  substance,  alkali; 
soda,  nitre,  saltpetre;  essence. 

?g,  e;,  's^<iJ^  s.  n.  Washing.  '^^^. 
Washed,  cleansed. 

■S\§  s.  n.  An  abode.  2,  the  earth; 
a  field.  3,  decrease,  wane,  loss,  i  ^. 
Decreased,  wasted.  -?5o:^,  -?r?qj, 
-5j,  -^h,  -ocso,  -Cojjrs,  5^-^?2S.  A  king. 

■o\  3jj  s.  a.  Quick,  swift,   speedy. 

■o\5r®  s.  a.  Wasted,  worn  away;  ema- 
ciated, thin,  slender;  miserable.  -^  . 
Wasting,  diminution,  decay. 

■S\  eTJ  s.  n.  Milk.  2,  water,  -zs.  Curds. 
-Si^d.  Milk  and  water.  -?i.  Essence  of 
milk.  -JisiJjrfj,  3^501)1^.  The  sea  of 
milk.  *  ^osnstf.  A  dairy.  ^^dshbO. 
A  dairy-man. 

3^0,  rfj  s.  a.  Small,  little.  2,  poor, 
miserable.  3,  low,  vile.  4,  avaricious, 
niggardly,     n.  A  fault;  slander.     -*, 

ous    person. 

^Oxi:^  ('S'j^^js)  s.  Ji.  Hunger.  *jqre;^r, 
^0  5''3-    Hungry. 

^0.  tJ  s.  11.  A  razor.  -*,  -Soa^",  'S'J  0. 
A  barber. 

S'o,  e;^  (=*jrf,,  'i?ocS,«')  s.  a.  Little; 
thin.  2,  poor,  indigent.  3,  ava- 
ricious. 11.  A  man  of  the  lowest 

^eiSj  3.11.  A  field.  2,  place,  country; 
a  place  of  pilgrimage.  3,  the  body. 
4,  a  diagram.  -ii?53.  A  husband- 
man, -fci .  Experienced,  skilful; 
the  soul.  -srao.  A  deity  protecting 
the  fields:  Bhairava.  -^ej.  Area; 

^.^tiS.  n.  Casting;  pushing;  depressing; 
passing  away.  Cpds.:    =ff5ej-,  ft-,  Soo-- 





'^^'^0  s.  n.  "Well-being,  weal,  happiness; 

health.       -^tf.  Promoting  well-being. 

-?C»3j3233ti.  News  regarding  a  person's 

^^erS  S.71.  The  earth;  a  field.       2,  a 

certain  high  number.      -SjS.  A  king. 

^^fSjJ  s.  n.  Agitation,  commotion,  dis- 
turbance,  emotion,  alarm. 

©"^■rf  (fr.  ^^i^)  s.  «.  Shaving.  -Sjaa^o 
^wras?Jv.  To  get  one's  self  shaved.     -'^^' 

A  razor,     -^tf.  A  barber. 


33*.  The  twentieth  letter  of  the  alpha- 

SO  s.  n.  The  sky.  2,  an  organ  of  sense 
Caoa^odo).  3,  perception  (woa).  4, 
mind  {^~i).  -r(,  -t^tf.  Moving  in  the 
air:  the  sun;  a  bird;  an  arrow. 
-rtsiS, -ii^^d.  Garuda.  -iijs^ej.  The 
celestial  sphere;  astronomy. 

SdZa^  s.  a.  Bound;  inlaid,  studded.  2, 
joined.     3,  positive,  true. 

Sddi  s.  n.  Stirring,  churning.  2,  a 
ladle.     -=5*.  An  awning,  canopy. 

SDSds'??  s.  n.  A  ladle,  spoon. 

S03i3^    h,  n.    A    treasury;     treasure. 

JOtSti^) .  A  cashkeeper. 
£0&!3     h.   n.    Quarrelling.       -a3j3?c(.  A 

quarrelsome  man. 
SOU^,  SOfeS^  s.  n.    A  bedstead,  cot.     2,  a 


SOT^  s.  n.  A  sword.  2,  a  rhinoceros; 

a/so  -sJJvrt.      a:>ra^  loa  ,  eic.    Sword  to 
a  A 

sword;    a  sword-fight;  also   ajcs^aja. 
SOoT^  (  =  =5*0::^)     s.  a.    Broken,    divided. 

n.  A  fragment,  part,  piece;    a  section. 

2,  a  division  of  the  terrestrial  globe. 
SOoT^ro,  SOot^frf  s.  n.  Dividing,  reducing 

to  pieces;  refuting. 
SOo^:^  1.  {—^0^3,  q.v.)  k.  n.  Firmness, 

strictness,  certainty. 
a)o5^2.    s.  a.    Cut,    taken    to    pieces; 

SOcl^iTjO   s.  v.  t-    To    break,    crush,    cut; 

to  disappoint,  etc.;   to  refute  (in  argu- 

Sd'S'STiri  m.  n.  The  paper  on  which  the 
items  of  the  day-book  are  abstracted. 

joH  (==5^^)  k. /(.   Anger,  wrath,  rage. 

Sdtid  s.  n.  The  tree  Acacia  catechu;  its 
resin  called  catechu. 

9L>dj!>n^^  a.n.  A  fire-fly;   the  sun. 

SOJJ^  s.  n.'A  digger,  miner;  a  house- 
breaker.    2,  a  rat. 

S:)^^  s.  n.  Digging;  burying. 

SO^  (  =  =5'cJ)  s.  n.  A  mine,  quarry,  -ta. 
A  mineral.      -^.  A  spade. 

Sic^Ti  s.  n.  The  betel-nut  tree,  Areca 
catechu.  2,  the  mouth.  3,  a  bufifalo. 
4,  disgrace. 

Sy6  3.  a.  Hard,  sharp,  pungent.  n. 
The  twenty-fifth  year  of  the  cycle. 
2,  an  ass.  3,  N.  of  a  rakshasa.  -*tS. 
Hot-rayed;  the  sun.  -ssra.  A  grind- 
stone;  a  sharp  saw. 

SDTJzS  Ix. «.  A  foul  copy;  a  day-book;  a 
scrawl;  also  =5^cij^j. 

SOn^rJo  h.  n.  A  currycomb. 

SOS^a  h.  n.  A  purchase;  price,  cost. 

£05l.  f.  a.  True,  correct.  -^?°t?j.  To 
speak  truly. 

SDt3  2.  s.  n.  The  grass  Andropogon 

SO^dF  (=:^i5r,  q.  V.)  h.  w.  Expenditure, 
expense,  costs.  -^iS .  dji/)?.  -road. 
A  spendthrift.  -z3?^J,  -coa.  To 
cost  money. 

a)3dor  s.  M.  Itch,  scab. 

SOa^jsF'd  (=*taJ3rf,  e<c.)  s.  w.  The  date- 
tree.  Phoenix  dactylifera. 




Sdzi~  s.  a.  Maimed;  short,  low.  n.  A 
dwarf.      2,  ten  thousand  millions. 

a)^r3i  (  =  *".oJ3rjs)  s.  M.  The  water- 

SDSJ   s.  n.    A    rogue,    scoundrel.         2,  a 

threshing  floor.       3,  sediment,  dregs. 

4,  contest,  battle.       5,  a  mortar.      a. 

Low,    base,      -tfdrs.  Threshing  corn. 

-S.   Bald-headed.     -^.  A  sweeper. 

SOS)  s.   n.   A   leaf   or   paper  rolled    into 
a  cup. 

SD^.  =  loej,  q.  v. 

3J'9s3n  (^  =  C3')  k.  ad.  Loudly,  roughly. 

53DTi.  =  Sizi  ,  a.  V.  £3^33ia5a.  A  wrestl- 
ing  match. 

5JDf<s  h.  n.  Food;  fodder. 

aJ3eO.  =  ^dSO,  g.  r. 

5J0ii  1.  s.  M.  An  artificial  pond. 

<5JD(i  2.  f.  n.  An  account  on  the  day- 
book.     2,  province,  department. 

SJZZi^  a.  n.  Eating;  food.  ai)a3.  Eaten. 

<5Jsa  f.  n.    A  thick   cotton-stuff. 

5:30  J3  h.  n.  A  prince,  chief;  a  title  borne 
by  Mohammadan  nobles. 

a3sj3  h.  n.  A  place,  house,  as  in  ^^O 
lO^fS,  »Jj?t4JS3r3.  2,  a  sliding  box, 
drawer.  -sjjSjsO.  A  census  of  the 

SJS'rfoa^a  h.  ad.  Positively,  certainly. 

sasQ  f.  n.  A  measure  of  capacity  equi- 
valent to  about  three  bushels. 

53353  h.  a.  Empty,  vacant.  2,  unemploy- 
ed. 3,  useless.  -wrtJ.  To  become 
vacant;  to  be  disappointed. 

5JZ)7i^.  =  «^^  q.  V.  -^^-  The 
equipage  or  procession  of  a  chief- 
tain; the  chieftain  in  person. 

&)3i^0^  h,  n.  Service,  attendance. 

ij^^s.a.  Depressed;  distressed,  wearied. 

i)z>  s.  n.    A    piece    of    waste   land.     2. 

a  supplement.     3,  anything  empty  or 

£)£/0^0  h.  n.  A  robe  of  honour. 
SOJrf  f.  n.   God. 

SOorfo  h.  a.  Own;  in  person;  self. 
SOo-rf  (=15*3^)  f.  n.  A  hoof. 
SOJ'OBtS'j  f.  n.   Rich,  nutritive  diet. 
SOjT33f:?J  (=  *oo^5i)  li.  ?i.     The  Koran. 
SOJubraiocSjr  h.  «..    Embezzlement. 

£Do?3Xirsj,    SOo^)eF";do    h.  ?t.     Obeisance, 

SOoaiSrJ    h.  n.       Openness;     emptiness; 

evidence,  clearness;  freedom,  a.  Open. 

SOoe)  s.  a.  Small,  low,  mean;  wicked. 

2,  (h.)=*JC3.     -3oi.   Meanness. 

SC):>^T)'aio^O  f.  n.    Flattery,  fawning. 

SOos^BS^J.    =  ^OdJ'swj,    g.  r. 

SOO^.  =  =5*03,  g.  r. 

SDjs^S  h.  Ji.   An  indication,  sign. 

a);3S)  li.  «.  Murder.  -d.ti^S,  -nsd. 
A  murderer. 

S0j3 200  h.  ad.  Well,  finely;  copiously. 

sS^siTJ  (fr.  sj)  s.  a.  Moving  in  the  air. 
n.  A  bird;  a  deity. 

sSelSorfJ,  s5?c^o  s.  «.    A  shield. 

s5^ji  s.  /?•  Sorrow,  grief,  distress,  des- 
pondency. -T^Jt^J.,  £3;a?gj.  To  feel 

a3?5^i  s.  n.  A  single  time,  turn. 

suoO  s.  n.  Moving  to  and  fro;  also  -c^. 
a3;e3.  Play,  sport. 

a3j3?S  s.  w.  An  evil  disposition;  a  vice; 
a  mean,  miserable  wretch,  a.  Ill- 
disposed,  having  a  bad  habit.  -3^. 
An  evil  disposition. 

ajsni^s.a.  Well  known,  famous;  also 
g,-.     S3^»l.  Fame,  celebrity,  glory. 




7^.      The    twenty-first     letter     of    the 

Al.  k.  An  affix  to  form  tvords  denoting 

time,  as:    ^A,  4>Ti,  etc.      2,  a7i  affix 

to  form  masculine  nouns,  as:    ^o:^-)r<, 

losOtI,    ajrt,  etc. 
7\  2.  s.  a.  Going,   moving. 
7\'ST>'6  s.  n.  The  letter  r(. 
aS'.cj  k.  ad.  Quickly,  suddenly. 
AAfi  s.  n.  The  sky,  atmosphere.     -dJrJ. 

The  sun.     -^ti.  A  bird;  a  planet. 
A  A  "d   k.  11.    A   hollow  silver  ornament 


filled  with   pebbles  for  jingling. 

A  A  &  k.  n.  A  hollow  ring  of  brass 

containing  bits  of   metal,   etc.  to  pro- 
duce a  jingling  noise. 

AoXt?j3rf<;^0  f.  n.  The  dewlap  of  an  ox 
or  bull. 

ADAS  (=  ^ot\,  q.  V.)  s.  n.  The  Ganges. 
-2asi00c33.  The  Ganges  and  Yamuna 
rivers;  a  cloth  with  different  coloured 
border  on  each  side.  -:3?;3.  A  water- 
goddess.  -'^^,  -Jf3?^d,  -^5^,  -»3 
^oJj.  Siva.  -riocSc^,  -^3^)  -^oS. 
Bhishma.  -oij^d^.  Pilgrimage  to  the 
Ganges.  -?3ti,  ?i.  Bathing  in  the 
Ganges.       riorljsjd^.    Ganges  water. 

aoaSS;*  s.  n.  A  circular  metal  vessel 
for  holding  water,  etc.  2,  a  metal 
plate  for  eating  from. 

AC^  s.  w.  The  river  Ganges.  2,  Sat- 
yavati,  the  boatman's  daughter  who 
became    Bhishma's     mother.       -c3j3rt 

7\&:7    h.  n.   A  chunammed  floor.       "'^^' 

AEio   h.  n.  Mortar,  plaster,  cement. 
aCS  1.  s.  n.   An  elephant.       2,  N.  of  a 

rakshasa.     -tfra^.  Ringworm.     -cSo^. 

Elephant's  tusk.      -FinO,   -^tf.   Delhi. 

-s^,'^.  A  kind  of  alliteration.    -sSooaj, 

-sSrfc^,  rt!Si>?Jfi.  Gane^a.  "^J,4'  -^ 
picture  of  Lakshmi  with  elephants  on 
her  sides.  -o3>0,  rits^O.  A  lion.  rt:3?o 
ci  .      A  large  stately  elephant. 

A&!2.  h.  n.  A  measure  of  three  feet; 
a  yard.      2,  a  ramrod. 

A3d A.  =  rtwjrt,    q.v. 

X3io)  k.  n.  Poor  rice  lands. 

7(diXlo  (cSJ  =  e3J)  a.  k.  y.  <.  To  roar;  to 
scold,      w.  A  loud  sound  or  speech. 

A&f^d^O  f.  n.  Loud  idle  talk.  -n^rf. 
A  chatterer;  f.  -Ati^. 

A^sSsS  k.  »i.  Confusion,  disorder,  in- 
tricacy. -loiiSo.  An  illegible  writing. 
-Sjartr.  A  rough  road.  -Sjsi^.  To 

ASiOA,  a35  A,  Ai'O  A  k.  9i.  A  prickly 
climbing  shrub,  the  Molucca  bean, 
Guilandina  bonducella.  2,  a  pro- 
tuberance from  the  eye-ball. 

A3:)  5  f.  n.  A  sweet  carrot. 


a3B  .  =  *t5,  Qf.  t;. 
X^  .  =  ii!^,   g.  v. 

a;         =* 

Ao3d  f.  n.  A  store-room,  treasury.  2,  a 

Ao3i£',  AO&is;^  k.  n.  The  urine  of  cattle, 
etc.  -rf  sdjsjo.  A  species  of  coarse 
grass,  Eleusiiie  indica. 

ACSS  (lb.  of  ^^oM)  M.  Conjee,  rice 
gruel;  starch.  -=5'?^.  A  creeping  plant, 
Indigofera  linifolia.  -'^^-  A  starch- 
ed cloth.  "^^^-  ^  cloth  used  in 
straining  boiled  rice. 

AOSS"^  h.  n.    A  pack  of  round  cards. 

AoSio  f.  n.  A  set  of  round  vessels 
that  are  put  one  within  another  in 
the  form  of  a  cone. 

7\U^  (tb.  of  ^W^)  n.  A  powerful,  able 

aW.  k.  n.    A  ghaut,  mountain-range. 



7\U^f?  (tb.  of  ^^fi)  n.  Beating  down, 
as  roads;  loading  a  gun. 

Afej,  k.  n.  Firmness;  hardness;  the  state 
of  (fluids,  etc.)  being  thick,  solid; 
strength,  ability.  2,  a  lump.  3,  an 
ingot.  4,  smartness,  fineness.  5,  a 
strong,  smart  person.  a.  Firm, 
strong,  solid.  -ws<o.  A  strong,  able 
person.  -'Saj^.  A  strong  work.  -rt. 
A  strong,  energetic  man.  -sSjaSdo. 
Thick  curds.  -S5s^x  Thick  milk. 
-53^.    A  toilet  woman. 

AfeS^^^J  (=  ^i'^^)  f.  V.  t.  To  strike, 
beat.    2,  (k.)  to  make  effort  (to  speak 

^  ^°"'>-  [paper. 

aB,  (=rt^)f.  «.     A   bundle,    ream     of 

A'rf    1.  —  ndo,    q.  V. 

XtS  2.  h.  «.  A  small  fort.  2,  a  liquid 

aZ^  3.  k.  t»i<.  expressing  quick  motion 
or  disorder.  -rizS.  Quickly  (used  of 
walking,  reading,  eating,  etc.).  -ri:;^ 
oit^.  To  rattle,  as  thunder,  carts,  etc. 
-w:^,  -zoa,  -O/a.  Bustle,  confusion, 
tumult,   ado. 

7\Zi  4.  =  riSo,  q.  v. 

ArfAC&l  h.  n.  A  stand,  shelf. 

XciOA   h.  n.    A   godown,  store-room;  a 

Ac^eio,  =n:ij?oj,  g.  r. 

TvoP®  a.  k.  ?i.  A  mass,  heap;  a  multi- 
tude.      n:ScJ^j.  To  join,   heap,  pile. 

Atif?  (tb.  of  T\n^)  n.  Reckoning;  mean- 
ing, sense. 
for,   etc. 

Aci^d  (=rtSj;Sd)  k.  n.  Massiveness, 
stoutness,  strength,     a.  Massive,  etc. 

AQCJ,  7\tiu3J  f.  a.  Thick,  as  darkness; 
sound,  deep,  as  sleep,  study,  etc. 

A<is^  li.  n.  Disappearance,  hiding. 

7\Xi^.  =  nSo,  q.  V. 

7\Ti7iti  k.  n.    A  stout,  robust  person. 

AZSSO3Z7i0  f.  1'.  «.  To  hide  or  fix 
firmly  in  the  earth. 

-Ajz^j,.  To  regard,  care 

AXSSb  h.  n.  An  iron  crow-bar. 
aS  1.    (=n:g)    k.  71.    A    term,    limit;    a 
frontier;  a  place,    -tfejj.  A  boundary- 
stone,     --s-d,  -■^js^a,  -C30r5r,    A    hill 
fort.     -3Ct)!Jj  SjJScSj.  To  banish. 
A^  2.  {tb.    of  ^13)    w.     An   hour  of  24 

minutes;   a  gong. 
A^:^  (tb.  of  ^ifet))  n.  An  earthen  vessel. 
AcisSa    (see   s.  rt:g3)  k.  h.   Confusion; 

Aciobre-d,  7<acdjs£)h.  ji.  An  hour-glass; 

a  gong;     a   watch,   clock. 
A(^0   k.  M.     A    limit;    a    period,    term^ 

instalment;  also  -lo,  -sj. 
AT^j^^r^.  =r(33d,  5.  v. 
Xrijrfo.  =n:^cS,  q.  V. 
Ac^orio  (=rt:S'L3j)  k.  n.  Hardness,  brittle- 

ness,     as    of   iron;    difficulty,     as    of 

work  ;  heaviness,  as  of  rain. 
AW  1.  k.  n.  A  bamboo  pole.      2,  match; 

comj)arison.    -=5=^0.  A  man  who  carries 

a  pole  with  a  flag;  an  oarsman. 
AW  2.  (<f*.  o/'^ii)  71.  A  wheel  for  raising 

Ac^   k,  n.  The  beard;  the  chin,     -"arfo, 

-z^ia^So,     -i3°^Sj.       To    let    the    beard 

grow.     -:5j5$s?Xj.   To  have  the  beard 


Acf  k.  K.  A  mass;  a  lump,  clump.      2, 
any  bulbous  root.     3,  the  root  of  the 

ear.     4,  an  island;  also  ^:io-.    -'^^„ 


To  freeze,  congeal;  to  grow  in  clumps, 
as  grass.  rlcsAiji-.  A  sweet  potato. 
sSjssSOoi-.  A  clot  of  curdled  milk. 
A?©  s.  n.  A  flock,  multitude,  troop,  tribe. 
2,  a  body  of  troops  equal  to  2  7 
chariots,  2  7  elephants,  81  horses  and 
135  foot.  3,  the  attendants  of  Siva. 
4,  a  syllable  foot  in  prosody.  5,  a 
number.  6,  a  group  of  lunar  mansions. 
-?',  nti^.  An  arithmetician;  an 
accountant;  an  astrologer;  f.  -~,  -^. 
-r3.    Reckoning,  counting;    esteeming. 




-s5S,  T^m'S^^,  ri??3^^^.  Ganesa;  Siva. 
-cQj;^o,  rtei^Jo.    To  count,  reckon;  to 
consider,  regard. 
7\re^e3  k.  n.  Hogweed,  Boerhavia  pro- 

acmbens.     2,  the  chicken-pox. 
Afvse^O  (=r!c5^)  k.  n.   A  knuckle  of  the 

fingers;  a  knot  or  joint  in  a  cane. 
AfTO2ir?j  s.  n.  The  homage  paid  by  the 

Lingavantas  to  the  Jangamas. 
T^f^^    (=:ri£i5JJ)    k.    n.    A   knot,  joint. 

-^JWJ.  A  sore  on  the  finger  joints. 
Ar5^  s.  n.   Calculating,  the  science  of 
computation,  arithmetic,    a.   Counted, 
-n'srf, -is  .  An  astrologer.    -<D^-,-33^. 
The  science  of  computation,  compris- 
ing arithmetic,  algebra  and  geometry, 
ricJ^J^j,      r!rfa?ij.     To     count;      to 
7\r?  k.  n.  The  stalk  of  an  onion. 
Af?7v)^  k.  n.  A  boatman;   a  tumbler. 
AsS?^,   A;?e^Q'd    s.    »i.      Parvati's    son 

AoWci  h.  »..  A  small  bundle,  parcel. 
AcWe^,  Aoye^J,  acWj    k.n.  The  throat. 
AO&3  k.   Ji.    A   kind   of  small  gold  ear- 
AOUo  {tb.  of  rt)°T^)  "•  The  knot  or  joint 
of  a    reed,   bamboo   or   a  cane.      2,  a 
knot.         3,    a     bundle,     parcel.       4, 
money,   wealth;  capital  in  trade.      5, 
swelling    and  hardening  of  the  veins. 
rtofeu^S.      The     desire     of     becoming 
rich.  -i^^'      One     who       falsely 

assumes  the  appearance  of  poverty; 
one  who  does  not  return  a  loan. 
-iijsaJA.  A  pick-pocket.  -3ooi3.  The 
herb  Leiicas  urticaefolia.  -rasdoA. 
An  under-shrub,  Clerodencb'on  serra- 
tnm.  -z3?^J.  To  get  knotted;  close 
connection  to  spring  up;  union  or 
harmony  to  take  place;  to  run  counter 
to;  to  attack.  -^Ji°6.  A  frowning 
look  or  countenance.  -^'Sj.tii,.  A  diffi- 
cult lawsuit.  -SoS^s'o.  To  make  a 
knot;  to  knit,  as  the  eye-brows;  to 
employ  capital. 

7\o&  (tb.  of  ^0^)  n.    An  English  hour. 

.ra^O;^o,  -SoxcS.   To  ring  a  bell. 
AoUo  .  =rioWejj,  q.  v. 


AOti  1.  k.  n.  A  strong,  male  person;  a 
husband  {pi.  rtoSdo,  rtoi^oarfj).  2, 
(=:rto3j)strength,  greatness,  -"i?,  -sSj,  r<, 
A  rhinoceros.  -rsO.  A  strong  hero. 
-rtJ3^o,  rioc^jrlj^^^j.  A  male  person. 
-sSjj^sjj.  The  Pimento  tree,  Eugenia 
acris.  -SooSdo,  -aoo^^Sodorfj.  Husband 
and  wife. 

AOTo  2.  s.  11.  The  cheek.  2,  a  boil. 
3,  the  force  of  any  disease,  rain, 
wind,  etc.;  the  baneful  influence  of  a 
star  (cf.  rto£3^o3d).  a.  Chief,  best, 
excellent.  -sSjssj,  rtoa^SJ3e3.  Scro- 
fula of  the  throat.  -^  «->■  The  temples 

of  an  elephant. 

AOc^pd,  TsoXiTid  k.  11.  A  male  person. 
-^^.  Virility.    -SJ^^j.  Male  persons. 

AOI3SA0o5  b.  n.   Impudence;  audacity. 

AOi33o^TJ  s.  11.  Danger,  peril,  jeopardy 
{cf.  s.   rtoS  2). 

ACZSa^re«3.  See  s.  rto:^  2,  g.  y. 

AOc^J  k.  n.  Strength;  manliness;  firm- 
ness; bravery.  2,  the  male  sex;  a 
male.  a.  Male,  manly,  riozt^d.  An 
aspirate.  rtocSD^^j.  A  he-goat.  r!oc3e) 
^J.  A  male  cooly.  -^eJ?J.  A  superior 
work.  -=^?^w.  The  shrub  Memecylon 
amplexicaule.  -/iJ3<!?.^,.  To  become 
impetuous.  -zScirfj.  A  solid  bamboo. 
-n:^^.  Manliness,  valour.  Other  cpds.: 
-r!J3?io,  -rfJ^5?^e3,    -s^^,  -tao^,    -^sJj, 

-»3J=5'  ^J,     -dOO,     -53J,rt,      -rOOCo,      -SO°t? 
lip  0 

-SoJcSjri.  A  boy. 

AO'rfjSM  s-  "•   Rinsing  the  mouth. 

aTO  h.  n-  A  division   of  paddy  land. 

aPSq  s.  «.  Calculable,  numerable;  wor- 
thy of  esteem. 

a;^  s.  a.  Gone,  departed;  past;  disap- 
peared; arrived  at;  gone  to  any  state; 
belonging  to;  relating  to.  -7lJ3?o^. 
Stale  words;  indefinite  postponement, 




as  of  a  law-suit,     riss^n^'^.  Succes- 
sive, in  rotation;     following    custom, 
imitating,    nsri:^-.  Unmeaning',  non- 
sensical; deprived  of  an  object. 
aB  s.  n.    Going,    motion;    gait;    march, 
progress.        2,  a  path,  way;    refuge, 
resource;  an  expedient,  means;  course 
of    events,  condition  ;    happiness.       3, 
the  diurnal  motion  of  a  planet  in  its 
orbit.    4,  transmigration.  5,  delibera- 
tion; knowledge.     6,  sin,  vice.    -A:^. 
Progress,   state,   etc.   to  be  destroyed. 
-rta^o.  To  destroy  the  course,  condi- 
tion, etc.;  to  check,     --i^a.  A  person 
destroying  his  own  or  others    welfare. 
-r'\^:^.    Ruin   of    welfare,   etc.      -^o. 
To   go;     to    die;     to   pass,    as   time. 
-tO^o^ci,    -So?^.    Remediless;    forlorn. 
^^■S- Good  fortune ;  heaven,    ciorir^. 
Misfortune,  poverty;   hell. 
A^J^    (tb.  of  rt^)  n.     Beating    time    in 
music  for  dancers.       -n^tf.     A  time- 
7\^0O^xi    s.  n.    Another   remedy   or  re- 
source; a  way  of  avoiding. 
Arf  1.  s.  11.  Speaking,  speech. 
Arf2.  s.  71.  Disease,  sickness. 
ACS3.    k.  n.    Shaking,    quick     motion, 
-nd  oStSjrij,   -rtrffS  ^ziorL)  (v.  i.).  To 
shake,  tremble  violently;  also  -r!a?Jo. 
TizjTio  k.  n.    The  smell  of  cattle-urine, 

burning  chillies,  etc. 
ASirlo  (do=e3j)  k,  y.  J.  To  thunder, 
roar,  cry;  to  menace;  to  exhort  ear- 
nestly. r\ti0^o.  To  exhort  earnestly; 
to  scare,  frighten.  r!cJO^.  Reproof, 
ACS,    Ac3  s.  n.    A   mace,    club,      rtura 

^tSrf.   Krishna. 
Ado  k.  n.  A  swelling,  tumour. 

Arf  rf,  A  a  a^  s.  n.   Stammerinsr ;  indis- 
A*  A  ° 

tinct  utterance,  as  sobbing,  etc. 

7\zi  k.  n.    The  chin. 


Xrf^5;rfo=rtcS03Sj,  q.v.v.i.   To  thunder, 

ACi  e;  k.  n.  Jfoise;  din. 

A  a;?    Acij  ^   k.  n.    A  throne;    a  seat: 

Co  CO  ' 

a  tomb  monument  of   Jaho-amas.      2 

a  basis. 
Ai3  k.  n.    Afield,  paddy-land.     -iScSo, 

-ud.    A    ridge     between     rice-fields. 

-53ja.  A   paddy-field.        -53jadjSJ3e3. 

A   turban-cloth  with  square  stripes. 
AS^o  s.  a.  To  be  spoken.  «.  Prose.    -Srf,. 

Prose  and  verse. 
ADSnr®  s.n.    A  silver  weight  equal  to 

about  a  farthing.       2,   a   small    gold 

Api.  tb.  of  Sjj'oj,  q.  V. 

AOi^  s.  n.  A  way,  course.  2,  moving 

Aorf.  <6.  o/"  rJoqS,  g.  v.  -313,7^,  -^^rf. 
The  cross  bars  fastening  the  planks 
of  a  door.  -^a,  -sja.  Perfumed 
powder.  -r(oOrt.  A  perfume-seller; 
an  oculist. 

AOy  (=  rtoci)  s.  n.  Smell,  odour.  2, 
a  perfume.  3,  sandal-wood.  4, 
arrogance,  -cS  oif=i.  Sandal  oil.  -* 
i^''55d.  Zedoary,  Curcuma  zedoaria. 
-^?4.  The  curry  leaf-tree,  Murraya 
koenigii.  -^jrs^j.  Cubeb,  Pipe?-  c«&e- 
ha.  -^rf^o.  Spicery,  perfumery,  scent- 
ed drugs.  -?^=iJ3^0.  Scented  musk. 
-ci  i^t).  Sandal  oil.  -?ci.  Fragrance; 
perseverance:  manifestation;  intima- 
tion. -^O.  A  medicinal  plant  and 
perfume.  -3ij^w^.  A  fragrant  gar- 
land. -o3jj3m),  -ajJ3«i^.  The  musk 
rat.  -cJS.  Myrrh.  -aS.  The  earth; 
a  kind  of  perfume.  -;:-3ao.  The  wind. 
-<:)?:S.  Black  salt.  HowS^s.  The 
pigment  called  akshate  and  sandal- 
ACy3^  s.  n.  Sulphur.  -^S-  Sulphuric 
Prepared    sulphur. 


a  singer.  3,  a  ghost.  4,  a  kind  of 
deer,  -d^^^,  A  marriage  on  mutual 
agreement  of  the  parties. 

acid,     -sija 
ACiji^r  s.  n.  A  celestial  musician 




A^islioh.  a.  Silent,  still,    int.  Silence! 

XrlASi,  AXiASj^S,  ^^^^'    ''''^-    ^'   '*'^' 

Quickly,   greedily. 
T^ji  jS  (=^Sf3)  k.  od.  Suddenly,  all  at 

once.     -coa.     To  seize  suddenly. 

A^v,  h.  ?(.   A  lie,  falsehood. 

AJ^v  h.  n.  Deceit;  falsehood.      2,  invisi- 

bleness.      3,   stillness,  muteness. 
a20a20.  =rt5SrtS,  e^c,  g.  «. 
a20  .    <b.    ©/■    ritfiF-,    g.  i?.       -^^rtJ.    To 

become  pregnant  (used  of  cattle). 
aS3   (tb.  of  rtcDr)  a.  Proud,  haughty. 
a20j   k.  n.  A  bad  smell,  stenoh. 
AEpe'cJ  (=  rtotp^rf)  s.  a.  Deep;  profound, 

grave,  solemn. 
AJ^O  1.  k.  n.    Strong    scent,    fragrance. 

-rtsjj  ^Ddj,  -rt;DJ?^J.  To  smell  sweetly. 
A^J  2.   s.  Ji.   Going;    march.     2,  flighti- 

ness;  thoughtlessness,  rashness. 
Ao^O^     s.  rt.      Making     clear,     n.     An 

evidence.       2,   a  kind   of  consecutive 

compound.      3,=  rt53J2,   No.  2,  lofti- 
ness; exertion. 
A^J?i  1.  k.  M.  Odour,  fragrance. 
atS.^^  2.  s.  a.   Going,  walking;    march. 

n53JS>soo,  ri<SJ?^o.    To  go;  to  walk. 
AOs3  k.  7U  A  basket. 
/JoePeT:^    (=  rSip?d,  g.    ti.)    s.  a.    Deep; 

solemn.       -^.     Depth;   profoundness, 


Asio.  ^J    li.  n.  Game,  play;  amusement 

o  — o 


A^,  ^  k.  ad.  Quickly. 

A^Oo  s.  a.  Accessible;  attainable;  in- 
telligible, suitable. 

Aorio,  Ao3o  s.  71.  N.  of  a  place  of  pil- 
grimage in  Behar.  r^odjavSV.  A  begg- 
ing Brahmaua  at  Gaya;  an  extortion- 
er, rtodj?^.  A  weak-minded  or  vain 
man.  Tloijs,<°.?.  A  shrew,  scold,  vixen. 

ATJl.  s.  n.  A  drink;  poison,  venom. 
2,  an  astrological  division  of  the  day; 
see  ridwsTs^rfrs. 

Ad  2.    (tb.  of  ri  J^,  g.  •«.)   n.    A   planet; 

an  evil  spirit.      -wd,  -3ov.racl.  An  evil 

spirit  to  smite  any  one.    -sSl^ii,  -sy,?i. 

Possession,  frenzy,   torment.     -Sli^o. 

To    become    possessed    with    an   evil 

spirit;    to    rave,   wander.       -cdS.    An 

evil  spirit  to  seize. 
ATJ^J  k.  n.  Unevenness,  roughness. 
A'dX,  ATJOA    k.   n.    A    common    weed, 

Eclipta  alba. 

a^aB    'k.n.  The  tree  Ficus  asperrima. 


ATJATJ      {Ci=e3)      k.    ad.      Whirlingly, 

smartingly,  quickly.      -rS   ^CjrJj.    To 

turn  around,  as  a  millstone,   etc. 
aTJaO?^  a.  k.  n.  Pleasantness;  beauty. 
ATJAri  (tb.  of  '^^"^)  M.  A  saw.     -zi  s3Jtf. 

A    tree    with     rough     leaves,    Ficus 

A^Xo  (rf=e3  ^ridjrto)   k.  n.  The  state  of 

being  scorched  by  heat.      a.  Fragile, 

brittle,    dry,    as  flowers,    leaves,    etc. 
ATi3i S3 5'-d0©,  Ati^    s.  71.    The  fifth    of 

the    eleven    astrological    divisions   of 

the  day. 
Ad3iO   h.  71.    Need,    necessity;    pressing 

A'da.  =  rtc!ja,   q.v. 

A^S    (tb.    of   rt)^-^)    n.     A  decent  and 

reputable  woman. 
ATi'rfj  li.  a.  Hot.    n.  Heat.     rttitSj.  Heat. 
A^ie;  s.  ?i.  Poison,  venom.     -^?5i, -<?rf, 

rtds^s^oi.  Siva.     -^d.  A  serpent. 
ATJ^jJ  (=rtc!osoO)  k.  w.  Gravel. 
Aii;6   k.  Ji.     A  measure  (of  salt)    equal 

to    400  marakals. 
7\'0T)C^o^TJ  h.  ?i-  A  respectable  man. 
Aa(0=S3')    k.  n.    A  feather;    a  wing; 

the  feather-like  leaf  of  a  palm,  etc. 

-rt^j..   To  get  strength;      to  improve. 

-Sod.  The  two  side-portions  of  a  wheel 

of  an  idol-car. 
a8^.  =  *0^,  q.v. 
A 5^,    aQ^O,    aD^O    s.  n.    Heaviness, 

weight.     2,  dignity,  worth. 





A&e20  h.  a.  Poor. 

AQoodJoJ  (f'>'-  '^^J)  s.  a.  Heavier;  dearer. 
Ai^orf  s.  n.   The     feathered    vehicle    of 
Yishnu;  an  eagle,  kite.      2,  a  building 
shaped  like   Garuda.        3,   a   military 
array.  -*o:o,  -rtoio.  A  pillar  before  a 
temple  on  which  at  festivals  an  image 
of  Garuda  or  Nandi  is  set  up.    -^?3-)V'. 
A  medicinal  herb,  OpMorrhiza  mungos, 
said  to  be  an  antidote  to  snake-bites. 
-^crara.     N.  of    a    small    purana   by 
Garuda.    -^w.  The  tree  Hydnocarpus 
venenata.        -JTssoji.    A  kind  of   idol- 
A^j^   (=nda)     k.  n.  An   abode.      2, 
a    fencing-school,    gymnasium;     also 
-sJjfS.       -^^z^=^,    -Ai^qSfS.     Gymnastic 
ATJO^eS  {=n^^°)  a.  k.  «.  Wind. 
A'do?do.  =  rtd?:o,  q.  V. 
AdjcJ  k.  n.  A  sound  in  loud  belching  or 

in  creaking. 
aaFQ     (lb.     of    ^^jtO)    ?i.    A     churn. 
-l^:i.    A     medicinal     herb,      Wedelia 
A3irj3   s.  »i.    Roaring;    rumbling.       2, 
wrath;    reproach.       -SjJSSj,    rttirsij. 
To  roar. 
A^r"   k.  n.    'N.   of  a  tree  of  which  the 

sour  fruits  are  used  for  pickles. 
a3~.  =  AdS,  q.  V. 
7(ti,F2^  s.  n.  An  ass. 
7\z;if  c3  s.  «.  Greediness. 
A2[Sr  (=  rSio.)   s.  n.    The  womb.     2,  an 
embryo.       3,  a  child.      4,  the  inside, 
interior.       -rJja,    -'^^o.     A    lying-in 
chamber;  the  sanctuary  of  a  temple. 
-^O^dj.     To  conceive,     -i^^ts.  Preg- 
nancy,  gestation.     -35.   A   pregnant 
female.  -3^553jo3.   Born  to  riches  and 
honour,     -^o^d.  A  jiurificatory  rite 
observed  by  pregnant  females.    A'i^r 
cJ.    Pregnant;    a    pregnant     woman, 
nzpra.     Pregnant;   inclosed,      riipr^ 
^OKo.    To    inclose,  comprise. 

A^F  (=r(zo^)   s.  n.     Pride,     arrogance, 
conceit.       -co^^i.     Prideless.         7\z~. 

Proud,      haughty.  rtcrsd.      Most 

haughty.      n<::rKo.  To  become  proud. 
a4^'  tb.  of  nar,  q.  v. 
Ai^AO  (=^tJ'5'e-)  s.  n.  Clamour,  confused 

chatter.    -sJjacij,  To  chatter  loudly. 
a£JaO  1.    k.    )i.    A    kind    of    reed    for 

7<£)A0  2.  k.  n.  Loud  chatter. 
Ae;S.  =  '^^S^,  q-  V. 
a£^20B??  k.  n.  Rinsing.       At>ivO=?o.  To 

Ae^83e3.  =  AQitO,  q.  v. 
7\S)i3  f.  n.    Hubbub,  uproar;  clamour. 
yi^S)SS'A  h..  n.     Mustaches  curling    over 

the  cheeks. 
a£)?3sv(5  s.n.   A  kind  of  jugglery  con- 
sisting in  swallowing  stones,  etc. 
A«5£3s3  k.  n.  Disorder,  confusion. 
AsS^&J  h.  a.  Dirty,  filthy. 
AiyjScO  k.  n.    Tinkling,  jingling. 
Ae3^^  li.  n.    A  case,  as  of  a  pillow,  sofa, 

ACPyS.    s.  n.     A     wrapper    round     the 

throat,  neck-tie. 
At)  k.  n.  The  cheek.     -3riJ.  A  dimple 

in  the  cheek.  [rSt)l. 

aV  ^    b.  a.    Astray;    misplaced;    also 
oo  _o 

aC;3  h.  »i.  Corn.     2,  =rte3 ,  5.  r. 
Ae3  s.  «.  A  lane,  alley. 


Ae3  ?1)  k-  V.  t.    To  shake,  as  the  boiled 


contents  of  a  pot,  etc.,  or  as  corn,  e<f., 

on  a  fan.     2,  to  trouble,  annoy,    v.  i. 

To  be  troubled,  etc. 
7\Sj:>     f.  «.       Hanging,     as    a    culprit. 

nc^nj.    To  be  hanged.    ^^^  =i?J53j, 

-srs^o.      To   hang    on    the    gallows. 

n©  ^  S^  .     Punishment  by  hanging. 

-Sod.    A  gallows. 
Ae3    k.  ?j.     A  lump,  clot.      2,  (=noM  a 

money-hole  in  the  shop  of  shroffs  and 





TstS'k.n.  Smart  itching'.  -rioS  oirjJ,.  To 
itch  very  much. 

7(^Zi.  =  n^:^,  q.  V. 

Asifi  k.  n.  Attention,  care,  heed.  ri53 
S>SjO.   To  heed,  mind. 

AeiorfJ  s.  n.  A  species  of  ox,  the  Gayal. 

a^Ba  (0=  65')  a.  k.  n.  A  basket-maker. 

A^£iO.  =  rtj^j^jj,  q.  V. 

A^?jrJ,  -"^5  -7^  k.  n.  A  cover,  wrapper, 
case,  sack. 

A^^   1.  =  r!sj^,  q.  V. 

X^S?  2.  A^^A  (=rf3^r!,  rtj8?S^r(.  <b. 
o/"  ?iJ3?3Jj)£),  -^)  »i.  A  man  of  the  cow- 
herd caste;    f.  rtd^A^. 

aSs3^,    s.    ?i.    A   small    round-window: 
an  air-hole. 

aSDlJ  h.  a.  Rustic,  clownish. 

A^  k.  n.  A  cave,  cell.  2,  covering. 
-SjO.    To  heed,  pay  attention. 

X4^  k.  71.  Noise,  hubbub. 

A  ^r^  (=7^:^)  s.  J!.  The  chief  officer  of 
a  village.  2,  a  title  of  honour  among 
peasants;  /".  -f^^,  -?33fi.  -^^!,  rts^a'^. 
A  Gavuda's  business,  rts^a.  A  maid- 

A^eS  f.  n.  A  flour-paste  made  into 
threads  and  cut  into  small  bits. 

A^iyo  (=  rt53ejj)  k.  n.  A  fetid  smell. 

7\4'9  Ji-  'I-  The  house  lizard. 

Azios.  a.  Belonging  to  a  cow:  milk, 
cheese,  butter,  urine  and  dung;  also 

7\7i7\7i  k.  n.  A  sound  like  quick  rubbing. 

-is'j' .  To  rub,  as  the  teeth,  clothes  on 

a  stone,  etc. 
A?jr?  k.  n.  Care,  concern,  grief. 
A^  k.  n.    The  sediment  or  dregs  of  oil, 

melted  butter,  or  pickles. 
7\r%    li.  n.    A  patrol,  going  the  rounds; 

also   -S^d. 

aSoaSo  k.  ?i.      The  soimd   of 

r!aor(uo?<o.  To  laugh  merrily.       rt^rt 
20=^.  Hilarity. 

X5o^  s.  a.  Deep,  dense;  inaccessible. 
2,  difficult  of  comprehension,  pro- 
found. 71.  A  thicket;  a  wood.  2,  a 
mystery,  secret. 

aSoQtJ  s.  a.  Deep.  2,  contiguous.  n. 
A  thicket.  2,  an  abyss;  a  cave.  3, 
a  deep  secret.  4,  a  jungle.  5, 

A^  1.  (=r!u)  s.  n.  The  neck,  throat. 
-^ji^A.  A  neck-ornament.  -nsV.  A 
hook  for  the  throat. 

AS?  2.  (=?1C0)  k.  71.  Quick  motion. 
-r!^(3.    Quickly. 

X^S^  (^=C0)  k.  V.  i.  To  chatter,  prate, 
n.  Idle  talk.  ri^si.  A  loquacious, 
lying  man.      ri^^:^_,.   Idle   prattle. 

A^:^,  A"^:^  1.  (tb.  of  Jh'W^)  71.  A  high 
bamboo-basket  for  storing  corn. 

At^O'B^  f-  n.  An  inner  chamber. 

A^^  (S?  =  CO')  f.  ?i.  Acquirement,  ac- 
quisition; gain. 

TivR  2.  (lb.  of  ^^^'S)  71.  A  fold,  as  of  cloth. 

X^^;^  3.  ('■?  =  0')  (tb.  of  ^i3T?)  n.  A 
period  of  twenty-four  minutes;  a 
short  time. 

aS?;5J  (tb.  of  v'ii^j)  y.  <.  To  procure; 
to  acquire,  obtain,  gain. 

A^O  k.  An  affix  of  the  plui'al,  as:  »3Jr3-, 

Xs?  («?=G3^)  k.  n.  A  bamboo  rod;  a 
pole,  staff;  a  churning  stick. 

AS?e^  ^-  w.  A  complete  agricultural 
apparatus;  a  set  of  implements. 

TTOaS?  k.  71.  Noise;  hubbub. 

T^o^eodo  (fr.  rton?)  s.  a.  Belonging  to 
the  Ganges,     n.  Karna.     2,  Bhtshma. 

7\3&(0  (tb.  of  =532^5  (J.  ti.)  n.  Glass. 

7\Sc;^  (=:rioM)  s.  n.  The  dried  heads 
of  the  hemp-plant.  -?\:S.  The  hemp- 
plant.  Cannabis  saliva. 

T^sU,  A^UJ  (=5=3W)  k.-«.  A  sharp,  strong 
smell  as  of  tobacco,  burnt  chillies,  etc. 

7\X>ti,  m.  H.  A  load-cart;  a  carriage. 
-:Syj,.  The  inner  seat  of  a  cart.     -fi^J. 




A  round  nose-ring.  -rretf,  -odjS. 
A  cart-driver. 

TVsSa  (=  n?tfj3n)  3.71.  A  juggler. 

7\t>T^  s.  a.  Hidden  or  absorbed  in.  2, 
tight,  close,  firm,  compact;  deep, 
sound,  as  sleep;  intense.  3,  excessive, 
much.  -S^^'  A  sound  sleep,  n^t^o 
CjS'SDvi.  Thick  darkness. 

7^r®  k.  w.  An  oil-mill;  a  sugarcane- 
mill.  2,  (=rre<!*)  a  hook;  a  fish- 
hook.    -ya?dj.  To  work  a  mill. 

7s«)rfA  k.  ?t.  An  oil-miller;    f.  ^re^5?^^. 

AScS'rf,  7\Sc5;^  s.n.  Arjuna's  bow. 
At)oatD,  rraoa^iD.  Arjuna. 

T^oZio  m.  M.  The  posteriors.  -rioaii, 
A  bump  with  the  knee  upon  a  boy's 
posteriors;  an  aching  fever.        [^3^. 

7vD^    (tb.  of  S3=):^)  n.   Depth.       2,   tb.  of 

TTO^rf,  aS^  1.  (=:rt:^;^d,  g.  t\)  k.  n.  Stout- 
ness;  thickness. 

TtoS  (=  rv;^")  s.  il  /'em.  a/^ia"  of  nouns, 
as:  "Sii.,  ifjs^si-,  sari"^-,  ^t5j3?d-,  e<c. 

Tv)^  2.  s.  n.  A  limb  of  the  body.     2,  the 

^°^y-        _  [proverb. 

7\S^  (=  nt):S)    s.  n.    A  song;    a  suying, 

T^uJQ  k.  ?i.  The  mark  left  by  a  whip, 
by   the  bite  of  a  musquito,  etc. 

7\T)a  h.  n.  Cushion.  2,  the  seat  of  an 
eminent  personage. 

7^3  (tb.  of  rrei^  n.  A  saying,  proverb; 

also    -53J330.  r^f     gj_ 

7\5^  s.  rt.  Fordable,  shallow,  n.  Bottom. 

7^?j  s.  n.   Singing;   a  song. 

T^oq-STi   a.  71.    The  third   of  the   seven 

primary  notes  of  music.    2,  Candahar 

and  its  people. 
TIDc^Jsa  s.  n.    N.  of  the  wife  of  Dhrita- 

rashtra.       2,  N.  of  a  raga. 
7N320r^,  7^205  (=^3Wd)h.  a.    Overcome 

by    terror,     grief,    etc.       7i.     Terror, 

7^200  k.  n.  Fear,  alarm. 
TTOc^ri  k.  n.    A  rustic,  simpleton.      -^^. 

The     behaviour    of   a   rustic.     n=)o^. 


7\30^eo:ior  s.  71.  Deepness,  profundity, 

earnestness,  sagacity. 
7^o:!o  (=^oii)    k.   n.    A    hit,    bruise, 

wound.       2,    {tb.  of   rreu)    straining, 

TsSCXJO^*  s.  n.  A  singer,  musician. 
TvBOdjSj  s.  w.  A  song.      2.  N.   of  a  type 

of  metres.     3,  the  vedie  verse  repeated 

by  every  Brahmana. 
At)Orfo?j  s.  n.  Singing;  song.       -rrao.   A 

singer,  musician. 
7X6  s.   A  masc.  affix  of  iioiins  denoting 

agency,    profession,    etc.,   as:   =5^oJiio-, 

^jrfjd-,  etc. 
ADrfrf,  7\3TJa.  <f>.  o/"  rrado:^,  q.  v. 

TCsdr®    a.  k.  n.     Tale-bearing,     calum- 
A3&^  k.  71.  A  flat  cake  made  of  wheat  or 

black  gram  and   fried  in  ghee  or  oil. 

n^O:^.    To  fry. 
Tsji'do   k.  71.    A    sharp   eruption    on   the 

body  from   internal  heat.      -iSj;;^.   A 

AS'do'rf     (fr.  riJijzi)    s.  a.     Relating     to 

garuda.      n-  A  charm  against  poison. 

2,  jugglery.      -^^,    n'stfoa.   Jugglery. 

AtjOjart.       A    conjurer,     juggler;     a 

poison  doctor. 
aSTj  m.  n.   Lime,  plaster,  mortar.     -"#«-> 

X.     A    plastering    work.        -n«)rf.     A 

a3c3F£{5  s.  a.  Asinine.     ?(.  An  ass. 
7\3<y    (=  rreoij  No.  2)    s.  n.     Flowing; 

straining;   swallowing. 
A3e5  k.  71.  A  wheel. 

A3e3^  s.  a.  Strained,  sifted.  [hurry. 

A3£^0^0?£)0  m.  w.  Disorder;  commotion; 
A3^3i,  AS^rf     (<b.   o/"  ?^^£3)     n.      An 

Indian  league. 
7^»)  (=^A))  k.  /i.  Trouble,  annoyance, 

fatigue;  pain. 
A^^  k.  n.  A  fish-hook. 
7sD<§|  (=  ^5?,  (J.  r.^    k.  »!.     "Wind,     air; 
emptiness;  a  demon.  Cpds.:    ^'^-f  3c-, 




A  mass  of  lies.  -^^w%«i*Jv  To  take 
an  airing.  -SW.  A  paper  kite.  -^i3. 
Demon  worship.  -:SSj.  Wind  to  begin 
to  blow.  -SJ3;^j.  An  empty  word; 
abuse,  slur.  -?ioa.  A  false  report. 
-Sot-^o.  To  fan. 
7\'^'§7i:>  s.  «. «.  To  strain;  to  sift. 

?>.8ct   k.  n.  Peffffingr  one  top  into  another. 

So-  "''     " 

-asjsd.  To  peg  likewise. 

7,3S   k.     A    sound    denoting     confusion. 

-f\'i^.      The    state    of    being    crowded. 

-rtjWj,.     To  be  crowded.     -i5t3.    The 

chirping   of  birds;       confusion,     dis- 
7\o&fo   k.  n.    Being    full    of  seeds    and 

disagreeable  taste. 
^W3^,  'hki'do  k.  n.     The   kernel    of  the 

cocoanut  when  still  in  the  nut. 
?\yo,  (=*Wo,)  k.  V.  i.    To   be   obtained. 

2,  to  be  closely  pressed.       ?>feJ.rfS.  A 

useless   man. 
V\Zi  k.  n.  A  plant ;  a  small  tree,  shrub. 

-r.d,-noii.  dupl.   -SJjJsOf.  Medicinal 

plants  and  roots;  a  herbal  medicine. 
7\t^A,  'A'rfoA  k.  71.  A  hawk;  a  falcon. 
?\5  k.  I',  t.     To    devour    by    mouthfuls. 

n.  An  imitative  sound.  -iSa.  A  small 

drum  like  an  hour-glass. 
'hzio.  =h:S,  q.  V. 
t\Ti  k.  n.  A  short,  small  man;  a  dwarf. 

-fS.    Short,  small.    Cpds. :   -=5^ejJ,  -'S^. 

TnT^J   k.  71.    Shortness,  smallness. 

'}\^(=f\i?)  k.  n.  A  parrot.      -Sojsrto.  A 

parrot's  beak;  a  Roman  nose. 
f\c\i  k.  71.  Gingham,  stout  cloth. 
7\o5  k.  71.  A    small  round  water-vessel 

with  or  without  a  spout. 
7\r®  ,  f\^J  1.  k.  71.  The  milk  of  a  lately 

£0  EC 

calved  cow  or  buffalo. 
7\^  k.  71.  A  cancerous  disease  destroy- 

ing  toes  and  fingers. 
?\P©0  2.  (=  rtraj)  k.  M.    A  knot,  joint,  as 

of  a  sugarcane,  finger,  e/c. 

f'^    k.  ^  /'e»i.  «^x  of  nouns,  as:  ^j13u-, 

tfjo'^sid",  djsiowri-,  etc. 
?\rf    k.   >i.      A  quarter    ({).       -^£4,    i 

of  a   kani.     -c^.    The    fourth    part  of 

a  solige. 
7xij.  =  ncS.       -ssejo.  ^L  part.      -ss^^.    ^ 

part  of  a  measuring  seer. 
^Ti^^o  (3  =  63)  k.  71.  Being  close,  strait, 

?\IJ3^,    ?^a^  k.  71.   The  ankle. 
TsdrS  f.  ?i.    A  cotton-press. 
'h'dS  f.  M.   A  round  cushion. 
Tx'dSJS  0  b.  n.  Distress,  penury;  fate. 


"KOZTT  h.  11.   A   buyer;    a   customer,      a. 

1\Ut7\§>  {lb.  of  r!,2or!S)  n.  One's  private 


?\&  1.  s.  71.  A  mountain,  hill.  a.  Re- 
spectable, venerable.  -=tfrir=f.  A 
species  of  Achyranthes.  -St),  -ssi, 
-sS,  -Xo^.  Mountain-born:  Parvati. 
-Z^6.  Krishna;  Vishnu  in  the  form 
of  a  tortoise.  -DSJi.  The  Himalaya. 
-^.ort.  A  mountain   peak. 

t\t>  2.  h.  Aff.  denoti7ig  office,  busi7iess  oj* 
p7-ofession,    as:  a^SoS-,   Ajs:303o-,  ^m 

?\5  3.  (0  =  63')  k.  n.  Whirling,  buzzing. 
-f\ii,.  A  kind  of  rattle-box.  -AO^rfo 
ri^^.  To   turn   round   with  speed. 

7\Xio  (55j=  esj)  k.  H.  Creaking.  -rtS.  A 
sort  of  castanets;  a  child's  turning 
rattle.      -rloWj,.  To  creak,  as  a  door. 

J\Tij^  k.  ad.  Quickly,  speedily;  with  a 

?\e;^0  k.  71.  Tinkling,  rattling,  etc.;  a 
jingle.  -hiJ'^J.  »-ep.  The  sound  emitt- 
ed by  the  gejje. 

?\£reocio,  "haisCXSO  h.  M.  A  plaster  of 
lime,  water  and  sand. 

7\e3  k.  n.    Fear.      -coa.    To   be   afraid. 

?^.s5t?  k.  )i.  A  child's  rattle-box. 




f\QJt>  h..  n.    A  complaint;    slander. 

7.<9  (=-.nrf)  k.  H.   A  parrot. 

7-?cssTJ  k.  ;;.  The  roaring  of  an 
elephant;  also    ■^j'Po^esrf. 

^?2iO'oa33d£'o  (=  h°:^jTz^'^j)  k.  n. 
Scrawl,  scribble. 

^NfE^^O,  ?\e3:;o,  7>o:ij  k.  v.  t.  To  scrape; 
to  scratch,  scrawl;  to  draw  lines 
with  a  pen;  to  erase.  v.  i.  To  scrib- 
ble, n-  A  scratch;  scrawling;  a  furrow. 

7\?aJA,  ?,?aiOA   k.  7(.     The    bottle-bird, 

Ploceus  baya. 
?\eUo  (=A?c(o,  Qi.  w.)  k.  n.  Aline,  stroke. 
7'?^,  ?\e^  s.  »i.     A    song,    hymn.     f\^^. 

Singing;  a  song.  2,  the  Bhagavadglta. 
?\?20j  k.  n.  A  house,  abode. 
?\5^j  (=n?e3j,  ^s^i^j,  q.  I,.)   k.  V.  t.    To 

scrape  or  rub  off,  as  butter;  to  draw. 

as  lines,     n.  A  scratch;  a  line,  streak, 

stripe,  groove.       F\^^  i3^  ,  -AjoIj.     A 

striped  shell.       -rioqS.  Sandal  streaks 

on  the  body.     -cTSSo.  A  sectarian  line 

of  gopi    on    the    forehead.       -lo«?.    A 

fluted  gold  bracelet. 
?\?3s?"fv3    s.  n.     A    god,    deity.       -zp^^. 

aOcCOj     k.  n.       Whizzing,       buzzing. 

-r!joo3j.  rep.  The  sound  of  some  insects. 
a05^0^  1.  k.  V.  t.   To  draw  a  deep  breath 

whilst  speaking. 

falter  in  speaking 
AO^'jj  2.  k.  «.  An  inarticulate  sound.      2, 

a    mouthful.     3,    palpitation    of    the 

7\oX  5  k.  n.   Grain  boiled  and  seasoned. 


2,  shrinking.  3,  =  riortJ  0.  -"s*^-  An 
annual  weed,  Hedyotis  aspera.  -Ajz^ijj. 
A  mode  of  punishing  boys  by  tying 
the  hands  round  the  knees  in  a 
sitting  posture  and  fixing  a  stick 
between  them. 
aOa  '^   (=  rijrtj  ejj)  s.  n.    The  fragrant 

A  '^ 

gum  bdellium;  a  powder  made  of  it. 
AOAO  5    k.  n.     Curling,    bristling,     as 

A  n  OJ 

the    hair    of    the    body.      2,  =  rtort  0. 

r(j*\    53js33:^j.     To 

-rl/s^j^.   To  become  erect,  horripilate, 


AOA  J  e'O,    AOAO  <?*.  =njA  <f,    a.  r.        2, 

,  A      '  A  n    '    ^  ' 

the    tree     Amyris    agallochum.        3, 

Morunga  hyper  anther  a. 
AOCAsrf,    aJcTujS,     AOOT^rS    k.  h.  A 

A0o7\  k.   n.    A    large    black    bee;  also 

AOOAO  k.  ??.  The  husk  of  paddy. 
AOOAJ^Jo  1.    k.  n.    Curling.       -*JSCisjj. 

=  enjorlorf  tfjscJtu.  Curled  hair. 
AOOAOTJo  2.  k.  H.      An     eye-fly.        2,    a 

musquito,  gnat. 

Aoei.  s.  n.    A  bundle,  tassel,  bunch,  as 
of  flowers;  a  cluster.      2,  a  bush.      3, 

a  necklace  of  3  2  strings. 
AO&T^Dijj  (=ri02i  03^.  <6.  (,"/"  notiJ^cJoa^  ) 

n.   The  district  of  Gujarat.     rSotsoti^. 

An  inhabitant  or  language  of  Gujarat. 
A03iU3cvO  'h.n.   Livelihood,  subsistence. 

7?o3i5  (=r!o:s  0)  f.  71.    The  evening  mar- 
aO&!x!    h.  a.  Past,  as  a  year,  e<c. 

AOSdOAOKO  k.  «.  v4  sound  in  rohispering; 

whispering.      -»jj333:aj,   rtjisjrij:^?!). 

To  whisper. 
AoaiorJo,  A0  3i   1.    a.  k.  n.       Shortness, 


A0&!    2.  k.  11.     A  dwarf. 


Aoa;  TjtJi,.  .  =  r(oto03z!,  g.  r.    -Sfe3,.  Fine 

aj     6^  /  "^ 

cloth  from   Gujarat. 
aO&»  S.  =  rtJtsD,  g.  I'. 
AOSiS  5  k.  ?i.   A  dwarf;  f.   T\o-£  . 
AOSio  k.  n.  A  small  perjiendicular  post, 

to   raise    short  beams;   a    queen-post. 

2,  shortness,  smallness. 
AOo3i503oSj^  h.  n.    Illicit  profit;   excess 

of  the  area  of  the  land  under  assess- 
7\^cdi7)^/i)Zid  s.  n.  A  sweetmeat  of  Bengal 

gram-dough  formed  like  Abrus  seeds. 
XoosS  s.  n.  The  seed  of  Abrus  precato- 

rius;  also   rtjois. 




AOo3iO  k.  r. /.  To  be  entangled,  as 
thread.  2,  to  pull,  contract,  as  mus- 
cles, n.  Particles  of  cotton  sticking 
to  one's  cloth;  nap.  2,  the  coir  of 

aoIjS'o,  aoUj^j  k.  n.  A  single  gulp  or 
draught  of  any  liquid.  AoWo^O^j. 
To  drink  in  a  single  gulp.  rsj^jrioWj 
■s^ja,  rioWj-D-^j.  To  drink  in  gulps. 
rtjtJj^rS,     With    a  single  gulp. 

7\0li7\'6  k.  V.  i.  To  grunt,  bellow,  as  a 

/\01j^  s.  n.  A  pill,  bolus. 

aoU.  =  nozi  ,  q.  V. 
ei  "^ 

7\>i&j,  k.  71.    A    mixture    of  medicine  for 

Tsoyo,  k.  Ji.   A  secret;  a  hidden  thought; 

one's    private     affairs. 
AJ'rf  s.  Ji.  A   ball,  globe.     2,  molasses, 

jaggory.     -sj^fj.  A  beverage  made  of 

jaggory,  etc. 
Aor^?iCJ,  aJc^o^jO:),  etc.    k-  n.     A    hut 

with  a  thatched  roof. 
Aorf^jJ  k.  n.  A  round  thing.      2,  (=nja 

?io)     the  round    mark  '  used    for  the 

vowel  '3,  and  the  round  mark  "*  used. 

for  the  vowel  oi. 
AOi33^o  f.  )i.  A  preparation  of  tobacco 

for  smoking  or  snuff. 
A0I33r©   k.   71.     A     large    water-vessel, 

7\0Z33Ti  s.  n.    A  tent.     2,  a  thick  coarse 

Aoa  1.      {=nj:i:<o    No     1)      k.    n.      A 

circle;    a   halo.       2,  a    mass,  cluster. 

-*Wo,.  A  halo  to  form  round  the  sun  or 


moon;  to  form  a  ring;  to  come  to- 
gether, as  people. 

ao5  2.  (tb.  of  *ji3)  71.  A  house;  a 
temple,  -'^'^^j*  ^  group  of  houses. 
-A3rf.  A  turner  and  cabinet-maker. 

y\0&?\  b.  71.  Breeches.  -S^rs.  A  sort 
of  breeches. 

TvOc^rij  k.  I',  t.  To  sweep.  2,  to  heap 
up.      rioariejj,  rtjaAiOJ.     Sweeping. 

aoI^oaO  1.  k.  V.  i.  To  run  when  playing 
at  tip-cat  or  ball.  rtjSjns:^j.  To 
run  about. 

AOtiOAO  2.  k.  f.  J.  To  thunder,  n.  Thun- 
der, roar,  etc. 

AOTiOAOc^  m.  71.  A  smoking  pipe;  a 

AO'rfoAoSrio  k.  V.  i.  To  grumble;  to  roar; 
to  growl,  grunt. 

AO'rfoTjeJO.  =  rij35:^t)0,    q.  v. 

7\0Xi  1.  k.  H.  A  boy,  pupil;  a  dwarf.  2, 

AO'rf  2.  k.  n.  A  mountain;  a  hill.  -rstiSo. 
dpL  -ADi^jJafi.  Jungle-people.  -rf 
rSjs^rf?  s3jrf.  A  shrub,  Alaiigium 
laniai'kii.  -5j(5^?!3°t?j.  A  small  tree, 
Eugenia  zeila7iica.  -do^iJojrf.  The 
tree  Elacoca7'pus  serrattis. 

Aorfo    k.  ri.   The  eye-ball.     2,  an  egg, 

spawn.      3,  shortness,  sraallness. 

aOI§   k.  n.  A  heap,  pile.     2,  a  piece  of 
cloth  used  by   men. 

AJfS  s.  tt.  A  cord,  string.  2,  quality, 
property.  3,  the  three  fundamental 
qualities:  satva,  rajas,  tamas.  4,  a 
good  quality,  virtue,  merit,  excel- 
lence; wisdom;  energy;  dignity;  good- 
ness; temperance;  recovery  from 
sickness;  favourable  issue;  benefit. 
5,  political  wisdom.  6,  flavour,  taste. 
7,  multiplication.  8,  a  secondary 
gradation  of  a  vowel,  the  vowels 
a,  e,  6.  9,  joy.  10,  protection.  11, 
at  the  end  of  a  compouTid:  fold, 
times.  -=5*.  (Tnath.)  Multiplier,  -^tf, 
-=5^d.  Profitable.  -n?jCo.  One  who 
appreciates  good  qualities.  -^.  A 
scholar.  -^.  Dependence;  virtue. 
-:3-ra?^.  Virtue  and  vice.  -:f^OF.  The 
virtue  or  duty  incidental  to  certain 
qualities,  as:  clemency  is  the  virtue 
of  royalty.  -fj.  (math.)  Multiplica- 
tion. -cTOdJ.  A  name  that  expresses 
the  nature  of  a  thing,  person,  etc. 
-Si^,  An  ocean  of  virtues.  -sijrf. 




A  jewel  of  virtues.  -cCo^J.  —  rijrf^ij. 
-aioF;,  -;t?1o^.  (j/.)  An  adjective. 
-53o3.  A  g-ood  man;  f.  -c;o3.  -^°'^' 
Pre-eminent  in  virtues.  r!jf^e)53d. 
(math.)  Multiplication.  7\j^.  Endowed 
with  good  qualities,  rijc^:^.  (math.) 
Multiplied;  multiplication. 

AOrf  (=^5^^?^)  k.  n.  A  hole,  pit.  -rirw  . 
A  sunken  eye.     -'^^-  A  sunken  cheek. 

7\Or5?iJ  s.  r.  f.  To  multiply;  to  enumer- 
ate; to  calculate. 

AOrf^.  tb.  of  rijSJ^,  5.  V. 

AO0eJAJUo,k.  r.  i.  To  murmur,  grumble, 

aOoU  1.  k.  M.  Proximity,  ad.  Near; 
along,  as  CjsO-,  siJfS-. 

A0CU2.  (  =  njs6J)  k.  n.  A  peg,  plug. 

AOOfeS  f.  n.  The  J^  part  of  an  acre. 

AOoci  (=:riooa,  riooziCi)  k.  /j.  Roundness, 
hollowness  and  deepness.  2,  a  N.;  a 
servant.  -'^TitO.  A  temporary  well  sunk 
in  the  dry  bed  of  a  stream.  -loW,£J. 
A  small  round  and  deep  metal  vessel. 
-A.  Of  a  round,  globular  form.  -Ori. 
A  round  water-vessel. 

AOOtTSCi^TJ  k.  n.  A  foundation.  -SjsSj. 
To  lay  a  foundation;  to  ruin  com- 

AOg5  (=r<joS)  k.  ?(.  A  hole,  pit,  hollow. 
2,  =  riooaii,  q.  v.  3,  a  large  round 
vessel.     -'5T)03j.   The  physical  heart. 

Tico^vi  k.  n.  The  pit  of  the  stomach. 
2,  the  thorax,  heart;  courage. 

aOctSo  1.  a.  k.  n.  A  heap,  mass;  a  crowd, 

AOcZio  2.  k.  w.  Anything  round,  as  a 
boulder;  a  stone  for  grinding  or 
constructing  an  ole;  a  globe;  a  ball, 
marble;  a  bullet,  cannon  ball. 
-'Jd,  riooSti.  A  round  file.  -*e->J.  A 
grinding  stone.  -30©^^.  A  kind  of 
jasmine.  -»j^<^jr(.  A  diving  water- 
bird.  -33TOO,  -iSjid.  To  shoot  a 
bullet;  to  fire  a  gun. 
Aoreo  s.  a.  Endowed  with  qualities,  n. 
The  multiplicand. 

Xoe    k.  n.    Closeness;  tijrhtuess.       -'oo«?. 

A  tight  bracelet.    -fS.  Closely,  tightly, 
AOS?  ,  AJe  .  =  rtj^  r1,  a.  V. 
aoS    a.  k.  ?i.     A   bunch  or   cluster   of 

flowers.      '-',  a  bush. 
AoS  "R.  7\oS    k.  H.    An  exclusive    right 

of  sale,    farm,  monopoly.       2,    rental 

on  land. 
AOrfA  k.  H.    A  fat,  stout  man;  f.  riJZifs.. 

2,    a    prop   behind   a  door  to  keep  it 

AOrf^.  =  rijart,  q.  V. 

AOa  1.  k.  )t.  A  rope  for  the  feet  used  in 
climbing  palm  trees.      '2.  a  bunch. 

AOa  2.  k.  V.  i.   To  jump;  to  stamp. 

AJQy^,  rijrfoTi  (=  rijcSr.)  k.  n.  A  club, 

AOrf  e3,  Aoa    (/?;.  0/"  i?Jo:r^t;)  n.   A  kind 

CO  ro  Ci 

of  pickaxe,  hoe. 

AOa    k.  n.    A  clog  tied  to  the  neck  of 


AJCjO   1.  k.  11.    A  hole,   as  of  a  mouse. 
snake,  fox,  e<c. 

AOsSo  2.  k.  r.  ^    To  strike  with  the  fist, 

fist,  cuff,  box;   to  pound,  n.  A  blow 

with    the     fist.     Tio^z^  ^W.      Fisticuffs. 

nju3?  ,So.     To  box.     -;3-ras?.     A  short 

cubit.    -iS'f.     Fisting;  pounding. 
AOSi  k.  H.    A  small   crest  on  the  grain 

of  jola.      2,  the  husk  of  paddy. 
A0?o  k.  n.   Smallness.     2,  a  raised  spot. 

rtjc3^?3.    A  dwarfish  elephant. 
aOJ33^c^8j  k.  n.  Paper  gilt  with  tinsel. 
AOsi    s.  a.     Concealed,    hidden,    secret. 

2,  guarded,   preserved.       -"S.    A   spy. 

rtJ^..     Concealment;      protection;     a 

AO^N    k.  ad.  Silently. 
Aoaj^do,  AjaOOT^o  k.  w.    Thickness,  as  of 

a  foliage.   2,  veiling,  covering.   -*^''^) 

-riyj.     To  become  thick    in    foliage; 

a  cover  over  the  head  J  a  cloak. 
AOeostJo  k.  n.    Noise  of  a  crowd.     2,  a 





aOS3   1.    k.  n.     A    knob,    protuberance. 

2,  a  button.     -53j5«?.   A  stout  nail  with 

a  pommelled  head. 
A0e3  2.  k.  H.  A  sparrow;  also  rlo'Uiii  ,  -i^ 

"»*?5-   A  small  grass  whose  seeds  stick  to 

one's  clothes,  Lappago  aliena.    -i^jejj . 

A  common  grass,  Sporobolus  diander. 
aOS^oao^j?)02j?jO  k.  V.  I.  To  send  forth 

a  fragrant  odour;  also  rtjoSorioSj  ^^A- 

AJ^jy,   A 0^0.  U    h.  71.     A     copula     or 
dome.       2,    a    huge    figure    of   stone, 

representing  a  Jaina  saint. 

AO^OD  f.  71.   Fight  of  children. 

7\0lijt>^  h.  n.  Heed,  care,  consideration; 
suspicion,  surmise,  rtoijjsisi.  Suspi- 
cious; suspected, 

Xot^TO?:j  h.  n.  An  agent,  deputy;  an 
accountant.  -hO.  The  post  of  a 

aOo;^  k.  n.  A  mass,  heap,  crowd' 
number,    -'s'jsc^o,  -?ij3s?o>.  To  assemble. 

AOo^fl  s.  a.  Stringing  together;  arrang- 
ing. -o5.  Winding,  arranging. 
rioo^j:^.  Strung  together;   arranged. 

AOO20  1.  k.  71.  Mysteriousness,  obscurity. 
2,  reservedness. 

A0O20  2.  ('ib.  o/"  ^Joijij  n.  A  pot.     2,  the 

nave  of  a  wheel. 

AOT^o.  k.  11.  A  bugbear,  devil. 

AOrfo.  ?j.  = '^oozo  1.,  q.  V.    -rO^to^tf.  ditpi. 
Reservedness;      a    reserved    man;     f, 

aot5o.  ?5  k.  (id.  Quickly. 

AO^OO.  k.  r.  t.   To  cuff,  box;  to  strike. 
I',  t.    To  push    one's  self  along,    as  a 

baby.       n.    A    push    forward,    as    in 

swimming.    2,   recoil.       rtJ^Sa*^.    To 


AOtJT?  (!J=e3)  k.  «.   Snoring;   growling. 

rtotf=5e)OS^?cO.   To  growl,  snarl  at,  as  a 

dog,  etc.;  to  turn  upon   one  in  anger. 

Aod^j  (d=e3).  =  njdo^. 

AJTjSri  s.  n.  A  shield. 

A05  (0=  63')  k.  M.  An  aim.  2,  a  mark, 
butt.  -533.  A  man  skilled  in  archery; 
a  headman.  -"tiSj,  -fSjB^c^j,  -2oa. 
To  take  aim.  -S'S^J.  To  hit  the  mark. 
-oljsnj.  To  become  the  butt  of; 
to  fall  into,  as  into  sin;  to  be 
stricken,  as  with  sorrow.  -sSjscl.  To 
aim    and    shoot;    to    hit    the    mark. 

aOl^o  1.  s.  a.  Heavy,  weighty;  venerable. 
n.  Any  venerable  person  ;  a  religious 
teacher.  2,  Brihaspati  (Jupiter),  the 
preceptor  of  the  gods.  -ifoejnti=J. 
Stay  in  the  house  of  gurus,  -tfjo 
sJsAi.  A  disciple,  pupil.  -^^.  Heavier, 
larger,  more  important.  -3^.  Weight; 
dignity;  worth;  a  teachership.  -viv-  f=f. 
A  present  to  a  teacher,  -ljj-s-.  Devo. 
tedness  to  one's  teacher.  -ojJ!3.  A 
guru's  residence.  -ajoS^.  The  counsel 
of  a  guru.  -SoJS-Sr.  The  visible 
shape  of  a  teacher;  N.  -:3?id.  Thurs- 
day. S^^.  The  orts  of  a  guru's  meal. 
-^?^^r33d.  Distribution  of  the  orts 
of  a  guru's  meal  to  his  devotees. 
-w^.  A  Lingavanta.  -coOoIjCj.  dpi. 
Preceptors  and  ancestors. 

7x0^^0  2.  (do=e5j)  k.  71.  A  sound  in 
snoring  or  purring;  also  nocJo^o. 
-tIjUo,, -r!oO:^j,  -rtodfuJ.     To   snore; 

CO  -i  ' 

to   pur.     -rloSofS.      Silently. 
AOTJd^&o.  —  rijrf^,  q.  V. 
AJ'do A c^  (=  rtJejrio  a)  k.  n.  The  creeper 

Abnis  p7-ecotorius,  wild   liquorice  and 

its  seeds. 
AJlJo^    AOuO^O  (d=e3)   k.    M.  A  mark, 

sign;  a  characteristic  mark;  any  sign 

used    by   illiterate    persons    for   their 

signature.     2,  knowledge,     rtjdj^c^^. 

A  male  acquaintance.      r!jdj.Sw  cJS. 

An    unacquainted    man,  a    stranger. 

-ooi^J.    To  point  out;  to   note,    record. 

-nJ^^Sj,  -io^.  To  notice  the  peculiar 

features    of   a   person    or    thing ;    to 

recognise.    -3j  =  ^o.  To  tell  the  peculiar 
feature  of  a  person  or  thing. 

I',  i.  To  growl,    snarl,  as  dogs,  etc. 
AJ:^jr.  =  rtJtij^J,  q.  r. 
AJ&7~k.  M.  The  camboge  tree,  Garcinia 

7\ddi^Ti  s.  11.    Gujarat.       -^^-    Woven 

silk  or  fine  cloth  from  G. 
A0^~,  AJ<2ir'rf  s.  ?(.  A  pregnant  woman. 
AoeiA  s^.  =  riJOorioM,  g.  i\ 
AOCJasS  li.  n.     A   rose;     aiso    -3o.J3.    a. 

Rose-coloured.     -f\:i.     A    rose  bush. 

-tors.  Rose  colour. 
aO£^D^J  h.  Ji.     A   slave,    menial,     -^ji. 

Slavery,  bondage. 
AOe^BCJO  m.  11.    The  red   powder  which 

the  Hindus  throw  about  at  the   holi 


aOC,  s.n.     A    shrub,    bush;    a  thicket. 
2,  a  disease  of  the  spleen.     3,  a  body 

of   troops    consisting   of   9  elephants, 

9    chariots,    27    horses,    and  45   foot. 

-»l,a.  Ague-cake- 

Xoe^J  k.  n.  A  loud  noise,  hubbub. 

AO?j AO?j.  =  ^j^tj;^,  q.  i\ 

AJ^'  (=rt<D)  s.  n.  A  cave,  cavern. 

A05oq  s.  rt.  Private,  secret,  n.  A  secret, 

aOS?  1.  =  rtj::S,  q.  r. 

A0^2.  (V=0)  k.  n.  A  horse's  or  ele- 
phant's trappings.  2,  (=^J:^)  a  bar 
of  iron. 

AO^  k.  a/^x  /"or  /fte  formation  of  nouns, 
as  tfU-,  e.^o'.3-. 

AOSJS*  (<h.  0/"  -soO^)  n.  N.  of  Ketu. 

A0«7^  {lb.  of  rtjy^.g.  u.)  M.  A  ball,  pill, 

TvO^OAO^O  k.  n.  The  murmuring  sound 
produced  by  rippling  water. 

Xo'^,  AOS?n  k.  ?i.  People  leaving  a  place 
en  masse  from  invasion  or  famine. 
-5r1,  -Mjs^rtj,  People  to  remove  en 
masse,  etc.  -r!j«?fdrtj:S.  N.  of  a 
place  in  the  Bijapur  district. 

148  7i^^ 

AO^  k,  n.  A  stout  herb,  Solanum  ferox. 

2,  a  round  kind  of  brinjal. 
AO^  ,  AOS?,  k.  «.     A  bubble:  a  blister; 

a  small   round  shell. 
7\J5%,  7\&'R  (=  T\Ji'>i)  k.  71.  An  owl. 
AJ2U  (=  r(j3otJ)  k.  n.  A  peg,  pin. 
AjStio  k.  ?(.  A  nest;  a  dove-cot;  a  fowl- 
house;   a  recess,  niche;    a  cage,  trap; 

the  pit  of  the  stomach;  the  hollow  in 

bones  ;  a  frame. 
AjszS  k.  n.  A  basket. 
7\J&<$s.  a.    Covered,    hidden;  invisible; 

secret,  private;  occult.     -I3e)0,  -;yrfj^. 

A  spy,     rSj?:5?orS.  A  tortoise. 
A®oU.  =  rSj3y,  q.  V. 

Ajs:3  1.  k.  n.  The  love-apple  or  tomato. 

Ajsa  2.  k.  11.  Prolapsus  of  the  anus. 

AjScC'J  k- «•  A  hump.  -"^>3^.  A  hump- 
back. rtJSri.  A  man  with  a  hump; 
f.  riJ5S). 

AJ3&2  (=rtj3n,  etc.)  k.  n.  An  owl.  -rirsj  . 
A  rolling  eye,  or  one  of  deficient 
sight.     -a5S*J.   An  idle  life;  lougivity. 

7\si^<V^,  Ajs'dj  k.  11.  An  asthmatic 
disease;  also  rtjsdjw^sj. 

A.®'do(Oo=SJ)  k.  V.  «.  To  root  up  the 
earth  with  horns. 

Aja^jrpjja.  k.  r.  i.  To  murmur  or  roar, 
as  the  water;   to  sound. 

AJ3^  k.  «.  A  bull  2,  a  big  louse,  -lo^ 
5i,  -36^t50.  A  bull  allowed  to  roam 
at  liberty  and  dedicated  to  a  deity. 

AJS^.  =  rtj«?,  q.  V. 

A\oa!?j  s.  11.  Garlic. 

A\vjS.  a.  Greedy,    n.  A  vulture. 

A\^  s.  11.  A  house.  -^ejas.  Domestic 
dissensions,  -^^x^^i..  Domestic  duties, 
household  matters.  -^,  ol>.  The  ruin 
of  a  house.  -^^.  A  family  folly;  a 
private  foible.  -^jS,  -»jJ?^.  A  house- 
holder, a  Brabmana  who  is  married 
and  settled.  -^d^S.  The  ceremony 
of  occupying  a  newly  built  house; 
a    female's    first  entrance    into    her 




husband's  house,  -rfjsd.  A  mother- 
in-law.  -»3o  =  q3.  A  domestic  sacrifice. 
-53oS.  Purificatory  ceremonies  of  a 
house.  -^1^,  rtvCSsSiSj.  A  householder; 
a  gentleman,  patrician.  -P^^^.dj. 
The     second    of    the     four     religious 

stages  of  a  Brahmana 
ness,  gentlemanliness. 

-  A)  ^.  Polite- 

--J .   A  house- 
V        , 
wife;    a  matron.     r(,0o5SrV^c9.     The 

threshold.     n,2of5.    The   mistress  of  a 

house ;   a  wife. 

7^\5co,  7\\^&i  s.  a.  Domestic;  domes- 
ticated, tame.  -?Scra:^.  A  class  of 
ritual  worlvs  containing  directions 
for  domestic  ceremonies. 

^  k.  il  sufjix  for  the  dative,  as:  asrfAjii, 
c33S?rt,  tf3r^,  e^rt,  etc. 

as  (=  ^1^)  k.  n.  A  spherical  jingling 
bell.  2,  the  groin,  -rljs^ejo.  A  stick 
to  which  gejjes  are  attached,  used  in 
music  or  by  post-runners.  -!oje>.). 
A  common  grass,  Andropogon  acicu- 
latus.     -rrad.  A  maker  of  small  bells. 

'R'S  (=r{d,  q.  V.) 'k.  n.  Any  bulbous 

:^reS  k.  n.     A  female  companion;    also 

^f©?io,  ^rfrio  k.  /(.  A  bulbous  root: 
a  species  of  Yam  dioscorea;  the 
sweet  potato,  Batatas  edulis. 

'Rti^fi,  "RA^^,  ^^i^jjk.  ?t.  Companion- 
ship, friendship. 

^rfe;o  (=:iid  e3,  f/.  17.)  k.  »i.     The    white 

ant,  termite. 
7^a  (=  r1£i)k.  i\ /.  To  conquer;  to   gain. 

via  Qj.~  T^ciejo,    g.  c. 

^^030,  ^0000  k.  V.  t.  To  perform,  do;  to 
prepare;  to  work,  till.  Cpds. :  €sj?^o-, 

To  cause  to  perform,  etc.   rlooJS.'s',  Ort. 
A  husbandman. 
■R-d^,  Rbfj  (==^rf?;,  g.  r.)  k.  71.  A  basket. 

^tS  k.  H.     A  scratch;  a  line;    a  streak. 

-KD^j.    To    rule;   to  mark;    to    draw 

a  line  over. 
-RiV^,  Roj^  k.  n.  Gain;   victory.      2,  a 

happy,  sprightly  air.     -?3j35eJJ.    Gain 

and  loss. 
R.€>,  Roo,  RQd    k.   V.  t.    To  win,  gain,  to 


overcome,  conquer;  to  triumph.    P.  p. 

A^jo ,  Az^j  ,  riejjsjjsri.  A  winnina"  coun- 

o         CO  ° 

tenance.  rttkjrl,  ?1ejOo":iT?,  Winning. 
r^sj?^o,  ?lO '^-''  To  cause  to  win,  etc. 

R^B  (=  #va,  etc.)  k.  n.  A  female 

7^^(  =  =^»?,  q,i,_-)  k.  ,j.  ^  friend,  com- 
panion. -3oj.  Friendship,  compa- 
nionship, etc. 

R^  k.  V.  t.  To  perform,  etc.  P.  p.  r^^cij. 

^?r5k.  H.  Rent,  contract.  -iS^Wj.  A 
lease,  oijoso-.  A  permanent  lease. 
i3^ej-.  Annual  lease.  ^raoSod-,  A 
lease  for  a  fixed  time. 

^PC^Jk.  w.  A  span.  -raj3^,.  The  stomach 
that  is  only  a  span  in  length  or 

R^oXi,  :^?o"'3t)»^0\ A  f.  11.  Rhinoceros. 

/^e?j.  tb.  of  ts^  ri,  q.  V. 

7^ee3k.  H.  A  morbid  swelling,  -djs^d.  A 
swollen  face.    -^JS^,.  A  swollen  belly. 

T^e^O  k.  n.  Work.  -^ddcJj.  A  labour 

7^?odoo.  =  iiodiOg,  g.  «. 

^e'33COJ?jO  h.  y.  <.  To  surround,  hem  in. 

R^b  f.   11.    Giddiness. 

R^TJJ  1.  k.  n.  A  phlegmatic  sound  pro- 
duced in  the  chest. 

R^JJO  2.  k.  n.  The  marking-nut  tree; 
the  cashew-nut  tree.  -zS^Js.  The 
marking  nut,  Semecarpus  atiacardmm; 
the  cashew-nut  tree. 

/^?e3k.  H.  Ridicule,  derision.  -oSjsc^O. 
To  ridicule. 

RL=7^c^o,  etc.,  as:  fi^Srl^,  to  sleep. 
o3j3?z^f3i^,  to  reflect,  etc. 

RljS,  Rlp^  h.  pref.  Dis-,  un-,  extra,  out 
of.    -sjl^oF.  Extra  expense.     -5jJ3»Jjjb 




5JJ.   That  is  against  custom  or  usage. 

-sseiiat?.       Unreasonable,       improper. 

-!Se3.    Out    of    order;  lost.      -SJSJadj. 

A.®CAcih.  H.  A   cloak  or  blanket  worn 

over  the  head  and  face.      2,  a  cumbly. 
AjDO^  a.  k.  Ji.     A    mass,    heap.       2,    the 

large  grej'  babbler. 
^jsSJAOk.  r.i.    To    speak    indistinctly. 

71.  Indistinct  speech. 
^jsSi  (i'J  k-  n-  Mud,  mire. 
^J3&(5   k.  n.     A    thick    mess    of    boiled 

brinjals,    mangoes,    etc.    mixed    with 

tamarind,    chillies,    etc.        2,    acidity, 


^J3l3   k.  71.  Putridity;   mud,  mire. 

Si  .1  '  1 

^posiaiO   k.   n.    A   bunch,    cluster,    as.' 

^osUi^Jk.  ?i.  A  hole,  hollow.  -:3°^o.  A 
hollow  to  be  formed. 

^jeiy,  k.  ?(.  A  bamboo  tube  for  admini- 
stering  food  or  medicine  to  cattle. 
2,  a  mango-stone.      3,  a  corner. 

"RjeliO,  k.  M.  Scarcity.  2,  dryness.  3, 
obstinacy.     -=s'30.  Drought. 

y^Jt)C^AO.  =  f\Jihidj,    q.  V. 

'Rj^Xi'S  ii.  n.  Connexion;  intercourse; 
concern  with,  care  about. 

^jsTSo  (cf.  rtjsyj,)  k.  n.  Barrenness, 
sterility;  saplessness.  -tf?^s?j.  A  bar- 
ren cow.  -?isJ,  AjtiZiTi  W.  Nonsense. 
-^dX.  Useless  work.  -Oorf.  A  barren 
tree.  -SjJsSj.  A  vain  word.  -roSCJj. 
A  broth  without  strength.  -3odS. 
Useless  talk. 

^jsTOaO  k.  V.  i.  To  nasalize,  n.  Nasali- 
zation. 2,  grumbling,  murmuring. 
rtjarsrS.  One  who  nasalizes;  f.  njsrsA. 

;^jsf®;^0  k.  H.  A  link  of  a  chain.  2,  a 
loop.      3,  a  bunch   of  5  pearls. 

^j30w  k.  ?i.  A  cluster;  a  tuft;  a  tassel. 
2,  a  thickset  state.  3,  an  amaranth, 
Gomphrena  glohosa.  T^Jto:5^^^|..  An 
impervious  jungle. 

:Rjs>A  Is.,  n.  Mucus  of  the  nose.  2,  a  blot 
of  ink. 

:Rj^^:>  (=  rJjrfj^Sj,  q.  r.)  k.  „.  x  mark, 
sign,  token.  2,  knowledge,  acquain- 
tance. 3,  appointment,  regulation, 
order;  a  place  of  resort  or  shelter. 
-nsti-  A  male  acquaintance;  a  person 
of  distinction;    a    headman.     -SjsSj, 

-aS'.oO ,   -ass  ?;j.    To   find  out.     rtj335 
^3         — °  -" 

r(j.  To  be  known;  to  be  found  out. 

Ajsrf    tJ'o,  ^jsiAJ  k.  71.  Mud,  mire. 

^jsrf^jsrf  k.  M.  Thickness,  as  of  ambali, 

^.orfrfok.  n.    A  bat  used   in  leading  the 

course  of  an  idol-car. 

^.arf  k.  71.  A  large  black  ant. 

"Rsdzii  k.  ?i.  Pig's  dunff. 

:^j3f3  k.  ?i.  A   cluster  or  bunch  of  fruit, 

as  of  cocoanuts,  plantains,  mangoes, 

7^;3orfP®,  "Rnoziri   a.  k.  «.    A    mass;    an 

assemblage;  a  crowd,  throng.    rljsocJ 

E^^io.  To  assemble,  etc;  to  be  plentiful. 
^j30S3<y  f.  n.  Confusion;  bustle;  tumult. 
:^j3oa  k.  n.  An  alley,  lane.  2,  a  strait. 
"RisZdji  k.  H.  Manure.  2,  the  measles. 
^j3oe3  (=i5jso".5)  k.  )i.   An    image,  idol; 

a  puppet,  doll;  the  pupil  of  the  eye. 

-SjrfjoS.    A  sham-marriage    made  by 

children  with   dolls. 
/^jSTJS'j  (3=  es)  k.  71.    Snoring. 
'RfiTjAJ  k.  H.     A  kind  of  hood  made  of 

leaves  or  grass. 
7^j3^^    k.  n.  N.  of  a  plant.       -°^^^-     A 

common  potherb,  Dtgera  arvensis. 
^js'de?  (rf=i3)  k.  71.    A  kind  of  termites. 
'Rjs'^i'^  k.  «.  A  class   of   Saiva  beggars; 

f.  -S,   rtj5!3<s3. 
/^.©"drfc^    k.   «.     The    common    Maina, 

Acridotheres  tristis. 
"RsiTiS)  k.  71.    An    evergreen   tree    which 

makes  good  torches,  Ixora  parviflora. 
■R.t'dTid,  -Rjtb^,  T^jslio^jJ  k.  n.    A  hoof. 
7^j3e3  k.  71.   The  notched  extremity  of  a 

bow.      2,  a  cluster. 





^jtO  (tb.  of  rtj3$S3aj)  n.  A  cowherd; 
f.  -^.      2,  an   assistant  cashkeeper. 

:^J5S?y^jsS?^  k.  n.  The  yellow  thistle, 
Argemone  mexicana. 

'Rsii^€>  k.  ?(.  Husk,  chaff.  2,  the  rind 
of  a  tamarind  fruit. 

.^js?  (=  iij3?53)  s.  n.  A  cow.  2,  a  bull. 
3,  a  ray  of  light  (i-Cra).  4,  heaven. 
5,  the  earth.  6,  water.  7,  Sarasvati. 
-tffsr.  A  cow's  ear;  a  place  of 
pilgrimage  in  North  Kanara.  -'SrJej. 
A  herd  of  kine;  a  cow-house;  a 
-village  on  the  river  Yamuna,  Krishna's 
residence.  -=5fja3^  iDj.  The  birthday 
of  Ivriahna.  -'^^^^'  The  plant  Astera- 
cantha    longifolia.  -a^S.     Cattle; 

cattle-like  nature.  -C33?i,  Gift  of  a 
■cow.  -^N.  Property  in  cattle.  -Sqi. 
A  cattle  path.  "^^-  -^  cow's  tail; 
.a  necklace  of  2  or  more  strings. 
-doaJj.     Cowdung.  -5jJ3o?i.    Beef. 

-3J30.  A  disease  of  cattle.  -Sjjjaj. 
A  cow's  mouth;  a  round  platter  with 
a  snout  used  for  placing  idols  on. 
-»ijj3j;j7j^  .  "A  wolf  in  sheep's  cloth- 
ing." -»l)5Zi3.  Sacrifice  of  a  cow. 
-rf'^,  -rf^r*.  A  cowherd.  -TiTi.  Cow's 
milk",  buttermilk.  -33s3.  A  cowpen. 
-53:^.  A  calf. 

7is&^7\'8  k.  v.  t.  To  beg  loudly,  n.  Bellow- 
ing sound  of  a  bull-frog. 

J^isee^d  s.  n.  Range  {til.  field  for  cattle). 
a.  Being  within  range  or  reach  of, 
accessible,  attainable,  perceivable  by 
the  mind,  sense,  or  the  eye.  -S3^rtj, 
r^J3$:S0;^j.  To  become  perceptable;  to 

■^J3?8a  f.  n.  A  cloth  to  cover  the  privi- 

^J3?ai0  k.  ?i.  Interference,  entanglement. 
2,  intercourse.  3,  embarrassment, 

i^ra?sJj  1.  k.  n.  Fringe,  ribbon,  edging, 
trimming.  2,  a  stunted  tamarind 
fruit.    3,  the  state  of  being  full  grown. 

but  hard;  as  r^JS^Wa^^.  A  hard,  in- 
ferior kind  of  areca  nut. 

^/jfUj  2.  h.  n.  The  border  or  hem  of  a 
garment.      2,  a  cloak  of  broadcloth. 

T^jsj'rfo  k.  u.  Sediment  from  the  bottom 
of  wells,  tanks,  etc. 

'Rjt^'d  {lb.  of  ^'-iS,)  71.  A  wall.  -rtc^. 
A  hole  made  by  burglars  in  a  wall. 
oo5«?j-.  A  dilapidated  wall. 

:^j^?r®  k.  M.  =  ii-ra?rao.  2,  a  man  with 
a  neck.  -r^JSCxJj.  A  cut-throat;  f. 
-?1l©o3j  . 

z^jserS  1-  k.  n.  A  sack,  pack-sack;  also 
-i^^tj.  2,  a  confluent  kind  of  small- 
pox; also  -rtra-stf.  -zJ^a;,  -^Wo.. 

-Rsd^pi'2.  (=  <iJ3$^)  k.  71.  The  tree  called 
Fictis  elaslica. 

"Rji^t^^  k.  n.  The  nape,  neck,  throat. 
-?1u'30da.  A  cut-throat.  -SjjOcSj  zi?«?o. 
To  drop  the  head  and  fall,  as  in 

T^j^ed  1.  k.  71.    The  fetid  urine  of  cattle. 

7^j3?;^2.  k.  n.  A  ruinous  business;  loss. 
-eo3=5^j.   To  die. 

"Rb^^j  s.  n.  A  cow-pen.  2,  family,  race, 
lineage;     kin;     offspring.  2,    the 

family-name.     -^.  A  relation. 

7R.^?3jTO,  T^jsetoe?,  ^js^tdd  k.  71.  A  crib 
for  cattle. 

7^,Q?t3a^5  s.  n.    The  Godavery  river. 

T^jjoa  {tb.  of  iijs^qSjBSjj)  71.  Wheat, 
Triticum  vulgai'e.  -=ffss?j.  A  grain  of 
wheat;  wheat,  -fssrtrf.  Naga  Iripudi- 
ans.  -tfj3, -?^t3  (i.  Granulated  wheaten 
flour,  rolong.     -2oWj,.   Wheaten  flour. 

7^j«fVJ?e5  s.  71.  Dust  raised  by  cattle  on 
the  road  when  coming  home.  2, 
evening  twilight.  -^'l-  Marriage 
performed  at  godhuli. 

7^,3^9  s.  71.  The  forehead.  2,  an 

7^,^?^"^,  ^j3?J^  s.  n.  A  large  kind  of 
lizard;  an  iguana. 

:^j3?c33^  a.  k.  n.   The  throat,  neck. 




:^j5?oS,  /RjseoSj  h.  n.  Gum. 

"Rsi^tL  s.  ri.  A  cowherd.  2,  the  head  of 
a  district;  a  king.  3,  Krishna,  -h. 
A  bull.  -'^.  Guarding,  protection. 
-JjTiSoJo.  Indra's  vehicle:  Airavata; 
Brahma's  vehicle:  the  hamsa; 
Vishnu's  vehicle:  Garuda.  -^°-  A 

^j^?3jS£J  (=  ^JS^Si,  q.  V.)  s.  n.  A  cow- 
herd; a  caste  of  Vaishnava  mendi- 
cants. 2,  alms.  3,  a  Jf.  -^^'  A. 
mendicant's  bamboo  basket. 

:^j3?S:i  s.  n.  A  cowherd's  wife,  Krishna's 
foster-mother;  a  milkmaid.  -zSocirj. 
A  species  of  white  clay  used  by  Vaish- 
navas   for   making  sectarian  marks. 

^:D?4  {Ih.  of  rfjs^S)  n.  N.  2,  a  neck- 

/^jsi?^'rf  s.  n.  A  town-gate,  gate;  a  toAver 
over  the  gate  of  a  city  or  temple. 

^jsesios.  a.  Secret,  hidden. 

^j3e^J?:sS?,  -Rji^Ti^^^  etc.  k.  n.  The 
neck  or  throat  with  Adam's  apple. 

:^j3e^Jodo  s.  n.  Cowdung. 

-Rj^i^zijso^^  s.  n.  Goa. 

^j3?oSjj   f.  n.  A  bad  mark  in  a  horse. 

:^.®e^oorf^,  ^jae^J?ti^  s.  n.  A  precious 
stone  of  a  reddish  colour. 

tijoU)  ?i.  The  prickly  flower-plant 
Lawsonia  s2:iiuosa. 

^JS?DS  b.  a.  White  ;  of  fair  complexion. 

j^jajQ  !•  h.  w.   A  grave,  tomb. 

^J3?Q2.  k.  n.  Drawing  together;  attract- 
ing, decoy.  2,  a  kind  of  rake.  -?305j. 
Dolichos  fabaeformis. 

:;^j5oTio  1.  k.  r.  <.  To  draw;  to  gather 
pile;  to  fish  with  a  net,  etc.  2,  to 
scratch.  ;;.  Drawing,  etc.  -wJrl. 
A  kind  of  rake. 

'Rji^xid2.  f.  n.  Trouble,   annoyance. 

'^ji^'6  k.  n.  A  shovel. 

'Rji^'dst^zi^  (tb.  ii-BodJS^Jsfi)  s.  n.  A 
yellow    pigment    prepared   from    the 

urine  or  bile  of  a  cow  or  found  in  its 

■Rji^O  (=  rljs^ejj,  r,j3=s?)  s.  n.  A  ball, 
globe,  circle,  sphere.  -rf^.  Gum- 
myrrh.  rt.'5?Ot)^3rf.  Globular,  rijs? 
csqic".   A  hemisphere. 

'Rjt^ti'u  h.  n.  A  money-box,  till.  2,  a 

^js?a'^j30'rf  s.  «.  Golconda  near  Hydra- 

^jj?«5  s.  n.  A  small  ball.  -^^■^-  A. 

^j3e£ij  r^b.  o/"  ?1j3ot),  g.  t\)  n.  A  circle, 
ring;  a  globe.  rtjs^ejoorirf.  A  plain 

'Rjt^Tif'^'d  k.  n.  The  guava  tree,  Psidinm 

'Ra^'ziT^'^'^  s.  n.     A  hill  in  Vrindavana. 

^.;3°SQCi  s.  n.    A    chief-herdsman.       2, 

Krishna;    Vishnu. 
/^jt)?4'  =  '^■^°,  (/•  I'. 
^j^o^  s.  «.  Goa. 
^je)?s:i3  h.  n.       A  veil,    cover    used     by 

Mohammadan  women  when  appearing 

in  public. 

^j3e»-\,  xn.  w.  A  word;  a  story. 

^J3(?si   s.  ft.  A  cow-pen. 

^j3?iU   s.  n.    An  assembly.    2,  a  convcr- 
sation,  discourse. 

Hsii^'S^z^  h.  n.  An  abstract,  summary. - 

g.  f. 
^.®??jOce3  k.  n.  A  chameleon. 

7^j5?:dc^SJ  ( r=  iiw-s^^cijoSj)  s.  n.  The 
master  of  cows.  2,  a  religious  mendi- 

^^i^^  (tb.  of  rljsee-i,  q.  v.)  n.  A  ball;  a 
globe.      2,  (k.)   clamour,  tumult. 

:^j3?sro3J  k.  r.  i.  To  bewail,  lament. 
T^JSiVsii.  Lamentation,  weeping.    7*\J&t 




^j5?^k,  H.  Any  kind  of  fig  tree  which 
bears  no  apparent  flowers;  the  banyan 
tree,  Ficus  bengalensis.  2,  a  small 
potherb  of  the  genus  Portulaca.  -^%.- 
A  teal,  water-duck. 

T^Zt,  1.  (=ri55cS,  q.  V.)  k.  n.  The  head- 
man of  a  village;  f.  -hS>. 

7\'^7i  2.  s.  n.  Sweetmeats.  2,  the  district 
of  Gaur  in  Bengal.  -S.'srSr,  -0^1. 
The  gauda  style,     -loonn??.  Trickery. 

Tf^C^  s.  a.  Subordinate,  secondary. 

7fe):^^J  s.  n.  N.  of  Buddha  or  Sakyamuni, 
the  founder  of  the  Buddhist  sect. 

Tf^d^O  ,  Tx'^rf^^  s.  &  k.  n.    Parvati. 

7\'^'dri  ifr.  rtorfo)  s.a.  Relating  to  a  guru. 
n.  Weight,  gravity.  2,  importance. 
3,  dignity,  respectability. 

Tf^S  s.  n.  A  virgin.  2,  Parvati.  3,  a 
yellow  pigment.  -53o^,  -SS.  Siva. 
-Sjassra.  A  kind  of  mineral,  -sy)^. 

7^€)  (=  rt40,  q.  V.)  f.  n.  A  paste  of 
wheaten  flour  cut  into  threads. 

7;'?sp  (=  rlws?,  rtcl^rS)   k.  »i.   A  milkman. 

7^0^.  tb.  of  t3^  ri,  q.  V. 

7\joqj  s.  71.  Binding.  2,  a  book  or 
composition  in  prose  or  verse;  a  code; 
a  religious  treatise.  3,  wealth.  4, 
great  knowledge.  -^B'Sr,  -?sd.  An 
author.  -€)aj.  One  of  the  characters 
used  in  writing. 

Ajcp  s.  n.  A  knot;  a  tie;  a  joint,  gland. 

Alri  s.  a.  Devoured,  eaten;  seized.  2, 
imperfectly  pronounced. 

7\iSo  s.  n.  A  planet.  2,  an  imp,  evil 
spirit,  demon.  -J3^rf.  The  bad  influ- 
ence of  unpropitious  stars;  fate, 
destiny.  -^^.  The  sun.  -h^d,-vj^^. 
Trouble  from  unpropitious  stars  or 
demons.  '■»3j3s3.  The  planets,  -sad. 
Propitiation  of  the  planets  by  offerings. 

AjSoO©  s.  n.  Seizing;  taking,  accept- 
ing. 2,  seizure  of  the  sun  or  moon: 
an  eclipse.  3,  understanding,  com- 

Aj^f^  s.  n.  DiarrhcBa,  dysentery.  2, 
rickets;  marasmus. 

AiSori  .  tb.  of  ri.ra^,  q.  V. 

AjS^^s.  71.  Understanding,  compre- 

A,co?jJs.  V.  t.  To  accept,  acknowledge; 
to  comprehend,  understand. 

7\3jt5STJ.  tb.  of  rt|3ol33i3  s.  rt,Bo,  q.  V. 

TtSj^O  s.  n.  A  village.  2,  a  multitude  : 
collection.  --i^y^.  Village  vermin; 
a  mischief-maker,  -rf).  The  headman 
of  a  village.  -d^cs;^.  The  deity  of 
a  village.  -Sjjfi'^?^-  A  Gavuda, 
a  village-munsif.  -n^Aj.  A  villager; 
tame.  -3'3o^.  Purification  of  a 
village  from  infesting  devils,  etc.  -^. 
A  villager. 

ASj'rfons.  a.  Rustic;  vulgar,  coarse, 
rude.  n.  A  villager;  an  uneducated 
man.  -SSo.  A  domestic  beast,  -zpssi, 
A  vulffar  dialect.  -Sto  •  A  vulgar 

7\tij?j  s.  ?i.  A  mouthful,  morsel.  2, 
food,  nourishment.  rsT^'^Ji^^^oSi. 
Means  of  subsistence. 

T^Sj^S'  s.  a.  Seizing,  receiving,  accep- 
ting, perceiving.  -S-n-.  The  faculty  of 

aSjoo  s.  a.  Seizing,  accepting,  etc.; 
holding;   perceiving. 

7\3i5cos.    a.     Perceivable;     acceptable; 


"hi^Ti,.     .^^DCJ  s.  n.   The  hot  season    from 
^     6' 
the    middle    of    May    to    the    middle 

of  July;  heat,  warmth. 






5?*.  The   twenty-second    letter    of    the 

^55Ti  s.  n.  The  letter  ^. 
«j02Js.  a.   Coming  to,  reaching,  joining. 

n.  Collection.      2,  a  troop  of  elephants. 

3,    the  body.        4,   an  earthen   water- 
vessel.     -K^~.  A  large  serpent. 
^fljUS's.  a.     Strong,    powerful;   forming 

a    constituent   part.       7i.   A    manager 

between  parties. 
JjjjyrSs.H.  Joining,  junction;  arranging, 

effecting;  effort,  exertion;  accomplish- 
ment, success. 
^j&3s.   n.    A    small    water-jar.      2,    a 

period  of  24  minutes.      3,  a  gong.      4, 

a  sinking  cup    for    measuring     time. 

-Di)o^.    A  machine  for  raising  water. 
^jI!^  (— nsi'ris,  (J.  c.)    s.  n.    A  period 

of   24  minutes. 
^oL°:gs.     a.     Joined,    united;    planned. 

devised;  occurred,     ^lisai^ir.   Practi- 

7^0^!^    (=n'-?Kj,   q.    r.)  s.   V.  i.  To  be 

gained;  to  happen,  e/c;  also  ^yc3j?;j. 
^oK    s.  n.     Effort,    endeavour.        2.  an 

assemblage,   collection. 
^OU  (=riWj,    q.  V.)  k.  n.       A    range    of 

mountains,    ghaut,    defile.    ??J3^3;^oi-. 

A  staircase, 
3jvU,^  s.  n.  Beating    down,   as   a  road; 

folding  by  beating  gently. 

sioU  ;j(=^y  ??)s.  n.  Touching;  rubbing, 
ei  '^ 

beating,  striking;  compressing;  prac- 

sio^  (=  nSJ,,  q.  V.)  k.  a.  Firm.      2,  loud. 

3,    solid.        4,   able,   clever.       -r(.  A 

strong,    able    man.      -^^.     Strength, 

energy,  ability. 

sjjt?,x;o.  =  nl3,;^o,  q.  v. 

ei  '-^ 

^U-s  {lb.  of  v'ij)  n,  A  drum  formed  of  an 

earthen  vessel. 

yJiZS? 030:^0,  =ria?caj^j,  q.  v. 

r!o!icdra:J,  ;;i:;Ci3:Jree;.  —  r^a^ij^rf,  q.  v. 

y00&j3,  yicB(=rtoa)  s.  n.  A  bell;  a 
gong,  ^-"oiin^csr.  An  attendant  on 
Siva.  ^os;?f3DCJ,  ^'='^5:33.  The  sound 
of  a  bell, 

^::fis,  a.  Compact,  solid,  hard,  dense, 
full;  large,  great,  much;  auspicious* 
11.  Any  compact  substance,  2, 
respect,  honour,  dignity;  greatness, 
2,  an  assemblage;  solidity.  -'«5S?i. 
A  cubic  measure,  -3d,  Uncommonly 
hard,  thick,  great,  elc.  -J,  -^. 
Firmness,  solidity;  greatness,  excel- 
lence. ^?i^^J53.  Thickened,  compact. 
-:i^.  Water;  a  decoction;  camphor. 

^O^J.  =  rtdJ  1,  q.  V. 

^j:3y  s.  n.  A  grindstone. 

yO^jr  (=rstisjj)  s.  n.  Heat;  sunshine; 
the  hot  season.  2,  sweat,  perspira- 
tion; also  -ii?j. 

^0j:^^09  s.  n.  Rubbing;  grinding;  fric- 
tion; furbishing, 

■^d^-R.  =  n'vrl2,  3,   q.  v. 

^j^S,  5;i:.^2;?2  (v"=C3-')  a.  k,«d.  Quickly. 

yJeiU.  afireB  s.  ?i.  The  nape  of  the  neck. 

T^-n^ZiT)  h..  a.  Thick,  coarse,  as  cloth. 

yj^^ss.  ?i.  Striking;  wounding,  killing. 
2,  destruction,  ruin;  a  blow,  -^, 
Killing,  felonious;  a  murderer;  f.  -t. 
-?S.  Killing,  striking.  d^X-.  Breach 
of  trust;  ^S.  Killing;  a  killer. 
S'3S<o.   To  strike;  to  slay,  elc. 

ZjJS^~:)^  s.  a.  Killing,  destructive,  mis- 

:f!jii208.  =  nsioO.  q.  v. 

:;jjso:io(=  ?T9  0i;,  q.  v.)  k.  n.  A  wound. 
-;3t)r!j.  To  be  wounded. 



^3^«)  (=n^A),  q.  I'.)  k.  ».  Harass,  distress; 
fatigue;  pain,  hurt. 

^J2^  (=  n'B^,  q.  V.)  k.  n.  Wind,  air. 
J3dj-.  A  hurricane.  ^o-.  A  cool 
breeze.  -3^j?/^''j„  -^^J,.  To  take  an 
airing-.  -;3t)irj  -Xja.  A  false  report; 
a  rumour. 

^OocssTJ  (="\?o^=id,  q.  V.)  k.  n.  The  roar- 
ing of  an  elephant. 

SfioJ^^  s.  ?(.  The  ankle. 

^jjOsr?,  ^A^  s-  "•  Heat;  ardour;  tender- 
ness; disgust. 

yj\^  s.  «.  Clarified  butter,  ghee. 

^J^IJO  f.  n.  A  circumference. 

£oji)oXi  s.  a.  Terrific,  frightful,  terrible, 
awful,  vehement,  -^o.  Very  terrible. 
-v!jj3.Br.  Bhairava. 

Sjjj;?5C^  s.  n.  Sound,  noise,  cry,  roar. 
2,  a  station  of  herdsmen,  -ra.  Speak- 
ing loud;  crying.  -Srar,  ^js^sjstf^d. 
A  sonant  letter.  ^J3$«i^J.  To  make 
a  great  noise;  to  cry  out,  proclaim. 

^jt)j^3  s.  ?i.  Smell,  odour;  the  nose. 
-aSFrs.  Fragrant  substance;  a  per- 
fume. ^SjC^Xj.  To  smell.  ;p^E^;o 
S,oij.  The  organ  of  smell. 

ZP^.     The    twenty-third    letter   of   tlie  alphabet.     No  words  begin  w^th  U. 


t5^.  The  twenty-fourth  letter  of  the 

E^S'siS'  (=d4jrid:pr!)  s.  ad.  Glitteringly. 

Ei5'z33  (tb.  of  ^=tf  eJ).  =  13*.  a,  q.  w. 

ei'S'doO'D',  2^5\'rfjJ-a',  li.  «.  A  flint  and 
steel  for  striking  fire.  -^^-  Silk- 
cotton  tinder. 

eiss'Ci  s.  n.  The  letter  "-S.     -sito.  A  word. 

o^-S-^  s.  a-  Shaking;   afraid,  timid. 
::i€j^^4  (lb.   of   "^^d^r),   :S^j3?^j.  =  ;iS 

■^•^5^5  q-v- 
Ei^jSftJ    s.  »t.   The  bartavelle  or  Greek 

partridge.     2,  =  'Jifjs^^. 

ii'^.tsT)^  (=:t3K^=g')  <&.  a.  Square. 

c  CO 

£5^,ci  (=taWc3-?.  <b.  o/'  2i*W)  «.  A  Cart;  a 

travelling   cart. 
ei^,^  a.  k.  ad.  Quickly,  suddenly. 
t:^^orf    k.  M.     Idle     talk;      happiness, 


t^^^'d.  /b.  of  J^'^,,  (/.  f. 

a.^T?,e;AO^    ej-u^s^aO'v'    k.  »i.      Tickling 

o  '  c 

another.     -SjJsSj.  To  tickle. 
Ei^^eS,  eiS'OjeS  (/b.  o/'  53^4  O)  n.  A   cake 

made    in    the  form     of     a    ring    and 

fried  in  ghee  or  oil. 
e:^^j-rf-S-,.  =  i3^;3^t5'    s.  tS*,,  q.  V. 

ai^j^  1.  k.  n.    A  cot  or  seat    of   cane  or 


-eos',  ^,    -Sjjtfs?,     Sitting 


ii'u,'^  2.  f.  ?i.  Skin,  leather. 

eiSo^aioO  h.  n.  Defining  of  the  bound- 
aries of  an  estate;  jurisdiction. 

2i^    (='^^,  ^%.  tb.  of  2!e^)  n.    A  chip 
of  wood  or  of  stone. 

tS^S^r)  n.       The     pumplemose     or 
shaddock,  CAtrus    decumana.        2,  an 
esculent  vegetable,  goose-foot. 


£i^  (=lS^rf)  s.  «.  A  wheel.  2,  a 
potter's  wheel.  3,  a  discus.  4,  a 
circle,  diagram.  5,  a  plaything  for 
children.  6,  a  realm;  rule.  7,  a 
circuit.  8,  a  multitude;  a  form  of 
military  array.  9,  the  horizon.  10, 
an  ancient  coin;  a  quarter  rupee. 
-qSrf,  -s:7>Ti.  Vishnu  or  Krishna.  -S 
^.  =.^3^.  -ojSr.  A  sovereign,  emper- 
or. -aSrS).  An  empress.  -33-?3j3 
^.  The  pot-herb,  Clienopodiitm  album, 
the  goose-foot.  -^=)*.  The  ruddy 
goose.  :3^^  or(.  A  gander.  z^'ST'ors 
A  goose. 

ti-&  k.  »i.  A  cultivated  tree,  the  Manilla 
tamarind,  Pithecolobum  dulce. 

E^^^A  s.  n-  The  eye.  -OoS  cdj.  The 
sense  of  seeing. 

e^aeS  (  =  zf-ranz^)  k.  n.  The  plant  Cassi/j 

sicA.  =  2^ort,  g.  v. 

eioADT^.  =  tlortarf,  (jf.  V. 

tioAc3  k.  od.  In  bounds,  with  agility. 

eioAC;^^?e?i,,  k.  «.    A  sort  of  Costus. 


eioAO  1.  k.  n.  A  jump,  leap,  etc.;  agility. 

V.  i.  To  jump,  etc.     -t^onfS  arstfj.    To 

jump  with  agility. 
ticAO  2.  h.  «.  A  Jew's  harp. 
iio7\j5€)  K.  n.  A  day-labourer. 
EioAn  (=JSor()  k.  n.  Crookedness,  per- 

verseness.      -s3jort»;ifj.  Apish  pranks, 

frolics,   sport. 

^^  xj  (=z3:^  ti)  k.  n.    Haste.      2,  wake- 
s' Za  '  ' 
fulness,  care. 

titJ^S'  (="^^:J'3^,  5.  f.)  f.  a.    Square. 

Eit§     k.  »!.     A    kind    of    grain,    Holcus 

sicsieJ  s.  (I.   Shaking;  unsteady;  fickle, 

capricious,     n.   The  wind.     -3(^,  -3[^, 

Unsteadiness,     fickleness.       -Sjfi^J. 

tioE^eS   k.  H.    A   small  cultivated  tree, 

Flacourtia  calafracta. 

Jiosie?  s.  n.  Lightning;  fortune. 

£ic8o  m.  ?t.     A    bag    with    pockets   for 

betel,  etc. 
eio?iJ  s.  n.  The  beak  of  a  bird. 
sic^.  =  TioiS,,  q.  c. 
£iy  s.  n.  A  taste,  taking;    an   acquired 

liking  or  fondness;   an  ill-habit.      -3? 

OA)  ■#-t:°^J).  To  eradicate  a  habit. 
tilJ^  k.   n.     A    ceremony   in    honor    of 

the  departed   ancestors;   also    -sra.cS. 

2,  a  sparrow  ;  /".  iStJ^. 
eiUS'SOSoriJ  (=  :^l:z:Qj^:>)  h.  r.  (.    To 

cut  or  knock  off,  cut  short. 
siWS'o.  =  ZoW^o,  q.  V. 
siys^^jS  k.  ad.  All  at  once,  suddenly. 
aiU^y  k.  n.     A  snapping    or  crashing 

sound.       2,  (f.)  fretting  and  grieving. 

ad.  Quickly. 
£;^Uoifeo^    f.  ».     Quickness,     smartness, 

sharpness,  briskness. 
2;^&333'o  h.  K.    The  sixteenth  part  of  a 

pakka  ser. 
Ei6jSO3J?j0.  =  tSW^^soSjsoJ,  q.  V. 
tiiS'R   {cf.  2^53,)  k.  n.     A  small  earthen 

pot  with  a  broad  mouth. 
2iU07i&3#.  =  tSWSJJ=#,  q.  V. 
eiy,  1.  (=  tStij)    k.  n.     Flatness.        2, 
the  frame  or  bottom  of  a  cart,  bed- 
stead, chair,  etc.      3,  a  bier  or  litter. 
tiU  2.  k.  n.   Order,  regulation  {in  law); 

neatness,  fineness. 
eiy  cJ  k.  ad.  Suddenly,  all  at  once. 
d^,  (=  J5i3)  k.  n.  An  earthen  pot. 
2^130,  1.  =2iW,  1.  q-v.      2,  (=z;S^J.)   the 
flat  cloth-cover  over  a  palankeen.     3, 
the  seedless  pod  of  beans,  etc. 

Impurity.    2,  destruction. 
-53j«)3j.    To  kill;  to  ruin. 
Eiyo  3.  k.  n.   The  dried  fruit  of  nelli. 

eiS,  k.  n.  Flatness,  levelness.    2,  Euro- 
pean   dress.      -^riti.    A    man    dressed 

in  European  fashion;  a  Eurasian. 

siUo,  2.  k. 




jil?  h.  n,      A    seasouingf    prepared    of 

chopped  chillies,  etc.;  chutney. 
iiXiS  h.  n.    Jealousy. 

iiZi'sOSOTi.i  h.  V.  t.  To  tighten,  fasten. 
2,  to  increase,  raise;  to  lay  on  ;  to 

tizSSiS  ^-  '*•  Ascent,  rise;  increase,  as 
of  assessment,  value,  etc.  2,  a  kind 
of  shoes. 

2i&  1.  f.  n.   A  dovetail  {in  carpentry). 

Eiti  2.  li.  n.    A  cane.      2,   a  staircase. 

ti(^0;5)c5^  k.  ad.   Quickly,  rapidly. 

eiSi  k.  w.  Breeches  reaching-  to  the 

£ir©3^  .s. }(.  The  chick-pea,  Bengal  gram. 
2,  =  JSa  ,  q.  V. 

£ir©7\  k.  n-  A  sort  of  pulse  or  lentil, 
Cicer  lens. 

s^c'rf  s.  a.  Hot,  fiery;  passionate,  wrath- 
ful; impetvous;  mischievous,  n.  Heat; 
passion.      2,  Siva;  N.   of  a  demon. 

eioI^eSas;*  f.  n.  Earnest  money,  a  hand- 

Eioonxf  s.  11.  An  outcaste;  a  man  of 
the  lowest  and  most  despised  of  the 
mixed  tribes. 

eioci  1.  s.  n.  A  passionate  and  violent 
female.  2,  an  obstinate  or  mischiev- 
ous man.  3,  obstinacy,  etc.  4, 
Durga;  N.  of  a  female.  -=ff3,  -=^.  Durga. 
-SfS.  Obstinacy,  -^o.  To  be  obstinate 
or  angry. 

£ioa  2.  (=  ^oa)  k.  n.  Wetness,  a.  "Wet, 

ticTh'S  k.  ??.  A  tuft;  a  crest;  a  tuft  of 
hair  left  on  the  head  at  the  tonsure. 
-zSc^j.  To  leave  a  tuft  on  the  head. 

sicT^O  1.  (=  "Joc^j)  k.  n.  A  ball  to  play 
with;  a  bunch  or  cluster  of  flowers. 
'^oci^rfj.  To  play  at  ball.  -rfJ©  ?1. 
A  variety  of  jasmine.  -^jssJ.  A 
flower  like  marigold,  a  Chrysanthe- 

sio'rfo  2.  k.  n.  The  nape  of  the  neck, 

ziozS  s.  n.  Durga;  also  ^oa,  -'§.  2,  a 
certain  perfume.  l^od^sJ,  JSod?^  !j. 

eif©   k.  n.   Short  breeches. 

zi^yo.—  dti^CtTil.  -Sjci,  -SJacS.  A  quadru- 

^^:>xi  1.  s.  a.  Four.  -''^%-  The  triangu- 
lar spurge,  Euphorbia  antiquarum. 
-^>^h.  A  commander  of  four  districts 
or  of  constituents  of  an  army.  -3,. 
Quadrangular;  a  square;  a  bound- 
ary. t^^^JD^o^Fi,  zi^ioxTi^,.  Four-faced: 
Brahma.  tS;^jdJ3PS33CX3j.  The  four 
expedients  or  means  of  success.  lA^i 
^oT\.  Four-membered  :  chess.  JScSodo 
riuej,  z^^jwru.  a  complete  army 
comprising  elephants,  chariots,  caval- 
ry and  infantry. 

Ei;gOT:f2.  (=iSrfc,  J^rfjd,  etc.)  s.  a. 
Dexterous,     clever,     ingenious.  2, 

charming.  n-  Skilfulness,  dexterity; 
shrewdness,    also   -^,   -^oJ. 

e:^^oif5r  s.  a.  Fourth;  the  fourth,  i^^o 
^P".  The  fourth  case,  the  dative;  the 
fourth  day  in   a  lunar  fortnight. 

zi^jrfrs)  s.  a.  Fourteen.  t3:^JcSr3.  The 
fourteenth    day  in    a  lunar  fortnight. 

2i;^0Qf^€  s.  n.  The  four  points  of  the 

z^^j^orSi  s.  a.  Foui'-armed.  n.  Vishnu, 

ei^J^ioo^SO  s.  H.  Brahma;     Siva. 

£i;^JodoorA  s.   n.    The    four  yugas    or 

ages  of  the  world. 
E^^O^roS"    s.  n.   The  four  castes. 
Ei^sJSro^S  s.  a.   Twenty-four. 
£i;^J.3Fqj  s.  a.   Four-fold. 
Eii^O^e^ci  s.  11.   The  four  vedas. 
t^^j7i.,cx:!j    s.    a.    Four-fold.        n.     An 

aggregate  of  four. 
eii^j-^.j^i^r®  s.  a.  Square,  quadrangular. 

n.  A  square. 
■d4::)7i,.n^  £i^osj;^^5,   tii^os^Svrf    s.   a. 

Four-footed,    n.  A  quadruped. 

za^  sr^ 


ti^  D/^.  lb.  of  £?S^€.  =  ejj^,  q.  v. 

Eiigo  m.  )i.  A  ceiling;  a  covering  iu 

iiBj,  -■R  (tb.  of  efS^)  n.  An  umbrella, 

sisQTi   s.    /(.    A    quadrangular      place. 

2^35^5  s.  n.   Four.     "^^S-^OoScS.   Forty. 

eidl5(<b.  o/"  :S:S-itf)  a.   Square. 

eiSrJj  (Cj=e3J)  k.  v.  i.  <£•  (.  To  scatter, 
disperse.  i3:;0?ij.  y,  t.  To  scatter, 

ticSod.  tb.  of  t^^jd,  5.  I'. 

sicrf  1.  (<b.  o/"  ejjoci)  a.  Pleasing,  beauti- 
ful, lovely,  n.  Fitnees,  niceuess; 
beauty.  2,  appearance,  shape,  form; 
manner.  -;ic^J.  Beauty  to  be  gone. 
-Ti^a.     A    mannerless  person. 

ziorf  2.  {lb.  of  "^ortj)  n.  The  moon; 
also  -S  ,  -»3J35JJ. 

e^od?::',  i:idz)  s.  ?i.  Sandal,  Siriuni 
myrtifolium:  either  the  tree,  the 
■wood,  or  its  preparation. 

sioa  f.  n.  A  gable-wall. 

eioad.  ib.  of   '^od,,  q.  t\ 

i^oti\  1.  s.  a.  Glittering,  excellent. 
M.  The  moon.  2,  gold.  3,  the  red 
colour.  4,  camphor.  5,  excellence. 
-^aoS.  The  moon-stone,  a  fabulous 
gem.  -5i)oa.  Moonlight;  the  moon- 
flower,  Ipomaea  grandiflora.  -^js^.oj. 
A  head-ornament  of  gold.  -rtsSrs. 
An  eclipse  of  the  moon.  -:3j3.p^. 
Moonlight;  a  kind  of  firework.  -Z^u^ 
toei.  Propitiousness  of  the  moon  and 
stars.  -zScio, -5jjo:Su.  The  lunar  disk. 
-ipii?i.  The  Chenab  river.  -dja??*. 
The  sphere  of  the  moon.  -JioS. 
The  lunar  race  of  kings.  -SseS. 
An  upper  room,  -^jaolir.  Moon  and 
sun.  -oostf.  A  necklace  of  raoonlike 
gold  beads.      -oS'^'K.   X.  of  a  prince. 

eiorfj  2.  k. n.  Red  lead,  m?«a(»i.  -^d^ 
A)$3,  -p.-3^A)°d.  A  kind  of  sire.  --JS-S"?. 
A  reddish  kind  of  plantain.  ->jj55J). 
A  reddish  kind  of  raanso. 

e:^CO^s.    n.      Moonlight;    elucidation. 

2,  a  coil  of  written  palm-leaf. 
sic^jSjfSicxJO  s.    n.     Moou-rise.       -Jjjsi. 

A  cooling  bolus. 
e^Nj  k.  n.  A  beautiful,  handsome  man. 

2,  N.;  also  -^,  -^^-     -SsJ.  Madras. 

-lo^jSj.    N. ;     son    of    Basava's    sister. 

-W^JSeyOTJfS.  A  poetical  Kannadawork 

about  Cannabasava. 
tifTO^TN  k.  ad.  Nicely,  well;  see  s.   ^^, 
^i^)^A  k.  ».     A    handsome,    fine    man; 

f.  -*o. 
sijio-j  k.   n.     Beauty,     grace,     niceness; 

excellence.     Cods.:  2^^, td-r,    lo^,  »ijr!, 

iS^  53J330,  etc.      'ii^'^f\.  Nicely,  well, 

properly;  correctly. 
£ic3>  k.  w.  A  beautiful  female.     '<^^%_, 

Z^N,  3  .    N. 

2io3  h.  mf.  Hush!  silent  I 

ziTjO  s.  a.  Moving  to  and  fro,  wavering 
unsteady,  fickle;  wanton.  2,  active 
quick,  agile,  swift.  3,  inconsiderate 
4,  momentary.  -3?i,  -o,  -^.  Fickle- 
ness; inconstancy;  smartness.  tSSs3. 
A  fickle  woman;    lightning. 

aiSjSiS  m.  «.  A  slap.  -wa.  To  slap 
with  open  hands. 

EissS  b.  n.  A  hand-made  cake. 

E^Sj^OSOSjO  h.  i\  i.  To  hide. 

ti^T)'^^  tisj3ii  h.  tt.  Hiding,  conceal- 

ti7^^7\  k.  11.  Insipidness,  tastelessness. 
ad.  Insipidly. 

£i7J,Bl.  k.  ».  Flatness,  a.  Flat.  -Soj^rio. 
A  flat  nose.      -*^-  A  flat  stone. 

2iz!,63  2.  (=2^5=)^)  h.n.  A  smart  slap, 
-coa,  -sSjsd.  To  slap  with  the  palm. 

i:i7j.ti,  {cf.l^si^\)  k.  M.  A  large  flat 
stone.  2,  a  dodge,  trick,  -oi*?,  -ss^j. 
To  drag  or  put  a  flat  stone  (on 
another's  business):   to  ruin. 

dT'j.Ti  (=2^^)  k.  ».  A  shed.  2,  a 
court-yard.       3,  a   thatched    or    tiled 


roof.      4,  a  trellis.       5,  the  canopy  of 
a    bedstead.     Cpds.:    SoasS-,     a?;oj-, 
SoJUJ-,   ^olipi-,  etc.      -rfJo::^.  A  cano- 
pied bedstead.    -»3Jn.    a  shed.    -^^^J. 
To   put  up  a  thatch. 
tiSjv'dj?  k. );.  A    smacking    of  the   lips 
used  by  peasants  to  stop  their  cattle. 
i^T^.^tTiil.  k.  r.  i.    To  chuckle  or  cluck 
to  an  animal.       2,  to   smack  the  lips! 
to  chew  with  a   noise.      3,  to  chirp. 
£i3jvQ7jj2.   (=iSS^?oJ)  k.y.  «.  To   slapj 

tiTjyC  h.  n.  A  shoe  or  sandal. 
iit\i§'       =  2o5j  a  2,  a.  V. 
t^Sj^v^k.  n.  Clapping  the  hands.  -'a^A, 

tSsS^ifj.   To  clap  the  hands. 
eisSv  1.    k.  Ji.  The  hip-bone.      2,  insipid- 
si^-,  2.  f.  n.   An  impression,  seal,  stamp. 
ii-^.z='!^ii^:i,  q.  v. 

sieOS^j,  £:^2003^J     li.  n.    A     horse-whip. 
-ooJS^,    -^«?.    To    whip.       -Sjrf,    The 
Casuarina  tree. 
si^ossOSOXlo,  ei^J'^;^  f.  v.  t.     To  lash 
soundly;  to   frighten,    rebuke.     2,  to 
make  to  flash  or  brandish. 
£:^do^^,  ti^oiS'R.  =  JSrfjJJri,  q,  v. 
t^zSdXi  h.  71.  The  skin. 
ei^ogSiTj,  ei^j:^,.  \B,  s.«.  Astonishment, 
surprise;    a  show,   spectacle;    a  won- 
der;  skilfulness,    cleverness.       2,  wit, 
eloquence.         -ci    lo^f^.    Ambiguous 
eis^O'd  s.  n.  The  yak  or  bos  grunnieyis. 
2,  the  chowry  or    long    brush  made 
of  the  yak's  tail;    also   "taSjjO. 
Ei^J,    ■d>Ti:>ji,   s.  H.    An    army.        2,    a 
division    of    an    army    consisting    of 
129  elephants,   129  cars,   2187  horses, 
and  3685  foot.     -Sj,  -^h.  A  general. 
e:^'rfo   h.  11.  A  spoon. 
eicSj^  s.  »i.  A  yellow  fragrant  flower, 

Michelia  champaca. 
£^o20o    (=2^0100,    q.  y.)     k.  n.  Copper. 
2,  a  globular  vessel    used  for  drink- 

ing; cf.  ^oitT^.  -'s'jiirt.  A  copper- 
t^^oj^:^  (  =  vi^M^.  tb.  of  :^^or^iij§, 
tSaJFodb.^.'f)  3.  a  whip.  2,  a  sledge- 
hammer. 3,  a  leather  backgammon 
board;  also  zisioji.^. 

ci^j7,'d(<b.  o/"  l^sJjF^sd)  n.  A  shoemaker' 
a  worker   in  leather. 

ii'd  1.  k.    An    imitative  sound.       '"^J^- 

"With  the  sound  of  '^^.       l^tfiSrf.    rep. 

The    sound    of    scratching    with    the 

nails    or    with    a   pen,    etc.      Z^dt^rf??. 

With  the  sound  of  Z3d'^c5. 
2:^1^2.   a.  a.   Moving,  walking;    movable; 

living.       n.   Locomotive,  any  animal. 

2,  a  spy;  cf.  KscS.    "^rfc^jra  (j.  e.  iStid 

cija).   News  brought  by  spies.     -^.  A 

wanderer;    a   spy;   witchcraft.     -5^^, 

-?gj3gj.  Movable  property.     -cAio:353t). 

Live     stock;     capital     employed      in 

business.     -03j:^j.    To  walk  about. 
sr^LSf^S  s.  n.  Moving.      2,  a  foot.       3,  a 

sect,  school.       4,  a  verse-line.      -3ej. 

The  sole,      -oiwrt.  Both  the  feet. 
ziijoB  s.  n.  A  jangama  who  has  taken 

the  vow  of  celibacy. 
2i'dS337v?jJ  s.  &k.  V.  i.  To  go  away  (used 

in  lihgavanta  mathas). 
Z^Ti^  {=  lACjr)  h.  n.  Fat,  suet. 
Eiudo  s.  a.    Last,  final,  ultimate;  Aves- 

ei-dST^,  eiSa?;  k.  ?i.   A  large  copper  or 

brass  pot  for  carrying  water. 
EiT332^d  s.  a.    Movable  and  immovable. 

n.    Animals   and   plants;    all    created 

2:^03030  f.  «.    Pasture;    pasture-ground. 

sib/^.  =  z^ciilrt,  q.  V. 

L'iD^    s.  H.      Going,    course;     conduct, 

practice;     deeds;     story.       t^Ossqi". 

Attaining   one's  object,  successful,  n. 

Accomplishment ;   welfare. 
zib^i  s.  n.    Walk,  behaviour;   exploits', 

story,     history     or    account    of  one's 




deeds,  etc.;  nature,  disposition.     -ni>d. 

A  historian. 
iibSj,  =  ISO^,  q.  V. 
iibTx)  (cf.   "^d)  s.  V.  i.    To  move  about; 

to  walk;  to  wander,  roam;  to  behave; 

to  set  about. 
ii'i^i    s.  11.     A    caldron,    pan,    pot.       2, 

(='^dj^)  an  oblation    of   rice,   etc.  to 

the  gods  or  manes. 
eiliJA  k.  n.    An  offering  to  Demavva. 
ei'rfosri).  =  i^dj  iSo.  2,  q.  V. 
eisSr    s.  n.     Kefiection,    consideration. 

2,    investigation,    reasoning,  inquiry, 

logic.       3,  a  word.       4,   idle  slander; 

ridicule.       5,  a  quarrel,  dispute.     6, 

perfuming    the    body.       I^ior^io.     To 

consider;      to  investigate;  to   discuss. 
£ic:ij~  s.  71.     Skin,    leather,   hide,   bark, 

etc.    2,  a  shield,    -^stf.  A  shoemaker. 

-t^^j.     The   material,    physical    eye. 

to  e.U    ^  ^ 

£io5jr  s.n.   Going;  behaviour,  conduct; 

practice;     occupation. 
£^;3rre    s.    ?*.     Chewing,    masticating; 

solid  food. 
eieJl.s.  a.   Moving,  stirring;  unsteady; 

movable,  n.   Agitation. 
ei©  2.    (<6.    of     efjaj)     ?i.     Firmness    of 

character,     resoluteness,     obstinacy, 

self-will.     -nuti.     An   obstinate   man; 

A     resolute     speaker;     an     obstinate 

tiG^,    iiO^  s.  a.   Moving;    wandering. 

w.  Going  away;  setting  out,  departing. 
?i£)^0,  £^e5^o    s.  n.     A    small   pit;     a 

spring  of  water  or   a  fountain  head, 

ii<SJZ05:i7jd    (fr.  a^).   V.  t.      To     make 

go,  to  execute,   v.  i.  To  go    beyond; 

to  be  finished. 
?i£)3rfr5^    EiOS^fS     f.  a.     Current,    as 

coin,  etc.     n.   Currency;  practice. 
Eie5g  s.  ?!.  Moving;  trembling,  marching. 
sie5?io  s.  V.  t.  To  move;  to  stir;  to  tremble; 

to  go    astray;   to  start. 

F^eio^t?,  'cie;o4  (=  -doj;^,  J^^a,)  k.  n. 
Beauty,  handsomeness,  elegance, 
grace;  niceness.  JSoj3,  tSu.  A  hand- 
some man;  /".  t^ejj^,  J^ejj;3,  o^sjjdS. 

tidjs,  t^6.z^  k.  a.  Beautiful,  nice, 
elegant;  also  t3s3j5.  iSsSjs^cSj.  That 
is  nice,  well,  etc.  Cpds.:  -loja,  -Cj 
f^'^'  -?^5  -f^Jra,  -nC^s,  -3j33j,  etc. 

£^£J  1.  k.  w-  Fun,  amusement,  pleasure; 
smile.  "t^O  ;3-5Sj.  To  sport,  gambol. 
jSc^U.  Sport,  fun.  '^c^W;33:^o.= 
cS«j^ns:^j.  -53^.  A  jocose  man;  a  man 
who  gets  his  living  by  coaxing. 

sia*  2.  (in/,  of  z^oj .  q.  v.).  -W3.  To 
drive  off,  disperse,  scatter.  z^cssSO, 
^^   '^®  •  Disorderly,  confusedly. 

eie;  ^  f.  71.  A  challan,  voucher;  an 

d£J  r®(— tSw)  k.  n.  Breeches  of  differ- 
ent  length. 

eie^s  U.  see  s.   '^t>  1  a«d.  s.  iSejJ  1. 

OO  "^  "^ 

£i£;o  1.  (=  '^ejJ,  g.  r.)  k.  v.  ?.  To  scatter 

OO  "^ 

about;  to  pour  out,  spill,  as  milk; 
to  squander;  to  throw  away;  to  sow, 
as  seed.  '^^-^ii.  Throwing  about. 
Z^csc^j.  To  throw  about.  t3€^iZzio. 
To  spill,  throw  away.  !^0  3jj;=r(j. 
To  be  spilt, 
siaij  2.  k.   »;.    An    idle  person,    a   srad- 

OO  I-  )  o 

about.     -:^cd.  Idleness. 

q.  V. 
ti^^'cr  (=  ^5^0-)  h.  ?i.  A    low    seat,    stool. 
2,  a  guard-house;  a  matha;  the  inner 
veranda  of  a  house. 

t-^^a^  (=  i3^a^.  <&.  o/"  issojoa'^)  «.  A 

kind  of  lute. 

zi^b  {=  Z^O)  s.  n.  A  kind  of  head- 
ornament  made  of  the  hair  of  the 
yak's  tail. 

Ei^e;  f.  H.   Two  Anas;  cf.   ZiSo^O. 

Eiijo'.   ='^3^5^^  q,  c.      2,  cheap. 

2^4^-^  (=  zs^^-^)  li- "•  Careful  inquiry; 




ii;i^-^    (fr.  tb.  z^"^)     n.    An   ear-ring 

with   four    pearls.       2,    a    ciiequered 

zi^^ati  f.  n.  Soap. 
ziiSa,  ei^ca  {lb.  of  laarfJJoa)  n.      N. 

of  a    female   demon    worshipped    by 

2i.3)S.  tb.  of  lA^^^r.—i^h,  q.  V. 

£i4rfb(=ts^cS0)  f.n.    A  village  officer. 

2,   the  officer  of  a  royal  guard. 
t^^Q^  =  t3^^,  q.v.      2,=i^^. 

!3-^^-^  (=  JS^^o)  k.  n.  Brackishness. 
-SA)^  ,  jS53)°i?j^  , -^3d.  Soda-saltpetre- 

■2:^503  (  =  Z33,  i33oo)  h.  ?i.  Tea. 

2^^3x3  f.  71.  Features,  complexion.  2, 
green  fodder. 

2:^^^  a.  k.  n.  Expertness,  dexterity, 

2:^s;*5'o  (= '^v*ot5*o)  k.  n.  The  cramp; 
rheumatic  pains,  i'.  i.  To  be  painfully 
contracted,  as  a  muscle  of  the  body. 

sis?;^0o20o  f.  71.  A  kind  of  ear-drop. 

£i^  1.  k.  V.  i.  To  become  tired  or  fa- 
tigued; the  feet  to  pain  from  walk- 
ing. -^.^.  To  cause  to  be  fatigued; 
to  trouble. 

.ii^  2.  k.  n.  Coldness,  cold;  chill,  frost, 
snow,  etc.  -rraw.  The  cold  season. 
-K  d.  Ague.  -c3^3j.  a  cold  country. 
-5:?r<j,  -zS?^o.  To  become  cold.  -2oa. 
To  catch  cold. 

2^s?o3^.:.  =  i^^^o,  q.  V- 

si^  k.  V.  i.  To  abound,  as  fruits  on  a 
tree,  e<c.  w.  Sprinkling;  also  23«?oij. 
-=^j3:Sj,  -3o3^j.  To  sprinkle. 

2^W  k.  »i.  Along  flexible  twig.  l^s?, 
Sd.  A  cultivated  pulse,  Dolichos 

ii'^  .  (lb.  of  ^^uo)  H.  The  Sepistan  plum 
of  a  gummy  character;  aiso  -Sort. 

gJD.  =  tS33^,  q.  V. 

zsz^  e.  n.   Chalk. 

z^"^  f.  M.  Neat,  tidy,  trim.  -^*^- 
Acuteness;  agility,  speed. 

£J33^tf  h.  w.  A  servant;  f.  -^J. 

tssS'Q  h.»i.  Service;  employment.     -2^J3 

•^  -odoa.  A  servant;  /".  -odo»3s*j. 
tJSS'o  h.  n.  A  penknife. 
2J32;^j  k.  «.  t.  To  stretch  out,  hold  out, 

extend;  also    2SSI^Cj:^j.      J33t^^0.    To 

cause  to  stretch  out. 
t5t)C£ie;n   (/"»•.   zSoJ^ej)   s.  n.   Fickleness, 

e^syS^  s.  n.   Jugglery;  incantation;  also 

J'         t 
s^'S&o  k.  ?i.  A  whip. 

tJ^Uo  1.  k.  n.  A  refuge;  a  shelter. 

£53 Mo  2.  s.  n.  Pleasing  discourse;  flat- 
tery; clear  speech.  -:3oS.  Agreeable- 
ness;  flattery. 

t53<^  h.  H.  Slander,  backbiting.  -^atf^ 
-aSja^tf,  -rt,  -HticJ,  i3=)3.  A  slanderer; 
a  talebearer. 

£53:^5^  s.  n.  The  bird  Cuculus  mela7io- 
leucus  (supposed  to  live  upon  rain- 

£33S3S;*S^  k.  n.  A  so-called  Sarternee, 
a  man  of  a  SAdra  caste  that  worships 

°J^X>^dTi  {fr.  J^^Jd)  s.  a.  Dexterous,  clever, 
ingenious.  -^^,  tssSjoljr.  Dexterity, 
cleverness,    shrewdness;  pleasantness. 

t33;^oq>r5^  {fr.  iSc^jqi!^).  s.  a.  Quartan, 
as  ague. 

p^3dTJ  h.  n.  A  cotton  or  silk  sheet  or 
a  dotra  worked  with  gold  or  silver 

ejgjj  (=23=)?;)  k.  ?i.    A  small  chisel. 

£530SSr5,  tjsod^i  h.  w.  An  awning. 
tJSorij  (/"r.  2^0^)  s.  a.   Lunar.      -siJScS. 

Lunar  measurement  of  time.     -sSja^S. 

A  lunar  month.    -ojJ3?S3J5r,  -^ooSs^d. 

The    lunar    year.       zsson^cljra.    An 

expiatory    observance    regulated    by 

moon's  phases. 
t?ojj  1.  s.  n.  A  bow.     2,  a  rainbow. 


:^^t.  162 

tsxit.  2.  =  15553  2,  q.  V.    2,  =  tSD^  2,  q.  v. 
i^ztiV,  ej^3j£)n  (/■}-.  eSsSo)  s.Ji.  Mobility; 

unsteadiness;  fickleness;  agility. 
t?sb^j  h.    V.    t.   To   stamp;     to    print; 

also  epDiJjXj. 
t3TD;^  1.  k.  >t.  Stretch,  length,  extent. 
e3>);g2.  h.  n.  The  cock  of  a  gun. 
t5i33  1.  k.  H.  A  mat. 
s^sS  2.  (=  tT35j)  h.  «.    A  stamp;  a  type; 

an    impression.        -stsn.    A    printing 

E^'B'djd  (=Zj55jti)  s.  w.  A  chowry,    the 

bushy  tail  of  the  Bos  grunniens  used 

as  a  fan. 
^S'sSoocS    s.  n.    Durga;     also    i?3Sjoo 

tJTJcdo    (<b.  of  epscdj)  m.   Colour,  shade, 

etc.;  aZso  I3=ioSj.     2,  the  madder  plant. 
t3>)lJ  1.   s.  n.  Course,  motion.      2,  a  spy, 

messenger,      2,    a  prison.      -zah .  A 

tFS'D  2.   f.  ji.  Green  fodder  of  cattle. 
tJSTJ  3.  (d=SJ)  k.  n.  A  line,  streak. 
tJ^'dro    s.  n.    Wandering;     a  strolling 

actor,   bard;  a  celestial  singer. 
tJS&   s.  n.    Acting.       2,    course.       3,    a 

■way,  manner,  method.     4,  stratagem. 

5,   intention,  mind.      6,  cheapness. 
E5T>t)^j     s.  n.     Conduct,     behaviour;     a 

EJsQrio   k.  V.  t.    To   grind,   triturate,   as 

sandal;  to  mix  by  rubbing,    as  medi- 
cine, ^ful, 
tysTio  1.  s,  a.  Agreeable,  lovely;  beauti- 
tJslJj  2.  (dj=  e3j)  k-  n.  Sap,  juice;  broth. 
tsoaror  j5  f.  n.  A  square.  -Aj^d.  A  female's 

cloth    with    small    coloured    squares 

in  it. 
^arfjairci  f.  n.  N.  of  a  ghaut. 
£3^aS3or^  s.n.  An  atheist  or  materialist; 

a  sceptic, 
tj^e^   s.  a.    Jlovable,  changing.      -Ti^ri. 

(Movable    rent);     rent   for    one   year. 

-h,  jsbO.  That  is  in  use;  current. 


£o20^,  tJse;?^  h.  a.  Smart,  dexterous^ 

tnjC^ji  s.  71.    Causing    to    move   or  pass 

through;  sifting;   making  loose.      tss- 

t)S).   A  sieve,  strainer. 
t^cyj  (=::?3sj,  q.  v.)  s.  n.  Moving;  custom,. 

manner.       2,  currency,  as  of   a  coin, 

order,  etc.    3,  a  pace,    as  of  a  horse. 
t^rfS  h.  n.     A  court;  a  village-hall;  » 

t^S'rfr?    h.  n.    Cantonments,    temporary- 
erections  for  troops.    2,  a  roof,  roofing. 
tTS,S  h.  n.  A  key.     -^j3Sj.  To  wind,  as 

a  clock  or  watch. 
tTD^^  f.    a.   Mischievous.        n.  A   man 

full  of  tricks  and  pranks. 
t3>)^  {th.  of  Vzz^)  n.  Conduct,  practice, 

habit;    a    silly    habit.        -^J.    To  be 

fickle,  etc.     2,  to  sift. 
£3>3^?jO  (fr.  zsaeJ)  n.  Dimness   of  vision. 

2,  the   age   of   40.     iz^^iK^.  A    pair 

of  spectacles. 
sis    (=iap,  ^%)  k.  int.   Fie!  for  shame! 

Zu^ti  h.  a.   Hard;  thick,  rich.       -aa^, 

-oiiS^^.  A  fine  kind  of  betel-nut. 
ZoxjSl  s.  n.    The   science  of   medicine, 

therapeutics.    ^3^^=5^.  A  physician. 

3  o       • 

Zux^^zIj^F  s.  n.  Will,   design. 

SctS',  k.  a.   Little,   small;    young.     -iJi^, 

13^=^.    A  younger  of  the  elder  sisters. 

-?3Q  ,  i5is;r3.    A  younger  of  the  elder 

brothers,    -^od.   =z5^s3, 


The  youngest  brother.  -3i!03j.  An 
aunt;  a  step-mother.  z<3^rfj.  That 
is  small.  i&%  orfj.  Childhood,  ca^si . 
An  uncle,  -ss?,©!).  Age  between  the 
7th  and  16th  year.  -53j^S?j.  Small, 
young  children.  -3J3:^j.  An  insignifi- 
cant word.  25*530, ,  Zo*  53  =  -33Dio. 
-cS?:.  =  i5*ortJ,  q.  V. 

SaS'jO®  k.  n.   A  small  bodice.  [iS^ . 

els'.ro,  el?,^;. ,  sJs'.'rfo. ,  eI^,^^.  sees, 

&?^,l1o,  el5i)£^  k.  H.  A  flea. 

sls^r  ?jO  k.  «.    A  small  cash;  a  trifle. 




&7^,  £§^,1.  k.  n.     A    spot,  speck,  clot, 

as  that  of  a  cat,  cloth,  etc.     2,  a  star. 

3,    an    aunt.       -t^Jsk^J,.    A    black    dot 

applied   to   the   forehead  between  the 

bI^,  2.  k.  n.    A    flat-nosed    woman.     2, 

a  mouse.      3,  a  betel-nut. 
8aA^J.  =  liF\^X  P.  p.  of  l^rs. 
sIaSi,  sJatS  k.  11.  An  antelope. 
ZaX'di.  =  iSnorfJ,  q.  V. 
SaTi^.  =  ^no,  q.  V. 
eJaS?  k.  n.  A  ball  made  of  fried  gingely 

oil-seed  mixed  with  jaggory. 
&l?\  1.  k.  r.  t.  To  throw  with  the  fingers. 
sir,  2.    (=iarijrfj).    k.    r.  i.    To    sprout, 

shoot.     2,  (=  i3f\)  to  jump. 
sIaOoO    (=  ^a^idJ)    k.  v.  i.     To    sprout, 

shoot;  to  bud,  blossom,     n.  A  sprout, 

shoot.     i^riodeS.   A  young  betel  leaf; 

a  fresh  leaf. 
&IU53O3:;rf0  h..  r.  t.    To  loosen  a  thorn 

in  the  flesh  with  a  needle;  to  cause 


elu-S-.  =  tai]^  1.  2,  g.  V. 

sly^o    (=  i^yj^j)    k.  n.     Oracking    of 

the    finger-joints.      2,    a    quantity    of 

thread  wound  upon   a  reel,   a  skein. 

-dJoO.   To  crack  the  finger-joints. 
EaUAOyo  k.  V.  i.  To  throb,  as  the  head, 
el&ok.  n.  Smallness,  littleness.     -€j3S?r!o. 

The  hind  hoofs  of  cattle. 
£5&j^  1.  k.  n.    A  snap  with  finger  and  the 

thumb.      2,    a    little;    a   pinch,    as  of 

snuff;  also  lAiii-.   3,  a  eastenet.  -^3=5^0. 

To  snap  with  the  fingers. 
£o&o??  2.  k.  n.   Cauterising  in  any  part  of 

the  body   to  cure  particular  diseases. 

-Eoss'j.  To  cauterise  for  that  purpose. 
Z^ki.:)'^^.  =  25^=5^0,  q.  V. 
8513  ^  k.  ad.   With  a  scream. 
&l&3S,'doo&o,    k.  71.     A    perennial    plant, 

Pavonia  zeglanica. 
ZukS,  k.  n.     A   measure  of  grain,  equal 

to  four  seru  or  solige. 

alyo   (=  isJJ)  k.  ?i.  Smallness,  shortness. 
2,    disgust.    ^^®.    A     small    rat,    a 
-Sods?j.   A  herbaceous  shrub, 
a     small     kind    of 


Sida     cordifolia  ; 

castor-oil  seed. 


ioUj3.s?r!.    A  small 

8al3  h.  n.     A  roll  of  lands  under  culti- 

sJk  (=  iShi)  h.  n.  A  rough  daybook. 
&Iz3sO3j?j0  f.    I',    t.    To  excite,  provoke. 
alfj,    zipi    (=  i«i3)  k.  M.  Smallness.      2, 

the  bat  in  the  game  of  tip-cat;  also 

-^ra^ejo.     -=^J3^e3^M, -cdJ'aM.  The  game 

of  tip-cat. 
gJo©  k.  n.    A  little  one,  a  boy. 
siss,  SaS    8a:f  s.  u.     A    funeral     pile. 

tosiid?^,.  The  ashes  of  a  funeral  pile. 
2a^     s.    a.      Perceived,     n.     Thought; 


intention,  aim,  wish,  will.  2,  the 
heart;  the  mind.  -r^usc^j.  To  agree 
to.  -i^^d.  Inconsistency  of  purpose 
or  will.  -4J  sJj,  -cSt^  dj.  Madness. 
"^\^*  Disposition  of  mind;  feeling; 
the  mind;  the  attention.  -^->^.  Purity 
of  mind.  tS^^ti  i3^.  God's  will. 
eJs;  osopdo,  ali^  cdoo/,  eJi^  ^tjo  s.  v.  t. 

D  D  rO  — D 

To  attend  to,  notice,  consider. 
8a^  "d.  tb.  of  ^3,,  q.  V. 
elss  T^  (tb.  of   2^3^,=ff^D)    n.  A  portrait; 

any  picture.   zisa^Ort.  A  painter. 
eJS  oi  s.  n.  An  intelligent  woman. 


el:^o  h.  n.  A  blot,  obliteration,  correc- 
tion  iu  writing. 

sli  .  <b.  of  t^i ,  q.  V. 

eJgj  (  =  ia^ti)  s.  a.  Perceptible;  bright- 
coloured,  variegated,  n.  An  ornament. 
2,  a  painting,  picture,  sketch.  3, 
variegated  colour.  4,  a  wonder, 
marvel;  also  .S-  (esrfo,:^,  y?s!  0±i=-). 
5,  a  mark  on  the  forehead,  -^rt,  -lo5. 
To  draw  a  picture.  -'^.  A  painter; 
a  leopard  or  chita.  -?i)Ol>.  A  tiger, 
panther.  -=5^C, -rii)!5.  A  painter.  -'S'JsW. 
]S'.  of  a  hill.  -nj^.  N.  of  the  recorder 




of  the  vices  and  virtues  of  mankind  in 
Tama's  world.  Sli.  A  picture,  paint- 
ing. -93c^->-  The  sixteenth  year  of 
the  cycle  of  sixty.  -sSj^sj,  -dJJsO'^. 
An  under-shrub,  the  Ceylon  leadv^ort. 
-23;s3.  A  portrait;  N.  of  a  daughter 
of  king  Vana's  minister.  -S:^.  Horrid 
torture.  -^ti^.  Variegated,  multi- 
form.    i53a,=ff3d.  =  i53»)  ti. 



s.  n.    Boiled    rice   mixed   with 

various  condiments.  [Kanara. 

eJs^j^TJ   s.  n-    N.   of  a  place  in   North 

8aSs,?j?i  s.  n.  A  square  carpet  of  a 
variegated  colour. 

8aSj,  8o.§j^  s.  n.  A  painter.  ''-^•^^• 
Variegated,     painted.  zi^'^j.     To 

draw;  to  paint. 

gai^j  s.  n.  The  fourteenth  lunar  man- 
sion. Spica  virginis.  2,  a  sort  of 
cucumber,  Cucumis  madraspatanus. 

8aSj3^o  k.  V.  t.  To  peel  the  skin  of  soaked 
avare  pulse  by  squeezing.  n.  Peel- 
ing of  the  skin,  as  of  soaked  pulse. 

SarfoSO'd  s.  n.  N.  of  a  place  of  pilgri- 

£aC33?iQrf  s.  n.  Intellectual  happiness. 
-sijjsSr",  -tfjsS.  Siva. 

8lrfi?j3j  s.  a.  Intelligent,  thoughtful, 
amiable,  good-hearted.       n.  Krishna. 

Zu:^  k.  n.  Small  pieces,     -^a.  To  mince. 

S3?30O3j  s.  a.  Relating  to  or  coming 
from   China. 

Zu^^DXi,  Zo^^'S'V  k.  /(.  A  money-chang- 
er; a  jeweller. 

SajSo^OTJO^  k.  n.  Soaked  and  germinat- 
ed gram  seasoned  with  salt  and 
chillies  and  fried. 

ZuO^^,  8ao^c3  s.  n-  Thinking,  consid- 
eration, reflecting  upon;  anxious 

Saogs'S^je;  s.  a.  Anxious,  solicitous. 

SacsS^^Q^  s.  a.  Overcome  by  anxi- 
ety or  care;     f.   lios'se^joJ. 

8ao3ti'rfjri  s.  n.  The  philosopher's  stone. 
2,  N.  of  a  work  in  Kanarese.    -^^'s'. 

A  book  on  omens.      -slio^.  A  talis- 

8ac®S2;j  h.  >i.  Large  scales  for  weigh- 

Z^oB^  s.  a.  Thought,  reflected  upon. 
n.  Care;  intention. 

ZooBtjO  s.  v.  t.  To  think  about,  re- 
flect upon.  V.  i.  To  be  anxious, 

Zoo4  (10033)  s.  11.  Sad  or  sorrowful 
thought,  care,  anxiety;  reflection,  li^ 
3ej.  Never  mind.  -Tio^jj,,  -r^JS'^j,, 
-sijsrij.  To  be  anxious.  -SjsSj.  To 
reflect,  consider,  lizi:^,.  To  be  thought 
of,  reflected. 

8aoa  f.  M.  A  shred,  strip;   a  rag. 

S^cJ^  k.  n.  Gold.  2,  smallness.  -SCd 
(=c3?iS3d,  q.v.).  A  dealer  in  gold; 
a  shrofi". 

&I^KSS<:i.  =  1A^^^^,  q.  V. 

&7w^,  8a^   (<b.  o/"  1333^)  ?i.  A  sign,  token, 

Sa^oio  s.  a.    Full   of   knowledge.       n. 

eJl\A  1.   (tb.    of  ^0^)71.    An    artisan, 

sJlvA  2.   (=^3o^^<,  fr.  s.     ^^  to  sew) 

n.   A  tailor. 
8c7;^.    k.  n.    A   shell,  cockle,  crust,  hard 

coverinar;    the     skull.       -rtUo,.     The 

shell  to  form,  as  of  a  cocoanut. 
alai  e;,  sJeO.e/O  k.  «.  A  bamboo  lid. 
alaiJ,    fib.  of  AjqS,  )    ji.    A    reddish    or 

blackish  spot  on  the  body,  freckle. 

•^?ij)  k.  I'.  <.  To  sprinkle. 

z3-^:>ii,  eI^jIj^  f.  n.  A  pair  of  tweez- 
ers, pincers. 

SarforS  e.  n.  A  chimney. 

sJ3J&I<DO?jO  k.  t'.  i.  To  prattle,  as  chil- 
dren.    2,  welter,  wallow. 

elrfjo^  f.  n.  Nippers.  -^^-  Pluck- 
ing out  hairs  with  nippers. 




8a;^Ooyo  k.  V.  i.  To  twinkle,  wink.  2, 
(f.)  to  squeeze,  pinch. 

elolbA  (  =  iacSj  r\,fr.  s.  Aj^)  ?;..  A  tailor. 

el^OO.  k.  V.  t.  To  propel  with  the  finger. 
2,  to  push  forward;  to  cast,  fling;  to 
butt  or  toss  with  horns.  3,  to  squirt. 
4,  to  break  forth;  to  gush  out;  to  fly- 
off.     5,  to  brandish  a  weapon. 

eJoSja?^  f.  11.  Zion;  the  Church  of  God. 

allj  s.  a.  Long,  lasting  a  long  time. 
■  otiSS,  ~t3?<S,  -025?:^.  Long-lived;  a 
term  used  in  epistles  when  address- 
ing or  referring  to  a  younger  relative. 
-^ti.  Uncommonly  long. 

elj^^  (ii  =  e3)  k.  n.  A  cheeta  or  hunting 

sJoB^O  b.  n.  A  lamp. 

sIdsCOO:^  (03=  ea^^)  k.  w.  A  kind  of 
gentian,  Agathotes  chirayta. 

eJcaoriOJ  s.  a.  Long-lived,  n.  A  crow. 
13050^0.  For  a  long  time;  a  long  time. 

^d>:i'!^.  =  i3cJ J,  q.  V. 

8a£)5'  k.  n.  A  hasp  or  small  chain  for 
fastening  a  door. 

8a<SJSS?0'  k.  71-  The  odd  money  over  a 
round  sum. 

8le3'#  k.  n.  Small  pieces  of  wood  used 
for  building  a  flat  roof.  2,  the  pot- 
herb Hingtsha  repens. 

eJsS^O  h.  n.  The  bowl  of  a  hukka. 

&li),Li  m.  n.  A  very  irritable  person. 


Z^€>,7i,  (=-3-£>.  rf)  s.  n.  Malice,  roguery. 

-Asrf.  A  mischievous  fellow, 
alai  1.    k.   11.     The    clearing-nut     tree, 


Strychnos  potatorum. 
ale;  2.  f.  a.  Blear-eved.   n.    The  Bengal 

kite,     -rtrsj.    A  bleared  eye. 
elorS,  slei^    (rf^es)    k.  n.    Smallness, 

OO  00 

pettiness,  trifling ;  cash  under  one 
rupee,  -ait^or.  Petty  expenses.  -"& 
r^?oO,  -?3t)»Sj3?iJ.  Sundry  small  articles 
of  commerce,  as  grain,  etc.  -Sjs^j. 
A  triflinff  word.  -tji'^,.  Small  money, 

00  "^  n        "1  ro 

alco   k.  n.  A  piece  of  wood  holding  a 


8asSyo.  =  lasooWj,  q.  V. 

ziziTJO.  =  la^dJ,  q.  V. 

sJ^iUo  1.  k.  V.  i.     To  cut   off,  pluck  off 

or  pinch  off  with  the  nails. 
al^WJ  2.  =  z^SjjWj,  q.v. 
Sa^'do  (=  z^Stfj)     k.  V.  t.     To    scratch 

with  the  nails  or  claws,  n.  Scratching. 

-rvsciij.  A  wound  made  by  scratching. 
&5r4^  k.  ('.  t.    To    shave    or    scrape;    to 

peel  or  bark  ;    to  trim;    to  smooth  or 

&^5  (=  lA  8,  q.  V.)  k.  int.   Fie!  shame!  ^5^ 

2.3^.  rep.  Fie,  fie ! 
slefeo,    sleWoi.     h.  11.      Printed     cotton, 

chintz.     -SJeiii.  reit. 
Z^^k^.,  8a?UJ  2.    "h..  n.     A    chit,    note;     a 

bill,  bond;  a  lot,  ticket.       esoria-.  A 

note  to  a  shopkeeper.     '^^-'  A.  forged 

note  of  hand.        dson^O-.  A  passport. 

-Eoeis'J.    To  cast  lots. 
&l?cf  k.  n.      A    fried    sweetmeat  in  the 

form  of  a   marble. 
eJj^  f.  n.    China;    Chinese.       2,  a  kind 

of  cloth.    -:3;S.  China,  li^?^.  Chinese. 

i3?Si^'303j.     The  squash-gourd.       lAl?^ 

?o^d.   G-ranulated  white  sugar.     iS^^i 

iSi^y   Pure  silver  without  alloy. 
elej^  1.  k.  I',  t.   To  suck. 
eJesgi  2.  f.  n.     A  piece  of  stone  or  wood 

used  as  a  supporting  prop. 
sle'dr®  k.  11.  A  small  chisel. 
sleTJO  1.  =  i^5Sc!j,  q.  t;. 
eleljo  2.  (rfJ  =  esj)  k.  v.  i.  To  scream,  cry 

out.   w.   Screaming.     2,  raging,  fierce- 
eleC;  k.  n.  A  bag,  sack. 
£:i05^sr?,   eio^.ra   h.  h.  The  helm    of   a 

ship  or  boat. 
£i05SO5J?i0  h.  V.  «.   To  settle,  adjust;  to 
fix,  as  the  price;  to  discharge. 

£^j-3\  166 

eio-S-,  (tb.  of  ^-)*j)  n.    Sukra,  the  planet 

Venus.      2,  =  "^5%^,  q.  r. 
Eio=#,  (='^t)  k.  H.   A  small  mark,   dot, 

eiocAS  k.  n.    Pettiness:  small  money, 

change;   a  trifling  sum.       2,  interest 

on  money. 
E^OOAarS  k.  n.  A  small  smoking  pipe. 
tiooAO  k.  n.     The  end  of  a  turban;   a 

dangling  tatter.      2,   the   fibrous  tuft, 

as  of  a  pealed  cocoanut. 
tiosio    k.  V.  t.   To  insert.       2,   to  pierce 

into,    as   with  a   knife,  thorn,  etc.;  to 

pierce  or   bore,    as  the  ears.        3,  to 

incite,    as    to    quarrel.      n.  Piercing. 

Z^jia  Toj.   To  cause  to  pierce. 
g^^ocei,  £ioo£^J  1.  k.  n.     A  bird's    beak. 

tSjoJaO.  A  musk-rat. 
E^JOZ^^J  2.  k.  a.    A  projecting  ledge  on 

a  house.      2,  the    hair  curling  round 

the  forehead.    3,  red  or  brown  colour. 
eioU^O   h.  n.  Shortness,  brevity. 
2:ioy3^^?j  k.  ad.    Fiercely,  painfully,  as 

a  scorpion  stings. 
Eioy ,  zi.^ki  k.  n.  A  cheeroot,  cigar. 

sio;^  (<(;.  of  ^^^5)  n.  Slander.  -:^ci- 

£iOc3S'2S  h.  n.  Side.  2,  majesty,  excel- 

K^ojJDOaj^,  2iof33rf??  h.  n.  Choosing, 

do?:303J?jO  h.  V.  t.  To  choose.  2,  to 
plait,  fold. 

£ioj:?N  a.  k. /i.  Blame,  censure,  abuse; 
scorn.  -F^ja.  A  word  of  abuse. 
-;33C^j.  To  blame,  censure. 

sio^jdo-^^j  k.  rep.  int.  With  intense 
brilliancy,  used  of  the  rising  of  the 
sun.  71.  Throbbing  or  smarting  sen- 

E;^0O20?i  s.  n.  Kissing;  a  kiss.  'oSjolo^.  A 
loadstone.  [softly. 

siJOSSrfj    s.   V.  (.    To    touch    lightly  or 

dO'dsJ.  =  ^JtilA,  q.  V. 



ziOTJJ^O  (rfj=e3J),  ^oOB'jr  k.  «.  Quick- 
ness, speed,  haste;  heat;  keenness, 
smartness,  sharpness.  2,  force,  vehe- 
mence. 3,  dearness.  a.  Quick,  sharp. 
-Zoja.  Quick  understandin"-.  -ot. 
Keenness;  smartness. 

EioiJOS.iO'dj  k.  ad.  "With  violent  smart- 
ing, -'^->^^r  -^>:ji^.  To  smart 

eioe;^^,  £io£^J3^o  k.  n.  Lightness  of  tem- 
per  or    conduct,    levity;    also   -:00a , 

-^'^-  [with. 

eio'^^  k.  n.  A  stout  stick  to  beat  cotton 

£ij3&o  k.  n.  Aim.  2,  a  device;  scheme, 
expedient;  also  i^jjjJj.  -natf.  A 
contriver,  schemer. 

i^jiZi,  zi-jiZSt,  EijszS  s,  n.  A  single  lock 
or  tuft  of  hair  left  on  the  head  at 
tonsure.  2,  a  crest,  plume.  3,  a 
kind  of  bracelet.  tSjszss^sJjr.  The 
rite  of  tonsure.  cS J5 :3d 53J si.  A  jewel 
worn  in  a  crest;  any  person  or  thing 
pre-eminently  excellent. 

eijsrf  a.  k.  H.  The  foremost  part,  front, 

ti-jio^  a.  k.  n.  Sight;  a  look,  glance; 
the  eye.    2,  pointedness,  as  of  a  pen. 

iiji'dC^.  tb.  of  Z^Jttsr,  q.  V. 

£ij35  (lb.  of  ^JSO)  01.  A  penknife;  a 
knife;  a  table-knife. 

E^jsTJol.  k.  n.  A  frame  thrown  over 
houses  to  form  the  roof. 

eij^TJO  2.  k.  n.  A  part,  portion,  piece, 
fragment.  tSjDcJa^.  Betel-nut  in  small 
bits.     -!^J3do.  rep.  Bits  and  pieces. 

Eij3oJ?C'o5  (=3jdJwoO)  f.  ?i.  Cleaned  rice, 
soaked  and  parched. 

zijs^ar  (  =  ?vjr3)  s.  n.  Powder,  dust, 
crumbs.  2,  chunam  or  lime.  3, 
=  ^jtra".     a.  Powdered,  pulverised. 

£ij».rfr^  s.  n.  A  kind  of  easy  prose. 

£ij3«io  s.  ;(.  The  comb  or  crest  of  a 
cock.     2,  the  front. 

eS-o^o,.  =  iS^J ,  q.  v.  2,  an  oil-press, 



el^,.  —  2^^,  q.  V. 

eIoaO  (=:l3'orto,  q.v.)  k.  t'.  «'.  To  jump, 

skip,    caper;     to    run    away.        u.  A 

siei  "d  (=!3:^  d    g.  r.)  k.  «.  Quickness. 

2,  certainty.        3,   carefulness.       i^^ 

Ori.  A  zealously  active  man. 
zSjIj    (=kkj,  q.  V.)   k.  w.  ^   To  crush, 

grind,  etc. 
E3y.  =  "^y,2,  Q.  i;. 


cl&o   k.  Ji.  A  hen-sparrow.      2,  =  'lSJJ,. 

8J  "J 

sSoIiO  (=  2^o3o,  g.  t'.j  k.  n.  A  play-ball. 
eSs^do.  =  sSrftfJ,  g.  V. 
zScoj.  =  tcorf  1,   q.  V. 

tS-o^jd,  aSoad.  =  i3orfj  ],  g.  r. 
tS^Ov  =  ^r^A,  g.  y.    zlo3|^h.  =::.=c3^?^. 

a^oSS^  (=^ot3n)  k.  ?j.  A  brass  vessel, 
used  for  drinking  water,  etc. 

tSd23.  =  zi:i&,  q.  v. 

eSzS-r  (<&.  of  J^i^r,  g.  r.)  s.  ?i.  Kidicule, 

sSeSr.  =  2;^!it3,  g.  v. 

?Se;o4,  eSA*.    =15^^05^,  z^sSjs,  etc.,  g.  t). 

jScjs  U.  =  ^^^^  W,  g.  r. 

tSe;j     (='^oj  1,     g,  V.)     k.    w.    f.     To 

CO  <"  ^  ' 

scatter  about,  shed,  spill,  etc.    ^O  ^o. 
To  cause  to  scatter  about,  etc. 
zSe;^,  £|£ij^.:=:^e^,  e<c.,  g.  u. 

2l?A0  k.  n.  The  heart  or  core  of  a  tree; 

zSeeS?  f.  int.  Fie!  shame!     2,  not  so! 
E^eU,  sSfU^   s.  M.    A  servant,  slave;    f. 

eSji-i  f.  n.  A  goblin  summoned  to  har- 
rass  people.  -JjJ3::^j,  To  practise 

zS?^^  (/■)•.  ia3*)  s.  a.  Conscious;  intelli- 
gent; alive;  living.  n.  The  mind, 
soul;  a  living  and  sentient  being. 
2,  power,  strength. 

eS^'^jjo  (tb-  of  z%^?ip)  n.  Power. 
eSeS8?jJ    (i.  e.    zS^^^Kj,  fr.  :l?^?3)  v.  i. 

To  re-   cover  consciousness.     ii^Sdc^. 

Con-  sciousness,    strength. 
eS-?^^  s.  n.  Consciousness;  intelligence; 

the  mind,   intellect. 
sSoiQ  k.  n.  A  gush,  as  of  milk. 

zSed  k.  n.  The  Cera  or  Kongu  country. 
sS?©  s.  11.   Cloth;  a  garment. 

zSeM,  s.  n.  Gesture,  grimaces;  action; 
exertion.  2,  mischievous  tricks,  deri- 
sion. "5^^-.  A  ridiculous  grimace. 
-Atirf.  A  man  full  of  tricks  and  pranks. 

eSo^j  (s?o=aj)  k.  n.  A  scorpion,  -fjsoa 
rsTi,  -TZ^^TihTi.  The  Indian  turnsole, 
Heliotropium  indicum.  -ODrs.  A  rocket 
resembling  a  scorpion  in  its  move- 
ments. -^jWjb^j,  -loa.  A  scorpion  to 
sting.     -^JZo^.  A  scorpion's   sting. 

£S(^>n  {= 'Si^i^)  s.  n.  Intelligence, 
consciousness ;  sensation,  the  soul. 
2,  power,  strength.  3,  N.  of  a  Vai- 
shnava  reformer.     -^.    A  rich  man. 

eS/ ;^n  {fr.  1333)  s.  a.  '  Relating  to  a 
funeral  pile.  ?j.  A  monument,  tomb- 
stone, temple.      2,  (fr.  lAs^)  the  mind. 

Sl^j  s.  n.  The  first  month  of  the  lunar 
year  (March-April). 

eSjsS',  k.  n.  Niceness,  elegance,  beauty, 
charm,  etc.  2,  purity,  cleanness. 
-erusW.  Au  excellent  meal.  -^3^. 
Pure  gold.  -?i^dj.  Pure  water. 
-t3^.  Pure  silver. 

eS.ra3jU,   -UJ,    2^J3^^=^.  =  iSj3*,  ,    g.  V. 

eSjsaK  k.  n.  The  annual  herb  Cassia 

sSosoA  (=  :Sj5o^,  zIjsozSj)  k.  n.  Crooked- 
ness, perverseness.  2,  a  perverse  man; 
f.  tMjsoFs.  Cpds.:  -=ff?4;j,  -Aodj^,  etc. 

eS^oei  e)0,  eSjseJ  e^J  k.  n.  The  first  birth; 
the  first  offspring.  -Sort.  A  first-born 
son.      -s3jr!s?j.  A  first-born  daughter. 

eSv-sosi,  aSjaoeio.  =  z3-raort,  g.  v. 

eljsy,.  =  '^JJort,  g.  V. 




sIj3?25a  ( =  ^Jif^n.  tb.  of  tSjs^cs^)  w. 
Surprise,  wonder;  a  marvel,  wonder. 

E^jspyj  k.  n.  A  span.  ;:5js?ynt>.  A  span's 
breadth.  dJS^U"-?^.  A  span's  measure. 
:5^?yjri  .  A  span's  lentcth.  zI-'SpB^  rf. 
A  span's  height. 

zSjserfo  (=2«-'5?2i-^j  «<c.)  s.  M.  Surprise, 
astonishment,  wonder. 

£Sj3?XJt3D'd  f.  n-  A  mace-bearer. 

eSjaj^d  s.  71.  A  thief,  robber.  -;^(\J,  -^, 
23j3?0.   Theft,  robbery. 

cS.oe2P,  -"5  s.  )i.    A  short  jacket;  bodice. 

tSj3?s3  s.  n.  A  kind  of  chignon  made 
of  some  hair  of  the  camari. 

zSjseS^  k.  n.  The  coast  of  Coromandel; 
N.  of  its  people.  -i^°^,  -sSjoSo. 
The  Cola  country. 

t3?^g'  (=  zssj^.  <f).  of  zi^Mo^)  a.  Four- 
sided,  square,  n.  A  four-sided  linga- 
box.  2,  a  square  handkerchief.  3, 
four  rupees.  4,  a  square  in  a  town 
where  four  roads  meet;  a  square  in 
the  centre  of  a  temple  or  house.  5, 
the  number    four    on   a  die.       6,  pro- 

lixity,    worthlessness     (as    in    2f^^:i 


E3'9SUJ,  h.  n.    A  frame. 


t3'a5^o:i  (tb.  of  '^;Sj^  &  s.)  n.  Whole 

t5^S9_   =  igs^j^s?,  q.  V. 

ej^B-  (=  2^3c-,  Jc53)-T,  f|.  V.)    n-   A  group 

of  four  houses.      2,  the   square  in  the 

centre  of  a  house. 
t^^^enaTJ  h.  n.  A  watchman. 
zs^r^O.  =  25^T,  q.  i\     -•;'.   Four  castes. 
ts^S   (=  iSsSS.    tb.    of  J^^^^-)   n.    The 

fourth    lunar  day. 

tr^sjrf  (<b.  of  t^^g.srcS)    «.     A    class  of 

es'^d.  <b.  o/'  €^^,  q.  V. 
Z3^Q     (='^^0.    tb.    of    "tS^Sjtf)     n.    A 

t^SJ  s.  «.   The  tonsure  of    a  child.      2^ 

( =  JoSo)  a  silver  coin  of  two  Anas. 
ijf^-^O.  =  2^5SS?J,  q.  V. 


63^,  The  twenty-fifth  letter  of  the  alpha- 

ejjSD'rf  s.  n.  The  syllable  ^. 

^y  k.  HiL  >1h  imitative  sound.  -sfSW. 
>Tp.  The  sound  of  snapping  or  clash- 

efizssefiS  h.  ad.  Quickly. 

^^j  1.  (=  iSSj  s.  «.  A  parasol,  umbrella. 
-iS'.  A  mushroom.    -CS.  A  regal  title. 

ejJ^  2.  s.  «.   A  choultry,  inn. 

^rf,  -?i  s.  n.  A  covering.  2,  a  wing. 
3,  a  leaf. 

ejiaoJ  s.  ?(.    A  covering.       2,  the  thatch 

or  roof  of  a  house. 
dzif,  ;3     s.    71.     Disguise,    fraud,    deceit. 

^oc5.  =  jSozS  1,    5.  r. 
ejJorf;^^  s.  w.  Metrical  science,  prosody. 

2,  the  ■vedic  hymns. 

ejiar  h.  »i.    Sickness,  vomiting. 

2^£)  s.  >;.  Fraud,  deceit,  deception,  dis- 
guise; pretext;  device.  "2,  (=  ^^  2) 
firmness.     -;T?a.  An  obstinate  man. 

jjj^    s.  n.     Skin.        2.    colour;    beauty. 

3,  light,  lustre. 




epD?j?J  (tb.  o/'sp^orf=c)  11.  Loitering,  delay, 
-rrarf.   A  loiterer. 

epsoCuXi  (fr.  ^orf?j*)  s.  a.  Relating-  to 
prosody,  n.  A  Brahraana  conversant 
■with  the  vedas;  also  epsocSA)=5^. 

epsoSo^  epocSra  (=  i33o5o)  s.  «.  Shade, 
shadow.  2,  reflection.  3,  a  screen, 
protection,  respect.  4,  splendour. 
5,  faint  appearance.  epi!Cdj'33Ficdj, 
ejraolJsfrfocSoj.  The  son  of  chaya :  the 
planet  Saturn.  spsJOirecdjoS^.  Shadow- 
instrument:     a  sundial. 

£)Zi\  s.  n.     A    hole,   slit,   rent;   a  defect, 

flaw,   fault.       epj^ra  fS^^iira.   Searching- 
for  faults. 
a!)^-,  s.  a.     Cut;    divided,    torn,  broken. 
-ep^,    -O^'    Shattered,    piecemeal. 

e^eS^  s.  a.   Tame.      2,  shrewd,  clever,   n. 

A  kind  of  alliteration. 
e^erf   s.  ?i.    Cutting;    chopping;    tearing 

off;    a    section,    piece.       2,   a  divisor, 

denominator  of  a     fraction;  also  -ri. 

-Sj«>3o,     e^°a;^o.       To    cut,    make  an 

incision;  to  cut  asunder. 

S*.     The     twenty-sixth    letter    of    the 

2i  s.  a.  Born.     n.  A  son,  as:  esrlw,  ef  ;^ 

Si^aS  h.  Ji.  Customs,  excise. 
SiSBTJ  s.  n.  The  letter  Js. 
Si^eT?  h.  w.  An  old  store  or  hoard. 
^"^^    {tb.  of  cdj?;,  q.  v.).  ti^ca,  Js^S  . 
N.;  /•.  w^sSj. 

&l3^,C^0    k.  n.    Obsequiousness,  fawning. 

3tl^r5  (tb.  of  odj*  ri)  ?i.  A  woman  who 
dies  in  the  matron  state  and  receives 
divine  honours,  i.e.  sires  are  dedi- 
cated to  her,  etc. 

dixr^Ti:)  (=  tii^  ^J)  k.  V.  t.  To  pull  with 
effort.  2,  to  press  down.  v.  i.  To 
be  rude. 

ai^^OjsSk.  i\  Ticklishness  {cf.  tS=^ejr{j^). 
-KJ.  To  amuse,  divert;  to  jeer  at, 
deride;  to  tickle;  to  touch;  to  play 

&A  1.  (=±pr!)  s.  n.  Glittering;  noto- 
riety. -ZiTi,  -tirtN.  Sparkingly,  bright- 
ly. -tori^j3«?.  To  shine  brilliantly. 
-tof^JiJ,  To  glitter,  shine. 

AsO    (=  tart)  s.  n.  The  world, 

.riAS'T,    ^At^.r.    The 

a:A2.  (tb.  of  tirts*)  /t.  The  world 
-Js  pi.  Mankind.  -tJjs  ,?^.  The  ligh. 
of  the  world:  the  sun.  -djadol).  The 
lord  of  the  world.  -tooS.  The  greatest 
liar  in  the  world;  the  most  shameless 
man.  -djsoS.  The  most  stupid  man 
in  the  world. 


creator  of  the  world;  Brahma.  ^7i 
S„odj.  The  three  worlds:  svarga, 
bhumi,  and  patala.  sarta?3,  Krta? 
S  tf.  The  Lord  of  the  universe,  tart 
cio  do.  The  guru  of  the  world  ;  Jesus 
Christ;  an  eminent  guru.  iirtd^=g^^. 
The  Saviour  of  the  world:  Christ. 
fcsrtoS^i?.  The  Lord  of  the  world: 
God;  N.  of  a  town  near  Cuttack. 
iartc3^odo^.  The  governor  of  the 
world:     God.  JdrtcTO.  ^.     Durga, 


ZiXB  1.    =  tiri€,  q.  V. 

fefA-S  2.  (=  ^n^A  s.  n.  The  earth.  2, 
the  world,  universe.  3,  the  king  and 
his  subjects,  -^siwodo.  Earth's  circum- 
ference; the  terrestrial  globe. 

S:(7\^P.  tb.  of  &irt3«,  q.  v. 





3i7^o5  (=  tirtS)  k.  n.  A  raised,  open 
veranda;  a  seat  of  mud,  etc 

3iAS?  k.  H.  A  quarrel;  fight;  war.  -rtoU, 
TVziti.  A  quarrelsome  man ;  f.  -(TbS". 
-Srfo.  To  rouse  a  quarrel,  -i^.  To 
pick  a  Quarrel.  -asz^J  .  To  create  a 
quarrel.  i3n«?D:ij, -dJ3:aJ.  To  quarrel. 

3iX^  (=  23^7-!^)  tb.  n.  A  gong. 

gi7x  (=  t:h)  k.  i\  t.     To  chew,  «s  betel. 

SiAoVo  (°^o=  W-))  a.  k.  v.  i.  To  go  off; 
to  slip;  to  drop  down. 

SiAJ    1.  k.  f.  /.     To    bend    down,    as    a 


tree  with  fruit;  to  sink,  as  a  wall  ;  lo 

hang  down.  ?;.   Bending. 

&;7\0   2.  k.  r.  <.     To    pull,    drag,    draw. 

2dc-o-pc!j  a.  k.  r.  <.      To  scold,   chide;    to 

despise,  v.  i.  To  cry.  wo^re.  Scolding. 

sao^.  Crying  out. 
SiCAS^O    s.  a.       Movable;      locomotive; 

living.         /(.  A  Liiigavanta;  f.    -h^. 

-5j  ?33Ci.   Any  favour  from  a  Jangama. 

-Cort.     A  Jangama;  a  linga  worn  by 

&iCA(y,  9ioAe;J  h.  >i.    A  forest,  jungle. 
&ic7CD6  1.  f.  n.  A  platform  with  railings 

placed  on  two  boats,  used   at  ferries. 
&lo7\a^2.    b.  n.     Zangar,    a    greenish 

blue  dye. 
aiOAO  k.  n.   A  bell  worn  by  a  Jangama 

3riCA0"^k.  »i.  A  mass,  assemblage,  herd, 

ZioH  k.  n,  A  stride. 
£ycyJ  s.  n.  The  shank  or  lower  part  of 

the  leg;   the  leg.      &io^3S)5J.  A  swift 

wind,     tao^awu.  Power  of  legs.     lao 

^30.  Running,  fleet,  swift;  a  runner, 

3d3i  &®.  <&.  of  aw-03,    q.  r. 


aj&j  k.  I'.  <.  To  bruise,  crush,  souash. 
ft!  ■      ' 

n.  A  bruise. 

3rfo3iIJ  h.  a.    General:     consecutive,  not 

specified  or  classified,    -ficloti.  Conse- 

cutive    number.        -"^oa.     Running 

numbers  or  papers. 
^odiXi,   &lc3i3y  f.  n.  Trouble,  bother, 

2iio?^^^:^  h.  n.  A  swivel  gun. 

&!y5D03J?jJ  f.  t;.  ^  Tc  scorn,  treat 
scornfully;  also  JsW^rO^ij. 

dikitj'zi  f.  art.  Smartly,  quick.  JaL'^li, 
J4J35Sii.  Strife,  scuffle;  angry  dis- 
cussion, [hair. 

&!&a3ijs^  s.  n.   A   quantity   of   twisted. 

3d63S^3?)OA)   s.  M.    A   herb   growing   on 

the  Himalaya,  the  Indian  spikenard. 

3i&33cd0J  s.  n.  N.  of  a  fabulous  vulture. 

3i^5,  3id:3(=^:l,  g.  c.)  s.  n.  Twisted 
and  matted  hair;  a  tress  of  hair; 
2,  a  pendent  root  from  the  banyan. 
etc.  3,  the  fibrous  root  of  trees,  tih-) 
qsTiO.  Wearing  matted  or  braided 

K^  (=  :3i3,)  f.  n.  A  professional  wrest- 
ler. -»3JeJ^.  dpi.  An  athlete  among 
wrestlers.  -^^>*n,  -■o^jAj  ,  -r(jC3^  ,tJ, 
-ocJjjri.  A  wrestling  match.  -5jjjs?j,. 
Steel  of  boxers. 

ai'^TJ  s.  11.  The  belly,  o.  Hard,  firm. 
Jsdo3/\.  The  gastric  juice. 

airi  s.  a.  Cold,  frigid,  chilly.  2,  slow, 
dull,  apathetic,  stupid;  foolish.  3, 
hard,  solid.  11.  Cold.  2,  (=ti:^J)  in- 
disposition, illness.  -5D£J.  The  cold 
season,  -rtjra.  A  sluggish  disposition. 
.coJ3$r!J.  To  be  difficult. 

&!T^3i  (=  2it)22)  s.  a.  Water-born.  n.  A 

&!ti^  (/">•.  !aa)  k.  ?i.  Beating,  driving  in, 
as  a  nail.     -3J3:lJ.     To  drive  in,  etc. 

aitiS  f.  n.  A  close  and  narrow  search. 

SitiiS,  Sic^sR  s.  n.  Coldness;  apathy; 
stupidity;  inertness. 

SdUSOOSorio  (=  '^ra3o:u5io,  q.  f.)  k.  V.  t. 
To  drive  in;  to  fasten  or  bolt,  as  a 

ai&l.  k.  v.  t.  To  threaten,  menace;  to 
frighten;  to  blame,  chide;  to  urge  on. 




2,  to  wave,  brandish,  as  a  sword,  etc. 

3,  to  beat;  to  pound.  4,  to  beat 
into;  to  drive  in,  as  a  nail.  -^o.  To 
cause  to  beat. 

diii,  2.  k.  ?i.  A  long-continued,  fine,  small 

rain;  also  -3J«?. 
3i&e2pDsi     {fr.     tizi)     s.    n.      Dulness, 

apathy,  insensibility. 
SjT^O^    f*    '*•    ■'^    fl^P     (attached    to     a 

paper  kite). 
afzS.    th.   of  2a^,  Q.  V.      -=5^^Y  A  kind  of 

Euphorbia,  triangular   spurge.       -=5*0 

2Sj  .  An  ornament  attached  to  a  tress 

of    hair     of    women.       -^^riti,  -j3s3. 

Ornaments      worn     by    women    over 

their  plaited  hair. 
SiS  e.  71.   The  judge. 

&(rfj  1.  (=  "^^i)  k.  «.  A  callous  spot; 
a  wart,  scar.  2,  the  disagreeable 
smell  of  sheep's  milk,  etc. 

SiZid  2.  (tb.  of  ca3)  ?;.  Slight  indisposi- 
tion ;  sickness;  dulness;  also  -^jS. 
-Wja.  A  dull  understanding. 

cyoij  h.  ?«.  Joining;  meeting;  partner- 
ship. -Asrf.  A  partner.  -*J^*  Title- 
deeds  in  the  name  of  two  persons. 
-Sjs)3j,  -ss^'s^j.  To  join,  tie.  -?ij. 
To  join;  to  annex. 

3iozS  h.  n.  A  flag,  banner. 

3i^^  (=Ddo:SoS.  <&■  of  cd;j:^)  n.  Care,  heed. 
Si^    (<b.    of    cdoS)    H.    An    ascetic.       2, 

harmony  in  music. 
diS  (=  K3J_,  i3;s5!J^.  /&.  of  cdjj^)  n.  Union; 

intercourse;     company;     a     pair;     a 

fellow.    -neiiS.  A  male  companion;    f. 

-naa".     -d^s^j.   To  pair,  accompany. 
3j^  ^  a.  k.  ?i.   Fraud,  deceit,  hypocrisy; 

QiB  :R.  =  t3j3^  A,  q.  r. 

3ieO   (=24^)    <6.   n.    Intercourse,  friend- 


Qi^    s.  ?i.     Man,     mankind,    people;    a 
person  in  general.      -JsrJ^.  Known  to 
all.       -^.     People,     mankind;    birth. 
-cSStji,     -Sj,     -^3,     -d>3Jc3.     A     king. 

-rfotiFi.   Gratifying   people.       -Srf.   A 

community,       people;      an       empire, 

-^i)S~.  Rumour,   report. 
di^^  s.  n.  A   progenitor,  father;    Sita's 

father.       -!^,    -Si?jo5j,  tifi'ss:^.^.  Sita. 
gijiij:;  (  =  tefi, )   s.   n.   Birth;    production. 

2,  race,  lineage.    -*^^)  -^•^^-  Horos- 
cope,     tii^a.    A    mother. 
ajj:5^J?5dcciJ   s.  ?(.   N,  of  a  king,  Parik- 

shit's  son. 
&ifraoA  s.  71.    A  nation,  tribe. 
aifSS^i    h.  a.    Made    for    women,    m.     A 

seraglio,   harem. 
QifJiiO^    s.  Ji.     An    uninhabited    place. 

2,  a  region,  country. 
aif33rf!^c^  s.  n.  Vishnu,  Krishna. 
3i^l.  s.   M.     Birth,     production.      2,    a 

woman.      3,   a  daughter-in-law.       -^. 

Born,  begotten.     -03j?^j.    To  be  born 

or  produced. 
di^2.  k.  u.  8.   To  flow;   to  drop. 
Sd^sSTJ  (=  sa^^j^d.  lb.  of  oij!^j5  ^^^^:M) 

n.  The  sacrificial    thread. 
&ff3  a.  k.  n.  The  yolk  of  an  egg. 
8io^.  tb.  of  rio^,   rj.  t'. 
3jO^J    s.  ».    A    creature,    living  being. 

2,  any  animal. 
Sdoii  f.  n.  A  short  small  beam  or  rafter. 
3do^j.  tb.  of  ajjo:^,  g.  u. 
ai^N  (tb.  of  odjiB)  ?i.  A  sacrifice. 
di^^-R  (tb.  of  odj^^  *)  71.     That  belongs 

to  sacrifice. 

&ljj  (=:ia£j,)  s.  n.  Birth,  production, 
origin;  existence,  life.  -ujscSj.  To 
give  birth  to.  -c3#^  s?J,, -533J  .  To 
be  born.  -:3?ai.  Native  country,  -rif 
3j.  The  natal  star.  -^^,  -S^'^.  Horo- 
scope. -333^;.  Original  sin.  -"^JjScoJ. 
Birthplace.  -OsS.  The  sign  of  the 
zodiac  that   contains  the    natal    star. 

GdjoS,  oSTJ  s.  »i.    Another    state   of   exis- 

teuce;  transmigration. 




2J^,  s.  n.   A  creature,  man. 

dir^o  s.  a.   Born,  produced,   n.   Rumour, 

report.      2,  war,  combat. 

jy?j  s.  n.  Muttering;  muttering  a  Tedic 
verse,  names  of  a  deity,  charms, 
prayers.  -^Jszij,  tih^o.  To  perform 
japa.    -53j30'#,  -3Jt)s3,  -^d.  A  rosary. 

yb    h.  n.   Seizure,  confiscation,  attach- 


ment  (law). 
&!L\S!o    f-    (■•  i-       To    wait    and    watch 

patiently,  to  lurli. 
DieOrJ,    SieO'do  h.  n.     Powerful.      -d=jJ^. 

Oppression;  force;   violence. 
diZd^Tjd  k.  i'.  t.    To  chide,  scold. 

Sieo.ei  k.  ?*.    The   state    of  being  weak, 

infirm  or  frail  from  old  age,  etc. 
3i200   1.  (=  ssw.eJ)  k.  m.  Weakness;  soft- 

ness;  slackness. 


jO^o)    k.    ('.  t.    To    scold, 

&!  200,2. 

abuse.     2,  to   suck.        n.   Weakness; 
frailty;    softness;  slackness. 

3i^03TOf3  h.  M.  A  sitting  carpet. 

&:Tidzi'hy.  s.  n.  Blazing  fire.  2,  N.  of 
Parasurama's  father. 

Sitt^j?)  (=  ws3j)  h.  ?i.  Receipts,  income; 
collection.  -sjz^jr.  Receipts  and 
disbursements.  -loc3.  Settlement  of 
assessments.  -o3j=jo.  To  assemble;  to 
collect;  to  succeed,  as  a  business. 
-a^JSOJ  -ura*.  The  collections  and 
the    outstanding  balances. 

Si^jsnD'd  h.  M.  A  commander  of  a 
body   of  troops;    the  head   peon. 

ai^:r?c3STJ  (=:tS;DJ3;^c:i)d)  h.  n.  A  zemin- 
dar, landholder. 

StiSjarjJ  h.  n.    Land   or  ground.     -C3stf. 

a;o;^  f.  n.  Drowsiness,  sleepiness. 
aic^gss;*"  f.  n.     Slow    time    in    music, 

Sicao    (=;3ioA,    :So:u.    »;.  of    rio:p)    «,. 

Ostentation,  pomp,     -rssid.    A  man  of 


SioSOTJ  k.  ?i.   Affair,  business. 

3ic83e'rf  s.  H.    A  lemon. 

afoSDj  1.  k.  n.  Length.  2,  a  kind  of 
reed,  Typha  angustifolia. 

&!o20o  2,  s.  n.  The  rose  apple,  Eugenia 
jamholana.  -^°'3-  The  central  divi- 
sion of  the  world,  including  India; 

&:c20j^  s.  n.  A  jackal. 

KcSOoa^a^.  =  tiS3jsj3f3,  q.  v. 

&;c£ij  s.  ?j.  A  lemon.  2,  N.  of  a  demon 
destroyed  by  Indra.  3,  the  jaws; 
a  tooth,  tusk. 

&(o30  s.  n.  Victory;  conquest;  winning. 
2,  the  twenty-eighth  year  of  the 
cycle,  -wodj.  rep.  Hurra!  bravo  I  all 
hail  I  glory  unto!  -^jsorfj.  To  gain 
victory,  -cp^js^^,  -?j?>.  A  shout  or 
cry  of  victory.  -S^,.  A  record  of 
victory.  -SJjoriaj.  A  cheer  of  victory. 
-t>*  ,,  -S,?.  The  goddess  of  victory. 
-Sjo3,  -SeiO,  -a^o.  A  conqueror. 
-?!).  =  taoOjs-o,  q.  V. 

3daJooS  s.  n.  A  flag,  banner.  2,  the 
day  on  which  a  deity  assumed  an 
incarnation.  3.  the  plant  Sesbania 

SiodOSJ^.  tb.  of   !%<So?i,  q.  V. 

&(cdo:iJ,  2J05jriJ>  s.  r.  t-  To  conquer, 
defeat,   overcome. 

2iTi  1.  k.  n.  Sliding.  -^ooQ,  tirfrtooa. 
Sliding  on  the  posteriors,  as  children 

3s-rf  2.  tb.  of  ^3,  g.  y  z^s?-.  Ague. 
-r^od.  Ague-cake. 

SiTJ  3.  h.  «.  Brocade.  2,  a  little,  some- 

&!73  4.  (=tidl)  s.  H.  Growing  old; 
decaying,  wasting. 

K^^AJ  (=  tecJonj)  k.  r.  i.  To  slip,  slide; 
to  roll  down  as  sand  from  a  heap; 
to  pass,  elapse  as  time;  to  be  done 
as  a  business,  n.  Loose  texture  as 
that  of  cloth.  tt:iF\Ko.  To  cause  to 
slide,  to  push  or  carry  on  as  work. 



Si'd'^  b.  a.  Worn  out;  old;  hard,  solid. 
2,  bent,  drooping.  3,  harsh,  cruel,  n. 
Old  age.     2,  mud,  mire. 

Sd'dT^O  k.  w.  Unsubstantiality;  useless- 

fclTJzf  (=  ^iSJ,^)  k.  ».    A  sieve. 

aido©  s.  a.  Waxing  old.  2,  promoting 
digestion,  n-   Cumin-seed. 

KuSSTJ,  SiTJStnS  h.  11.  Silver  wire  co- 
vered with  gold.  iid3sO.  Worked 
with  jaratara. 

aidrfj  (=  tiO=So).  P.  p.  of  taO  1. 

SddaOJ  (=  csdjwj)  h.  ?i.  Terribleness; 

SrfUSCXJjj  s.  ?i.  The  womb.  2,  the  after- 
birth,    -ti.   Born  of  the  womb. 

af&l.  (^JCO)  k.  1'.  ?".  To  slip  or  fall;  to 
slide  or  slip  down;  to  shrink  back. 
2,  to  fall  away;  to  lose  flesh,  n.  A 
ravine  worn  by  a  stream,  -F\zi.  A 
fern.  coonQ.  To  retreat,  retire.  sJjjo 
JiO.    To  advance. 

dib  2.  h.  71.  Gold  or  silver  threads,  a. 
Worked  with  siich  threads.  taO^SiWtf. 
A  laced  belt;  a  grand  flag. 

aiS  3.  (0=  eS';  k.  n.    A  centipede. 

SiB  4.    (0=  e3?)  =  iad2,  q.  w. 

aiQe^j  h.  ?i.  A  giraffe. 

3i&?20J  h.  H.  A  land-measure.  2, 

&ITJOAO.  =  JirfriJ,     q.  V. 

dixSoiio  (cij  =  esj)  k.  v.  i.  To  talk  much, 
to  be  loquacious.  ?i.  Garrulity,  vain 

&i'do20J.  =  2aCJWJ,  (/.  (!. 

aidjaTl/j  h.  ad.  Necessarily,  urgently;  at 
all  events. 

&!t3  1.  (=2i!5  4,  'cSD^)  s.  n.  Old  age;  de- 
crepitude, grey  hair. 

&1t3  2.  (  S=  233)  k.  i'.  <.  To  rebuke,  abuse; 
to  disgrace,    disdain,    jeer  at.     P.  ps. 

a!3dr-cS  s.  a.  Old,  infirm,  decayed.  2, 
broken,  shattered.   iswrOa  (^lasa  0^). 

Torn,  broken  in  pieces;  infirm.  ts^~ 
0?oO.   To  become  infirm. 

aiSOor  k.  V.  t.   To  scold,    rebuke. 

di<Sj{=  ti,'-})  s.  J4.  Water  (uus*,  a^cJo), 
2,  fraud,  hypocrisy.  -=5*.  Relating  to 
water;  a  batli,  bathing.  -?^ra.  A 
water-drop.  -^oW^.  A  crocodile; 
danger  from  water.  -^n<..  A  water- 
nymph.  -%^^.  Sporting  in  water; 
bathing  for  pleasure.  -55ajF3.  Wash- 
ing  or  cleansing  with  water,  -n^sd. 
One  who  searches  for  gold  in  drains, 
etc.  -^^-  A  shark  or  crocodile.  -iSd. 
Aquatic;  a  fish,  -ta,  -23=);^.  A  lotus;  a 
shell.  -ajo^O.  An  aquatic  animal. 
-^30.  The  moon.  -3do?1.  A  wave; 
harmonicon.  -rf,  -^Sd.  A  cloud; 
a  fragrant  grass,  Cyperus  rotundus. 
-nsO.  A  drain,  kennel.  -iSjs  ^rJ.  A 
bucket.  -Sd,  -S)3.  The  ocean.  -S*, . 
A  water-bird.    -S^.   Varuna.     -sSuS  ^. 


A  water-course,  a  gutter.     -^^  .  An 

aquatic  flower;    a  fish. 


uoli.    A 

deluge.  -^^33^.  The  current  of  water. 
-WJrfjloJCi.  A  water-bubble.  -SjodJ. 
Watery,  -odjo;^.  A  syrins^e;  a  water- 
engine.  -osS.  The  ocean.  -rfj3o. 
A  lotus.  -djSQ^.  The  moon.  -^30i> 
?i.     The     diver-bird.  -So=S.     Fear 

arising  from  water;  making  water. 
-Sj-t^.  a  bivalve  shell.  -<o^.  Straits. 
-SoO.  A  small  vessel  with  a  channel 
for  conveying  water.  taOsqyDrf.  A 

&!e;a  (=  zaO)  h.  od.    Quickly. 

aiHiDOSOriJ  s.  V.  I.   To  burn. 

2AiSJ7)€>  h.  n.  A  sort  of  masquerade  at 
the  Moharam. 

&!£^^rfi^r  s.  n.    A  whirlpool,  eddy. 

Si^ia^oJO,  a(£)3^a:Jo  (/■/•.  waj)  s.  m.  A  lake 
or  pond. 

SdC'js^  s.  n.    A  leech. 

Si«3j3?rfTi  s.  n.   Dropsy. 

&i«!)  ,  =  &it)a,  (7.  I!. 




SiSJw  diC-.'^  s.  n.  Talk;   chatter;  discus- 
sion.    KC^=5'.  Talkative;  a  chatterer; 

2i£;, .  tb.  of  'ari.,  q.  V. 

CO      *  <») 

&!ci  N  k.  ad.   "With  a  start. 


Si?5  1.  (=  ti53)  k.  n.    A  round  bamboo 

basket  used  for  storing  corn. 

aieS  2.  k- H.  Broken  stone.   2,  falsehood, 
en  ^ 

lie.     3,  tassels;    hangings.       -T7J3iSj , 

-soJ3:3.  To  lie. 
&«!!  riJ  k.  r.  «.    To  sift. 
3J£|J    f.    »i.  A    boatman's    pole.     2,  the 

state      of     being    torn,    as     cloth    or 

3i°3  k.  n.   A  bamboo  pole. 


Oi^  1.  s.  H.     Speed,    velocity,  swiftness. 

-tISj.     Telocity  to  be  impaired. 
&(rf  2.  Ih.  of  o;J053j,  g.  i\ 
ai^SJ-rf  (/b.  o/"  oAj53=ff^O)  n.  Saltpetre. 
diri^"^   {lb.  of  cdo3?)€)   n.     A    curtain, 

screen,  veil. 
di:^V  1.  k.  «.     Cloth   of  any  kind.      -*, 

-'ffcic!.  A  cloth-seller. 
diTi'§  2.  (<b.  of  odjJioO)  ?i.  A  pair;  twins; 

sameness,     -r^ja.    Two  words. 

3iS522,  assa    {— tA^-?^'i£)    h.  n.     Civet. 

2.  musk.     -Lo^o^.    A  civet  cat. 
3clnX)?o  h.  n.  A  peon. 
^rf^3^)^io  (=  li-JSiitAjj)    h.  n.     An    answer, 

reply.        -;:33d.      A    responsible    man. 

-nsO.   Responsibility. 
aio3s8    f.    a.    Produced    in    one's    own 

country,  as  cloth,  wool,  etc. 
Si^sSoo^o  h.  n.    A  jewel;  jewelry. 
diS)  k.  n.    The   hair  of  a  horse's  tail. 
&ii2)A0,  ai4s?o  (=  ;i53s?J)   k.  n.  Swampy 

ground,  a  swamp. 
35^.  lb.  of  o3oS,  q.  V.     -rtjs^a.    Barley, 

Jlordetim  vnlgare. 
Srf^i^^.  //;.  of  oiS^^y,  q.  v. 
KS3DQ2§.  =  ti^^ti,    q.  V. 

8i3?^«3  (=  SAJcdc?,??,  :£.o=^^d)  f.  n.  A 

diTi.  lb.  of  o±i3!,  q.  v. 

fcSoT^.e'do  (=  !3^h?c!j)  h.  n.  An  assign- 
ment by  government  of  lands  or 
revenues.  -wTd.  The  holder  of  a 

2i5o%0  h.  n.  A.  ship. 

SjSoO^  s.  n.  N.  of  a  king  who  adopted 
Ganges  as  his  daughter.  -3?io±i, 
231)33^.  The  Ganges. 

di'^  s.  n.  Heat;  hot  vapour,  -w^.  Shin- 
ing brightly. 

die^'g  (=  tiej^,  s.  a^)  s.  M.  A  bath, 
bathing.      -dJSSo.  To  bathe. 

&ls?o  (=  ia!i::^o,  g.  ;;.)  k.  Ji.  Emptiness, 
hollowness.  -^B^o.  An  empty  grain 
of  corn.  -5JJ3;^J.  A  vain  word.  -oiVOj, 
ti«?)Va.    Barren  sesamum. 

ai3,   &S5aCX20.  =   SSt^,    S'31s?=30S0,  q.  V. 

&la A  h.  H.  A  place,  spot,  room. 

3dliAl3  (<b.  of  ^acxij^shS)  n.  A  gong  used 
by  religious  mendicants,  in  temples, 

dizXxi,  KSA^ro  (= -^^rt)"^)  s-"-  Waking, 
wakefulness  ;    keeping  a  vigil. 

diZA^jd"^  s.  a.  Wakeful.  -J.  Wakeful- 

aOTN^tJo.  =  JaaoA^dj,  q.  v. 

dit)AO  a.  k.  n.  Silence,  taciturnity. 

3iDAj^  s.  a.  Awake;  attentive;  also 
■^srt  ;3.  11.  =  t3^rt^i.  -^::Sj.  To  pay 

fclSAjo    s.   ?i.     Wakefulness;     attention, 

carefulness.  -?1j5n?o,, -^^J3«?  ^  To  take 
v'  V 

care.    -»3jdSo,  -5j3j.  To  be  attentive. 

KsoAsS^',  aJsoAOsStS'  s.  w.  A  snake- 
catcher,  juggler. 

&!S35  (<b.  o/"  !3e)S)  H.  Nutmeg,  mace. 
2,  .Jasminum  grandiflorum.  -^soSj. 
Nutmeg.  -53^.  Mace.  -53jO^?i,  -i3oj55. 

Ksaio  k.  w.  Red  colour. 

ai3SrQe-'o^'je)cJ  s.  a.  Shining,  resplen- 



23 1)0 

SrSwtJ  s.  a.    Stomachic,   abdominal. 
d:x>Ti  {=^^d)  k.  n.    A   weaver;  f.  -^^, 

-S^.  2,  a  spicier;  also  -^j«?.    -^  riLrarSo. 
A  spider's  nest. 
&i3T^E?     (  =  !±pti3f3)      f,    n.       Shaking', 

sweeping;     throwing;      discharging; 

8d;)ri^je)s5  h.  ?j.   A  sweeper. 
SdDZSS    la.  ?i-     A    general    clearance    of 

accounts;  also  tSsicS. 
3dsa  1.  li.  n.    A  discharge;  a  flood;  an 

outburst,  as  of  tears,   wrath,  etc. 
Qi7)ii2.  k.  H.  A  common  cumbly. 
Sds5  3.  h.  ?j.  A  jar. 
3i3ci?j0  f.  r.  <.     To  sweep;  to  dust.      2, 

to  shake  off,  as  dust  from  cloth,  etc. ; 

to  jerk  or  throw  out,  as  an  arm,  etc.; 

to  purge.      3,  to  reprove. 
SdDcS    k.  n.     The    mark    of    a    footstep, 

track,  trace;    wink,  hint. 
diDT:o{fr.  S3^)  s.  71.    Coldness;    apathy; 

indisposition,  disease. 
fctiP'S  (tb.  of  t3ri  frf)  ?i.  A  skilful,  knowing, 

or  clever  man;  f.  -Vo,  isarS.    -^5i,  St) 

el)s3j,    SDfS^.    Cleverness;  knowledge; 

&!3ig  s.  a.  Born,  brought  forth,  produced; 

possessing;  manifest,  n.  A  son;  birth; 

a  creature;  a  race,  kind,  sort,  species; 

a    mass.     -^.    A   horoscope.     -'asSor. 

A  ceremony   performed  on  the  birth 

of  a  child. 
aiSe^seoS'S'    li.  n.     Balance,    remainder 

after  deductions. 
5i7)B    s.  n.     Birth.       2,    lineage,    race, 

family;    tribe,    caste.      3,    kind,   sort, 

species.   4,  superior   breed.     5,  (=  ^3^l 

ti)  nutmeg.  6,  the    great-flowered 

jasmine.       eroS  sj-,   z««?)5-,   sSj^ejj-.  A 

high   caste;   a    good    family.       -t^S^j-, 

=#y^-,  ?^9"~^-,  oo°=j-.  A  low  caste.    -!5  5^. 

Enmity  with  one's  caste.    -qS^jr.  The 

law  or  usage  of  caste.     -2^?ci.    A  dis- 

tinction of  castes. 

An  outcast. 

-sloS.  Of  high  breed   or  rank.       -^o 

^s^d.    A    medley    of  castes.       -hj^zi.  = 

-"^_^%,  (1-  V. 
QiZ^c  s.  a.     Belonging  to   a   family,    or 

caste;  of  noble  descent. 
QisSj.  tb.  of  cdj-5^,  q.v. 
Qilt-ijz7\b  h..  n.   Magical  arts. 
3is?j^?  s.  n.     SIta,    the    wife    of  Rama. 

-iih,  -ddJcS.   Rama. 
gda^o  s.  n.  Tbe  knee. 

aissjS^uj  ^aOSO  f.  n.  The  croton-seed. 
:3tiSj3V*cS  h^.  Croton  tiglium  plant. 

diT)tQ  (tb.  of  ai3D5j„)  n.  Loitering;  lazi- 
ness.  2,  a  sluggard,  lazy  man.  a.  To 
be  muttered,    -n^d.  A  sloth,  sluggard. 

di^2^S,  diX>2^'B^  To.,  n.  A  passport;  a 
memorandum;  an  inventary,  cata- 

&S20J  (=ii^3i^J)  h..  n..  An  answer;  a 
letter  of  correspondence. 

3i^idj3^\  s.  11.  A  son-in-iaw. 

3iT)<3j5)?j,  3ia.SJ3^0  h.  ?(,.  A  bail,  secu- 
rity; surety,  sponsor.  -:3i>C,  tSDCus 
rS"^  d.  A  surety,  bondsman,  -ti?^ 
ttj^ZiJ.    Surety-bond. 

SiS^JoaJO  s.  H.  A  sister's  son. 

3d3oE0  f.  n.  A  sort  of  goblet. 

SJDOEO^  s.  a.  Belonging  to  the  jambu 
tree.      2,  =  zsdoWwoS. 

3i3O20^o;^  s.  w.  N.  of  the  chief  of  the 
beai'S.      J35ozo»3^.   His  daughter. 

&iaodj^jt)?j  s.  a.  Being  born. 

aisodji)  s.  n.  Loss,  injury,  damage. 

&i3O50.  =  ^3  £5,  5.  V. 

aiSodJO  s.  «.  A  medicament,  medicine. 

aiSTJ  s.  «.  A  paramour;  an  adulterer. 
-^.  Adultery.  -^dj^.  =  ~.z^6.  -^5, 
J3-;C?.  An  adulteress,   harlot. 

ai3&  h.  n.  Relieving  from  a  state  of 
sequestration,  as  land,  2,  currency. 
3,  enforcement,  execution.  -S3J33j. 
To  execute. 




aiBtJj   (dJ=3j)    k.  r.  i.    To   slip,  slide, 

2,  to  steal  away;  to  withdraw,  retire. 

3,  to  go  off ;  to  run  away.  4,  to 
flow  down.  5,  to  become  loose,  as  a 
knot.  n.  Slipping;  disappearance; 
a  slide.      -Cj'^.   Sliding,    etc.;    flowing. 

Si'SV  s.  n.  A  net,  snare;  a  web;  a 
net-work.  2,  a  lattice,  loophole.  3, 
deception,  illusion;  conjuring.  4, 
pride.  5,  a  pretext.  6,  a  multitude. 
7,  a  cover,  covering,  film.  8,  an  un- 
blown flower.  9,  an  organ  of  sense. 
10,  the  sky.  -n^rf.  {  —  ■avTTsO)  A 
deceiver,    conjurer;    a   fisherman;   f. 

^D<S)^  s.  n.   A  woven   texture;    a  web. 

2,  a  loophole;  cf.  zs^C'^. 
3i3<i;8  h.  n.  Net-work,  fringe. 

■  2^'SZ)7>b  k.  n.  A  tree  yielding  a  kind  of 
lac,  Shorea  talura. 

ScOsS  1.  k.  11.  The  thorny  babool  tree. 
Acacia  arahica.  2,  the  thorny  shrub, 
Acacia  farnesiana. 

2i3s5  2.  s.  n.  A  species  of  cucumber, 
Trichosanthes  dioeca.  2,  a  fisher- 

3iSe3!?  s.  n.  A  fisherman.       2,  a  spider. 

3,  a  conjurer,  juggler.  4,  =  J3D©^ 
Nos.  1  &  2. 

di't>€^  s.  n.  A  net.  2,  a  chain-armour. 
3,  a  leech.  4,  woollen  cloth;  cf. 
S!)^*.  ;s?)0^j  (=  "^=ie?33j).  To  cleanse 
rice  etc.   by  washing  in  water. 

Siorf  {tb.  of  odj'Sj)  )(.  A  night-watch; 
the  eighth  part  of  a  day;    also  sss3j. 

SiD'rfs?  {tb.  of  ?;i)SJ35i.)  a.  Common,  vul- 
gar;  insignificant. 

diZiZ'R  f.  n.  The  match   of  a  matchlock. 

2dz^.  =  :3=iS,  q.  V. 

Si's  A)     h.  n.   Excess;    oppression,    force. 

a.  More  than,  additional,  extra. 
di'SCo^ZT)^  h.  n.  Proclamation, 
aiscoe'do  b.  a.  Published;    public.       -553 

»Sj.  a  written  proclamation. 

SisSojS  (/■>•-  ^^^)    s.  M.    The   daughter 

of  Jalinu:    the  Ganges. 
SiBtf.  =  J33ei,  q.  V.      -tfOd.  Cloth    of   a 

thin    texture.     -'5'.  =  :330*,  q.  r. 
ais^y^l.    («).  o/'  -^^ej^  or  ts^Css)   h.  A 

net.    2,  a  lattice-window.     3,  a  purse. 

4,  an  assemblage. 
&S^^2.    (e?=C3')  k.  n.  Cloth,  raiment. 
&!3^0.  =  !a>5:SJ,  q.  V.     -FvJ3,  -aj33j.  An 

empty,  vain  speech. 
SsA^iJ  (=  ^'->:is-ij)   k.  »!..    Stickiness.       2, 

gum.      3;  birdlime. 
22Ar3,    2Sa??,    cSa*  f.  n.  A  leech. 
^?\  1.  k.  n.  Thickness,  viscidity.       2,   a 

kind  of  blight  or   mildew  falling   on 

the  cotton  plant.     2,  gum. 
^?\2.   k.  V.  i.   To  jump.      2,  (=tah)  to 

chew,  as  betelnut,  bread,  etc. 
asAOsSf  tb.  of  tijriJsS^,   q.  v. 
sBo^  k.  n.  An  antelope.  ; 

^o7\  s.  n.  Intoxication.      2,  the  plant 

Riibia  )ininjista,  madder. 
3§3;3  ;6  s.  71.  Desire  of  knowing;  inquiry) 


g?feo  k.  n.  A  grasshopper.     2,  a  sty. 


^a  .=  as,  q.  I'. 

a,         ■^ 
sSt^o    k.  H.  A  greasy  or  oily  substance. 
2,  rancidity. 

e§0® AO,  25p©jao.  =  ii^ro,  q.  V. 

22(^1.  s.  a.  Subdued,  overcome,  won, 
-=ff3S3j.  One  who  has  subdued  desire, 
lust,  etc.,  an  ascetic;  f.  -5t)^J.  -^^• 
One  who  has  conquered  his  enemies. 
ti3^'^ ,  t3^?oajOl).  One  who  has  con- 
quered his  passions. 

^^2.  (tb.  of  Aj  ^)  a.  Fixed,  firm,  stable. 
-sia^j.  To  make  firm;  to  commit  to 
memory.  -S3j.  To  become  firm,  to 
bo  mastered,  as  a  lesson.  ->3J33j.  = 
-Sa^J.     -Wja .  A  firm  mind. 

^rfo  h.  n.  Affront;  contention.  2,  spite, 

^ji  s.  a.  Victorious;  steady;  brave. 
n.  A  saint  of  the   Bauddha    sect;    a 




Jaina  saint.     -S.'wja.  Jaina  doctrine. 

-SjJci,  -oijS.    A   Jaina  saint,   ascetic, 

■22:iAO  (=  wrartj)    k.  n.   Fineness,  as  of 

texture,  tliread,  e/c 
2§?i?J0  (=-;?N^J)  h.  ;i.  An  article;  wares, 

^2S)'^'?JJ  k.    t'.  «'.    To    become  insensible; 

to  faint.      ('.  t.  To    liquefy,     melt,    as 

2§?iJA0  1.  =  lioj^ij,  q.  V. 
^^07\0  2.    k.  r.  i.    To    drizzle.         2,    to 

mutter,  hum.       3,  to  melt,   as  butter, 

ghee,  etc.     n-  Drizzling  rain. 
:^Ou37\,  22oa?\  h.,n.  Goods  and  chattels; 

one's  estate,   (movable)  property. 
^sir®,  ^5^re  {th.  of  *j5^f3)  n.  A  miserly, 

avaricious  man;  f.   t^syrf), 

^SOTrio  k.  ri.   Rheum  of  the  eye. 

^eos?.  =  15WJ,.     iaw«?a^.  Tender  areca- 

nut,  cut  into  pieces,  boiled  and  dried. 

G§200,  k.  H.  Stickiness,  sliminess. 

aSrfj?)  ?i  f.  <&  h,  ?(.  Gymkhana,  an  asso- 
ciation  for  the  competition  in  gymna- 
stics and  sports. 

2§(3a  k. /I.  A  prickly  tree,  Zanlhoxy- 
lon  rhelsa. 

aS^J,  li.  H.  Charge,  trust  of  a  thinff. 

^■C^OSJ^^O  h.?t.  Land  fit  for  agriculture. 

2,  cultivation, 
^lid  (ci=e5)  k.  n.  A  centipede.       2,  a 

cockroach.      3,  a  kind  of  earwig, 
^sD8!)e?,  ^des!)   h.?;..    A  sort  of  sweet- 
sSe??^  f.  n.  Glitter,  gloss,  shine. 
22e;3  ,  sSeB   h.  n.       A    district.        -S3t)tf. 

The  governor  of  a  district. 
32e;j   k.  n.    The  sensation  produced  by 

touching  cold  water.     ti^S^fiJ.     That 

sensation  to  be   produced. 
23^:^0   s.  a.     Victorious,  triumphant,    n. 

An    arhat.        2,    Indra.     3,    Vishnu. 

4,  Siva. 

sBSo^,  sBsjs^  s.  n.  The  tongue.  2,  the 
flamo  of  fire.  tiSo^  rfjjsaj.  The  root 
of  the  tongue.   tJOo?  dS.  A  word. 

^?^^  k.  n.  A  squirt,  syringe. 

3j?Wj  k.  ?i.  A  prop,   stay,  as  for  a  wall. 

23?:g  (<6.  «/■  t^..e<S:^)  n.  Living;  salary, 
wages;  work.     -natf.  A  }iaid  servant. 

sBsn  1.  {th.  of  Si^cvi)  n.  A  niggardly,  mi- 
serly man;  f.  J^^Ri.  a.  Decayed,  old. 
-^^.   Niggardliness. 

^°^  2.  h.  n.  A  saddle,    -n^c!.  A  saddler. 

sSjSS  h.  w.  The  area  between  the  inner 
and  outer  walls. 

2S?cdo  f.  n.  Sir,  master;  a  particle 
expressing  assent. 

^e&7^  {th.  of  Zi5?d=5^)  n.  The  cumin  seed. 
-53J5oJ.  a  kind  of  fragrant  mango. 
-^ranr,  -?3e)e3.  A  superior  kind  of  rice. 

aSeTJO  (Cj  =  e3J)  k.  n.  Screaming;  shril- 
ling; cf.  lAi^d.     -iioiS.  A  kind  of  bee. 

35e^;3r^,S  (=  ^?=g'°^)  k.  n.   A  syringe. 

^er*3r  s.  a.  Grown  old;  worn  out, 
consumed,  digested.  -^J3?2l.  The 
stomach.  -53?^.  Old,  tattered  cloth. 
J5?r5r?ij.  To  be  digested.  to^Pajtj^r 
ra^d.  Repairing  of  what  is  worn  out. 

^e^  s.  a.  Living,  n.  A  living  being, 
a  creature.  2,  existence,  life.  3, 
(=ti?;3^:a  )  the  principle  of  life,  the 
living  soul.  4,  (=  -fi)  livelihood.  5, 
Brihaspati.  6,  water.  -*.  A  servant; 
a  usurer.  -=5'«?.  The  glow  of  life,  life. 
-'§js:ij.  To  give  up  one's  life.  -rt^. 
A  coward.  -^A.  To  kill,  -zi  A4o6i. 
A  very  dear  friend,  -rf  t^odj.  Fear 
to  lose  one's  life.  -cS  wj^Cfi  tf^, 
-na^.  Love  of  one's  life,  -zi  Socrtj. 
Obligation  with  regard  to  one's  life. 
-S3Dfi.  The  gift  of  life,  -aoci  'sdo. 
To  be  alive.  -aoCo  eros?.  To  remain 
alive.  -CjScS.  Live  stock,  cattle.  -»iJ3?3. 
Life-time,      life.     -Dt)3.  The    animal 





kingdom.       -2oo?3.     Destroying    life. 

-?;r5  ri.   A    vital  organ.      cJ?533b'  d.    A 

2§?^'§,  25e:jo^  s.  a-   Living,  alive. 
^o'd?j  s.  n.    Life,    existence;   means  of 

subsistence,     livelihood.        2,    water. 

-^3£».  A  cloud,    la^s^c^^o^,  :4?»i(35ijir. 

Maintenance,  livelihood.      t^?5if3;3?3j3 

odo.   Means  of  livelihood. 
^pT^tC'j, -S-   s.  Ji.   Liberation  from  further 

births   and  from    ritual    acts.        JJ?d 

^"Ij-  -^  "i^'i  purified  by  knowledge 

of  Brahma. 

£S?nD:^, .  =  'i^i^  No.  3,   q.  v. 

eS^ns^  (<b.  o/'  :S?St))  ?i.  A  vital  mem- 
ber or  organ.  2,  a  chip  put  in  the 
mouthpiece  of  a  musical  pipe  or 
drone.      3,  substance,   pith,  essence. 

sSjSs.  >i.  A  living  being.  a.  Living, 
alive.  -^.  Living;  life,  existence; 
wages.  -^  53t).  Lifetime.  -SJ.  To 
live,   exist;    to  live  by. 

aiog'0050?:jO  h.  I',  i  To  stoop,  bend;  to 
reel,  stagger. 

3dOAS'do  f.  n.   Gambling. 

did7\0'£>l  s.  n.  Censure,  reproach.  2, 
aversion,  disgust. 

3iOo3:^0  k.  n.     The  comb  of  a  cock. 

Sijyj,  k.  n.  The  tuft  of  hair  left  on  the 
crown  of  the  head  at  tonsure;  a  crest, 
as  of  a  cock.  -"tSa^o.  To  produce  a 
juttu  at  tonsure. 

SiO&o    k.  n.    A  kind  of  pigeon. 

SiOciO;^  li.  n.  A  bush;  a  thicket. 

aior^JAO  k.  V.  i.  To  shrink,  contract ; 
to  withdraw,  n.  Shrinkage. 

SjO^O-&  h.  n.  The  pendant  of  an  ear- 

aio-doeia.  =  tiosSja^,  q.  V. 

a!o:rfj.  ^  k.  ad.   Quickly.    2,  with  horri- 


2iO>^J?,~io,^ea  h.  /(.     A   mosque  that   is 
visited  on   Fridays. 

Sriosija  h.  n.  Amount,  sum,  total. 

cd^fS)  h.  ?i.  A  fine,  penalty,     punish- 

8:'O£^D20o  h,  71.  A  purgative;  a  purge. 
2,  diarrhoea. 

3d0£;sO30  f.  ?i.  A  weaver.  2,  (e)  July 
(7th  month  of  the  year). 

£aos^^  h.  n.  Small  locks  of  hair  kept 
on  children's  head  as  ornament. 

aioe^odrejio.  =  jiJt)Sj3ci,  q.  v. 

&je)0^j  (=  tsJuSj,  liod  )  h.  ?!.  Oppres- 
sion, tyranny,  injustice,  compulsion. 

3iOS^^od    k. 

The  wavy-ieafed  fig- 
tree,  Ficus  infedoria. 

aij3AS?;c;o  (=  ^Ji^Q>KS)  k.  V.  i.  To  nod,, 
doze;  to  move  on  or  proceed  slowly, 
as  vehicles  or  work. 

SijaTvO- =  3J3rtJ,  q.  V.  tsjarraSo  (=::Sjarr5 
cSj).    To  waddle. 

&!.?>2iO.  (tb.  of^^_^s)  71.  Gambling,  game. 
tsJ3i2e)3j.  To  gamble,  game.  -*^- 
To  wager.     -n?cJ.  A  gambler. 

&!jsUl.  (tb.  of  teJa:^)  n.  The  matted 
or  clotted  hair  of  an  ascetic.  2, 
bodily  strength  of  children. 

aijsU  2.  h.  71.  A  lie. 

3ij35    f.  n.   A    favourable    quit-rent   on 

inam  lands. 
dijlB    h.    «.    A    shoe.      2,  (f.)    impulse, 

energy.  [year). 

&iji^O  e.    w.    June    (6th    month  of   the, 
Zi^'iTjii  k.  71.  Thin,  drizzling  rain. 
£«j3e;jl.   k.  «.   A  tatter.     -fracOj.  A  dog 

with  long  hair.  rg^^. 

aijiit'J  2.  h.  n.    A   body-cloth   of   horses, 
3dj3^  k.  u.  The  spout  of  a  vessel. 
^   s.    a.    Born  (/■.).    ».   A   daughter,   as 

fcf^,-.  e<c. 

sSTno  .=  Jarto    q.  v. 
A  '^ 

;fio'A  h.  a.  Relating  to  war.  n.  Petu- 
lance; dunning;  besieging.  -^xio:zs 
^.i.  Arms  and  ammunition. 



!6l§.  =  2a:i,  g.  r. 

5§oiocSoS  e.  n-  January  (1st  month  of 
the  year). 

sSgrf.  =  J3=)C^,  g.  V. 

^?5  k.  n.  A  sort  of  pipe-clay,    chalk. 

t5?fJo  k.  «.  Honey;  also  -^J^-  -cSJsrs. 
-iSos?.  A  honey-bee.  -SooMj^,  -rtJaSo.  A 
honey-comb.     -sSo^ra.  Wax. 

^?E0O  h.  n.  A  pocket. 

^e'rfo  1.  h.  ffl.  Feeble;  exhausted.  n. 
Weakness,  indisposition. 

^e'do2.  k-  w.  A  wall.  -r!oa,  -f\oa.  An 
embrasure  for  guns;  a  loophole. 
-sSoo^fi.  A  close  siege. 

^e^r^;^  k.  M.  Sweetness,  pleasantness. 

sSs^i  'rfozjjO  s.  n.  Liquorice. 

^l^  (/■»■.  tScS)  s.  n.  A  Jaina. 

SiS)0?^  s.  «■  N.  of  a  rishi  and  philoso- 
pher. -tp«)d3.  A  Kannada  metrical 
translation  of  a  Samskrita  poem. 

^J3^,.  =  tadc^j,  q.  V. 

!Sjsc5a  k.  n.  A  cockroach. 

^j30T5o  k.  w.  The  scurf  of  the  head, 
dandruff.  2,  a  filthy  mass  of  scum 
floating  on  water.  3,  the  elephant- 

SjtS  (=J3i.  tb.  of  odoj;^)  n.  Union, 
company,  pair.  -?ij3^?ij.  To  join. 
-TTsd.  =  za^A^d,  q.  V. 

jSjs^O  .  =  Js^J  ,  q.  V. 

^J3?:|3^-S-^  (<6.  o/"  5^-«5?^  *J* )  w.  The 
Greek  partridge. 

!Sj303J  a.  k.  n.  A  cluster,  bunch. 

^jsobr^o  a.  k.  V.  t.  To  cause  to  tremble. 
I',  i.  To  tremble;  to  be  aroused.  2, 
to  get  intoxicated,  stupefied. 

^jso;^  a.  k.  n.  Inebriation,  stupor, 

'SjJ&'V:)  k.  n.  Saliva,  slaver. 

sSjaV'o,  (  =  tas?J),  q.  w.)  k.  n.  Emptiness. 

^j3?  k.  int.  Hush !  i£j3?  2€j3^  Hush, 
hush !  used  in  lulling  infants ;  cf. 

^J3?^3e3.  =  t3^^s3,  q.  V. 

Sj&^'^o  m.  n.  An  affected  manner  of 
speaking,  walking,  dressing,  etc.;  a 
scheme,  trick.  -rrarf.  A  man  of  af- 
fected manners;    f.  -r\sSiF. 

!5j3?^  k.  71.  Attention,  caution,  care.  2, 
beauty,  harmony.  -Sjbc^j.  To  take 
care,  protect.  -odJ■^?^tfJ.  To  be  atten- 
tive, cautious;  to  be  safe,  well  pro- 

tSjs^A.  tb.  of  oSjs^ri,  q.  v.  -S>.  A  female 
beggar  dedicated  to  Ellamma. 

!Sj3?aS;*  (  =  ^J3er!os?)  k.  n.  A  lullaby. 

jSj3??\.  tb.  of  o3j3??>,  q.  V. 

sSjseAO  k.  n.  A  waterfall.  2,  benumbed 
sensation  of  a  limb. 

djse'rfEo  f.  n.  Joining,  junction;  pre- 
paration;  readiness. 

sSjs?^  f.  n.  A  pair  or  couple.  2,  a  sheet 
of  paper. 

^J3?5rj0  f.  V.  t.  To  join,  unite;  to  put 
to;  to  collect. 

^J3?T^0  f.  n.  Junction,  union;  company", 
a  pair  or  couple;  a  match.  2,  a 
pair  of  shoes.  3,  a  suit  of  armour. 
4,  close  connection.  t3j3?:S^ti.  A 
double  letter,  diphthong. 

^jseS.  tb.  of  sSj^g^S,  q.  V. 

^.??Ssc;.=  23j?g?35S,   q.v. 

^jseeO.  =  ■Sjs^zjo  .  P.  p.  of  t3J3?UJ,  q.  V. 

tSjserf  (lb.  of  a3j3^^  .)  n.  An  elephant- 
driver.  , 

^j3?Si  k.  n.  Fluidity,  as  of  jaggory; 
also  -tSej  .     -Ti.  One  of  a  SAdra  caste. 

^jse^iS  f.  «•  A  hut;  a  cottage. 

cS.f3?SJDcJ  f.  n.  Taking  care  of,  looking 
after;  fostering.  -sSjacSo.  To  take 
care  of. 

^j3?20,  -rf)  k.  n.  A  dull,  lazy  man. 

^js^'rfjs^S  k.  n.  A  gold  necklace. 





^jseOSJri.  tb.  of  ■dsi^i^ii,  q.  v. 

^j3?T3a^5  (=t3i3=rfj2,  q.v.)  h.  n.  Vio- 
lence, force. 

sgjsjTio  1.  (=?3js°cij)  k.  V.  i.  To  trickle, 
drip,  leak.  n.  Trickling;  a  flow. 
-rtWj,.  To  tie  up  in  a  cloth  for  strain- 
ing, as  curds.  -3ot)^j.  To  strain,  as 
soaked  grain. 

^.ra?'dj2.  h.  n.  Strength;  force;  vio- 
lence; stress;  oppression,  compulsion. 
-305^.  Dunning  hard  for  payment. 

^j3?e?  1.  f.  n.  Concern;  business,  affair. 
2,  connexion,  intercourse. 

s2js?e3  2.  f.ii.  Hanging,  dangling;  oscil- 
lation; evasion,  delay,  -wJSC^j.  To 
delay,     -nad.  A  loiterer. 

^.©fiyo  k.  r.  i.  To  hang  down  from;  to 
move  to  and  fro;  to  swing,  oscillate, 
dangle;  to  droop;  {also  ;:3j3?ej5^j. 
P.  ps.  s^JB^SJJ ,  dJS^^:>).  n.  Hanging 
down,  slackness,  looseness.  -/^jS.  A 
long,  flapping  ear.  -tsasiO.  A  kind  of 
ear-ornament.  -iS?°-?o.  To  bang  down, 
etc.  -SjJJS-).  a  downcast  countenance. 
^JS^VO  dJloj.    A   loose  tuft   of  hair. 


23.®?^  {tb.  of  oiJ%ic33tJ)  n.  One  of  the 
several  species  of  millet.  2,  {tb.  of 
cxjjjrtaj)  union;  pair.  -^332?,  An 
associate;  a  partner. 

Sj^io^-R  {tb.  of  rf4J^£)5')  n.  A  small  bag 
for  receiving  alms;  a  wallet. 

ft!  s.  a.  Knowing;  intelligent,  -i,  -3,. 
Knowledge  of. 

a;  h     s.   n.    Knowing,     understandinsr, 

c^ o  °  S)' 

3J3  ^  s.  a.  Known,  understood,     -k^'^  0 

^.  Versed  in  any  science  or  sastra. 
&0  S  s.  11.   A   paternal   relation;    kins- 

Sis  ^  s.  n.  Knowledge;    cognizance;  in- 

telligence;  religious  knowledge.      -z^ 

^J ,  -^xi^'  The  eye  of  intelligence, 
intellectual  vision.  -SjoliS.  A  prison 
{ironically).  -s3j«irt~.  The  path  of 
wisdom.  -wo;S.  A  wise  man;  f.  -sSo^. 
-S.cJ.    Advanced   in    knowledge. 

3is  ^)  s.  w.  A  wise  person,  sage.  2.  an 
astronomer  or  astrologer,  -t?.  Know- 
ledge, perception.  -^J-  To  consider, 
reflect.  s^  ^?o3  cxSj.  An  organ  of 
perception;  the  skin,  tongue,  eye, 
ear,  and  nose. 

SiT)  Tj"^  s.  11.  Bearing  in  mind,  remem- 
brance,  recollection.  Z3?  h'K:>.  To 
indicate,  notify. 

"&  fOdO  s.  a.  Cognizable,  perceptible. 

tSo?^    s.     a.     Most    excellent;     oldest; 
•D     © 
elder-born.       n.    An    elder    brother. 

2,  the  third  lunar-month. 

eighteenth  lunar  mansion. 

brightness,  clearness.      2,  fire.      3,  a 

ray  of  light.  4,  a  star.  5,  the  eye. 
-§33^.  The  science  of  astronomy  (or 
^poeS?:;  (=  t3j35cOo?c,  q.v.)  s.  n.  As- 
tronomy; astrology.  2,  an  astrono- 
mer, astrologer;  also   !3j3»?S»a^,  ^^A 

3  ^ . 


tfj^o?ac^.  =  ^-e^?'^,  q.  v. 

tSjsooS/^  s.  n.  A  moonlight  night;  aiso 
:iJ3,pi  ,.     2,  a  species  of  cucumber. 

aiQ'd  s.  a.  Heated,  inflamed,  n.  Fever. 
2,   mental    pain,  grief. 

3dQe;  s.  )i.  Flame,  blaze.  -3^.  Burning, 
blazing.  -S  5jr3.  A  volcano.  -^• 
Shining,  burning.  ^^OcS.  Kindled, 
blazing.     Js^^C)^.  To  burn,  flame. 

aisQs3,  &;sQare  s.  n.  A  blaze,  flame.  2, 
fire.     s^caajjlO.  A  volcano. 




d>3^.  The  twenty-seventh  letter  of  the 
alphabet.  It  occurs  only  in  a  limited 
number  of  Kannada  and  Tadbhava 

TJJ^O'SDTi  s.  n.  The  letter  dqj. 

OL^O/^  f.  H.  A  robe  extending  to  the  feet. 

D^ocscij  (=  Sjjj^os^d)  s.  n.  Buzzing  or 
humming,  as  of  bees,  etc. 

'CL\0oXJJ^TS'^7>^  s.  n.  A  violent  storm 
■with  rain, 

Ci^oron^OOS  s.  71.  The  jingling  or  tink- 
ling of  ornaments;    also  -'3^^,  -^   Si. 

XJJ.dO  5  s.  11.   A  sort  of  drum  or  cymbal. 


2,  a  curl,    lock   of   hair.      3,  tassels, 

fringes;  of.  ra^wO. 

oUjsD   k.  n.    Tassels,  fringes,  hangings. 

xi^dTi,  s.  n.   A  fish. 

TJJ^d^hTid  s.  V.  t.     To    make    glitter    or 

shine.      2,  to  brandish,  as  a  sword. 
Tlj^reOOo  s.»i.  A.  sort  of  drum;  also  zstioaj. 
£icpc63  s.  n.  The  shrub  Barleria  cristata. 
Ecp?3  ??,    ScpeS  e^,    &ao?-do^   s.   »«.     A 


To  hum,   buzz. 



"^SC^ .   The   twenty-eighth  letter  of  the  alphabet. 


h^.    The    twenty-ninth    letter    of    the 

U53O30?j0    f.     I',  t.     To    put    in    mind, 

remind.     2,    to   deceive,    cheat,    v.  i. 

To  be  exhausted. 
U^-DTJ  s.  11.   The  letter   U. 
US',  (=:Gi^)   h.  «.     A    cunning    fellow, 

y-g-  ?io.  =  W5=)o3j?io,  a.  ?;. 

o  '    ^ 

yS'o,    (=  ^^-i)   f-    n-   Cunning,  trickery, 

hypocrisy.       -dfj-    Cunning,  deceitful 

behaviour.      -Wd??.  dp/. 
UaTjJ  k.  n.  A  ram. 
Uc^  s.  M.  A  stone-mason's  hammer.     2, 

pride,    conceit.       3,  a    stamped    coin. 

-jresS.  A  mint. 

Uo3^r©  s.  n.    Borax;  also  -=ff=)rf. 
Wc'53'd,    ycS'sS  s.  n.  Howling;  a  sound, 

clang;    the  twang  of  a  bow-string. 
Ho^  k.  n.  A  staff.     2,  (s.)  the  leg. 
UCAO  h.  ;t.    A  saddle  girth.       -5d0.     To 

be  reduced  to  poverty. 
U<^^e5  k.  n.    An  aquatic  plant,  Aeshy- 

nomene  aspera. 

UP3^,  ^  k.  ad.  With  a  bounce  in  leaping. 


U?g5O30?jj  h.  V.  t.  To  stop,  detain. 

Uojsaio.  =  fe-c^ejj,  q.  V. 

U3jDk  li.  M.  =  Wsj  ,  (/.  r.  2,  a  variety 
in    song. 

Uss^e^J  h.  n.  The  post,  mail.  Wct  Oii 
Cos^o.  To  post.  WsjB  OfjJJ.  The  post- 
man. -^^,.  A  post-office.  W5J3  C3  a. 
A  post-coach. 



y^,  h.  n.  A  stage;  a  halting  place. 
-^jrfjo.  A  relay-horse, 

yosC>3J?io  h.  V.  t.  To  settle,  fix,  decide. 

yosrfra,  Uossj  li.  n.  Settlement,  deci- 

We^aOaOrJJ  f.  v.  t.  To  lead,  as  a  horse. 
V.  i.  To  walk  about. 

y<y3?jJ.  —  ^^^^0,   q,  V. 

WsSs?  k.  71.  Simple  and  compound  addi- 

U^'9  m.  n.  Guile,  trick,  deceit.  -Asrf. 
A  deceiver. 

U4i*  (=  ^"^°^)  k.  n.  Armour,  mail. 

6o3^P3  h.  )i.  A  pony. 

&a5S  t.n.  A  stitch;   aJso  bstfj. 

foa^'o  1.  f.  ».  The  nib  of  a  pen;  a 
steel-pen.      -^Jsd.  To  nib  a  pen. 

&33'o2.  k.  n.  A  support;  a  vault. 
-rtJSSj,  Arches  with  niches  on  the 
walls  surrounding  big  temples. 

633^0^5^0  f.  ad.  Orderly,  neatly.  n. 
Neatness,  order. 

633^j3e&35^0  f.  ad.  Speedily. 

&are,  63sr^orfj.  =  i33f^,  q.v. 

&3i3  (=3^5j)  f.  n.  A  place;  room;  an 
abode,  bi^^'i.  Knowledge,  acquaint- 
ance with. 

^53?5  f.  n.  A  place;  spot;  an  abode; 
seat;  destination.  2,  means,  opportu- 

&5^,a1  s.  n.  The  bird  Parra  jacana,  the 

ijSjt)05J?jJ  h.  V.  t.   To  shuffle,  as  cards. 

y^ivf^,  ^°^r5  f-  «•  A  gloss,  comment, 
commentary.  2.  a    note,     memo- 

randum.    -At)d.  A  commentator. 

y?i(yj  k.  ?(.  A  forked  or  lateral  branch. 

tSe^'o  1.  s.  n.  A  commentary;  a  gloss; 
also  ii^^a,  ii?"^.  iJ^^^'affSiJ.  A  com- 
mentator. i3»u-?3j.  To  explain,  inter- 

yeg'o2.  (=  '^i^o)  h..  n.  Right,  just,  pro- 

13???  f.  n.  A  necklace  of  gold   wire.      2 
a  gem.      3,=  ii^^J  1. 

Uj^^'ct  f.  n.  A  tom-tom. 

B^,  1.  k.  M.  A  banner  or  standard. 

Bit,  2.  (=;St?,)  k.  n.  An  embrace.  2, 
wood,  e<c.    grasped  in  arms. 

BO'S.  =  Wo^,  q.  u. 

BSJX)5^  f.  n.  A  lid.  2,  striking  off 
excess  of  grain  in  a  measure. 

Bjjo^  k.  n.  The  hip  and  loins;  the 

B,^o^  (  =  ^J3o(i)  k.  )i.  The  branch  of  a 

&j5Pst,  f.  n.  A  fat  dolt,  blockhead. 

BjtresS  f.n.  A  cudgel,  mace.  2,  stout- 

Bj3j?  a,  k.  V.  t.  To  cheat,  deceive. 

SjsS  f.  n.  A  stout  dull  woman. 



,    Bjil\^-R    i=^J>A^,  q.v.) 

f.  n.  A  cap;  a  hat. 

feSjaS^O,  (=  ^-^'-^oj)  k.  n.  Hollowuess.  emp- 
tiness. -SJiiSJ.  a  vain  speech.  -3J3 
Sj,  -'^jsd.  To  scoop  out. 

^J^S?  k.  H.  A  hollow,  cavity;  a  fistula. 
2,  a  perished  eye-socket. 

B,se^O  h.  a.  Whole  or  round,  as  a 
number;   wholesale;  also  SJt^^J. 

B.-5eL\=^-ra<^,  q.  V. 

^•99.  =  W42?,  q.v. 




^.  The  thirtieth  letter    of  the  alphabet. 
T^^zxj  S.71.  The  letter  3. 

"^^^  ~  '-^^'  I-  V. 

"^pS/  h.  n.  A  stamp. 

oSS'js'rf  s.  «.  An  object  of  reverence;   an 

honorific  title. 
^3X)r€)a,  oSro     (<b.  0/"  ^^.^)    n.   The   head 

station  of  a  district;  an  encampment; 

a    police    station;     a    garrison.      -A 

ojD'^o.  To  capture.     -CTstf.  The  officer 
in  charg-e  of  a  thana. 

i3tl3.  =  b^ij^^,  s.    ^5)5^,   q.  V. 

VJD^.  =  -ras^j  q.  v. 

SssrS.  —  JJ^urf,  q.  V. 

Se'S^O.  =  y?*0  2,  q.  V. 

©?3    f.     «.    Style,    fashion;     grandeur; 

ornament.      2,  an  air,  manner. 
'^?;:5r5,  i§?4    f-  M.   A  stock    (of  money). 

2,  a  deposit  («s  securitj'). 


Z^.  Thethiity-first  letter  of  the  alphabet. 

Tj3=5"rf  s.  ?i.   The  letter  :^. 

■rfssCOO^.  =  C35?903j,S,  q.  V. 

■d^^  (tb.  of  q^^2).  =  :^o*,  q.  v. 

-d:R     (=rf,i)    t.  n.      Deceit.       2,    heat, 

tio^    (=   :^^)    s.  n.      A    pretty    large 

double  drum. 
Zic7\'d,  TioXo-d  f,  n.   A    public   procla- 
mation   by    beat  of    tom-tom.       -lo^, 
-^Jtd,  -(^J3cc5j«.   To  proclaim  by  beat 
of  tom-tom. 
Z^OAOTijEJsU  k.  n.  A  kind  of  'hide  and 

seek'   play. 
Zio-R    (—-  rforl)   h.  71.     Tumult,    uproar; 
dunning.      -^j3:^j^j5°-?j.,    -53j3:^j.     To 
dun.     -A'SCi.   An  uproarious   man. 
t^SOZSo  ^^  h.  H.     Showiness,    an   empty 
display    of   greatness    or     authority; 
an  imposing  air. 
T3205  f.  n.  A  cylindrical  saucepan. 
rizjDC^   f.  71.  A  pair  of  kettle-drums. 
73£!)e&  h.  71.  A  moonshee,  writer. 

'^%-'    "^"^  ^-  "^''  Suddenly,  used  of 

vessels,  etc.  falling  f7-om  above. 
^^L  ^'  "■  ■'^  small  box,  as  a  snuff-box, 

pill-box,  offering-box,  etc. 
T^SOo^l.    (=  djsioj^)   k.   t).    t   To    shove, 

push,  thrust.     2,  =  Sio,  2.    dio^riStSj. 

:Sz^S9'3'j.   To  put  upside  down. 
TizdO   2.  f.  M.   A  kind  of  drum. 
t^20J  3.    f.   n.     Showiness,    ostentation; 

bragging;    falsehood,    lie.      2,    a  dub 

or  copper  coin,  four  pies,      -rrarf.  A 

showy  man. 
c^d    h.  n.    A   large  tin  box. 

rf^OXJ  s.  M.     A    riot,    tumult,    turmoil; 

T^rfodj^  s.  71.   A  kind    of  drum. 

xi^j?!^^  r^dje):^  f.  «.  A  pair  of  kettle- 

clo20,  TioS^  (=  Koio.  <b.  of  irfo:;j)  n. 
Pomp,  ostentation,  show.  ;Soi33i5s)!J. 
Vain  display.  -*.  Arrogance,  pride; 
an  ostentatious  man;  a  deceiver, 
-n^tf.  A  showy  man. 

ricdo^  s.  n.  Flying  in  the  air. 

T^TJ^,  ri-d^:,  (cS=e3)  k.  «.   A  belch. 




7^£/t)OSJs  h.  n.  A  peon  of  a  district 

Tiv!)^  a.  k.  /(■   A  spittoon. 

Ti-rf??  f.  n.  A  kind  of  drum  shaped  like 
an  hour-glass. 

tisse!)  h.  n.   A  peon's  belt. 

Xi^T^  k.  /(.  A  thick  bamboo.  2,  a 
skeleton's  skull;  also  :^^rt. 

■rf^jc^O  (=d5J)::3j)  h.  ?i.     A  race  or    run. 

Ti^E'J  i—  ^5JJ)  h.  ?t.  Shape,  form; 
way,  manner;  indications,  appear- 
ance. 2,  estimated  revenue  ;  probable 
produce.  3,  a  pompous  air;  empty 
display.  -=#j3'^j.  To  brag,  boast. 
-:3'3'2^.  Too  high  an  estimate.  -:35rf. 
An  ostentatious  man.  -Sjar^j.  To 
make  a  show. 

Z3S3=sa20s  (=  :^?7)C0j^)  h.  n.  Dacoity, 

ZSDtTS'i  k.  /(.  The  sword  of  a  female 

73t)-3"S)  k.  n.  A  kind  of  female  demon 
attending  Kali.     2,  =  J3ii^E^,  g.  r. 

Z3a^0,  Z3t)A0  h.  n.  A  spot,  stain;  in- 
oculated cow-pox.  2,  an  attack. 
3,  dawk,   post-office. 

Z3S7\e3  a.  k.  n.   An  anvil. 

CJSC®  (=n3cc).  <b.  o/"  qj9%o)  11.  Horse-gram. 
Z3Sr5,  Z33£?  a.  k.  n.  A  staff,  club. 
^33200  1.     {lb.   of  craiJo)    n.    A  woman's 

■233200  2.    k.  n.  Intimidation,  menacing; 

awfulness;  also  -Jarfzoj. 
Z33^JtJ.  =  c^53J!3,  (j.  y.      2,  dammer. 
I33ce3^    «/>.  of    C3-5o'^^)    (t.    Deceitful; 

ZSSiyj   (lb.  of  :?=)ej)  M.  A  shield,  buckler. 
t33^rf    (tb.  of  Cj'^SjR)  n.    A  long  rope 

for  tying  cattle   in    a    row.       -^Wj,. 

To  tie  cattle  in  a  row. 
ZSfrfQ^j.)  a.  k.  r.  t.  To  whirl    about;  to 

flicker,  as  flames;  to  rave. 

30^5  h.  )i.  Spite,  malice,  hatred;  re- 
venge. 2,  (=ra3^d)  desire.  -S^S^jJ, 
To  revenge  one's  self. 

334^  (=335dd)  f,  >i.  Burning  thirst: 
desire;  need,  want. 

Z33^.  =  i3?5^,  q.  I'. 

Z33S?,  cS3^  f.  ?*.  Lustre;  beauty;  grace- 
fulness, -ojjjo,  :s-5s^?;j.  To  shine;  to 
be  beautiful. 

Z33^rfj,Z33^C20,  I33^C£3.  =  n=)a5iJ,  q.v. 

^53,,  ^■CT,  k.  ?t.  A  push,  butt,  a^ffa  a^, 
a^a  3jo^.  dpi.  -f-'S^j,  -3oJ3cl.  To  butt. 

5oA^  s.  n.  A  servant,  slave;  also  aort 
Ort.      2,  a  rogue.      3,  a  fat  man. 

So&^J  s.  H.  A  kind  of  small  drum. 

5ceO  s.  n.  A  scuffle,  turmoil.  2,  calam- 
ity arising  from  excessive  rain, 
drought,  locusts,  elc.  3,  a  globe;^ 
an  egg.     4,  a  child. 

5c20o  k.  n.  A  lamp-stand. 

So£j5  s.  n.  A  new-born  child,  young^ 
animal.      2,  a  fool. 

civ*  a.  k.  n.  Tottering  state,  agitation 
of  mind;  fear. 

a°-5  ,  ^<^    s.  H.  The  town  of  Delhi. 

See;,  ^°€)  h..  a.  Loose,  slack,  n.  Delay. 
-T^zio.  To  slacken;    to  delay. 

xiaZdb  (=cSJ^^,  ii^JWJ,)  k.  n.  The  hump 
on  a  camel's  back.  2,  ourvedness, 
roundness.  Fruin. 

tloa330SJ?jO    f.    V.  t.     To    immerse;     to 

1^020,.  1^0200,.=  cSjwO,  q.  r. 

T^OT^-&  (u  =  ©)  k.  ?i.  The  bellowing  of 
bulls  and  oxen,     -ajb^j.  To  bellow. 

t§o5r®,  Z§c^rf  a.  k.  ».  The  flag-staff 
on  a  bastion. 

tSo"^.  =  :So^,  (/.  r. 

zScT^rixio  f.  V.  i.  To  be  overcome  or 
stupefied,  as  by  grief,  terror,  etc. 

zStS,  (=  :Sz3j)   k.  «.  A  blow. 

Z3?^  k.  «.  A  hawk,  falcon. 
w?TJ3,  cf  ?t3   h.  w.  A  tent. 
Z§j35','d  1.  a.  k.  n.  Thumping,  striking;  a 


zfj3^^'d2.  =  c3jsric!j,  q.  v. 



)?jO  k.  r.  <.  To  choke,  stifle. 

cSjs^,  k.  n.  The  body.      -oSjwjioj.  A  rib. 

zSjSArJo    (!Jo=e3j)  k.  n.   A  hollow,   hole, 

as  in  a  wall,  etc. 
'Sjs'R  k.  c.  t.  To  make  a  hole. 

Z§j3/^    k.  H.  Thickness,  as  of  butter-milk. 

oijso^',  tSjso^J     k.   M.    Crookedness;     a 

bend,    curve.        -^tJUJ.    A    bent    leg. 

-?ij3^c9J.  A  bent  neck.  -^^.  =  cljso'g'. 
tSjaOA^  f.  n.  A  steep  rock;  a  precipice. 
Uijin    k.    ?i.     A    small     pond    in    rocks. 

2,  a  hollow,  hole.       3,  a  quiver.      -rl 

CSJ .  A  sunken  eye. 
Z5js?€    k.  H.  A  cudsrel,  club.       2,  a  cha- 

meleon.        -^s^.   N.   of  several  kinds 

of  Agames.       -Sjjsrtj.    A  huge  nose. 

-53jr3A)>i  ^aoSj.  A  large  kind  of  chilli. 

-^jS?.  An  insect  living  in  cowdung. 
Z§j320j,.  =  djzuj     q.  V. 

I§jao20,  cf^soSOTJ  f.  n.  A  caste  of  tum- 
blers; f.  -n^. 

Z3jic£3  k.  ?(.  A  mass,  multitude,  crowd; 

iSjsVB  ?j    a.  k.  ?!.    Trick,    fraud;    a   fan- 


tastic  form. 
zljsS^o    (=&JZ^o,)    k.  ?i.    Hollowness;    a 

huge   belly;  also  -xJ->^..     a.  Hollow, 

huge,      -n'sti.   A  boaster.     -53j33j.  An 

empty  speech. 
iSjse^S    li-    »•    Danger,     peril;      injury; 

loss  in  trade.     -0.  One  who  cries  out 

when  he  is  not  hurt. 
^jS5f-3  (=!5j3PK).  tb.  of  dJdj^d)  ».  A  tub, 

trough,  etc.;  a  boat. 
lSj3?'rf  li.  n.  A  man  who  colours  leather. 
zIj^^Qcoo  h.  «.  A  sort  of  striped  cloth. 

zfjseeS  i^.  >i-  A  dooly  or  litter.       -Jj?yj . 

A  swinging  cradle, 
Z§j3?eJ0     (<b.  o/"  i^JS^U)  M.  A  large  drum. 


C^.    The    thirty-second    letter    of    the 

T^'S'S'^  s.  n.   The  letter  ^. 

r^3=3,^00-o',   li.  w.  Shoving  and    cuffing; 

c  o 

also  Ss3,  »jJJ* . 
t;^"^,  1.   h.  M.    A   sudden   push;    a  shock; 
damage,  harm.     -Sc^o,  -zS?s*o.  To  re- 
ceive a  shock. 

Tpt^,  2.  s.  M.  A  double  drum. 



Z33^'^0  f.   n.    Cast,    muuld;    way,    style. 
t^^T?.  A  clever  fellow. 



ra^.  The  thirty-third  letter  of  the  alpha- 
bet. It  stands  as  final  in  many 
Kannada  and  some    Tadbhava  tvords. 

as:    eA)E^<,    =5'r5*,    ?^3f^*,     n^ps*, 
0®53I^  s.  n.  The  letter  vs. 





3*.    The    thirty-fourth     letter     of    the 

oOXx3^0  h.  n.  A  note  of  hand.  bond. 
^^    (=:3iidj).   P.p.    of    ^A,    in    c^^J| 

^g'i^.  =  ;^^,  q.  c. 

^^'OD'do,  ^^GerJo  h.  n.  Starting  objec- 
tions; making  difficulties,  contesting. 
-is'iif.  An  appeal;   a  counter-petition. 

;^3^2)?;JJ  ('=^?:j°^'')  1^-  "•  -^^  offence, 
fault.     -n-)rf.  An  oflFender. 

^53'd  s.  ?i.  The  letter  3. 

3?f3S  h.  71.  Advances  made  to  culti- 
THtors  from  the   public  treasury. 

^%  (P.p.  rel.  of  ^rtJ)  k.  a.  Fit,  proper; 
right,  .suitable,  good;  worthy,  deserv- 
ing, n.  A  good  man,  friend,  ^^c^o. 
That  is  fit,  etc.;  anything  proper. 
^;?Sj  soJS^rt  .s^rfj,  you  ought  to  go. 
;SW.  oi,  3^  ootir^.  As  is  or  was  fit. 
-Si3J,     -»tJ,.  As   much  as  is  suitable. 

^o\(!i  f.  n.  A  b  lance  or  pair  of  scales 
-^'e3,  -^t)j .  fceale  weights.  -^^^ 
-23s3.  The  scale-pan. 

igS'.S??;^  k.  v.  t.    To  sprinkle,  as  water. 

s.'S^.'&XT.'h.n.  Fraud,  dishonest  doings 

^g'S,"?  k.  11.  The  tomato  or  love-apple 
Lycopersiciim  esciUentum. 

^^■'o,  a.  k.  ?i.  Greatness,  largeness.     2 


love,  affection,  desire.     -^J.  Fitness. 

g:^,  (=i3#2)  k.  n.  Embracing.  2 
wood,  etc.  that  can  be  once  grasped 
with  the  arms.  3,  joining;  a  mate 
4,  an  accumulation,  heap.  5,  a 
number  of  persons,  etc.  assembled  to- 
gether, [etc. 

^^ja.^J     (fr.  ^5*,  q.  v.)      r.  I.  To  take, 

;^^  h.  71.  A  tabular  statement,  etc. ;  an 
account,  as  of  receipts,  expenses,  etc. 

^3*0  h.  ?i.   A  pillow,  cushion,  pad. 

^o'j  s.  li.    Buttermilk. 

^"S,  ^  s.  n.     A    cutter,   carpenter;    rt/so 

».»^  III 

^^.       2,  the    principal     serpent     of 

i^AiS  k.  V.  The  under-shrub  Cassia  occi- 

dentalis.       2,    the    Indian    mulberry 

tree,  Morinda  citrifolia. 
i^Ac^J  f.  n.     A    flat    i)iece    or   sheet    of 

metal;  a  metal  plate. 
^Arf,  ^Af3  k.  n.     A  bug.     -il?^o.     To 

have  bugs. 
^7\t  {=  353CI.  th.  of  ^^OTi)  n.  Tin. 
;^A<io  (=  tJrtdj)  k.  Ji.   A  ram. 
eACJo,  ^7\0QJ.j  1.    k.    r.  J.      To    come   in 

contact    with;    to  touch,   hit. 
^aC^J,  i^AOCJo  2.  f.  71.  Trick,  fraud;  also 

zi7~\^x     -narf.  A  cheat. 
i^AooJ  a.  k.  n.  An  obstacle.    2,  connec- 
tion;   continuous  line;  order. 
©7u>:3  h.  71.     Urging   for   payment.      2, 

a  claim,  dispute;  a  suit. 
oAO  a.  k.  V.  i-  To  be  fit  or  proper;    see 

^7(:>^0  a.  k.  r.  /.   To  be  joined  together; 

to  approach;  to  commence,      r.  I.  To 

chase,    pursue;     to    drive    away;    to 

push  back. 

Saj^o    a.  k.  V.  t-    To  joi*     2,  to  get 
to.     3,  to  undertake;   to    employ.      4, 

to  set  on  fire. 
^■R  a.  k.  1-.  t.    To  stop,  arrest;    to  stun. 

71.  Stopping. 
^■Rlri:)  h.  ».   Dismissal. 
^7\  1.  k.  X.    N.    of  a  tree.       2,  a  largo 

shrub,  Clo7-ode7idro7i  phlomoides. 

;a7\   2.    h.  71.    Thuggee;    the  practice  of 

3?\  ?jj  k.  V.  t.    To    make    low;   to   bow, 

as  the  head;  to  lessen;  to  appease. 




^AO  k.  V.  i.   To  be  low,    depressed;    to 
stoop;     to    be    humble;    to    decrease; 

to  bo  appeased,  etc.    n-  Low  ground; 

a  declivity;      a   hole;  a  valley  ;      do- 
crease  ;    scarcity.       Shd  S?j.  A  dwarf. 

-rtcS.  A  low  paddy-field.    -rfoj?o.  Dear 

grain.     -Sin^^.    Dale    and  hill.        -t3u, 

-Z^JS^O.   Low   ground,      -doortj.     Ups 

and  downs. 
<^oaQ'^o  a-  k.  ?;.   A  cool  ray.      :Sor!arf. 

The  moon. 
^07^ ^0   ko    n.    Any    cold   or  stale    food, 

as  rice,  bread,  etc.:     also    3oris?^, . 
^07\3^  k.  «.  A  cool  breeze. 
^o?\  k.  /I.     A    younger    sister.       2,   an 

epithet    of   endearment    for   a  female 

younger  than  one's  self. 
^OaO  k.  I',  i.   To  stop;  to  stay,   sojourn. 

n.  Halt:   a  day's  journey. 
^CAO'Ti   k.  n.    A    horse's    or    elephant's 

^o^eS  k.  H.    The  plant  Cassia  auricu- 

^CS.3^,  ^33a?3iO  h.  H.     Investigating; 

planning;  arranging. 
i^oKsi^'do  k.  n.  Tanjore. 
;^y  s.  n-    A    declivity.       2,    a    bank    or 

shore.    3,  a  field.    4,  the  sky,  horizon. 

-^.  Standing  still;  awaiting  intently ; 

^135^0  k.  n.  A  drop,  as  of  water,  e<c.;  a 

small  quantity. 
^Uu'.N    k.  rtrf.    In   drops.        2,  quickly, 


i^UaoUj,    {fr.   csy,   -=s^jyo,)   k.  v.  t.    To 
I  eo  ^ 

hammer,  v.  i.  To  wander  about. 

^UrfU  k.  n.  Fraud,  trickery,     -n^rf.  A 

deceitful  man.  liar. 
^&7)ccio«   (i.  e.    da3^!oD0:b«)    k.  v.  i.     To 

pass  by  or  over,  as  a  river,  etc.     2, 

to  pass  right  through. 
^fos'djS.  =  aWi^fS,  q.  V. 
i^&oi^o    s.  n.  Lightning. 


^y,  a,  k.  n.     Flatness,  levelness.     2,  a 
thin,  emaciated  fellow. 

^M,c3  (=  ^y^  rS,  q.  V.)  k.  ad.  Suddenly, 
all  at  once. 

g^  (=  ;^a^,  g.  «.)  k.  n.  A  frame-work 
of  bamboos,  plaited  palm-leaves  or 
straw;    a  tatty.      2,   matting. 

^yj,  1.  k.  V.  t.  To  tap;  to  touch;  to 
pat;  to  strike;  to  clap;  to  knock;  to 
drive;  to  remove,  n.  A  slap  or  pat; 
a  blow.  2,  (fig.)  a  blow,  as  of  disease, 
danger,  etc.;  fatigue.  3,  the  measles. 
4,  flatness.  ->3jjyj,.  A  jjrreat  strait 
or  dilemma. 

gyj  2.  k.  H.   Side;  direction. 

;^yo   3.  h.  n.  A  pony  or  tattoo. 

^yj  4.  f.  n.  Sackcloth. 


;^S  1.  (=  3M,,  e<c.)  k.  n.  Flatness.     2,  a 

y  Ej 

fiat,    lid-like    basket.       3,    a  platter, 
plate.      4,  a  flat,   beanless  pod. 

^K  2.  k.  n.  A  bamboo  split  in  two. 


;^K  k.  n-  A  woman's  shoe. 

^ri  (cf.  c^::^^,  ad)  k.  n.  Check,  ob- 
stacle. 2,  delay.  3,  perplexity, 
confusion.  -riWj,.  To  stop,  as  water; 
to  charm,  as  snakes,  etc.  -^.  Stopp- 
ing, restraining;  lasting,  wearing 
well,  as  cloth,  -^a^o.  To  impede; 
to  perplex;  to  turn  the  wrong  way, 
-53Jt>:^j.  To  delay;  to  be  slow,  loiter; 
to  delude,  perplex,  -^srtj.  Delay  to 

^t^S'o  k.  I',  t.  To  grope  for,  seek.  3t^ 
■J-^j.    To  cause  to  seek. 

!^Zi7\ri  k.  n.    The  pulse  Vigna  catjang. 

^t^^k.  n.  Hindrance.  2,  a  small  cloth 
like  apron. 

^rf^&?jO  k.  I',   t.   To  grope;  to  seek. 

^:^4  k.  V.  t.  To  touch  or  rub  gently. 
2,  (=:^c^530-^o)  to  grope.  3,  to  stop. 
11.  Delay. 

;^ti^  k.  n.    A  time,  turn. 

;^r^?je;o  f.  ?i.  A  water-fall. 

;^t^?jO  a.  k.  I',  i.  To  stay,  wait.  v.  t. 
(=3a3dj)  To  stop,  hinder,  n.  Imped- 
ing, hindering. 



^ti^j  k.  u.  Stop,  cessation,  v.  I.  To 

t^ZoSS'o  f.  n.   Smartness,  shrewdness. 

^a  1.  k.  n.  A  thick  staff,  cudgel. 

^Ci  2.  k.  /(.  A  saddle  made  of  woollen 
or  cotton  cloth  ;    a  mattress. 

^5  3.  k.  a.  Damp,  wet.  -Sja.  Imper- 
fectly moistened,  as  clay. 

®5.4.  {lb.  of  ^ii)  n.  A  bank,  shore. 

^ci?f  (=32^)  k.  n.  A  frame  of  bamboos, 
straw  or  leaves  used  as  a  screen, 
tatty,  etc. 

^cirio  k.  I'.  /.  To  stop;  to  detain;  to 
keep  off. 

^c§  k.  ('.  i.  To  delay,  lose  time;  to 
loiter;  to  wait.  2,  to  last,  as  cloth, 
r.  I.  To  stop;  to  detain,  check;  to 
endure,  bear.  n.  (=  S3,  q.  v.)  An 
obstacle,  hindrance,  impediment;  a 
charm;  delay.  "^^^-  ~  SSriWo., 
s.  3:3,  q.  V.  -^^-  A  dam.  -eos^j. 
To  stop;  to  raise  objections. 

^C<SWZi02Z7i:>  ifr.  SF-0)  h.  r.  t.  To  inquire 

SOSiE^O  k.  n.  Glowing  coals. 

^T^Tio  k.  n.  Coldness,  coolness;  wetness; 
also  3ra^. 

^ri  k.  r.  i.  To  grow  cool;  to  be  refresh- 
ed; to  be  calmed  or  appeased.  2, 
to  get  feeble.  {P.p.  Srfi^J,  SricSo).  n. 
Shame,  modesty.  -?^J.  To  cool,  re- 
fresh, appease. 

^rfe^,  ;srf4,  ®f^04  k.  /(.  Coolness, 
calmness,  appeasement;  satiation. 

^fS7>  <g  =  3on-3S?,  a.  V. 


i^ctS  h.  n.  A  quarrel,  dispute;  trouble, 
annoyance.  2,  connection;  interfer- 
ence. -nscJ,  -sSji^d.  A  quarrelsome 
man.  -5jj?3J.  To  annoy.  -siJtiO.  A 
troublesome  person;  also  ^SoW  ajsO. 

;gcr^  k.  n.  A  mass;  a  multitude;  a 
crowd;  a  party.  3ocSj555J3o3.  Crowds 
upon  crowds. 

iMoXiTi  f.  n.  Pincers,   tongs. 

^cS  (=:t^oa)  k.  n.  Cold;  wetness. 
^oT^oe;    s.   n.    Rice    cleaned    from    the 

^c73  k.  H.  A  foot-ornament  of  women. 

^Ct?eC^    f>  "•    The    master   of  a   boat,    a 


<^r©  k.  n.  Coolness,  cold,     -n,  -fS.  Cold, 
cool;   cooling;    refreshing;   calm. 

^rf  p'dj  k.  n.  Cool  or  cold  water.       -3^. 

To  sprinkle  cold  water. 

i^fSTJaJj,  efo  <S)Ti3  k.  n.  Cool  breeze. 
ro  fo 

^1?  ^(^0   k.  71.  A  cool  shade. 

^f®o, .  =  3os3)5  g.  t'. 

^ri,n.'£JJ  k.  n.  Assuaged  sunshine  or 

e;^  s.  a.  Extended,  spread,  n.  A  string- 
ed musical  instrument. 

^S 1.  s.  n.  Extent;  a  series,  range;  a 
crowd,  troop.  [season. 

gS  2.   (lb.  of  33*)   ;(.   A    proper  time  or 

^'S'!>,<D  s.  n.  That  time;  present  time. 
ad.  Directly,  immediately. 

^©,  I  r®  s.  •«.  The  same  moment.  ad. 
Instantly,  forthwith. 

^^  "d  1.  f.  n.  Trembling,  shuddering. 
-njWj.,  -rljavo,.  3;^  Djoj.  To  tremble. 

^^■d2.  (rf=:e3)  a.  k.  Ji.  Perplexity,  con- 

^S    (=:ia,)  k.  ».  An  egg. 

sS^^xlJ  s.  a-  Intent  upon,  wholly  devoted 
to.     -^.  Entire  devotion. 

^^:)^dM  s.  ?i.  The  supreme  soul.  2,  a 
class  of  compounds  (g.). 

^^j?s'df  3.  a.  Prior,  former. 

^^3^1  s.  ad.  There,  thither;  therein;  then. 

^S^Q  s.n.  The  true  or  real  state;  reality, 
truth;  essential  nature;  the  very 
essence;  a  principle;  Brahma,  -ta . 
Knowing  the  true  nature  of  any- 
thing, understanding  the  principles 
of  a  science.  -J3^  ri.  Kuowledsre  of 
the  truth.  -J3^-?i.  A  philosopher. 
-ss^.  Philosophy. 




i^SsQ'rf  s.  n.  Want,  lack. 

'^^I'dd  s.  a.     The    same    with    it.      n.  A 

word  that  exists  in   Kannada  as  well 

as  in  Samskrita. 
^q3?  s.  ad.  So,  thus.      2,  it  is  so.     ~^^- 

May  it  be  so. 
J^qio  s.  a.  True,  genuine.     «.  Truth. 
J^dS'o  k.  V.  t-  To  strike,  beat.      n.  Strik- 
ing, beating. 
^rf^joi^'d  s.a.  Next  to  that.      ad.  Tliere- 

upon,  then. 
^c3£)J.  i^rfo      k.  H.   A   frame   of  thorns, 

etc.,  used  as  a  gate  in  a  hedge. 
^C3atj£jjn  s.  rtd.  Thence,  since  then. 
^QS'o,  ^rfjS'j  k.  n.   The  gum  olibanum 

tree,  Boswellia  thurifera. 
^a?\f©    k.  !i?i<.  So^mds   used  in  beating 

time  in  music. 
^ti-R.  tb.  of  ^,>S°odb,   q.  V. 

^O  ^  s.  71.   That   day.       2,  the   day   of 

mourning  for  deceased  relations. 
^rf'rfjr   s.  n.    That    business:    that    re- 

(^a  ^  s.  n.  j4n  af/?a;  <o  form  nouns,  or  a 

noun    formed    by    it;      a     derivative 

noun    (g.). 
i^rf/rf    s.    n.    A    word    corrupted    from 

Samskrita  or  any  other  language. 
^cSQ§  s.  ad.   So,  in  that  manner;  also, 

^^  k.  An  affix  for  forming  trtie  Kannada 

words,  as:    Iu=^dj-,  ^O-,  *^-,   u:^-, 

dJ^-,  etc. 
^fSS'  k.  prep.   Till,  until,  as  far  as. 
i^ji-CT  h.  n.  Ascertaining;   examination. 
i^jo'cdo     s.     n.     A     son;     /".    ^fdo3j.     A 

^o)  a.    k.    V.    i.     To    thrive,      develop. 

P.  p.  ^Si^J.      «.   The   state  of  having 

thriven,  full,  developed,  matured,  etc. 

-rtosj.    A    rich    fragrance.        -rSwjr. 

Juicy    sugarcane.       -i3ej.    Delicious 

jaggory.        -rf^.     Essence,    excellent 

flavour.       -iii$dd^.     Great     heroism. 

-^jsj.  Great  pleasure  or  joy.  -?3j51o 
rtj.  Great  beauty.  -Sorf€.  Great 

^?5ol.  s.  a.  Thin,  slender;  small;  deli- 
cate, n.  The  body.  2,  the  skin.  -23, 
-.3^^,  -i;)53.  A  son;  f.  -ra^i,  -:3.  -SjOfi 
hS^.   Body,   mind,  and  property. 

^?jO  2.  =  3o^,  q.  i\ 

^c2  k.  n.    Pregnancy  of  beasts. 

^o^Xi.  tb.  of  ^0^,  q.  V. 

^oS  (tb.  of  3oS)  M.  A  string,  cord;  a 
wire,  as  of  a  lute.  -Wsjs  «jj.  The 
telegraph.  -;:dCj<..  A  stringed  instru- 
ment.    -3^~53j3Fj.  a  telegram. 

^o^O  1.  (=  ^oasj)  k.  Third  pers.  singl. 
impf.  of  ^ciJ. 

^o^J  2.  s.  «.  A  thread,  string,  a  fila- 
ment; a  wire.  -=^^^.  Weaving,  spin- 
ninff.  -SW.  Cotton  cloth.  -J3^ci„.  Any 
stringed      instrument.  -wsxij,     A 

weaver;  a  spider;  a  loom.  -2i;3dJ»3. 
A  thread  Brahmaua. 

^o^^  3.  tb.  of  ^0  3,,  g.  V.  -n^rf.  A 
cunning    man. 

^o^i  s.  n.  A  thread.  2,  a  loom;  ves- 
ture. 3,  a  system;  ritual.  4,  an 
established  doctrine.  5,  magical  and 
mystic  formularies.  6,  a  charm.  7, 
a  design;  cunning,  trick,  intrigue, 
plot.  8,  a  curse;  plotting.  -n^iS. 
(=  :^o^jn^rf)  A  cunning,  crafty  man. 
-Zoo:3j  s3J33j.  To  contaminate,  adul- 

(^oSj  s.  n.  =  ^0^.  2,  a  pujari.  -Tid. 
To  use  an  expedient. 

;^oCj6  a.  k.  n.  Water-drops,  spray. 

;^orfj.  P.  p.  of  ^tfJ,  q.  V. 

^o£  k.  n.  Fatlier.  -rt  ^od.  A  paternal 
grandfather.  -3^o5j.  Father  and 
mother.  -33oajr!s?j,  Parents.  -si»a. 
Relationship  by  father's  side. 

^oQj  s.  Ji.  Fatigue;  sleepiness;  exhaus- 

^jiv  k.  pro.  Gen.  of  s^foJ,  q.  v.;  dat. 
^t^^;  ace.  ^r^^ij;  abl.   :Sa  ocS. 




^^i^  k.  2nd  pers.  pi.  imp.  of  ^i-J- 

^^  z^n  s.  ad.    Meanwhile. 

!^33  s.  n.  Heat;  burning.  2,  the  hot 
season.  3,  austerity,  penance.  4, 
a  demon.  -rtoiiJ,.  To  perform  a 
penance,  -ri.  Heating,  burning;  the 
sun;  mental  distress.  SvSji'lz^^.  Rich 
in  penance;  ascetic,  pious;  an  as- 
cetic, devotee.  cS^Sj'S^djs^tf.  One  of 
the  seven  Hindu  worlds  inhabited  by 

is3j^,c2  k.  ad.   All  at  once. 


eSjK  f-  n.  A  tambourine  beaten  with 

^Sj'CDSOO  h.  n.  A  slap  on  the  check. 

iSsieS  f.  H.  A  round  metallic  cooking 
vessel.  [tiou. 

^3i§>e£J0li.  «.    Details,    minute  descrip- 

ori'5'  -do®,  eSj^'  -d??,  e^;^  odor  (/"r.  3*j) 
s.  «.   The  practice  of  penance. 

^Z^,  ;^jj?j0'  if):  3^)  s.  «.  Heat.  2, 
austerity,  penance. 

eSi^Jl.,  ^Ti^l  (tb.  of  ^SjAiJ  ?i.  An  as- 
cetic, religious  mendicant;  f.  -S). 

S3j^2,  f.  n.  The  wild  maugosteen,  Vios- 
pyros  embryopteris  ;  also  -?^:S.  2,  the 
plant  Caesalpinia  bonducella. 

^ZJX)t)0.  =  ysJ'seJJ,  q.  V. 

^h^  s.  a.  Heated,  burnt. 

Sbtio  s.  I',  i.     To  be  hot;   to  burn;  to 

suffer  pain. 

^ti    s.  a.   Heated,   burnt,  afflicted. 

^^i>.  =  c^rfjs:,   3Sjr,   Pres.    j-eL  |)a>'<.  of 



5.  =  :^5ie3,  q.  v. 

(^3rfvc3  k.  ad.   Quickly,   all  at  once. 
^t..Q,  ^t.^d  k.  n.     The    level   ground 
on  the  top  of  a  mountain;  table-land. 

fyJsTi,   =  dSjAjfSS,  q.  V. 

;^?-\?jO  k.  r.  /.  To  cause  to  miss  or  pass 
by;  to  let  slip;  to  avert;  to  evade; 
to  avoid;  to  escape,  etc. 

^^\  k.  V.  i.  To  make  a  false  step;  to 
slip;  to  mistake  or  blunder;  to  be 
missed  or  lost;  to  fail;  to  disappear; 
to  miss.  n.  Slipping,  erring.  2,  a 
slip,  error,  mistake,  blunder;  an 
impropriety;  a  fault,  misdemeanour. 
3s  a.  A  false  step.  -Ui>j  =#-■?'=? j..  To 
acknowledge  one's  fault.  -^5Trf'#.  A 
gift  to  make  amends  for  a  misdeed. 
-^ej?i.  A  misdeed.  -^  ^o^io,  -jSoSj.^Co. 
-^cosij.  To  overlook  a  fault,  -rioiio. 
A  wrong  knot  or  connection.  -s:'30. 
A  wrong  road.  -:2$S?J.  A  mistake  to 
occur.  -3jti3J.  To  make  a  mistake. 
-Srfj.  To  correct  a  mistake.  -K^ 
tp^.  To  charge  (a  man)  with  a  fault. 
-coa.  To  find  fault  with.  -^'d.  = 
3Sa.  -mJtOx^.  To  accuse  (one)  of 
a  fault,  -d.  Erring,  missing.  3»b 
^JS^rio.  To  be  lost,  as  an  employ- 
ment; to  go   astray. 

i^^B^^O  li.  u.  Difference;  deviation, 
variance,  as  of  accounts;  failure; 

^eOtJ',  igaog'o  h.  71.  A  plate  for  betel- 
leaf,   etc. 

5^2065.  =  :^Sii,  q.  v. 

^200^0  h.  «.  A  packet  of  papers.  2, 
a  string  which  binds  a  packet. 

^sSftxiO^O  h.  «.  Constitution;  disposi- 

isc3?e5  h.  n.  A  stable. 

1^80, 0;cb  k.  V.  t.  To  be  overcome  by 
terror,  grief,  etc;  to  be  amazed.  2, 
to  slip,  stumble. 

^20  e?.  =  ^t-^O,  q.  t'.  -^J5^o.  An  orphan, 
child.  -^OS.  "Vile  action.  -53J?iJsS,, 
A  vile  man. 

ScSaiO    k.  n.  Bewilderment,  maze. 

^83  eD  (=  :Sjo,€)  k. «.  A  child's  bereave- 
ment  of  its  mother  or  parents.  2,  a 
wretched,  mean  or  inferior  person  or 

^200  k.  V.  t.  To  embrace.  2.  to  clasp 
in  the  arms,  as  a  quantity  of  wood, 




etc.    n.    An    embrace.         -^joj^.    An 

armful  of  grass.    ^A^o.  To  cause  to 

embrace  or  clasp, 
^s!)  ?«3      h.      )i.      Exchange,      transfer; 

^^0  s.  a/f.  of  snperl.  Most. 

^Ti^OT^  k.  pro.  (dat.  of  sss^)  To  them. 

^^o^j,  ;^rfo:^j  .  ^^j,  ujO  k.  pj'o.  Theirs; 

'  — d'  o 

yours  (honorif.J. 

i^oi3?ij33'0  h.  n.  A  note  of  hand,  bond. 

^"^^TiJl  (tb.  of  :^5io;^)  n.  Darkness, 
gloom.  2,  mental  darkness;  sin; 
ignorance.      3,  Eahu.  fentirely. 

^rfresi'oo  h.  n.  The  whole,     ad.  Wholly, 

i^oSra^  h.  71.  A  farce;  tricks  of  con- 
jurers; sport,  fun;  a  pantomime. 
-Htid.  A  showman,  buffoon. 

^So^  K.  n.  The  Tamil  language;  Tamil. 

^c^  (=^£c!0)  k.  )i.  Coolness,  coldness; 
wetness;  a  cooling,  gratifying  or  re- 
freshing quality  or  thing.  a.  Cool. 
ad.  Coolly.  -siJScSj,  :^oh:^o.  To  cool: 
to  extinguish,  as  fire  or  a  light. 
-T\5^.  A  cool  wind.  ^OiLoS  sSjO.  A 
shady  tree. 

^oSOS  3iDe3  k.  n.  A  shrub  with  long 
thorns  and  fragrant  yellow  flowers, 
Acacia  ehurnea. 

®o80^  (s?  =  C3).  =  ;S<2o°T?,  q.  V. 

^o£3S'5^,  ^oZ5^^^   li.  H-  Tobacco. 

^oeS  h.  n.  Chastisement,  beating. 

^oeS/^.  =  lio'&f^,  q.  r. 

^o83yo,  k.  n.  The  flour  of  fried  rice 
mixed  with  milk  or  water,  jaggory, 

^cZ:)^  h.  n.  A  tent. 

^oeOoO.  tb.  of  3^oWJ30,  q.  V. 

^oZd^V  k.  n.  Yegetables  ground  with 
cocoanut  scrapings,  mixed  with  curds, 
salted  and  seasoned  to  taste. 

^oaOjaTJ  h.  n.  A  kind  of  guitar  with 
three  to  five  strings;  also  ^OWJSO. 

^^J,  1.  k.  pro.  (gen.  of  3ei4)  Their;  your 
{honorif.).      -cSo.  Theirs;  yours.     Ace. 

:Soij,  ?io, ;     instr.  ;^<0j,  orfi    loc.  c^sSj.O. 

^^J.  2.  k.  n.   A  younger   brother;    also 
a  word  of  endearment ;  pi.  ;3i3a on,Oo, 

isaj^oadj.  [^rine. 

txid,  13  (=  ^s$^,  (T.  V.)   k.  M.  A  tambou- 

i^^O.  ^  k.  ?i.  An  attendant  on  an  idol. 


^^J.    k.  w.     The    lobe   of   the   ear    or 
gristle  of  the  nose.     -f\:i.  A  cultivat- 
ed pulse,   Dolichos  lablab. 

i^cdjij'd,  ^odjsdo  h.  ft.  Prepared,  made 
ready,  waiting  to  do,  etc.  ;^odJ30. 
Readiness,     preparation.  -Sjsc^j, 

^odjaO^^o.  To  make  ready,  prepare. 

gd  1.  (=  Sdflo,  ^03)  h,  n.  Kind,  manner, 
fashion;  rank,  class;  sort;  succes- 
sion; order;  equality.  2,  a  layer, 
stratum;  a  heap.  -T\h.  Classification; 
sort,  kind;  condition;  grade,  class. 
-nDrf.  A  bricklayer,  -^tf.  rep.  Va- 
rieties. ■T?'?*-.  Low  rank,  inferior 
sort.       53j?C*-.  High  rank,  good   sort. 

^d2.  k.  An  imitative  sound.  -rtjWj^. 
To  tremble.     -^^  =  :Sci3rf. 

i^rJS.  s.  aff.  of  comp.  degree.  More;  as: 
659^-,   ^ol)-,  ej^j-,  etc. 

^"d4.  s.  M.  Passing,  crossing;     also  -ts. 

^r!^£)J  (=3d^j,  ;^rf?iJ  2)  k.  ?i.  Rough, 
ness,  unsmoothness,  unevenness;  as: 
-*oio«?,  -'s's-'J,)  -fSw,  -53j^,  etc. 

i^rissS  h.  n.  Esculent  vegetables. 

i^TJS^o.  =  ^ciB'ajj,  fjf.  V. 

^^A  °J  k.  ?«.  Cassia  tora;  cf.  ^rtz^. 

gTJAO  1.  (=^rio)  k.  n.  Diminishing; 
wastage.  2,  customary  deduction; 
brokerage,  commission.  :^dfifiorSa. 
A  broker's  shop. 

^Ti7\d2.  (i5=e3)  k.  M.  That  which  is 
dried:  dry  or  dead  leaves  said  to  be 
eaten  by  ascetics.    ^diieS.  A  dry  leaf. 

^Tio  A  s.  n.  A  wave,  billow,  surge,  ^^o 
Tici.  A  river. 

i^tiW,  ^TJUo  a.  k.  ».  Baldness.  -cis3,  -Soo 
:«.  A  bald  head. 




^TJr®  s.  a.  Crossing  over.  30rl.  A 
float,  boat;  the  sun;  the  plant  Aloe 
perfoliala  ;  a  kind  of  rose. 

^d^^,  -N.  k-  ad.  Tremblingly;  quak- 
ingly.     -?i:^ortJ.  To  tremble,  quake. 

^rfcSjtilij  h..  n.  Getting  ready;  improv- 
ing; effort,  labour,  exertion. 

^TJs^  k.  n.  An  inferior  stone  like  a 
diamond;  also  3ti^. 

^rf^  h.  n-  Side,  direction;  party;  a 
division  of   a  district. 

^T^eOj  (=  ^rfjWJ.  ci  =  i3)  k.  f.  i.  To  stay, 

©titS?:^  h..  71.   Education,  training. 

STJSJ  s.  a.  Moving  to  and  fro,  unsteady, 
fickle.  2,  liquid.  3,  sparkling.  n. 
A'  child,  infant.  2,  the  central  gem 
of  a  necklace.  -^,  -^.  Unsteadiness. 
:^d«3.  Rice-gruel. 

s^sa-rf,  ^dsaO  (=  35j^-3d)  f.  ?i.  A 
sword,  scyraitar. 

©■d?j  s.  ?!.    Meat,  flesh. 

^xi7j:i  1.  =  :^0;^j,  q.  v. 

^TJrio  2.  (=  lixi^zjj)  k.  M.  A  field 
lying  waste  or  fallow. 

gdS;.  =  ^i  1,  q.  V. 

^TJ^d  k.  n.  The  exercise  of  patience, 
forbearjince ;  also  ^SSoO^.  ;^3co0 
?iJ.   To  be  patient;  to  bear   patiently. 

^rji$.  =  3Co,  q.  V. 

^d^O    k.    ■«.    A    ripe    dried   fruit,   as  a 

;^'ds?(S=a)  h.  n.    A  useless   business. 

-sSj^j^S,.     a    sood-for-nothing     man. 

-SjsSj.  a  useless  word. 
1^03  (=  ^rf  1).  -3d.  rep.    Various  kinds 

or   ways;    differences  of  rank.     -^'■?. 

Various  kinds. 
^cti^oS    (lb.    of     :^^a7)-:^^0)    n.     Speed, 

^TjDSjO  (=  3^^J)  h.  ».  A  balance,  scales. 
^5l.  (=  ^cJ^oj)  k.  w.  Roughness;  grit. 

:^0  2.  (0=i3')  k.  r.  <.  To  strip  or  cut 
off   the    leaves     from    a    bough,    etc., 

to  pluck:  to  cut.    V.  i.  To  be  chafed 

or  grazed.     -?jJ.   To  cause  to  cut. 

^8?jj  s.  r.  /.  To  cross  over ;  to  float, 

«t:^0  1.  k.  ('■  I.  To  bring;  to  give.  P.  p. 
SocSo;  neut.  sing,  past  Soft^j,  3o3j. 
imper.  2nd.  pars,  siyig.  ss;  pi.  3^, 
30j.  30j:j.  To  cause  to  lead  or 
bring,  -35?.  Bringing  home,  as  a 
girl  for  marriage.  -!S=#.  Bringing, 

edo  2.  (tJj==)j)  a.  k.  r.  i.  To  join; 
to  approach;  to  engage  in.  n.  The 
state  of  being  joined,  fit.  or  settled. 
-^3901),  q.   v. 

^do  3.  s  n.  A  tree.  -^ol3.  A  squirrel. 
-d;3dr*.  The  foot  of  a  tree. 

LOOP'S  1.  s.  a.  Toung,  tender,  juvenile; 
fresh,  lively,  n.  A  young  man;  a  boy; 
f.  ^cJjrS.  -3,  -3.  Tenderness,  youth, 

^■dor©  2.  (!Jj=  SJ)  k.  n.  Fit  or  proper 

^dJ^i.  =  30^,  q.  V. 

^doSOO.  =  jrfwj,   g.  V. 

^cJonacxJo  (/*-.  3rfj  2,  g.  r.)  k.  ad. 
Afterwards,  subsequently. 

^3^r  s.  ?i.  Supposition,  conjecture.  2, 
reasoning,  speculation.  3,  delibera- 
tion; dispute,  discussion.  4.  doubt. 
5,  logic.  6,  wish.  7,  motive.  -^,  3 
•s-"?*.  A  logician,  disputant,  reasoner. 
-^Tsd.  Disputation.  -<od,,  -s?^.  The 
science  of  logic.  ;^3-~^j.  To  reason; 
to     speculate,  dispute. 

^3i?"jj  s.  n.  Threatening,  pointing  at 
in  ridicule;  putting  to  shame;  wrath. 
^^rS).  The  forefinger.  3ijrSj.  To 

^^iOF'Soh.  H.  A  translation;  an  abstract. 

^Sj^C©  s.  ?i.  Satisfying,  pleasing;  satis- 
faction ;  an  oblation  to  the  manes  or 
gods;  a  libation.  :ihr7ij.  To  please, 
satisfy;  to  offer  an  oblation  to  the 
manes  or  gods. 




^e3r  {=3:i4)  k.  n.  Idle  talk, 
i^^f,   ^^"P3  s.  J(.    Thirst  ;   desire. 
;^e;  1.  (=  ;S°^)  s.  /I.   A    level  surface.      2, 
the  palm  of  the  hand.      3,  depth;  the 
lower    part,    base;    a    pit,    pond;    the 
ground.       4,  the    palmyra    tree.      5, 
cause,  origin,   motive.      c^s^aSej.    One 
of  the  seven  divisions  of  hell. 
:^(V2.=  ?-ti  I,  etc.,  q.v.  -cS03o:Sd  (=  3o- 
3eJ-Sfo3rf).    Generations  upon  genera- 
tions.   3C5o3rf.  A  generation. 
^©^  k.  t'-  i-   To   reach,    come  to   hand; 
to    arrive.  ^^^hKj.    To    cause    to 

reach,  etc. 
;ge;20j  h.  n.  Pay,  wages;  a  summons. 
^V^T)Ti  (=3ti^3rf)  f.  n.  A  sword. 
^<ysD.  =  S°T?J33d.  q.  V. 
^ei34  ^-  "•  -^  tank. 

^e;s?jJ  li.  M.  Search,  quest.  -53J3:^J. 
To  make  inquiry  into;  to  get,  obtain. 
Sd  k.  n.  The  head;  a  generation;  that 
which  is  uppermost  or  principal. 
-^^J,.  A  head-tie;  the  head  or  top- 
dash  of  a  letter;  an  adjoining  field. 
-=#s?nj,  -'i'-PA.  The  head  downvvards; 
topsyturvy.  -^^jsW  53j30.  A  brawler. 
-ria.  To  behead.  -n^cdbj.  To  pro- 
tect, -howo.  A  pillow.  -;i33oJ  {~r\a). 
To  decapitate.  -T^^tij.  To  rise  to  the 
bead,  to  affect  it,  as  poison.  -r1j33o. 
To  risk  one's  life  in.  -Ajzoioo..  To 
decapitate,  -rijsoij.  A  murderer;  a 
ruffian;  a  cheat.  -SdjrSj.  To  become 
giddy.  -3J3rtj.  To  nod;  a  nod.  -So 
Zoj.  =  -AoWJ.  -i3j3?rfj.  To  spring  up, 
appear,  -njsjxjjj,  -^a.  The  head  to 
ache.  -FjJS^s^,  -Aj^o.  The  headache. 
-5ji3,.  A  piece  of  wood  over  a  door. 
-SWo,.  An  application  for  headache. 
-Keinuj.  The  entrance  door.  -Wjrfjd. 
The  skull.  -^ejrto.  The  ridge-pole. 
-i3?c3.=  3e3c3j3?5S.  -i3»=3d.  Tiresome- 
ness. -■!^JS^^:=ij.  To  shave  the  head. 
-t3j3;s?A)=fj3VJ<,    -SjsaAj^v'aVJ .  To  get 

the  head  shaved,  -cdj  sSj^d  ^jscSj,. 
To  trouble;  to  be  forward,  -odj  dj^d 
cSjt)3j  T?J3°vJj.  To  take  upon  one's  self. 
-odj^iSd.  A  chief,  headman,  -cdjsrfj. 
A  kind  of  yoke  for  cattle,  -^j:^^.  To 
rise  from  a  poor  condition.  -^Sjs^^J. 
The  skull.  -Uj^n^o.  To  bend  the 
head,  obey.  -:33riJ.  The  head  to  bend. 
-2!j3e3.  = -fSjs^o^.  -3oot3j.  a  ridge  tile. 
-Soa.  To  affect  the  head,  as  a  strong 
smell,  etc.  -^-S?^.  A  very  dissolute 
man.        -coxd.    A    load  carried  upon 


the  head. 

^(t)^  s.n.  A  bed;   a  couch.     2,  an  upper 

^e;  r»3    eC;  ^    k.  n.    Agitation;     alarm; 

i<o  in 

fear;     grief,     e/c.       32j^rfiSj.    To     be 

agitated,    alarmed;      to     be    anxious 

i^d  s.  pro.  Of  thee,  thine,  thy. 
^Ti"^    s.  n.    Love;    desire;     eagerness; 

haste,  hurry.      ;^33-jXj.  To    be  eager; 

to  hasten. 
^d^?rj  {tb.  of  Sj^^**  ?d)      n.  Manna  of 

bamboo.      2,  an  extract  from  wheat, 

^rfUo  (=  35^Wj)  k.  V.  t.  To  sift  pounded 

grain,  etc.,   on  a  bamboo  fan. 
^^t^J,  ^4)<i^  k-  n.  Bran. 
g^TJ,  i^S^I^ol.  f.  n.   Tin. 
^^TJo2.  k.  ?i.   The  house  of   a  woman's 

own  people;  also  -SjfS. 
^n^OSO    h.  »i.    A    fine;     ill-luck,    great 

trouble.      2,  detention. 
;^;;J    a.  k.  t'.  t.    To    decrease;     to    waste 

away;    to  perish,     v.  t.  To    diminish. 

n.  Decrease;    rain.       S^I^jO.  To  cause 

to  decrease;  to  destroy. 
■■g^Uo.  —  3SMj,  f/.  y. 
^^^'hxi  k.  n.  The  gooseberry  bush,  the 

red  myrtle,  lihodomyrtus  tomentosa- 
;^^  1.=  Si^,  5.  V. 
;^5  2.     a.  k.  ad.     Abundantly,     wholly, 

^5  3.  h.    ru    A  metal     lid    of    cooking- 







^?j^(2;o,  o?j^0  f.  n.   Cheating,  trickery. 

o?jD?3'o  ( =  3Ai  ?*:)  h.  ?!.  A  fixed  allow- 
ance paid  by  government  to  a  pa- 
goda, mosque,  etc.,  in  lieu  of  assumed 

i^;t'83o'dJ  h.  n.  A  picture.  \-i^  A 

.  /(.  A  thief,  robber;  theft;  f. 
-  3X^ejj,  q.  V. 

^^e?ro.  =  3^a?*0,  q.  V.  ^^^^^ 

^rfi    h.  71.     A    metal    ■water-vessel;    an 

S5o  1.  a.  k.  /id.  pres.  part-  of  3tfo. 

^00 2.  li,  «.  Peace;  agreement  of  opinion. 

-cSssSj.  A  written  treaty,  agreement. 

^So'&eS'o  h.  a.  Correct,  true.  , 

^  [ness. 

^^i^^  k.  n.     Anxiety;   distress;   eager- 

^5oAj?2^J  (=  S'sAi^OJ)  h.  n.  Collection 
of  the  revenue.  -Ctirf.  A  Tahsildar,  a 
native  collector,  the  head  of  a  talook. 

^^  (=  3ti  1,  q.  V.)  s.  n.  The  bottom, 
eic;  the  hand.  -^ejj.  The  lowest 
step,  as  of  a  ladder.  o«r?O^J.  To 
dry  what  is  at  the  bottom;  to  rest 
the  feet  after  much  walking. 

<^S?'5'o  k.  n.  Shine,  glitter,  flash.  2, 
coquetry.  3,  =  3^,.  -j3i;=to.  To  tie 
two  beasts  together. 

^^^^  k.  n.  Brightness,  gleam,  glitter. 
-rtjWjj,  3s*3s??iJ.  To  glitter,  flash, 

^^3i,  ^^si)  k.  n.  Splendour,  lustre, 
shine;   a  dye  to  colour  the  hair. 

^"Siijas;*,  ;^^^^  k.  M.  Agitation,  alarm, 
fear,  -rtoWj.,  3v*Sjs??:o.  To  be  agitat- 
ed, alarmed. 

^^5  a.  k.  r.  i.  To  move;  to  totter;  to 
set  out,  depart,    n.  Moving;  tottering. 

^^■rfd,  is«?S3:J  (lb.  of  Ji  o^iiC!)  n.  A 
watchman,  beadle.  -?J  w°V).  A  climb- 
ing herb,  Vilis  setosa. 

3^5cO,  evaa  f.  n.  The  foundation  of 
a  building. 

^'b'].  k.  r.  <.  To  strew,  sprinkle,  n. 
Strewing,  sprinkling.  3s??Jo.  To  cause 
to  sprinkle. 

^V  2.  k.  V.  i-     To  shoot,  sprout.     2,  to- 

unfold;  to  appear,  n.  A  race,  family; 

a  stock  or  breed. 
e^3.  k    71,     A    fence;     an    asylum;    a 

choultry  for  travellers. 
^^4.  (^:=C:-')    k.  n.  A  clog,   cudgel;   a 

^'^'R  f.   n.     A   metal   plate  turned  up  at 

the  rim. 
i^'^^J  a-  k.  V.  i.     To    sprout,    put    forth 

leaves.       )i.  A    young    shoot,    sprout. 

3s?nijri3.  a  bud-like  lip.        3^;3j3-e 

tira.     A     festoon     of    young     leaves. 

Se.'jSrc^j.   To    put  forth  shoots.     -3s? 

Sr?3.   A  bed  of  tender  leaves 
^^?3o    ((/.  s.  3s?  1)    k.  V.  t.    To  pound, 

^^OAO  (=:3orSc)  k.  V.  i.    To  stay,   halt. 
^%"*0^(=  3:^4)  a.  k.  i'.  i.  To  stay,  delay; 

to  be  slow;  to  be  bewildered,  n.   Stop, 

t^  1.  a.  k.  f.  /.      To   hold;  to  bear;   to 

carry,  support;    to  obtain,  get.     n.  A 

tie,  halter,  fetters. 
;^s?  2.  («?=C05)    k.   n.     A    parasol,    an 

^^J,  k.  r.  t.     To    smear    the  body  with 

an  imguent.     n.  Anointing;   lustre. 

i^VO    («^o=  Kj).  =  3r(o  .  n.  v. 
/^  ^   r\        tx  IX  ^ 

^^  c^  a.  k.  n.     Embarrassment,    fear, 


i^^  k.  n.  Connexion;  association,  com- 
pany;  intimacy.  2,  raising  quarrels; 
slander,  calumny.  -sSjs^cS.  A  sland- 
erer. -SjsSj.  To  calumniate.  -SSiJr, 
An  anonymous  petition. 

;^s?o  (=  ^^-5)  k.  r.  t.  To  push,  shove 
away,  thrust,  drive;  to  dismiss,  reject. 
n-  Pushing,  etc.;  dismissal;  also  -S^S, 


30],    SaO.    =  33i^0,    (/.   t\ 

so  2.  k.   2nd  J3<'rs.    sing.    imp.    of   3rfj. 

SD^^^o    h.  «.  Power,  strength. 




SC'&ea,  ©S'S'erfj  h.  «.  injunction,  direc- 
tion. 2,  a  letter  from  a  superior  to 
a  subordinate  government  officer. 

SDS^O  (=  S'srij)  k.  V.  i.  To  join,  touch. 
0.  t.  To  come  in  contact  with,  to  hit, 
strike  or  dash  against;  to  collide 
with;  to  attack,  n.  Touching,  hit- 
ting. -^JS^'S^o.  "Wear  and  tear.  3e)^ 
?oJ.  To  make  touch,  etc. 

'ST)^:>'^,  =  3=)rtos?,  q.  V. 

^^7^Qsi^§>  b.  prep.  Until;  up  to. 

©SAO.  =  SB'S'J,  q.  V. 

©3ao5  a.  k.  /I.  An  ambush,  lurking 

SDAO'^  (—  3s'5'0t?)  a.  k.  n.  Ardour, 
passion;  formidableness. 

S33jSj  SS^?  h.  a.  Fresh;  green;  new. 
-B^odo*.  A  fresh  para;   a  postscript. 

3523?rfoo  h.  n.  Treating  with  ceremony 
and  respect. 

§sy  li.  11.  A  dining  plate.  2,  stiffness, 
tightness;  pride;  also  ssU.  -f\^ .  A 
quarrelsome,    wicked  woman. 

SDU'S-,  S3135  s.  n.  A  female  fiend;  a 
vixen;  a  hideous  woman.  -^^.  A 
wicked,  quarrelsome  disposition. 

SBUj  l.k.  y.  <.  To  strike  against,  touch, 
come  in  contact  with.  2,  to  strike. 
n.  Striking  against,  etc.  -Sojsa.  To 
knock  one  against  another. 

SsUj  2.  f.  n.     The    sloping    frame   of  a    | 

eSU0  3.  =  35  W,  q.  V. 

^^kio  4.  h.  n.  Pomp;  show.  -nsti.  A 
showy   man.       -Sj3::^o.    To  make  fine. 

^7)7i^  s.  n.  Beating,  striking.  39a?iJ" 
To  beat. 

SSf^.  tb.  of  ?;gjN,  q.  t\ 

SDCcItS  s.  71.  A  wild  dance,  esp.  of  the 
god  Siva. 

Sscrfsss?  k.  «.  Cast  iron;  also  ^o:Sj3^"^. 

gs;g  (=;So:5)  s.  /i.  A  father.  2,  a 

S;)eS^js!^o  k.  a.  Full  of  holes. 

SbS.  =  3s)0!)jS,  (JI.  v. 

ssss,e!3'5^  (fr.  ^3^ej)  s.  «••  Contempo- 
rary, instantly  appearing;  immediate. 

gsavCdOr"  s.  n.  Aim,  object,  purpose, 
intent.  2,  meaning,  purport,  drift. 
3,  explanation. 

^ti'S^lp  f.  n.  Slight,  disrespect,  contempt. 

aSSvE^  s.  ad.  Such  like,  such  a  one. 

3S?^  s.  a.  Drawn,  stretched,  n.  Ex- 
panse; a  thread;  a  tone; the  key-note 
in  music. 

SDfjO  1.  k.  pj'o.  He,  she,  it,  in  the 
reflexice  or  reciprocal  sense,  pi.  3D5$, 
3=)c3=)^.    Of  himself,  etc,  voluntarily. 

■33^02.  h.  n.  A  web  or  piece  of  cloth. 

^ScSj'S^  s.  a.  Relating  to  tantras.  n.  A 
man  versed  in  any  science  or  system; 
a  scholar. 

SSX!s.  vj.  Heat;  torment;  distress,  -^,ti. 
A  burning  fever.  -3^01:.  The  three 
sorts  of  affliction,  i.  e.  udhidaivika, 
adhibhautika  and  adhyatmika. 

33ojSS;*o  k.  n.  A  bar,  bolt. 

S3b  s.  a.  Oppressed  by  heat.  -^,  Heat- 
ed, distressed,  pained. 

sslbrdo  s.v.i.  To  be  hot;  to  burn;  to 
suffer  pain.     v.  t.  To  warn,  admonish. 

33J^  k.  n.  A  pimp's  house. 

SS33  li.  n.  A  set  of  dancing  girls  and 

3533?    b.  n.  A  kind  of  silk  cloth. 

g320j3£0  h.  n.  A  bier  carried  about  at 
the  Moharam  by  Muhammadans. 

gsaS  h.  n.  Dependance;  charge,  -cstid. 
A   dependant. 

S3e3sao  (=  3t)oi3?ejJ)  k.  n.  A  turtle. 

SS^OtS  ( =  333i3)  a.  k.  n.  A  lotus.  2, 
the  ring-worm. 

SS^ri  (/"»•.  3j3o?3*)  s.  a.  Of  darkness, 
w.  Slothfulness,  slowness;  darkness. 
2,  a  villain.  -rrsrf.  A  sloth,  slug- 
gard.    3e)oiJA).  Night;   a  vicious  man. 

®ScS32f*S  f.  n.  A  metal  dish. 






SSoeOjse;  (=3oijj4j)    s.  n.    a  betel-leaf 

roll    with    its    ingredients:     betelnut, 

spices  and  lime.      2,  the  areca-nut 
saosSee^o.  ^  3^"^?tjj,  q.  c. 
St)'rfjj  s.  u.    Copper.       a.    C  ppery   red. 

-^3^.   Oxide   of  copper.        -^M'^.   A 

coppersmith.       -:3r(3j.    Sheet-copper. 

-St'Sr.  N.  of  a  river  or  a  town.      -53-)0 

sQ.    A    European. 
S803J    k,  n.    Mother.        -3od.    Mother 

and  fatlier;     pi.  -Sodrt^j.  Parents. 
SSOSjS    f.    n.    A    small    box    or    tube 

containing    an     amulet    and    worn   on 

any  part  of  the   body. 
535  k.    I',  t.    The  base  for   the  neg.   of 

30*;     as       ararf.    (He)    won't     bring. 

S'sdd.  Not  brought,   etc. 
SBTJ  1.  f.  n.  A  copper  coin  of  2  kasu. 
SBrJ  2.  s.  a.  Crossing,  floating.    2,  high, 

as  a    note  in  music.     3,  clear;  white; 

good,    excellent,      n.   The  ether,   sky. 

2,  a    mountain.       3.   a    star.       4,  the 

pupil    of    the    eye.        35D!>:oa;.     The 

influence  of  stars.      35D3»3jo3t).  The 

starry    region,  zodiac;    a  large    well; 

a  kind  of  fire-work. 
5D"d3.    h.  11.   Tare    (in    trade).     -S^a. 

Fraud,   deceit.      -3*ar<.  A  deceiver. 
S3TJ5^    s.    n.    One    who    helps    another 

through     a     difficulty;     a    protector. 

2,  a  star.     3,  daitya;   also  33d5'3J;jrf. 
SBTJO®  s.  n.  One  that  enables  to  cross; 

crossing.       '2,   the    18th    year   of  the 

33Tii^siO(i    (/">•.    ^rf  more,  and  ^Sj  most) 

s.  n.  Gradation;   discrimination. 
SarJcdoo/,  33'darijf.  r.  «.  To  sing  in  so- 
prano;    to    exorcise    the  voice  before 

sstj,^  h.  n.  Work  done  with  bricks  and 

eroB.  =  3^(3  2,  q.  v. 

BbSoSDO,  33&ecJ  h.  n.  A  date. 

3sQe^  h.  H.  Praise,  applause.      2,  fun. 

satio    (oJ=e3J)  k.  «.  t".  To   become   dry; 

to  wither,  wane.       n.  Dryness-      2,    a 

bunch  of  areca-nuts.    -rid.  A  double 

door.     -Sj5:Jj.   Disorder,  confusion. 
3?rJjron  s.  n.  Youth,  youthfulness. 
SaT3l.=  3DC(2,  q.  f.      2,  Vali's  wife.      3, 

Brihaspati's  wife. 
3Z>t3  2.  (!3=e32)    k.  n.     A    large    timber 

tree,  the  Beleric  myrobalan. 
satfri?  s.  n.   Personal  observation.      2, 

aa-o-rg^   (/■)•.  :i'g-)    s.     h.    A    sophist;    a 

gac)  1.  (^S?-!?)  s.  )i.  Clapping  the  hands. 

2,    beating    time    in    music;     musical 

time.      3,  a  cymbal.     4,  a  short  span, 

the  palm  of  the  hand. 
ga^  2.      (=3310  3,    33°^  2)     s.    n.    The 

palmyra  tree,  Borassus  flabelliformis. 

-S^.  A  palmyra  leaf.     -Sj^jJ.  Toddy. 
BScJsio  (fr.  33«jj).  s.  a.    Palatal.     33ej 

^■J^cJ.  A  palatal  letter. 
saeSl.  (  =  3^e?3)  ij.  „.  A   golden    neck- 
ornament,  as  a  marriage-badge. 
sas3  2.  (<b.  of  ?3^£)    >;.  A  kind  of  metal 

SaeSs.  (=  35°^2)   s.  «.    The    talipot    or 

fan-palm,  Corypha  taliera.   -,  =  3^o  2, 
5ae3e;:^00   h.  )i.    Gymnastic    instruction; 

a  gymnasium;  also  -233c5. 
ga(yj  s.  n.  The  palate. 

Sae^js'S'o   h.  n.    A   talook,   division    of  a 

Sa^rf  k.  n.  A  necklace  of  lotus  beads. 
SarfiS  (=3^Sj3.  <5.  o/'  33S3jLi:<)   H.  The 

lotus.    Cpds.:      ejans53d,  ■^oSj-,    fSo-, 

z5^-,  J^y^-,  SiJCf-,  eic.    -*oinS.   Brahma. 

-ntS.    The  bulbous   root  of    a    lotus. 

-r5ra.   Vishnu.      -sSors.    A   lotus  seed 

often  used  as  a  bead. 
S341.   k.  pro.  (pi.  of  33?Sj)   Thoy.      2) 

you  (honorif.). 
35^2.  (=^34,  q.  V.)      k.   )i.    A    place, 

SaiJ3.  h. /(.  A  sheet  of  paper. 




©a.?}?£)0.  =  ^aSAj^ejj,  q.  v. 

33?jO  h.  n.  An  hour.  -°-oa,  -tJ-eOXj.  To 
strike  the  liour.  -Sjjs^J^.  An  hour's 

S3;6  f.  n.  A  flat  drum.  -Cis.  A  drum- 

S3^.  =  ssej  1,  No.  2;  e<c.,  q.  v.  -ri-S.  A 
mode  of  beating  time  in  music.  -H^ti. 
A  time-keeper  in  a  musical  per- 

SS^rf  k.  n.  Boiled  and  seasoned  vege- 

go^  1.  k.  n.  A  pile  of  dried  cakes  of 

©S'§"2.  (lb.  of  3-30  2)  n.  The  palmyra 
tree,  Borassus  flabelliformis. 

&S^3.~3-3€)  1,  q.  V. 

S3^^.  =  3«)^s3j,  q.  V. 

SS'^^0  k.  n.   Patient   endurance;    pati- 
ence;   forbearance;     also  35»?,. 

SB^siO  k.  ■«.  t.   To   season    food.       2,  to 

temper,  sharpen. 
SD^o  1.  k.  r.  t.   To   hold;  to  take,  get; 

undergo.      v.  i.    To  suffer    patiently, 

endure;    to    wait;    to    wear    well;    to 

bear  with.    P.  p.  Si)"^,  3?s?j  .      =^^3^^-. 

To    get  angry;   to  suppress  anger;  to 

Sa^O  2.  ("-?o=  C3j)  k.  n.  The  bar  or  bolt 

of  a    door.       2,  a    corn-stalk.      3,  the 

SD^O^O.  =  S^^Sjj,  q.  V. 
SD^  1.   f.    n.     Tallying,    agreement,   as 

of  accounts,  etc.     -fSjs^cSo,  -ssifj.  To 

compare  together.     -ii?^J.    To  agree 

with,  tally. 
®»S?  2.  =  33ej  2,    q.  V.     -Sjc!.  =  35S?  2. 

-o3j3?e5,  -^?ej,  -s^od.   A    hollow   coil 

of  palm  leaf  worn  by  married  women 

into  the  lobe  of  their  ears. 
§SS?3.    («?  =  C0')    k.    n.     The    fragrant 

screwpine,  Pandamis  odoralissimus, 

S3^, .  =  3tis?dj,  etc.,  q.  V. 

SDSr^O  (f>-.  3D?J2)  k.  n.  The  bottom 
of  a  tree  or  hill. 

■SSci,  ■S^,c3  f.    ».      A  mason's  level;  an 

instrument  used   in   spinning  thread. 
§>^,<ti:>  k.  n.  Confused  mind  (cf.   a?^eJO). 

2,  stuttering,    stammering.      .S^CtifeJ. 

Confused  behaviour.     -S^Cl5/^  dJSSt) 

cSj.   To  stutter. 
Ss'o,    k.    II.    <.    To  rub,   scour;   to  wipe. 

2,  to  treat  harshly,    annoy.      lif^fM, 

S=ffs,  U.  Rubbing,  scouring;  annoying. 
■§5^    s.  a.    Sharp:   bitter,  n.   Pungency; 

bitterness.       -^.      Bitter;     the     plant 

Trichosanthes  dioeca. 
^aWj,  >§7\B,  SacSj,  SAorfok. ?t.  Rind, 

SaS  h.  n.   Fraud.     -il<-ia.    dp/. 
■§AoS    (lb.  of  ^^^)    M.     Indian    jalap. 

-W2^.  Its  creeper,  Ipomoea  turpelhum. 
Sa^,  SaOS;^  k.  n.     A  Tamil    man,   esp. 

an  emigrant;  f.   -h^  ,  ^r\^&. 
SaoB  k.  ?i.   A  potter's  wheel. 
Baoj^O  {cf.  •^^•Jl)    a.  k.  I',  t.    To  rub;  to 

annoy,  n.  An  unguent,  perfume. 
©AS  T^jJA^i     k.  ad.      In    a    very    rou£rh 

A  A  J  s 

■§07x^0  k.  M.       The    moon  ;      a     month. 
^or!s?533.     A    kind    of  avare  bearing 
every  month.      -t3°^tfj.    Moonlight. 

ekio,  k.  n.   Rising  ground,   hillock.      2, 

eJ  SSI  J 

abuse,     v.  t.  To  abuse,  scold. 
•SP'5'^0,  Sf^BJ^'o  k.  f.  «'.     To  strain.     2, 

to   undergo  trouble.       v.  t.   To   press, 

to  make  violent  efforts. 
Sc&k  w.  Food.     2,  itch.     -=#j3^d,  -K3*, 

-mJi^'^,  -cojj?^.  A    glutton;    f.  -nua. 

-'S3J,  -o3e)^o.  To  set  food  before  one. 
sP©     a.  k.  »i.       Thickness;     greatness; 

weight;  excess. 
SS^,     s.    w.       Forbearance,     patience, 

§S^(=S3.    /&.    of    m^^)    n.     A  leather 

bag.     2,  bellows. 
i>§>  &  s.  ?i.    The  francoline  partridge. 
§5-  s.  ?(.    A    lunar  day.      2.   an  annual 

ceremony    performed    by    Brahmanas 

for  their  deceased   ancestors. 




Sa  C=  S,^.  tb.  of  CS^S)  ?!.  A  pair  of 
bellows,     -enjscij.   To  blow  bellows. 

SeSo  k.  V.  I.  To  make  straiglit;  to  cor- 
rect,  rectifj',  mend;  to  improve;  to 
reform;  to  train;  to  break.  2,  to 
settle  a  debt.  n.  Correction,  etc.  -^&, 
-CTitJ,  -5J!)yj.  A  corrected  state, 
improvement.  ^Ss  rf.  Corrected  ;  train- 
ed.  as:  -'S'jEJjd,  -oit^j,  -vSjfS.  AS  ?co. 
To    cause    to    correct,  train,  etc. 

§^?j,  §i^7j3  1,  3?):^  k.  n.  Food.  -rU^. 
A  glutton.  j 

■§?i;rfj  2.  k.  n.     Irritation    in    the    skin,    \ 
itching;  the  itch;  irritability. 

3?iri0  3,  'B^^J2,  Sc^N^O  (cA  .SfiJ^)  k. 
V.  t.  To  make  eat,   feed. 

SjjO.    =  •^?iJj_,  q.  V.    P.  p.  -lorfj. 

BoBsi  k.  ?i.  A  crowd,  multitude;  a 
row.       -^J.  To  be  crowded. 

aos:;o.  P.  ^(.  of  '^nJ^- 

Sf3tKS?  k.  ?i.   A  glutton,  gourmand. 

Bcio^  k.  V.  t.  To  eat,  as  things  requiring 
biting.  2,  to  suffer  or  undergo,  as 
blows,  etc.  3,  to  take,  as  bribes. 
P.  p.  Sorfj;  part.  neg.  ■Sf^tS;  rel. 
part.  ^ci^S,  .Sod,  So'lo;  5»yZ  pers. 
newi.  sing.  imp.  .So^j. 

Sjj^  s3  k.  n.  Piper  longum. 

SA  (— S^J,,  q.  V.)  k.  »j.  A  heap,  hil- 
lock; a  pile;  a  dung-hill-  -=5^jri!, 
-sS^,.  A  dunsr-hole. 

S20^  (  —  h^^'-?^)  k.  n.  Understanding, 
knowledge;  sense. 

§83   b..  n.  A  manner  of  stitching. 

§203,  k.  n.  The  string  of  a  bow. 

3^0Ti,  S^^O'rfo,  S~jOJ^^0   k.  n.  Irritation 

in  the  skin,   itching. 
3aol.  =  ^^,9.r.  ^g^^ 

Sd.)2,  QS.io7\£'  s.  ?(.  A  large  fabulous 
^^■i  s.  w.    Darkness;    dimness  of  the 

eyes.      2,  ignorance.      3,  sorrow.      4, 

Rahu.     -05y),  -53^0.   The  sun. 
S^TJJ   k.  V.  t.    To    rub    and    clean   the 


3o20j  (=S?iJ^,  q.  V.)  k.  /«  </ie  pres.  and 
fut.,,  as:  .Soioj^:3,  So'.3^?r?,  etc 
-^'i.  Eating. 

^Xi=&.  =  .Sdj*,  q.  r. 

§,::jy(^  (=Srijridi,  .^djrSjrf)  k.  n.  Turn- 
ing; a  wheel  for  raising  water;  a 
■windlass,  roller;   a  screw. 

©■drii&TjO  s.  V.  t.  To  put  aside,  disre- 
spect, disdain,  scorn. 

STiji^.Ti  s.  H.  Setting  aside;  disregard, 
disdain,  reproach,  abuse. 

IS'd^j  (=.SOj«?j,  .3V<uj,  q.  ti.)  k.  »(.  Pith, 
core;  pulp;   kernel;  essence. 

Sb  'k.v.i.  To  turn  round;  to  wander 
about.  2  to  beo-  alms.  .SOcSJCaj, 
.SOcSjocOJ.  To  live  by  alms. 

S5?\  k.  ad.  Again,  once  more.  hO-. 
Again  and  again. 

^m^7i:)  (-sSrfAXj)  k.  ;••  t.  To  turn;  to 

©Qao  (  =  3:ijr!o,  g.  r.)  k.  r.  ;.  To  go 
round;  to  turn;  to  roll;  to  go  back; 
to  change  or  shift,  as  the  wind;  to 
cease,  as  a  disease;  to  wander  or 
ramble  about.  .SOrStiW.  "Wandering 
about;  also  SOa^iz^j^^.  .aOn^So.  To 
■walk  or  wander  about.  ^Of\'Sjt<^j.. 
To  turn  round.  ^Or\  tAjrfj.  To  return. 
^Qr\  &^'^J.  To  turn  round  and  fall 
upon,  to  affront;  to  revolt.  ^Oh  »SJ3  ' 
s^zio.    To  contradict. 

SBsio  k.  V.  I.  To  twist,  as  a  string,  etc., 
to  wring  off,  as  the  neck  of  a  bird. 

Stjj  1.  k.  vi.  Turning;  a  bow-string.  2, 
(=:^rf5J,  etc.)  begging.  -i3jj?t.  A 
beggar;  a  mendicant's  bowl.  -So;c(o. 
Turnings  and  windings;  reverse  ord- 
er; deceit. 

§T:io  2.  {tb.  of  Sj?)  a.  Holy,  sacred. 
-^jsVo.  Holy,  i.  e.  sacrificial  food. 
-^SiZ^~.  Coloured  powders  used  for 
the  sectarian  mark  by  votaries  of 
Vishnu.     -SS.   The  town  Tirupati  in 




the  Arcot  district.  -SoraJ.  Sacred 
clay  to  make  sectariau  marks  to  the 
right  and  left  of  the  forehead.  -"-^J3 
rsr,  -cSjs3.  The  sacred  hill  with  the 
Vaishnava  fane  at  Tirupati.  -s3j3S?ii. 
A  guru's  house.  -sSJJa.  A  holy  tuft 
of  hair  at  the  back  of  the  head. 
-n3o'^j3?:So.  Travancore. 

^  '    ^  [beggar. 

S^J^(=>S3^)     k.  H.    A    wanderer;     a 

§d0A0.  =  30rt0,    q.  V. 

^TJO!^  k.  ?i.  A  screw.  2,  changing. 
3dJsjr^  ijs3.  A  gold  ear-ornament  with 
a  screw.  -SoJt,  ^tijh^i  raJ3.  A  head- 
ornament  with  a  screw. 

B'd:^'^  (=:.Bc35j)  k.  n.  Wandering  about 
(for  alms);  begging;  alms.  -oi^^, 
-i3?::^o.  To  beg. 

Sdo4  k.  V.  t.  To  turn,  as  the  head,  key, 
screw,  stone  in  a  mortar,  n.  Turn- 
ing;  a  bow-string. 

3do^O.  =  ^iJ5S,  q.v.' 

S6-t?oo^  s.  a.  Covered,  hidden,   lost. 

iBcxiJF^  s.  a.  Going  horizontally.  «. 
An  amphibious  animal;  a  bird.  -:;y)0 
^.  A  horizontal  sectarial  line  on  the 
forehead  of  a  Saiva.  -kooJ,  -K^rf. 
An  animal.  -sSjS^^i.  The  animal 
creation.      -'sSjs^?'.   The  earth. 

Sj^r  f.  n.  Assessment,  duty,  tax.  -nsd. 
A  person   paying   assessment. 

§>Zi  s.  n.  The  Sesamum  plant  and  its 
seed.     -i^t)^^.  An  oilman. 

SoS'  s.  n.  A  freckle.  2,  a  sectarian  or 
ornamental  mark  made  on  the  fore- 
head with  coloured  earth,  etc. 

'SeS.eerf  s.  n.  A  strong  smelling  annual 
herb,  Gynandropsis  pcnlaphylla. 

B<VT)  ^  k.  II.  A  series  of  sounds  used   in 


humming  a  tune. 
SS   (=^<DJl.)    k.    I'.   I.   To  strike  with 
the    fist,   box.      2,  to  pierce,  stab-    n. 

Piercing,  etc;    also   -^.       3<S?jJ.    To 

cause    to  strike. 

.§7^     s.   71.    Staying,    standing.      -Sei^J. 
To  stay,  lodge. 

i>^,   S^o    (  =  ^^cSo,     ^^do).    P.  p.  of 

§S?    k.    t'.  t.     To    become    clear,     pure. 

2,  to  be  plain  or  known,  ii.  t.  To 
know,  understand,  perceive,  learn; 
to  feel  as  pain.  ^riA  S°vO±.o^d.  I 
understand,  know,  etc.;  ^^^  ^s?c0j3j. 
I  understood,  etc.  -cdj(ij33j.  To  lot 
know,  -cxjosj^^ij.  To  make  known. 
.cxJoioc!j.=  ^^,  No.  2.  -odjjc^,  -^^=#, 
-^=f,  ^°^jrfa?#,  .Se?o,Di?.  Knowledge; 
understanding,    intelligence.     -^?=?0, 

S^  2.  k-  n.  Clearness,  pureness.  2, 
knowledge,    understanding;    also   -^^ 

3,  clear  substances,  as  conjee  water, 
etc.  -fl^a.  A  stupid  person.  -f\^&:M^. 
Ignorance,  stupidity.  -^^.  -A-  light 
sleep.     Other  cpds.:  -S)?tfo,  -"^5  -^^j 

S^TjO  k.  V.  <.  To  make  clear  or  known; 
to  let  know;   to  inform. 

a«05oO,  a^ooorfj  k.  I!,  t.  To  make 
known,  to  let  know. 

^e  k.  n.  Fire.     v.  t.  To  burn. 

§0^,  s.  a.  Sharp;  hot,  pungent,  fiery; 
harsh;  zealous;  energetic,  n.  bnarp- 
ness;  heat;  haste.  2,  poison.  -'^^^' 
A  keen  mind. 

§eS  k.  n.  Itching;  irritation;  an  itch- 
ing desire,  lust,  lasciviousness.  -T?t5. 
To  scratch  an  irritation  in  the  skin, 
-ssrtv'.  Useless  quarrel.  -k^oSj.  A 
blabber.  -^^^,  -ood.  To  bo  a  ected 
with  the  itch. 

Sj'rfo  k.  V.  t.  To  press,  squeeze,  rub; 
to  scour;  to  smear  on,  as  unguents 
on  the  body;  to  sharpen;  to  rub  out, 
as  insects;  to  strike  with  the  palm  of 
the  hand.  v.  i.  To  touch,  as  air.  2, 
to    blow,    as    the    wind. 




Sf^  k.  n.  Food;  feeding.  h^^D'-?.  A 

SftJ  1.  s.  71.  A  shore,  bank;  margin, 
brink,  edge. 

S^^2,  Bo^t  {fr.  ^^Clj])  k.  ad.  Fully, 
quite,   very. 

B^'b'S  (=  •Sv'^")  k.  ?i.  Conclusion,  end; 
decision.  2,  leisure.  ->3j33j.  To 
finish,  complete.  ^\oSi--  The  judg- 

^»:^0  1.  k.  r.  i.  To  be  finished,  come  to 
an  end;  to  end,  cease;  to  be  done, 
accomplished.  2,  to  cease  to  live,  die. 
3,  to  be  paid,  liquidated,  settled.  -C^. 
End,  termination.  ^pO;^j.  To  finish; 
to  accomplish,  carry  out,  execute; 
to  fulfill,  to  settle,  decide;  to  clear 
off,  liquidate,  pay,  as:    SAjS^^stf-,  §5)0 

-^  '  ^   '         -a  '  -b-i:  t>  ' 

(3?,03o-,   S)°!ja^-,   ;39eZi,-,   pijat)-,    AiWo,-, 

To  finish  off.  ^^OSj.  Ended.  s?drfo. 
Can't  be  finished. 

SotJj  2.  k.  w.  Conclusion.  2,  settlement. 
3,  finish;  beauty;  manner,  mode; 
peculiar  habit;  also  ^'i.^.  -rfcl.  End, 
completion.  -Sa,  -5j?yj.  Leisure,  op- 
portunity. -53je)oi.  Conclusion;  settle- 
ment, decision,  sentence.  -SjJSSj^j. 
To  finish,  determine,  decide. 

S?'dj5  k.  n.  Dues,  fees,  customs,  tax. 

S^lidF.  =  ^^3^0,   q.  V. 

So^ir  s.  n.  A  passage,  ford.  2,  a  holy 
place  in  the  vicinity  of  streams.  3, 
sacred  water.  4,  a  sacred  object; 
a  school  of  philosophy.  5,  a  worthy 
person.  6,  an  ascetic,  -^rf.  A  Jina. 
-sjeid,  -tijaS.  A  title  for  a  venerable 
man.  -odjsJ.  A  pilffrimasre.  -'Ssji . 
Funeral  ceremonies  observed  at  a 
place  of  pilgrimage. 

S?^r  {fr.  .SoOo)  k.  w.  Settlement, 
decision,  sentence.  -tfr(j.  To  be 

§?Sr^  (  =  ^?0t?)  k.  ?i.    Ending,  end. 

S?^r.  —  SocJo^,   q.  V. 

■Se^  a.  k.  r.  J.  To  become  full;  to 
abound,     r.  t.  To  fill. 

^^"^j  s.  a.  Strong,  severe  ;  fierce  ;  sharp; 
rash,  quick;  excessive,  much.  -jIjiVj, 
-SSj.  To  be  quick,  -c^,  -3^.  Sharp- 
ness;  severity;     rWja.  A  keen  mind. 

i^oS^ci,  sotJ'.oh.  H.  A  bit;  a  bit  of  bread; 
detachment.  '2,  a  district,  province. 
-nsti.   The  headman  of  a  district. 

^^^0,  1.  a.  k.  V.  i.    To  crowd,  throng. 

i^oS'o,  2.  k.  n.  Rust  of  iron;  canker. 

i^OOA  1.  s.  a.  High,  lofty,  prominent, 
chief.  -z^iS,.  The  river  Tungabhadre 
in  the  Mysore  territory. 

^JCA  2,  i^JoX  k.  n.  A  species  of  grass. 
-ncS,  -Sjj;^.  The  bulb  of  Cyperus 
rotundus.  -Sojejj^.  The  Cyperus  grass. 

^0£^,  s.  a.  Triflino^;  contemptible;  low, 
mean.  3-)t-3  ^^'JS.  Contempt.  -Soii  °^ 
0^0.   To  contemn,  disdain. 

eoSjv'd  f.  »i.  Inconsideration,  indiscre- 
tion.  Sjb?0;<j.     To  be  indiscreet. 

^Jk2  k.  «.  The  lip.  -tssOd  5ioj3|j^.  A 
slip  of  the  tongue.  n:iKo-,  3ooa-, 
tSjsr?-.  A  large  lip.  -?3?53.  Lip- 
service,   hypocrisy. 

(gj&o  (/b.  o/"  ^^?  )  n.  Dearness.  a.  Dear. 
ad.  Dearly;  at  a  high  rate.  -qn)dr=f. 
A  high  price.  -^~).  To  decrease  in, 
strength  or  power. 

i^Jc^A.   =  3j3jn,    q.  V. 

^JTiO  (=  ij3::aJ,    g.  r.)  r.  t.   To  join,  put 

on  as  clothes;  to  cover. 
i^orfo^O    a.  k.  V.  t.    To    grasp    quickly, 

seize,  snatch.      n.   Grasping  quickly. 

-eru°^.  A  grasping  thief;  cf.  ^^rfjSj^j. 
^dXiOA   (=cSj3n)  k.  »•   A    thief,  rascal; 

/".  3Jo=jh.      -ws§,     -rf%.     A     thievish 

cow.     -3^.   Theft,  thievishness.      -loo 

a.   A  wicked  mind. 
eOtioAJ  k.  n.  Theft,  stealth,   rascality; 

a  stolen  thing.      -jJjszcJ.  To  steal. 
^OT^Osgi    k.  ?i.    An    oar;     a    flat    wooden 





^^t^=^,  gjre^o  1^  ;gjo©o3^o  1.  a.  k.  n.  A 
fragment,    piece,    bit.     ssOsS"-,   djjJJ-, 

i^res'je,  ^jr^j^j2.  (=;^js?^j,  cSjvj^j, 

e<c.)  k.  ?\  i.   To  shake  or  be  agitated, 
as  water. 
^Jr5.  =  :Sj^,  q.  V. 

sijcy  k.  «.  A  mischievous,  wicked,  in- 
solent, lewd  man,  rogue,  etc.;  f.  3joIj. 
-^orfjd.  A  wicked  horse.  -BojiSjr!.  A 
wicked  boy.  -=#ej^.  A  mischievous 
business.  -3^,  ^JobsW.  Wickedness, 
mischief,  impudence;  also  ^joeJj. 
-lojo&j.  reit. 

^Jorf  s.  «.  A  beak;  a  snout;  the  point 
of  an  instrument. 

^OoQi  s.  n.  A  beak;  the  mouth;  the 

^OOiiTjO  k.  r.  t.  To  cut  or  break  into 
pieces,  make  piece-meal.  etc. 

^■:iaTi:i  k.  ?i.  A  fragment,  piece;  a  bit, 
a  little.  3jo3o^i.  A  small  jacket; 
a  cockroach,  -^i^ejj.  A  maimed  leg. 
-;Sjo;:Sj.  rep.  -J^jsd,  -soseJrsad.  A  petty- 
chieftain.  -53-re:so.  To  cut  into  pieces. 
-toBj.  A  rag.  -(^oo^tin  ae°i?-i.  To  fall 
to  pieces,      -^c^.  =  3joW;So3. 

^Oi^.^&,  ^Jojs  &  f.  H.  A  long  trumpet. 
-erjsnjj.  To  blow  the  trumpet. 

^03^  =  3ja,  (ji.ii.  -gja.  The  very 

So^  (<^7.  o/'  :Sj|^)  ?i.  Blue  vitriol,  sul- 
phate of  copper. 

^■:)^:>  k.  11.  A  mouthful  of  food;  a 
morsel;  food.     r.  /.  To  take  by  mouth- 



eJnD  {—KdZZ-^)  s.  rtrf.  Or,  perhaps,  how- 

^oa  k.  11.  An  extremity,  end,  point,  top, 

tip.     Cpds.:   CjoX-,   sSjjdol)-,    iS^'o-, 

-=ff30«.  Tiptoe.  -=5^00^.  The  hip,  loins. 
'^^^a  '^°  ^®  hazardous.  -r<oo::?j. 
A  summit.  -ri  ivrfj.  To  be  nearly 
ready.  -c3?0r^.  The  tip  of  the  tongue. 
-vs^v.  The  end  of  a  tail.     -Sjjil.  To 

the    end,    completely.      -SJ.'sr(j.   The 

tip  of  the  nose.   -^JSCiuj.  The  foremost 

point;  the  very  beginning;  beginning 

and  end. 
^JO^sdTjO  (dJ=e3J)  k.  w.  Drizzling;  spray; 

a  drop.     -dJ«?.  A  fine,  drizzling  rain. 

-oSoccSoj^.  Viipour,  fog.      -SS>.  Spray. 
^^oclo  s.  n.  The  belly.       ;^Joa.   Gorbel- 

lied;   corpulent;   also    3Joa*,   SJoaej. 
tgj;^-,  s.  a.  Hit,  stung,  hurt.     -^9Cdo.    A 

^03j520S?    k.  11.  A  creeping  plant  much 

cultivated,  Luffa  aegyptiaca. 
^OSfCT  h.  ?i.  A  musket,  matchlock,  gun. 

-*Jorf,  -=5'?3,!i.    A    gun-stock,      -zstisj)- 

A    gun-look.       -■S-.D.    The    touch-hole 

of  a  gun.    -'^DhFi  ir^iio.  The  trigger. 

-ti^.  To  load  a  srun.    -soZ^j  ,  -co30;^j, 

-^.ea.   To  fire   a  gun.        -i39<Sr$.    The 

match  of  a  matchlock. 
^JSS?jO  h.  n.  A  storm,  typhoon;  slander) 

calumny.     -Sos^^i,  -ooj?OSo.  To  accuse 

^07i.  h.  11.  Clarified  butter,  ghee.   Cpds.: 

mJSX-,      ^eiA;Ci-,     ^d^>A)CS-,       2€$o5-,     etc. 

-rlra^j.    A    species    of    sweet    potato. 
-co?S,  ^gj^^^d.    A  kind  of  Luffa. 
^jr;,U,  ^OTJ.^     k.  n.     A    feather;     the 
soft   plumage   or  down    of  birds;    the 
soft  hair  of  rabbits,  etc. 

^JEJStT.  =  SJSa-o-,  q.  V. 

^OWO,  k.  V.  t.  To  point  out  a  thief,    v.  i. 

To  be  found  out.     n.  Detection.     -s3j3 

:4j.  To  detect,  find  out. 
i^J-rfo-S-  k.  H.    The  wild  mangosteen  tree, 

Diospyros    embryopteris ;    also  30doO. 
^:)Tio.i(t)  s.  n.   Uproar,  tumult. 
^OceO.  =  3jo"J33,  q.  y.   s.    3jol^. 
gJoeS  1.  (  =  rijot:)  k.  w.  A  large  black 

bee.      Cpds.:  oi«?-,  =#o5y)-,   o3je)d-,  eic- 
^Jce3  2.    f.  n.    A    kind    of   long   gourd, 

Lagenaria  vulgaris. 
^0083  3.  =  3jod,  q.  v. 

gJcEOo  1.  k.  V.  i.     To    become    full,  be 
filled  up;  to  abound;  to  get  plump. 




2,  to  possess,  as  a  demon.  c.  I.  To 
fill.  n.  Becoming  full,  etc.  -orfj^aci. 
Blooming  youth.  :^JoW,  dJoK3.  Ful- 
ly, all  over,  much.  :3jo'^#.  Reple- 
tion, elc.  ^Jo'^^:>.  To  fill;  to  cause 
to  fill. 

^C80J  2.  k.  >i.  The  foot-stalic  of  a  leaf, 
flower  or  fruit,  stalk. 

^0o200  3.  (=^.s:oJ)  a.  k.  n.  A  tube: 
the  wheel-nave  through  which  tlic 
axle  passes.    2,  an  outlet,  sluice;  also 

;^Jo^iJ■d,  ^joeoodo  i.    s.  n.    N.    of    a 

•■^JG20,^Tio  2.   k.  »i.  The  wild  mangostecn, 

Diuspyi'os  embryopteris. 
^Ood  k.  H.      The    herb  Phlomis  indica. 

2,    the    very    common    weed    Leucas 

^0050    k.  V.  t.    To   pull,    draw,    stretch. 

-3.  Pulling. 
<^OodOoe;o  k.  n.  A  dish  of  rice,  milk  and 

^dXi  s.  a.  Quick,  swift. 
i^O'dS'.  =  3otij^,  q.  r, 
^OTJA  s.  a.    Going  quickly.   ?;.   A  horse. 
^OTJCA  1.  =  3jdrt,  q.  V.      -c^,   -oSdfS. 

Horse-faced  :     a  Kinnara. 
^jXicX-.  f.  /(.  A  prison. 
^^"^507^    s.    n.     A    horseman,      rider;    a 

J^OTi&l'Ari  (u=  £3)  k.  H.  An  annual  plant, 

stinging  like  nettles,  cowhage. 
^oiJos!!  h.  n.  A  tree  so  called,  a.  Excel- 
^O'O^  (<b.  of    ^03)  ».   Haste,    urgency. 

ad.   Quickly,  soon. 
^,>USodJ,  SO^^OSJ    h.  n.     An    ornament 

for    the    turban;     a    plume,    crest;    a 

tufted  head  of  certain  flowers,     -wjci. 

A  cypress. 
^05  1.  (0  =  a')  k.  «.  Itching,  scratching; 

the    itch;    lust.      -*ii ,   -rJii.     Scab, 

herpes.         -'^.     Itching,      scratching. 

-^fs:i.     The     Nilgiri     nettle,      Urlica 

helerophylla.      -:^J,    -?dj.  To  scratch, 

oO&  2.  k.  n.   Grating.      2,  scraping. 
!^0&g.  =  3jcJ3,  g.  r. 
^j::Jj    (C!j=3.)  a.  k.    «.    A    cow;    kine. 

-S^,  -5il3,.  A  cowpen.    -Sjc^S,  -6jo:So. 

A  herd  of  kine.  .    -rreti,  -3'?.  A  cow- 
herd;   f.  -T\-ih-,  -5i^. 
sOTZfoS'  (=  SjC-t)  h.   n.    A  Turk;  a  Mus- 
sulman,     a.  Turkish. 
^JTJJS^O  (C(j=sj)  k.  V.  t.   To  force  into, 

cram,   stuff;  also  SjtfJloJ. 
eorJjA    (tiJ=e3j)    a.   k.    «.      A    throng, 

crowd;    also  Sjdjns:;*. 
SJ-dOAO     (do  =  65^)    a.   k.   r.  J.     To    be 

cramraad,     crowded,    amassed,   n.    A 

throng,  crowd. 
^0"Oo^    e.  7).    A   "troop";     a  trump  or 

winning  card. 
;^or5020J     (Sj=  eso)  k.  c.  ^,   To  tuck    in, 

as   flowers   in   the  hair,  also  ^JdJ's'j, 

q.v.      n.  The  bundle  of  hair  of   the 

^^J'rfjii  k.  V.  I.    To  scrape,   bore,  hollow, 

as  fruits   or  kernel    out    of    its    shell. 

n.   Grating,   scraping. 
i^O'dosS     (dj=3j)    k.   n.     The    country 

mallow,  Sida  indica. 
^OTJOS^,  s.n.  A  Mahomedan;   a  foreigner. 

2,  olibanum,  Indian  incense. 
^O'rfj^jJ.  =  SjO?;j,  q.  V. 

eoe;^  s.  H.  Lifting,  raising;  weighing 
^J£J,?J  (=  3jv*Aj)  s.  «.  A  small  shrub, 
the  holy  basil,  Ocymum  sanctum. 
-'S^,.  A  square  pedestal  in  which  the 
holy  basil  is  planted.  -^'1.  Worship 
of  the  basil  shrub.  -S3jc)s3.  A  gar- 
laud  of  the  basil  shoots. 
^Je3,  ^OVS  (=  ^J3s3,  oJ3;ej)  s.  n.  A 
balance,  scales.  2,  weight.  3,  the 
sign  of  the  zodiac  Libra.  4,  equality. 
5,  the  beam  of  a  balance.  6,  a 
rupee's  weight.    3j?3?"^3d.  The  weight 




of  gold,  jewels,  etc,  against  one's 
person  and  distributed  to  Brahmanas. 

^J^D.  =  3jJrtO,  q.  V. 

i^osae;  e.  71.  A  towel. 

^oz^  s.  71.  Tlie  husk  of  grain. 

gjS3;BXi   s.  a.   Cold,    frigid,    dewy.       n. 

Cold,  frost,  dew. 

^oz^s.a.  Satisfied,  contented,  glad,  etc. 

^o\  s.  n.  Satisfaction;  pleasure.  -^& 
Xj.  To  satisfy,  gratify,  appease.  -Si 
C^J.  To  be  satisfied  or  contented. 

^J?j,  ^J7io   k.  n.    A    little.       -c^j^d.    j-g/i. 

^JOD^j  s.  n.  Mist,  dew;  cold.  2,  moon- 
liglit.  3,  camphor.  -^0.  The  Hima- 

SOSes' J,  ^o^jS^j  (=3jr3j^j)  k.  t'.  i.  To 
be  agitated,  to  shake,  as  water,  etc.; 
to  be  scattered  in  drops;  to  run  over; 
also  3j^53:So. 

^OS?,^.  =  SJtJrj,  q.  V. 

^0^  (s?=K')  k.  t).  t.  To  tread  on,  tram- 
ple; to  crush  to  pieces  with  the  feet. 
2,  to  annoy,  harass.  v.  i-  To  be 
trodden  down;  to  be  abject.  P.  ps. 
:Sj«i?cio,  Sj^cSj.  71.  Treading,  trampl- 
ing. e<c-;  aJso  oJS?c:By.-  rto:^.  "Walk- 
ing on  fire.      :^jT?;a.  Treading,    etc. 

^0^6  (v°=CO'j  a.  k.  n.  A  salutation, 
obeisance.  2,  valour.  3,  work,  ser- 
vitude. ^j°-?a5S?j.  A  valorous  man. 
gj^ejjW*.  To  be  valorous;  to  be  a 

sJ^O  k.  71.  Tulu,  N.  of  a  country  on 
the  western  coast  of  South-India. 
-»3.  Relating  to   Tulu;   a  Tulu  man. 

So^o   a.  k.  r.  !.  To   roll;  to  jump;    also 


^ji  k.  int.  All  imitative  sound  of  spitting 

or  of  flouting,    -^-s.  Flouting  with  fie! 

hoot!     -3J3   oi^SOj^.    To  say  fie. 
^j?3^  (=3j3r!j2)  k.  «.  Weight;    worth; 

the  weight  of   gold  varaha.   -rf  'S'eJJ. 

The    measure    of    weight.        -»Sje):Sj, 

-SoTJB'j.  To  weigh.     -Sjsa^j.    To    get 

^ja'^o  k.  71.  Weight.  2,  nodding,  ^jas'. 
af.  Drowsiness,  lassitude.  SJSB'a'dJ. 
To  doze. 

^j3AJ  1.  k.  y.  ^  To  weigh.  2,  to  swing 
or  rock,  as  a  cradle;  to  wag,  as  the 
head;  to  hang  up.  3j3A'33^j.  To  hang 
down,  swing;  to  rock,  as  a  cradle; 
to  waddle.  3j3?=i  fJja^Sj.  To  weigh 
and  examine.  ^J!ii^\'K:>.  To  cause  to 
weigh,  rock,  etc. 

^jt7\0  2.  (=  Sjs^',  3;3tj)  k.  71.  Weighing; 
swinging,  etc.  ;^i3rta;<j.  =  Sjjtfa^iJ. 
-=#j3;ejj.  A  kind  of  balance.  -8)^^A. 
A  hanging  lamp.  -djo"^.  A  swinging 
cot.  -sijfl.  A  swing.  -SjS.  A  gal- 
lows. -^'3.  A  nodding  head. 

^.©i^O  k.  71.  A  hole.  g-'3'33r(j.  To  get  a 
hole.  -^:35i).  To  pierce  a  hole 
through.  -^jad,  -Jii,  -SjJsSj.  To 
bore  a  hole.  -tj?i?J.  To  become 
holed,  be  spoiled. 

^j$7j'6,  ^jii'id'd  k.  ?i.  The  wild  mango- 
steen  tree. 

S^-sSOO  k.  «.  The  nave  of  a  wheel.  2, 
the  sluice  of  a  tank.  3,  the  hole  of 
an  axe,  hoe,  etc.,  into  which  the  han- 
dle goes.  -oS^e^j .  To  shut  up  a 
flood-gate.     -id.   To  open  it. 

^jsTJJ  1.  (cSj=  eaj)  k.  v.  t.  To  winnow. 
V.  i.  To  be  shaken  off.  2,  to  run,  bolt 
away.     71.  Winnowing. 

^j3"rfj  2.  (dj  =:  S3J)  k.  r.  i.  To  enter;  to 
go  through  a  hole,  as  a  thread,  etc.; 
to  penetrate.  2,  to  drizzle,  n.  Drizzl- 
ing.     2,  penetrating. 

^jaOS"  s.  a.  Quick,  fleet.  71.  Rapidity, 

i^jsodJ!^  s.  n.  A  musical  instrument.  2, 
a  bugle. 

^jsCJ  s.n.    Cotton;  the  down  of  birds. 

^js^O  a.  k.  V.  i.  To  go  ofT;  to  recoil.  2, 
to  rush  forward;  to  chase.  3,  to 
originate,  m.  Attacking. 




S\f>3  s.  w.  Any  gramineous  plant;  grass; 
a  reed;  straw.  -^jii.  A  tliatohcd 
hut.  -n?,oo.  Amber.  -?j!a.  A  bamboo. 
-Sjji.odo.  Worth  a  straw,  worthless. 
-D3ii.  The  palmyra  tree;  the  cocoa- 
nut  tree;  bam'oo;   sugarcane. 

g\Seo:50  s.  H.  The  third.  2,  chunam 
(being  the  tliird  ingredient  of  tambula)- 
-^rf-D- .  The  instrumental  case.  3,^; 
o3j.  The  3rd  day  of  a  lunar  fortnight. 

^\7j    s-  a.    Satisfied,  contented,  pleased. 

eJ — 0 

^\h  s.  w.  Satisfaction,  contentment; 
pleasure;  gratification,  -i^J3s?Jv,  -Sj 
Sj.  To  get  satisfied,  pleased,  -ss^^jo, 
-^jszij.   To  satisfy,  please. 

^\iU>3,  ^\^.  3^  s.  a.  Thirsty. 

^\^  s.n.    Thirst.      2,  desire. 

^S,^  a.  k.  arf.    Greatly,  very  much. 

^•S-,.  ^^,  k.  n.    An  embrace.      2,  a  coil. 

c'         c 

-i' ^'-.■^j.  To  clasp  in  the  arms.  -3o'3tfj. 
To  embrace. 

iXnio,  ^T^vdi  k.  P.  p.  o/'  sn,  3r1.  Jni:ij 
^..raVJw  To  take,  receive.  -xDvJ.  To 
put  away,  remove,  dismiss. 

<i7\7iO.  ~  ^.S^^o,  q.  V. 

i7\§  (S'^=C3=<)  a.  k.  1!.  «.  To  rebuke; 
to    blame,  abuse.      7i.  Blame,  abuse. 

i'A,  ^-R  k.  f.  <.  To  take;  to  buy;  to 
take  away,  steal;  to  seize;  to  exact; 
to  put  out;  to  prolong,  as  a  note 
in  music;  to  obtain;  to  open,  as  a 
door;  to  undertake;  to  pick  up,  as  a 
quarrel;  to  assume,  as  a  birtii;  to 
employ,  as  a  grammatical  form  ;  to 
vaccinate  (SjoSj-);  to  draw,  as  a 
line,  map,  elc.  (^t3-);  to  boro,  as  a 
hole;  to  find  out,  as  a  means;  to 
ask  about;  to  dig,  as  a  channel,  etc. 
V.  i-  To  be  taken  away;  to  become 
less;  to  disappear.  2,  to  retreat, 
flee.  P.  p.  drtdj,  :inrfj.  3di:ij^JSo:3j 
lodj.  To  bring.  irlcJj^jsocSj  o5jtiorSj. 
To  take  away.  ifidoco^g^j  (see  s. 
^T^dj).  To  throw  down;  to  raise  as  a 
siege.  dr^oLrljaSJ.    To  allow  to  take. 

ooocJ^-,  SoodA.  To  draw  back,  re- 
treat, retire,  prazi^?-.  To  dishonour 
one.  -K:),  -oSj?;3j.  To  cause  to  take, 

e/^  2.  k.  i'.  t.  To  grind,  as  sandalwood 
on  a  stone. 

^o'S^,  scS'os  k.  H.  Tlie  south;  also  ^o? 
ejj,  -rre^,  ions^?.  South  wind.  -tS^JJ, 
e<c.      -d?3.   The  southern  quarter. 

^cSo  k.  r.  i.    To  float,  swim. 

JoXeS  k.  H.  A  certain  Vaishuava  mode 
of  putting  the  nama. 

4o7(o  k.  n.  The  cocoanut  palm,  Cocos 
niicifera.  oofSf^  =5e>oDj.  A  cocoanut. 
:io}\^  aocJ.  =  iortj.  ioh?S  ^?c!j.  The 
coir  or  fibre  of  the  cocoanut.  Other 
cods.:  i:hri  ^ri ,  ^orsri  Pid .  liomi 
no,       :io!S^  i3ej  ,   etc 

JcUo  a.  k.  V.  t.  To  winnow. 

€cl3  k.  ■«.  A  small  bundle,  as  of  grass, 
e<c.  -^J30^.  To  tie  together,  os  grow- 
ing sugarcanes. 

i,§>  .  =  3a  ,  q.  r. 

D  — ° 

©>§  A  a.  k.  n.  A  servant.      2,    a   connec- 

tion,  friend. 
;ii§  ?jj  a.  k-  r.  <.  To  bring  into  close  con- 

nection;  to  insert;  to  pierce  through. 

t4:>   1.  P.  p.  of  ^tfJ. 

^«0   2.   k.  V.  <.    To  twist.       V.  i.  To  be 

twisted,  connected. 
^o^TjO  e.  M.  Tennis,    a  play   in   which   a 

ball  is  kept  in  motion  ("^0:33^). 
;i?j  k.  n.  A  spike,   ear  of  corn.       2,  the 

coping  of  a  wall;  the  top  of  a  ram- 
part, a  merlon  of  a   fort.     -r.zS.   The 

Indian  miilet. 
St!,,  k.  n.  A  float,  raft.     -i$ejo.  To  float 

a  raft.       -i"3J,)    -nSj;?'J.    To   push   a 

iisi.y^,  iti,^  k.  ad.  At  leisure,  at  case; 

<f3i.&?jj  CO  =  63')  k.  V.  i.  To  become  con- 

scious;    to    start    up,     awake      (with 

^J3s?j));  also  ^^^- 




StU.  (0=0)  a.  k.  n.  An  opening,  a 
way,  course;  manner,  sort,  cfcio.  In 
a  manner,  etc. 

iid2.  (ciz=e3)  =  cidrto,  Jorfj.  P.  p.  of  ^6 
in  3d#Jti°i?o,,  to  open. 

iStiS.  (ci— 63).=  idsj.   q.  i\ 

iitJUo  k.  V.  I.  To  tuck  up  (a  garment 
when  passing  a  river);  to  join,  unite. 

^xi^  (0=65)  k.  n.  An  opening,  a  gap; 
an  interval;  room,  place.  2,  ces- 
sation, as  of  rain.  3,  leisure.  4, 
opportunity.  5,  the  state  of  being 
empty,  as  a  house,  box,  etc  -iiJ3°i?J,. 
To  occupy  more  place;  to  leave  room 
(for  others). 

iiti4  {d=S)).  =  ^ci^,  q.  V.  2,  the  price 
paid  for  a  wife;  also  3^.  -53J33J. 
To  empty. 

^TJtfol.  a.  k.  V.  i.  To  move,  stir;  to 
tremble,  quiver;  to  proceed;  to  set 
out,  depart.  ^^"I-'  Moving;  quiver- 
ing;    setting  out. 

ESrf^j2.  a.  k.  V.  i.  To  join;  to  assemble. 
ic3«?,.  A  mass,  multitude. 

^ds?  k- ft.  A  round  lump.  2,  sap,  pith. 
-od)  Soo«?.  A  silk-worm;  an  insect  in 

i&^  (0  =  e3')  k.  n.  Tribute,  tax;  aiso 
Jcin;.  -»i;SJ^.  To  levy  taxes.  -^^>^' 
To  impose  a  tax.  -^SrtcS.  A  written 
lease.  -^J3:aj.  To  pay  taxes.  -zJi^aJ. 
To  free  from  taxes. 

<!&.=  ^5,  q.  V. 

^&?:o  (0  =  e39)  k.  i\  <.  To  cause  to  open, 
etc.      2,  to  cause  to  pay,  as  taxes,  etc. 

ido  (d=e3)  k.  I',  t.  To  pay.  P.p.  ^3o^. 
-^'^.  Paying. 

^5l.  (0  =  633)  k.  ?J.  i.  To  be  uncovered; 
to  open.  V.  t.  To  open;  to  uncover; 
to  unfold.  Jrfrfo,  dorfo,  idirfj. 
n.  Opening;  tribute,  tax. 

^752.  k.  n-  A  wave,  billow.  2,  a  fold;  a 
wrinkle.  3,  a  curtain,  screen.  -'^JSjS. 
The  crest  of  a  wave.     -^f\.  To  remove 

a  curtain.  -ilzSj.  To  let  down  a 
curtain.  -ccSjjO.  The  roar  of  waves. 
-loS,   -Sojsa.    Tlie   waves   to  beat. 

^ai7<:,  ;ie;0AJ  k.  «.  Telugu;  the  Telugu 
language.  oSjjr(,  ^sjjort.  A  Telugu 
man;  /■.   sejnS,  JoJP\,S,  dsjjoh^. 

<ie3A?ij^00  e.  n.  A  telegram,  a  message 
by  wire  to  a  distance  (3o.s^3rdJ3F:). 

iie3A3i^e.M.  Telegraph  (c^oS^Jsis^e^J). 

oe3^??jO  e.  11.  Telephone,  an  apparatus 
for  transmitting  sound  to  a  distance. 

^Z)  Ij  a.  k.  11.  A  gift,  present,  esp.  to  the 
bride  and  bridegroom  at  their  mar- 
riage; also  ^w  yj. 

JrfWJ.  =  33Wj,  g.t'. 

^^Z^  k.  ?t.   A  small  dam  in  a  field.       2, 

=:  Sod. 

^^5,  iirfdo  k. «,.  A  hillock;  a  balk. 
('.  t.   To   rub;    to    tease.        2,   to    rob; 

®*'*^'^'-  [desire. 

^dao,  isdi<fO  (=jSjd)  k.  w.  An  itching 

^ri^O  k.  «J.  J.  To  creep  along. 

;is^O  (=S2?2)  k.  n.  Thinness,  fineness, 
delicateness.  -B^aricS.  Thin  paper. 
-r1^::S.  Fine  or  perspicuous  Kannada. 
-^>^dj.  Clear  water.  -Sjj,  -sJ.  Thin- 
ness; watery  state.     "'^^-  Fine  cloth. 

-iors .   A    li^ht    colour, 
gentle  breeze. 

-rfuD*.    A 

iivi,7?  Ji^^  k.  a.  Thin;  delicate,  e(c. 
ad.  Thinly,  e<c.     ?*.  Thinness. 

i^o  .  =  :^^J„  g.  w. 

^?.  =  3°oijJ,  q.  V. 

o?AOl.  k.  n.  The  teak  tree,  Teclona 

;§^7\d  2.  k.  V.  i.  To  belch.  n.  A  belch 
-C;^.   Belching. 

;^e3i  s.  M.  Radiance,  splendour,  brilli- 
ance. 2,  power,  might,  energy.  3, 
majesty,  glory,  fame.  4,  the  sun; 
also  ^?Jir3*.  -S^ote.  A  mass  of  lustre; 
a  learned  or  virtuous  man.  -k. 
Brilliant;  powerful.  3°ii.  A  horse. 
d't^JS^sSjoli.  Full  of  light,  energy,  etc 
i5!^J3?53o3.  A  bright-faced  man. 





S^kio  h.  n.  Genuine,  pure. 

^eS  k.  n.  Purity,  clearness,  as  of  water. 

-Sa^ij,  -3J330.    To  clear  up. 
ie;3  (=  3'3>53)  k.  n.  A  patch. 
^e»5o  (=  ^?5j,  35(,53)  s.  >i.  Wetness,  damp; 

moisture.     -^.  ^Moistening;   a  sauce. 
^"■^jsn  k.  n.     Loss   in  assaying  metals. 

2,  waste  from  want  of  work. 
^sodOO  (=  ^5,  q.  r.  j  k.  v.  t.    To   grind  or 

macerate    in  water    on  a  slab.     P.  ps. 

^^Tlio  1.  k.  n.  A  chariot;  an  idol  car.     ^? 

D^W.  An  idol  car-festival.    -r>^'?,  -ccS. 

To  draw  a  car  in  procession. 
S^'^O  2.    k.  r.  I.    To    reach.        2,    to    be 

successful.    3,  to  recover  from  illness, 

as:   Tios^-,  t3j3°r{-,  ■s'S,-.       -ntl.  Suc- 

cess,  as  in  an  examination. 
^?£;ok.  r. «.     To  be    afloat,    to  float.      2, 

to   slip,  glide  off.    3,  to  become  loose, 

as  the  roots  of  young  plants.     P.  ps. 

J^O,    ;i;sjj .      ^e^^yj..    To    suspend. 

^??33:^j.  To  float  about.     ci^.O^o.  To 

make    float;     to    open  the  eyes  wide. 

^fe!)  (lb.  of  ^^€)  H.    An  oilman. 

<ie>i,  <fe4    ('^-    o/'    i^So)     «.    Wetness, 

^eij^  k.  w.     A  disease   of   falling  off  of 

the  hair. 
oi'jtoS  h.  a.    Stipendiary;  placed  at  the 

command  of;   assigned. 
^/Q  s.  71.    Sesamum  oil;   oil  in  general. 

-Sr3~.     Sandal;    turpentine.       -sja'tf. 

Any  article  of  food  fried  in  oil.    -s=g^J  , 

-^Xj,    -:Bi3o .    To  apply   oil,   anoint. 


^0*.  An  oilman. 
SiCi'h.n.  A  bag,  purse,     s.  =  i^O. 

^ja^O.  k-  n.  Fruits  pounded  and  mixed 
with  salt,  chillies,  etc 

iijSAUo,  o.'^aB  k.  «.  Bark,  rind,  peel; 
a  pod. 

Sji7\b  (tb.  of  c^ocSO,  (/.  ('.)  n.  The  pigeon- 

^JSATJJ  k.  /).  Red  colour,  scarlet. 

Sjs7\VJ  k.  n.  The  skin;  a  hide,  leather; 

peel,  as  of  an  orange.      lijzn^TZDaiO. 

The  flying  fox.     -:3j3ot3.    A  leathern 

puppet.     -sjJO.  To  flay,  skin, 
ojs^  k.  n.    A   dish  of  boiled  split  pulse. 
ifjaOA^  a.  k.  n.     A    cluster;    a    bundle, 

bunch,  tassel;  also  Jjsort. 
SJ3OA0  k.  r.  f.     To   hang  down,    swing. 

2,  to  stoop  (as  in   S-isoTs   f3je$3j). 

ijski  <t)^  (=  iJStJj)  k.  ft.  A  cradle. 

ei  '*^ 

^jst!   k.  n.  A  trough,  font,  tub. 

iljsUOj  1.   P.p.  of  :iJ5Sj,  q.  V. 

iijsUo,  2.  k.  n.     A  nipple 

2,  the  foot- 
stalk of  a  fruit,  flower  or  leaf. 

ijsUo,  3.  (=  SsJ^j)  k.  n.   A  drop, 

^j?^  k.  n.   A  bees'  empty  cell, 

CO*  £0  '     ' 

^ja'rfu'j  k.  I'.  ?.  To  get  entangled,  as 
thread,  a  horn  iu  a  tree,  etc.  2,  to 
engage,  as  in  work.  3,  to  be  in 
opposition,  v.  I.  To  commence  (=^Jt) 
Cirtj);  to  entangle;  to  hinder,  inter- 
fere, n.  Entanglement;  impediment, 
hindrance;  objection;  perplexity.  -zS? 
V^J.  To  become  entangled;  to  be 
hindered.  Sjizi'^'sno.  To  be  hindered, 
as   work. 

^jsciAO  (=  ^J3:S5^o,  r.  t.)  k.  r.  t.  To 
engage,  as  in  work;  to  begin;  to  un- 
dertake, t'. «.  To  be  begun.  3.^3AO. 
To  cause  to  commence  or  undertake. 

^jsciotS  a.  k.  n.  A  cluster;  a  bundle, 

^jsc^'dj  k.  V.  i.  To  be  linked  to,  connected 
with,  etc.;  to  join;  to  fall  in  with;  to 
be  arrested,  checked;  to  be  caught. 
V.  t.  To  encircle,  as  creepers  round 
a  tree.  n.  Connection ;  a  badge  of 
honour;  an  impediment,  a  check. 

^jtt^&Tij,  ijsrizia^  k.  r.  t.  To  tie,  link, 
insert,  fasten,  fix. 

ilj^c^^,  ^jtXi^  k.  n.  Apparel,  clothing; 
an  ornament.  2,  the  beginning;  the 


— '-rJ, 



;Sjsc^?jO  k.  r.  t.  To  wipe  away;  to  efface, 
destroy.  2,  to  cause  to  smear,  as 
chnnam,  cowdung,  etc.;    also  :Sj?:Q7io, 

lijhL^'R     k.    n.     Apparel,    clothing;     an 

^jsrfj   (=  ^0:^30)  k.  r.  t-     To    put  on,  as 

clothes,  ornaments,  etc.      P.  p.  ^jshix. 

:ijc>&^0.    To    dress    another;     =  :iJiS 

?oJ,    q.  V. 
iijsw  1.  k.  r.  <•  To  smear,  anoint,  rub  on, 

as  oil,  unguents  ;   to  whitewash.     2,  to 

wipe,  as  tears.      3,  to  efface,  destroy. 
ijstS2.  k.  n.   The  thigh.     -^^^.  A  bubo. 

i^sS^sal    ^jsr>3?5  k.  ?(.     a  gadfly,  dogfly. 

ii.©E?  a.  k.  n-   Likeness,   equality. 

§jsoZiz)d  k.  n.  A  chaplet  of  pearls.       2, 

(f.)  —  ?iJoc^ajo,  qf.  V. 
ifjaorfo    k.   w.   Insolence.        2,  straying. 

3,  chatter,  prate.     -tiOOJSjiifo.  A  fine 

for  the  trespass  of  stray  cattle.     -zi?i. 

Stray  cattle,    -^n- Strolling,  straying. 
(fjsccS  1.  k.  n.     A    chameleon.       2,   the 

upper  part  of  a  sugarcane. 
Sjsc'd  2.    {tb.    of    ;3Joa)    n.       The    tiny 

gourd  Momordica  monadclpha.   Cpds.: 

(fjs^^J  k.  ?r.  A  female  servant;  a  mean 
woman.  ^-(5a^=o  53jrt.  The  son  of  a 

i^jarrf  k.  ?;.  A  Tuda  of  the  Nilgiris. 

iijzzi'VJ  k.  V.  i.  To  stammer,  falter.  n. 
Stammering;  faltering;  speaking  in- 
distinctly. 2,  untruth.  -fiJa,  ~sJj3:So. 
Stammering     speech.  -oJ5£''i.      A 

stammering  tongue. 

iijScS  a.  k.  V.  i.  To  swing,  wave  to  and 

if  .sc^O  k.  V-  t.  To  wind  one's  self  round. 
2,  to  instigate  one  (to  quarrel). 

^jsorf^S,  ^jsodi  k.  11.  Intricacy,  embar- 
rassment; difficulty,  trouble,  vexation, 
impediment,  drawback.  -T^-Ji'-f-x.^  -^jOaO, 
-ili^^o.      To     get    embarrassed,     etc. 

-r1j3??^j.     To  embarrass,  etc.     -^aj?^, 

-B'BCdjr.   A  troublesome  affair. 
;fJ^;^0^  k.  n.   Leprosy;  white  leprosy. 
iija^J.i'O  k.  n.  All  small  leaves  of  plants 

in  general, 
iijsS,  \i.  11.  Fresh  cow-dung. 
;ij3o20;^j     k.  a.  Ninety, 
^j3oe3    a.  k.  n.    A    cluster.       2,   a  host; 

multitude.         3,      a     large     bamboo 

JjECcioo,  ©jsoJooo  (=  ;ijsjoijj)  k.  r.  i.  To 

become  wet  or  moist.    i\  t.  To  moisten. 

To  make  wet;    to  steep  in  water, 
ffosTJoO  (!5=:e3)  k.  n.  A   hook  for  taking 

down  fruits  from  trees. 
^si6^  k.  n.  The  spleen. 
i.eT3 1,    k.    y.  2.    Milk  to    form    in    the 

breast,      a.  Mature,  ripe. 
^jscS  2.    (!3  =  e35)    k.  y.  <.    To    put  away, 

quit,    give  up,  reject.       P.  ps.  ^JSti^o, 

iijBT?  3.  (d=e3')  k.  u.  A  hollow,  hole;  a 
cave.  2,  a  stream,  river.  -SJSS^).  A 
mango-tree  near  a  river.  -sJjoJ.  An 
undershrub,   Indigofera  trita. 

^jstJaJJ  k.  JJ.  A  salt-maker. 

(ijse^AO  k.  I',  i.  To  go  away,  depart; 
to  go  aside;  to  retire;  to  be  separated; 
to  fail.  tjiijfs  ^Ji.^r\o.  To  forsake. 
Jjsaji^^jO.  To  separate,  cause  to  go 

@S&S  (tb.  of  3J5r^)  71.   A  beam   of  wood, 

2,  a  balance.      3,  a  rupee's  weight, 
^.©s?  (=  ^JS'^rfj,  :ij3«?cio).    P.  p.  of  ^JS^, 

in  J.9V^Ji^o,. 
iijsSvAO  a.  k.  V.  i.  To   shine,   be  bright, 

71.  Splendour. 
:ijt^<t):>    (V  =  C3)    a.    k.  y.  J.    To    move 

round.      2,  to  roam  or  wander  about. 

3,  to  get  perplexed.  v.  t.  To  roll. 
?i.  Moving;  roaming.  dJ3S*£».  Moving 
round,  :§javO^WJ.  A  wooden  hand- 
mill.  djsv'O'a,  djss;*^jot=f.  Roaming 
or  wandering:  about. 



iij5^?j£^0  k.  n.  Pounding.  ij?=^^ej^. 
Rice  cleared  of  its  bran. 

^j3S??jJ  1.  k.  y. /•  To  beat,  pound,  as  rice 
80  as  to  deprive  it  of  its  bran.  2,  to 
box,  fight.  3,  to  cause  to  wash;  to  get 
washed.  n.  Pounding;  boxing.  2, 

^j3^;c1j2.  ('■?=C3)  k.  f.  <.  To  turn  round. 
V.  i.  To  nauseate,  n.  Revolving,  roll- 
ing;   wandering. 

ia*,  ^js^  1.    k.   V.  t.    To    wash.      P.  ps. 

<IjS^  2.  k.  n.  A  hole.  2,  one  of  the 
divisions  in  an  orange,  jack  fruit, 
etc.      -€3j3:Sj.  -3i^uJ.  To  bore  a  hole. 

i;s^-<J  ^  (^o^=OjC3')  a.  k.  «.  Poor, 
miserable,    dejected. 

^jj^  k.  n.  A  hollow,  hole,  cavity.  2, 
deficit,  debt. 

€jt°."  BJficxi^:).  q.  v. 

#j3e^  a.  k.  71.  A  tail. 

iljsesio  (  =  oJ3;c!j)  k.  V.  i.  To  appear, 
seem,  occur  to  the  mind.  ia\fi  Jjs? 
J3j3^d.  So  it  seems.  3JS?to€.  Appear- 
ing, occurring  to  the  mind. 

^js^y  k.  n.  A  garden.  -n^O,  ij5;i3rs. 
A  gardener,  florist. 

^jS?^  k.  n.  An  inferior  village  servant, 
sweeper,  scavenger,  etc.  -',  a  scuffle; 
a  quarrel. 

^J3?fe3  li.  n.  A  cartridge;  also  ^JsritS. 

^jaecS  k.  n.  A  kind  of  white  rat  that  in- 
fests crops. 

iij3?ci  k.  n.  N.  of  a  tune. 

ijs?r^J  1.  k.  u.  i.  To  go  out.  ('.  t.  To 
bale  out  water;  to  wind  thread  from 
one  spool  upon  another.  2,  to  dig, 
excavate;  to  burrow.  n.  A  water- 

^js?iij2.  k.   n.   An  expedient. 

^jse^  li-  n.  A  ring  of  gold,  etc.,  for  the 

wrist  or  ankle. 
^j3?cU.  =  ijJ^y,  q.  V. 

5;j?©3o:'0  f.  ».     A    counterfeit;    an    im- 

^jse^Jo   k.   n.    An   expedient.      2,    p.  fj. 

o/"   ^X°.        -rrai.   A    mun     clever    in 


ojseitS  k.  H.  A  carpenter's  plane. 
iijseL).  =  ^-^=b  ,  q.  V. 

(ijaosg  k.  n.     A    clump   of  trees,   grove, 

iiJ^?^  h.  n.   A  cannon.      -stbfS.  A  depot 

of  artillery  stores.      -Sostij.  A  gun  to 

be  fired.       -^j:3o,  -stsO^j.     To  fire  a 

^js?200  f.  >i.   A  horse's  mouth-bag. 

ej5?odo  s.  n.  Water,  -ts.  A  lotus,  -sa 
c332fi,  -a^^.  Yishnu.  -Ja^JS^.  The 
sun.  -t3?0.  The  moon.  -^9.  The 
ocean.     Jjs^odj3rlcxjo.  A  lake. 

Ji5?aJ00  k.  r.  «.  To  become  wet  or  moist. 
P.  p.  ^jsooOjcSj.  djEooSjXj.  To  mois- 
ten, wet;  to  soak,  steep. 

^jssTJ  k.  n.  Bigness,  largeness,  stoutness; 
greatness;  a  stout  man-  -3s3.  A  large 
head.  -3S;,  -Sft.  A  big  drop.  -Jo, 
3js;02o.   Being  large. 

^/dSlJo^  f.  >i.  The  pumplemose  or 
shaddock  tree,  Citrus  decumana. 

iijsj'df'S  s.  11.  A  festoon  suspended  across 
gateways,  streets,  etc. 

ii.(3?Q??  (0=  K')  k.  »t.  Appearance;  sight. 
2,  conjecture,  opinion.  3,  exhibition; 
also  ^%€~. 

SjnoVCi  (dJ  =  i3J)  k.  V.  i.  To  appear, 
seem,  be  visible;  to  come  into  exist- 
ence; to  occur,  v.t.  To  show,  exhi- 
bit; to  evince,  n.  Appearing,  show- 
ing. iJ3°ij^S^.  A  mortgage  without 
possession.  -i53Vj.  The  fore-finger. 
:iJ5l0^j.  To  show;  to  evince.  ijs^OAi 
€j33j.  To  point  out.  ojjoQXjC^-. 
Showing.     -Ci^.  =  ;5je?0^. 

^js^S)  s.  n.  Weight;  a  weight  of  gold 
or  silver  amounting  to  210  grains. 
2,  (=  3Jt^)  a  rupee's    weight,  a  Tola. 




^jseC^O  k.   a.  Much,  plenty,     n.   A  way, 

Jjs?e3  k.  n.  A  cataract. 
•<ija?5.  =  ^J3ii,  q.  v. 

^js^^s.n.      Satisfaction,    contentment; 
joy,  pleasure;   also  -ra.      Jjs^^Jj^j.  To 

be    delig'hted,  pleased. 
^jaeSA?^^3c3  h.  n.   A  treasury. 
^jaes3o  ?3o  h.  n.    A  leather  pouch. 
■€ji?7i:>    e.  n.    A  toast.        ijs?Ai  fj  djsli,. 

A  toasted  bread. 
<fj3eSoJ  a.  k.  n.   Deceit;  a  lurking-  place; 

an  ambush.     2,  decoying.     3,  a  hedge; 

a  thicket;   a   crowd. 
^jtio^  k.  n.  A  wolf. 
€jae^J  k.  n.  The  arm.       -»iS^:SJ3nj.  To 

dandle  a   child  in  the  arms.        Jj3°V 

djsan,  -looa.  An  arm-bracelet.    -toaJ. 

Strength    of   the    arm.         -'Jj?;=;j.    To 

swing  the  arm. 
gf«)  Fo>'  ivords  ivilh  this  initial  see  s.  ^^ 

or  3sS. 
S^do.  =  ^Stfo,  q.  V. 
^n^    s.  a.  Left,  forsaken;  thrown  away. 
^o3i?j'  s.  n.   Leaving,  abandoning. 
^o^icJj  s.  V-  t.  To  leave,  quit,  renounce; 

to  dismiss;    to  shun. 
B^OA  1.  (=  ^^n)  k.  n.  Teak. 
SDoA  2.  s.  n.  Abandoning,  renouncing; 

resigning;  gift,  donation;  generosity. 

-z^-O^rt.     Generosity    and    enjoyment. 

3^^f^.    Leaving;    liberal;   a  donor;   a 

Bt)o""o    s.    a.       To     be    left,     avoided, 

abandoned,  shunned,    n.  An  unlucky 

hour.      2,  giving  up,  resigning. 
B^osS.  =  ^;5j,  q.  V. 
BSo'rf.  =  ^?rf,  q.  I'.   3!>jtD?iJ.  To  moisten, 

^cxJO  s.  a.  Triple,  threefold,  it.  A  triad. 

3j03J3?rtai.    Thirteenth.         ^aSjs^cSS. 

The  thirteenth  day  of  the  lunar  fort- 


i^;^  s.  a.   Movable,  moving,    n.  Animals. 

^TjXJ  s.  n.  A  weaver's  shuttle. 

SSjf^    s.    )i.    Protection,  defence;    help. 

2,  strength,    vigour,    might,    ability. 

3,  capacity.  -rtjocjj.  Power  to  be 
impaired.  -riooSi^j.  To  impair  power. 
-?ij3«?j),  -cojsocio.  To  become  strong. 

S3)^  One  who  is  strong  or  powerful. 
?CS3r3^£:^.  Almighty;  the  Almighty, 

S3j^  s.  a.  Protected,  saved. 

SSjirf  s.  n.  Fear,  anxiety;  vexation, 
annoyance.  -^JSdj.  To  vex,  harass. 
-?ij3°i?j,.  To  be  vexed. 

S3j?jj  (=:^aD?^J)  f.  M.  A  balance.  -siJJ 
^Jy  The  needle  of  a  scale  beam. 

33 1  So  s.  i7it.  Protect!   save  ! 

Sj  s.  a.  Three.  -'s'cJrs  (  =  ^rfra^oi;). 
Mind,  speech  and  action,  -tfdra^ja. 
Purity  of  mind,  speech  and  action. 
-ifeiaj.  Past,  present  and  future;  morn- 
ing, noon  and  evening.  -'^JS^rs.  Tri- 
angular; a  triangle.  -rtJra.  The 
three  qualities  of  nature,  i.  e.  satva, 
rajas  and  tamas;  threefold,  thrice. 
-tirts*.  Heaven,  earth  and  the  lower 
region.  -:^odj.  A  triad.  -3t)5j.  =  3s5j 
i^cdj.  -rfoA  The  triple  staff  of  a 
mendicant  Brahmana  who  has  re- 
nounced the  world.  -cSar.  Seeing  the 
past,  present  and  future,  omniscient. 
-cJ2!.  Thirty.  -cSjs?^.  Disorder  of  the 
three  humours  of  the  body,  vitiation 
of  the  bile,  blood  and  phlegm.  -i3j3? 
;5)3oCi.  Removing  the  tridosha.  -?ra 
dJ.  =  djjsrfj  533530,  (/.  I).  -Sjqj.  The 
three  paths;  the  sky,  earth,  and  lower 
region.  -tsd^t^,  -ii^.  The  Ganges. 
-^3.  N.  of  a  metre;  a  tripod.  -sSW. 
Triangular;  a  musical  tala  that  re- 
quires three  beatings.  -sSoJj.  A 
sectarian  mark  consisting  of  three 
lines  made  on  different  parts  of  the 
body  by  Saivas  and  Vaishnavas. 
-^tf.  Three  strong  cities.  -^dj^. 





Brahma,  Vishnu  and  Siva;  three  [ 
generations.  -'^jSn-  Heaven,  earth  i 
and  the  lower  region.  -5jJ3.  Three 
systems  of  religion:  smurta  or  ad- 
vaita,  madhva  or  dvaita,  ramanuja 
or  visishtadvaita.  -53jJ35r.  The  triad 
of  Brahma,  Vishnu  and  Siva.       -o:Sjo 

lo'B'.  =  3,  jOlo*.    -dS.  The  three  c^ems: 

Oil  ■=<• 

Buddha,  the  law,  and  the  congrega- 
tion. -09^.  Three  nights.  -Oori. 
Having  three  genders:  an  adjective. 
-s3j5?=5^.  =  Sj^jdfi,  q.  i\  -53rtr.  Three 
objects  of  life:  religion  or  virtue, 
wealth,  and  pleasure.  '^^i;  ^'^® 
three  branches  of  knowledge.  -5j°r5. 
Triple  braid;  the  junction  of  the 
Ganges,  the  Tamunii  and  the  Sara- 
svati.  -3!j5ej.  A  trident.  -J^o^nSjCo. 
One  who  understands  and  remembers 
a  sloka  hearing  it  three  times. 
ifj535,  ^5^  s.  n.  A  triad.    2,  the  second 

of  the  four  ages  of  the  world,     ^?3t) 

?^  .  The  three  sacred  fires  collectively. 
ojlws€i=^  (ft:  ■Sj'ese^)    s.  «.    Relating  to 

the    three    times,    i.  e.    past,    present, 

and  future. 
Sjl-cii^^  s.  n.  The  rule  of  three. 
o  ooSi^  (=  ^^otou)   s.  n.    Triocular. 

n.  Siva.      2,  N.   of  a  town. 
33i  oCo'^    s.   a.     Tertian,     quartan,    as 



bamboo,  tabashtr. 

s!Q5;^  s.  a.  Quick,  swift,  speedy. 

i^QtJ  {tb.  of  ^3)  n.  Haste,  speed,  velo- 
city.      -5j3j.  To  be  quick,  hasty,  etc. 

©aC^Cs,,  s.  n.  A  man  of  very  dirty,  nasty 

2,  bark,  rind, 
(.     Manna     of 


q3*.  The  thirty-fifth  letter  of  the  alpha- 
bet. In  Kannada  it  occurs  only  in  few 

qi^s^rf  s.  )i.  The  letter  qi 
yj;,  a.  k.  n.  A  mass,  1 
(=:-5AjO)  To  blaze  up. 

SjUj;   a.  k.  n.     A  mass,  host,  array. 


C3*.  The  thirty-sixth  letter  of  the 

zi.  The  terminatio7i  of  the  affirmative  and 
negative  relative  participles,  as:  'f  §^ci, 
SjJ3JJcS,  cS5^°cS,  oSv;3!;rf,  S^Orf,  etc.;  "^{^ 
zi,  sjjsacS,  ^^vcS,  sojf^ricJ,  S^dcS,  etc. 

zio^  a.n.  A  bite,  sting.  2,  a  tooth, 
3,  a  gad-fly.  -tf.  Biting;  any  tiling 
fit  to  be  chewed,  as  pickles. 

xioZ\  s.  n.  A  large  tooth,  tusk,  fang. 
cSos;|,  ol)jqS.    A  wild  boar;  a  monkey. 

zi'SDXi  s.  n.  The  letter  rf. 

C55^,r<3,  rt-CT.r®    (<b.    o/'    rf*rs)    «.     The 

south;  the  upper  Dekhau. 
zi^Oj.  k.  I',  i-  To  be  obtained,  got,  acquir- 


ed;  to  remain  as  in  one's  possession. 
2,  to  remain;  to  be  saved",  to  become 
well.  n.  Acquirement,  possession', 
property,  f^ri^  cS^^J.  I  have  obtain- 
ed it.  -Sjt)*  "Sji^Js.  To  obtain  posses- 
sion. :StT^Aj^jaVJj.  To  appropriate  to 
one's  self;  to  keep  in  one's  stomach. 



ri3*\  s.  a.  Skilful,    able,  intellio'ent.     n. 

N.   of  a  son  of  Brahma.       2,  ability; 

fitness.    -^S^N-.  Durga.    -^.  Cleverness, 

C$-&,  re  (=  Cj^rs)  s.  a.     Rigbt,    not    left. 

2,  straightforward,  sincere,  upright. 
n.  The  south,  country  of  the  south, 
the  Dekhan.  -JjSJ  S.  The  south-pole. 
cSu-  fS^oijfS.  The  sun's  progress  south 
of  the  equator,  winter  solstice.  cS^S- 
f=?J3^^  fl.  The  south  and  the  north; 
right  and  left. 

CJ-gv  j§  (=Kisj?5?)  s.  M.  The  south.  2, 
(money)  presents  given  to  Brahmanas. 

3,  a  fee,  gift. 

CJSOP©,  TiSd  re,  rfSOFJ   {tb.   of    a-irmi)    n. 
'         so     '  ^A       ' 

The    upper    Dekhan.        diurf),    cJaj?i. 

Tlie  Hindusthani   language. 
c5"a5  f.  n.  A  rude  woman. 
ciA(yo    h.    n.       Trick,     fraud.        -nsia. 

Roguery;    a    dishonest    person;     also 

rf7\e3  h.  n.  Armour,  a  coat  of  mail. 
riTTO,  ni^  li.  M-  Deceit,  fraud;  imposture. 

cirrss3j3^rf.  A  dishonest  man.     -s3j3?!i 

Sfj.  Deceiving, 
rf^  f.  n.   Heat,  glow. 
cSA^k.  afZ.    With  a  blaze,     -eroo.     To 


burn  brightly. 

rfA  s.  a.  Burnt,  scorched.  -3o^.-  A 
luckless  man. 

cjc^  (=  Son)  h.  n.  Tumult  and  confu- 
sion, as  of  a  mutiny.  -^v'J.  To  become 
rebellious.     -sSjsSo,  -tS^Vo.  To  rebel. 

rieJ  k.  n.   Half  of  a  split  tamarind  seed. 

-nud.   A  kind  of  backgammon. 

riy  k.  a.   Thick,   stout,  robust;  crowded 
together,  thick-set,  dense,   n.   Quilted 

rags.      -=5*J3CJaJ0.    Thick,  bushy  hair. 

-7^.   Densely.     -f=3.   The  state  of  being 

thick,    crowded   together,    close,    etc. 

-o3j;^o,    .o3oj.   To    grow  thick,   close, 

dense.      -s3, .    Thick,  dense,  etc. 

rf&o,  k.  n.  A  waist-band;  a  sash. 

rii?  ?jO  k.  t'.  <.  To  rub  out,  obliterate; 
to  efface.      2,  (f.)  to  scold,  menace. 

dUJ,  k.  n.  Stumblinjj.  cSW.a.  A  totter- 
ing,  waddling  step. 

rfti  1.  A  sound  imitating  the  rattling  of 
thunder,  etc.;  trembling,  quivering,  pal- 
pitation. -ti:fi,  -to^.  rep.  -rfco,  -rfcSfS- 
In  hurry  and  flurry.  -to3  53j333i:^j. 
To  speak  rapidly. 

rfrf  2.  (<b.  0/^  3M)  n.  A  bank,  shore. 

dxicZdti'^  k.  n.  Impetuousness,  force. 

n3Z33^  (<&.  o/'  z^cSOj)  w.  Measles. 

rfft  1.  (  =  cSo.'^)  k.  n.  A  staff;  a  cudgel. 
-T\.  A  clubman. 

C^aa.  f.  n.  The  border  of  a  cloth. 

Cj'rfjsS  f.  n.  Of  close  texture,  as  cloth. 
2,  respectability;  wealth. 

c£(^  h.  n.  A  weight  of  ten  sers  and 
equal  to  i  of  a  maund.  2,  a  weight 
to  counterbalance. 

rfrf   k.  n.   A    blockhead;    a  stupid,  igno- 

rant   man;   f.  -^J,  c^a .       2,  a  double 

consonant;    also  -^^'      Cpds.:    -=#o?5, 

-rtjcs,    -dori,     efc.      -^^.      Stupidity, 


rf&    (=:3a=#)    k.   n.    A    tatty,    screcH. 
2,  a  cage.      3,  a  stable. 

diJiCsS  k.  n.  A  profligate  woman. 

25re   (  =  cSrlKi)   k.  P.p.  of   csrfi,   «w    rfra 

ulre^  k.  »i.  Fatigue,  weariness,  exhaus- 
tion. -WO^J,  -S^Oj^j.  To  take  rest. 
-?:fhdj.  To  be  weary.  -rljs^jj.  To 
be  fatigued. 

rfrJ  1.  k.  I'.  ^.  To  be  fatigued  or  tired. 
2,  to  be  satiated,  cSri^^o.  To  cause 
to  be  fatigued;  to  satiate. 

ti,ri2.  tb.  of  t^?i,  q.v. 

rfri^',  rfreo,  rfreo^.  =:dr33S,  q.  r. 

cooWo  k.  n.  A  stalk.  Cpds.:  'Ijs^'fci- 
ssSdodj-,  ::ij3dracS-,  etc. 

rfcTi  (=:tSo3j)  s.  w.  A  stick,    staff,  rod. 

2.  a  stalk.      3,  a  staff  or  sceptre.       4, 

the   oar  of  a  boat.       5,  punishment; 

a    fine;   imprisonment.      6,  a  form  of 




military  array;  an  army;  also  cSo:^. 
-■SWj^.  To  set  a  fine  on.  -€j3  3j.  To 
pay  a  fine.  -*^?s?j.  A  fine  to  be 
imposed  upon.  -^.  N.  of  a  vritta; 
a  pole.  -Si?.^.  Administration  of 
justice;  ethics.  -oIjtiJj.  A  bridal 
procession;  conquest  of  a  region. 
-sS.rsdJ,  -S,?53dJ,  -s3:^, f^sarfj.  A  pro- 
stration  of  the  body. 

dotJ^  s.  n.  Beating,  punishing,  inflict- 
ing punishment;  torment;  also  rfo::^?^. 
-S3i=".  A  penalty-clause  in  a  docu- 

rfoS  1.  k.  n.  Greatness,  might;  abund- 
ance, excess.      2,  anger.       3,  cruelty. 

rfo52.  s.  «..  A  doorkeeper,  porter.  2, 
a  religious  mendicant  carrying  a 
staff;   an  ascetic. 

rfo5^  (th.  of  cSoaf)  n.  The  beam  of  a 
balance.      2,  a  kind  of  palankeen. 

rfo&?dj  s.  I'.  /.  To  punish,  chastise;  to 

rfoT^J  (tb.  of  cSo3)  n.  An  army.  -■^3*0. 
-"ahi^^^ji'-fx.  To  keep  an  army,  -^s'jsa 
?oO.  To  assemble  an  army.  -^zio. 
To  encamp  an  army.  dod^J^.  To 
levy  an  army.  rfo^r^  SoJJ^rtj.  To 
enlist  in  the  army. 

aoZ§  I.  s.n.  A  string;  a  garland,  wreath- 
2,  a  kind  of  gymnastic  exercise  of 
the  body. 

rioZ§  2.  {lb.  of  ^y)  n.  A  bank,  shore. 
-rtJoU.  Along  the  shore. 

rfor?j3?d.  =  3or!d,  q.  r.  -3o?*^o.  To 
be   proclaimed    by    beat    of  drum. 

tii^  s.  o.  Given,  granted,  made  over. 
-sji-^'  An  adopted  son.  rt3^5Ja5t)C(. 
The  resumption  of  a  ffift.  ^sr!  :i.  A 

rf;^j3  -rf,  u^^^js  &  {lb.  of  c;3^-ra  d)  n.  The 
thorn-apple,  Datura  alba. 

rirfj  1.  k.  n.  Being  cracked,  as  an 
earthen  vessel. 

rirfj  2.  (lb.  of  ^^^)  n.  Cutaneous  erup- 
tion, herpes,  rash,  ringworm. 

d^  s.  ?(.  Curds.  -^o.  Wood-apple. 
-Sad.  Butter. 

uj^  (<b.  of  4$^)  «.  Cattle;  a  cow,  bullock. 
-ATiolijajJ.  A  herdsman.  -d  53.)oc3, 
-cS  2oo::3j.  A  herd  of  cattle. 

dS)  (<b.  of  c^  ^)  n.  A  sound,  voice. 
-rljsiSo,  -Aj^'^j).  To  echo. 

ujrjJ  s.  a.  N.  of  Daksha's  daughter 
and  Kasyapa's  wife.  -<a.  A  Danava. 
-toSjqJ^i,  -jsaocJ,  -:3i;0.   Krishna. 

rfo^  s.  M.  A  tooth;  a  tusk,  fang.  2,  an 
elephant's  tusk,  ivory.  3,  an  ele- 
phant. -:3j3°d.  An  6!e  of  ivory.  -:p33 
fcS.  Cleaning  the  teeth.  -a.\.©5J.  The 
root  of  a  tooth.  -3^.  N.  of  a  D;inava. 
-ScJ.  Acidity,  sourness.  -^S.  Wood 
sorrel.       -oo??i.   Toothless. 

rfoS  a.  a.  Having  teeth,  n.  An  elephant. 
2,  the  croton  plant,  Crolon  liglium; 
also  -^.     -sSojaj.  Ganapati. 

ujO^n  s.  a.  Dental,  as  a  letter. 

3jc;de3  li.  n.  Vexation,  chicanery. 

rforfOA  k-  n.  Intricacy:  trouble,  annoy- 
ance.      -Aji'-fJs,   -Si3    (-lod).    To   fall 
into  trouble. 
rfz!,   k.  ?i.  Thickness;  stoutness;  coarse- 


ness.  Cpds.:  -\,  -oJjaejJ,  -f5oo3j,  -:Cie3, 
-c^jl3,  e<c.      -rS.    -ri.    Thick;   coarse. 

u5^^0  h.  ?i.  Burial. 

d^3,  3yeli.  H.  Time,  turn.  2,  a  party 
of   peons.       rf^^nDCJ.  A    head  peon. 

rfr!  d  h.n.  A  record,  register;  a  bundle 
of  records.  -nsrf.  A  head  native 
revenue  officer  of  a  collectorate. 

d20d20  k.  ?;.  A  sound  imiUiting  Ihe  pal- 
pitation of  the  heart  or  any  heavy  fall. 
-°3cii-  To  palpitate.  cJwcS'wS.  A  water- 

rfSosdJSS  f.n.  Unfair  dealing,  cheating. 

rfa3303orio  f.  I',  t.  To  force  down;  to 
menace;  to  slam,  as  a  door. 

rfao  03,  rfa5,^  f.  n.  A  pack-needle. 

d200,  (  =  i5jsioj,,  d.rawj.)  k.  v.  t.  To 
£J  to  w 


ziiS    (  =  c^i3^)    k.  )i.    A  slip,  split,    strip, 

esp.  of  bamboo.      2,  (f.)  a  blow. 
rfj^O    s.  a.    Taming.       n.    Self-restraint, 

subduiog  the  passions;  also  -fi. 
rf-doa     (=cS5ija)    h.  n.    A    kasu,    the 

fourth  part  of  a  duddu.       2,  a  small 

rf^o?i^  s.  n.  N.  of  jackal. 
ci^oodocS  s.  n.  N.  of  Nala's  wife. 
rf^iJ^^O  h.  «.  The  large  sail  of    a   boat. 

a.  Leeward. 
r^o^re?jJ   b.  n.    Damask.       2,    a   wooden 

rfiJJsS  s.  a.  Subdued,  conquered,     -ss^, 

cSi^oSD^.   One  whose  sin  is  subdued. 
xictiB   s.  n.    The  master   of  the   house. 

2,  (dual)  man  and  wife.      -r!<;?p^o^  ^ja 

asjj.   To  join  in  marriage  by  repeat- 
ing certain  formulas, 
rfc^  s.n.  Arrogance,  ostentation,  pride. 

2,    deceit,    fraud,    hypocrisy.  -=5^. 

Arrogant,     etc.  rfozpstssd,    -a^o. 

Arrogant,  ostentatious  behaviour. 
ri^O,.     lb.    of    qj3o-,  q.  v.       dsio^odjg. 

Generous  master ! 

rf;:^o.  £i.  ^rfcj^,  q.  V. 

cSdoo,  li.  n.  Breath;  panting;  asthma. 
-wSJo,,  -coa.  To  suspend  one's  breath; 
breath  to  be  choked. 

cJoSo  {lb.  of  cSoijs)  n.  Sympathy,  com- 
passion, tenderness,  pity,  mercy, 
clemency,  love.  -5js€);^j.  To  take 
pity  on;  to  grant  graciously.  -S3J3 
iSj.  To  be  kind,  considerate;  to  grant 
graciously.  -^o^.  A  compassionate 
man.  Cj0d:'35b3=^.  A  side-glance 
full  of  mercy,  kindness,  etc.  cSodra 
ipstf.  A  very  compassionate  man. 
cJoij^rijrs.  The  quality  of  compas- 
sion, etc  CjoSJiCIa:.  The  feeling  of 
compassion.  cSc<i;sioWj^,  vi<xio'5K^x> 
iS,,  zi oAis '^ .  Ocean  of  compassion. 
cScdj-3«jo,  -«?j.  Pitiful,  merciful,  kind, 

Z$d  f.  n.  Eate,  price. 

213  c!>Z^F 

rfd^O  k.  n.   Roughness;  hoarseness. 
rflJa33?jj      h.  n.    An    application,    offer 

for  a  rent  or  farm. 
uki/i    h.  n.    A    Mohammadan    place    of 

ziTJSdzK)    li.  >i.  An  extra  tax. 


rf'd^  (=rft5F)  h.  ?i.  A  tailor. 

rftjr®  «b.  o/"  qSdrs)  n.  The  weight  and 
value  of  one-fourth  of  a  varaha:  11 
anes  8  kasus. 

CjtJrfo  h.  n.  Care,  regard;  need. 

rf'daSD'd,  rfdeas'do  li.  n.  A  royal  court; 
a  hall  of  audience;  a  levee-room. 
2,  the  people  assembled.  3,  govern- 
ment, rule.      4,  pomp,  show. 

rf^dos^  h.  n.  Monthly  pay.   a.  Monthly. 

Cj'dw^j&iZi  h..7i.  A  gate  or  door;  a  gate- 

rfD  s.  71.  A  cave;   a  hole.         2,  a  valley. 

cSQo^OT)    h.  ad.    In  this  case;    at  this 


time;   hereinafter. 
rf&rfi  s.  a.  Poor,  needy;   distressed.       n. 

A  poor    man;    f.    -^X      2,    poverty, 

want;  also  -^c^,  -^• 
rfScdrab     (  =  cicxJOBr*jJ     h.  n.  Investi- 

D  — 


rfTJo,^  (lb.  of  ?^53)  71.  A  song  in  peculi- 
ar metre. 

rf-rfo^jji.  tb.  of  d^Fti,  q.  V. 

zL'S  s.  n.  A  cave.  2,  barren  soil.  3, 
a  wall. 

Cjt3js?a  h.  71.  The  chief  native  officer  in 
the  department  of  abkari,  salt,  eand- 
al,  etc. 

rfT3j3?20~O    h..7i.  All  without  exception. 

rf&SF,  zfSr   h.  71.  Rank,  order,  grade. 
jtegr.  =  cSti^5,  q.v. 

Jizir  s.  71.  Pride,  arrogance.       2,   bold- 
tiTJrr®  s.n.  A  looking-glass,  mirror. 

crf^'ir,  uiE^c-  s.  n.  The  kuca  grass,  Poa 




rf^r    s.  X.    Looking   at,   viewing;   sight, 

view.      -"CT.  A  spectator;   an  exhibitor; 

a  savant;    showing,   displaying.       -^ 

?i53~c3D3j.  A  demonstrative  pronoun. 
zi^F^  s.  n.   Seeing.        2,  sight,  vision, 

appearance,   observation;    perception. 

3,   exhibition.       4,  a  visit.       6,  view, 

theory.      6,    a  system    of  philosophy. 

-'ijiSj.   To   favour    one   with   a  visit- 

-iri,  -sij33j.  To  visit. 
ri5~  s.    n.   Seeing;     showing;     a    seer, 

spectator;  f.  -^.        -^.    Seen;    shown; 

apparent.     -=tO.  To  see. 
rfS    a.   k.    ad.     Certainly,   to   be  sure, 

de.  =  ui'-f3,  q.  V. 
ziZlcS  s.  n.  Splitting,  breaking  to  pieces, 

rfe)3e5,  d2)0  ^    h.  n.    Brokerage;      com- 

mission.     2,  a  broker.   -Sn-  A  broker's 

rf^  s.  n.  Fire.       2,  a  wood  on  fire.       3, 

a  forest  conflagration;  also  cS^sjit). 

rfttSlI    k.  ?i.    The    jaw    bone,    mandible. 

-raejo .  The  molars. 
rfs^S,  rfii<§,  cr^S   h.  M.  An  inkstand, 
rf^fo  (/b.  o/'  crfSjsi)  w.   The  plant  ^>7e- 

misia  indica  and  its  flower, 
rfdri     (<b.  o/"    ol)3Sj)    jt.    Corn,    grain. 

C5^S?  s.  n.  A  conch-shell  used  for  blow- 
ing.     2,  tb.  of  t?at>,  q.  V. 

cinD  h.  n.  Medicine.  -S33c3.  A  medicine- 
shop,  dispensary. 

rf^^J  (-=cSS:Sj,  ct3:^j)  h.  ?i.  A  race, 
run.  2,  a  military  excursion,  expe- 

rfsfs.  a.  Ten.  -t?.  Tenfold;  a  decade.  -*o 
g!,  -'"^jeS,  -S3JJSJ,  -^d?j,  -3d.  Ravana, 
-rtjrs.  Tenfold;  penalty  for  not  affix- 
ing a  stamp  to  an  official  document. 
-c33n.    Ten   gifts:    cows,   land,    sesa- 

raum.  gold,  ghee,  raiment,  betel, 
grain,  j^ggory,  daughters  in  mar- 
riage, "^'^'i-  The  eight  points  of 
the  compass  and  the  earth  and  sky. 
-s3j.  Tenth.  -53J3o3i.  Decimal.  -Oj. 
The  tenth  lunar  day.  -c3q3.  X.  of 
Rama's  father.  cJsao^.  Ten  parts; 
the  tenth  part.  cSS3ort.  Ten  members; 
an  incense  composed  of  ten  ingredi- 
ents. cSS3S35S.  The  ten  incarnations 
of    Vishnu.  cSs^oa^oSj  .The    ten. 

organs  of  perception  and  action. 

rf€  s.  n.  Tbe  skirt,  edge  or  hem  of  a 
garment;  the  wick  of  a  lamp.  2, 
age,  period.  3,  state  or  condition  of 
life.  4,  fate.  rfs^So:^  A  fortunate 
man.     ciss^o^oi.  An  unfortunate  man. 

dX)U^:^0        h.    n.    Hand-writing;    signa- 


d?j5^0  k.  n.  A  thin,  dust-like  coating  on 

certain   grains,   as  jola,    ragi,   etc.,  a 

kind  of  husk. 
rf?j?io  e.    n.  A   dozen,     12    pieces;    also 

rf?irfjei^  s.  ?i.  Ten  months'  pay  given 
for  twelve. 

ii^j-:^,  z!^7i-S  {lb.  of  a^on^)  n.  The  tenth 
day  of  the  suklapaksha  of  the 
seventh  month  (asvina),  the  last  day 
of  the  navaratri;    also  -^iA- 

rf^J  k.  11.  A  stake;  a  wooden  peg. 

rf?S.  lb.  of  rf^,   q.  V. 

so  -i  -^ 

rfris  ^p3iO,  rf:6    (■rfaJj     h.  ;(.     A    docu- 

ment;  a  bond. 
ri^jj    h.  n.  A  quire  of  paper.      2,  a  pack 

of    3   cards.       3.  money   withheld   by 

government  to  an  official. 
3j?jjs  Q  h.  n.  Custom,  fashion.      2,  cus- 

— D 

tomary  fees;  postage;  tax. 

iSo^;  s.  n.  Consuming  by  fire,  burning. 
2,  fire;  Agni.  -Joo^s^O.  The  rites 
of  cremation.      cSSo'So.  To  burn  up. 

ti^  1.  C-^=0)  a.  k.  w.  An  army  contain- 
ing infantry,  cavalry,  elephants  and 




chariots.       -5jS,   -^jjsj,,,     -;330!)j.     A 

general.    -^jJSj.  The  van  of  an  army. 
d^  "2.    f.  ?i.  Thickness,    solidity.       -^^. 

Thickness;  compactness. 
sjss*  3.  (=dsj)  f.  n.  A  leaf,  petal.       2,  a 

part,  fragment. 
o3S?S^.  =  ti^^O,  q.  V. 
lS^   k.  r.  t.    To  seam.       v.  i.  To  become 

abundant,  as  fruits  etc.;   to  spread,  as 

small-pox,   etc. 
nsu"  "do    e.    n.      A     doctor;     European 



nss^,  cdJr5  s.  n.  N.  of  any  of  the 
daughters  of  Daksha.     -^^-  Ganesa. 

CS'O-,  f<Sn  (/■}•.  cS-3-  ras)  s.  M.  Civility,  cour- 
tesy, politeness;  honesty,  candour; 
obsequiousness.  -n^cJ,  -»3og,  -ssO. 
An  obsequious  man. 

CSSDS^B^^O  h.  ?i.  Proof,  documentary 

CJaSDe;o  h.  a.  Entered,  as  into  an  ac- 
count, etc.  n.  Entry  of  an  item  in  an 
account  or  register.  -rfj3:So.  To  enter, 
as  a  name  into  a  register,  etc. 

c33aS20S?  k.  n.  A  winding  half  shrubby 
plant,  Cocculus  villosus. 

nsT, ?j  h.  n.  Jewels  worn  on  the  body; 
personal  property. 

Cj^aoiJjsSS  h.  ?i.  Repairing,  doing  up. 

a3&o?jJ  k.  V.  t.  To  make  cross,  etc. 

cisyj  k.  y.  f.  To  cross,  ford;  to  pass; 
to  go  beyond;  to  escape,  v.  i.  To  die; 
to  expire  or  pass  away,  elapse,  as 
time.  n.  Stepping,  passing  over,  etc. 
-=ai^.  A  summary.  -53?JJ.  A  far-stepp- 
ing foot.  -SoJSOr^.  Sewing  with  long 

■croJ^  h.  n.  The  beard. 

as^^j,  cji^ceo  s.  n.  The  pomegranate 
tree  and  its  fruit,  Punica  granatum. 

C33Z§  (lb.  of  ^o^j)  n.  A  tusk;  a  fang; 
a  molar.      2,  a  jawbone. 

C35^3  (<6.  of  cp5N„)  ?i.  Grain.  2, 
(  =  Cj3Cc5)  a  rope. 

C3Sf»33  f.  n.  Thickness,  stoutness.  -rfa. 
A  very  stout  man;   of.  533oa?1. 

nscyj.  —  Cj?Wj,  q.  V. 

ViDo^X  f.  n.  A  stout,  strong  man.  -3rf. 

c3d;^,  cBSO'rf   /b.  of  i^s:^,,  q.  v. 

nsi^N,  s.  n.  A  giver,  donor.  -^ .  Liber- 

C33d  {tb.  of  s^^,  g.  V.)  n.  A  respectful 
term  of  address  for  an  elderly  man. 

cjSCi   (tb.  of  <?3-^)  n.  A  nurse. 

c:3?j  s.  n.  Giving;  a  gift,  present,  do- 
nation. -^3^J,  -siJ3:iJ.  To  make 
gifts,  etc.  -rtJcQ.  A  liberal  disposition. 
-:i.  Liberality.  -rjSdjr.  Almsgiving, 
charitable  acts.  -*j^,  -3i)^rS.  A  deed 
of  gift.  -^js:^.  a  presented  vessel; 
an     object    of    charity.  "^^-    -^ 

presented  cloth.  -3?w,  -sijscj.  A 
generous  person. 

C3S?j^  s.  n.  Danu's  descendant;   a  giant. 

133^  s.  n.  A  donor. 

uzo:^  s.  a.  Subdued,  enduring.  2,  end- 
ing in  ^.       S39o3.   Self-restraint. 

C53orfe3.  =  rforfsS,  g.  i'. 

C33J^  k.  n.  Stretch,  etc.;  the  measure  of 
a  stride.  -Soti=5^J.  To  measure  by 

C33eOP®50S  f.  n.  A  certain  border  of  a 

nsSOJ.  =  ^»>!^->  1)  2,  g.i;. 

DS^J  (=C33WJl,  g.  y.)  s.  n.  A  string, 
cord,  thread.  2,  a  girdle.  3,  a 
chaplet,  wreath  for  the  forehead.    -?i. 

as^Ji)?:;^  li.n.  Proportionate  distribu- 
tion, equitable  allotment,   dividends. 

□S^jseS''rf  s.  a.  Having  a  cord  round 
the  belly,     n.  Krishna. 

usaoSpS'  (fr.  cSoJ^)  s.  a.  Deceitful;  osten- 
tatious, proud.  n.  Ostentatiousness; 
also  i33ojp=tf. 

C33oJj  s.  n.  A  gift,  present.  2,  a  part, 
partition.         3,    share,     inheritance, 




patrimony.  4,  property.  5,  a  throw 
of  dice.  6,  an  opportunity,  fit  mo- 
ment; a  means.  -?r.  A  giver;  heir, 
kinsman.  -Czp'srt.  A  portion  of  in- 

croocirea  (lb.  of  ra^odj^rf^)  n.  A  descend- 
ant from  a  male  stock. 

iTOOOJ  (tb.  of  cp^S^)  n-  A  wet  nurse. 
2,  (s.)  giving,  granting. 

aaoSJA  (lb.  of  u33odo*)  71.  A  remote 
kinsman.      2.=  nsoi3?a. 

CSBIJI.  s.  71.  A  rent,  cleft,  hole.  2,  a 
wife.     -^.   A  child. 

C33tj2.  /6.  0/"   n^d,   q.  V. 

aaiJ  3.  («&.  of  q5^ci)  n.  A  string,  thread. 
2,  (a/f.)  holder,  possessor,  as.'  eSjy-, 

ns'dn  f.  n.  Rate,  market  price. 

ns'deOo;::^,  usij^crf  (lb.  of  n?  tiiooqS)  n. 
A  doorframe.      2,  the  panel  of  a  door. 

C33&  k.  n.  A  way,  road,  path.  -^Wj.. 
To  block  up  a  way.  -=^J3:iO.  To  let 
pass.  -fijsyij,.  To  start;  to  make  a 
■way  for  one's  self,  as  water.  -^id. 
To  go  on  foot;  to  travel.  -^^';^:^j. 
To  look  out  for,  wait  for.  -zS::ao.  To 
go  out  of  the  way.  -^js^?^.  A  stroll- 
er,    -^=)rf,  -7~i.  A  traveller. 

CDbrfj,  asQrfjns. n.  Poverty,  indigence, 

D3TJ0  s.  n.  A  piece  of  wood,  timber.  2, 
=  d53n"3dj.  -3o^,  -so^B*.  A  wooden 
spoon  or  ladle. 

DS'djr®  s.  n.  Cruel,  horrible;  hard, 
rough,     n.  Cruelty,  horror. 

rra-c^l,  .^JV  k.  n.  The  fruit  of 
Averrhoa  carambola. 

□0^32,  tb.  of  cpt>!3,  q.v. 

CTO'T'qr'  s.  n.  Stability,  strength,  energy. 

nac;So^)>,  cra?5  S)  f.  n.  Cinnamon. 

nseij  h.  ?^.  Split  pulse,  dhal. 

055^2.  (— rfS)  s.  n.  A  forest  confla- 
gration; also  tovJ3eif\,  n^^jsji^.  2,  a 

C3D7irf     (<b.  o/'  JTOSSo?;)    n.  A    rope  for 

tying  cattle. 
cro^S     f.    n.     Labour,     toil,     exertion, 

trouble.      -?^-^v«j„  -sS:sx  To  toil,  etc. 

-5ias;j.  To  give  trouble.  -SSjscsJ.  To 

take  pains, 

nssiti  f.  «.    Thirst,   desire;  need,  want; 

also   Ca'SoJ. 

cross,  na^  (=  :335j)  h.  w.  Enmity,  spite; 
a  suit,  complaint.  -?3-'33j^.  Property 
in  litigation.  -CJSti.  A  prosecutor; 
complainant,  plaintiff. 

t3D^  s.  n.  A  fisherman.       2,   a  servant. 

aas'zj^  (/v.  cisldqj)  s.  ?i.  Rama. 

na^  p^  (<b.  0^  c?=>'i),f^^)  «.  A  bold  and 
influential  man;  boldness.  -^^.  Bold- 

asri  s.  n.  A  male  servant,  slave;  a  de- 
votee; f.  zzTiro.  -nw;^.  Servile  work. 
-ip.iS.  The  attitude  of  a  slave,  -odo,, 
A  (Vaishnava)  devotoe;  f.  -^S .  nasrrf 
5dciris?o.  Songs  composed  by  Vaishnava 
devotees.       -^^.  Servitude,  slavery. 

nDXi^,  caxlssps,  C30?j3a^^  etc.  f.n.  The 
shoe-flower  or  China  rose,  Hibiscus 
rosa  sinensis. 

tstrixi.,  cstjS  (lb.  of  n^^?d)  n.  A 
Vaishnava  religious  mendicant.  -3o5 
s^.   The  boa. 

CX),?J  s.  n.  A  female  servant  or  slave. 
iTOI^jsec^  (fr.  C33^8  eeoo  I  am  a  servant) 

s.  71.  Self-subjection;  devotion. 
DD?Js  -^  (cf.    :3js?=J3  =i.)  h.  7i.  A  deposit;: 


reserve,   stock, 

caSo  s.  «.  Burning;  internal  heat.  2, 
ardent  desire.  3,  thirst.  -T^fS'-f-x. 
To  become  thirsty.  -^i^J^dc^,  -SSofS, 
-33c3.  Quenching  desire  or  thirst. 

C33a?s,  CSS?  (v°  =  C3',  <?;.  o/'  qral3)  ?/.  An 
impetuous  assault;  an  attack;  a  rush; 
an  inroad.  -"SSj.  To  make  an  as- 
sault; to  rush  up  to.  oT3«?t)C3t)«?. 
A  mutual  assault. 




cro^o20,  cs^csf,  etc.  (lb.  of  n^iaaj, 
g.  v.)  71.  A  pomegranate. 

BS^O  {tb.  of  as*)  «.  A  point  of  the  com- 
pass, direction.  2,  refuge,  protection, 
help.  -a^ii.  In  every  direction.  S>^ 
^d.  Refuge,  etc.,  not  existing,  a^^ 
ej^dS.  A  helpless  man.  a^a^53eiaAi. 
Dispersion  in  all  directions;  ruined 
condition.  -i^^„  ^J '^,-  The  horizon; 
a   mariner's   compass. 

Cj^^vO,  -^  s.  n.  The  regent  or  guardian 
of  one  of  the  quarters  of  the  world. 

Dao^  s.  71.  The  visible  horizon. 

DACSO'd  s.  a.  Sky-clothed,  unclad,  nak- 
ed,     n.  A  naked  mendicant. 

DaTJO  h.  ad.  Also,  additionally.  a. 
Another.  -Ji^uioj.  Another  or  con- 
tradictory answer. 

Q7\£;o  k.  ?(.  Consternation,  horror, 
alarm,  fear. 

OTs^^O  a.  k.  V.  t.  To  let  down,  lower. 

qac£;j.  =  ahwj,  (/.  I'. 

aX  3j  s.  n.  An  elephant  of  one  of  the 
eight  quarters  of  the  compass. 

Ga  w  k.  ad.  Suddenly,  all  at  once. 

D7^  ?E?    s.  n.    Various    regions,    distant 



aX  o:;;^  s.  (1.  A  general  charm  to  keep 

off  all  evils. 
aX  s5  s.  11.  An  offering  to  the  regions  of 

the  sky. 

aA    ^0,  a7\t),  c§  s.  71.  Consternation. 
Z)J  ^) 

a7\,e  e.  n.  Degree.  n.  Division  or  in- 
terval marked  on  a  thermometer  or 
barometer;  also  3Q^?. 

aAS^s^^  s-  '*•  A-  term  denoting  direction. 

aT^.QSaociJ  s.  n.  Universal  conquest. 

ao^O  a.  k.  «.  A  jump,  leap.  2,  gam- 
bol,     ao*:!).  To  leap,  jump. 

ay  (lb.  of  a^)  n.  Truth.  ad.  Certain- 
ly, truly,  -^y.  Courage,  stout,  robust. 
-SJ3:^j,  A  true  word. 

ai3  (lb.  of  ^x?j)  a.  Bold,  courageous; 
Strong,  powerful,  -rratf.  A  bold  man. 
-^cS.  Boldness. 

a&o  .  <?^.  of  rf>«i.,  (T.  I'.  -=fj3c3,  -r^J5?3.  A 
side-glance.  -i^j3«??ij.  To  appear. 
-Xj.  To  see;  to  look  at. 

arf     (<&.  of  clz^)    a.    Firm,    strong,    etc. 

n.  Firmness,  strength. 

Q(!5.  f.  n.  A  wicket;  a  sally-post;  also 

ar^o   k.  w.  An  eminence;  a  hillock. 

acciA  k.  71.  The  tree  Anogeissus  lali- 
folia.  which  yields  a  hard,  white 

ao'rfo  k.  n.  A  heap;  a  big  stone;  a 
bundle  of  wood  or  grass;  a  bale  of 
cloth.  2,  the  handle  of  a  plough; 
a  log.  3,  the  trunk  of  a  tree.  4, 
the  centre  of  an  orange;  the  core  of 
a  plantain  tree.  5,  thickness;  strength; 
pride;  nutritiousness.  -^.  A  stout 
man.  -=^^.  A  stout  arm.  -sSjcOjg.  A 
stout,  strong  body.  -r^js°^^,  -53:^0, 
-i3?°^0.   To    become  stout. 

Qf?   (—8i^,q.v.)   k.  «.    An    eminence; 


a  bank. 

a§  s.  71.  N.  of  a  daughter  of  Daksha, 
wife  of  Kasyapa. 

a^  s.  n.  A  day.  -ri^.  Daily.  -'^^, 
-n«?.  To  spend  a  day.  -^Jj£>.  Daily 
hire,  -rfoi,  -nS  msfi.  As  usual.  -aoS. 
rej3.  Daily.  -a?i=#,.  Day  by  day, 
daily.  -J:So3jr.  The  daily  observance 
of  rites;  an  official  journal.  -^cj, 
-^1'^,  -ST.  The  sun.  -d^3.  =  aFdotf^S. 
-53j3oS.  The  length  of  a  day.  acSo 
51  5.  Daily.  -sSco.  A  diary,  day-book. 
-w;3-53Je)5i, -^a^F": -'^ja.  Daily  news. 

a?j,^    (^tSr^'^o)  f.M.    Grain;    also     a?i 

a?33  s.  ad.  Daily;  aiso  -r!,  -rtuo,  -uo. 
aao    k.   H.  An    eminence,    a  hillock;    cf. 

a?3x  =  ara,  rt.  V.     -^rio.  Hill  and  dale. 
aao  r^  k.  n.  A  nuptjal  procession.       2, 

a  wooden  stopple. 
a^Ji)3'o    h.  n.    Haughtiness,     inflation; 

arrogance,  pride. 





aoeOJ  k.  n.  A  pillow  for  the  head;  also 
323-.      2,  the  pericarp  of  a  lotus. 

ado,/?,  B'rfo^w  k.  ad.  Strongly;  loudly. 

GSj^  k.  n.  A  log  of  wood.      2,  a  bulb. 

B^jj  1.  k.  n.  Giddiness.  -3o:Sj,  -^^ij. 
Giddiness  to  come  over  one. 

a^JO,  2.  k.  V.  t.  To  push,  shove. 


a^  s.  n.  Heaven;  the  sky,  air.  2,  day, 
a  day.      -0=>^.  Day  and  night. 

ad?j  (=  Sb^,  q.  V.)  s.  n.  A  day.  -*«?.= 
05:r!«?,  5.  r.  -^  cos^j.  To  procrasti- 
nate. -S^:^.  j-cp.  =a?i  a^S.  -co3j, 
-coa.  Days  to  be  required  (it  takes 
. . .  days).    -J3?,3:3rf.  =  afi-^o3or,  g.  r. 

as35''d  s.  n.  The  sun. 

assr®,  a;3a;i  h.  ?«.  A  minister  or  chief 
officer  of  state.  2,  a  royal  hall;  a 
court  of  justice.      3,  the  sarkar;  also 

aS3?:a  h.  a.  Mad;   foolish. 

BSaSpfS  s.  n.  A  person    timid    by    day. 

2,  an  owl;    a  thief. 
asaon^,  assTj^Sj   s.n.  Day  and  night. 

ass'?  1.  tb.  of  ajs^si^,  g.  v. 

a:33S?  2.  f.  n.  Bankruptcy.       -vi^    oSjs? 

no,  -3r1.  To  become  bankrupt.     -s3j5^ 

rf.  A  spendthrift;   a   bankrupt. 
a.S   s.  n.  Heavens,  the  sky.       2,  a  day. 

-li-    A   deity.       -teSrf.  Svarga.       -c33 

o3j=5*.   Indra. 
ao^o  s.  a.  Divine,  heavenly;    charming, 

beautiful.      -^«?.  Divine  lustre. 

The    guardians    are    suraraja,    agni, 

kala,  niruti,  varuna,  maruta,  artheia, 


a^,  a€  s.  n.  A  quarter  or  point  of  the 

compass,  direction,  region. 

as:;     s.   a.    Appointed,    ordered;     fixed. 
n.  Assignment,  decree;  fate;   aim. 

aoU.  {tb.   of  cSA»g[ji  -5.  I"-)      ».    The    eye; 

ae^S.   s.  n.   Preparation   or  consecration 

for   a  religious   ceremony;    initiation; 

dedication;      devotion,      e.  a.     <Jj^.-. 

S3Je)^-,      ^^Dm-,       S^^-,      e<C.  a°T  3. 

Initiated,  consecrated;  a  conductor 
of  a  sacrifice;    a  family  If. 

aelJO  k.  ».  Similarity,  equality.  2,  va- 
luation, -wndj,  -Tijsyjj, -SSj,  -'i2)o^j. 
To  be  equai. 

a^Fi  s.  a.  Afflicted;  miserable.  2, 
dejected,  downcast.  3,  poor,  indigent- 
4,  humble,  -rjjra.  A  humble  disposi- 
tion. -3^,  -i,  -^,  -"^3d.  Humility. 
a?i5j35q3^0.  A  deliverer  of  the 

ao^;  s.  n.  A  lamp;  a  light.  (2,  lb.  of 
^?5j.   -n^^.    Imported   raisins).     -^ 

-:§r1,  -!3j33  cSj  s3jj)3j  (superstition).  To 
extinguish  a  lamp.  -cS  ^a  .  A  match. 
-^:3j  .  To  light  a  lamp.  -'aolo.  =  -?oo 
J«i,  (J.  I'.  -ci  w-^.  A  female  image 
with  a  lamp-cup.  -cSi~rj.  Looking 
upon  a  lamp  as  in  an  adoring  atti- 
tude, -^olo.  A  lampstand.  a^s^rfS. 
A  kind  of  lighted  arati.  a'Sj^sSe?  (  — 
as3D-;?,  q.  v.).  A  festival  with  noctur- 
nal illuminations;  also  Si^^i?^  ^. 

a?^  s.  a.  Illuminated,  briffht.  ajij. 
Brilliancy,  light,  lustre;   a  ray,  flash. 

a?^or  s.  a.  Long  (as  space  or  time).  2, 
long,  as  a  vowel.  -^sw.  A  long 
time.  -=#JS;S.  A  cockle.  -S.  Length, 
longness.  -cSSr.  Seeing  far,  wise; 
a  seer,  -rf.ii,.  Far-seeing,  far-sighted, 
shrewd;  a  sagacious  man.  '•^5"^' 
An     old      grudge.  -^^,     -^3l)=j. 

Death.  -iJS^ri.  A  long  illness.  -S5o 
•S.  Long-suffering,  patience.  a^^ar 
oijj,  aP3?5rccLu;i;,.  Long  life. 

ae^S^,  ae^B/^  (<&.  of  a?533i3*)  «.  a 
torch,  flambeau,  -rt,  -ccJjsj.  A  torch- 
bearer.  -?is3SSjJJ.  An  honouring 
ceremony  performed  every  evening 
by  waving  lighted  torches  before 
a    noble  personage  or  an   idol. 

aescs?.  tb.  of  a^st'Sj'^,-  q.  v. 




Qe^.  th.  of  a  ?5j,  q.  V.  -siv^^.  The 
breadfruit  tree,  Artocarpus  incisa. 

a?5y^  [lb.  of  S>°ij'§)  n.  A  lamp.  2, 
brig'htness,  brilliancy. 

rfj  k.  A  termmation  of  the  p.  p.,  as: 
=5^jarfo,  ^orfj,  fidrfj,  c5c3cSj,  "^jsorfj, 
e<c.      2,  tb.  of  a^. 

rfOo  s.  pref.   Evil,    bad,    difficult,    hard. 

C^OSSO  s.  n.  TJnhapplness,  pain,  sorrow, 
grief,  affliction,  distress,  misery;  trou- 
ble, difficulty.  -^j3:Sj.  To  give  trouble. 
-rtjjs?jj,  -sJ3j.  To  be  grieved,  etc. 
-5ja^j.  To  cause  trouble,  etc  -SjsSj. 
To  feel  unhappy;  to  grieve,  etc.  -^3. 
Causing  pain,  sorrovr,  etc.  -;^?oj. 
Living  in  pain  or  distress.  -^»3j^, 
-SaoB.  Allaying  or  cessation  of  pain, 
grief,  etc. 

rfjSa)  s,  n.  Sorrowing,  afflicted.  -3. 
Pained,  distressed.  -^J.  To  be  un- 
happy; to  grieve. 

rfOo^20   s,  n.  A  bad  souuJ  or  word. 

sijSS?e^  s.  a.  Badly  disposed,  ill-natur- 
ed, reprobate. 

rfoS^  B  s.  n.  Ill  condition,  unhappiness. 

CjJSDf^J  h.  )i.  A  shop.  -~j3d.  A  shop- 

sijCTjsai  s.  v(.  Woven  silk,  very  fine 

C<OATi,  rfJAOTi  (lb.  of  dJjT^)  ?i.  Grief, 
care,   anxiety;  uneasiness. 

C^A  .  tb.  of  niJrt^,  g.  v. 


rfJTv)  rJ  (A'-  <^J-^^ri>)  s.  /(.  Two  kanis,  two 


rfjA    s.  )i.  Milk;  sap.    u^on^ipsS^s'.  Bath- 

inff    with  milk.      cSorssii.  The   sea  of 

ci)7\  ^  s.  n.  A  sort  of  ^scJepias.       2,  a 

kind  of  gourd. 
CJ07^    (<b.  of  rfJ,^)    n.   Doubt,  suspense. 

2,'  ill  will;   envy. 

rfoci  k.  ('.  i.  To  labour,  work,  toil.  2, 
to  throb  and  pain,  as  a  boil.  v.  t.  To 
acquire  by  one's  labour.        -S,  -»3j. 

Acquisition,  gain.    -sSjn^rf.  An  econo- 
mist.    -^J.  To  cause  to  labour. 
ujJT^J^'o  k.  i'.  i.  To  act  raslily,  violently 

or  wickedly,      n.  Rashness,  insolence; 

also  -3fi.     -loja .  A  rash  mind. 
ajtiorfj*  k.  ^  sound  of  suddenly  falling. 

-^^^S.    Entering    headlong    upon    a 

work.      -^JfS.  Suddenly. 
cSocio^o.  =  cSjadj,    see    s.    cioa.      -nstf. 

An  economist. 
rfJT^o    k.  n.  A  copper  coin,  ^-  of  an  Ana- 

2,  money.      zij:s'?S.  Covetousness. 
uJocyj  k.  n-  Rocking,  unevenness.      cSoo 

toscSj.    To    rock,    to   be    uneven,    as   a 

table,  e<c. 
ddcXi'R,  rfjoci/^     k.   or/.    Roundly.       a. 

Round.       n.  Roundness;    also  cSjo:Sf3, 

doc^AO  k.  71.  A  shrub  from  Brazil, 
used  for  hedges,  Jatropha  curcas. 

TidoXi:>  k.  11.  Roundness.  2,  a  plain 
bracelet.  cSooa^dj.  To  round,  move 

rfogT)  &  h.  11.  Worked  muslin. 

rfo^ja  Ti,  -Q  (<&•  of  qSj?Jj3  !j,  g.  w.)  n. 
The  thorn-apple. 

rf:idJ  k.  n.  The  pulpy  mass  of  a  cu- 
cumber  or  pumpkin  which  contains 
the  seeds. 

rfjorfj  k.  11.  Excessive  expenditure, 
waste,  prodigality.  ciJocijJ:^-^.  A 
sumptuous  dinner  without  occasion. 
-o3j3:^j.  To  squander,  -n^d.  A  spend- 
thrift, prodigal.  -n3S3?i,  -n?0#. 
Spendthriftness,  prodigality. 

(iJouJoep  s.  n.  The  fifty-sixth  year  of 
the  cycle.      2,  a  large  kettle-drum. 

rfOX;^,  rfjA^,  ^^^^  C^-  «^  ^^^^^) 
M.    A    double  cloth;   a  sheet. 

rfoS3t)Qli.  a.  Double;  excessive,  -ajt^jr. 
Double  expense.  -^■^-  -^  duplicate. 
-3^.  Prodigality. 

rfo&33,^   ((b.  o/"  arp^)^)  n.   An  interpreter. 

3jJ20    k.  n.  A  very  stout  man;  f.  !^->2^^- 

CJO  dooms' J 



^•dod'do,  dO^O^S^O,  k.  r. «'.  To  leap  or 
jump  down. 

riocZOO  k.  n.  Dust. 

cJo^ra.  ?i  (tb.  of  ciJ5iJ3P'r2)  «.  Distress, 
sorrow,  grief. 

ciiccJO^O*  h.  rt.   Secondary,  subordinate. 

nii5,  u!o^,  c:olji,  rfoco{=cS-8)  s.  pj-e/". 
Evil,  bad,  difScult,  hard,  etc. 

zioxi  a.k.  71.  A  battle,  war. 

cS0TJo7\  (tb.  of  a.tfoA)  a.  Double 
coloured,    as    cloth. 

rfj'dc^  f.  n.  The  custard-apple,  ^?iona 

riO'drfx^,  s.  n.  Bad  luck,  misfortune. 

rfj'deSj^o  h.  n.  A  telescope. 

rfO'd^SjSjCXiO  s.  /(.  An  evil  intention. 

rfO'dfP^j3?j  s.  n.  Offensive  pride,  pre- 
sumption. djtitpSJori.  Disagreeably 

rf.)'Ci£prn;cl  s.  71.  A  bad  practice  or  habit. 

cSo'd^?3  s.  n.  A  miserable  condition;  a 
bad  situation. 

rfo"d;ri-:)  (=j::Sjuo?^j)  h.  a.  Right,  fit,  in 
good   order-      -SSjsZaO.   To  repair. 

cioiJooc^S'd  s.  «.  Offensive  egotism,  pre- 

siiCvAjSo  s.  «.  Foolish  obstinacy.  uJjcre 
Tlco.   A  head-strong  person. 

tfOCDzi'ds?  s.  n.  Bad  behaviour,  evil 

rfOTJDS.JS'd  s.  H.  Bad  conduct,  wickedness. 
rioosiSsO.    Loose,    licentious. 

tiozX)^,  s.  71.  A  malevolent  person;  a 
rascal,   scoundrel;     /■.  cJJD^-S-o-. 

rfO'jSe'aij  s.  a.  Difficult  of  attainment. 

C^ir;»e?jse£:^j3  s.  a.  A  bad  tliought  or  in- 

rfoCD^  s.  n.  Bad  hope  or  desire.  2, 
groundless  hope.  -n~rf.  A  man  of 
bad  desire. 

C^GeS    s.  »i.  Bad  desire. 

cio5<!  s.  n.  Evil  ways,  sin.  -Sorf.  Re- 
moving sin. 

cJoSf?::^??  s.  n.  A  bad  wish;   curse. 

ciO'dO'S  s.  ?i.  Harsh,  offensive  speech; 

rfj^doTjO  .=  cSocJsro .,  q.v. 

_D  -=     ^ 

c^Otfo^  (<b.  of  i?JSof)  ?i.  A  cunniug, 
dishonest  or  wicked  man;  /".  cijdj«?. 
-3fS.  Wickedness. 

tfOAF  (  =  cijr!)  s.  a.  DifBcult  of  access. 
n.  A  stronghold,  fort.      2,  a  forest. 

uiOAF;^  s.  a-  Unfortunate,  distressed, 
poor.  z:ijn-S>.  Ill  condition;  mis- 
fortune;  misery;   hell. 

:tz7iFo^  s.  71.  A  bad  smell,  stink. 

oiOAT^O  s.  a.  Difficult  of  access  or  at- 

T^T^F^  SiO  s.  )i.  The  eighth  lunar  day 
of  the  month  of  asvina,  the  birth- 
day of  Durga. 

Cj07Nr.  =  djr^r,  q.  r.     -i5?r3.  Cholera. 

rfOAOrr®  s.  a.  An  evil  quality;  a  vicious 

rfo^r,  ziOT^F  s,  n.  Daughter  of  Hiraa- 
vat  and  wife  of  Siva. 

tfo^jry  s.  a.  Difficult,  unattainable. 

ziodiF'^  S.71.  A  bad  man;  a  mischievous 
man,  villain. 

rfoSircxiJ  s.   a.   Invincible. 

rfjrfr^  s.  a.  Disagreeable  to  the  sight; 

cSorfr€  s.  n.  A  bad  situation;  misfor- 
tune, calamity;  also  c3jdr?3. 

LoOarN  s.  n.  A  dark,  cloudy  day;  bad 

zio^lF-^  s.  71.  Hard  fate,  bad  luck,  un- 
lucky destiny;  misfortune;  also  -o5j3? 
rt.       2,  a  bad  deiiy. 

lioT^FXi  s.  a.  Difficult  to  be  borne  or 
suffered;  irresistible;  difficult,  im- 
practicabl*;   dangerous. 

zidz^F7i,F  s.  a.  Difficult  of  being  assail- 
ed; inviolable;   intolerable. 

rfojirrfi  s,-k.  91.  Bad  conduct. 

tfOJCOr^j  S.1I.  A  bad  name;  piles. 

::l::ic:^F^:)^   s.  n.  A  bad  omen.    2.  a  foul 
— o 




rfj^ireS  s.n-  Bad  conduct;  impropriety; 

bad  etliics. 
ciijSr^  {tb.  of  rfJSJF"^)  n.  A  bad  excuse, 

poor  pretence. 
rfoeOFT^  s.-k.  n.  Evil  intention;   wicked 

rf020P<y  s.  a.  Weak,  feeble. 

cioeoora  s.  n.  Folly,  silliness.      2,  evil- 

rfjdjsr^qifS,     oiJeSjaF-?:^      s.      n.      Evil 

counsel;  bad,  harmful  teaching. 
rioEjSrcriJ  s.n.   Fear  or  painful   appre- 
hension of  evil. 

ao^FTJ  s.  a.  Burdensome,  intolerable. 

cioaro^A  n  s.  n.  Ill  luck,  lucklessness. 

dJ8p3r^  s.  n.  Ill  will,  hostile  feeling, 

i±)2^rz[^^  t£02p^rA  s.  «•  Bad,  abusive 
speech,  opprobrious  language. 

rfoEprS',  s.  11.  Scarcity  of  provisions, 
dearth,  famine.  -iS^^J.  A  famine 
etc.  to  come  to  pass. 

rid'^OF^  s.  n.  A  ba4  opinion,  doctrine, 
or  tenet. 

Ziii^jrS  s.  n.  Evil-mindedness,  malig- 
nity ;  foolishness.  2,  the  fifty-fifth 
year  of  the   cycle. 

SjO'o^jrj^,  -c3  s.  n.  A  bad  disposition, 
evil  mind.      2,  bad  advice. 

rfo^ortir^  s.  n.  Any  violent  or  unnatu- 
ral death. 

rfo^JsTcTJ  s.  71.  Proud  flesh  that  grows 
in  a  sore  or  wound. 

sio^rarAF  s.  n-  Misconduct;  offence; 
wickedness;  also  -^?i.     2,  a  bad  man. 

CJOt^OOra)  s.  n.  The  thirtieth  year  of 
the  cycle  of  sixty. 

cSo'SjaFeSo  s.  71.  Bewildered,  infatuated 
or  enamoured  state.  2,  ignorance, 

ciiociOF^  s.  71.  Ill  repute,  dishonour. 

rioo3.orei:;ic^  s.  n.  N.  of  the  eldest  son 
of  Dhritarashtra. 

doaiF^r^  s.n.  A  bad  sign  or  symptom; 

a  bad  character;   a  vice. 
CuJe^'^QS.  a.  Difficult  to    bo  observed; 

disagreeable  to  sight,   n.  Inadvertence. 
di^ZiFS^   s.  a.   Difficult   to   be   obtained; 

scarce,  rare;  excellent;   dear. 
tfOT^Fg;^^    s.    n.    A    harsh    expression; 

abusive  language,  insult. 
dosBF^   s.  n.    Evil    speech;    inelegant 

ujJSTjFlJ  s.  a.  Difficult  to  be  repressed, 

siOo39r"!ir  s.  n.    Bad    news,  sad   intelli- 
u)0S3F"?j,  -c3    s.    w.    N.    of   a    rishi.      a. 

rfjStiFSco  s.    71.  Bad  smell,  stink.       2, 

an  evil  recollection  of  past  actions. 

rfj,3FCjA   s.a.  Unskilled;  stupid;  wholly 

zioS^iF ^o^s.  a.  Ill-trained;  ill-mannered. 

rfO^FSasi  s.  n.  A  bad  contest  at  law. 
rfjaFsiaJJ  s.  n.  A  bad  thing  or  affair. 
ziOTi\Fid   s.  ?i.  Bad  conduct,  mean  prac- 

tices.     a.  Vile,  wicked. 

t±)Ti\FS     s.  n.    Disreputable    conduct, 
eJ    _D 
bad  practices. 

aj^oFcdo  s.n.  Useless  expense. 

^:)ZioF7j^  s.n.  An  evil  habit;  bad  de- 
sire. cSjS,r?o?i.  A  man  of  evil  habits; 
f.  djS.FSfS. 

rfjSSo^^S'Ci  s.n.  Evil  action  or  oper- 

rfj^ssQ^  f.  n.  Rapid  course;  a  run. 
-So.  To  make  run. 

rfj^.  =  J^->o«,  q.  V. 

sJo'gs  e3  s.  «.  A  wicked,  impious  or  im- 
moral  conduct.  -^?j.  "Wickedness, 
iniquity,  immorality. 

rio?)  ^    s.  n.   An  inauspicious  sign;    an 


ill  omen. 
rf:)^  pT^l   s.  n.  Naughtiness. 

rfOH^^Oci  s.  71.  A  bad  omen. 




cSo^TjOo  s.-f.  n.    Two  shawls;   a  double 

rfOaD,Xl?j  (=:Ci:83^=Joi)  s.  n.  Intractable. 

n.  N.  of  a  son  of  Dhritarashtra. 
SSOZv'rfo'  s.  n.  An  evil  act,  crime.        cSo 

^<Dj~.  Sinful,  wicked. 
ciOoCp.'rfo  s.  H.   Inordinate  passion,   lust, 

tfOo::;D,a'  s.  n.  An  evil  time  on   account 

of  sin,  famine,  etc. 
ziOzL,  \^n  s.  n.  A  misdeed,  sin,  crime. 

uSo^i  s.  «.  Corrupt,  bad,  wicked,  vicious, 
depraved,  noxious.       -rtjrs.  A  wicked 

disposition.    -3fS.  Wickedness.    -^J^- 

Evil-minded;  an  evil  mind;  a  N.    -53a, 

7\.  A  wild  beast. 

nature,  w-ieked;    an  evil  spirit 

ciJoSti.S, .   Of   a  bad 



cuj^eA  s. 

Bad     use,     useless 

purpose;  foul  aim. 
CSOSi.\&'  s.  n.  A  bad  fruit  or  result. 

riO?j520^    n.    A  winding   half  shrubby 

plant,  Cocculus  villosus. 
cSo?i  "d  s.  a.  Impassable;   invincible. 


Cij?j0    f.  n.  Dress  ;   a  suit  of  clothes. 

ciori^OA  s.  n.  Bad  inclination.  2,  bad 
company.  do^oh.  A  person  who 
associates  with  evil  companions. 

ziOTilosB  s.n.  A  bad  progeny  or  family. 

cJjS^So  s.    a.    Intolerable,    unbearable. 


-VS'S^.   Bad  association. 

vid^l^ti^  s.  n.  An  evil  dream. 

rfOTj/^eps^  s.  »i.  A  bad  disposition  or 

ciiSo  (tb.  of  Sy)  n.  Discordance;  hat- 
red, ill-will. 

n50a>^\     s.  n.  A  daughter;     tb.  cSo2oJ. 

cJj^?"rff.  a.  Doubled;  double;  cf.  cSjuj^O. 

n<j3T^0  k.  r.  L  To  push,  thrust,  shove 
away  or  aside,  throw  out  of,  as  out 
of  a  village,  caste,  etc.  ciwraa?!).  To 
cause  to    push,  etc. 

ciacUJ  k.  V.  i.  To  walk  on  one  leg, 

Zjji^  8.  n.  A  messenger,  envoy,  ambas- 
sador; f.  djtS,.  -sj^  r;.  Tlie  char- 
acteristic  mark  of  a  messenger. 

3j^a  (tb.  of  ^Jt^)  n.  Cleaned  cotton. 
2,  siikcotton  used  as  tinder. 

ciesi.  tb.  of  ^-'SC,  q.  v. 

rfjsdod  {tb.  of  ZfJl^Jj)  n.  Fine  drizzling 

djsTJ  s.  a.  Distant,  far  from;  remote. 
n.  Distance,  farness,  remoteness;  a 
long  distance.  cSjsO'^.  To  a  distance; 
from  afar.  -s3j3:^j.  To  remove.  -CJSr. 
Far-seeing,  wise;  a  prophet,  -zi^ii . 
Far-sightedness,  foresight,  discern- 

rfjsO  h.  n.  An  axle-tree. 

S^JSTJO  (tfo  =  e3J)  k.  t'.  <.  To  bear  tales;  to 
report  evil  of  others;  to  blame,  re- 
proach, abuse;  to  slander,  n.  Blame, 
slander,  calumny.  -Aji°-?j..  To  get 
blamed,  etc.  -So^^j.  To  tell  tales, 
slander,  blame,  etc.  -i^rfo,  -Sojsdo. 
To  bring  blame  upon  one's  self. 

ds^r,  rfj^sror  s.  n.  The  grass  Panicum 

TijiiiSJ  (tb.  of  ^oc-j)  n.  A  beam  of  timber. 

^jhZ^^  s.  a.  Dishonouring;  reviling; 
blaming.  n.  A  reviler,  seducer, 
abuser,   blasphemer. 

rfjSaA??  s.  71.  Corrupting;  contaminating; 
censuring,  abusing;  blame;  guilt,  sin. 
-OJiinSj.  To  abuse,  blame,  etc.  -bS^^o. 
To  tell  tales,  etc.  -^J^odj.  To  get 
blamed.  cSjsii^o.  To  blame,  censure, 
abuse,  etc. 

zijiZ^o  s.  a.  Censurable;  condemnable; 
contemptible.  n.     Cloth;     cotton, 


rfjs;^,  zij^Tio  (lb.  of  as,^^)  n.  Cloth. 
djiAirt.  A  cloth  merchant.  zij>^r\ 
3^3.  A  cloth  merchant's  shop. 

rfj^Xldo  a.  k.  n.  Reason,  motive,  cause; 

u>jsV,  rfj5<s*J  (tb.  of  ^-'i^)  ».  Dust;  powd- 
er; pollen.     -srocS.  A  dust-board. 




rf\5'j,  (lb.  of  ^n'*)  >i-  An  eye;  seeing. 
cS.-c-  n^)  o;^.  The  science  of  astronomi- 
cal  observation.  cS.r?  E^;^.  Calcula- 
tions  founded  on  observations  of 
heavenly  bodies. 

ziy^  s.  a.  Firm,  strong,  solid;  tenacious, 
compact.  2,  confirmed,  established; 
certain,  reliable.  3,  powerful,  mighty. 
n.  Truth.  -J^^-  A  strong  will.  -r1j3 
^Ov.  To  become  firm.  -Sa;^J.  To 
strengthen,  confirm.  -iMSi , -^o^i^^. 
A  firm  mind.  cS,  ssort.  Firm-bodied, 
stalwart;  also  ^-.z^'^ofs.  rf.^^T^rfra. 
Making  firm;  confirmation;  an  act 
of  becoming  a  member  of  the  Church 
of  Christ. 

Z^\^  (=ci,S*)  s.  a.  Seeing,  viewing. 
n.  The  eye.  cS.sic.  Visible;  to  be 
looked  at;  beautiful.  -3J3:^-).  To 
show.       Co  S3,-.  Visible  and  invisible. 

<i\si,  s.  a.  Seen,  beheld,  observed;  visi- 
eJ  ei 
ble,  apparent;  decided;   known. 

C^sSjjt)  o^  s.  n.  An  example,  illustration, 
instance,  evidence.  2,  a  Sastra: 

Xi\Sj^  (=013,,  ail,)  s.  n.  Seeing.  2, 
sight;  look,  glance.  3,  the  eye.  4, 
intellect.  -'3  3J.  To  look  or  aim  at; 
to  look  after.  -=^J3::aO.  To  pay  atten- 
tion to,  etc.  -'"^  iXj^'-fj.  To  appear. 
-rtJS^S^rf.  The  range  of  the  sight,  in 
sight,  visible.  -cSj?^^.  A  blast  from 
an  evil  eye.     -'^J.   To  see,  look  at. 

j^sjT)  ^  f.  n.   Greatness,  pomp. 

6^^.  =  rfiS^,  q.  V. 

:3^^  (lb.  of  cS^si)  n.  A  demon,  evil 
spirit,  phantom.  -i^^d,.  The  gri- 
maces of  one  who  is  possessed.  -^o&. 
A  glutton.  -U^.  A  demon  to  strike 
(or  possess)  a  person;  also  -^Jid. 
-Cj^^j.  To  exorcise.  -^^js^^j.  The 
touch  of  an  evil  spirit.  -2oa.  A 
demon  to  possess  a  person. 

tS^oSO'd  e.  n.  December  (12th  month  of 
the  year). 

!3;5  (tb.  of  a^)  n.  A  point  of  the  com- 
pass. 2,  (tb.  of  tiS)  condition,  state. 
3,  luck,  etc.  esjoS  cS^cCjo::^.  On  his 
account.  -nDrf,  -53oS.  A  fortunate 
man.       -rlcSj.  Refuge  etc-  to  be  lost. 

iS^ACJ,  c3?Aoej  (tb.  of  d^sj^'jw)  n.  A 
temple.  d°rtjOr<.  An  attendant  on 
an  idol. 

d?UJ,  cSeoUo  f.  n.  A  stem. 

d^zi  h.  a.  One  and  a  half. 

:??P©,  Cj?r®S,  c2?ra  b.  n.  Money  due,  a 
debt.  2,  mercnntile  transactions. 
L3;f^353^r3.  Lending  and  borrowing; 
mercantile  transaction.  cS$f=i:xi?Cj.  A 

i3?a?s!Q'djs?j  s»  rt.  Brilliant,  splendid. 

^?^  s.  a.  Divine,  celestial,  n.  A  deity, 
god.  2,  a  king.  3,  an  honourific 
title;  his  majesty,  his  honour.  z3?3cJj. 
Your  honour;  pi.  X^^^rif^,  d^sStfo. 
The  pi.  honourific  form  is  used  also  of 
men;  but  when  used  of  God  the  predicate 
is  put  in  singl,  -^K)f\t;j.  A  white 
sort  of  oleander.  -^scrfj^.  Any  act 
of  worship,  any  religious  rite.  -"ctJ 
SjJ53j.  Cloves.  -3333,  -SDi>:i'S.  A  natu- 
ral pond.  -rtort.  The  celestial  Gan- 
ges, -nra.  A  class  of  nakshatras. 
-Sc^,  -J,  -S.  Divinity;  a  deity,  god. 
-3Sj.  a  celestial  tree.  -s^odjpj.  A 
temple.  -S'siSf^cS,  djJj'SDSJlSro.  Divine 
worship.  -rt:3.  God-given;  N.  of  the 
conch-shell  of  Arjuua;  N.  of  any  one. 
-nsodo,  -53J35J(,.  Lands  allotted  rent- 
free  to  pagodas.  -ra^rf,  -S35C!j.  A 
species  of  pine,  Pinus  deodora. 
-533^.  A  servant  of  god;  N.;  f.  -j^sAj. 
-zijs:^.     An     angel.  -c3Dri3.     The 

character  in  which  Sarnskrita  is 
usually  written.  -?3?^.  A  kind  of 
reed.  -^J3.  Worship  of  gods.  -'^^./^cDJ, 
-eSjj?^.  Heaven.  -cjoSrf.  =i5»J35ejcxij. 
-^jsui'-f.  A  large  kind  of  citron, 
-53j3?^j3.  a  divine  man;  a  harmless 
fellow.         -Sjsrtr.    The    sky,    ether. 




-oSjii.  The  lioma  sacrifice.  -kJj^^. 
The  vehicle  of  a  god.  -rfqi.  The 
car  of  a  deity.  -03:a.  Indra.  -Oii. 
A  divine  writins^.  -53^0-  A.  rakshasa. 
-^t?.  An  assembly  of  gods.  -\^.  A 
celestial  nymph;  also  don^ortfS. 
-^?i.  A  temple.  :3;d:j3o^.  A  part 
of  the  deity;  divine,  d^^iia.  Mount 
Meru.  rf?S3^:3oS.  A  god  above 
all  other  gods.  d$S3£j3±).  A  temple; 
church;  heaven.  -^.  Property  endow- 
ed to  the  service  of  temples. 
do'S^'O"  s.  n.  Krishna's  mother. 
cS?^ci  f.  ?i.  A  porch;  the  threshold;  a 
house.  -r(.  An  attendant  upon  an 
c3?^5s5  s.    n.    Going,    motion.       2,  sport, 

play.      3,  a  die.      4.  grief,  sorrow. 
oje^'d  s.  n.  A  husband's  younger  brother. 
cSe^w^r     s.    71.     A    heavenly    rishi,    as 

Narada,  Atri,  etc. 
:2?^£J,  -S'  s.  n.  An  attendant  on  an  idol. 
d?330A  s.  a.  N.  of  an  emanation  from 
Sadasiva,    held    as    the    inventor    of 
weaving.     2,  a  kind  of  cloth.     -cSStfj. 
A  class  of  Saiva  weavers. 
de^  1.    s.  n.    A    goddess.  2,  Durga. 

3,  a  queen;  a  princess.     4,  the  small- 
pox.     5,  art  honourific  termination  of 
fern,  names.    -5Joa;S.  A  vaccinator. 
t3e<S2.    h.  a.   Giving.      Sj^st-.   Borrow- 
ing and  lending. 
:3e^e:rf)   s.  n.    The    chief  of  the  gods: 

(3?^  s.  n.  A  place;  a  side;  a  country, 
district.  -B^^ej.  Place  and  time.  -sJ 
oAj-yoJ,  d's^y^.  Travelling  abroad. 
-".p->^.  The  language  of  a  country. 
'i)Hi  Expelled  from  a  country. 
""'5^^'  Expatriation.  -S  .  Resident 
in  a  country;  a  class  of  Brahmanas. 
iSjsaea^rf.  The  customs  and  manners 
of  a  country.  :3«S9^S,  des^^sSS. 
The  ruler  of  a  country.  d?sso:Srf- 
Another   or   foreign   country.       d^sa 

t?rfj3oi.        High     opinion      of      one's 
country,  patriotism.       dess'^ajsa.  A 
person    who     has     this     opinion;      a 
tSeaDOSO.  =  d^^^oSj,  q.  V. 
□eaBooa,  Lof'SOSS'iJ    s.  n.    Begging   alms 
from    country    to    country;      foreign 
countries.      2,  alms.      3,  imports. 
c?a  s.  a.   Belonging  to  a  country.      n. 
The    dialect    of    a     country.        2,    a 
certain  raga.    -^.  A  guide;   a  teacher; 
a    traveller;    a    stranger.       d'S^ol!, 
d»^^.   Local;  provincial;   native. 
i3?;dc02J  f.  iu    The  head  of  a  district; 

an  hereditary  officer. 
6^^  (=dA))  a.  k.  n.  Beauty,  comeliness. 

-nau.  An  artist;      f.  -^sa~, 
jS^^a.  lb.  of  doS^,  q,  V. 
t2e^  s.  n.    The   body.       -^ri.   Death. 
-doSfS.    Mortification     of    the    body; 
corporal  punishment.      -rtjrs,  -qjsjr. 
The    constitution.        -qj?0.    A    living 
being;  an  individual.      -Sja.  Bodilv 
purification.     -SsqSfS.  Bodily  exercise, 
as  bathing,  etc.     d»:o3c3.  Death. 
o^ca  s.  a.   Having    a   body,    corporeal, 
embodied,     n.  A  living  man.     2,  the 
di^^O  s.  n.  A   demon,    asura,  rakshasa; 
also    d^i^oij.      -t^oA),  -sSjO,   d^s^.o. 
Vishnu.         -rtjdo.    Sukra. 
^1<^Q  iff'-  ^^ri)  s.  n.  Feebleness;  depre- 
ssion, humbleness.      -*jSj.  To  be  low 
spirited;  to  be  humble.     -3,^.  Miser- 
able subsistence;  humble   behaviour. 
c3/^  (fr.  d^si)  s.  a.  Divine,     n.  A  deity, 
god;  also  d^a;^.      2,  destiny;  fortune, 
fate.        3,    property,     wealth.        4,    a 
demon  or  devil,    -tf.  Divine.    -Ja  .   An 
astrologer.       -iJd.    Fatalistic.       -n3, 
-oS-'S^ri.  Fortune,  chance.         -ssO.  A 
fortunate  person.    d^;3t;^°=i.  Depend- 
ing   on   deity,   subject  to  fate;  death. 
d(^5^  s.  a,  Divine,  providential. 
c5^ eels'  s.  a.  Corporal. 




^js:^*.  The  elder   of  the 

la  -ii- 

dja:^  ra.  The  eldest  of 
cSjs:^  cio.  A  thing 

z3j37^   k.  ?^  <.   To  dig  or   excavate   with 

the  nails,  etc. 
^SjiZi  k.  a-  Large,  big,  stout,  thick, 
great;  extensive;  important;  chief; 
loud;  old;  as:  -ss^O,  -*«JJ,,  -^JSrto, 
-'Sz^^,  -35j) ,  -33'?,,  -ii(i,  -:3j3E=i ,  -rS^ 
■6,  -c3505j,  -fSJsra,  -t3?a,  -2^^,  -SjcS, 
-rfjd,  -SJ3:Sj,  -BoJ3^j,  e<c.  A  large, 
big,  etc. 
elder  sisters. 

the  elder  brothers.  ^ 

which  is  large,  -^od.  Father's  elder 
brother;  great  aunt's  husband.  -33 
cQj.  Mother's  elder  sister;  great 
uncle's  wife.  iSjSJ^  5j  .= -3or3.  -f^cS. 
A  fast  walk.  -^^-  Long  sleep; 
death.  -ojOnS^j^.  A  generous  mind; 
generosity.  -^otizit^^.  The  tree 
turmeric.  -Sjjsrtr.  A  high  road. 
-cfcgrto^.  The  royal  Gool-mohr,  Poin- 
ciana  regia.  T^Jizi  S.  A  great,  noble, 
old,  rich,  tall,  etc.,  man;  f.  -»3«?o. 
:Sjs:Sj3^t;o.  A  well-to-do  inhabitant. 
-c^c^,  -2( ,  -^fi,  -^'^.  Exalted  position, 
greatness,  dignity.  rSjsa  So.  That  is 
large,  etc. 

t3.ffi5  k.  »;..  A  cow-pen,  fold,  stable;  a 
stockade  for  impaling  wild  elephants; 
a  settler's  first  house. 

i3jst§   k.  n.  The  bat  used  at  tip-cat. 

i3jara   k. '"•  A  cudgel,  club,  mace. 


djstj    a.  k.  »i.   A  mass;    a  crowd,   mob; 
tumult.     2,  indistinct  speech. 

j3j3C:5   k.  71.  A  bundle  of  sticks,   grass, 

etc,    used     as    a     torch;   diminutive 


^3J^^3^  k.  n.  A  leaf-cup. 

jSjsEOO,  (=cij3W0,  g.  u.)  k.  V.  t.  To  shove, 
push,  thrust,  throw. 

z3j3020  (=:IJ3oio,  q.  r.)  f.  n.  A  caste  of 
tumblers,     mountebank.  -rira.    A 

tumbler's  pole.    Jo^owosiJ.  Tumbling. 

t3.BO£3  k.  n.  A  crowd,  mob;  riotous  mob, 
afiFray,  quarrel.  -Jarts?.  A  street 
quarrel.     -sra^iO.  One  of    a  company 

of  stage  players.       -"^""s;'  -^  confused 

testimony,     -nad.  A  rioter. 

wj3'd'a-;rfj  k.  V.  t.  To  cause  to  obtain,  etc. 

^Sjs'dS'o  ( —  t3-ra3)  k.  V.  i.  To  be  obtained, 

gained  or  found;  to  accrue.   P.  p.  :3j3 

d*.    l/sed  impersonally  with  the  dative 

case,   as:    oidjrl  rSjsrf^j^tS.   We  get. 

tSjaQ,  cSj?"!?  1.  =  :3j2d=5^o,    q(.  i'.  P.  ps.   wjs 

03o,  c3j3dcij,  zSjsdcSo. 
djsT32.  a.  k.  »(.  Resemblance;    likeness, 
equality;  propriety.     2,  gain,  advant- 
age, use. 
r2;3-6  3.    (<&.  of  qSjodoF)   ?i,   A   chief;    a 
king;    a  master;    a  man  of  the  ruling 
class;  a   gentleman,      -^fi.   Kingship, 
government,   rule.        -^>!    s3J5:aO.   To 
rule.      -?33?i,  A  lady. 
cj;3?^    k.  n.    A    pole   with    a   hook   for 

plucking  fruit,  etc. 
Bjs?rf   (=clJ3?rfi.  «&.    of  :S^?f?))     n.    A 

cSjs?®^,  :Sj3e^    f.    n.     A    Hindu-male's 
garment   worn    around    the  waist   or 
over  the  shoulder.      -enoMj^^js^J,.  To 
wear  such  a  garment.     -MJiZiJ=§Ji^J^. 
To  put  on  a  garment. 
if!j3?£3  f.  n.  A  washerman. 
uiJi^'&O  k.  n.  A  musquito;   a  gnat. 
;5j5?t:Ji,  ;5js?i3  1.  a.  k.  w.  Full-grown  or 
mature  state.       -n^cOj.   A  full-grown 
i5j5?-d2,    c2j3?-!5  2.    h.  n.    Thread.       2,   a 

kind  of  bracelet. 
ujseSJ   s.  n.    Swinging,    rocking.       2,   a 

t3;3?e3  ( =  :s-ra?£>),  i^x^d  s.  ?j.  A  swing;  a 
litter,    palanquin.       c3jt)?e3J5e^5i.   The 
ceremony  of  swinging  an  idol. 
Cjjse^      s.   n.     Fault,    vine,    defect;     a 
blemish;    blame,   reproach;    badness, 
sin;    morbid  affection,  disease;    spots 
on     the     tongue     foreboding     death. 
-sfC^j.  To  blame.     -^:io.  To  put  fault 
or  blame  upon.        -^iSo .  To  lay  or 
bring   reproach   upon;   to   find    fault 




Fault-findinff,  censorious.  -^.  A 
discerning  wise  man;  a  physician, 
-^oii.  Vitiation  of  the  three  humours 
as  wind,  bile,  and  phlegm.  -Sdra. 
Removing  blemish.  djs^ss^d.  The 
moon;  faulty.  dji^S^djs^Scs.  Accu- 

iSiEeiA  s.  a.  Faulty,  guilty,  sinful,  -^o. 
Morbid  affection  to  arise,  as  in  fever. 

(3.1;?^  s.  n.  Darkness,  night.  2,  the 

(3j35^  k.  n.  A  flat,  spongy  cake  of  rice- 
flour,  uddu,  etc. 

Sjs^A)   h.  M.  Friendship.    -iTsrf.  A  friend. 

(3j3?Sorf,  i3js?^^  s.  71.  A  longing  of  a 
pregnant  woman;  any  morbid  desire- 

tSpf^o  (=  dJS^sjJ.  tb.  of  :^J3?i))  11.  A 

o'SB  (=:rfS^,  q.  V.)    f.   ?t.  An  inkstand. 
ifd.^Q  (/■;•.  :ij3;S)    s.  n.    The    function  of 

a  messenger. 
c°3~ee^  o  (/■»•.  cijoss, )  s.  m.  Evil-miud- 

edness,   wickedness. 
zf?>ZdF&n  s.  n.  Weakness,  infirmity. 
c'SapoFAn  (/"»•.  cij".p3r,^,)  s.  n.  Ill-luck, 

c'lieJ^J  h.  n.  Wealth,  affluence. 

c'?^   n  (/■»•.  cSj^,)  s.  ?i.  Depravity,  wick- 
ed 0  '^ 

cT^So:^  (/■/■.  cij^:^  )   s.  n.   A  daughter's 

OT^n'rf.  ib.  o/"  ^;Sj,  q.  V. 
tdOn    s.  n.    A    day.     2,  the  sky.       -c^a. 

The  celestial  Ganges,    -iiooic.  Dawn, 


rfOo§,  ri~o§s.  >i.  Brightness,  brilliancy, 
1)  "J 

lustre,  light. 

rfj?q^    (  =  fciJ32aJ,   e/c.)    s.  n.    Gambling. 

-=ff3C5.  A  gambler. 

s.    n.    Shine,    light,    splendour. 

oi.     Shining,    enlightening;     seeing. 

t3j3.;S?;o.  To  shine;  to  appear. 


u)  o3oo  e.n,  A  dram;  a  dose  of  liquor. 

rfjrf  s.  ?i.  Dripping,  flowing;  liquid; 
fluidity.  2,  moisture;  essence,  juice. 
3,  melting  from  pity  or  tenderness. 

z:jjS:)'d  s.  M.  N.  of  a  people  and  district 
on  the  east  coast  of  the  Dekhan: 
Tamil.  -q;?^.  A  family  of  langu- 
ages in  South-India,  as.-  Tamil, 
Telugu,  Kannada,  Malayalam  and 

njj<3?j0  s.  V.  i-  To  become  liquid.  v.  t. 
To  melt,  as  the  mind. 

rfj^n  s.  n.  Substance,  property,  wealth, 
money.  2,  a  substance,  thing.  3, 
the  receptacle  of  properties,  etc,  ele- 
mentary substance.  -53o3,  -^.  A 
wealthy  man.  ^;j?,cio^jaej.  Help  of 
money  towards  any  business.  ^°^i: 
^.  Covetousness.  C3s,^n,  s.  n.  The  vine.  2,  a 
grape,  grapes.  -i^S  rf.  A  vine-pandal. 
-sT3^.  An  accomplished  style  of 
diction  in  poetry.  -W^.  The  grape 
vine.  -xi'T-..  Grape  juice.  -^io'soij. 
Wine,      -ojrjj  .    A  rine  grape. 

nSid    {tb.     of   iZ^S)    91.    A   blockhead. 

2,  wretchedness,  feebleness.  3,  trash, 
rubbish.  4,  a  wretched  and  poor 

cjijrf  s.  n.  Liquefaction,  distilling.      -"3*. 

A  drug  prepared  by  distillation. 
aSj^T^    (fr.    ^iSS)    s.   a.    Belonging   to 

■ddy^  s.  a.  Run,  flown.      2,  melted,  liquid. 

3,  quick,  swift. 

rfOj3jrf  s.  n.  King  of  the  Pancalas  and 
father  of  Draupadi. 

;5jSj?P9  s.  n.  A  trough,  bucket,  cuji.  2, 
a  measure  of  capacity,  equal  to  4 
adhakas.  3,  Dronacarya,  the  teacher 
of  the  Kurus  and  Pandavas, 

d.£j?r5  (=clraoc5,  q.v.)  s.n.  A  boat.  2, 
a  valley. 

dja.e^c  s.n.  Injury,  mischief,  treachery, 
treason;     rebellion,   wrong.       wo-^^is. 




Spiteful,  treacherous;  a  traitor,  betra- 
yer; as:  notfj-,  h3-,  aijs^-,  O03^-, 
?3»  dij-,  etc. 

d^  3ia  (/■/••  cSj  sizi)  s.n.  N.  of  the  daugh- 
ter of  Drupada  and  ■wife  of  the  five 
Pandu  princes. 

C'QcciQ  s.n.  A  pair,  couple.  2,  any 
pair  of  opposites,  as  right  and  wrong, 
heat  and  cold,  etc.  3,  strife,  contest. 
4,  doubt,  uncertainty.  5,  a  form  of 
compound  (^.).  -odjjz^.  A  duel,  single 

CQ  cx5o  s.  a.  Twofold,  both,  double.  n. 
A  pair. 

c^Qrfs'  s.  a.  Twelve.  -,  the  twelfth. 
Cj?id3.  The  twelfth  day  of  a  lunar 

□r^r;:?,  as^3jS"d  s.  n.  The  third  of 
the  four  yugas  of  the  world.  2, 
doubt.      3,  war. 

G^^TJ  s.  n.  A  door,  gate.  2,  a  way, 
means,  medium.  Jo3 cs.  By  means 
of,  throuffh.  -s3ii,.  The  threshold; 
the  panel  of  a  door.  -5;^ej,  -SJSSJ^, 
A  door-keeper.     -looqS.  A  door-frame. 

CD^TJ^S^'rf,  odQu#,  ud^tz^tSB  S.  m. 
Dvaraka,  the  capital  of  Krishna. 

&Q  s.  a.  Two.  -=5^s3jr.  Two  accusatives. 
-riJ.  A  grammatical  compound,  -rtora. 
Two-fold,  double.  -riofS^jj.  To  multi- 
ply by  two.  -!a.  Twice-born;  a  man 
of  the  first  three  classes:  a 
Brahmana,  Kshatriya,  or  Vaisya; 
a   bird;     a  snake;     a  star;     a  house. 

-tp^c'i.  =  c^j'jjdA),  q.  i\  Cpds.:  -^J3^, 
-SjOJJD,  etc. 

aQSeorfo     s.  a.    Second.  -^sssaS.    A 

second  marriage.  -■^"4^*^.  The  accus- 
ative. a^.S?a3j.  The  2nd  of  the  lunar 

D^^^  s.  n.  Doubleness.  2,  a  pair,  couple. 
3,  reduplication  of  a  consonant. 

aQcjT)  s.  ad.  In  a  two-fold  manner.  -rsS. 

a^^  s.  n.  An  elephant  (lit.  drinking 

a'vSrfS  s.  n.  A  biped,      a.  Two-footed. 

DQ  ZjQ  s.  71.  A  kind  of  metre. 

a^ud  s.  71.   An  elephant. 

C^vTio-S^    s.  ?i.   Repetition,  tautology. 

QQ?jQ2psd  s.  a.  Having  a  double  nature. 

aQeSj  s.  n.  An  island;  a  sandbank.  £1  ? 
^Do^d.  A  foreign  island.  S^°>j.  A 
tiger,  leopard. 

cSQ^si  s.  71.  Hate,  hatred,  enmity;  dis- 
like. ^°"^-  -^  hater,  foe,  enemy. 
:|^?«i?;j.  To  hate,  dislike. 

ui^  l^  s.  71.  Duality,  dualism.  2,  du- 
alism in  philosophy,  as  of  spirit  and 
matter,  etc. 

w^  <*  9  s.  n.  Duplicity.  2,  disunion;  dis- 
pute; doubt.  Co  );p°"lP7)S.  Duplicity, 
fraud,  doubt. 

CjQ^Sj^cdJ^     s.     71.     The    island-born 

C33Q  ncou'  s.  a.  Returning  every  second 
day,  as  fever. 


Z^.  The  thirty-seventh  letter  of  the 
alphabet.  In  Kannada  it  occurs  only 
in  a  fetv  desiya  and  tadbhava  7vords. 

E;i^s"d  s.  n.  The  letter  qS. 

z^7\  f.  n.  Fire,  blaze.  -qSrI.  Blazing, 
flaming;    being  very  brilliant,  glitter- 

ing much.     -LjSrSfS.  j-p^J.  With   a   fierce 

glow,  etc.     -q3f»?iJ.  To  burn  fiercely. 
d^js  ^  (=cS3J3  S)  s.  n.  The  wliite  thorn- 

apple.  Datura  alba. 
z^jj     s.    n.     Property,     wealth,     riches, 

money.      2,  wealth  in  cattle.     -'^  olj. 
2  9* 




Loss  of  property.  qSjSoKOdj.  Con- 
quering wealth;  fire;  Arjuna.  -33jit). 
A  guardian  of  treasure:  Kubera.  -^oej. 
Power  of  wealth.  -wjci.  Pride  of 
wealth,  -^^t"  I^iches.  -^Ss^^i.  Covet- 
ousness,  avarice.  -53o3.  A  rich  man. 
-4o»oJ-  Poor.   i^S?!^^'.   Wealthy. 

qifSDsJD    s.  11.   N.  of  a  tune. 

qi^,  .'5'  s.  n.  A  rich  man;  an  owner, 

yoisj  s.n.  The  twenty-third  lunar  man- 

i^^o,  z^^oB  (=  c^SroJ^)  s.n.  A  bow.  2, 
the     sign     Sagittarius.  ^jS^jqssrO. 

Bearing  a  bow :  an  archer.  zjSn-^ 
'J35rf3.  A  bow  and  arrow.  cpc^vJjsr^J. 
The  solar  9th  month.  z^^i^s^r^, 
:pv0^3~cxJjj.  Tetanus,  a  disease  which 
bends  the  body  like  a  bow.  qSnSo^r 
So..  Archery.  z;Sc^Js3~?d.  The  science 
of  archery;  N.  of  a  treatise  on 

tj^^OoJ  (  =  4S?io,  q.v.)  s.  n.  A  bow. 
2,  the  sign  Sagittarius,     2,  an  arc. 

r^^o  s.  a.  Opulent,  rich.  2,  fortunate 
happy,  blest;  lucky.  -J.  Opulence; 
good   fortune.  qjN».    A    fortunate 

woman;  Emblic  niyrobalan. 

cj^N^Q  h.  11.  A  rice-field;  also  z^^?i^&. 

qirfQo^D  s.  11.  The  sun.  2,  K.  of  a 
celebrated  physician. 

^»5oji,  Z^zio^  s.  ?(.  A  reed,  pipe.  tube. 

'dSJ:>,<V   s.  «.  A  braided  and  ornamented 

C  i-rt 

hair  of  a  woman. 

Z^xi  s.  ?i.  Holding,  bearing,  wearing; 
having;  sustaining.  2,  a  mountain. 
-C3.  Bearing,  holding;  a  support;  a 
weight    for  gold. 

X^'dri  S.n.  The  earth;  the  ground,  -^i, 
-233^.  A  tree.  -^o.  Earth's  sur- 
face.      -S),  -dS,  -sTsti^,  -ad,  -St)  ^, 

-^i,  -?^'^.  A  kinc 

-?qSd,  -?^.  The 

serpent  sesha;  a    mountain. 
t;i::r^z;,  qirs^^B,  y"?^?^  s. »!.  A  king. 
4i&Bj  (=qScl:^,  fj.  r.)  s.  H.  The  earth. 

Z^^Tj^  s.  f.  ^  To  hold,  bear,  carry;  to 
contain;  to  put  on  one's  self,  as 
clothes,  etc.;  to  obtain,  get.  esaSssd-. 
To  become  incarnate.  rtljir-.  To 
become  pregnant. 

zf^i^f  s.  11.  Ordinance,  law;  duty;  right, 
justice;  charity;  liberality;  a  pious 
act.  2,  usage,  custom.  3,  virtue, 
merit,  good  works;  religion,  piety. 
4,  almsgiving;  alms;  gift.  5,  harm- 
lessness.  6,  sacrifice.  7,  nature. 
8,  the  god  of  justice:  Tama.  -?=^~. 
The  manager  of  a  temple,  almshouse, 
etc.  -'^-'SCoJ,  -53jt)3J.  To  give  alms. 
-;i3?:l).  To  ask  for  alms.  -?=)cd)r.  Any 
pious  act.  -{3°?-  -^  code  of  religious 
laws.  -35^r(.  Apostacy.  -aei^h.  An 
apostate.  -d^sJ.  -cS^tS.  Virtue  perso- 
nified as  a  woman.  -?)o3  .  Devotion  to 
religion  or  charitv.  -SjS,.  A  lawful 
wife.  -loja  .  Virtuousness,  charitable 
disposition.  -3j5rt~.  The  path  of 
virtue.  -w,  -^'^,  -D'JiJ,  -ODOi). 
Yudhishthira,  Tama.  -Sjo3.  A  virtu- 
ous or  pious  man.  -S353.  A  building 
for  travellers ;  a  poor-asylum ;  a 
school  at  which  children  are  taught 
gratis.  -3^^.  A  code  of  law;  juris- 
prudence. -S°ej.  Virtuous,  pious. 
-?j^.  An  alms-house.  -^^-  ^-  of 
a  place  of  pilgrimage  in  S.  Canara. 
tjSSJsr^.  A  just  and  pious  man. 
r;3jjJ3~^Wt)0.  A  judge;  the  almoner 
of  a  prince.  i^SvSJsrjA^.  An  admini- 
strator of  laws,  king.  qSdJS'qiF".  in 
charity;    as    a   gift,    gratis   (esp.    as 

ySOF    s.  a.    Virtuous,     religious,    just. 

-si.  Most  pious,  very  virtuous,  etc. 
Z^riti^  -^   s.  a.    White,    dazzling.        2, 

beautiful.       n.  A    kind    of   camphor. 

z^^^.  A  white  cow. 
qjsij  s.  n.  Assault. 
55^.  ih.  of  v-^N5  Q'  >'■ 
ip33J  s.  n.  Natural  condition.        2,  an 

element,    primary    substance,    primi- 




tive  matter,  as  earth,  water,  fire,  air 
and  ether  or  akasa.  3,  an  essential 
ingredient  of  the  body,  as  blood, 
marrow,  etc.  4,  the  organs  of  sense. 
5,  a  mineral;  a  metal;  an  ore.  6,  a 
grammatical  root.  7,  origin.  8, 
strength.  9,  the  pulse.  10,  the 
tenth  year  of  the  cycle  of  sixty. 
-^Jodj,  -rtJorfj.  Strength  to  decrease. 
-(3js5::^j.  To  feel  the  pulse,  -r^s^,,  -o3^ 
Sfd.  Loss  of  strength.  -sjsieJ.  A  list 
of  verbal  themes.  -^«j,.  Nutrition 
or  strength  of  the  body,  -aj^ra.  The 
state  of  the  pulse.  -J3^irf.  Mineralogy. 
J?j>^\  s.  n.  A  founder,    maker,    creator. 

2,  Brahma. 

nfsBj  (=:n3a)  s.  n.  A  wet-nurse,  foster- 
mother.  2,  the  earth.  3,  Emblic 

qsB^n  s.  n.  Corn,  grain;  rice.  -J??S. 
Property  in  grain.  ri^-.  Nine  kinds 
of  corn  grown  in  India. 

4j3^J  s.  h.  A  house,  home,     2,  the  body. 

3,  radiance,  light.      4,  dignity. 

tfDXi  {—  narf)  s.  n.  Holding.  2,  a  holder. 
3,  streaming  down;  flowing;  a  vio- 
lent shower,  gush.  4,  a  wave.  5,  a 
hole.  6,  a  thread,  -"a.  A  receptacle, 
box;  a  post.  -K>.  The  act  of  hold- 
ing, bearing,  undergoing,  preserving, 
protecting,  assuming,  etc.;  keeping 
the  mind  collected,  holding  the 
breath  suspended. 

!?3tJra  (^qs'srfra,  q.v.)  f.  n.  Rate, 
price.     35?fe3-.  Market  price. 

paDSAxCo?;^  s.  n.  A  present  received 
from  the  donor  by  pouring  water 
over  it;     also   qjsosrf^^. 

^>DX^^  s.  n.  Profusion;  freedom  from 
reserve;  liberality,  generosity.  z^t 
o^^.  A  liberal  person,  -vi  53j33o,  -d 
?l)a.  Eloquence. 

t?J)&  s.  aff.  A  person  who  holds,  wears, 

V'!>'^oti   {lb.  of  q:=)Orf)  n.  The  earth. 

^T)'8  (=  qj'srf)  s.  n.  The  dropping  of  any 
liquid;  a  stream  of  water;  a  shower. 
2,  the  pace  of  a  horse.  3,  the  sharp 
edge  of  a  sword  or  any  cutting 

J?sSjr^  (fr.  qSSoF")  s.  a.  Righteous,  vir- 
tuous, religious,    -^oi-  Righteousness. 

t?ssi  Or"  {fr.  ?^'^-J)  s.  n.  Impudence, 

tps^";^  s.  a.  Washing,  cleansing.  2, 

^Ti'^  s.  11.  Rubbing  off;  cleansing.  2, 
running,  flowing.      3,  attack,  assault. 

tpssc^^J  h.  n.  Boldness,  courage,  impu- 
dence.     2,  dread,   awe. 

qj^  s.  int.  Fie!  shame!  -^0:^0.  To 
reproach,  censure;  to  treat  scorn- 
fully. -5e)ti.  Reproach,  censure; 

a^    n  s.  a.  Intelligent.       n.  a  thought- 
rot)  "       ^ 
ful  man.      2,  Brahma.      3,  a  star. 

^1?  s,  11.  Thought;  understanding,  in- 
tellect. -SOS*  {tb,  ^^^0^,  tp^rfoog). 
Intelligent,  wise;    an  intelligent  man. 

^^TJ  s,  a.  Firm,  resolute,  brave,  daring. 
2,  intelligent,  prudent;  sensible.  -^53, 
-i,  -3f.  Firmness,  energy,  courage, 

^e^'d  s.  n.  A  very  intelligent  man.  2, 
a  fisherman. 

pes'  s.  11.  A  very  intelligent  man. 

VOS)  s.  a.  Sounding,  roaring.  n.  A 

i^O'rf.  =  riotf,  q.v. 

t^dTioi^'d  s.  a.  Bearing  the  yoke;  laden 
with  good  qualities.  ii.  A  foreman, 
leader,  chief.      2,    a  man  of  business. 

i^oodor  (=^J53,  q.v.)  s.  a.  Able  to  bear 
a  yoke.  n.  A  beast  of  burden.  2,  a 
leader,  chief. 

z^jsTj  (^tiJi^)  g.  n.  Incense,  frankin- 
cense, perfume.  -a^Sc^^d^cSo.  The 
three  essential  constituents  of  idol- 
worship:    the  burning  of  incense,  the 




waving  of  lamps,  and  the  offering  of 
boiled  rice,  etc.  z^Ji^ii'^^,  ;?J3s;s^^. 
A  censer.  -cS  »3jd.  The  white  dam- 
mer  tree,  Valeria  indica.  -b'j^^jj, 
-J^^do,  -ai^J,,  -ajt)*o.  To  ofiFer  in- 
cense. :jSj3i?j=iJ.  To  incense;  to  per- 

i^ijsrfo  s.  n.  Smoke,  vapour.  -t??3j.  A 
meteor;  a  comet.  -S'Sfi.  Smoking  to- 
bacco. -eJ.  Smoky.  -^uW.  A  railway 

^jstSoj  s.  n.  Smoke-coloured,  grey, 
dark-red;      dark,      obscure.  -S:^,. 

Tobacco.     -5:?cS.  =  tt^JSSJjjj^^S,  q.  v. 

qijsSir&o  s.  n.  Siva. 

yje)^?"  s.  rt.  Cunning,  crafty,  subtle,  n. 
A  rogue,  cheat.  2,  a  passionate 
man;    f.  X^Ji'^~.     -S  .  Passion,  wrath. 

rf\^OS^„  s.?i.  Dhritarashtra.  the  eldest 
blind-born  son  of  Vyasa  and  the 
father  of  Duryodhana.  2,  a  blind 
man.      3,  a  kind  of  bird. 

^jyB  s.  n.  Firmness,  steadfastness,  ener- 
gy, courage.  2,  pleasure.  -?i^j. 
Courage  to  lose. 

i^^jar^O^S  e.  n.  Thermometer,  an  in- 
strument for  measuring  temperature. 

^ec^o  s.  n,  A  milch  cow. 

Z^^odjr  {fr.  9?c3)  s.  n.  Firmness;  steadi- 
ness, constancy.  2,  fortitude,  cour- 
age, -^s^orlj ,  -^jorfo.  Courage,  eic., 
to  sink.  -^t^J,  -r":^j.  Courage  to  lose. 
-?1j3S<a,  -sii'-}^,  -S3j,  -SJSCaO.  To  be 
encouraged,  to  take  courage.  -?iJ3S? 
0)0,  -Sa^J.  To  encourage.  -:5So. 
To  lose  courage.  -ni?rf,  -do:S,  -S'sO, 
-^.  A  courageous  man. 

^jsf'rff^  s.  11.  A  vehicle  in  general.  2, 
aim,  bent,  tendency;  manner,  style, 
course.  i^JS^drS.  A  good  style  of 
composition;  disregard,  inattention, 
-rratf.  An  inattentive  man. 

^4  s.  a.  Washed,  cleansed;  bright, 
pure.     -^^-  Washed  cloth. 

^<)o?i  s.  n.  Meditation,  thought,  reflec- 
tion; heed.  2,  an  abstract  religious 
contemplation.  -^^  w5j.  To  come 
to  the  mind.  -rSiSv^ii  '3:«j.  To  con- 
sider, mind.  -5jd.  Absorbed  in  medi- 
tation. -o3^^r!.  Profound  meditation; 
meditation  and  abstraction.  q3?(,^)=:o. 
To  think  of,  contemplate,  meditate, 
reflect  upon;  to  counsel  with  one's 

^Ji^  s.  a.  Firm,  immovable,  fixed; 
constant,  eternal,  n.  The  polar  star; 
the  north  pole.  2,  the  introductory 
stanza  of  a  poem.  3,  N.  of  a  king, 
the  son  of  enja-g  sdsracS.  -nj?;  ^^.  The 
polar  star.  -e3j35^.  The  region  of 
the  polar  star.  -»S\^.  A  polar  circle, 
arctic  and  antarctic,  -^v.  An  extre- 
mity  of  the  earth's  axis. 

vQc?rf  s.  n.  Destruction;  loss. 

rfQa;  s.  n.  A  banner,  flag,  ensign.  -'^  o 
"^.  A  flag-staff. 

rf^^a  s,  J*.  A  standard-bearer;  an 

ijiQ^l  s.  n.  Sound,  echo,  noise,  tone;  a 
voice;  a  word.  2,  allusion,  hint. 
-?i)Odoj,,  -r^JSSj,  -SJ33^J.  To  sound, 
roar,  etc.     ^^--  -A.n  echo. 

toQo^  s.  n.  A  crow,   crane. 

!7DQ?3  s.  n.  Sound,  noise;    humming. 





q3*.     The    thirty-eighth    letter    of    the 

^"^€1    h.  71.    Ridicule,    joking,    jestiug, 

satire;  mimicry.  Cpds.:  -SjsSo,  -^^53. 

-n^itJ,  -odosS.  A  bufloon,  mimic. 
^^e;j  h.  n.   A  copy,  transcript.        -^(i, 

-53Je):^j.  To  copy. 
jj^sj  (=^^^A),  ^^)    h.  11.    Ornamental 

representation;     engraving;     embroi- 
dery.     2,  a  picture;   a  map,  plan. 
^^sd  s.  n.   The  letter  f^.       2,  denying, 

denial.      n^^iO^J-  To  deny,  decline. 
?i5S&  f.  a.  Inferior,  bad,   useless. 
^"StirJ.  =^  ^"^^1  q-  V.       -^(i,  -sijscSj.  To 

carve,  engrave,  etc. 
^5^0©    s.   n.     The    mungoose,    Vivei-ra 

ichneumon-        2,    the    fourth    of    the 

Pandu  princes. 
7:'-S-    f.    n.     A    ring     of     wire    worn  on 

fingers  while  playing  upon  a  stringed 

fjS'o,  k.  V.  t.  To  lick;  also  fS^a'A.    2.  -p.  p. 

o/"  ci'^-^. 
Jo5^    s.  )i.   Night.      2,  fasting  on   certain 

nights.       -o"^rf.    A   thief;    an   owl;    a 

cat ;    a  goblin, 
^tf  1  s.  n.  A  crocodile,  alligator.      -'^j'<a. 

Krishna's  son  Pradyumua. 

^^       (=?j^A),    eic.)      h.    ?i.     A 


^3^>  ;g|  s.  n.  A  star.  2,  a  constellation 
lunar  mansion.  -t\^.  The  motion  of 
the  lunar  mansions.  -Etira.  A  sky- 
rocket. -53jo^5j,  -e3j35^.  The  firma- 
ment, '^fi-.  The  star  on  which  a 
man  is  born,  natal  star. 

^%  =  ^t'  3-  I'- 

fJSO,  fiSOd  s.  11.  A  nail  of    a   finger  or 

of  a  toe;   a  claw,   talon. 
JJA  !•  s.  )i.  An  ornament;   an  article;  a 

piece.       2,  a    load    of    articles.      3,  a 


^7\2.    s.   n.    A   mountain.       2,  a  tree. 

-ts^J,  -w.  Parvatt. 
jjAti  h.    91.     Ready  money,     a.  Fiscal, 

financial,  -rtjdjs:^.  A  cashier. 
?i7\rfo  h.  n.  Ready  money  or  cash. 
^Ad   s.    11.    A    town,    city.        -^j^Aj.    A 

citizen.     -^JS^qj's'.  A  town-watchman. 

-^JS^qSc^.   Inspection  of  a  town. 
^ACTJ,  jdASS  b.  n.  A  large  kettle-drum. 

-a:3f3.  A  place  where  the  instruments 

of  a  band  are  kept;    a  band-stand. 
wAO  k.  *'.  i.   To  laugh,    smile;  to  laugh 

at,  deride;    to  open  (P.  p.  o^tf^).      n. 

A  laugh,    smile;    laughter;    derision. 

-iSjart.  A  smiling  face. 
^}^  (=  c^no  n.)   k.   n.     A    laugh,   etc.; 

blooming,    etc.      -siCaJ,     ^nD:io.     To 

laugh.       -r1?::SJ.     A     laughing-stock. 

-sjj3;^j.  A  joke,    -rfjoio,  -djs^d,  =  5^r(J 

sSjsrt,  g.  «.     -n^rf.   A  joker,  ridiculer. 

A  ""^ 

?iAJ    k.  V.  i.  To   become   bruised,    as  a 
metal   vessel.       n.  A  bruise  in  a  metal 

vessel.     -i5?^o.   To  get  bruised.      rO^^ 
ooJS^rto.   To  go  stooping. 
^7\^  s.  a.  Naked,  bare.    n.  Siva;  naked- 

-(£,^0  1.  ( =  c323j  ,  0.  t\)  k.  r.  <.  To  confide 
go-  lo 

trust,  put    confidence  in,  believe.      2 

to  desire,  love.      n.  Confidence,  trust 

faith,  belief.     2,  desire,  love-      c^tj3=# 

cSzi  !i  (=j3i3^,  -f5(i).  Confiding,  trust 


fieij  2.  k.  n.  Doubt.  -^J^^J.  An  un- 
reliable word. 

^ad-CsrS,  -€  h.  11.  A  forced  tax  levied 
on  all  the  people,   an  unjust  fine. 

J^j&'rfj  h.  n.  Favourable  look,  sight; 
a  present  to  a  superior,  -^scs^.  = 
tuJsDDf^,  q.  V.  -looa.  Temporary  con- 

ci&iSfJ^O  f.  n.    Js'azaret,  natis-e  place  of 

Jesus  Christ  in  Palestine. 
^&;oao  k.  V.  i.  To  squash;  crushj  bruise 

as  dry  ginger,  pepper,  etc. 
ci3io    k.  n.  A  crushed  state.        -rjjjsj. 

A  completely  crushed  mass. 
Sc&fol.    k.  V.  (.   To  take  a  little,  eat  a 

little  of  any  thing  as  a  relish. 
J00K02.   k.  n.  Poison;  impurity  of  the 

blood;    paralysis  of  the  brain.     -rtJ3 

ds*,       oiotaooS,      oSotJJod?^  d,      oiots. 

Siva.     -:3j5§f\.  A  dealer  in  antidotes. 

-SJS^n.  Paralysis  of  the  brain. 
cdM    s.    ?i.     An    actor,    dancer,     mime. 

2,  the    tree   Colosanthes    indica.     -jS. 

A  pantomime;    a   dance;    hypocrisy. 

?ii3.    An    actress;     an    actor.      pJMOlD 

7io,   fiiiijo.   To  dance,  act. 
^k^^  k.  n.    The   cracking    of  the  finger 

or  other  joints. 

k.   a.  Middle,  central. 





CatS.  The  middle  of  a  forest,  -oi^o, 
-pj:^j53.  The  very  middle,  ci^,'i^°■fo. 
Midnight.  53^jUJ^.  The  backbcne. 
fiU^A,  ojWO.T^'d,  J^Wj,^  s.  n.  An 
actor.     2,  a  dancing-master;  f.  oJLb^ 

jiUo     k.  n.    Grass,  its    wide  spreading 

Joo  1.  (=  N^J^J,    ?Scirf^)     P.  p.  of  ri^,  in 

(i:i^JiK'j^.       2,   (=^f.)   walking    etc. 

crftJ  2.  =  ?JSo,  q.  v.    Cpds.:    -^yj,.  =  S^o 

-jpsrt,  -D3i„  -3533,  etc.      -?S;So53.  The 
very  midst. 
^Tis,   fi'd'S  k.  ?i.  Trembling. 

JjT^^  k.  H.  Walk,  course,  conduct,  be- 
haviour, -ijo^.  A  man  of  proper 
conduct;  f.  -5So;i. 

^"d^Z-,"^,    ^zi^^,    ^'d-^^'^,   f:z3Drf'?, 

^Ti'^V^    k.  n.    Conduct,   behaviour; 
custom,  usage.     2,  proceedings. 
jicii^.  =  c^3j  1,   q.  V.     c^SCo^rf.  Interval, 
intervening  time,  middle   space. 

^"d^  k.  n.  The  house-floor  opposite  the 

jsa  ( =  S:^,  Q.  r.)  k.  r.  i.  To  walk,  etc 
-rt.  Pace,  walk.  -Kj.  To  cause  to 
walk,  proceed,  go;  to  carry  on;  to 
manage;  to  treat;  to  carry  out,  ful- 
fil, as  a  promise;    also  SSoSj^. 

fiT^ol.  (=fSSJ2)  k.  n.  The  middle,  cen- 
tre; the  waist;  the  flank  of  a  horse, 
etc.;  also  -sj.  "*^^^-  ^  waist-band.- 
girdle.         ■'^^-    -^n    island.       Cpds.: 

-r!j:S,    -353,    -SJ310J,     -oJ3l3„    -cSii,, 
ta'  '  'to'  eo' 

-cSdSj,     -il^a,    "^^^'    -^^'■f'^i    -^o^j 

-DDti,,     -D-s^,     -Bo?-it)j,    -esdodo,    e^c. 

-oSSjsJ.  The  very  midst,      -d.  Between. 

-53oarf.  =  ?j:S53o3i3. 
f:c^O  2.  (=  f3:«o,  q.  v.)     k.  i'.  <.  To  plant, 

fix  firmly,  etc. 
^c^O^  k.  n.   Trembling,  shivering;    tre- 
mor; fear. 
?;'t^jao  (  =  oiSrtj)    k.  r.  i.    To   tremble, 

shake,  shiver,  quake. 
?jZ§   (  =  o3S)  k.  r.  i.  To  walk;   to  march; 

to    go    on,   proceed;     to    goj      to   be 

current;  to  continue;  to  come  to  pass: 

to    behave,    conduct    one's    self;      to 

succeed;  to  be  obedient    to.        (P.  ps. 

rizizio,  riddo.)  -:3^^j.  To  walk  about. 

ti.  "Walking;  going;  walk;  course;  gait; 

march;    going;    conduct,    behaviour; 

also    oiS^.       2,   cattle.       -rta^J.    To 

cause  to  stop.     -ridA.  At  every  step. 

-crfja.    Conduct    and   speech.      -»3j3. 

A  clean  cloth   to  walk  over.     -^JtiZi. 

A  self-moving  chariot  of  the  gods. 
crfcU    (=:nojJ,  q.  V.)    k.  n.   A    relative, 

etc.     -3?j,    -'^^.    Relationship;    also 

fjofejj  (=  tSoyj,  q.  v.). 
^:^0    1.     (^fS^J^    k.    v.  i.    To    stutter, 

stammer,     i^^  Sjj^sSo.  To  stammer. 
^^3    2.  (=  rSjjalj.)  f.  «.  A  nose-jewel. 
JogQ  s.  /*.  Doubt,  suspicion,  uncertainty. 




jja  s.  n.  A  river  {personified  as  male); 
f.  fia.  2,  sounding.  ?5a.  A  river. 
-^;:ii2o.  The  current  or  flow  of  a 

^^.  =  ^Dcio.    Gen.   ^^,  ri^,  f^c^*-      Dat. 

loc.  ci?i€),  ^^^,  ci^l^- 

?j^  1.  a.  k.  r.  i.  To  become  wet,  moist. 
-Sjj,  rjfi^J.  To  moisten. 

cjf3  2.  a.  k.  Ji.  A  flower-bud,  opening- 
bud.  V.  i.  To  bud.  -iijsoloj.  A 
brancli  with  buds.  -sSjari.  A  bud 
and  blossom. 

?jorf  s.  n.  Happiness,  joy.  2,  N.  of  a 
cowherd  who  was  the  foster-father 
of  Krishna.  -^.  Gladdening;  the 
sword  of  Krishna. 

^od^  s.  n.  Gladdening.  2,  a  son.  3, 
a  garden,  grove;  also  -sSoj.  4,  twenty- 
sixth  year  of  the  cycle  of  sixty.  F^o 
cSc3.  A  daughter. 

or  a^aj^l)  k.-s.  71.  An  ever  burning 
lamp;  c^o^ocij. 

?Joa  s.  n.  Joy,  delight.  2,  Siva's  bull. 
a.  Happy;  gladdening.  -wyoh:^. 
A  shrub  with  fragrant  white  flowers, 
Tabernaemonlana  coronaria.  -^Joy 
So.  A  Icind  of  angular  diagram.  -^^ 
Mo3.  Siva. 

fiorfo  (=r3-J3oCjJ,  q.  V.)  r.  i.  To  be 
extinguished,  to  go  out,  etc.  2,  to 
disappear,  vanish.  fdoa^j.  To  ex- 
tinguish, quench. 

?jc£  s.  n.  Delight,  felicity,  prosperity. 
2,  the  first,  sixth  or  eleventh  day  of 
a  lunar  fortnight. 

fifjj  k.  pro.  Gen.  of  ^^,  ^n^x 

JC^^K  k.  n.  Truth,  certainty.  2,  love, 
aff'ection.      -aj3::lJ.   To  verify,  prove. 

^3^07i^  s.  n.  A  hermaphrodite,  a 
eunuch.  2,  the  neuter  gender;  also 

ci'£>K  k.  11.  A  bruise  in  a  fruit  or  tree. 

jJ^IJ  h.  n.  A  mean  wretch. 

^^Yi..n.  Profit,   gain.        -wa.    (24  per 

cent.)  interest. 
jJeS?   h.  n.     A    prophet:     the     prophet 

Mahomed.      ^t^,-.  Jesus  Christ. 

Jj^,  j3^cJ  s-  "•  '^^^^  ^'^y'  atmosphere. 
-?iori^o.  A  bird.  f^i^-ra^tsoi.  A  god. 
cie^JS?53Jo:^aj.  The  firmament,  sky. 

N^*  k.  pro.  We.  Gt'?i.  fSsio*,  f^sSj,  ^^o^ 
Dat.  (Assort,  ^cc  c^sSj  oio,  ^^:)^^. 
Abl.  fdcDJ,  oci.     Loc.   Fi53j,  0.  N55a©. 

?idOw  s.  n.   Bowing,  obeisance. 

^^J£)J  k.  V.  t.    To    chew,    masticate,   to 
chew  the  cud.      n.  Chewing  the  cud. 
-ScD^j.   To  chew  the  cud. 

ji^ofo  s.  11.  Bowing;  a  bow,  salutation, 
obeisance.  -^0?ij.  To  bow,  make 
obeisance,  adore.  -=&atf.  Obeisance, 
reverence,  adoration. 

jidj»)3J0  h.  11,   Worshipj    divine  service. 

^,SO?jO  s.  v.  t.  To  bow;  to  worship, 

jjj^OjsrfJ  h.  a.  Declared,  shown,  men- 
tioned, recorded.  -sJjsc^j,  cSsSOwQa^J. 
To  record,  mention,  show. 

Jjdo„^^  li.  n.  A  specimen,  sample;  a 
model;   a  copy. 

^^J  k.  v.i.  To  grow  lean  or  thin;  to 
wear  away;  to  become  less;  to  be 

jioeO'rf  e.  n.  Number;  a  ease,  lawsuit. 
-cS  ^IJJ,.  The  proceedings  of  a  law- 
suit.      siJJSeJ-.   An  original  suit. 

fio83^,  t'02^-R,  ^QZdo-R  k.  n.  Confi- 
dence, trust,  fidelity,  faith,  belief; 
faithfulness.  ?io:Sri^.  A  faithful 
man.  (ioT^ri^'^.  Faithfulness,  trust- 
worthiness.      -eAJ^A)=^J3^>\,    -5ticij€j3 


s*J>.   To   remain  faithful. 
^oZ:):)   k.    I',  t.      To    confide,    trust,    put 
confidence    in,    believe;     to    suppose. 

-^S"^.  =  ?ioi^=#.      fjo^^-^-^-    To   cause   to 
confide;  to  coax,  persuade. 

?jO2007^.  =  rio^^,  q.  V. 

N^o,    k.  pro.    (pi.    of  ^M)   Our,    ours. 

6  '*• 





^do,^  h.  n.  Salt.  -=^-^=,3.  A  salt  factory 

cioiOj  s.  a.  Bent,  bowed.  2,  lowly,  sub- 
missive, humble,  -o,  -^,  -"^jssj.  Meek- 
ness, humility. 

jiorfo  1.  k.  w.  Softness,  fineness;  mild- 
ness, gentleness;  cheapness.  -rrai5. 
Smooth  plaster.  -fio^,  -SJSi^o.  A 
gentle  word.     -^^-  Fine  cloth. 

^cdj  2.  s.  a.  Guiding,  leading.  2,  fit, 
right,  proper.  n.  Behaviour,  con- 
duct, way  of  life.  2,  prudent  conduct; 
reason.  3,  polity,  policy,  political 
economy.  4,  plan;  principle.  5, 
opinion.  6,  right,  justice.  -rtors. 
A  proper  quality.  -So;3,  -3^0.  A 
prudent  man. 

?iodO?j  s.  n.  Guiding.  2,  the  leading 
organ:  the  eye.  -%^-  -^n  eyelid. 
-Jit),  -^330,  ?iaijj3t)Sx,  (ioi^^ji^zi^. 
Tears,  -djy^rt.  An  eye-disease.  eAJjj-. 
Investiture  with  the  brahmanical 

'^'d  1.  k.  n.  A  sinew,  nerve,  muscle;  a 
vein,  artery.     -3ojO.  =  o^rfjsO. 

jitj  2.  s.  n.  A  man.  2,  Arjuna.  -tf  C, 
-rtiS,r!.  A  profane  poet.  -i3$o3,  -cJSJiS, 
-^s,  -ss^ej,  -533,  Fioa?)^.  A  king. 
-5j?:^.  a  ghost-like,  lean  man.  -loO 
A  human  sacrifice.  -I^S^'S*.  A  can- 
nibal.  -sSjfdj^n.  A  human  beius. 
-sSjs^'S'.  The  earth;  mortals.  -=#?^0, 
-Aiort,  -^oS,  -odO.  Man-lion:  Vishnu 
in  his  fourth  avatara.  -^^sS.  Best 
of  men.  -^oS^.  Manslaughter.  ^6^o 
^.    The  lord   of  men,    a  king. 

^TJ"^  s.  n.  Hell,  the  Tartarus.  2,  a 
mass  of  filth.  B,  N.  of  a  demon 
slain  by  Krishna;  also  t^d=ff3?dj!3. 
-^JSij.  A  pit  of  filth.  -l^CajrfrS.  A 
festival  in  the  month  of  asvina  to 
commemorate  the  destruction  of  Na- 
rakasura.  -'Jj"^:^,  -cdj3:Sr3,  -53$:ii3. 
The  pains  of  hell.     rdtf53?)5ji.  Tama. 

Jj'i^S'o  k.  V.  t.  To  bruise,  v.  i.  To  groan, 

c^JtiUo  k.  r,  i.  To  become  stunted  in 
growth.  n.  Stunted  growth.  2, 
grumbling.  -n^d.  A  discontented 
man,  grumbler. 

cJ^SyO  k.  r.  i.  To  groan,  moan. 

ci5  k.  11.  A  jackal,  fox.  -'s^jsrij.  The 
howl  of  jackals.  -2^0:^0.  A  perennial 
creeping  plant,  Lepidagathis  cristata. 
-asocS  sijt;o^.  The  plant  Hemioniles 
cordifolia;  the  common  grass  Selaria 
glauca.     -tooS.  Cunning. 

NJlio  (Cij=e3j)  a.  k.  ?i.  Fragrance,  scent; 
smell,     -rtosj.  Fragrance. 

fo'djAO  k.  ?i.  Grey  colour.*  -r!oio«?.  A 
eumbly  with  white  and  black  stripes. 

^Tijs€i  k.  n.  A  wart,  mole;  also  ?irf2oj£). 

ritS  k.  I'. ».  To  become  grey,  as  the  hair, 
n.    Grey    hair;    hoary    age.       Cpds.: 

-o^,  clc. 

^^r3^  s.  M.  A  dancer;  f.  ri3~is: 

w^r^  s.  H.  Dancing.     RSa~?ij,  To  dance. 

fjrfjr  s.  M.  Sport,  play,  pastime;  joke; 
wit.  -ni),  -d.  N.  of  a  river.  -=o2j, 
-?ij5rf.  An  associate  of  a  prince. 

fi^  a.  k.  n.  Goodness,  fairness;  loveli- 
ness; dearness.   Cpds.:  -rtjyjs'o,    -rtj 

good,  dear   man;    a  friend;   /".  Tiz^^J. 

^Z>1.  (—^^^,  oiO,  oiOrf),  oiejjj  a.  k.  «  • 
Pleasure,  delight. 

^£J  2.  s.  n.  A  species  of  reed.  2,  N.  of 
a  king  and  husband  of  Daraayantt. 
-'s'jssSrf.  N.  of  a  son  of  Kubera. 

fjO/NO  (=?ieJor!j)  k.  r.  t.  To  become 
rumpled,  os  cloth,  paper,  etc.;  to  be- 
come flabby  by  heat;  to  droop  as 
vegetables,  etc.;  to  grow  faint  or 
feeble  from  sickness,  etc. 

JoO^.  =  ^t)l,  q.v. 

^i}  a.  'k.v.  i.  To  rejoice;  to  be  pleased; 
to  be  fond  of.  n.  (=riw  1)  Pleasure; 
also  -^.  -:o5:^j.  To  be  greatly  de- 



cJe5^  S.71.  A  lotus;  a  water-lily,  -niplr, 

-J3.  Brahma.      -'j:-io!;Srf,   ->3o^,  -?dsj. 

The    sun.       -'^^Q-  The  moon.       c^OS). 

A  lotus  as  f.;    a  pond  abounding  in 


jde;0A0.  =  ci"=^-',  q-v. 

?je3,    a.  k.  n.  Fondness;    goodness;    wel- 
fare,  prosperity. 

^^SJ   {fr.  f^c*)  a.  k.  n.  Goodness;  beauty. 

•_',  a  good  man.    Cpds.:  -s^sj,  -dJJi^J  , 

^<V^^:>    k.  a.  Forty  ;  also  c39«j^s!j^. 

fjd  1.  s.  a.  "New,  fresh,  modern.  -"5^. 
Freshness;  novelty;    =  fj^tf. 

joj5  2.  s.  a.  Nine.  -5.  Consisting  of 
nine.  -iuoS.  Nine  fabulous  conti- 
nents. -<\^-  The  nine  planets,  namely  : 
Aditya,  Soma,  Mafigala,  Budha, 
Brihaspati,  Sukra,  Sani,  Rahu,  and 
Ketu.  -r!j3oC3ac^.  Nine-fold  gifts  to 
the  nine  planets,  -rt^s^o^.  Propi- 
tiation of  the  nine  planets.  ■'^^'  -^ 
fever  continuing  for  nine  days,  -i^^^- 
The  nine  outlets  of  the  body.  -Jp^oi. 
The  nine  grains:  godive,  bhatta, 
uddu,  hesavu,  kadale,  togari,  hurali, 
avare  and  tllu.  -Sj.  The  ninth. 
-»jjt)£^.  Arabian  jasmine.  -<3J.  The 
ninth  day  of  the  lunar  fortnight. 
-dort.  The  middle  hall  of  a  temple. 
-d^.  The  nine  precious  gems:  vajra, 
valdurya,  gomedhika,  pushyaraga, 
nila,  marakata,  manikya,  vidruma, 
and  mauktika.  -rf^.  The  nine  tastes 
or  sentiments.  -03.S.  Nine  nights: 
a  nine-days'  feast  of  Durga,  Indra,  or 
Vishnu.  -odSi'^.  The  double  rule  of 
three:  proportion  (arith.).  -^Z^  ^i-^. 
Nine  modes  of  devotion. 

cJ^oSOTJ  s.  n.  November  (11th  month  of 

the  year). 
fidrt    k.  n.  The  Italian  millet,  Panicum 


^^^^^  s.  71.  Fresh  butter.  -"^.  Clari- 
fied butter. 

jJsS'dj.  =  c^^tfJ,  q-  V. 

ZTi'^j  e.n.  A  novel;  a  peculiar  style  of 
writing.     2,  novelty. 

^'di7ds7\'d  s.  n.  Sal  ammoniac. 

ji^TJO,  =  F^sjcip,  q.  V. 

?jrf,%)A  k.  H.  A  tormentor,  molester. 

?jS3^  h.  n.  A  Nabob. 

?it3S05J  h.  ?i.  Novelty:  unusual  beauty, 
grandeur.  -=ct^cJ.  A  grandee.  -3. 
Newly  made:  one  of  a  class  of 
Konkani  speaking  Mohammadans. 

jo^DTJ  b.  n.  A  broad  tttpe. 

?i,3"rfo  k.  n.  Hair.       2,  —  fis^^J,  q-  v. 

^SJlij  k.  n.  A  peacock,  pea-fowl ;  also 
c^rf^uj.  -riO.  A  peacock's  feathers, 
-tijiio,.    A  peacock's  tuft. 

jia^ji  s.  a.  New,    fresh;    excellent. 

^^"oiii^^^^)  h.  n.  A  servant;  also 
?jj3tS^c3.      ^3jwO.  Service. 

JvdSOi^O    b.  n.  A  large  kettle-drum. 


^^ido  (=  ^Sdj)  k.  H.  That  which  is  soft, 
thin,  sm-all,  as  grass,  hair,  etc. 

^^<SJO  k.  n.  The  pea-fowl,  Pavo  cristatus. 

Jj^  1.  (=  fisjj,  q.  V.)  k.  r.  «.  To  become 
thin.     P.  ps.  ciScSo,  fjSSrfj. 

?j5  2.  k.  n.  Itching;  the  itch,  -odisrtj, 
-oq:^j.  To  itch;  to  get  itch. 

^'iTio  s.  V.  i.  To  vanish;  to  perish. 

ji^?800.  =  ?iAietoJ,  g.  |!. 

^s'Q'd  s.  H.  Perishing,  vanishing;  transi- 

jo^A  s.  a.  Lost;  vanished;  perished,  n. 
Loss;  damage;  ruin,  destruction,  -is^ 
3t.  The  casting  of  a  lost  nativity. 
-K?^.  A  sufferer  from  loss;  a  lost 
life.  -^\hi-  -^  blind  man.  ■^^^-  -^ 
lost  thing.  -^jSn.  Lost  riches.  firf^?o 
S)  txij.  Loss  of  one's  organs  of  sense; 

^?j5  k.  n.  A  good  kind  of  honey. 

^^  1.  (=  fi^J,  eic.)  k.  V.  i.  To  wear  out, 
wane,  wither,  decay.  2,  to  faint. 




3,    to   become   poor.        P.  ps.    ri^tio, 

^,^2.    (tb.   of    (i^^.—  ^^,  q.  c.)   Snuff; 

also  -^a. 
eS^^^,    T^^aO   (=ris5o*o)    k.  n.    Dawn, 

twilight.      fjAi^sS.  Early  in  the  morn- 
ji^JeSOJ  h.  n.  Fortune,  lot. 
^rJ^oi^i^o    ^-  n.  Chastisement. 
ji?jj  a.  k.  )i.   Minuteness,  smallness;    a 

little;  a  trifle.        -n^d.  Early  dawn. 

-rrae?.  A   litrht  wind,  breeze.       -^J^. 

A  plant    stinging  like    nettles;    cow- 

hage.    -iio^.  A  tawny  colour.    -?5r!j. 

To    smile.       -^A    A    smile.     -iXi^do. 

Grey  colour.     -ejj£.  Modesty.     -?^oi^ 

f=3.  A  little  patience. 

F:??Jj?i5  li.  n.  Slight  fever.       -locij.  To  be 

^■^  s.  n.  The  nose.     2,  (=si^j2)    snuff; 

a/so  -^a.     Pi^p.  Relating  to  the  nose; 

snuff  that  produces  sneezing. 
jjS?.  =,ci^,  q.  V. 
J3'«=?ji^^    a.  k.   H.  Softness,  tenderness, 

beauty.      ^'-f^^Ti:).  To  be  soft,  tender, 

nice,  bright. 
^o?7<   (tb.  of  rio*)  n.  A  tube. 
Ti^^.  =  fiO^,  q,v. 
:^'^  k.  n.  A  crab. 


F33  k.  pro.  I;  also  joeio.    2,  four,    -a'^oj. 

Four  feet.       -nudvja^y.  A   canter;    a 

f333^  s.  n.  Heaven,  the  sky,  atmosphere; 

the  abode  of  the  gods. 
{0353  5,   fTOSSlS.  —  ^520,  q.  v. 
fjS-§-  s.  H.  A  deity,  god.     -oi'S'rf,  A  multi- 
tude of  gods. 
fro^O  k.  a.    Four.       2,  (f.)   an    ant-hill. 

-sSoa.  Four-fold. 
f33^i(?j    b.   f.  7t.  A  Non-christian,  un- 

fj3£Oo»A  b.  n.  Dissatisfaction,  discontent; 


^ro"^^  s.  a.  Belonging  to  the  stars, 
sidereal.  -52J3?i.  Sidereal  computa- 
tion of  time. 

foSA  s.  It.  A  snake,  esp.  the  Cobra  capella. 
2,  a  fabulous  serpent-demon.  3, 
an  elephant.  4,  any  great  man.  5, 
fire;  cloud,  darkness.  6,  water.  7, 
lead.  -'^^^-  -^  female  of  serpentine 
extraction.  -^oosej.  Siva.  -^j^  . 
A  kind  of  leprosy.  -'^?s;d.  The  tree 
Mesua  ferrea.  -dol.  A  species  of  sun- 
flower; the  Indian  jalap.  -SjoIS^o. 
A  feast  on  the  5th  day  of  Sravana 
for  the  worship  of  serpent-images. 
-S^.S^,  Placing  a  stone-image  of 
cobra  for  worship.  -i3^.  A  snake- 
coloured  cane.  -s3j£)  rt.  A  tall,  shrub- 
by plant,  Rhinacantltus  communis, 
-SjoOr^,  A  serpentine  bracelet.  -^S,- 
A  jewel  supposed  to  be  found  in  the 
head  of  a  cobra.  -53js;?r.  The  world 
of  the  serpent  demons.  -JjoSii.  A 
shelf,  peg,  hook.  -»35ior.  N.  of  a 
Kannada  poet.  -^s^.  Abode  of  the 
Nagas.  -^oiioi,  -sscOj.  Vishnu. 
-oS^ns.  A  woman  with  snake-like 
tresses.  -TiohA.  A  middle-sized  flower- 
tree,  Mesua  ferrea.  -^  ti.  A  kind  of 
pipe  used  by  snake-players. 

jTOaTJ  1.  {■=^'^Ti,  q.  V.)  s.  11.  A  snake, 
esp.  the  cobra.  2,  an  ornament  with 
the  image  of  a  cobra;  also  -3jCo 
c33ridj.  -'gDW.  A  disease  of  the  skin; 
childlessness.  -siod<DJ.  =  c3'5rtSol3:Do. 
-Jot)5S-  The  cobra. 

:^7\'d  2.  (fr.  ^riti)  s.  a.  Belonging  to  a 
town,  civic;  polite;  clever.  n.  A 
citizen.  2,  —d^^^'sriO,  q.  c.  3,  dry 

JTOaSS',  cTOAQeS'  s.  (I.  Town-bred; 
polite;  clever.  «.  A  townsman;  a 
citizen;   a  cockney. 

^3A^s5  (tb.  of  ^^n^O)  n.  Betel-nut: 
the  first  chewing  of  betel-nuc  at  a 




f3SA?ie3  (=o5^r!5iO,  q.  v.)  s.  n-  The  betel 
creeper,  Piper  held.  -Jo^  zi.  A  clotli 
given  to  the  son-in-law  on  the  last 
day  of  his  marriage. 

pjSaDS'n  s.  n.  A  peacock.      2,  Garuda. 

?3S7^?Oo^  s.  w.  The  serpent  Sesha. 

(o3£^o  k.  ■>'•  Bashfulness,  shame,  modes- 
ty, decorum;  grace.  -=#:So,  -ricsj. 
Shame  or  modesty  to  be  lost.  -rl^a. 
A  shameless  person,  -n^^;^;^,  -rl^So. 
Shamelessness,  impudence.  -r1j5i?j,. 
To  feel  ashamed.  -ficSo.  To  give 
up   shame. 

?33£:^jl.  k.  V.  i.  To  become  ashamed  or 
embarrassed.  fssio^^j.  To  cause  to 
be  ashamed;  to  disgrace. 

c3yEio2.  f.  w.  A  nautch,  dance,  dancing. 
-slreSj.  To  dance,  act. 

^!3&;r}o  f.  n.  The  sheriflf  of  a  law-court. 

f3s3ijt)^0  h.  a.  Delicate,  soft,  tender. 

f35y  h.  n.  A  stem  or  beam  of  wood. 

NSy^^  s.  n.  A  play,  drama,  dramatic 
representation.  -qjsO,  -^dj^.  An 
actor,  mime.  -S5s3.  A  play-house, 

?jS&3  k.  11.  Young  plants,  csp.  of  rice, 
fit  for  transplanting.  2,  transplant- 
ing.    3,  (f.)  a  kind  of  raga. 

fjayo  (  =  ^ziS)  Ts-.v.  i.  To  get  within,  to 
be  pierced  or  stuck  into,  as  a  thorn. 
V.  t.  To  fix  in  the  ground,  plant;  to 
pierce  into.  n.  Planting;  depth;  also 
oSalif.  -=§js?ejj.  A  planting  stick. 
o33i3So.  To  make  plant. 

cjlibio  3.  n.  Dancing,  or  dramatic  repre- 
sentation, -rsarf.  An  actor.  -Asd, 
-mh'^.  An  actress.  -55ooatf,  -Sort. 
A  theatre. 

coS'rfcoO  k.  n.  d-  ad.  The  day  after  to- 
morrow;   also  c33arfj.  [person. 

fj3c3t)5,  -A    k.  n.  A   rustic;    a  common 

c3Sci  s.  11.  The  tubular  stalk  of  any 
plant.  2,  any  tubular  organ,  as  an 
artery,  a  vein,  a  nerve,  etc.  3,  any 
pipe  or  tube.     4,  a  fistulous  sore.     5, 

the  pulse.  6,  a  period  of  twenty- 
four  minutes;  also  -"§.  7,  a  juggling 
trick.  -■ySj,  -Ttd.  The  pulse  to  beat. 
-S)5J0.  The  pulse  to  cease.  -i^js^cso. 
To  feel  the  pulse.  -SSpt?.  Examin- 
ing  the  pulse. 

c335a  k.  11.  A  village-superintendent. 
2,  one  of  a  caste  so  called  in  Canara; 
f.  -f\^.     -&ri.  A  nadiga's  business. 

c33t^J  k.  n.  A  province,  district;  the 
country,  -ri^,^.  The  headman  of  a 
village.  -A^i5.  A  common  proverb. 
-33(^2^JS^--i.  The  accountant  of  a 

JoDlS  a.  k.  ad.  Further,  moreover,  much, 

f33?*3  (=  o3?ia#,  etc.,  q.  V.)  a.  k.  ii.  Bash- 
fulness,  shame,  modesty,  etc.  2 
=  5jT)I^j.  c3^c50.  Shameless;  a  shame- 
less person.  o3^r50^c^.  Shamelessness. 
-?iatf.  A  shameless  man.  -rta^j. 
To  disgrace,  reproach.  -fjJJa.  Popu- 
lar report,  common   talk. 

foSOSo  1.  k.  11.  Fineness,  goodness,  good 
quality,  as  that  of  cloth,  grain,  etc.; 
honesty,  truth.  -?^,  -oio^.  A  trust- 
worthy  man. 

fjeron  2.  f.  n.  A  coin;  money.  -SiO?^. 
Assaying  money.  -53eJ,.  The  agio  on 
money.  -533tij.  The  detailed  account 
of  various  coins. 

fj3^  (=  533iJ)  ^.n.  Smell  in  general;  a 
bad  smell;  stench.  -i^J3S?o,,  -wrfj, 
-2oa.  To  smell;  to  stink. 

nS^O.  P-  V-  of  ?5^rfj,  g.  V. 

cOSqi  s.  11.  A  protector;  a  master,  ruler; 
a  husband.   -^^.  Dependent,   subject. 

coSrf  s.  11.  A  sound,  a  tone  in  general. 
2,  a  note  of  music;  as:  Jji'oijt)-,  iS^r^s- 
^j3T?ej-,  A)o3o-,  etc. 

?:srfo)  {tb.  of  c^cssorf )  n.  A  husband's 
sister;  a  brother's  wife. 

c3SC338  h.  n.  Insolvency,  pauperism.  ^3^ 
iZzt^.   Insolvent;  a  pauper. 

c3Z)DS).  =  j:trfoi,  q.  V. 




cC5a?:;J  s.  V.  i.  To  sound. 

^Bsij  k.  V.  t.  To  knead,  as  dough,  etc 
V.  i.  To  moisten,  soak;  to  cool.  o3^a 
^.  To  knead. 

pDrfJ'dJ/^  ti-  a-  Out  of  order;  unrepair- 
ed, unmended. 

cSadjodJ  s.  a.  Aquatic.  c33:3?o3j.  A 
species  of  reed,  Calamus  fasciculatus ; 
the  orange-tree;  the  shoe-flower  plant. 

j3Sc33  s.  a.  Of  different  kinds,  various, 
manifold,  diverse.  ad.  Variously, 
manifoldly.  Cpds.:  -^soij;^,  --^os, 
-33,  -S.^'sd,  -wr?,  -OP-i,  -jSi?,  e<c. 
-rfjaS.  Various  forms.  c3^c3^4^".  Ho- 
monymous;    a  homonym. 

c35^0  1.  k.  pro.  I. 

p3^0  2.  k.  i\  i.  To  get  wet,  moist,  damp. 

P.  pS.    c35  30,    cS'SCSJ. 

f:3^^rij  k.  a.  Four  hundred. 

jjryoQ  s.  n.  Joy;  prosperity.  2,  eulogi- 
um  or  praise  of  a  deity;  a  prayer 
recited  at  the  opening  of  a  religious 
ceremony  or  of  a  drama.  ->:oj£j, 
-S?,rf.  A  commemorative  ofi'ering  to 
the  manes  before  any  joyous  occasion, 
as  marriage,  etc. 

^Tih^  s.  n.  A  barber;  also  ?)^3ri,  riDtJjri. 

J33^  s.  ».  The  navel.  2,  the  nave  of  a 
wheel.  3,  the  centre,  focus,  middle. 
4,  a  near  relation. 

fTOoSo  s.  n.  A  name.  2,  a  noun.  3,  the 
sectarian  mark  of  Vaishnavas.  ad. 
By  name.  -',  possibly.  -^Jil'-?.  The 
pigmy  cormorant.  -cS  i3?rfj.  The 
country  sarsaparilla,  Hemidesmus  in- 
dicus.  -'uiiz's.  The  ceremony  of  nam- 
ing a  child.  -cp^O.  A  Vaisbnava; 
renowned.  -c^^oiJ.  A  name,  title. 
-sSrf,  -;35)J^B'.  A  noun.  -X^cJrs.  Bearing 
in  mind  the  name  of  a  god.  -cB^^o. 
To  put  on  the  Vaishnava  marks;  to 
cheat.       craaj3o-c-3.  Renowned. 

c33»5oc&;j3TJo  h.  «,  Disapproval.  -SjsrSj. 
Disallow,  disapprove,  r^  coward. 

fJS^onsr  h.  n.  Unmanliness,  cowardice; 

nSSO  s.  71.  Bending.  2,  a  N.  for  all 
vowels,  except  ^  and  ei.  -^.  Having 
a  name. 

f:3^j^?^,  b.  n.  Disgrace,  shame. 

?;s^0  h..  n.  A  deed:   letters  patent. 

^SOjO  (lb.  of  c3^'KS->)  n.  A  lawsuit. 

fjsojou^  s.  a.  Pre-eminent,  chief,  jj.  A 
guide,  leader;  a  chief,  head;  a 
general,  commander;  a  husband;  f. 
c35Cxl)*.  -3.  Leadership.  -S'aS.  A 
chief,  headman,  as  of  a  caste, 
village,  etc. 

f35aj020  h.  n.  A  deputy.  -AjS^^i;:d  j.  A 
native  head  clerk  of  a  subordinate 

?3SCOo  k.  n.  A  dog.  -*-'^5  -CoO.  A 
puppy,  whelp.  -'^jecS.  A  mushroom. 
-=jSjo, ,  -tIsjjj.  The  hooping  cough. 
-dJwA).  The  herb  Ocimum  album. 
-■^rfj^j,  -23tis?o.  A  wretched,  miserable 
existence.  -l3»?A:S.  An  annual  herb, 
Cleome  viscosa.  -i3;ej.  The  plant 
Flacourtia  sapida.  -zSjsA^^,  -^s'jsrij. 
A  do?  to  bark.  -OJoo*?,.  A  bulbous 
plant,  Scilla  indica- 

p^OSJod  (<b.  o/'  c33i)3)  ?i.  A  barber. 

^D'doX  s.  n.  The  orange  tree;  an 

jTOd;i  s.  n-  N.  of  a  devarshi.  -C?;=s. 
Narada's  lute:  a  kind  of  lute. 

f3SOS7?j3e^  k.  n.  A  very  meagre  man. 

(TO7:;trf  s.  ?i.  A  long  arrow;  a  style  to 
write  with. 

fJSrssodor^  (/"»•.  n^  divine  spirit  and 
°5o3of3  pervading)  s.  n.  Brahma. 
2,  Vishnu  ,  Krishna  (sometimes  the 
deity  ivho  tvas  before  all  ivorlds).  c3=> 
ODOdjca.  Lakshmt;  Duiga. 

^sQ  1.  k.  n.  A  bow-string. 

f:D5  2.  s.  n.  A  woman,  wife. 

^'b'§i'6,  rjsS^je;  s.  n.  The  cocoa- 

fSDTr'ol.  k.  «.  A  fibre:  fibres  of  plants, 
strings  in  mangoes  and  other  fruits. 




2,    cloth    made    of    hemp,    or    linen; 

also  -53oa.     -Ai^S.  A   female's     linen 

garment.       -^eJo^.  Fibre-like    pus  to 

form    ill    a   sore.      -rt.    A    dealer  in 

fibres.       -:?Pdj.     Fibres     and    roots. 

-rajrsj.  A  £:uinea-\vorm. 
?33lJo2.  (rfj— eaj)  k.  71.  Smell,     v.  i.   To 

smell;    to    stink.       P.  ps.    fS'sO,    fi9^j. 

-»i  zt°4,  c3^c!oi55«5.  A  strong  smelling 

herb,  Cleome  peulaphylla. 
cCse;  1.     (=c33°^)     h.    n.     A     horse    or 

bullock-shoe,     -rrarf,  -woa.   One  who 

shoes  a  horse  or  bullock. 
?38£^  2.  h.  n.   A   drain,  gutter. 

f3D£;scxJ0£O0  h.  rt.  Unfit,  ineligible.  m. 

^De5(=c35«?)  s.  n.  A  tubular  stalk- 
2,  a  tube.     3,  a  period  of  24  minutes. 

fj3s5/^  k.  M.  The  tongue.  2,  the  clapper 
of  a  bell.  -"€^0.  Appetite  to  be  lost; 
a  promise  to  fail,  -^sy  .  A  promise 
to  break;  a  slip  of  the  tongue.  -.Sdjrij. 
To  be  able  to  speak  fluently.  -sJ,Sj3 
t3.  Confidence  in  one's  words  or  pro- 
mises. -2S5°^o.  To  become  unable  to 
utter.       -^to^Kj.   To  keep   one's    pro- 

mise.    -StiAj.  Trustworthiness. 


^e5?jJ  h.  n.  Complaint;  censure,  sneer, 
reprobation.  -»JJ3:So.  To  disapprove, 

fjS£)J,  k.  a.  Four.  cS^e^a.  Four  feet. 
cra£:!,t5.  Fourth.     ?itiej,  oSocSj.  9.     r3^ej 

"C  "^  •& 

^J,.  Four  times  as  much.       c330?  tfo. 

Four    or    six;    several,  some.     -#ej?j. 

Every   kind   of   work.        -lapi,   -osf^do. 

All     persons,     every    body.         -I33.S, 

-53C3F.  The  four  castes.       -atfo^^,  -z3;=5. 

The     four    points     of    the    compass. 

-SjsSj.  To  divide  into  four.      -siJsSj. 

Some  words.      cj"5ej-^^^^-).  4j.      c3«iej 

3|J,.  Forty.      c3^ej  dj.  Four  persons. 
cjD^sSa    (<b.  of  fj^so^)  ji.  A  barber. 
f:sST)ciA  f. «.  A  boatman;    a  helmsman. 
^assd  ( =  ojS:3d)  h.  n.  A  broad  tape. 

fjSS"^  s.  n.  A  sailor;    steersman,  pilot. 

f354)  k.  pJ-0.  pi.  o/'  c3^nO.     "We.    See  87s 

deci.  s.  oi»3o.. 
o33^  s.  n.   A   boat,  ship,  vessel.      ^^^^. 

f3S^     s.    ft.     Destruction,     annihilation, 

ruin,  loss;  death.        -(ij3S??ij,  -^•js:^o. 

To  destroy,   ruin,  kill.       -ooJSocSo.  To 

be  ruined,    -ci-  Destroying,  etc.;  ruin. 
?:s5c;,  h.ti.  Breakfast;  luncheon. 

f33?33  s.  n.  The  nose.  o^sA).  Snuff.  533 
A;^,  c33?3.  A  nose;   a  trunk. 

cj3<^      s.   It   is  not,    there   is   not;    non- 

— D 

existence.  -'^.  An  atheist;  an  infidel. 
-^3^,  -'g'ci,  -^3^,  -T^,,.  Atheism;  in- 

c3SS?  (=  fssej,  q.  V.)  s.  n-  A  pipe,  tube. 
etc.    2,  the  clapper  of  a  bell. 

?33^.  tb.  of  cSDa,  q.  v.;  also  a  water- 
channel;    a  weaver's  shuttle. 

f3SS?  k.  ad.  To-morrow. 

^i.  =  6)0*,  ?)3*,  as'',  ?i?;«,  g.  W. 

^)g^o^  s.  H..  Fearless;  without  hesita- 
tion or  fear.  oiSio^,  Boldness, 

oiS^SO     s.    rt.    Noiseless.         n.    Silence, 



S)S^?^  s.  a.  Without  remainder;  com- 
plete, entire. 

oi2?JOA  s.  a.  Unattached",  indifi"erent; 
disinterested.  n-  Unattachment,  in- 

^SxiodoSo  s.  a.  Doubtless,  certain.  n- 

fjSrjrasc^J  s.  a.  Helpless,  unassisted. 

ojSTJs'rf  s.  ft.   Sapless,  insipid;   worthless. 

^J'S^U  s.  ft.  Near,  proximate,  n.  Pith, 

^'v'd  s.  ft.  A  heap;  a  flock,  multitude. 

S)5S  li.  n.  A  Mohammadan  marriage. 

olS'OSio  s.  ft.  "Wish,  desire. 




cdS'Stxio  s.  71.  A  heap,   set,  flock.       2,  a 

house,  dwelling. 
^)5se^;rio  h.  a.  Plain,  blunt,  open,  as  a 

person,  speech,  etc. 
^^ooit  s.  n.  An  arbour,  thicket. 
pi^odoaD  s.  n.  A  flock,  multitude. 
?^'^\Bs.n.  Dishonest  practice,  deception, 

^5x7:^,  s.  n.    Drawn    down;    low.   base. 

^^?:^N  s.  ».  A  house,  dwelling. 
ri^j,rf   a.  k.   n.    Truth,  certainty,     ad. 

Truly,  certainly. 
pi'^eSj  s.  n.  Placing;    a  deposit,  pledge, 

trust.       2,   a  hidden  treasure.        ?>=f  ? 

^j^^j.  To  deposit;   to  bury. 
^)a)ej  s.  a.  Complete,  all,  entire. 
^7\a   h.  n.    Fixing,   as    a   hire,    salary, 

etc.;    decision.       -5jJ33o.    To   fix;    to 

^)A^0  s.  11.  Insertion.       2,  a  passage  of 

the   yedas.        3,   the   veda;     a   sacrod 

precept.        a.  Issued  from;    liberated, 

set  free. 
^A^i  1.  (=  ftrtJdj,  q.  r.)  k.    a.   Straight, 

erect;    also    !%irtjrf.      -f\-3.     An    erect 

car.      ojrio^.   Straightness. 
aAd2.    (tb.  of   i^^rf)    n.    The    best    of 

oiAdo.  =  ?irtjrfj,  q.  V. 
oJA^r  (=SirirSr)  s.  a.  Prideless,  hum- 
ble,   n.  Humility.      ^irttSr.  A  humble 

^7\3,    S>a3»3S^,    S)7\S^    h.    ?i.    Cure    in 

looking   after;  tending;   regard  to. 
^lAOlJo  k.  ?'.  i.  To  be  stretched  forth;  to 

spread,  expand;    to  become  erect;    to 

rise;  to  swell,  become  proud,      n.  Ex- 
pansion.       artoO^^j.  To  stretch  forth, 

S)AJ3^   s.  a.    Hidden,  secret;    profound, 

^)A\2oo  s.  a.  Punishable. 
a^?;55^.  ■=  oina,  q.  v. 

^A  Xi  (tb.   of   ?>[<j53)   n.   Coercion,   com- 
p)A  rf  a. k.  n.  The  tusks  of  an  elephant: 



S)7\j5o  s.  «.  Keeping  in  check;  coercion; 
restraint;  subjugation;  humbling; 
punishing.  2,  rebuke,  blame.  3, 
aversion;  dislike;  a  mental  pain. 
arlSoJW.  To  restrain,  subdue,  keep 
in  check;  to  punish.  ^>rt.oo?JOw'^. 
Keeping  in  check. 

^^OcUo  s.  71.  A  vocabulary,  dictionury. 

^^ori.rr®  s.  u.  Friction,  grinding,  trit- 

^i£ia5J  s.  71.  A  collection;  a  heap;  as- 

^d-  .  tb.  of  Si^„,.,  q.  V.  n   jj 

Za-  •        t    ^  [ladder. 

^Ei  r?,  -^,  -/^  (tb.  of  ?:8l^ri)  ?i.  A 
Zs-  ^      ' 

^■c^  odJ.  lb.  of  S)3l  oij,  a.  V. 

^3i  s.  a.    Innate.       2,    o«-n.       3,   real, 

true,    actual,    genuine.       «.    Reality, 

truth.      -rtjt9.  A  truthful  man.     -dJ3 

rtr.  The  proper  way.       -tJi^.  One's 

own   shape.        -xii-h- .    True   evidence. 

-;^.=  ^iiirtore.     -Sjja.    A   moorah  of 

42  sheers. 
o)3d3^0  h.  ?i.    Ruler:     the    title   of   the 

native  sovereign  of  Hyderabad. 
^Ijiy  s.  71.  The  forehead. 
SiUJ    «&!>r.    of     ?j^:i^   {in    SiCeJ,   q.  v.). 

-^tfj.     A    drawn     out,     deep     sigh. 

--Z530.    To   sigh    deeply.       r^^ujs^. 

The  spine.      ftb3j|,^U.  A  long  run. 
^a  1.  =  Si:Sj,  q.  r.       -zio.  That  which  is 

long;   length. 
S)ci  2.    k.  «.   A  strong  stifling  smell,   as 

that  of  tobacco,  cayenne  pepper,  etc. 

2,  scum,  froth. 
ojdo    a.  k.  H.    Length;     cxtensiveness; 

bigness.    Cp(7s.."  -'e^.i,  -rlvJro,    -rtjsowj, 

fi:^o  .  =  ao;^j.  /'. ;).  o/"  ri«JJ  ,  q.  v. 



cisa  s.  a.  ContiBiial,  perpetual;  endless, 
eternal,  everlasting;  necessary,  essen- 
tial. -=tfy.«?.  Daily  observance.  -^ 
oijr.  A  daily  rites.  -rfoJ.  As  usual. 
-tiOrf^.  An  always  poor  man.  -^,  ^. 
Eternity,  -zz^ri.  Daily  alms-giving. 
-Si^,ni.  A  daily  sraddha.  ?13?>^^,.  The 
eternal  soul. 

^SSjP®   (lb.  of  ri^^^ra)  n.  Weakness. 

oirfsT^  s.  11.  An  example  or  illustra- 
tion.     2,  a  view,  vision  ;  omen. 

^ctoFjI.  s.  71.  A  first  cause.  2,  end, 
termination.      3,  pathology. 

^C33?i  2.  <b.  of  f5q3S=:S,  q.  v.  -So;^, 
-;^,  ^i^^^i.  A  patient  man. 

^c3?^  s.  71.  Command,  instruction. 

^c3.  ib.  of  ?i:S,  g.  i:.  -rtrej.  Sleepy 
eyes.  -Sjscsj.  To  sleep.  -sSw'SJajo.. 
Drowsiness.  -o^J^  ^J.  To  awake.  -3o 
^J^.  To  be  asleep.  -oo^?rio.  To  fall 

^c3j(=Sij3)  s.  m.  Sleep;  slumber.  2, 
sleepiness.  -'§^0.  Sleep  to  be  spoil- 
ed,    -iicdj*,  -^03330.  To  sleep.    -3o:^j^. 

^tf)^  s.  H.  End.      2,  death,  loss.     3,  =  Ri 
o5!?Dci  s.  /I.   Laying  aside.     2,  a  recep- 
tacle;    a    treasure,     wealth.         3,    a 

place  of  rest.       4,   effort,  work.       5? 

slowness,  patience,  pausing.     -rtj3°T?a. 

-s3:aO,    -:3;^o,    -JSjt):«o,    To    consider, 

^^1  s.  n.  A  receptacle.      2,    a  treasure, 

wealth;  a  store.  3,  the  ocean. 
^^  k.  p7-o.  Thou;  also  oi??iJ.     ?i(^.  Thy. 

^i^cij.   Thine. 
^)c;^0.  =  Si3io .  P.  p.  of  ?ito ,  g.  D. 
S)oa"do.  See  s.  ria^j  ,  q.  t'. 
^o:3    s.   n.    Blame,   censure,  reproach, 

abuse,    scorn.         ?iod'5'.    A    scorner. 

Sioa^ij.  To  blame,  abuse,  etc 
?)orfn  s.  a.  Blamable;  despicable. 
^Jj\  pro.  Gen.  of  ?i?ci-),  g-  i'.     Of  thee, 

thine,  thy.      Ace.  ?^^?^-     Dat.  Si^drl. 

^)^N    k.    ad.  Yesterday,     hish:  -o3jorf. 

Dai.  -rt.     Gen.  -odj,  ?)»?;. 
^)SS^  s.w.  Falling  down;  dying,  death; 

ruined    state.        2,  putting    down    as 

irregular  or    exceptional,   as  a  word 

in    a    compound  ;     exception.        3,  a 

particle  (g.).     -sJjSiSj.  To  destroy. 
oi^ro  s.  a.  Perfect;  accurate.    2,  clever, 

skilful.        -^cS,    -^,    -:^.    Skilfulness, 

oiSOrf     s.  a.    Bound;     caught,    fettered; 

conSned.       n.  A  fixed  rule. 
^iZdoz^^  s.  ri.   Binding;     a   rule,    order. 
S)83rf   s.  a.  Thick,  dense,  tight.     rjZ^a? 

■jS'.S.  Made  close,  dense,  etc. 
aSO.C®  k.  n.   A  marriage  festival.      ?icO> 

rfirt.  A  bridegroom's   companion. 
^>ep3O30?jJ  h.  V.  t.    To    endure,    suffer, 

bear,  succeed. 
^)^J7^^  s.  a.  Immersed;    sunk    in;    de- 
oi^oo^ire  s.  n.    Invitation,    cs/j.     to     a 

^^J^aio.  =  oJsiJSteO,  q.  -y. 
^)^jeioi.SO  li.  «•    Exact,     quite     correct; 

ad.  Exactly,  etc. 
^)SO!s  ,  ^iiSJ^o  s.  n.  A   mark,   aim.      2, 

sign;  omen.     8,  cause,  motive,  reason. 

-Se)?^.    Because    of,    on    account     of. 

-rrarf.  A  fortune-teller. 
^30X^0.=  ariJdo,  q.  V. 
^)aJ^io^.  =  JirtjO^iJ,    q.  v. 
ciS)d^  s.   n.    Twinkling,    winking;    the 

twinkling  of  an  eye;  a  moment.     2, 

a  minute. 
S)oeo  s.  71.  The  Nimb-tree,    Azadi7-achta 

indica.     -^rfJ.  The  coral  tree. 
^cs3(=:*o"J)    k.    n.    The     acid     lime, 

Cili'us    medica. 
^^j^  1.  (jjL  of  ?ic3^)  k.  pj-o.  Your.     -rfj. 

Yours.     Ace.  ?)53o,  ?ij .      yl&Z.   oiOJ.ocS. 

jii,  2.   s.  ?i.  Di 

a.  Deep,  low. 

^)^iy  2.   s.  ?i.  Depth;    a    slope;    a   gap. 





(n)CXJo^.  s.  a.  Checked;  controlled.  2, 
fixed,  permanent.  3,  certain.  4, 
positive.  n.  Restraint;  a  religious 
duty.  ftoiJ^.  Restraint,  restriction; 
rule.     2,  destiny,  fate. 

?)0dJ^0    (lb.  of  S>oij:^)  n.  Truthfulness. 

^ajos:^^  (  =  c3^5iJ)  s.  n.  Ruling.  2,  a  rule, 
law,  precept;  a  regular  practice; 
appointment.  3,  agreement,  contract. 
4,  any  religious  observance.  -?^^. 
Regular  and  rigid  observance  of 
meritorious  rites  or  vcorks.  R>OCij 
<£>jS.  Regulated,  prescribed ;  fixed. 
aoliiDj^oJ  (=(5?<Sj?io).  To  restrain, 
subdue;  to  Lay  down  a  rule;  to 
order;  to  appoint,  fix;  to  nominate. 

^)OCij3'rfo3^  s.  n.  Guiding,  governing.  2, 
a  ruler.  3,  a  charioteer.  4,  a 
bositman;     a    pilot.      5,   rule,  order. 

S)aJj3ao?io.  =  Sio±>wj;^s)    s.  ^icxijjjj,  q.  v. 

oJcrfj.i'S'  s.  a.  Fastened  to;  appointed; 
employed;  assigned.  SicdoJ^.  Injunc- 
tion, order;  charge. 

ftorfJO;^  s.  n.  A  great  number. 

o)oj.©?7\  s.  n.  Application,  use,  em- 
ployment. 2,  order,  command. 
3,  trust;  business.  ?)o3j3??^.  A  func- 
tionary; a  minister;  a  class  of  Brah- 
manas.  ao3j3?h?oj.  To  assign;  to 
employ;  to  command. 

Sic£j3p&f?i  s.  71.  Uniting;  ordering;  ap- 
pointing to.  S)j3j3°;5?;j.  To  assign, 
appoint,  etc. 

ci5,  ^)oJ»  ^»Ji  (=?■§)  s.  pref.  Certainty. 
2,  negation,  privation.  3,  out,  without. 

a'rf^v'd  s.  a.  Illiterate.  -^o-S-,.  An  il- 
literate  person. 

^I'dSOO  h.  H.  Current  price-  -*^^-  A 

c^tXio'^Ot  s.  a.  Unchecked,  uncontrolled, 

oi'dcSifi  s.  a.  Unstained,  untinged,  pure. 

^i^sJ  s.  a.  Engaged  or  interested  in. 

^Xi:§  (d  — es)  k.  a.  Beauty,  charm, 
elegance;  cf.  ?-3  1. 

^J'rfo^TJ  s.  a.  Having   no   interval;   con- 
tinuous; without  interstices,  compact, 

dense;    uninterrupted,    constant,     ad. 

^5T3^JC^5  s.  n.   A   faultless   or   guiltless 

^iTJ3j3o:5o  s.  a.  Imperishable;  infallible, 
ol'd^e^v  s.  n.  Absence  of  desire  or  ex- 

cjXix^r'S  s.  a.  ^Nonsensical,    useless,  un- 
^"i^^  s.  a.  Unlimited,  interminable. 
S)^dcdjrf  s,    n.    Without       limbs       or 

Sjlitfju  s.  n.  Fasting;  a  fast. 
ol'dSoc^s'd  s.  71.   Absence  of  selfishness. 
^X^^c>^\^  B.  a.  Unselfish. 
o)C3o^"rfro   s.  n.   Repudiation,    rejection. 

SCsi^S^dj.   To   put    away,    repudiate. 

^)T:^tJ^3^  s.  n.  Desirelessness. 
^TJZlSiiTi  s.  a.  Formless,  shapeless;  ugly, 

also  RiOD^s.^. 
o)'OS'^«  ^7j  s.  a.  Unblamable,  unobjection- 

able.     -r=3.   Unobjectionableness. 
oiTjtisB  h.  a.    Furnished   with   kalabatu, 

as  a  cloth. 
ol'Dsps'd  s.  71.  Groundlessness,  poorness, 

etc.     ^oszp^O.  A  poor  person. 
riTj^oiynTj  s.  a.  Kot  causing  trouble;  not 

requiring  efforts;   not  fatiguing. 
^)'GST5  s.  71.  Hopelessness,  despair. 
oi'35tfi0do  s,  a.   Supportless;   friendless, 

riTM)<^t)Ti    s.    71.      Foodlessness,   fasting. 

SiOtiJosO.  A  fasting  person. 
^iTTO^    {tb.  of  r^O's^^)  )i.  Doubtlessness, 

certainty;  calmness.     2,  the  sky. 
^)&l.  (0=63")  k.  V.  i.    To  be  arranged, 

to  be  ready;      cf.  f35  3.      7i.   Orderly 

oi&2.,  ?iQ^    k.  n.    Foldings:    the  folds 

of    a    garment,    as    of    a     dotra    or 





Si8?jJ  t  0=e3».  =  '30^0)  a.  k.  v-  t.  To  put 
down;    to    arrange;    to    adjust.  n. 

Arrangement;    display. 

i>)&?^  s.  n.  Looking  towards,  expect- 
ation, waiting  for.  ^iO^^ra.  Looking 
at;  expecting;  a  look.  ftO^d- ^J.  To 
look  at,  gaze  at;  to  behold;  to 

^^e^^"!^  s.  a.  Godless,  atheistic,  -^-^zi. 
Atheism.     -^3a.  An  atheist. 

^xi^'R  (!3J=e3o)  k.  ?4.  Orderly  arrange- 
ment; properness. 

^Tio'^  s.  a.  Uttered,  explained,  a.  One 
of  tlie  vedarigas. 

^"do^  s.  a.  Undoubted;  true.  w.  Un- 
doubtedness,  truth;  unfailingness; 
rectitude.  [reposed. 

Si'rfo^  xi  s.  a.  Without  a  reply;  silenced, 

^■doi2j?oeA  s.  a.  Inactive,  lazy;  without 
employment.  S)tfjc5js.?h.  One  who  is 

oiTJOSdrfj,  -■rf  s.  a.  Undisturbed;  harm- 
less, inoffensive,     n.  Undisturbedness. 

SiTJosi^o,   a'dosjdrefi,    ^I'dojjao^    s.  a. 

Matchless,    unequalled. 

^■dosJorfoo^    s.  a.  Useless. 

S^'tfosjS!?,  -^  s.  a.  Free  from  cares  or 

^iT^OSDcdo  s.  «.  Helpless,  remediless. 

?i'6j5i\  s.  ?t.  Fame.     2,  skilfulness. 

^iXijaS  s.  H.  An  order,  command;  a 
written  order,  -ra,  -rS.  Eepreseuting; 
investigation;  determination,  defi- 
nition; sight;  telling,  narrating. 
^itfjBoj^o.  To  order;  to  make  known; 
to  define.  Sitfjssj,. SjSt^,  Being  defined, 

o)^ja?7\  s.  a.  Free  from  sickness,  heal- 
thy, well;  also  ?i?i3js?rt.  S)!3j3$h.  A 
healthy  person  ;    also  ?i^3j3°h. 

^T3.s?qj  s.  ?i.  Shutting  in;  check;  coer- 
cion, restraint;  hindrance.  Sii3j35^:<0. 
To  obstruct;    to  restrain,  keep  back. 

^itSjs?^!  {lb.  of  ?jtfj333)  »..  A  message; 
permission  to  depart. 

?^7\f4  s.  a.  Gone  out,  disappeared,  ex- 
tinct.     2,  freed  from.  rj. 

?)A^>§  s.n.  Helplessness,  misery,  pover- 

?i7\F'^0  s.  n.  Going  forth,  setting  out, 
receding;  departure;  also  -^. 

^AF^F.  =  ?ins^r,  q.  V. 

fiAjrros.  a.  Without  qualities,     n.  The 

supreme  soul. 
S)A0ro5  s.  n.  A  shrub,  the  five-leaved 

chaste-tree,  Vitex  negundo. 
^lyJjssFs^,  -OS  s.n.  A  loud  sound,  noise. 

^)SdF?i  s.  a.  Unpeopled,  uninhabited, 
desolate.  ^^  g„j_ 

oiSiFd  s.  a.  Undecaying,  immortal,     n. 

^3iFe^  s.  a.  Waterless,  dry. 

c^^^F'^  s.n.  Lifelessness.  a.  Lifeless, 
inanimate.      r^tejr^S.  A  lifeless  being. 

oiPSFodo  s.  n.  Decision,  determination; 
precise  definition.  2,  sentence,  de- 
cree, verdict.  3,  final  settlement. 
-33J3^J,  ftK)roaj?ij.  To  settle,  decide, 
come  to  a  decision;  to  give  a 
verdict;  to  decree,  order,  oi^s-.  Justi- 
fication (Christ.).  ^■S:  Damnation 

^rfFcdo  s.  a.  Pitiless,  unmerciful, 
unkind.  ftcSFoSo.   Unmercifulness, 


^)QFoJ,  s.  a.  Assigned;  directed;  de- 
scribed,   ascertained. 

S)CoJF^,  s.  n.  Faultlessness. 


^c3?Fi^  s.  ti.  Pointing  out,  denoting; 
directing;  order,  command,  direc- 
tion; description.  ?i:3eF3?5j.  To 
point  out,  show;  to  specify,  etc. 

^BiFTi  s.  a.  Luckless. 

oi^js^FZj^  s.  a.  Faultless;  guiltless,  in- 
nocent.    ^jd^^FKj.  A  guiltless  person. 

^)^;iF^  (=?)q3?i)  s.  a.  Poor.     n.  Poverty. 

ci^jFQlrio  s.  V.  t.  To  determine,  ascer- 
tain, settle,  make  sure. 

^)93F'd  s.  n.  Particularizing;  determin- 
ing, defining,  settling;  certainty; 
judgment  ;  also  -ra. 





^q^jsTis  s.  «.  Shaken  off,  removed. 

o5c3t>r»5j  s.  a.  Nameless.  2,  ruined. 
n.  Ruin. 

ft^rao^  s.  a.  Causeless,  groundless. 
n.  Causelessness.     ad.  Causelessly. 

^iSOroqi  s.  n.  Restraining;  hindrance, 
obstruction;  also  -^.  2,  force,  vio- 
lence. 3,  a  rule.  -7lj5°^?io.  To  use 
force,  oiwro^sij.  To  restrain,  hinder; 
to  urge,  force.  [jjegs_ 

^saireJ  s.  a.  Powerless.      n.  Powerless- 

oi2ZtiFz^  3. 11.  Freedom  from  trouble  or 

^200ra  s.  a.  Senseless,  stupid.  n. 

^£[5rodo  s.  a.  Fearless;  secure.  n. 
Fearlessness;  freedom  from  danger. 

^spurAO  s.  n.  Unluckiness.    a.  Unlucky. 

5)2Pe~^  s.  a.  Fearless,  undaunted. 
^):p°rS.  Fearlessness. 

^rfjrrf  s.  a.  Sober;  humble. 

a^rfordr^  s.  a.  Deathless. 

^rfjre)(=:  SiSj,«?)s,  a.  Spotless,  stainless; 

virtuous;  clean,  pure,  serene;  shining; 

charming.     -sSjsCdO.    To    clean,    as  a 

house,  etc.  -i,  -3.  Purity,  cleanliness. 
SJZ^Jsro^j  s.  a.  Fleshless,  emaciated. 
?)o5js5^C®s.  n-  Forming;  making,  creating; 

creation.       -Sjs^j.     To    produce;   to 

^)■^Ji)r■^^.  s.  n.  A  maker,  creator. 
^)e5J«>^(t'ns.  n.  Stainlessness,  purity;  the 

remains  of  an  offering  to  an  idol,    as 

flowers,  etc. 
S)(3or?jO  s.  r.  t.  To  make,  form,  fabricate, 

^)rfJJ~5    s.  a.  Set  free,  liberated. 


^^Ojsre;  s.  a.  Rootless;  unfounded,  n. 
Eradication,  extirpation.  -sJJsiSj.  To 
eradicate,  extirpate.  ?jVi:yJei'r€)'^.  To 
uproot,  pluck  out,  extirpate. 

oJ^jsef^So  s.  n.  Absence  of  love. 

SicdJSFra  s.  n.  Departure.  2.  disap- 
pearance.    3,  separation.     4.  death. 

oltxijsr;^  s.  n.  Exudation  of  trees,  as 
juice,  gum,  resin,  milk,  etc. 

^^~§>  0  s.    n.     Disregard,     contempt. 

^)£^^t§  s.  n-  Shamelessness,   impudence. 

oie3or3i  s.  a.  Stainless,  spotless.  «. 

^s3jser£jS  s.  n.  TJnavariciousness,  un- 
selfishness,     ftdjs^rz?.       Unselfish. 

^■rfroti^fj  s.  n.  Fraudlessness.  2,  sin- 
cerity; also  S-5jF'o"lS5'3[,.  aarolS^r. 

o)s5r3r7Jo  s.  V.  I.  To  complete,  finish. 

^^r2orio  s.  r.  <.  To  carry  out;  to 
accomplish,  effect. 

a»3Drro  s.  a.  Extinguished;  liberated 
from  existence.  n.  Extinction  of 
life;  the  delivery  of  the  individual 
soul  from  the  body  and  further 
transmigration.  2.  death.  3,  high- 
est felicity  and  reunion  with  the 
supreme  soul.  4,  vacuity.  5,  im- 
mersion. 6,  a  kind  of  penance.  7, 

^)S3r^  s.  n.  Extricating  one's  self 
out  of;  a  way  out,  an  escape.  2, 
accomplishment;  doing,  managing. 
3,  supporting;  subsisting  on.  4. 
sufficiency;  competent  means  of  liv- 
ing. -»iJt)3J,  a^?~co?to.  To  accom- 
plish; to  live  frugally;  to  be  content 
with  what  is  absolutely  necessary 
to  sustain  life.  -?39fN?;j.  To  obtain 
or  supply  the  means  of  sustenance; 
to  maintain.    -S50.  An  accomplisher. 

S).3r"^(y,  s.  a.  Changeless,  nnalterablc. 

^).Srg57J  sj.  a.  Unchangeable,  immutable. 

^)3^■^io^s.  a.  Unobstructed,  n.  Absence 
of  impediment;  also  -^.  -rrscdj*. 

S>3r33rf  s.  n.  Absence  of   contention. 

^StfU^T^  s.  n.  Absence  of  difference. 
a.  Without  distinction ;  indiscriminate. 

^Sr;d^.  s.  o.  Poisonless,  innocuous,  n. 
An  antidote  to  poison. 




^^F'si.aJo  s.  a.  Unattached  to  any 

S)^\ri§  (=  ?i5l  3,)  s.  n.  Bliss;  final 

^^?r^  s.  71.  Entering  into.  2,  expia- 
tion, atonement;  also  -c^. 

o^'^n'rri^  a.  n.  Unconcernedness. 

^SSnFai  s.  a-  Without  deceit,  candid, 
honest,  plain.  2,  without  a  pretext, 
cause  or  reason. 

SiSoer'^OS'  s.  a.  Causeless,  reasonless. 

^e;  (=^uj)  k.  w.  Standing.  2,  the  side- 
post  of  a  door.  3,  remainder,  balance; 
also  -izs-k.  -^bl,  -r\d,.  Attitude; 
leisure;   patience;   composure. 

S)ia)3^0.=  oi6ij=5^J,  q.  V. 

^)£)orfo  s.  n.  An  abode,  residence.  -^D?:*. 
A  householder. 

^Z)^  (=  r^^)  k.  n.  Standing.  2, 
position.  3,  height.  4,  cessation) 
leisure.  5,  a  seat,  place  of  abode. 
a.  High.      ?>eJ5SoJ^,  A  long  garment. 

Patience;  composure;  leisure,  -riraj. 
A  staring  eye.  -rt^a.  A  full-length- 

Si£;o'5^J  k.  V.  t.  To  stretch  one's  self. 
v.  i.  To  reach;  to  stand  upon  one's 
tiptoes.  2,  to  come  within  reach. 
3,  to  begin. 

^)ejjo£0o  a.  k.  r.  t.  To  heap  up,  amass. 
V.  i.  To  crowd.      2,  to  jump. 

^£)oa^.  =  ?^^^,  q.  V. 

oi€>  tj:)  k.  V.  t.  To  cause  to  stand,   stop, 


cease,  stay,  etc. 
^CJo    k.  V.  i.  To  stand;    to  stand  up;    to 


stop;  to  stay;  to  be;  to  wait;  to  re- 
main; to  stand  or  last,  as  colour;  to 
remain  without  injury;  to  cease,  as 
rain;    to  rest;    to  endure,  elc.      P.  ps. 

It  stopped,  stood.    ^loSOsSj.  To  cause 

to  stand,  place,  etc.  ?ic3rfj.  To  stand, 

o^'^TJo  k.  V.  t.  To  stroke  or  rub  gently. 
S)530^o.   To  cause  to  stroke. 

^^^F?j  s.  71.  Accomplishment;  turning 
back;  ceasing.  ^i5Jlr?io.  To  turn 
away,  repel;  to  leave  off,  remove. 

oisaT^f^s.n.  Keeping  back  or  off,  ward- 
ing off;  averting;  preventing,  hind- 
ering, checking.  Cpds.:  ^0^-,  zss^-, 
cSjsaj-,    ^So-.  ^s^O?jj.   To    keep 

back,  ward  off;  to  avert. 

^)S3?J  s.  H.  A  resting-place,  abode, 

o)»33,^  s.  71.  An  inhabitant.  --^o.  To 
dwell,   reside. 

S)o3;)S?  f.  n.  The  act  of  waving  a  thing 
in  front  of  a  person  or  idol  to  remove 
any  evil.  -Sjat^o,  -sjj.  To  wave  any- 
thing to  avert  any  evil. 

S)rf\^  s.  71.  Return;  disappearance, 
cessation,  inactivity;  leaving  off,  des- 
isting from;  abstinence;  rest.  2, 
felicity,  bliss. 

^^SCSjj  s.  n.  Communication,  announce- 
ment; information;  delivering,  offer- 
ing. ?i»3^a??J.  To  make  known;  to 
present,  offer,  ?id?Cj,,.  An  oblation, 
gift  of  food  to  an  idol. 

S)^?'3'  s.  n.  Entering;  a  settlement;  a 
house;    a  camp. 

S)irol.  s.  M.  Night.  -J^ti.  Moving  about 
by  night;  the  moon;  a  thief,  -hi^. 
An  owl.  -a.  Evening.  -oS^*?!,  -S.S. 
The  moon.  ^isaoS.  Break  of  day; 
quiet;   a  house. 

^"Bt^.  f.  71.  Intoxication.  -aSjs^d.  A 
man  taking  intoxicants. 

S)^^  li-  n.  An  ensign,  flag,  standard. 

S)'3S?j  ,5332^  s.  w.  Deism;  natural  reli- 

oiSl.,  ^^   (=^,3=),  q.v.)    S.71.  Night. 

o)§i  2.   h.  ad.  Together  with,  along  with. 

o>^  oeiO  s.  a.  Fixed,  firm,  steady;  also 
^-.     -.^_, 





^'i  ui^  (=fjiS  oAi)  s.  n.  Ascertainment; 
certain  knowledge;  conviction;  cer- 
tainty; determination,  resolution,  final 
decision;  design,  purpose.  -SBoloJSO. 
The  ceremony  of  betrothal.  -»3j3::Sj. 
To  ascertain,  arrive  at  a  decision; 
to  resolve;  to  appoint.  ^)^  oajsco.  To 
ascertain;  to  settle;  to  determine, 
resolve;     to    appoint. 

^^  CJ  s.  a.  Immovable,  invariable.  2, 
fixed,  steady.  n.  A  mountain.  2, 
an  ascetic.      3,  the  earth. 

^)2>  ®  s.  a.  Settled,  decided,  certain. 
ojS  3t)qSr.  A  fixed  matter;  a  certain 
kind   of  betrothal. 

o)^  o^  s.  a.  Thoughtless,  careless;  un- 
concerned;  free  from  care  or  anxiety. 
ft|  0^.  Thoughtlessness;  freedom  from 
anxiety,  care. 


s.  n.    Motionlessness;     want   of 
0    s.  n.    Want    of    strength   or 


^aS\?j  s.  n.  Inspiration,  inhalino 


;^j3?t3s  _,Ji.  Inhaling  and  exhaling. 

?iS^:^,  q.  V. 

S)'^,  Q  ri  s.  n.  Breathing  out,  expiration. 
2,  =riS^?i,  q.  r. 

^^,7)d>  s.  n.  N.  of  a  wild  aboriginal 
tribe;  a  Holeya. 

Si^rf  s.  a.  Prohibited,  forbidden,  pre- 

oiSij3C5?j  s.  n.   Killing,  destroying. 

^)S^oqj  s,  n.  Prohibition,  forbidding, 
hindering;  negation,  denial.  -cJjbsj. 
The  negative  form  of  a  verb.  Si^^ 
?is3j.  To  forbid.  ["ship. 

o)5j^?o^re  S.1I.  Waiting  on;  service,  wor- 

^)odLx;u  s.  a.  Guileless.  n.  Guileless- 
ness;  also  -^ri.  -^,  ?i;i,Si3.  A  guile- 
less, candid  person. 

oi^TJofV  s.  a.  Pitiless,  unmerciful,  cruel. 
Si^rfors.  A  pitiless,  cruel  person. 

^Svrf.r  s.  n.  Ascertainment,  decision, 
settlement.  Si^liiFSj.  To  determine, 

Si^le^o?'  s.  a.  Stainless,  spotless,  sinless. 

^)3::ro,3iMn  s.  u.  Guilelessness. 

^o^f^.'rfj  s.  a.  Desireless,  disinterested; 
unselfish.  h.  Absence  of  desire,  dis- 
interestedness, ass  <uJ.  A  person  free 
from  desire. 

SiSi^a.'dOJ  s.  a.  Causeless,  groundless. 

^J^OiU  s.  n.  The  hollow  of  a  tree.  2, 
a  garden  attached  to  a  house. 

S)si,  \ei  s.  n.  Expiation,  compensation, 
discharge  of  a  debt  or  obligation. 

^)^  s.  a.  Stayinsr  on,  grounded  on; 
devoted  to,  practising,  n.  Intention, 

NSiotJ,  ^^^■d(=?jyj^tf)    s.    rt.     Hard, 

rough;    harsh,  unkind,  cruel,   severe. 

-^c^,  -i,  -:^.  Harshness,  etc.,  severity, 


c^;3   s.  n.  Position;  condition.     2,  devo- 
tedness;    uniform    practice,    religious 

duty;  faith.    3,  excellence,  perfection. 

4,  conclusion,  the   end    of   a   drama, 

etc.       5,  death.        6,   certainty.        7, 


oiriv"^  3:3^  s.  a.  Impartial.  n.  Im- 

^s^ts^T)  s.  a.  Sinless,  guiltless. 


^7^.^7i,t^  s.  n.  Grinding,  pulverizing. 
^7X\  oSjaeSi^  s.    a.    Useless;     needless. 
o^Ms  o3jse&!ji  s.  a.  Causeless,  groundless; 

useless,     n.  Uselessness. 
o^^\<V  s.  a.  Fruitless,  barren;  unprofit- 
^jiXr  s.  n.  Relinquishment;  evacuation; 

2,    giving    away.        3,    the    natural 

^),^    k.    V.     I.      To     squeeze     between 

?^7j  "dr^  s.  n.  Going  out;  crossing  over; 

passing    time.       ,%j^O?ij.    To    spend, 

pass,  as  time. 




oi;d5  ©r.  tb.  of  rj3  3e>4jr,  q.  r. 

^?;.?  3^  s.  a.  Weightless,  light,  pithless, 

weak.     n.  Weakness. 
^73  e3d  s.  a.    Devoid    of    energy;    dull; 

impotent,      n.  Want  of  brilliancy. 
o)?Jv  \3o    s.   a.     Desireless;    indifferent; 

content.     «.  Absence  of  covetousness; 

also  -i. 
oi?Ji'oB'ocio  s.   a.    Undoubted,    unerring, 


r^TilOA.  =  oiSSJort,    q.  V. 

oirJ^sfQ  s.  a.  Pithless,  sapless,     n.  Want 

of  energy;  weakness;   also  ?i8^^. 
o5rj/oS3oi  s.  a.  Childless,  issueless;  also 

^ri^SoSOCiO.  =  Si8=oco-30dj,    q.v. 

^7^^1-6  (=a§=o^cJ,  qi.?;.)  s.  a.  Sapless; 
insipid,  pithless;  worthless,  vain. 
n.  Saplessness,  insipidity. 

^^0,,  =  (^oo*J,  q.  V. 

^o  k.  pro.  Thou;  pL  ^o^.  See  Us 
declension     s.   ?j^. 

fieAO  k.  V.  t.  To  quit,  leave,  abandon, 
get  rid  of;  to  lose;  to  remove,  take 
away;  to  squander. 

^)?E^  s.  a.  Low,  base,  vile,  mean.  -c3^. 
Meanness,  vileness. 

^>eU  k.  n.  Length.     -?33uj.  A  long  row. 

oi?WJ  k.  n.  Straightness.  2,  properness, 
neatness,  beauty,  tidiness.  -r\5ti.  A 
tidy  man;   f.  -nDS>r. 

oi^'rfo  k.  V.  t.  To  extend,  stretch  out,  as 
fingers,  arms,  etc.  2,  to  offer,  present, 
give;  to  serve  out;  to  put.  ji.  Exten- 
sion, length.  2,  presenting.  ad. 
Abundantly,  much;  further.  -Sj3:^j. 
To  raise. 

oieS  s-  n.  Leading,  guidance;  moral 
behaviour  ;  political  science,  policy, 
statesmanship;  moral  philosophy, 
ethics;  prudence;  acquisition.  2, 
righteousness;  justification  (Christ.), 
•ri.    A  well-conducted,   virtuous  man. 

-Sjsrtr.  Moral  conduct.  -»jo:^.  A 
moral,  just,  prudent  man.  -tDcJ,,,  -33 
^.  The  science  of  ethics  or  morals. 
-S32^fi, -;3ei^», -5iJe):Sj.  A  moral  saying. 
^e^o  k.  pro.  Thou. 

^?5.=  a?5iJ,  </.  f.  o)?!iaf.  Thirst.  ^?S 
asio.  To  be  thirsty.  Ki^tivso^^.  The 
moon,    -lo'tfa, -c3i)03j.  An  otter.    -niiO. 


ri$!3zje3;.  A  water  passage.  -Sjjsr^j. 
To  liquefy.  ft^D^irSj.  To  melt,  as 
metals,  sugar,  etc  o)?D?y.  Sporting 
in  water.  Si^ossSj.  A  turtle,  roosdo, 
oi^osao'^.  Abundance  of  water;  soil 
fit  for  wet  cultivation,  rJ?cl->a?,.  The 
onion.  ft^Si.  To  pour  water.  ft?!? 
^rfj.  A  kind  of  plain  pepper-water. 
^?5j3sO.  The  tide.  ^j^dJS^W.  Stream, 

^J^TJa;  s.  n.  A  lotus.  2,  a  pearl.  3, 
the  garden  plant  Costus  speciosus. 
a.  Free  from  impurity. 

oijlJo^)!  s.  a.  Coarse,  thick. 

^■dejo.  =  c3?tiwJ,  Of.  v. 

ai3Do&;ji.  =  o:i?e33otic^,  g.  w. 

oie^do  (=?i?D«)  k.  ?i.  Water.  2,  the 
lustre  of  a  gem.  ?)?O^Sj.  A  water- 
man. -^Uj,.  To  turn  water.  -=ff3?i, 
-n^rl.  A  kind  of  cormorant,  shag, 
diver.  -?s)SJJ»3.  A  channel.  -=#j3^,  5. 
A  curlew.  -rton'SY'.  A  basin  of  water. 
-rirfftuj.  The  water  hog-weed,  Bar- 
ringtonia  acutangula.  -rSrao .  A  water- 
spring.  -^J3?^- A  water-fowl.  -r^J3?^ 
?^3^.  A  small  potherb,  Portulaca  ole- 
racea.  -li^v.  The  bladder,  -ijs?^^. 
A  water-trough,  -drt.  Thirst.  -CosO. 
A  water-course.  -cTOOSj.  The  river- 
otter.  -N^.  A  water-shed;  the  crest 
of  a  hill  adjoining  cultivation. 
-'^30.  To  let  water.  - 23=5^0^.=  ?)$ciJ?ra 
oOj,  Qi.  i;.  -^H^  The  Thyme-leaved 
Gratiola,  Herpestis  moniera.  -53j«?. 
Rain  that  brings  water  to  fields, 
tanks,  etc.  -5jO.  Stream,  current; 
water-cess.       -^^'   The    Indian    or 




Siberian  crane,  Ardea  sihirica.  -^oa. 
The  skate  fish.  -sg:3..  The  water- 
reed,  Calamus  fascicnlatus.  -sjtsjj. 
A  water-snake.  -^Jir^.  Fog  arising 
from  water;  steam,   vapour. 

^^•5  (d=S3°)  a.  k.  M.  A  damsel;  a  gay 

^jF".  =  ?)?tf-!,  g.  t'.  -*oa,  -rtoa.  Water 
to  drink.  -nj«?).  A  water-bubble. 
-Sa;<j.  To  soak.  -^j?jA.  To  draw 
water.  -Sjafo;^.  A  mermaid,  nymph. 
-^tjj,.  A  paddle,     -j^sj.  A  lotus,  etc. 

^)^£J  s.  a.  Dark-blue  or  black;  dyed 
with  indigo.  2,  bad;  vile.  3,  slow, 
lazy.  71.  The  sapphire.  2,  N.  of  a 
monkey  attendant  on  Rama.  3,  sin, 
crime.  4,  indigo.  -'S'oS,  -*oqSd.  A 
peacock;  a  quail;  Siva;  N.  -Asd. 
An  indigo-dyer.  -f\0.  The  Nilagiri 
hill.  -Sjc5.  The  sapphire.  ^i°s^3oto 
0.   !<■.  of  a  raga. 

^^ZfSOdi^  s.  n.  A  small  lamp  used  for 
waving  before  an  idol,  etc. 

^ee5  s.  n.  An  indigo  shrub,  Indigofera 
tincloria,  2,  indigo,  the  dye.  3,  a 
female  evil  spirit  that  speaks  lies. 
-rSrso.  An  eve  with  a  bluish  pupil, 
-rratf.  An  indigo-dyer.  -^SjJSSo.  A 
falsehood.  -;3«)Jr.  A  false  report. 
ft?23j3$d  o.  The  blue  water-lily,  ISym- 
phaea  cyanea;  a  blue  lotus. 

^)o»3S'd  f.  n.  Rice  growing  wild. 

S)?S  s.  n.  A  cloth  worn  round  a  woman's 
waist.  2,  capital,  stock.  3,  a  wag- 
er, stake.     4,  junction,  union. 

^e4  !•  k.  pro.  (pL  0/'  oi??io)  Tou-.  See 
its  decl.  s.  rjSo,. 

^)e^2.  k.  u.  <.  To  rub  softly,  stroke 
down,  as  the  hair*  cloth,  etc. 

^??jj  {tb.  of  ^C^^J)  V.  t.  To  manage; 
to  fulfill. 

oi^^  (=ri^:i:)  k.  jf.  Extension,  length, 

oie'S'o  {cf.  ri^:^J)  a.  k.  v.  i.  To  grow  long, 
extend,  be  stretched  out. 

^0  s.  m^  Now?  what?  indeed? 
fio'A  ( =  oSoriJ )  k.  V.  t.  To  powder. 
5io?\£io  k.  t'.  i.  To  slip. 

A  '^ 

^lOAO  1.  k.  r.  i.   To  force  one's  self  into; 


to    enter    without    permission,     as    a 
house,  etc.;  to  creep  into. 

jioXo    2.  (=sio;^,  ,;.  f.)  k.  r.  <•  To  crush, 
A  ^  ' 

powder,  grind,     n.  Crushed  or  crum- 
bled state.       =^rra  r!j.  To  be  crushed 


to  pieces,  crumble. 
^0^^    (=^f\)    k.  )(.    The   horse-radish, 
Moringa  pterigosperma.  Cpds.:  -=ctd03j, 

c^ocT^o  k.  i\  <.  To  swallow;  to  devour 
^od-o  (=?5ortj2,  etc.)  k.  n.  Fragments, 
bits:  grits  of  any  grain.  2,  wasting 
away,  ruin,  etc.  oSJJa  ^.  Broken  rice. 
-rtoij.  Ganji  made  of  nuccu. 
?jOi^  k.  I',  i.  To  utter;  to  speak;  to  say. 
«.  A  voice;  speech;  a  word;  a  pro- 
mise; a  language.    Cpds. :  oid-,  iSj;^-, 

?oO-,  53jrfj«?e)feJ-,  dc.  -=#J3aj.  To  pro- 
mise. -oSj'-sJ  .  Assent  by  word.  -^. 
Speech.  -Ko.  To  cause  to  utter, 
speak,  etc.;  to  perform  music  upon, 
to  play. 
?io5a  a.  k.  ?i.  Smoothness,  softness, 
gentleness;  also  c^orsj,  o^jcajsj.  -nsid, 
riorsonsiS.  Fine,  smooth  plaster.  -K 
n£).  A  soft  seat.  -eO^ijcS.  Fine  tur 
meric.  -jioa,  f^rsJ  a.  A  gentle 
word.  -i3^r!j.  A  delicate  lustre. 
-dJ£«.  A  delicate  gem.  -sSjsSj.  = 
-cdoa,  g.  V.  -3jj30j.  a  fine  pearl. 
i^w  rt,  oSoK!  f3.  Smootliness,  baldness, 
a.   Smooth;   bald.      ad.  Completely. 

^oreoy  =  f^rjoss,  q.  v. 

jio§   s.  H.    Praise,    eulogium;    worship. 

-^0.  To  praise,  etc. 
?:?oorfo.  =  cSjSocij,  q.  V. 
cioa  (0=  63'.  =  pjJrto  2,  g.  ?;.)  k-  v.  i.  To  be 

crushed,  etc.       2,   to  be  harassed;    to 



be  inured  to;  to  become  familiar 

^O'do  (dJ  =  e3j)  k.  n.  The  state  of  being 
harassed  or  exercised.  -Sia.  Famili- 
arity with,  etc. 

^orio^o  (rfo=e3J)k.  v.  i-  To  wane  away. 
V.  t.  (=  fijrij  2)  To  reduce  to  powder, 

NO'doSyj  (tfo=S)j)  k.  7t.  Gravel. 

^o€>  k.  I',  t.  To  twist,  as  a  rope,  etc.;  to 
wring,  as  clothes  in  washing;  to 
curl,  as  the  whiskers,  etc.  2,  the 
intestines  to  gripe.  7i.  A  twist,  cord. 
2,  griping  pain  in  the  intestines; 
also  c^jO^.     ^j€)^o.  To  cause  to  twist. 

jdoeSt^,  ^O^i'R  k.  tt.  A  twist,  cord,  thread, 
twine.  -wjs^j.  To  twist.  -©r!rf, 
-oiiriE:^.  The  twisting  pin  that  ele- 
vates or  depresses  the  shaft  of  the 

^oA)  1.  k-  n.  Powder,  dust. 

^OrJ  2.  k.  u.  An  insect  that  destroys 
cloth,  grain,  etc.    2,  an  eye-fly;  a  gnat. 

J30/V  3.  {—yOTio^S)  k.  V.  i.  To  enter  a 
door,  etc.     P.  ps.  c^Acij,  ^^^i,- 

^OTjO^'^  (  =  c3jA)3)  k.  V.  i.  To  enter  a 
door;  to  get  into;  to  retreat,  hide 
one's  self,  slink,  n.  Entering  a  door. 
2,  evasion,  falsehood. 

JJO^  .  =  c^jA)CSo.  p.  p.  of  rio?i  3. 

^j5'So  k.  V.  t.  To  shove,  push;  to  push 
away  or  aside;  to  push  on,  urge  on. 
2,  to  spend,  as  time.  3,  to  fare. 
n.  Shoving;  a  push.  ^iJSir^o.  To 
cause  to  push,  etc. 

JojS^^Jo  s.  a.  New,  novel,  recent,'  fresh, 
young;    strange.       -nuti.  A  schemer. 

cija^  {lb.  of  £J-'5^)  n.  A  cancerous  dis- 

i^js'do  (tij=e3J)   k.  a.  A  hundred,      rlfld 

cSodj.    Hundredth.      fl®cras2S:3J^.    150. 

cdJS07)'^3  J.)rfj.  125.      o^jSDsdj.  Fully 

a  100.     -SjsJo,,  -5jja.  A  hundred  fold. 

fijsOO  k.  w.  Yarn,  thread.  v.  I.  To 
make  thread,  spin.     P.  p.  jiJB^J.     -'s'o 

i3i?,  -^oa^.  A  ball  of  thread.  -toS^. 
Cotton  cloth,  -oojcsdj.  A  festival  on 
which  tbe  sacred  thread  is  renewed, 

jijB^do  k.  ad.  Much,  exceedingly. 

^\  s.  11.  Man.  -^,  -5j^,  -sj^a^tf.  A  king. 
-^C:^..  State  policy.  -sS^odj.  An 
excellent  king.  -SoO.  Vishnu's  in- 
carnation of  man-lion;   also  f^tiAio^. 

^\^n  s.  n.   Dancing,  pantomime. 

^^j  (=  t^SJj)  k.  V.  t.  To  lick.  ;3^?cJ. 
To  cause  to  lick. 

^Asio  (  =  t5r!So)  a.  k-  «.  t.  To  cause  to 

j3a5  k.  ?i.  A  cold,  catarrh,  -wrfj,  -coS. 
To  catch  cold. 

eSa^  k.  w.  Leaping,  jumping. 

na4,  c3a5oo  a.  k.  V.  t.  To  raise,  lift 
up.     n.  Lifting  up. 

j3a?jO.  =  r5'^'^J,  q.  V. 

fj7\^  («?<=C0=*)  a.  k.  V.  t.  To  undertake; 
to  engage  in;  to  perform,  do.  v.  i. 
To  come;  to  be  used. 

^A^o  1.  («?j=  «J)  a.  k.  y.  «.  To  become 
manifest,  well  known,  famous;  to 
shine;  to  appear. 

j3a^0  2.,  cjaS?   k.  n.  An  alligator. 

f3A^  a.  k. ».  Action;  work;  conduct. 
2,  fame,  accomplishment. 

^■R   k.  V.  i.  To  be  purified,  to  be  clear, 

to  shine.     2,  to  jump  up,  to  bound.    3, 

to  rise,  ascend.    ;;.  t.  To  raise,  lift  up.  fSrtrfj,  fSiirfj.      f3^^.  Leaping. 

^A  e^J,  c3'^  e^O  k. M.  The  small  caltrops, 
A      '        A 
Tribulus  lanuginosus ;  also  -53oj°-?J). 

^AJ  1.  k.  V.  i.  To  be  curved  or  bent  in- 


ward;    to   sink   in;    to  disappear;    to 
get  a  bruise.  [troy. 

jSao    2.    k.  V.  t.  To   crush,    smash,    des- 

jSe^o    {=  Fjz^o  1,  q.  V.)  k.  V.  t.  To  believe, 

trust;  to  confide  in.  n.  Confidence, 
trust,  faith,  reliance.       fJ^^  #    -rt.  =  ?^ 

13  7^       s.    o^iSO    1,   (J.  I'. 

nW  /^    nU.w   k.  a.  Straight,  erect,     ad. 
eo    '       eo 
Straightly;  orderly,  regularly;  right- 





ly,  distinctly;  well,  in  good  health. 
(3U.nj)rto.  To  become  straight.  -sijs 
30.  To  repair;  to  do  well;  to  arrange. 

^y  ?jj,  ?26C3S^^,  ?26>:s^  k.  a.  Straight, 
regular,  proper,  etc.  Cpds.:  -f\6,  -Cjj)0, 
-sJjs^^j,  etc. 

^rio  (=?J3o2,  etc.,  q.  v.)  k.  v.  t.  To  fix 
firmly,  plant,  etc.     P.  j).  ^3^0,. 

^f-O  k.  n.  Fat,  marrow. 

^cU  (=noW,  q.  r.)  k.  n.  A  kinsman, 
relative.  -tfj'S^tfj,  cScWO^Oj.  Rela- 
tions and  other  beloved  ones.  -3;^, 
-?3c5,  -A)_^.  Relationship. 

?3oyj.  =  ~oWj,  Q.  r. 

^;^  (<b.  o/'  ?353j)  71.  The  eye.  2,  a  die; 
a     cowry      used     in     gaming.  3, 

gambling,  -rf  coOrl.  A  play-board. 
rSS^n^y.  Playing  at  backgammon, 
etc.     (53  r!,  A  gambler. 

55s  lJj  (==^3„)  k.  M.  Blood.  -^Jdo.  A 
kind  of  bleeding   boil. 

c3S     k.  ?i.   The  forehead;    the  crown  of 


the  head.  -Sjj^j^.  A  pearl  in  the 

fjjd.  =  fSc^rfj.      P.     J).       o/"      fSfSl,      JH,     rSc^ 

?5j5].  k.  I'.  2.  (£•<.  To  think,  imagine; 
to  think  upon;  to  be  mindful  of;  to 
wish  ;  to  remember;  also  f^crf^J.  tSfj 
Sj),  f3^5^.  Thought,  reflection;  re- 
collection, remembrance.  -^  'ticaj,  fSfi 
ajcSj.  To  think  about,  remember. 
-^  '^rfo,  fSfjlidJ.  To  bear  in  mind. 
fSjisSOi?.  Recollection. 

c3c3  2.  k.  V.  i.  To  become  wet.  P.  ps.  fSjd 
cij,  ^fScSj,  tSorfo.  -odoj^^.  Becoming 
wet,  e<c.  -^ei^J.  To  put  for  soaking. 
-95-^,  fSrSodj:^.  Soaked  rice;  a  kind  of 
sweetmeat.  c3cirt:^s3.  Soaked  kadale. 
-?Sj  (3rrfsoJ.  To  make  wet,  moisten. 

cSsSis  i~  r^c^^>  c'C')  k.  ?i.  Recollection. 
2,  acquaintance. 

cS^O^a  f.  n.  Serenity;  comfort,  happi- 
ness.    -^0^,  -^.   A  happy  man. 

No^OJ,  a.  k.  y.  i.  To  lean  on ;  to  take 
for  one's  support,  n.  Leaning  upon; 
a  support.  -A.^^oiXi'u.  ^iJj^Kj.  To 
charge   with,   attribute. 

cSoiiw*,  nOSO  k.  r.  ^  To  weave;  to 
entwine;  also  ?3ol)0,.  cSoSjrt.  "Weav- 
ing;  a  web.     -r^o6oS, -v^xi.  A  weaver. 

^cdo  e3,  fjOSO  e3  k.  n.   A  water-lily. 

cSxil.  (=n31)  k.  Ji.  Nearness;  joining; 
assistauce.  a.  Adjoining,  coming 
near  (to  assist).  -fi^CaJ.  An  adjoin- 
ing district.  -SiOcS  (=  jSd-),  A  neigh- 
bouring house:  next  door,  -oijjj, 
-»30c3cxi)d.  A  neighbour.  -3Sj;do3.>vS 
dJ.   Next  door  and  other    neighbours. 

^rj2.  (cS=e3)  k.  n.  A  vital  point  or 
organ;  a  secret.  -^.  Fullness,  com- 

cS'rfS  (  =  fSOv)  k.  ?i.  A  fence  of  bamboos, 

N!:irfo.  =  cSdrfj.  P.  p.  of  c53,  (J.  I'. 

j3digij  wd;!jj  a.  k.  r.  t.  To  bring  toge- 
ther, join,  collect,  convene. 

^-dripi-R  (ti  =  e3)  a.  k.  n.  Fullness;  ac- 
complishment; nicety;  goodness. 

cStJcS  k.  n.  A  union,  mass,  crowd,  mul- 
titude, etc.  [help. 

cSt^^  !•  k.  ?i.  A  mass.     2,  an  assistance, 

cSd.^i  2.  (tJ=S)  k.  «.  Fullness,  com- 
pleteness. -^OKo,  ^dd^O^J.  To 
fulfil,  accomplish.  jSiJd^Sj.  To  be 
completed,  fulfilled,  as  a  word,  work, 

^vJ^jTio.  Sec  s.  fSti3^2. 

j3ij«?0  k.  n.  Shade;  shadow;  shelter. 

fSa^.  =  ?5rf^,  q.  r. 

^Ol.  k.  r.  «.  To  join;  to  come  to- 
gether, assemble;  to  associate  with- 
P.  ps.  fSSrfj,  ;5rf:oJ.  n.  Proximity, 
neighbourhood;  union,  company.  -Sj 
c^.=  fSd3Jc5.  -ol)S.  A  neighbour. 
-yvstfj,  fStScdoJBdj.  A  neighbouring 
village.  -2o°A.  A  neighbouring  hamlet. 

jStS  2, 

id,   q.  t'. 




^■8  3.  (d  —  es5)  k.  n  i.  To  become  entire, 
full,  complete,  ready,  perfect,  mature, 
sufficient.  P.  ps.  i3:JcSo,  (5dciJ.  «. 
Completeness;  maturity,  cic.  2,  a 
flood.  ad.  Completely,  perfectly, 
fully,  exceedingly.  -^jira.  Replete 
with  wisdom. 

j5(y  k.  n.  Ground,  soil;  land;  floor;  a 
country,  kingdom;  the  earth.  sss^rSo-. 
Swampy    ground.  ;^53rfj-.     Rising 

ground.  -'s'^sS.  The  earth-nut.  -■5't). 
A  miser.  -^oic,  -f3t)OoA.  A  small 
shrub,  Naregamia  alata.  "'^^^• 
Pavement.  -rijows*.     A    creeper, 

Ipomaea  digitata.  -rlosSo.  A  kind  of 
bird.  -rt>^^'  -^  prickly  nightshade. 
-3333d,  -cStiSd.  The  plant  Hibiscus 
mutabilis.  -f^®,-  -^  small  herb, 
Phyllanthus  madraspatensis.  -J3?5^. 
The  plant  Gentiana  cherayta.  -SofS. 
A  cellar;  a  dungeon.  -oiJS^T^.  A 
granary.  -s33  (-SfSd).  The  plant 
Cassia  abovata.  -JjsrtJ.  To  take  root; 
to  become  a  protection.  -?30, -?553JS5J. 
Level  with  the  ground.  -^ohA.  A 
fragrant  garden-flower,  Kaemferia 
rotunda.  -^■^.  To  settle;  to  stay;  to 
stand.  -Soaj;^j.  The  ananas.  -333^. 
A  land-way.  F3?;^rf5.  The  Senna 

^<y4,  cj£)^J  k.  n.  A  net-work  of  rope 
in    which   pots,  etc.   are  suspended. 

j5e3  k.  n.  Standing-place;  a  place  of 
residence;  an  apartment  of  a  house; 
place;  ground;  footing;  basis;  cer- 
tainty; certain  knowledge;  a  mystery. 
-=g'Wj,,  -riyj,.  =  ^ajriWj,,  q.  v.  -rtraj . 
A  penetrating  eye.  -tI^Sj.  Ground  to 
lose,  etc.  -M./sv'j).  To  take  footing; 
to  take  root,  as  plants,  etc.;  to  be- 
come settled.  -rtj3a?Xj.  To  place, 
establish,  etc.  -Sjn.  An  abode,  -sijs 
cS.  An  upper  story.  -oijsrij.  To  get 
a  firm  footing;  to  be  in  use. 

fSeS   k.  n.  The  emblic  myrobalan,  Phyl- 


lanthus  emblica. 

^<^o  k.  71.  Paddy,  rice  in  its  husk,     -ss 
•S-.  fSo*.  Rice,     -nd  .  A  paddy-field. 

-Kj^j_s;tf  J.    A  band  of  paddy  straw. 

^'^,  N^ri  (lb.  of  n"^)  ?t.  A  pi-etence, 
pretext,  plea.  -^A,  -3J3:oJ.  To  pre- 
tend. -^5S?J.  To  utter  a  pretext,  to 
plead  an  excuse, 

cj;6  (==  rS'"^;  q.  V.)  k.  r.  «'.  To  jump  about, 
etc.     2,  to  give  one's  self  airs.     P.  ps. 

Jumping   about.       j^r^^^iiaJ.    To    jump 

^?Ae3,  f5?A£;o,  ?Se'?\a'0  (<&•  of  oaortu) 
n.  A  plough.  -4iZi:>.  A  plough-shaft. 
-?^3ejo.  A  furrow.  -Sojsj^j.  To  yoke 
oxen  to  a  plough.    -sSjsd.  To  plough. 

c3?^  k.  ?!.    Young  plants,  esp.  of  rice; 

N^yo   (=~?y-),    I- ■*^'-)    k.   «.    Straight- 

ness;  truth. 
fjjC^SJ  k.  H.  A  cord,  rope;  a  noose.    -^3 

■c-^jJ^o,.  To  bans:  one's  self. 
^e^j.  P.  p.  of  c3;ejj,  q.  n 
jSe^j  s.  n.  A  leader;    leading,       2,  the 

eye.     -^odo.  Siva.     -»^^5-  An  oculist. 

<5?33,ot^j.  Tears.        fS?33  5iS,  N,  of  a 

river  in  S.  Canara. 
?S?SjX)(1i,  njSjDS?!    s.  ,j.    n.    of  a  country, 

Nepal.       2,  =  S3o3S?. 
jSorfo    (<b.  of  ftcrfjSj,  g.  V.)  n.    A   rule, 

order,   appointment.       -^,  Ruling;     a 

rule;   an  appointment,   etc.     -3a,  To 

lay  down    as    a   rule,      -do;3.  =  rCiCdj 

^='doO®J35',  ^fT^Jfvsjs-D-  s.  n.  Appoint- 
ment; allowance,  stipend. 

^j'S-i  s.  n.  The  circumference  of  a 

fSe^JTjJ.  <b.  of  ?ioij,DjXo,  g.  •(;. 

;SeO50^  (=?So5jii,  q.  r.)  k.  m.  Weaving. 

??ocrfjo.  =  ^ol)j.,  q.  11, 





cj?^  k.  ?i.  Straightness;  propriety',  har- 
mony; Tightness;  fitness;  order.  f3«!i 
ro^C  rep.  Quite  proportionate;  face  to 

c3e&SJ  a.  k.  H.  Propriety,  rectitude,  etc. 
fS^Orf.  A  Brahmana;    f.  f5?0rfV'*. 

jSeTJe^j,  f2?Ti^,  jSobOJ  (d=S3)  k.  n.  A 
common  tree  with  purple  berries, 
Eugenia  jambolana. 

fje'!?  f.  «.  A  breakfast. 

fj?£Jj  k.  V.  i.  To  be  suspended,  to  hang, 
swing,  dangle.  P.p.  fS?^.     (5°3s:Sj.= 

^e^S?J-5   k.  r.  L    To    make    straight    or 

smooth;       to    rub    gently     with     the 

c3?^^  a.  k.  n.  A  necklace  of  silver  or 

gold  ;   a  girdle. 
cj?4''^  ('^'  of  N-SJyrf)  n.  An  anklet. 
'^^7j'^:>  (cJo  =  eaj)  a.  k.  n.  The  sun.    -'^^;i,. 

c5?sj  ,  N?So  (<b.  of  ?3, 53d)  ji.  Love.    -iTStS. 

A  male  friend;  f.  -mh. 
n/ ein  (/"?•.  oi?'^)  s.  n.  Lowness;  humility. 

c5^&;  (/■>-.  ftK)  s.  a.  Real.  n.  Reality, 

cJ(i^J3)?3i?iJ  e.  n.   Nitrogen,  an  element. 

cS^^O!^  "^  s.  a.  Accidental,  occasional. 

jS^SO^i  s.  a.  Momentary.  ?(.  N.  of  a 

c3^^0?cx:Sj  (=?idocAij)  s.  h.  Barter,  ex- 

co^ocijsOS.jT?'  s.  «.  A  dialectician,  logician. 

NjJdoB  (<?;.  0/"  fS^Drfjr^)  n.  The  south- 
west quarter. 

:§l'Skir^  s.  a.  South-western,  n-  The 
ruler  of  that  quarter.  r3^J>djrS.  The 
south-west  quarter. 

cS^^OFi^o  (fr.  ftsSjre.;)  s.  n.  Stainless- 
ness,  purity.  ^^^^^^ 

c3^£)n  {fr.  ?^%%>)   s.  H.    Bluencss;    black- 

j5(^^ec5n  (fr.  cSs3!;cl,)  s.  n.  An  offering  of 
eatables  to  a  deity.  -4<,  -=#j3:Sj,  -sJjs 
JSo.  To  present  a  naivedya. 

voted.    -^^.  Constancy,  steady  adher- 
ence to  rules;   firm  belief. 
^J3A  {th.  of  oljjn)  n.  A  yoke.      -*Wj,, 

-So^^j.  To  yoke. 
c5jt)2^  ^  k.  n.  Agreeableness  or  pleasant 

feeling   when    eating,    hearing   sweet 

wordS;  etc. 
cijsr^  k.  H.  A  fly.   -^K.  A  common  plant^ 

PlectrcDithos  cordifolius.       -w.  One  of 

the  Knruba  tribe. 
cSjaE?  k.  V.  t.  To  clean  the  teeth  with  the 

tongue.      2,  (a.  k.)  to  swallow. 

FjJSOEirJO      (=:cdoa=l),      cSJoS^O,      f/.    l'.)      k. 

V.  t.  To  extinguish,   quench.       "lSot?-. 
To  quench  fire,      zi.isj-.  To  alleviate 
sorrow.      S33Bo-.  To  slake  thirst. 
?3jsorfj   (=oSo!:Sj,    njoocij,  (/.  r.j   k.  r.  i. 
To  be  extinguished,  to  go  out. 

^JSOiOOn.  =  rSJS?,  f/.  r.      P.  25-  ti-oocSj. 
^jsTJaio  k.  n.  A  gnat,  eye-fly. 

^^6-6  k.  H.  Foam,  froth.  -'^^^^^  -^^' 
Foam  to  be  formed.  -tJ-soSj.  A  frothy 
mouth.  -3o"3t)j.  Frothy  milk  fresh 
from  the  cow.  -ZoSj  s?.  A  kind  of 
rice-happala.  -w^^o,  -rSja^tfj.  To 
foam  at  the  mouth. 

^i57i<SJZ  k.  n.  The  forehead.  i^JS^iw^rf, 
fSjsSoiocJso.  The  writ  of  destiny  on 
the  forehead.  fSJSoiutSjtWj,.  A  san- 
dal mark  on  the  forehead. 

fSjs?  (=f3J30dljjg,  cSj3?o:Joj)  k.  v.  ?'.  To  feel 
pain,  to  ache;  to  be  afflicted  or  griev- 
ed.     P.  p.   roJSorfj. 

^jDjy  (fr.  c3x?:Sj)  k.  n.  Viewing,  behold- 
ing; a  sight;  a  spectacle;  a  look; 
appearance;  examination.  -*,  -rsid, 
-naO.  A  spectator;  an  eye-witness; 
an  examiner:  a  shroff. 

{5js?ljerjO  e.  n.  Notice;  information. 

cSj3?tSj  k.  c.  t.  To  look;  to  view,  behold; 
to  look  after;  to  examine;  to  consider; 
to  take  care;  to  sec.  tfjic-.  To  taste. 
nsSfS-.  To  smell.       =#^-.  To    feel    the 

pulse.  ^E^d--.  To  peep.  ■SO.'^-.  To 
look  back.  oirforfj-.  To  wait,  look 
for.  ?3x;a^j.  To  cause  to  look,  etc. 
-Ci€.  Looking-,  etc. 

c3j3?^  {fr.  ?3-'3°)  k.  n.  Ache,  pain. 

c3j3?ciO  k.  ?'.  <.  To  observe  a  vow  or  per- 
form   any    meritorious    act.        P.  ps. 

cSjs?olb  k.  n.  Any  meritorious  act  of 
devotion,  penance,  or  austerity. 

jSjs^KJOO.  =  ?3-©?,  etc.,  q.  v.  i^j^^cOj^io. 
To  cause  to  suffer  pain;  to  pain, 

cSjsj'do  li.  n.  Fare,  freig^ht. 

cSjs?^  (/"/'.  rSj35)  k.  n.  Ache,  pain;  afflic- 
tion. -^J3:^j,  -djrat^j.  =  c3js?o5j?io, 
q.  I).  ;^e3-.  Headache.  sSjsS.p-. 
Stomach-ache,  colic. 

(ft)  s.  n.  A  ship,  boat.    -^.  A  small  ship. 

ffSSxS.  =  ^^=^6,  q.  V. 

efi)<SJO.  =  c^^tiJ,  q.  r. 

^(yRjij^T^  s.  n.  The  Indian  fig  or  banyan 
tree,  Ficus  bengalensis. 

<TOnodo  (=c330±i)  s.  n.  Method,  way, 
rule,  manner,  system,  plan.       2,  fit- 


neas,  right,  justice;  law;  a  lawful 
act.  3,  a  lawsuit;  dispute.  4,  a 
logical  argument;  syllogism;  logic. 
5,  an  axiom.  -^^O'^.  A  case;  being 
settled  {also  -^t^oO'i.  Last  judg- 
ment). -.S^O^ij.  To  decide  a  case;  to 
judge.  -S^O^o^:,^.  Deciding  a  case. 
-cS  *^^-  A  system  of  rules.  -=gt)d.  A 
quarrelsome  man.  -Sjfoirod).  A  sen- 
tence or  verdict.  -^3>J3r3.  A  stand- 
ard of  law;  decalogue,  the  ten 
commandments  of  God.  -djDrt-. 
The  way  of  justice.  -53o3,  -?i.  A 
just  man.  -r^zs^^i'^.  A  judge.  -i5i33 
tif^.  Investigation  of  a  lawsuit.  -Ciqra 
o^Jj's'.  Legislative.  -Cqjsol)^^"^.  Le- 
gislative oounciL  -?3j^.  A  court  of 
justice.  -'^SjC^'  A  court,  cutcherry. 
cS^jOdJ-jqiSS,  c3e)»aSj39sai.  A  judge. 
o33pCxi33^(^.  The  judgment. seat,  bench. 

f3So;rf  s.  n.  Depositing;  consigning;  a 
deposit,  pledge.  2,  certain  religious 

c^jsooj  s.  a.  Deficient,  defective,  want- 
ing.    -^.  Defitiency,  waut. 


53*.     The     thirty-ninth     letter     of    the 

33    k.  .4  letter  used  in  reiteration,    as: 

"i^  ^^ ,  ?ijs«j)  SVJ),  e/c.  2,  a.  k., 
a  Zei^er  to  form  the  future  tense  and  the 
present  rel.    part.,    as:      '3^r,    yucS 

02)J5j,  =ff^5j,   3=)5S,     ^pSj,     LoSr,    »3J3S?. 

Zl5'<g  f.  n.  A  petal  of  a  flower. 
t)'S7>xi  s.  ?i.  The  letter  K. 
o3^s^  h.  n.  A  double  water-skin  carried 
on  a  bullock. 

33-o-?'rf.  =  ^*?d,  q,  V. 

Ti'ij,  (lb.  of  S* )  n.  A  wing.  2,  the 
flink  or  side;  a  side,  party,  faction. 
3,  neighbourhood.  4,  support,  -a. 
The  flank  or  side.  -ci=^,  -0^  (tb.  of 
^'^ti'i).  The  armour  of  horses  or 
elephants.     -SJ3e3.  Pleurisy. 

zjg' fS  (=:  ^^fS)  k.  arf.  Suddenly.  -?5r(j. 
To  burst  out  a  laughing. 

3j^,e3  f.  n.  A  kind  of  vessel. 


3j53,  (/&.  o/"  ^^,)  «.  Mature,  ripe;  per- 
feet;  shrewd;  accomplished.  -so^d, 
Tiie  regular  account  compiled  from 
the  diary.  -wirfoi,  -rfS.  A  shrewd, 
canning  man.     -slra^J.  An  apt  word. 


-dorO.  Lasting  colour.      -A)!;^oJj.  An 

accomplished  soldier.    -^  =  rfj.  A  large 

measuring  seru. 

t.-^,  f.  n.  A    manner,    way,    means.     2, 

=  SSir  ,  n.  V. 
■a'   ' 
7;^,  1.  a.  k.  M. .  Lying  down;    reposing. 

2,  a  dormitory;  the  lair  of  wild  beasts; 

a  nest.     3,   a  cow-pen.     4,  closeness, 

i^,  2.  =  Stj^  ,  etc.,  q.  v.       n.   The  side. 

2,  the  page  of  a  book. 
ZS^  (=o3t^,  q.v.)  a.  a.  Cooked,  baked. 

2,  mature,  ripe.  3,  accomplished, 
perfect,  fully  developed,  ready; 
shrewd;  stron<'.  SjS'S.^.  Cooked 
food;  a  dish.  -53Jsi3j.  To  cook;  to 
make  fit.  -yrtj.  To  grow  ripe  or 
fit  for  use. 

Sj^  (  =  s3^,  q.v.)  s.  n.  A  wing;  a 
feather.  2,  the  side  of  anything;  the 
flank.  3,  a  side,  part;  a  party,  fac- 
tion. 4,  a  follower,  partisan.  5, 
partiality.  G.a  case;  an  alternative; 
supposition  (w  Ji^ciO,  in  that  case, 
provided).  T,  the  half  of  a  lunar 
month.  -»3je):So.  To  be  partial,  -doa. 
To  side  with.  -33t);S.  Partiality.  -Sjsia. 
A  partisan.  -!3^txJj3  ^.  An  expiatory 
act  performed  at  the  suklapaksha. 
-tjS?ci.  Partiality.  -t?=cSSJ33j.  To  be 
partial,  to  show  partiality.  ^d^'s  o 
3S.  Another  way  or  manner.  ^=S'=> 
Sit}-.  Siding  with  another  party.  ^^-^ 
Against,  opposite  (party). 

j3^  s.  n.  A  bird.  2,  siding  with. 
-rSjaSo.  A  bird's  nest;  a  bird-cage. 
-ODH.  Garuda.  -^JeiaScd.  Vishnu.  -515' 
0^0.  To  espouse   a  side. 

~^  ,    s.  n.   A  wing.        2,  an   eye-lash. 

3,  the  filament  of  a  flower. 
ZjAt^  h.  ti.  A  turban. 

^jAuj  1.  k.  H.    A    frequently    cultivated 

tree,  Mimusops  elengi. 
ZjaZ?  2.  f.  n.  A  mark  on  a  die ;   a  cowry 

for  playing  a   kind  of  backgammon. 

2,  the  play  itself.       -:^  ^jsp^.  The 

centre  of  a   dice-cloth.        Cpds..-  -o^ 

it^a,  'Oii  53Jc5,  -oii  ;!:5it)j,  etc.     -olra 

i>3.  The  pagade-play. 
T^TsTifj    f.   a.    Cautious,    as   in   speech; 

painstaking'.       -A?rf.    A    painstaking 

3iACi  k.  n.  Tribute,  tax. 
3i aCJO,  =  Sorter,  q.  V. 
3j7\»Tj  f.  n.  Pay,  salary. 
3j7\?:ij.  =  So^o^J,  q.v. 
7^1\S  a.  k.  V.  i.  To  be  sticky,  viscid;  to 

adhere.      2,  to  be  afflicted. 
ti'R.  =  ^rt,  q.  V. 

Tjo'^  1.  f.  n.  A  large  fan,  punka. 
3jc3-  2.  s.   n.  Mud,   mire.      2,  sin.     -ta, 

-Sel3.       A      lotus.  -toA^r",     .2Sc33Jf. 

Brahma.  -ta»3^0.  The  moon.  -:3t)*, 
-:^js$citf.  Vishnu. 

3J0-&  s.  n.  A  line,  range,  row,  series. 
2,  a  row  of  people  at  a  meal.  3,  a 
flock,  troop;  a  company.  "{S^^' 
Ravana.  -2?$ci.  Partiality  in  serv- 
ing guests,  -rfq:.  Dasaratha,  Cpds,: 
crati-,  K'^f^-,  etc. 

TjOa  k.  n.  A  fork,  a  forked  branch. 
-oraSj.  A  large  forehead-mark.  -  -2os 
*J.  To  deceive. 

7jo7(zi  k.  a.  Apart,  distinct,  n.  A  party 
of  people. 

^CAO  s.  a.  Lame,  crippled. 

TjtiT^tTjJ.  =  Sl3,)0?iJ,  q.  V. 

3::£ia.  =  SSla  a,  q.v. 

Silti^,  sieicS  s.  n.  Cooking,  roasting; 
maturing;  digesting.      2,  fire, 

TjtF^'d  f.  n.  Reproach.  St3?0^o.  To  re- 
proach, chide,  jeer. 

7ji^  1.  k.  n.  Greenness;  an  emerald.  -'S' 
^'arrf.  Superior  camphor.  -rJ.  Green- 

^Ei  2.  (?6.  of  ^tS  rf)  »i.  Dress,  adorning; 

an   ornament.      -c«,    -o3::S    (=:SoJa:S). 


A    large    wrapper;    a     stout    cotton 




Privacy;     consulting'    in 

cloth    used     as     a     cover    at    night, 

-»33?oJ.  To  decorate,  adoru. 
Tjii  S  (=5ji^a)  k.  n.  A  kind  of  pickles 

made  of  green  vegetables. 
^eJ    k.  n.  A  precious  stone  set  in  gold 

without  soldering. 
ti2o  p-^o   h.  a.    Twenty-five.       2,  a  kind 

of  play. 
sJeio  a    k, 


3jel  (=5jJ^)k.  H..  Greenness.    2,  yellow- 
So-  2/3 

ish  colour.  3,  young  sprouts;  grow- 
ing corn,  etc.,  and  their  colour.  4, 
freshness,  unripeness,  rawness.  5,  an 
emerald.  6,  N.  of  a  plant  with  fra- 
grant ears;  also  -S^h:^..  7,  any 
tatooed  figure  on  the  skin.  -^sioSj 
h:3.  A  climbing  herb,  Cucumis 
pubescens.  -Jjj^drs.  A  festoon  of 
green   leaves. 

Tj'i,  .  =  ^'4  ,  q.  V. 

tioti  s.  a.  Five.  2,  incomparable,  n. 
A  jury.  -tf.  Made  of  five;  a  pack  of 
five,  as  of  paper.  -=5^^  oij.  A  sweet 
meat  made  of  five  ingredients,  as 
avalakki,  ellu,  kadle,  kobari  and 
bella.  -#^'3?ra.  A  pentagon.  -s?3 
odo.  The  five  wounds  of  Christ,  as 
of  hands,  feet  and  heart.  -rtw,,. 
Five  things  from  the  cow:  milk, 
curds,  ghee,  urine  and  dung.  -r^:^. 
Brahmanas  of  Bengal  and  northern 
provinces.  -^°^-  ^-  "^f  ^  collection 
of  stories  and  fables  in  five  chapters. 
-3..  Pivefoldness;  death.  -SjsSr.  Five 
days  in  a  month  on  which  Brahmanas 
perform  special  worship.  -s^ioc^S. 
The  five  sons  of  Pandu,  wh